famous German composers. Germany


Schumann Robert Alexander, German composer.
Born June 8, 1810 in the city of Zwickau in the family of a book publisher. Music lessons began at the age of seven.

In his work, the composer paid great attention piano music. Most of piano works Schumann - these are cycles of small plays of lyrical-dramatic, pictorial and "portrait" genres, interconnected by an internal plot-psychological line. Along with works of variation and sonata types, Schumann has piano cycles built on the principle of a suite or an album of pieces: "Fantastic Fragments", "Children's Scenes", "Album for Youth".
"Album for Youth" op.68 was created by Robert Schumann in 1848. The history of its creation is closely connected with the personal, father's musical experience. In October, Schumann wrote to his friend Carl Reinecke - ''I wrote the first plays for the birthday of my eldest daughter, and then the others. original name collection "Christmas Album". In addition to the musical material, the draft manuscript included instructions young musicians, in a brief aphoristic form, revealing Schumann's artistic credo. He planned to arrange them between the plays. This idea was not implemented. For the first time, aphorisms, the number of which increased from 31 to 68, were published in the New Musical Newspaper in special application under the heading "Home and life rules for Musicians" and later reprinted as an appendix to the second edition. The success of the first edition of the "Album for Youth" was greatly facilitated by his title page, designed by famous by German artist, Professor of the Dresden Academy of Arts Ludwig Richter. The painter's son, Heinrich Richter was Schumann's pupil in composition in 1848-49. Schumann indicated the ten most important, in his opinion, plays, for which, according to his explanations, vignettes were created by the artist on the cover of the publication. These are the plays - The Time of the Grape Harvest, The First Loss, The Merry Peasant, Round Dance, Spring Song, The Song of the Reapers, Mignon, Knecht Ruprecht, The Bold Rider and Winter time. There was an opinion among teachers, the author's contemporaries, that the "Album" was illogically constructed and the plays were too difficult for children to perform. Indeed, the pieces are not arranged in ascending order of difficulty and the amplitude of their complexity is extremely high, but remember that in Schumann's time, in mid-nineteenth century, there was no systematization teaching materials. In addition, the author did not at all seek to follow the canons of the modern pedagogical repertoire. During this period of time it was natural that the various schools published material for six to seven years of study. The significance of the "Album" for piano pedagogy lies in the fact that R. Schumann was the creator of a completely new and deeply innovative piano style, which is probably why the pieces turned out to be much more difficult than the repertoire that teachers used at that time. An analogy arises with J.S. Bach, who also went ahead of his time, creating plays for students much more difficult than the common level of education. To appreciate the novelty of this music, it is enough to pay attention to the educational repertoire used by educators at the time. These were not only popular piano schools the best teachers of that time, but also the works of numerous dropouts.

German composers have made a great contribution to the development of the world musical art. Among them are a huge number of those whom we call great. Their masterpieces are heard by the whole world. In musical educational institutions many of them are included in the curriculum.

Music of Germany

The flowering of music in this country began in the 18th century. Then they began to create such great German composers like Robert Schumann, Johann Sebastian Bach, Franz Schubert, Ludwig van Beethoven. They were the first representatives of romanticism.

Great composers who lived in Austria: Franz Liszt, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Johann Strauss.

Later Karl Orff, Richard Wagner, Max Reger became famous. They wrote music, referring to national roots.

Famous German composers of the 20th century: Arnold Schoenberg, Paul Hindemith, Karlheinz Stockhausen.

James Last

The famous German composer James Last was born in Bremen in 1929. His real name is Hans. He worked in the jazz genre. James first appeared on stage in 1946 with the Bremen Radio Orchestra. After 2 years, he created his own ensemble, which he led, and performed with him. In the 50s of the 20th century, Last was considered the best jazz bass player. In 1964, James created his own orchestra. He was engaged in arranging popular melodies at that time. The composer released his first album in 1965, after which there were 50 more. They diverged in millions of copies. Eighteen discs went platinum, 37 went gold. James Last created arrangements for songwriters and performers in completely different musical genres from folk music to hard rock. The composer died in the USA in June 2015.

Johann Sebastian Bach

Great German composers of the Baroque era: Georg Böhm, Nikolaus Bruns, Dietrich Buxtehude, Georg Friedrich Handel and others. Topping this list is Johann Sebastian Bach. He was a great composer, teacher and virtuoso organist. J.S. Bach is the author of more than a thousand works. He wrote music of different genres. Everything that was significant during the period of his life, except for operas. The composer's father was a musician, like many other relatives and ancestors.

Johann Sebastian loved music since childhood and never missed an opportunity to play music. The future composer sang in the choir, played the harpsichord and organ, studied the work of composers. Around the age of 15, he wrote his first works. After graduation, the young man served as a court musician, then as an organist in the church. Johann Sebastian Bach had seven children, two of whom became famous composers. The first wife died, and he married again. His second wife was a young singer who had a great soprano voice. In his old age, J.S. Bach became blind, but continued to compose music, the notes were recorded by the composer's son-in-law under dictation. The great Johann Sebastian is buried in the city of Leipzig. In Germany, his image is immortalized in a large number of monuments.

Ludwig van Beethoven

Many German composers were adherents of the Viennese classical school. The brightest figure among them is Ludwig van Beethoven. He wrote music of all genres that existed at the time he lived. He even wrote works for drama theaters. L. Beethoven is a composer whose works are performed by all musicians of the world. L. Beethoven's instrumental works are considered the most significant.

The composer was born in 1770. He was the son of a court chapel singer. The father wanted to raise his son as the second W. Mozart and taught him to play on several musical instruments. At the age of 8, Ludwig first appeared on the stage. Contrary to his father's expectations, L. Beethoven did not become a miracle boy, like Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was. When the future great composer was 10 years old, his father stopped teaching him on his own, the boy got a real teacher - composer and organist - K. G. Nefe. The teacher immediately saw talent in L. Beethoven. He taught the young man a lot, introduced him to the work of the great composers of that time. L. Beethoven spoke to W. A. ​​Mozart, and he highly appreciated his talent, expressing confidence that Ludwig had a great future, and he would still make the world talk about himself. At the age of 34, the composer became deaf, but continued to write music, because he had an excellent inner ear. L. Beethoven had students. One of them is the famous composer Carl Czerny. L. Beethoven died at the age of 57.

Kurt Weill

Many German composers of the 20th century are considered classics. For example, Kurt Weill. He was born in 1900 in Germany. His most famous work is The Threepenny Opera. K. Weil was the son of a cantor in the synagogue. The composer was educated in Leipzig. He introduced elements of jazz into many of his works. Kurt Weill collaborated with the playwright B. Brecht and wrote music for a large number of productions based on his plays. The composer also composed 10 musicals. Kurt Weill died in 1950 in the USA.

Hans Leo Hassler(baptized 10/26/1564 - 06/08/1612) - German composer and organist of the late Renaissance and early Baroque. One of the most significant composers who developed the Italian style in Germany in the early seventeenth century.

Johann Heinrich Scheidemann(circa 1595 - September 26, 1663) - German organist and composer of the Baroque era. One of the leaders of the North German organ school. An important predecessor of Dietrich Buxtehude and J.S. Bach.

Heinrich Schutz(10/08/1585 - 11/06/1672) - the great German composer and organist of the Baroque era. Considered on a par with Claudio Monteverdi and Johann Sebastian Bach. He combined the Venetian antiphonal and monodic technique with Protestant music, and also created the first German opera.

Hieronymus Praetorius(08/10/1560 - 01/27/1629) - North German composer and organist late Renaissance and early Baroque. The namesake of the more famous composer Michael Pretorius, although there were many outstanding musicians of the 16th-17th centuries in the family of Hieronymus Pretorius.

Johann Adam Reincken(baptized December 10, 1643 - November 24, 1722) - Dutch-German composer and organist of the Baroque period. One of the prominent representatives of the North German school, a friend of Dietrich Buxtehude, had a great influence on the young Johann Sebastian Bach.

Johann Hermann Schein (Schein) (Johann Hermann Schein)(01/20/1586 - 11/19/1630) - German composer and poet of the early Baroque era. He was among the first to develop the innovative Italian style in German music. He was considered a refined and elegant composer of his time.

Johannes Nucius (Nux, Nucis))(c. 1556 - 03/25/1620) - German composer and musical theorist of the late Renaissance and early Baroque. Being far away from major centers musical activity, he was a refined composer in the style of the Franco-Flemish composer Orlando di Lasso. Compiled a very influential treatise about the rhetorical application of compositional techniques.

Johann Ulrich Steigleder(March 22, 1593 - October 10, 1635) - South German composer and organist of the Baroque era. Most famous member musical family Steigleder from Stuttgart, which includes his father Adam (1561-1633) and grandfather Utz (d. 1581), who was a court musician and diplomat.

Johann Jakob Froberger(baptized May 19, 1616 - May 7, 1667.) - German Baroque composer, virtuoso harpsichordist and organist. One of the most famous composers era, made a great contribution to the development of the clavier repertoire and created the first samples program music. Thanks to numerous travels, he made a great contribution to the exchange of musical traditions in Germany, Italy and France. His work was studied by musicians in the 18th century, including composers such as Handel and Bach, and even Mozart and Beethoven.

Ludwig van Beethoven

Ludwig van Beethoven- The greatest composer of the early 19th century. Requiem and Moonlight Sonata immediately recognizable by anyone. Immortal works composers have always been and will be popular because of unique style Beethoven.

- German composer of the 18th century. No doubt the founder contemporary music. His works were based on the versatility of harmonies of various instruments. He created the rhythm of music, so his works are easily amenable to modern instrumental processing.

- The most popular and understandable Austrian composer of the late 18th century. All his works are simple and ingenious. They are very melodic and pleasant. A little serenade, a thunderstorm and many other compositions in rock arrangement will have a special place in your collection.

- Austrian composer of the late 18th, early 19th century. Truly classical composer. The violin for Haydn was in a special place. In almost all the works of the composer, she is the soloist. Very beautiful and captivating music.

- Italian composer of the first half of the 18th century No. 1. National temperament and a new approach to arrangement literally blew up Europe in the middle of the 18th century. The symphonies "The Seasons" are calling card composer.

- Polish composer 19th century. According to some information, the founder of the combined genre of concert and folk music. His polonaises and mazurkas blend seamlessly with orchestral music. The only drawback in the composer's work was considered too soft style (lack of strong and incendiary motives).

- German composer of the late 19th century. He was spoken of as the great romantic of his time, and his "German Requiem" eclipsed other works of his contemporaries with its popularity. The style in Brahms' music is qualitatively different from the styles of other classics.

- Austrian composer of the early 19th century. One of the greatest composers unrecognized during his lifetime. Very early death at the age of 31 did not allow to fully develop the potential of Schubert. The songs he wrote were the main source of income when greatest symphonies dusted on the shelves. Only after the death of the composer, the works were highly appreciated by critics.

- Austrian composer of the late 19th century. Ancestor of waltzes and marches. We say Strauss - we mean waltz, we say waltz - we mean Strauss. Johann Jr. grew up in the family of his father, a composer. Strauss senior treated the works of his son with disdain. He believed that his son was engaged in nonsense and therefore humiliated him in every way in the world. But Johann Jr. stubbornly continued to do what he loved, and the revolution and the march written by Strauss in her honor proved the genius of his son in the eyes of European high society.

- One of the greatest composers of the 19th century. Maitre operatic art. "Aida" and "Otello" by Verdi are extremely popular today thanks to true talent Italian composer. The tragic loss of his family at the age of 27 crippled the composer, but he did not give up and delved into creativity, writing several operas at once. short term. high society highly appreciated the talent of Verdi and his operas were staged in the most prestigious theaters in Europe.

- Even at the age of 18, this talented italian composer wrote several operas that became very popular. The crowning achievement of his creation was the revised play " barber of seville". After presenting it to the public, Gioachino was literally carried in his arms. The success was intoxicating. After that, Rossini became a welcome guest in high society and gained a solid reputation.

- German composer of the early 18th century. One of the founders of opera and instrumental music. In addition to writing operas, Handel also wrote music for the "people", which was very popular in those days. Hundreds of songs and dance melodies of the composer thundered in the streets and squares in those distant times.

- Polish prince and composer - self-taught. Having no music education became famous composer. His famous polonaise is known all over the world. At the time of the composer, a revolution was taking place in Poland, and the marches written by him became the hymns of the rebels.

- Jewish composer, born in Germany. His wedding march and "Dream in midsummer night"have been popular for more than one hundred years. The symphonies and compositions written by him are successfully perceived all over the world.

- German composer of the 19th century. His mystically - anti-Semitic idea of ​​the superiority of the Aryan race over other races was adopted by the Nazis. Wagner's music is very different from the music of his predecessors. It is aimed primarily at connecting man and nature with an admixture of mysticism. His famous operas"Rings of the Nibelungs" and "Tristan and Isolde" - confirm the revolutionary spirit of the composer.

- French composer mid 19th century. Creator of Carmen. From birth he was a brilliant child and at the age of 10 he already entered the conservatory. During his short life (he died before the age of 37) he wrote dozens of operas and operettas, various orchestral works and ode symphonies.

- Norwegian composer - lyricist. His works are simply saturated with melody. During his life he wrote a large number of songs, romances, suites and etudes. His composition "The Cave of the Mountain King" is very often used in cinema and modern stage.

- American composer early 20th century - the author of "Rhapsody in Blues", which is especially popular to this day. At 26, he was already Broadway's first composer. Gershwin's popularity quickly spread throughout America, thanks to numerous songs and popular shows.

- Russian composer. His opera "Boris Godunov" is the hallmark of many theaters in the world. The composer in his works relied on folklore counting folk music- the music of the soul. "Night on Bald Mountain" by Modest Petrovich is one of the ten most popular symphonic sketches in the world.

most popular and greatest composer Of course, Russia is. " Swan Lake"and "Sleeping Beauty", "Slavic March" and "The Nutcracker", "Eugene Onegin" and " Queen of Spades". These and many more masterpieces of musical art were created by our Russian composer. Tchaikovsky is the pride of Russia. All over the world they know "Balalaika", "Matryoshka", "Tchaikovsky" ...

- Soviet composer. Stalin's favorite. The opera "The Tale of a Real Man" was strongly recommended to listen to Mikhail Zadornov. But mostly Sergey Sergeyevich has serious and profound works. "War and Peace", "Cinderella", "Romeo and Juliet", a lot of brilliant symphonies and works for orchestra.

- Russian composer who created his own inimitable style in music. He was a deeply religious man and special place in his work was given to writing religious music. Rachmaninov also wrote a lot of concert music and several symphonies. His last work "Symphonic Dances" is recognized as the greatest work of the composer.

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