Who are the Aryans? Aryans and India: Aliens from the north conquered the locals with superweapons.


Ancient arias


According to mythological ideas, races previously existed on Earth: brown, yellow, black, and red. Our White race the latter, Aryan, and its most characteristic representative, who has preserved to a greater extent the purity of Aryan blood, is the Russian people. The mythologies of all the peoples of the Earth include the legend of the Flood. One can, of course, imagine that the birth of such a myth could have been facilitated by the local experience of an accidental very large river flood, but the similarity of details about the salvation on the ark still speaks more in favor of a real event of world significance. The issue of glaciation and the death of mammoths so quickly is not clear that in the permafrost of northern Siberia, frozen carcasses are found with the remains of undigested plant food in their stomachs. A comparison of disparate sources of information suggests the following:

Russians are one of the oldest nations that inhabited the Earth and had a previously developed civilization before the grandiose global cataclysm. The ancient Aryans are our direct ancestors. Russians lived in the territory today occupied by tundra and permafrost in the Northern Urals region more than ten thousand years ago. In those days the climate there was completely different, tropical. Abundant vegetation covered vast spaces, and the forests were full of animals and birds, the rivers - with fish. It was in literally golden age. The Russians worked moderately, did not lack anything, and the development of production was due only to an organic fusion with nature. But not by preparations for wars and civil strife, so characteristic of our period of civilization. The Russians did not have slavery, just as there were no wars of conquest. However, they were always ready to repel enemy attacks thanks to the developed hierarchy of the state management system, a sense of community, innate courage and extraordinary fortitude. At that time they already owned metallurgical production and urban planning. Only recently the scientific world was shocked by completely unexpected finds of a number of remains of ancient cities in Siberia and the Northern Urals, obtained as a result of special photography of the territory from space. The antiquity of the buildings is undoubted, and there is no doubt that our ancient ancestors could erect structures that were not inferior to the buildings of Ancient Greece many millennia before it. The excavations are already waiting for their discoverers.

The first Trans-Ural city, whose name was given to Arkaim (after the name of a mountain located near it), in which excavations had already begun, showed that it was inhabited by artisans, farmers, and hunters. The residents themselves were fans of the cult of the sun, as evidenced by swastikas (the sign - Kolovrat), the oldest stylized image of the sun, applied to ceramic dishes and other material remains. This symbol was extremely common among ancient peoples. In plan, the city is a regular circle with radially diverging streets. (The echo of that architecture undoubtedly affected the urban planning of Moscow). For some reason, figurines were found very similar to the statues from Easter Island. According to radiocarbon analysis, ancient tools made of mammoth bone and wood found in permafrost are 9-10 thousand years distant from us. And yet this is not the main thing. Major discoveries are still awaiting archaeologists. The fact is that the found buildings represent a post-culture that arose on the remains of the previous, lost Aryan civilization as a result of a global catastrophe that occurred 11.5 thousand years ago. It was then that the mammoths became extinct, and the descendants of the Aryans managed to survive the disaster thanks to a fairly strong and developed culture.

Presumably, the reason for such rapid glaciation is the rotation of the earth's axis, which occurs from time to time. The earth is an ellipsoid figure. Every schoolchild knows that the earth rotates around its axis with a period of a day (i.e. they are precisely caused by rotation). But not everyone knows that the earth’s axis is also circular. This movement is called precession in mechanics. For clarity, look at how a children's top or spinning top rotates. The axis of rotation does not remain strictly vertical and motionless. She also traces a small circle with her movement, and the time to complete one revolution is much longer than for the revolution of the top itself. So the time of precessional rotation of the Earth's axis is 44 thousand years. In addition, the Earth's axis tends to swing from its equilibrium position in both directions by one and a half degrees with a period of 25,776 years. That is, there are mechanisms that swing the Earth’s axis and, under certain conditions, a situation with the appearance of an unstable balance of the axis is quite possible. This could be the impact of a powerful meteorite, a comet, the deflection by the gravitational field of a nearby massive cosmic body, or even the growth of ice caps at the poles, which happens all the time. With the growth of ice caps at the poles, the Earth seems to take on the shape of a dumbbell, which also leads to a position of unstable equilibrium. Most likely, it was the rotation of the Earth’s axis that occurred 11.5 thousand years ago that was the cataclysm that caused irreversible phenomena, a sharp cooling in previously climatically favorable areas, with all the accompanying phenomena - earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, subsidence and rise of continents, i.e. e. "The World Flood."

It was in those times, 11-12 thousand years distant from us, that there was a great battle between the hostile civilization of the Atlanteans and the Aryans in which our ancestors crushed the Atlanteans. Information about this battle through the initiates has found its way into our century. It was the rotation of the Earth's axis that caused the death of Atlantis. Some of the Atlanteans escaped by settling on the American continent and mixing with the red race, some on the African continent, subsequently founding the civilization of the Egyptians. Aryans, according to a number of legends, come from the Northern Urals. Probably, Ural Mountains contributed to survival, and a developed culture helped to overcome hundreds of years of life in the resulting icy desert. It is to this period that the beginning of the settlement of the Aryans on the planet can be attributed. One way or another, the cataclysm forced them to look for new, more suitable lands and go on long hikes in search of them. The appearance of various languages ​​should also be attributed to that time. Before the cataclysm, there was one common language on the planet.

So gradually our ancestors mastered the spaces of first the Trans-Urals, Siberia, and then Europe. Some went to India, founding there a center of ancient culture. Some, through the strait between Asia and America, crossed to the American continent, assimilating with the red-skinned race, which also remained partially. This was the most difficult period of development, associated with battles for the territories being developed, with the hardships of campaigns, with leading a nomadic lifestyle. In relation to the remnants of other races that survived after the rotation of the earth's axis and by that time were cave dwellers of the Stone Age, the Aryans were the bearers of civilization. They managed to preserve part of the culture and knowledge that they had previously owned. The scientist of the late 16th - early 17th centuries, Mavro Orbini, author of the book, was able to put forward a guess about the origin of the Slavic people "Slavic kingdom" claimed that the Slavic race was much older than the Egyptian pyramids and “it was so numerous that it populated half the world”...

Ancient Aryans and their migrations to the south. Society and culture of the ancient Aryans.

From the end of the 2nd millennium BC. to this day, the majority of the population of Iran and India ethnically descends from a special branch of Indo-Europeans - speakers of the so-called languages. Indo-Iranian group of Indo European languages, which in turn is divided into two subgroups - Iranian and Indo-Aryan. Finding out the ancestral home of the pan-Indo-Iranian unity, the history of its disintegration into communities of Indo-Aryans and Iranian-speaking tribes, their habitats and the course of settlement is one of the most difficult problems in the history of antiquity. There is currently no generally accepted and fully proven solution to this problem. We can only say with a reasonable degree of certainty that by the end of the 3rd millennium BC, the Indo-Iranian ethno-linguistic unity still existed and inhabited the vast expanses of steppes stretching from the Danube to Altai through the Northern Black Sea region and modern Kazakhstan.

At the end of the 3rd - beginning of the 2nd millennium, within this unity, the Proto-Iranian and Proto-Indo-Aryan tribal communities separated from each other, as a result of which their languages ​​finally diverged into Indian and Iranian by the middle of the 2nd millennium. The common self-name of the Indo-Iranians, preserved by both of their branches, was Aryans (a term with general meaning“ritually pure, highest, best person”; terms with the literal meaning of “real people” were adopted as a self-name by many primitive ethnic groups). The ancient Aryans of this time were pastoralists who stood at the pre-state stage of development; Previously, their main occupation was agriculture (as evidenced by their preservation of common Indo-European agricultural terminology), but due to climatic changes it faded into the background. During the 2nd millennium BC, the Aryan tribes settled south in several waves, occupying the territories of Iran and Northern India. Archaeological and linguistic materials incline researchers to argue that the Iranians came to Iran through the Caucasus rather than from Central Asia.

On a more hypothetical level, it is possible to recreate more detailed picture. Apparently, in the beginning. II millennium BC, the ancestors of the Indo-Aryans settled in the western part of the steppes, in the Ciscaucasia, and the ancestors of Iranian-speaking tribes - in the east. Judging by the relic ideas that survived in the Avesta - the sacred book of the late Iranian religion, Zoroastrianism - the world originally known to the Iranian-speaking tradition stretched from Altai and Tien Shan to the sources of the Volga from east to west and from Western Siberia to the Amu Darya from north to south; this huge space was divided into seven parts, the central of which was Khvanirata - the homeland of the Iranians themselves. Archaeologically, this is the time of the dominance of the catacomb culture between the Dnieper and the Caucasus.

In the XVIII-XVII centuries. BC, as excavation data show, there is a massive displacement of tribes through the Caucasus to the south, along the route Ciscaucasia - Northern Iran - further east all the way to the Indus. The decisive role in this migration was apparently played by the Proto-Indo-Aryans of Ciscaucasia; on their way they ravaged the natives of Iran and drove them before them; they shifted to the east, crowding each other and causing new chain migrations. As a result, a strip of Indo-Aryan settlement arose, stretching from the Caucasus through north-central Iran and Afghanistan to the borders of India, which were reached by the “advanced” detachments of the Indo-Aryan migration. Along the way, some groups of Indo-Aryans lagged behind the main stream; in particular, one of their groups at that time came to the Armenian Highlands and settled on the Upper Euphrates, near the borders of Upper Mesopotamia, where it was recorded under the name “Manda warriors” by Western Asian sources of the 18th – 17th centuries. BC (in science they are known as the Central Asian Aryans). From here the Aryans - “Manda”, entering into symbiosis with the Hurrians, penetrated deeply into the Hurrian world: from their midst in the 17th - 16th centuries. BC came the dynasts of Mitanni and some kingdoms of Hurrian Palestine). The Upper Euphrates region of the Aryans retained the name “Manda”, and the Armenian princely family that ruled it many centuries later was called Mandakuni after it. Some of the Indo-Aryans remained in the Ciscaucasia and existed there even in the ancient era (as studies by O.N. Trubachev showed, the relict Indo-Aryans turned out to be the Sindians and Meotians, well known from ancient sources).

As a result, in the second quarter - mid-2nd millennium, the zone of Proto-Indo-Aryan settlement lies mainly south of the Caucasus-Caspian line, and the Proto-Iranian zone lies north of this line, so that there is a significant territorial gap between them. It was at this time that their languages, according to linguistics, completely diverged. For the steppe, this is the time of the existence of two main archaeological cultures - the multi-roller culture in the steppes west of the Urals - Volga and the Andronovo culture in Kazakhstan; there is every reason to associate the latter with pan-Iranian ethnocultural unity.

In the XVI / XV – XIV centuries. BC. the second major migration of the ancient Aryans takes place approximately along the same circum-Caspian route as the first: the Andronovo tribes move west from beyond the Volga and, mixing with local tribes, form a special Timber-frame culture here (while to the east of the Volga the Andronovo proper continues tradition); At the same time, Iranian-speaking tribes spread from beyond the Caucasus into northwestern and northern Iran, bringing with them the beginning of the Iron Age in Iran and the characteristic gray pottery. At the end of this period of migrations, the Iranian-speaking tribes moved east all the way to the later Bactria (the very name of Bactria means “eastern country” in Iranian, so the Iranians came here from the west) and the Amu Darya valley inclusive. It was probably under their gradually increasing pressure that the Indo-Aryans moved to Northern India in the 14th – 13th centuries. BC. In Iran, the Indo-Aryans were largely displaced or assimilated by their alien Iranian-speaking relatives, although at the junction of their areas a wide strip of interstriated Iranian-Indo-Aryan existence and symbiosis was preserved, which included a significant part of modern Afghanistan. Thus, the same territory with a center in the later Kandahar is known from Indian sources as the Indo-Aryan kingdom of Cambodia, and from Iranian sources - as a country with the Iranian name Harakhati (ancient Arachosia).

As a result of this, the second cycle of Aryan migrations, the settlement of Iranian-speaking tribes took the following form, which remained in general terms at the end of the 2nd - beginning of the 1st millennium BC: to the east of the Urals and the Volga lived the bearers of the Andronovo culture - the ancestors of the Scythian-Saka tribes, known first of all, according to ancient data, and the “tura” tribes, about which the “Avesta” tells; to the west of the Urals and Volga, the steppe was occupied by the bearers of the Srubnaya culture, the immediate ancestors of the tribes whom the Greeks collectively called “Cimmerians”; most of West-central and northern Iran was occupied by a community from which the Median and Persian (West Iranian) tribes later emerged; under the Amu Darya - Hilmend, a group of tribes became isolated, known in science as the “Avestic Aryans” (they called themselves “Arya”, their territory - Aryanam-Vaija, “Space of the Aryans” and Aryoshyana, “Country of the Aryans”, and it was with them that the events reflected in the Avesta, the core of which was formed in their own environment). The Avestan Aryans were the descendants of the head, the farthest advanced part of the same migration flow to the east, the main part of which, remaining in central Iran, was represented by
Medo-Persian tribes. However, the Avestan Aryans, moving east, broke away from their Western Iranian relatives and found themselves separated from them by the regions of the South-Eastern Caspian region with the indigenous non-Iranian population, described in the Avestan tradition as terrible and powerful enemies, and the Dasht-i-Kevir salt desert. This prevented the Avestan Aryans from maintaining contact with the Iranian-speaking tribes of the Iranian plateau and led to their history developing in two independent streams over the next few centuries.

As a result of the gradual assimilation of the aboriginal population of Iran by Iranian-speaking tribes, the entire space between the Tigris, Indus and Amu Darya around the middle of the 1st millennium began to be called “Aryanam”, “Aryan (land)”. The later form of this word is the modern “Iran”. Early Iranian (as well as Indo-Aryan) societies are characterized by the same three-class organization, which goes back to common Indo-Iranian practice: society was divided into hereditary classes of priests, warriors and ordinary community members - cattle breeders and farmers. At the level tribal unions corresponding roles were often assigned to entire tribes: for example, in the six-tribal union of the Medes, priestly functions were monopolized by the tribe of magicians (hence the meaning of the word “magician” in European languages). The mentality of the Indo-Iranians was characterized by ritual-linguistic ethnic self-identification: those who performed the correct rituals in pure language, honoring the corresponding gods, were considered ethnically “their own”, regardless of blood relationship. This greatly facilitated the assimilation of the aboriginal population. The priests were considered the most revered class, but the power of the leader (later the king) should normally have been exercised by someone from the warrior class; leader and was considered primarily as the head of the military organization of the tribe.

The religious ideas of the Indo-Iranians are reconstructed based on data on the beliefs of individual Indo-Iranian peoples. The gods were clearly divided into two classes - daivas and ahuras (Iranian asuras), to some extent opposed to each other (this division is known in many mythologies, including Sumerian-Akkadian). By the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC, among the Indo-Aryans, and independently among them, among the Iranians, this division was rethought as a value one: the gods of one of the classes began to be considered “good” (spreading joy, life, creation), and the other - as “evil” (inflicting death, suffering and destruction). At the same time, the Iranians regarded the Akhur as good gods, and the Daivas as evil, and the Indo-Aryans - vice versa. Accordingly, the most powerful and clearly beneficent gods, such as Mithras, the god of the sun and human justice, the guardian of oaths, were credited different peoples into different categories: among the Iranians Mithra is ahura, among the Indo-Aryans it is daiva. All Indo-Iranians revered Yama (Yima), the ancestor of humanity and the ruler kingdom of the dead, as well as Wind, Sun, Moon and Fire.

As the Avesta narrates, along the shores of the Voorukasha Sea (“Milk Sea” of the Mahabharata) and Rankha (Volga) there were a number of Aryan countries - from Aryan-Vedzh in the far north to seven Indian countries in the south, beyond Rankha. These same seven countries are mentioned in the Rigveda and Mahabharata as the lands between the Ganga and the Yamuna, on Kurukshetra. It is said about them: “Illustrious Kurukshetra. All living beings, as soon as they come there, get rid of their sins,” or “Kurukshetra is the holy Altar of Brahma; holy brahmanas - sages - appear there. Whoever settles in Kurukshetra will never know sorrow.” The question naturally arises: what are these rivers - the Ganga and Yamuna, between which the country of Brahma lay? We have already found out that Ranha-Ganga is the Volga. But ancient Indian legends call the Yamuna the only major tributary of the Ganges flowing from the southwest. Let's look at the map, and it will become clear to us that the ancient Yamuna is our Eye! Is it possible? Apparently - yes! It is no coincidence that along the course of the Oka here and there there are rivers with the names: Yamna, Yam, Ima, Imyev. Moreover, according to Aryan texts, the second name of the Yamuna river was Kala. So, to this day the mouth of the Oka is called the mouth of the Kala by local residents.

Other large rivers are also mentioned in the Rigveda and Mahabharata. Thus, not far from the source of the Yamuna (Oka) was the source of the Sindhu River flowing to the east and south and flowing into the Red (Red) Sea (“Sindhu” in Sanskrit means stream, sea). But let us remember that in Irish and Russian chronicles the Black Sea was called Cheremny, that is, Red. This, by the way, is still called the part of its water area in the north. On the shores of this sea lived the Sind people and the city of Sind (modern Anapa) was located. It can be assumed that the Sindhu of the ancient Aryan texts is the Don, whose sources are located not far from the source of the Oka. In the Volga-Oka interfluve there are many rivers, the names of which have been lost for millennia. To prove this, no special effort is required: it is enough to compare the names of the Poochya rivers with the names of the “sacred springs” in the Mahabharata, more precisely, in that part of it that is known as “Walking along the springs.” It is in it that a description is given of more than 200 sacred reservoirs of the ancient Aryan land of Bharata in the Ganges and Yamuna basins (as of 3150 BC):

Krinitsa River in Poochie
Agastya Agashka
Aksha Aksha
Apaga Apaka
Archika Archikov
Ashita Asata
Ahalya Akhalenka
Vadawa Vad
Vamana Wamna
Vansha Vansha
Varaha Varah
Varadana Varaduna
Kaveri Kaverka
Kedara Kidra
Kubja Kubja
Kumara Kumarevka
Kushika Kushka
Manusha Manushinskaya
Pariplava Plava
Crybaby Crybaby
lake Rama Lake Rama
Sita City
Soma Som
Sutirtha Sutertki
Tushin Tushina
Urvashi Urvanovsky
Ushanas Ushanets
Shankhini Shankini
Shona Shana
Shiva Shivskaya
Yakshini Yakshina

It is also surprising that we are dealing not only with an almost literal coincidence of the names of the sacred springs of the Mahabharata and the rivers of Central Russia, but even with the correspondence of their relative locations. Thus, in both Sanskrit and Russian, words with the initial “F” are extremely rare: from the list of rivers of the Mahabharata, only one river has an “F” at the beginning of its name - Falguna, which flows into the Sarasvati. But, according to ancient Aryan texts, Saraswati is the only big river flowing north of the Yamuna and south of the Ganga and flows into the Yamuna at its mouth. It corresponds only to the Klyazma River, located north of the Oka and south of the Volga. And what? Among hundreds of its tributaries, only one has a name starting with “F” - Falyugin! Despite 5 thousand years, this unusual name has remained virtually unchanged.

Another example. According to the Mahabharata, south of the sacred forest of Kamyaka, the river Praveni (that is, the Great River) flowed into the Yamuna, with Lake Godowari (where “vara” means “circle” in Sanskrit). What about today? As before, to the south of the Vladimir forests the Pra River flows into the Oka and Lake Godd lies. Or another example. The Mahabharata tells how the sage Kaushika, during a drought, irrigated the Paru River, which was renamed in his honor. But further the epic reports that ungrateful local residents still call the river Para and it flows from the south to the Yamuna (i.e., to the Oka). And what? The Para River still flows from the south to the Oka and the locals call it the same as many thousands of years ago.

The description of the springs five thousand years ago speaks, for example, of the Pandya River, flowing near Varuna, a tributary of the Sindhu (Don). But the Panda River even today flows into the largest tributary of the Don - the Vorona (or Varona) River. Describing the path of pilgrims, the Mahabharata says: “There are Jala and Upajala, the rivers flowing into the Yamuna.” Are there rivers Jala ("jala" - "river" in Sanskrit) and Upa-jala flowing nearby somewhere today? Eat. These are the Zhala (Tarusa) river and the Upa river, flowing nearby into the Oka. It was in the Mahabharata that the Sadanapru (Great Danapr) - Dnieper river flowing west from the upper reaches of the Ganga (Volga) was first mentioned.

But if the names of the rivers have been preserved, if the language of the population has been preserved, then perhaps the peoples themselves should be preserved? And, indeed, they exist. Thus, the Mahabharata says that to the north of the country of Pandya, lying on the banks of Varuna, is the country of the Martyas. But it is precisely to the north of Panda and Vorona along the banks of Moksha and Sura that lies the land of the Mordva (Mortva of the Middle Ages) - a people who speak a Finno-Ugric language with a huge number of Russian, Iranian and Sanskrit words. The country between Yamuna, Sindh, Upajala and Para was called A-Vanti. That’s exactly what Arab travelers, Byzantine chronicles and Russian chronicles called the land of the Vyatichi between the Oka, Don, Upa and Para. The Mahabharata and Rigveda mention the Kuru people and Kurukshetra. Kurukshetra literally means “Kursk Field”, and it is in its center that the city of Kursk is located, where “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” places the Kursk people - noble warriors.

chariot of the ancient Aryans

The warlike Krivi people are also mentioned in the Rig Veda. But Latvians and Lithuanians call all Russians “Krivi”, after the neighboring Russian ethnic group Krivichi, whose cities were Smolensk, Polotsk, Pskov, and present-day Tartu and Riga. Well, what about the ethnonym Rus itself - Russian land? Are they mentioned in ancient texts that are thousands of years old? Rusa, Rasa, Rasyane are constantly mentioned in the Rig Veda and Avesta. As for the Russian land, it’s a matter of translation. The lands of Bharata, lying along the Ganges and Yamuna, on Kurukshetra, were otherwise called Sacred, Holy or Bright Land, and in Sanskrit “Rusa” means “bright”. Once Gavrila Romanovich Derzhavin wrote: “The river of times, in its rush, carries away all the affairs of people...”.

We were faced with an amazing paradox when real rivers seemed to stop the flow of time, returning to our world those people who once lived along the banks of these rivers and their affairs. They gave us back our Memory.

A. VINOGRADOV economist, ecologist, geographer
S. ZHARNIKOVA Candidate of Historical Sciences, art critic, ethnologist.
Newspaper “New Petersburg”, 18 (485), 04/26/2001


At that time, people were born already possessing noble qualities and amazing powers. To gain special powers, people of this yuga did not necessarily have to perform yogic practices or recite mantras that would provide amazing achievements. These people, by sheer devotion to dharma, were siddhapurusas, or people endowed with supernatural powers.
These were virtuous people with knowledge and wisdom. They could naturally move through the sky at the speed of the wind at their own will. They all had the eight supersensible achievements, which are now called supernatural, known as shrinking to a tiny size, growing to a gigantic size, becoming extremely heavy, becoming weightless, being able to get anything you want, being able to completely get rid of desires, gaining the highest achievements, gaining amazing flexibility.

When we hear the word “Slavs”, a chain of association images is immediately involuntarily born: Slavs - paganism - witches - wise men - divination - spirits of nature - epic warrior warriors - round dances of girls in embroidered kokoshniks - jumping over the fire on the night of Ivan Kupala - farewell to winter - Maslenitsa, etc.
However, these dear to the heart ideas about the Slavs, our ancestors, brought up with children's fairy tales and epics, refer to those of them who lived approximately 3 - 5 thousand years ago, before Christianization Slavic peoples. We will talk about more distant ancestors, who lived about 5 thousand years ago and even more than 8 - 10 thousand years ago, in the pre-glacial period - about the Aryans, god-people who have an unearthly origin, who gave rise to most of the current earthly civilizations and cultures, in particular Indo-slavs
Indo-fame - the Aryans were the highest civilization of immortals, a civilization of people-gods who owned the secrets of controlling space-time, could freely move into parallel dimensions, bending space, traveled on vimanas - flying vehicles reminiscent of UFOs, owned ray weapons that surpassed the latest achievements humanity in this area, actively explored near and far space, mastered alchemical technologies, methods superior to modern nanotechnology, and traveled to the Moon.
Professor of the Sanskrit Faculty of the University of Madras V. Ragavan believes that the heroes of the epic “Mahabharata”, “Ramayana” - the Aryans, our ancient ancestors - are representatives of a more ancient civilization.
“I have come to the conclusion,” says V. Ragavan, “that on other planets there are living beings who visited the earth in 4 thousand BC. This is indicated by the huge number of references in the Vedas, ancient Indian epics and other Sanskrit texts about amazing flying machines and incredible weapons.”

Aircraft of the Aryans

Indeed, in the ancient Indian epic “Mahabharata”, “Ramayana” and other texts in Sanskrit, flying machines are mentioned countless times - vimanas, ray weapons, the analogues of which humanity now has no analogues - “divine lightning”.
The Vimanika Shastra states that in Satya Yuga (1,728,000 years) the first three classes of vimanas did not exist, i.e. the first vimanas did not contain coarse material particles, i.e. they consisted of subtle material elements inaccessible to humanity at the current level.
But as human minds coarsened in the Treta Yuga (1,296,000 years), vimanas were created through mantras - sound vibrations and were called “mantrika”.
In the Dvapara Yuga (864,000 years), the vimanas were condensed and created through magic and tantric methods. Such vimanas were called “tantrika”.
In Kali Yuga (432,000 years), as human consciousness became denser and more and more immersed in the material and lost contact with the worlds of the gods, the technology for making vimanas became increasingly coarser, and the vimanas became artificial, i.e. made of coarse matter, they were called "kritaka".
There were no differences in the form of movement and speed of the “mantrika” and “tantrika” vimanas. There was a difference in the use of energy from heaven and earth. According to the Shaunaka Sutra, there are 53 types of tantric vimanas.

“According to the ancient sages, in the Krita Yuga, or the first era, there were no three classes of vimanas.
In the Vimana-chandrika it is said: “I will speak in general terms about the varieties of vimanas. In Treta Yuga, when people were versed in mantras and powerful hymns, vimanas were created through mantric knowledge.
In Dvapara Yuga, when people developed significant tantric knowledge, vimanas were produced through tantric knowledge.
Since in Kali Yuga the knowledge of mantras and tantras became insufficient, the vimanas created at that time are known as kritaka, or artificial.”
Bodhananda Vritti, commentary on the Vimanika Shastra

Thus, the ancient seers mention in the shastras about three classes of vimanas.

The history of the creation of vimanas by the ancient Aryans

According to the Vimanika Shastra, the art of creating vimanas was revealed to the Aryan sages as a divine revelation by the Great God himself, the creator of our universe, who taught the sages the art of mantras.

“The human mind has become denser, and the concept of Vedic truths, the inner essence of man and supernatural powers impoverished. Due to the fact that Dharma, or righteousness, became cracked, people lost the ability to fly in the sky like the wind.
The Great God wished to grant the twice-born the ability to correctly understand the Vedas and mercifully descended to Earth in the form of a young man facing the south. Through Sanaka and other initiates, He classified the mantras of the Vedas and then gave them Vedic perception.
The Divine Youth God, delighted by the perceptive powers of the ascetics, praised them, saying: “From now on, having attained Knowledge, you will be known as seers (rishis). You will begin to improve in the art of sound vibrations and live in celibacy.
You will begin to worship the heavenly Goddess of the Vedas, master her energy and, plunging into samadhi, approach the Great God - the Creator and understand his plan.
Once you know, you will create for the benefit of humanity moral codes(Dharmashastras), mystical stories (Puranas and Itihasas), as well as the sciences of physics and mathematics. As for celestial travel, you will impart the art of constructing vimanas. So that the vimanas can reach the speed of the wind, you will develop methods based on the Kalpashastras, or scientific treatises.”
Later, the munis, in accordance with the Vedas, created Dharmashastras, or ethical codes, epics, chronicles, ritual manuals, treatises on the arts and sciences, codes of rites and sacrifices, and distributed them among people. It is said that among these works of ancient seers, there are six treatises dedicated to the construction of vimanas. They describe three classes of vimanas, known as those consisting of sound vibrations, magical and artificial, capable of flying anywhere.”
Bodhananda Vritti, commentary on the Vimanika Shastra

Description of vimanas in ancient texts

Various texts such as the Ramayana, Mahabharata often describe in detail vimanas that move on high altitude through the air on vortex engines and work using mercury. Vimanas are described as two-deck flying machines having round portholes. Outwardly, they resembled a modern UFO. They move “faster than the wind,” emitting melodious sounds. Vimanas were stored in special places - hangars.
According to the descriptions of the Ramayana, the Aryas of Indo-glory traveled on vimanas, moving both within the Earth and to other planets of the Great Cosmos. There is also an episode detailing a trip to the moon and a battle with other flying ships belonging to another race. The Mahabharata also contains no less amazing descriptions: “Rama, with a terrible roar, ascends into the sky in his amazing chariot, surrounded by clouds of smoke and fog.”
An important source describing the achievements of the Aryans is the Vimanika Shastra, a text found in 1875 under mystical circumstances. The Vimanika Shastra is attributed to the sage Masarishi Bharadwaja, who lived in the 4th century BC and wrote it down in a state of trance.
Professor of aeronautics Krishna Murthy from a research institute in Bangalore, studying ancient texts, concluded that the gods, aliens from outer space, taught the Aryans to build Vimana aircraft. Ancient texts are replete with numerous descriptions of the battles of gods fighting on vimanas. “Pushpaka's chariot resembles the sun and belongs to my brother. This wonderful machine is transported by itself through the air to any place over any distance,” says one of the chapters of the Ramayana.
The Mahabharata often mentions the “dart of Indra” - a beam of light emanating from a round reflector, which is aimed at any target, guided by sound. It was with this that Krishna struck the vimana of his enemy Salva.
Vimanas and their capabilities are described in texts such as:
1. “Vimana-chandrika”
2. “Vyomana Tantra”
3. “Yantra-kalpa”
4. “Kheta-yana-pradipika”
5. “Vyoma-yana-arkaprakashika”
6. "Kriya-sara"
7. “Yantra-sarvasra”
8. “Manibhadra-karika”
9. "Saunaka Sutra"
10. “Lohatantra” and others.

Possibilities of vimanas

The vimanas described in the Vimanika Shastra had abilities inaccessible to earthlings today:
~ the power of “gud” allowed the vimana to be invisible to the enemy
~ the power of “paroksha” could disable other aircraft
~ the power of "pralaya" could emit electrical charges and destroy obstacles
Using the energies of space, vimanas could also bend space and create visual or real effects - starry sky, clouds, etc.
According to descriptions, Vimanas mainly use seven sources of energy: fire, earth, air, energy of the sun, moon, water and space:

“There are seven: the moon, water and sky. These seven types of energy are called solar heat, solar electric dozen, kuntinee and original power."
"Saunaka Sutra"

Vimana movement

“The vimana can perform 12 kinds of impressive movements, also 12. These movements and forces include: forward movement, shaking, ascent, descent, circular movement, movement at high speed, movement around something, sideways movement, backward movement, movement counterclockwise, full stop and demonstration of tricks.”
Bodhananda Vritti, commentary on the Vimanika Shastra

The authors of ancient Indian treatises write about amazing flying machines and their abilities as a matter of course. Vimanas are said to have 32 supernatural powers.

Unusual abilities of vimanas

The Vimanika Shastra lists 32 secrets that an aeronaut should learn from knowledgeable mentors. Only such a person can be trusted to control the aircraft, and not anyone else. These secrets provide the key to mastering supernatural powers.
All these secrets are explained by Siddhanadha as follows:
- mastery of the art of mantras, medicinal herbs, hypnotic powers, powers of magic,
- ability to create visual effects,
- destroy enemy ships using vibration power
- know routes and air flows,
- possess the secret powers of the sun's rays and be able to use them to hide, to be invisible,
- by manipulating various energies of space with the help of a system of mirrors, be able to disguise the vimana,
- have the ability to attract energy from the sun and primary elements, and with its help bend space, changing its topological characteristics - dimensionality, etc.
- immobilize hostile energies, completely depriving them of the ability to perceive
- create visual effects in space, for example, such as a starry sky, etc.
- create a thunderous roar, and suppress hostile energies with the power of vibration
- move in zigzags, like a snake
- instantly “throw” the vimana from one place to another, using knowledge of astral energy flows
- create a shock wave that generates shaking vibrations
- be inaccessible due to rapid rotation
- hear conversations and sounds coming from other vimanas
- through a “photographic yantra” installed on board, receive television images of any objects located outside the vimana, including what is happening on the ground, track the approach of other ships
- merge with the sky, take on the appearance of a cloud, become indistinguishable
- paralyze hostile creatures on other aircraft

Air routes

Also in the Vimanika Shastra, in the chapter on air routes, the five atmospheric layers of space and 519,800 air paths are described along which vimanas travel through the seven worlds (lokas). These lokas are called: Bhu-loka, Bhuvar-loka, Svar-loka, Maha-loka, Jana-loka, Tapa-loka and Satya-loka.

“According to Saunaka, there are five layers in the sky, which are called Rekhaapathha, Mandala, Kakshya, Shakti, and Kendra.
In these five atmospheric layers there are 519,800 air paths by which the vimanas travel through the Seven Lokas or worlds known as Bhur-loka, Bhuvar-loka, Svar-loka, Maha-loka, Jnana-loka, Tapa-loka, Satya-loka." .
Bodhananda Vritti, commentary on the Vimanika Shastra

Air vortices, which are prescribed
vimana pilots beware
The chapter “Air Vortexes” talks about five destructive energy flows for vimanas, which the pilot must beware of and take the vimana away from them to a safe place.

“Aavartaa, or air vortices, are innumerable in the upper layers. Five of them are on vimana routes. These whirlwinds are destructive to the vimanas and should be avoided.
The aeronaut must know these five sources of danger and be able to move the vimana away from them to a safe place.”
Bodhananda Vritti, commentary on the Vimanika Shastra

Energy sources

The chapter “Sources of Energy” talks about the energy that makes the vimanas move and about the seven types of devices that produce and extract these energies. These include:
- Devices that absorb solar energy
- extracting energy from opposing forces (from alien aircraft)
- main driving energy
- twelve groups of solar forces that help to take off, land, absorb solar heat, curb other people's power and move in space.

The amazing information about vimanas, existing in a huge number of sacred texts of ancient India, is of enormous value as documented, material evidence that our ancestors - the Aryans, in ancient times had colossal achievements both in the field of spiritual knowledge and in magic, scientific and technical areas. The descriptions of vimanas that have reached us are late fragments containing insignificant grains of that truly limitless potential, those mystical capabilities that our ancestors - the Aryans - of Indo-glory possessed.

According to Valmiki Ganita, the 1st and 2nd sections of the Rekhaapathha layer are suitable for the vimanas of our world (Bhu-loka). In the Mandala layer, areas 3 and 5 are suitable for the vimanas of the inhabitants of the astral world and the world of gods (Bhuvar-loka, Svar-loka and Maha-loka). The 2nd and 5th sections of the Kakshya layer are suitable for the Jnana-loka vimana. For the inhabitants of Brahma-loka, according to the shastras, the 3rd and 11th sections of the Kendra layer are most convenient.”

In the Re-khapathha layer, the "Shaktyaavarta" or energy vortex is found. In Mandala-pathha there is a wind whirlwind. In Kakshyaa-pa-thha there is a whirlwind of sun rays. In Shakti-pathha there is Shytyaavarta, or the vortex of cold streams. As far as Kendra-pathha is concerned, there is a gharshanaavartha, or a whirlwind created by the destructive force.

How, from the point of view of Aryan science, this cosmos is structured, this cosmic manifestation, about atomic time, which was used by the ancient Aryans, the time required for light to travel the distance of one atom, about the fact that in different parts In the universe, space is arranged according to its own laws, and also on each planet time flows completely differently. It describes entire cosmic wars between Aryans and Asuras that took place in outer space, in which elemental weapons were used, based on the elements and elements of material nature - weapons of earth, water, fire, air and ether.

The Bhagavata Purana, Mahabharata and Ramayana are the three most important works in the Vedic tradition of India. They are well known as Hindu scriptures, but they are not considered merely as a methodology or presentation of certain sectarian creeds.

Their true value is that they open up a perfect and progressive road to understanding this world and life in it. This knowledge came to us through centuries from the highly developed Vedic civilization.

These works currently number 1,500 volumes in Sanskrit, the oldest language in the world. Here there is knowledge on all areas of human life, starting with agriculture and ending with the goals of human life, methods of self-improvement. This knowledge was given by the Supreme Personality of Godhead - Krishna at the time of the creation of this material cosmos to the first living being - Brahma.

I would like to dwell on such unique information as the connection of the ancient Vedic civilization with other intelligent civilizations, the exchange of knowledge, transcosmic travel of the ancient Aryans, etc.

First of all, let us dwell on one achievement of ancient Vedic science - aerial aircraft, called vimanas in Sanskrit. They could either be mechanical flying machines, or created from two types of energies, which we can call subtle and transcendental (spiritual) energies.

The intelligent beings who inhabited this planet in ancient times usually did not build such machines in a production manner, although sometimes they acquired them from more highly developed progressive civilizations.

The Vedas contain information about man-made wooden mechanisms that moved through the air with the help of wings in the manner of modern airplanes. Although these wooden mechanisms were also called vimanas, most of them were not designed like modern airplanes. Most typical vimanas and the energy used in them are similar in their characteristics to those of modern UFOs. An interesting example describing the vimana is the flying machine that Shalva, an ancient Indian king, received from Maya Danava, an inhabitant of the Talatala planetary system. As described in the tenth canto of the Bhagavata Purana, Salva had great enmity towards Lord Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who incarnated on this planet more than 5,000 years ago. This king vowed to destroy the city of Dwarka, where Krishna lived and ruled.

To fulfill his plan, Shalva received a wonderful vimana by worshiping Lord Shiva, the demigod of this material universe. I will quote the description of the flights of this vimana to show the similarity with some modern data on UFOs:

"The aircraft captured by Shalva was very mysterious. It was very surprising that sometimes many aircraft appeared in the sky, and sometimes they all instantly disappeared and there was not a single one. Sometimes the aircraft was visible, and sometimes it suddenly became invisible. The warriors of the Yadu dynasty were puzzled and could not locate the strange vimana. At one time the airplane was on the surface of the earth, suddenly disappeared and appeared flying in the sky or on the top of a hill, or floating on the water. The wonderful vimana flew in the sky like a burning and spinning brand - it did not even stop. For a moment."

It is noteworthy that in his numerous works, the translator of Vedic literature, who gave wonderful comments to it, A.Ch. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada never refers to UFOs or flying saucers. However, the flight characteristics of this "airplane" are similar in many respects to UFO sightings. Viman sparkled, red-hot. He moved erratically, like a firebrand being twirled by a dancer. He appeared and disappeared. Unidentified flying objects are known for this behavior and are described by eyewitnesses as appearing to land on the ground or on a mountainside, hovering above the surface of the water and suddenly disappearing.

As an example, consider the case of a UFO sighting by Air Force personnel over the southern central United States on July 17, 1957. This incident was briefly described in the journal Astronautics and Aeronautics as follows:

"An RB-47 fighter jet, equipped with electronic protection and controlled by 6 Air Force officers, was pursued by an unidentified object at a distance of more than 700 miles for 1.5 hours. It flew from Mississippi through Louisiana and Texas to Oklahoma. At times the object was directly observed by the pilots of the aircraft as an intensely emitting light, the UFO was detected by ground radar and detected by the electronic defense system on board the RB-47. Of particular interest in this case are several examples of the UFO suddenly appearing and disappearing in all three physical dimensions and the speed of maneuvers that exceeded the comprehension of the fighter pilots. "

One of the object's disappearances occurred while an RB-47 was flying around it. The pilot noticed what appeared to be a flicker, then the UFO disappeared from view of the electronic detection system monitor. At the same time, he disappeared from the Air Force ground control radar monitor in Utah. A few moments later, the object became visually observable again and simultaneously appeared on the fighter's radar and on the ground detection device. Observations on board RB-47 also indicate that the UFO sometimes generated 2 signals with different effects on electronic system detection. Although we cannot say for sure what the UFO actually did, its actions are reminiscent of records that Salva's vimana sometimes took on multiple forms.

How did Shalva get his wonderful car? There is no doubt that the vimana of King Salva was made using special technology by an expert from another planet. Below I have given the story as given in Srimad Bhagavatam (Pashupati and Umapati are two names of Lord Shiva).

The story of a wonderful vimana

"Having thus taken the oath, the foolish king (Salva) proceeded to worship Lord Pashupati (the demigod of this material universe) as his deity, consuming a handful of dust every day and nothing more. Lord Umapati is known as "one who can be easily satisfied" but it was only after a year that he was satisfied with Shalva, who approached him, seeking refuge, and offered Shalva whatever blessings he desired.

Shalva asked for a machine that could not be destroyed by any demigods (devas), demons (asuras), intelligent men, Gandharvas, Uragas and Rakshasas, which could travel wherever he wished. This horrified the Vrishnis, the inhabitants of the higher planetary systems of this universe.

Lord Shiva said, “So be it.” On his orders, Maya Danava, who was famous for his military cities, built a flying iron fortress called Saubha and gave it to Salva.

This invincible machine was equipped with all kinds of extraordinary weapons and could travel anywhere. Having obtained it, Shalva went to Dwarka, remembering the enmity that the Vrishnis had towards him. Dwarka is located in India. The great demigods - Vrishnis and others incarnated on earth when Lord Krishna (Vishnu) - the Supreme Absolute Truth was present on this planet.

Shalva began to besiege the city with a large number of troops, destroying all the parks and gardens lying outside the fortress, small strongholds with their observation platforms, the city gates and the fortress walls surrounding the city. He also destroyed areas where people usually rested. From his superior airship, Shalva hurled down a stream of various weapons, including rocks, tree trunks, lightning, snakes and large hail. A fierce whirlwind rose and covered most of the city in a cloud of dust. Such terrible torments plagued Saubha's airship. There is not a single quiet place left in the city of Krishna. It was like Earth when it was attacked by three air cities of demons."

From this example we see that Shalva did not involve engineers to build his aircraft on Earth. As far as I know, there are no examples to indicate that ordinary intelligent beings have ever built machines like Salva's vimana, which is capable of flying in a mystical manner.

It is significant that Shalva threw such things as snakes, stones, tree trunks from his vimana. There is no mention of bombs in this story. It seems that even though Shalva had a wonderful flying machine, he did not have the weapons that were used in the Second World War. However, it had various technologies that powered nature and produced air whirlwinds and hail.

In this story, the maker of the vimanas was Maya Danava. This individual was the ruler of the Danava kingdom located on the planet known as Talatala. There are a total of 14 planetary levels, of which 7 lower are hellish, and 7 higher are heavenly planetary systems.

Talatala - inferior planetary system. Thus the Danavas were a powerful group of humanoids who are known for their knowledge of technology. The word maya means the energy that creates this entire material universe, it also means the power of illusion. Maya Danava was so named because he was very good at manipulating Maya.

Uma - the wife of Lord Shiva - is also known as Maya Devi or the goddess of storing illusory energy. She is also the Mother Goddess who is worshiped throughout the world under different names. But in any case, both Shiva and Maya Devi are demigods who obey the orders of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna. Krishna is the Absolute Truth. He is filled with 6 qualities: all power, fame, wealth, knowledge, beauty and renunciation. Thus Shiva is also a master of illusion and material technology. It is clear that the union between the demigod Shiva, whom Shalva approached to receive his vimana, and Maya Danava is quite natural, because Maya Danava was also a master of illusion and produced these vimanas.

It is significant that Shalva asked for a vimana that could not be destroyed by devas, asuras, gandharvas, uravas and rakshasas. All of them are powerful races of human-like intelligent living beings openly operating on Earth, so Shalva naturally wanted to be omnipotent and have protection from them.

Salva's vimana is described as an iron city, hence it must have been made of metal on the outside and quite large.

As we can learn from the seventh canto of Srimad Bhagavatam, many Vedic vimanas are described as flying cities. One of them resembles a very large "mother ship" that is very often discussed in UFO reports. Salva's vimana is described as the "abode of darkness" or TAMO-DHAM as described in Vedic literature. Here the word "darkness" refers to the mode of ignorance. This entire material universe is under the control of the three modes (gunas) of nature: goodness, passion and ignorance. Ignorance is completely opposite to the goodness that virtue represents. The guna of passion is an intermediate state characterized by unlimited desires for sensual pleasures. Every living being, and therefore every thought, word, deed and its result are in the three gunas of nature.

Ignorance means illusion, which usually characterizes the material world and is especially associated in Vedic literature with beings of a negative nature such as asuras and danavas. This refers to a lack of spiritual understanding that is enhanced by knowledge in various technologies.


In Vedic science it is explained that traveling to other worlds is possible. In ancient times, this could have been a journey to other stars, to the higher dimensions of our and other star systems. It is quite possible to leave the confines of the material universe and travel through multidimensional space spiritual world.

Vedic literature does not use geometric terms such as "higher dimensions" or "other planes" when referring to such journeys. It is likely that visits to other worlds were described in terms based on the experience of travelers, and modern readers need to understand that these movements represent more than flights through three-dimensional space. Since modern people are accustomed to thinking that travel is only possible in three-dimensional space, in this article I will use the term “higher dimensions” to refer to Vedic examples that cannot be understood in terms of three dimensions.

An objection may also arise from the fact that the people of ancient India had a naive and unscientific understanding of the stars and planets, and could not, with the help of their limited senses, have contact with living beings from such distant places. The answer is that the Vedic description of the structure of the universe sounds very strange and mythical to a Westerner because it contains many ideas that are completely foreign to the Western concepts we are familiar with. Nevertheless, it contains many ideas about the universe that are fundamental to modern science.

For example, consider the description of the hero Arjuna’s travels to one of the galaxies (Pandava is one of Arjuna’s names):

“There was not a single sun or moon, but they (the planets) shone with light acquired through the merits of the living beings who inhabited them. That light looks like small stars from a distance. But in fact it is very bright. Pandava saw them bright and wonderful, burning in their hearth with their own fire..."

Seeing these self-luminous worlds, the amazed Phalguna asks Matali in a friendly manner, and he answers him:

“These planets are inhabited by beings who have performed many pious deeds, they are illuminated by their own radiation. You see them from here, O my lord, shining like stars.”

This passage shows known and unknown elements. We accept that if we traveled in interstellar space, we would not be able to see them if we moved away from the Sun and Moon. One can also accept that the stars are very large, and self-luminous worlds appear small due to their great distance. However, we could not expect to find them populated by “people of holy deeds.” It seems unusual to us to address stars as people. However, in Vedic texts, referring to the stars as individuals is common. And this person is usually the ruler of the star.

An objection may also be raised by the fact that in ancient India people believed that the Earth was flat. In fact, Vedic literature explains two concepts about the structure of the Earth. Our planet (in the Sanskrit astronomical text Surya Siddhanta) is described as a ball 1600 yojanas in diameter. Yojana is a measure of length equal to 5 miles, and the diameter of the Earth is thus 8000 miles, which is quite consistent with modern data. The same text gives the diameter of the Moon as 480 yojanas or 2400 miles. This can be compared to the modern figure of 2,160 miles.

The earth is also described as a flat disc called Bhumandala, which is 500,000,000 yojanas in diameter. However, a careful study of the Vedic texts shows that this "Earth" is actually related to the projection of the ecliptic. This projection is established, from a geocentric point of view, by the orbit of the Sun around the Earth (according to Vedic astronomy, the planet Earth is located in the region of the center of this universe, and all the planets rotate around it). Of course, this projection is a plane. So in this sense Vedic literature talks about flat earth. In the Vedas, the term "Earth" is used not only as a reference to the small globe.

The higher dimensions, inhabited by intelligent beings, are explained in Vedic literature as spheres located inside the Earth and on its surface. At the same time, they are described as well as outer space. In particular the flat "Earth" of Bhumandala, the inhabited sphere which extends more or less across the plane of the solar system and is not directly visible or accessible to our gross senses. The main Sanskrit term for such spheres is LOKA, which is often translated as "planet" or "planetary system". There are 14 levels of LOKA, seven higher and seven lower. BHU-MANDALA or BHU-LOKA is the lowest of the seven higher planetary systems. The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are called GRAHAS and they are all considered as planets inhabited by living beings. (However, I have not come across any references to Uranus, Neptune, Plato in the Vedic texts). It is not surprising that the population of the Sun is described as having bodies composed of fiery energy. The bodies of living beings inhabiting other planets are created from energies corresponding to the environment of a given planet.


The story of the Salva vimana contains a series of features that will allow us to take several steps towards penetrating the mystery of the UFO phenomenon. I have already mentioned the ability of the vimana to become invisible. It is interesting to see how Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, acting as an intelligent fighter during the defense of Dwaraka, repelled the attack of this invisible object. Here Krishna says to King Yudhisthira:

"I took my shining bow, O best of the Bharatas, and cut off the heads of the enemies (demons) on Shaubha with My arrows. I shot well-camouflaged arrows, which looked like poisonous snakes, burning and flying high from My Sharnga (Krishna's ship) at King Salva Then Shaubha became invisible, O source of wealth for the Kuru race, hiding himself through mystic power, and I was surprised at this, O king, the Danava bands with grimaces on their faces and tousled hair on their heads, screaming loudly. I quickly released an arrow that killed thanks to the power of the mantra that I uttered. The piercing screams quickly died down. All the enemies who were screaming lay dead, killed by the sun-like sparkling arrows that flew towards the sound."

From this passage we can see that although Shalva was the king of men, there was a contingent of grotesque looking Danava soldiers on his vimana. Of course, this is significant since we know that Shalva received his ship from the Danava leader. There are many Vedic examples of such alliances between human sentient beings and humanoid races. Although it seems doubtful to modern historians that they ever existed, it is clear that the idea of ​​such alliances is not new to ancient India. And if they existed, then we can conclude that such alliances can still be concluded today.

This example also shows that the bows and arrows used to defend Dwarka were not made at a primitive or medieval level of technology. The bow was used as a launching device for many types of arrows. These arrows are often described as "blazing" and "sun-like", and in this example they were endowed with some guiding system which enabled them to find their target by sound. Of course, technological development has not been linear. So all these forms of technology higher than our own can contribute to the development of the technologies we have now.

The history of sound-homing arrows shows that when Salva's vimana became invisible, it was still physically present and the sounds produced by it could be heard. There are a series of examples of UFO sightings that have the same feature. One example is given in the story of Maurice Masse, which I summarize here.

Mass grew lavender flowers in a small village in the province of Provence, France. On the morning of July 1, 1965, at approximately 5:45 a.m., he was finishing his cigarette before starting work. Suddenly he heard a whistling sound and turned to see a UFO shaped like a rugby ball and about the size of a car. It stood on six support legs with a central rod stuck into the ground below it. Mass saw two boys standing near the object, but as he approached, he discovered that they were not boys. At a distance of about 5 meters, one of the living creatures pointed a pen-shaped device at him, and he was paralyzed.

After some time, the humanoids returned to their vehicle, and Mass could see them looking at him from inside the ship. At this time, the UFO retracted its supports, and, accompanied by a dull thud coming from the central support, the car silently flew away. After twenty meters of flight, the UFO dematerialized, but it left a trail in the lavender field for another four hundred meters. As it turned out later, lavender did not grow in the place where the ship landed.

We can see from this description that the UFO must have been physically present after disappearing from view at a distance of 20 meters. At least this is a natural conclusion from the fact that the lavender crop was disturbed by the flight of the device at a distance of about 400 meters. Thus his disappearance appears to be similar to the actions of the Salva vimana.

In both cases, manipulation of light or the sense of vision was used to camouflage the airship, which still gave away its presence through air vibrations or sound.

The ability to become invisible did not apply only to Salva's vimana. Shalva was also capable of personally becoming invisible and moving in this state to another place. He could also project illusory forms in space:

"...Lord Krishna, in great anger, began to hit Shalva on the collarbone with his mace. He did this so often that Shalva began to bleed internally and shake as if he had collapsed from the cruel blows. Before Krishna was ready hit him again, Shalva became invisible thanks to his mystical power.

Within a few moments, the mysterious man appeared before Lord Krishna. Weeping loudly, he fell at the lotus feet of the Lord and said to Him: “Because You are the most beloved son of Your father Vasudeva, Your mother Devaki has sent me to tell You the sad news that Salva has arrested Your father and taken him to an unknown destination by force, just like a butcher mercilessly takes away an animal prepared for slaughter."

When Lord Krishna heard this bad news from this stranger, He at first became very worried, just like an ordinary living being... While Sri Krishna was thinking in this way, Salva appeared before Him, holding next to Him a man whose appearance resembled His father. These were all creations of the mystical power of Shalva.

Salva turned to Krishna: “You are a fraudster, Krishna! Look. This is Your father, who gave birth to You and thanks to whose mercy You are still living. Now you will see how I will kill Your father. If You have even a little strength, try to save his."

Salva, through his mystic tricks, spoke thus before Lord Krishna, immediately cutting off the head of the fake Vasudeva. Then, without hesitation, he took the dead body and entered his ship."

Undoubtedly, after this Krishna realized that this dead body was not actually the body of Vasudeva. It was just an illusion created by Salva, who learned it from Maya Danava. There are cases where humanoids have made people see mirages, such as beautiful animals in the forest, usually to manipulate their behavior. There is an example of this in Vedic and UFO literature.

UFO reports also contain cases in which living beings suddenly disappeared and reappeared in another location. One case given below occurred in France on September 30, 1954 in Nouatra. At about 4:30 p.m., Georges Gathey, a construction foreman, encountered a strange-looking living creature standing in front of a luminous dome that hovered 1 meter above the ground. Of interest is how this strange ghost dematerialized:

“Suddenly this unusual man disappeared, and I could not explain how, because he did not simply go inside the ship, but disappeared from my field of vision like a suddenly erased image.

Then I heard a strong whistling sound that drowned out the noise of our excavator; The plate rose vertically with a sharp jerk, then it disappeared in the same way and an unusual blue gas remained in its place. It was like a miracle!"

Mr. Gathey, a practical man and a war veteran, maintained that he was making up nothing in his story, and his observations were confirmed by several builders.

Another story of a UFO disappearance is told by Constable Charles Delk, an officer in the Forestry District of Mississippi. On October 7, 1973, at 8:45 p.m., Delk was watching television when a sheriff's dispatcher called him to look at a nearby UFO. Delk skeptically rejected the attempt to waste his time and returned to the TV, but when he was called again, he agreed to look at the object. When he arrived at the sighting site, the UFO had already flown away.

However, on the way home, Delk saw a brightly luminous object slowly flying across the sky, spinning like a top and releasing sheaves of light. While radio communication with the dispatcher was possible, Delk described the object hovering over the high-voltage wires, making hissing sounds and emitting beams of light directed at the power line. Delk followed the craft for several miles. It became very hot, his car stopped and all the electrical appliances in it turned off. The object was removed, and after 15 minutes the car and radio started working. Delk caught up with the object again and saw it slowly turning upside down. In this position the object disappeared. Delk spoke like a pragmatist, a statutory officer with a solid reputation. There was no point in making up various implausible stories for him.

To summarize, the story of the Salva Vimana includes a description of a flying machine with features similar to UFO sightings. It also describes creatures that have exhibited unusual abilities and behavior typical of reports of encounters with flying saucers.


The sacred texts of the Puranas speak of 400,000 races of intelligent living beings living on the various planets of this universe and 8,000,000 other forms of life, including plants and animals. Of the 400,000 sentient beings, humans are considered the least powerful. This, of course, relates to examples of UFO sightings. In what follows I will use the word “humanoid” to refer to UFO beings as well as the Vedic intelligent races. UFO examples often describe humanoids looking strange and repulsive, but some are described as beautiful (from an earthly perspective). The living beings found in the Vedas are also very diverse. Some of them, such as Gandharvas or Siddhas, are described as ugly, scary or formless. One group is called "Kumpurushasy". Here "Kim" means "is there?" , and "purusas" means "intelligent". Many humanoid races have mystical powers, siddhis, which is quite natural for them. Earth people can also potentially develop these mystical abilities, and some have a better chance than others. Below I provide a list of the most commonly encountered siddhis. Since they seem directly related to some of the nlonauts' abilities, I will go into more detail about them later.

1. Mental communication (telepety) and mind reading. This ability was natural among intelligent beings in Vedic times, but normal communication through sound was also used.

2.The ability to see and hear over a long distance.

3.Laghima-siddhi (Laghima-siddhi): levitation or anti-gravity. It is also the power of creating enormous (monstrous) gravity.

4.Anima and Mahima siddhis (Anima and Mahima siddhis): the ability to change the size of objects or living bodies without destroying their structure.

5. Prapti-siddhi (Prapti-siddhi): the power of transferring objects from one place to another without moving in external space. This power is associated with the ability to travel in parallel, higher dimensions and realms.

6.The ability to move objects directly through the ether without the hindrance of crossing physical obstacles. This type of travel is called Vihayasa. These are also movements called Mano-java, in which the body is directly moved to a distant point by the activity of the mind.

7.Vasita-siddhi (Vasita-siddhi): the power of hypnotic control over long distances. Vedic examples show that this ability can be used to control thought at a distance.

8.Atardhana (Antardhana): the ability to become invisible.

9.The ability to take on various forms or generate illusory bodily projections in space.

10. The power of entering the bodies of other living beings and controlling them. This is done with the help of the subtle body.

Many different Vedic humanoid races are described as living in parallel, higher dimensions and spheres within the Earth, on its surface and in the immediate vicinity. One striking feature is that different races of intelligent beings (such as Siddhas, Charanas, Uragas, Guhyakas and Vidyadharas) are often described as living and working together with each other, even though they differ in behavior and body structure.

These living beings usually possessed various siddhis.

Subsequently, many of these humanoids could be found on earth as aliens or settlers. Indeed, large areas of the Earth's surface were sometimes controlled and inhabited by diverse species of intelligent living beings. This forms the basis of the plot ancient work"Ramayana", which narrates how Lord Ramachandra (an incarnation of Lord Krishna) liberated His eternal virgin consort Sita from the kingdom of Lanka (the ancient name of modern Sri Lanka), where She was abducted by Rakshasa (a type of demonic being) Ravana, who had several dozen heads Rakshasas are considered one of the 400,000 species of intelligent races, and at that time they ruled Lanka.

In Vedic times, intelligent living beings had a long life span. This was thousands of years ago. For example, more than 5,000 years ago, people lived on average 1,000 years. And several hundred thousand years earlier, the life expectancy of a person is described in the Srimad Bhagavatam and Bhagavad Gita as 10,000 years. Also in the Vedic texts it is said that the Devas (demigods), who are the administrators of this universe, live according to many hundreds of millions of years according to earthly time. Temporal and spatial factors are different at each planetary level. On some higher planets, such as Brahmaloka, where the demigod Brahma lives - the creator of this material universe and all forms of life inhabiting it - one moment is equal to a year on Earth. Brahma lives for one hundred such “years” and then dies. These one hundred “years” in earthly terms correspond to 311 trillion and 40 billion earth years. Based on such calculations, Brahma's life seems fantastically long, unlimited, but from the point of view of eternity it lasts no longer than a flash of lightning.

The population of India still reports encounters with humanoids of the classical Vedic type. Two examples of this are the Mayapur UFO sighting case and the Jaladevata case.


In the Indian tradition, Jaladevata is a being who gives protection to people whose lives are in danger. His body consists of water like a lake or river water, limited by a tension zone. The following is the story of an encounter with Jaladevata that took place recently in Mayapur, near the holy city of Navadvipa in West Bengal (three hours' drive north of Calcutta).

The incident occurred at the end of June 1992. Mayapur is an area of ​​small villages and temples surrounded by miles of rice fields. It lies on a piece of land between the Ganga and Jalanji rivers.

The story was narrated by the wife of a man named Kannan, who was in Mayapur at that time. He translated his wife’s story from her native language:

“Some kids from a gurukula (theological school in India. Approx. Transl.) went swimming in the Ganges, and a five-year-old boy named Bhagavat went with them. He didn’t know how to swim, but since everyone went to the river, he went too. One boy put him on the bike and the parents were far behind. When they reached the river, everyone started jumping into the Ganga, and this child also jumped, thinking: “This is what I intended to do.” The parents reached the river bank 5-6 minutes later. The boys asked: “Where is Bhagavat?” And all the boys began to look at each other, saying: “Oh, where is he?” Then Dvaipayana, one of the children, pointed to the water. Bhagavat is there!" But all that could be seen were only his fingers sticking out above the surface of the water. The current was very stormy, but they still saw him. The boy's hands were raised up, only his fingers could be seen, but The surprising thing was that he stood still. He did not move. The current was very fast, but he did not move. Then, due to the fact that his mother began to wail very much, Dwaipayana jumped into the river and swam skillfully. There was a large current on this side of the river, but a short distance away there was a sandy bank where children who knew how to swim could play. The boy's hands stuck out above the water in a place where there was a strong current. So Dwaipayana jumped and, swimming there, took him away. And Bhagavat did not suffocate. He looked like a normal healthy person. When his mother asked him what happened to him, the boy told how the current carried him away and he began to drown. Then he saw a woman who lifted him up in the water. She held him. She had a crown, earrings, she was dressed very nicely and looked great, and she was holding it. For some time he felt that the current was carrying him away, but after that he was held in her arms in the water. This is what he said. The boy repeated to his mother: “This woman was so beautiful!” And he asked if it was Mother Ganga?


This story is told by one teacher of a gurukula located on the premises of a very ancient Vaishnava temple in Mayapur. His name is Woodd Hoppkins.

"It happened during Operation Desert Storm because at that time I listened to the BBC news on the radio every day. We watched any movement of Saddam Hussein very carefully. My students sat comfortably on mats lying in front of the house on the grass. It was a warm summer evening. The stars were already shining, and we, illuminated by the light from the house, listened to the radio. That day, apparently, the news about the battle was not ready at the appointed time, and all sorts of nonsense was said on the radio. it's as if Charlie Chaplin was teaching a class on ballroom dancing, and the children enjoyed it. They joked, being in high spirits. It was about 8 pm. In addition to the domed temple building, on the territory of the temple there were 4 more one-story buildings belonging to the theological school. We settled down between two houses, under the walls of one of them. I looked up and suddenly saw a bright blue light over another house. The light started from the region of the stars Dhruva and Pole in the sky and moved very quickly from there. Now that it was visible above the territory of the temple building, it began to move very slowly. The light left behind a trail that was thin at the beginning and became wide towards the end. Definitely, as I later saw, there was an object in front of the light. It didn't look like a star and was flying quite low. I was watching him all the time and one of the boys asked, “What is this, prabhu?” (Prabhu is a respectful address to an elder in Vaishnava temples. Note per.). Another boy exclaimed: “What is this!? What is this?” We stood up and continued to look at the UFO. There were six of us: five guys and me. My wife was cooking in the kitchen, but, attracted by our screams, she ran out onto the veranda and exclaimed: “Oh! What is this?” The object was at a height of approximately one and a half palm trees above the roof of one of the one-story houses. The distance from the ground was less than the height of the domed temple building that stood nearby (five storeys). Due to the presence of the UFO, it became very light. The object rotated around its axis. Flying over the temple grounds, he slowed down and flew very slowly. The UFO headed towards the Jalanja River and was already over the cowshed when it suddenly picked up speed and flew away. It was like someone stopping to look at something. All this was very interesting, and the guys began to ask about it. I said, “You know that Mayapura is respected throughout the entire universe, and someone must have come to visit her.” But if the UFO looked so small on low altitude, which means it was actually that size. What could it be? The boys asked a wide variety of questions. In any case, in my understanding, it was a vimana. From the Vedas I knew that some vimanas can become large and small, depending on the required conditions. This is clearly seen from the example of how Hanuman transformed the Pushpaka vimana in Sri Lanka. At the beginning, the ship was a two-seater, then it became larger, and in the end, when Lord Rama flew on it after defeating the demon Ravana, it turned into a real city in the air. He took with him an entire army of Vanaravas (intelligent monkeys who fought on the side of Lord Rama) to Ayodhya for his coronation. We saw “our” ship as small, but in reality, I’m sure, it was larger than all our four houses. The UFO nauts probably made it this way when they crossed this holy and revered territory of Mayapur. I especially remember that the UFO was flying lower than the height of the temple. It was very close and had to be taken into account. In Mayapur, birds fly much higher. It was an extraordinary phenomenon, and we had no choice but to watch. When I told this incident to an elderly gentleman named Muslim, an old farmer whose land is located just behind the temple, he said that there are a lot of similar things happening in the sky of Mayapura. Things come, things go. People come, people go - so many unusual phenomena happens because this is the place of Mahaprabhu (place of appearance of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, 500 years ago. Approx.). The tone in which he spoke was: “It is not at all wonderful that such things are happening in the skies over Mayapur.”

This story is a typical UFO sighting report of the type that glows at night. It could have been a fireball, but this assumption is refuted by the fact that the report spoke of a sharp change in the speed of the object from high to low and back. The incident also shows how the native Indian naturally identified the object as a vimana. Interestingly, the eyewitness used an example from the sacred text "Ramayana" to prove that the UFO could grow and shrink in size. He used it to explain how anyone could travel in something so small in volume.

Dimensional changes were not directly observed in this example, but such cases occur in other reports. For example, Betty Andreasson said that she saw a UFO that was reduced in size by half or more, despite the fact that it contained two abducted people and several Ulonauts. In another example, Kilburn says he was taken into a UFO that appeared much larger on the inside than on the outside.


One of the features of many stories about UFO abductions

The conclusion is that the kidnapped person was, in one way or another,

Paralyzed by his captors. This seems to include

A hypnotic power that victims often associate with the eyes of their strange visitors. A classic example of this is the incident that occurred with Barney Hill, who reported that he felt a suppression of will under the gaze of a foreign creature, who was looking at him at that time through the porthole of a hovering UFO, which he was examining through binoculars.

The power that causes instant paralysis with one glance is described in one of the stories of the Mahabharata, an ancient Vedic work. Omitting details, we can say that the plot begins with the fact that the king of heaven, Indra, was taken to the top of the Royal Mountain in the Himalayas by the goddess Ganga.

Indra, following her along the indicated road, saw at the top of the Royal Mountain a beautiful and gentle boy sitting on a throne, surrounded by young feminine companions and playing dice. Indra, the king of the demigods, told him: “Know that this universe is mine, the whole world is under my control. I am the ruler.” Indra said this in anger, seeing that the boy was completely distracted by the game of dice.

The boy, who was also a demigod, simply smiled and looked at Indra. As soon as the boy looked at him, the king of the demigods was paralyzed and dumbfounded.

When the boy finished the game, he said to the water goddess: “Bring me his clothes, then we will see that pride will no longer take possession of him.”

The boy, who turned out to be Lord Shiva, punished Indra to cure him of false pride. In this story, all the characters were Devas (demigods). Be that as it may, the mystic power of controlling the mind at a distance, called vasita-siddhi, has been possessed by many intelligent races of living beings, and which can be mastered by the modern yogi. This force can be described as follows:

Thanks to this art, those who have mastered it can take anyone under their control. This type of hypnosis is almost irresistible. Sometimes it happens that a yogi, who has mastered this vasita-siddhi a little, appears among people and starts talking all sorts of nonsense, controlling their minds, takes their money and disappears.

There is some evidence that even “ordinary” hypnosis can

Act at a distance. This may have important implications regarding the attainment of vasita-siddhhi by ordinary people, which may also shed light on the nature of mind control and forced paralysis in the UFO examples.

Below is one case of hypnotic suggestion over a long distance, presented by psychic researcher F.H.W. Meers at the end of the 19th century. The story begins at 9 o'clock in the evening on April 22, 1886. Four explorers: Ochorowitz, Merillier, Janet and Meers crept quietly through the deserted streets of Le Havre, France, and took up their positions outside Madame B's cottage. They waited expectantly. At 9:25, Ochorowitz recorded the following: “I saw a shadow appear near the garden gate: it was she. I hid around the corner so that I could hear without fear of being seen.”

At first, the woman paused at the gate and returned to the garden. Then at 9:30 she hurriedly went out into the street and walked towards Dr.'s house. Giberta. Four observers tried to sneak behind her as quietly as possible, and they clearly saw that she was in a hypnotic trance. Eventually she reached Dr.'s house. Giberta entered and began to quickly walk from room to room in an excited state until she found him.

This was the intended outcome of the long-distance hypnotic experiment. Madame B. was a person who was easily hypnotizable, and she was the subject of many experiments carried out by Dr. Gibert, the outstanding doctor Lee Havra. F. Meers from the London Society for Psychical Research, doctor Dr. was involved in this experiment. A.T. Meers, Professor of the Lvov University Ochorovits and M. Merillier from the French Psychological Society.

In this case, the plan was that Dr. Guibert had to stay in his office and try to mentally order Madame B. to leave her cottage and come see him. The cottage was located about a kilometer from his house, and neither Madame B. nor other people were warned in advance about the upcoming experiment. Gibert began sending mental commands to call her at 8:55 pm, and within half an hour she began her journey to his house. According to F. Meers, out of 25 such experiments, 19 were completely successful.

Experiments similar to those organized by others. Gibert and his colleagues may seem unrealistic. They were very loosely organized and did not keep any of the precise laboratory records that we usually identify with accepted scientific work. However, many carefully designed experiments to determine the effects of remote hypnosis have been conducted in laboratory settings.

For example, Leningrad University professor Leonid Vasiliev conducted many experiments in the 20s of this century. In one series of experiments, the subject F±dorova had to regularly appear in Vasilyev's laboratory at about 8 o'clock in the evening. After a 20-minute rest and interview, she had to lie down on a bed in a darkened room. She was told to regularly squeeze a rubber bulb connected to an air hose while she was awake and to stop squeezing when she began to fall asleep. The air hose was connected to a device in the next room, which recorded the moments of falling asleep and waking up.

According to the conditions of the experiments, F±dorova had to be in my room and not have any additional contacts with the experimenters. When she entered, the experimenter, who was constantly talking to her, had to send a signal to another, who was in touch and located two rooms away from him. Then he had to enter the lead bunker and open the instruction letter, which was not read by the subject and both experimenters. The instructions contained three tasks that had to be performed sequentially: (1) stay in the bunker and mentally order the object to go to sleep, (2) send the same commands when leaving the bunker, (3) stand there and not give any commands.

In 29 cases, the average time to fall asleep when there were no commands was 7 minutes. 24 sec. And vice versa, the average time when commands were issued from the room bunker was 4 minutes. 43 sec. And directly from behind the wall - 4 minutes. 13 sec.

Thus, it appears that the subject fell asleep more quickly when the experimenter, located two rooms away, sent a mental order than when no orders were given. Vasiliev carried out many other carefully organized similar experiments and reported similar results.

This even includes one successful experiment in sending mental commands to fall asleep and wake up from Sevastopol to Leningrad, a distance of 1700 km. The purpose of the bunker was to find out whether the effects would be transmitted over a distance by radio waves that would be blocked by the lead coating. Vasiliev concluded, based on many experiments, that radio waves did not play any role, since the sender received the same results both inside and outside the chamber.

This research work is relevant to the topic of UFO abductions of living beings, as the witness or witnesses reported that they were mentally called to the place where the UFO contacts subsequently took place. Experience with Madame B., who was mentally directed to Dr.'s house. Gibert, is a very amazing phenomenon created by human hands. Empirical evidence regarding long-distance hypnosis and Vedic information about vasita-siddhi suggests that this type of mental control may be a natural ability of the minds of living beings and has been used as a means of communication between intelligent human races.

Who are the Aryans? This question excites modern minds. However, history buffs can still somehow understand it. It became relevant under the rule of Adolf Hitler in Nazi Germany. The German "pure race" theory - a consequence of the mistake of researcher Max Müller - still haunts some people. Some people have an extremely negative attitude towards it, especially in our country, while others are trying to find a rational grain. However, now another question is relevant: “Who are the Slavic-Aryans?” He greatly surprises professional historians, sociologists and political scientists. Let's try to figure out where this term came from and who the arias are.

The concept of "Slavs"

We will try to reason objectively, one might say, with scientific point point of view, how legitimate is it to say so. The Slavs are an ethnic group, not a people. The difference is that by ethnicity we mean a set of peoples who have common historical roots. At the beginning of the 1st millennium AD, the Ushe Slavs were divided into three branches: western (modern Kashubians, Lusatians, Czechs, Slovaks, etc.), southern (modern Serbs, Croats, Macedonians, etc.), eastern (modern Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians). Of course, many historians had different names: Antes, Sklavins, etc. There is no reliable information in history about a single Pros-Slavic people. Only linguists talk about it based on an analysis of linguistic similarities and differences. It is by them that the approximate separation of one group of Slavs from another, the influence of other cultures, localities, etc. is determined. There is not a single real scientist who would use the term “Slavic-Aryans” in his work. Where does this myth come from? Let's try to figure it out.

Myths and reality

Two unrelated concepts - “Slavs” and “Aryans” - were united by a certain Alexander Khinevich. His followers brought the idea to the masses. Despite the fact that Slavs and Aryans are the same incompatible concepts as, for example, “yellow is cold,” many people liked the idea. In our country, “family faith,” i.e., belief in ancestors, is gaining popularity. Calendars, holidays, time zones, phraseological units, etc. are being rewritten to suit the fashion trend. There is an explanation for this: communism, with its rejection of Christianity, gave birth to several unspiritual generations who refused to accept Christianity during its revival. And the “Slavic-Aryans” came in handy. In addition, a new religion, neo-paganism, has become a “true”, alternative. In fact, it turned into a protest social system. And this has attracted young romantics at all times. Let's add here the rejection of morality and rituals - and we get an ideal religion. The main postulate - “we are believers, but nothing is required of us” - made the idea of ​​neo-paganism attractive. Against this background, it does not seem difficult to instill the idea of ​​not just “tribalism,” but Slavic-Aryanism.

Who are the Aryans

The study of this concept began in the 19th century. At this time, distorted translations of Indian shastras began to reach Europe. Serious work on this issue belongs to Arthur Avalon, who first began to explore this topic. The author's massive popularity led to the growth of less talented imitators, who began to replicate the “sensations” in their works.

It is a mistake to believe that the Aryans are a single race, nation. The Indian shastras actually mention a certain unified ancestral people, who are supposedly the ancestors of all former people. This idea was developed by the Frenchman Arthur de Gobineau, who created the racial theory. He called the Aryans a single people from which all the others descended. The idea gained not just popularity, but large-scale development under the rule of Adolf Hitler. He modified the statement of the superiority of the Germans over all others, and included the Germans among the direct “pure” descendants, in contrast to others - “dirty, half-blooded”.

In fact, there was no such thing as a single people. Then where do myths come from? Who are the Aryans? They weren't invented artificially.

In the oldest set of Indian laws - "Manavadharmashastra", the term "arya" is translated as "noble". This was the name given to representatives of the higher castes - brahmins, kshatriyas, vaishyas. That is, these are the three highest castes of the ancestral people, in modern language - “the cream of society.” In addition to the Aryans, these people also had two other castes - the Shudras and the Chandals.

Arius - friend or foe?

Despite this, the admissibility of the existence of a single Proto-Indo-European people is not canceled. Many are European and close to each other. All of them belong to the Indo-European group. Therefore, we can assume that there was still a single people. Historians believe that this concept should be considered a group of tribes of Ancient Iran. Literally, “Aryan” is translated as “friend.” And at the same time as an “enemy”. Having opposite meanings for the same word is a common practice in ancient languages. That is, it could be either a friend or an enemy. Perhaps it was a person from a foreign tribe. That is, an Aryan is a foreigner who comes from another tribal community. He can really be a friend and then become an enemy. The hypothesis is confirmed by the presence of the god Aryaman in the Vedic pantheon. He is precisely responsible for friendship and hospitality.

Is Ukraine the homeland of the Aryans?

Most researchers today are inclined to believe that the Aryans lived on the territory of Ancient Iran. There is no need to link it to the modern Shia state in the Middle East. Its territory is relatively small. Ancient Iran consists of vast territories of the Iranian plateau, Central Asia, Kazakhstan, the north of the Caucasus and the Black Sea. That is why there is an opinion among Ukrainian historians that the Proto-Europeans lived precisely on the territory of modern Ukraine more than 5 thousand years ago.

The hypothesis of a single ancestral people

There is a hypothesis that a single ancestral people (Indo-Europeans, Aryans) was divided into two branches: Iranian and Indo-Aryan. The term “Iran” itself means “land of the Aryans”. In support of this, scientists have proven the similarity of the Iranian Avesta. According to the theory, a group, perhaps one of the tribes, separated from a single Iran, and around 1700-1300. BC e. went to India, where she remained forever. If this is indeed the case, then the theory about the origin of Proto-Europeans from the territory of Ukraine has a right to exist.

Linguistic theory

Linguists also support the territory of origin of the Aryans from Eastern and Central Europe, since here a single language branches into many dialects, which is logical given its natural development in one territory. In India there is only one Indo-European branch, which speaks more of migration rather than origin and development. In addition, here the aliens encountered a group speaking local languages, which subsequently affected the development of the language as a whole.

Kurgan hypothesis

Archaeologists are also inclined to believe that the Aryans originally lived in the Black Sea region. Artifacts of the famous Yam culture are presented as evidence. It is believed that the first chariots were invented here, which made it possible to quickly capture huge areas. Such theories, unfortunately, give rise to pseudoscientific fabrications based on scientific facts. Like, the direct descendants of the Aryans are Russians, Germans, Ukrainians or anyone else. Against this background, various Slavic-Aryans appear. It is possible that the common ancestors originated from the territory of the Black Sea region, but later settled and divided over time into many other peoples, and subsequently their descendants returned to these lands. Followers of the exclusivity and “purity” of one nation in comparison with others manipulate these facts, tying the ancient single root to only one leaf, and not to the whole tree.

Aryan cultural heritage

The Aryans left behind many written monuments. These are the Vedas, Avesta, Mahabharata, Ramayana. From a nomadic people they turned into settled farmers. They bred cows and horses. They were familiar with irrigation and knew how to forge copper and gold products. The main weapon was a bow and arrow. They did not have a clearly defined caste system, as in India. However, the top of the hierarchy - the priests and aristocrats - enjoyed enormous influence.


To sum up, we can say that there may never have been a single Aryan race. Most likely, thanks to a certain group of tribes, perhaps not even closely related, they spread their influence over vast territories. Hence the emergence of a single Indo-European language peoples who have never been close historically.

However, there is no clear answer to the question of who the Aryans are. Every day we are moving away from it, and scientific theories are being replaced by pseudoscientific statements. It is quite possible that the Aryans are a people who spread their influence. But it is possible that this is a group of unrelated, but culturally similar tribes settled across to different parties from a single center.

Why was Hitler wrong?

In the 30s of the last century, it was not possible to reliably determine the origin of a particular people.

Hitler relied on history and myths about the Nordic race. He considered the Germans to be the descendants of the Aryans as a Nordic race. From the history known at that time, the Aryans were the progenitors of European and Indo-Iranian civilization. A comparative study of the Sanskrit language with other European languages ​​- Latin, Greek, Slavic and Celtic - led scientists to the idea that most European languages ​​​​come from one, common, primitive language - Aryan. Even the German writer and linguist Friedrich Schlegel at the end of the 18th century called the speakers of this language Indo-Germans.

In 1883, English psychologist Francis Galton formulated the basic principles of eugenics. He proposed studying phenomena that could improve the hereditary qualities of future generations. Galton was a racist and considered Africans inferior. Here is one of his statements: The weak nations of the world must inevitably give way to the nobler varieties of humanity... In 1904, Galton defined eugenics as “the science concerned with all factors that improve the innate qualities of the race.”

In 1928, the first eugenics law was passed in Europe in Switzerland. Denmark followed in 1929. Germany, Sweden and Norway passed similar laws in 1934. Finland and Danzig - in 1935, and Estonia - in 1936. In 1932, the International Congress on Eugenics, that is, the science of improving the human race, was held in New York. The first castration carried out under the eugenic law was carried out in Denmark in 1925. Hitler came to power when eugenics laws already officially existed in Germany judicial practice. In the future in Nazi Germany sterilization was used in relation to “inferior persons”: mental patients, homosexuals, gypsies, Jews. Then, as we know, sterilization was replaced by physical destruction.

Nazi eugenics programs, which were carried out as part of preventing the degeneration of the German people, as representatives of " Aryan race": Euthanasia T4 (extermination of the mentally ill), extermination of homosexuals, Lebensborn (conception of children from SS employees), Final Solution to the Jewish Question, Ost Plan.
All this was based on the idea of ​​​​the purity of the Aryan race. So who are the Aryans?

Genetic genealogy

At the beginning of the 21st century, scientists answered this question. With the development of genetic genealogy using DNA tests. Each person carries a kind of biological passport - this is our DNA. Genetic genealogy methods allow you to gain access to that part of DNA that is passed unchanged from father to son through the direct male line - the Y chromosome. Now the results of DNA tests, genetic genealogy, are accepted as factual material in judicial practice and indisputably indicate the degree of relationship of the test takers. As a result of the fusion of an egg and a sperm, the child receives genes that will be a mixture of the genes of the father and mother. But the Y chromosome is passed on only from the father, so the number of repeats in the son's markers will be the same as in his father. The Y chromosome is passed down through generations from father to son without changes through centuries and millennia. The Y chromosome can only change as a result of mutation, which occurs quite rarely after 500 generations, i.e. once every 10,000 years. This makes it possible to reliably determine when the common ancestor of two tested male individuals occurred. After checking and combining the results of Y chromosome markers from a single human genome, the haplotype is determined. Which can be represented as a sequence of the number of each token. By comparing haplotypes from different human genomes, it is possible to trace the entire path of a given person's ancestors over hundreds of thousands of years. Now the results of genetic genealogy provide results much greater than those of all archeology and anthropology combined.

Which haplogroup is Aryan? To do this, we need to compare the modern halos of the distribution of haplogroups with the history of the spread of the Aryans and the Aryan language. What is known about the Aryans?


The Aryans spoke and wrote Sanskrit. Sanskrit was the progenitor of the groups of Indian, Iranian, Persian, Eraco-Illyrian, Greek, Italic, including Latin languages. It was the language of the Celts and Slavs.

The progenitor of the Baltic and German language groups. The ancient Aryans created three highly developed and unique civilizations - Persian, Indo-Gangetic and Turano-Scythian, and had a significant influence on the cultures of the Front and South-East Asia, Caucasus, China, Turkic, Mongolian, Slavic and Finno-Ugric peoples. Their contribution to the treasury of spiritual values ​​of humanity is of extraordinary weight. The Indo-Iranian Aryans burst into world history at the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC. - in an era when the great civilizations of Egypt, Mesopotamia, Harappa (Indus Valley) and the islands of the Eastern Mediterranean (Creto-Mycenaean world) were experiencing a deep internal crisis. Tribes of Aryan origin contributed to the renewal of ancient societies and gave a powerful impetus to the world cultural and historical process. For two millennia - up to the 3rd–4th centuries AD. - they were the main characters in world history.

What was ancient Aryan society like? The study of various sources suggests that long before the start of large-scale migrations, the Indo-Iranians were pastoral tribes. The cornerstone of their social life was great patriarchal family, typical for the pastoral peoples of Eurasia. The basis of the economy was the breeding of cattle and horses. The number of cows and bulls was the main measure material well-being and wealth, the cow was considered the best sacrifice that the gods could wish for. The foundation of the military power of the Aryans was military cavalry and magnificent chariots. A thoroughbred horse was worth a whole herd of ordinary ones. All other animals were inferior in their own way

importance of cows and horses, and in addition to them, the Indo-Iranians bred goats, sheep, and two-humped camels. Pig breeding was almost unknown to them; it was considered a lowly activity; pigs were not sacrificed to the gods. The Aryans were also engaged in agriculture, but it was a secondary occupation for them.

The Indo-Iranian tribes were semi-sedentary; every few years they moved their villages to a new place, which were, as a rule, not far from their previous camp. The Aryans did not know the potter's wheel; they sculpted ceramics “by hand” and fired it not in a forge, but in special pits or on a fire. Their ritual utensils were wooden.

The Indo-Iranians lived in large houses sunk into the ground, they also used dwellings on wheels - like vans or tents; they knew many metals and alloys - copper, gold, silver, bronze, and made weapons and utensils from them. The Aryans were good at the art of woodworking; it was they who perfected the technique of building chariots.

The Aryans were warlike people, and war booty - livestock, pastures, captives - was one of the most important sources of their well-being. Wars were fought almost constantly.

The Aryans were experienced collectors of wild honey, which was an essential element of their diet. The main food for them was fresh cow's milk and products obtained from it: sour milk and butter, as well as cereal dishes like porridge and boiled meat. For various rituals and religious celebrations, the Indo-Iranians made “sauma” - a drink that led to a state of sacred ecstasy. On secular holidays, public and family, the intoxicating “sura” was used. These holidays opened with equestrian competitions, followed by a collective feast.

The Aryans wore leather pants, boots and jackets, as well as a bashlyk - clothing that later became traditional for the masses of Eurasian nomads.

The Aryans either cremated their dead, or buried them under mounds, or (much less often) left them to the elements and carrion eaters in the territory of burial grounds set aside for this purpose.

Various branches of the Aryans created great monuments of ancient religious thought, the Indo-Aryans - the Vedas, the southern Iranians - the Avesta. Judging by these monuments, they worshiped a host of gods, believing, at the same time, that behind all the diversity of life phenomena lies a single and eternal Basic Principle, the spiritual and creative principle that created this world, God the Absolute. Each of their many gods embodied different aspects of this Absolute.

There were very few female deities in the Indo-Iranian pantheon, and a harsh patriarchy reigned in it. The Aryan gods were shepherd gods. Most of them frequent epithets- “lord of vast pastures”, “sending beautiful horse wealth”, etc. The gods were asked to irrigate pastures and give herds of horses and bulls. In the Indo-Iranian hymns, the gods were depicted riding on horse-drawn chariots; their most important function was to protect livestock from demons or their servants in the earthly world.

Sacrifice was the main element of the religious practice of the Aryans. Sacrifices were made not only to the gods, but also to the ancestors. In addition to animals, ghee, sauma and milk were donated to the gods. In honor of their ancestors, mounds with stone altars were built.

The cult of the horse was extremely developed among the Indo-Iranians, along with it there was probably a less widespread cult of the beaver.

An essential component of the Aryan religion was also the veneration of fire and the worship of the Sun. It is possible that the name “Arya” itself goes back to the ancient name

Sun - Svar, Svara.

Aryan expansion from 4000 to 1000 BC

Where are the descendants of the Aryans today?

Only one haplogroup R1a is suitable for such a distribution of languages ​​and historical sources of settlement of the Aryans.

Where, with a density scale from 0 to over 51% of the haplogroup:
R1a - Aryans
R1b - Celts (Europeans)
N3 - Finno-Ugrians
N2 - Mongols, Buryats, etc.

Admixtures at a density scale from 0 to over 26% of the haplogroup:

I1a - Scandinavians (Nordic race)
I1b - Serbs (Balkan race)
E3b - ?
J2 - Turks.

The second center of density of haplogroup R1a in India is the upper castes 45.35%, Brahmins 72.22%. These are the same ancestors of the Aryans who came to India 4300 years ago.

Genetic genealogy gives not only the distribution areas of haplogroups, but also the stages of distribution of the peoples of the owners of these haplogroups.

In total, there are more than a hundred haplogroups (with subvariants - 169), lettered from A to R. For example, A, B and E3a (Africa), C, E and K (Asia), I and R (Europe), J2 (Middle East ; Cohen modal group), Q3 (American Indians). We are interested in haplogroup R1a - Aryans. The ancestors of the Aryans descended from the same “Adam” who lived in northeast Africa and had the first common genetic marker M168. 50 thousand years ago, when approximately 10 thousand people lived on Earth, the direct ancient ancestor of non-Africans moved north and crossed the Red Sea to the Arabian Peninsula. He became the progenitor of all people now living outside of Africa, in addition to the Africans themselves.

In the Arabian Peninsula, just beyond the Red Sea, the first mutation changed its common marker to M89. This happened 45 thousand years ago. This marker is now present in 90-95% of all non-Africans. The ancestor of the Aryans went further to the northeast, where on the territory of modern Iraq the flow split - part of our family continued to go north, and, having passed Syria and Turkey, through the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles went to the Balkans, Greece, Europe, and the direct ancestor of the Aryans turned right, walked along the northern part of the Persian Gulf, crossed Iran and Afghanistan, leaving the Hindu Kush Range on the right, and ran into the Pamir Mountains, into the Pamir Knot, where the Hindu Kush, Tien Shan and Himalaya mountains converge. There was nowhere to go further straight to the east. By this time, the direct ancestor of the Aryans mutated again, and became the carrier of the M9 marker, the marker of the so-called Eurasian clan. This happened 40 thousand years ago. There were several tens of thousands of people on Earth at that time. Several thousand years later, the Eurasian ancestor of the Aryans experienced another mutation, M45. This happened in Central Asia, 35 thousand years ago. Behind it is the next mutation, M207, already in the south of Siberia, 30 thousand years ago, on the way to the north. After this, the flow divided again, and at the latitude of the future Moscow, the Aryans turned west, to Europe, soon undergoing the M173 mutation. The rest of the tribe went further north into the glaciers, eventually becoming the Eskimos, some crossed overland to Alaska and became American Indians. But they already had other genetic markers.

Approximately in the area of ​​the future Novgorod-Pskov, the flow divided again. Some continued their journey to the west and came to Europe, bringing marker M173 there, and the direct ancestor of the Aryans turned south and settled along the way to the Black and Caspian Seas, in the territory of present-day Ukraine and southern Russia, earning the last mutation M17, 10- along the way. 15 thousand years ago. M17 mutation preserved among the Slavs. In the steppes of Ukraine and Russia, the ancestors of the Aryans thousands of years ago left a mass of mounds, in which they later found a lot of gold and silver jewelry. Here the Aryans first domesticated the horse many thousands of years ago. They were the first to speak a language that laid the foundation for the Indo-European family of languages, including English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, several Indian languages ​​such as Bengali and Hindu, and many others. Now about 40% of men living in Europe, especially in the north of France and in England and Germany, and as far as Siberia, are descendants of this haplogroup R1a. Aryan haplogroups.

4,500 years ago, the Proto-Slavs-Aryans appeared on the Central Russian Upland, and not just any Proto-Slavs, but precisely those whose descendants live in our time. 3800 years ago they built the settlement of Arkaim and the “country of cities” in the Southern Urals. 3600 years ago the Arkaim left Arkaim and moved to India. Indeed, according to archaeologists, the settlement, which is now called Arkaim, lasted only 200 years.

What about the Germans themselves? Modern Germans are not only not Aryans, but for the most part they are not even historical Germans. In this sense, Swedes, Danes and Norwegians are more Germanic than the Germans themselves, and Austrian Germans can only conditionally be classified as a Germanic ethnic group.

As part of the modern German ethnos, groups I1a and I1c constitute a minority of about 30%, and the majority is the population with haplogroup R1b - 46% and represents the heirs of the historical Celts. In addition, a significant proportion of the modern German ethnic group, more than 8%, are descendants of Aryan-Slavs with haplogroup R1a.

Or did Hitler know?


For ethnonym * a/āri̯a- it is assumed to be raised to the Indo-European form * ar-i̯-o-, reflected, in all likelihood, also in other Irish. aire “noble”, “free”, etc. Scand. (runic) arjōstēR “most noble”. The latter words, however, were never used as an ethnonym, while in the languages ​​of the Indo-Iranian (Aryan) peoples, in addition to the meaning of “noble,” the word had a pronounced ethnic connotation, opposing Aryans(“our people”) to the surrounding foreign peoples - Old Indian. anā́rya-, Avest. anairya - “non-Aryan”, “barbarian”.

Various origins have been proposed * ar-i̯-o-, starting from the 19th century versions already abandoned in academic circles: from the verb “to move” (that is, “nomad”) or from the verb “to plow” (that is, “farmer”). In 1938, Paul Thieme put forward an etymology that was widely used in its time and critically rethought by E. Benveniste * ar-i̯-o- as "showing hospitality" towards * ari(Old Indian) ari"friend", "enemy", "stranger").

This hypothesis is confirmed by the presence of other Indian. aryá- (←*aria-) “lord”, “master of the house”, directly corresponding to the Iranian variants of the ethnonym (with a short A-). At the same time, the ancient Indian version with a long ā- (ā́rya-) can be interpreted as a vriddhi form from aryá-, that is, "a member of a householder-aryá union in which mutual hospitality is practiced." Correlating with this is such an important pan-Aryan deified concept as * ariaman-(Old Indian) aryaman-, Avest. airyaman-) - Aryaman, lit. "Aryan", deity of friendship, hospitality and wedding.

Ancient use

In ancient times, the term *a/āri̯a- ( Aryan/Arya) was the main supra-tribal ethnonym, which among the Indo-Iranian peoples designated a set of tribes with which they felt kinship and direct ethnic connection. The term was also widely used in the linguistic sense: Aryan language- the native language of the Indo-Iranians. Meanwhile, historical evidence of the existence of the ethnonym dates back to the time after the collapse of Indo-Iranian unity, which only worsened over the centuries. Therefore, Indo-Iranian ethnonymy is characterized on the one hand by exclusion from the scope of the ethnonym Arya surrounding peoples of the same Aryan origin, the family connection with which in a given community ceases to be recognized, and on the other hand, the gradual oblivion of this ethnonym and its displacement by more local self-identifications.

In India

In the Vedas

In the Iranian world

In ancient Iranian era
During the Middle Iranian era

The idea of ​​the Aryans as an ethnic community survived the Parthian period (Arsacid dynasty), as can be seen from the Parthian versions of the Sassanid inscriptions, where the king is called šāhān šāh aryān “king of the kings of the Aryans (MLKYN MLKʾ ʾryʾn)”, although there is no information that the Arsacids themselves called themselves that .

At the same time, the Sassanids bring forward the political meaning of the ethnonym and for the first time formulate the idea of ​​​​the “Iranian Empire” - parf. aryānšahr (ʾryʾnḥštr), middle Pers. ērānšahr (ʾylʾnštr)< др. иран. *aryānām xšaθra- «Царство ариев», именуя себя «царь Эрана и Анерана» (ариев и неариев) - ср.перс. šāhān-šāh Ērān ud Anērān (MLKʾn MLKʾ ʾyrʾn W ʾnyrʾn), др.-греч. βασιλεύς βασιλέων ἀριανων . Term Eran(a set of Aryans, Aryan lands) is widely used in the new title of officialdom, in toponyms, in religious and political propaganda.

In this era, at the other end of the Iranian-speaking world, in the southern Russian and North Caucasian steppes, another Iranian people called themselves “Aryans” - the Alans (*alān< др.иран. *aryāna-). Подобно тому, как сасанидские иранцы не считали «ариями» незороастрийские Iranian peoples, in particular, the Alans, the Alans themselves also extended this ancient ethnonym only to themselves.

Modern reflexes

None of the modern Indo-Iranian peoples no longer call themselves Aryans and, at the level of traditional culture as a whole, are not aware of Aryan origin and kinship with all Aryan peoples on the basis of the pan-Aryan heritage. Surviving secondary derivatives of this root as ethnonyms are rare; most Indo-Iranian peoples refer to themselves by local or tribal names.

In Nuristani languages

The living use of the former ethnonym was preserved, ironically, in South India, inhabited by Dravidian-speaking (that is, non-Aryan-speaking) peoples in ayya- treating the person with respect.

In the Iranian world

The Sasanian concept of the “Aryan Kingdom” (ērānšahr) is continued in the modern name of the country Iran (Persian: ایران [ʔiˈɾɒn]), Taj. Aaron). The latter was adopted as official only in 1935. Before that, the name Iran existed as an unofficial name for a vast ethnocultural region (the so-called “Greater Iran”), which was primarily supported by the popularity of the national Iranian epic Shah-name (X century), which describes the confrontation between sedentary Iran and nomadic Turan, continuing the Avestan airya- and tūirya -.

The self-name of the modern inhabitants of the country comes from the name of Iran: ایرانی [ʔiˈɾɒni]). Persian. آریا [ʔɒrjɒ]) "arius" is a "book" word of recent historiographical origin.


The Iranian languages ​​preserved in the South Central Asian region demonstrate the absence of a specific substrate, in contrast to the Iranian languages ​​of Western Iran and the Indo-Aryan languages ​​of India. The common substrate identified in all Indo-Iranian languages ​​presumably correlates specifically with the pre-Aryan culture of the BMAC. In addition, there is a transfer of some geographical names from the South Central Asian region to India (cf. Avest. Harōiuua-, other Persian Haraiva- “Area” ~ Old Indian Saráyu-; Avest. Haraxᵛaitī-, other Pers. Harauvati- “ Arachosia" ~ other ind. Sárasvatī-.


Aryan collapse linguistic community by D. I. Edelman

Having no monuments from the ancient era, the Dardic languages ​​were traditionally considered as a special subbranch of the Indo-Aryan languages, however, modern research shows that the identification of the ancestor of the Dardic languages ​​took place in an era correlated with the separation of Proto-Indo-Aryan and Proto-Iranian; Dardic, in some respects, occupies an intermediate position between Indo-Aryan and Iranian. Therefore, the Dardic languages ​​should rather be considered as a separate branch of the Indo-Iranian languages.

From the point of view of relative chronology, the identification of the ancestor of the Nuristani languages ​​should be attributed to greater antiquity than the collapse of the Indo-Iranian languages ​​proper (Indo-Aryan, Dardic and Iranian). Thus, the separation of archaic Nuristan languages ​​can be considered the earliest filiation of the Proto-Aryan language.

Culture and religion

The material and spiritual culture of the ancient Aryans (Indo-Iranians) is restored on the basis of evidence from the most ancient literary monuments of the Indo-Aryans (Vedas) and Iranians (Avesta), as well as historical evidence about the ancient Indo-Iranian peoples, archaeological data, data from later epic tales (Mahabharata, Ramayana, Shah-name ) and ethnographic studies of modern archaic Indo-Iranian peoples.

Material culture

The ancestors of the historical Aryans were a semi-nomadic people, in whose economy cattle breeding played a leading role, and agriculture was of a subordinate nature. The main domestic animal of the Aryans was the cow/bull (Old Indian go-, Avestan gao-) - the basis of material well-being, a source of food and draft power. Sheep (Old Indian paśu-, Avest. pasu-), goats (Old Indian aja-, Avest. aza-), donkeys (Old Indian khara-, Avest. xara-), camels (Old Indian. khara-, Avest. xara-) were also bred. .ind. uṣṭra-, Avest. uštra-). Dogs (Old Indian śvan-, Avestan span-) guarded homes and guarded livestock. The Aryans plowed the land with a plow drawn by oxen and sowed barley (Old Indian, Avest. yava-). An intoxicating drink was also produced, probably on a milk basis (Old Indian sura-, Avestan hura-)

The basis of combat power was the horse (Old Indian aśva-, Avest. aspa-), harnessed to a light and fast chariot (Old Indian ratha-, Avest. raθa-). The main weapons were arrows (Old Indian iṣu-, Avest. išu-) and a club (Old Indian vajra-, Avest. wazra-).

The Aryans knew primitive irrigation (Old Ind. yavyā-, Old Pers. yauviyā- “canal”), digging wells (Old Ind. cātvāla-, Avest. cāt-), making bricks (Old Ind. iṣṭakā-, Avest. ištiia-), smelting of copper (Old Ind. ayas-, Avest. ayaŋh- “metal”, “copper”) and gold (Old Ind. hiranya-, Old Pers. daraniya- “gold”) products. Other areas of activity were weaving, carpentry, and healing.

Social structure

The basis of Aryan society was the patriarchal family, which inhabited a separate building (Old Indian, Avest. dam-). The social subjects were the heads of such families (Old Indian pati-, Avest. paiti-), people (family members, captive slaves and other dependent people) and livestock (Old Indian paśuvīra-, Avest. pasu) were united under their authority .wīra- “cattle and people”), the number of which determined the wealth of the family. Families were united into clans (Old Ind. viś, Avest. wīs-), which occupied village-communities (Old Ind. vr̥jana-, Avest. wərəzana-). Groups of communities constituted tribes, often united in fragile and hostile alliances.

The three-class structure of society, recorded in ancient Indian and Iranian societies, was probably just being formed and the basic names for classes vary in different branches of the Aryans. At the head of the society were priests (Old Indian ātharvan-, hotar-, uśij- Avest. āθrauuan-, zaotar-, usij-), among whom poets-seers (Old Indian kavī-, r̥ṣi-, Avest. kauuī-, ərəši-), and the aristocratic elite, owners authorities(Old Indian kṣatra-, Avest. xšaθra-), which consisted of warrior-chariots (Old Indian ratheṣṭā-, Avest. raθaēštā-). The third class, which made up the common people, consisted of shepherds, who, if necessary, formed a militia-army (Old Indian senā-, Avest. haēnā-). War (both with neighboring Aryan tribes and with non-Aryan peoples), motivated by the seizure of booty (primarily livestock) and new territories for settlement and grazing, was the main form of social activity.

Spiritual culture

The basis of spiritual culture, permeating all types of activity of the Aryans, was religion. The Indo-Iranian religion was built around sacrifice (Old Indian. yajna-, Avest. yasna-), organized on holidays or other significant days by priests by order and at the expense of donating laymen. The meaning of the sacrifice was to maintain the World Order (Old Indian. ṛta-, Avest. aša-, other Persian (a)rta-), manifested in cosmic cycles and in the general successful functioning of the universe, providing the Aryans with an increase in material wealth. At the sacrifice, the priests sang hymns to the deities and brought them gifts designed to strengthen their strength and call upon them to help the Aryans. An important role was given to fire (Old Indian. agni-, vestigial Avest. aɣni-) - an intermediary in the transfer of gifts from people to the gods. During the ritual, a hallucinogenic or stimulating drink was prepared (Old Indian. soma-, Avest. haoma-), which caused religious ecstasy among believers. The priests chanted sacred formulas (Old Indian. mantra-, Avest. mąθra-), having a magical effect on the universe and awakening the hidden holy power hidden in all things (Old Indian. brahman-, other pers. brazman-).

Seer-poets staged competitions to improvise religious hymns, often using metaphors of equestrian competitions, in which the Aryans staged chariot races - their favorite pastime, which also had religious significance. At ceremonies, the singing of religious songs was accompanied by accompaniment on musical instruments (primarily the lute).

The religions that have survived to this day that arose on Aryan soil are Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, the religion of the Kalash and Kafirs of the Hindu Kush and Zoroastrianism.

The use of the term "Aryans"/"Aryans" in the 19th - early 20th centuries

Since the end of the twentieth century. the topic of "ancient arias" is often developed in the style of folk history within the framework of non-academic studies and neo-fascism.

Racial theories

The Aryan racial theory was developed by the French writer Arthur de Gobineau, who, having identified three main races based on skin color (white, yellow and black), considered the white race to be the highest race, and within it he placed the “Aryans” in the highest place. Modern science rejects the Aryan theory as unscientific.

see also


  1. Benveniste E. Dictionary of Indo-European social terms. M., 1995. pp. 240-242.
  2. O. Szemerinyi. Structuralism and substratum - Indo-Europeans and Semites in the Ancient Near East (LINGUA. International Review of General Linguistics, v. 13: 1-29) 1977. P. 122.
  3. proto-Semite. * ʔary-
  4. Illich-Svitych V. M. The most ancient Indo-European-Semitic language contacts // Problems of Indo-European linguistics. Sketches on the comparative historical grammar of Indo-European languages. M., 1964. P. 7. (254 Kb, djvu)
  5. Massagetae // BRE. T.19. M., 2011.
  6. Issyk // BRE. T.12. M., 2008.

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