Business ethics lectures. moral code


The beginning of the conflict and man-made disasters, into which the earth civilization has been permanently drawn, contributes to the realization of the fact that the very foundations of Peace on Earth and the existence of Man are in danger. Syria, Libya, Ukraine, strained relations between Islamic states and Western world- this is just a small fraction of the conflict potential that breaks through into different points planets. Particularly cynical is the war between the two fraternal peoples- Russians and Ukrainians, whose villages and towns historically peacefully existed in separate territories, and the inhabitants lent each other a shoulder to help in life important issues. More than once the army of the Zaporizhian Sich came to the aid of the Don Cossacks. often and Don Cossacks died for the interests of Ukraine.

With the adoption in 1993 of the Constitution Russian Federation has begun new stage in the development of our state. Russia embarked on the path of building a legal, democratic state in which power is subject to law. But, as you know, law acts as a regulator mainly of external relations of people, and morality, culture and religion are regulators of the spiritual and moral foundations of people's lives.

At all times, the strength of the Russian army was based on spiritual principles. Therefore, it is no coincidence that many moral norms, as well as the concepts of officer honor and dignity, received their legal consolidation in charters, instructions, and orders. To date, the legislation governing the organization of the country's defense, military service, legal status military personnel and other issues related to military service.

The relevance of research. Moral traditions in the officer corps Russian army have always played a vital role. Brought up on the concepts of honor, the officers protected the honor of their uniform, the honor of the regiment, their personal honor. The officer environment itself required compliance with certain rules.

The Rossiya Banking Association, whose reform began this year, proposed that the Central Bank create a code of conduct for banks. “We are preparing proposals on how to develop an appropriate document within the association that would allow us to respond to manifestations of unfair competition,” the association's new president, Georgy Luntovsky, is quoted in the association's message. It also states that the regulator supported the initiative.

According to him, the banks themselves came up with this idea back in September at the association's council held in Sochi. “There are examples of dishonest behavior of banks in the market. For example, in the struggle for customers. Basically, private banks, concerned about the current situation, complain about unfair competition,” he said. So far, the association has preliminary developments on the code, but it will take some time to create it, Luntovsky said.

The Cossacks are a brotherhood of people united by a special state of mind and consciousness, morality and morality. Cossacks are a branch of the Russian people with their own culture, history and memory. The glorious past of the Cossacks, the deeds and testaments of our ancestors give us the right to proudly say: “Glory to Thee, Lord, that we are Cossacks!” In the Cossacks, the general has always been higher than the personal. Cossacks have always served native land, the Orthodox Faith, its people and state. Above all, in the Cossacks there has always been the COSSACK WILL AND PEOPLE'S GOVERNMENT.

1. HONOR AND GOOD NAME FOR A COSSACK IS MORE DEARER than LIFE Take care of honor from a young age, preserve dignity in any situation. Have the will to admit you're wrong. If necessary, fight yourself. Showing respect to others, do not humiliate yourself. Do not envy others and do not keep evil in your heart. Do not be proud, and in your thoughts do not admit that you are higher than other Cossacks. Do not teach anyone down, look at yourself first. Be kind, but not flattering. Have broad soul. Meet the blows of fate with firmness. Having committed a shameful act, have the willpower to make the right decision yourself.

2. COSSACKS ARE ALL EQUAL IN RIGHTS: “There is NO PRINCE, NOR SLAVES, BUT ALL SERVANTS OF GOD” Cossacks are equal, both in rights and in responsibility for what they have done, regardless of general position, education and past merit. The decision made at the Circle or the Gathering is the law for everyone. No one can deprive an adult Cossack of his word, except for the commander in the ranks. Any Cossack can be elected to any position. To preserve the unity of the Cossacks, the Cossack should not be a member of political parties.

This booklet is given to all recruits who join the Israel Defense Forces. This is the Code of Honor of our army, also known as the "Spirit of the IDF". All, without exception, soldiers must follow it.

1. The IDF and its soldiers must protect human dignity. The life of every person is priceless, regardless of nationality, religion, gender and status.

2. IDF soldiers must be prudent, act safely, remember the highest value human life. During the battle, endanger yourself and others, only in cases of emergency.

3. Soldiers should use weapons only when absolutely necessary. At the same time, even in war time a soldier should not use weapons against civilians, against prisoners, and, if possible, avoid causing harm human dignity and property.

Post-war childhood, childhood in the crowded yards of "Khrushchev", in the passage yards of the "sleeping districts" of the seventies and eighties - the memories of this time are saturated for most representatives of the older generation with a veil of romance.

This is not surprising. Children then read, and read much more than now, these were books about musketeers and noble robbers. Films replete with scenes of cruelty were not shown on TV and in cinemas, and in society it was not the spirit of the struggle for existence that was cultivated, but collectivism, brotherhood and mutual assistance. Maybe that's why teenagers who grew up in the yards of wooden barracks, "Khrushchev" and block high-rise buildings, developed a kind of code of honor?

Honor is the main inner dignity of the Russian officer, his valor, nobility of soul and a clear conscience. The army, driven by a sense of officer honor, is an invincible force, a real pillar of peace and prosperity for Russia.

During Russo-Japanese War In 1904, captain Valentin Mikhailovich Kulchitsky put together “Advice to a Young Officer”, which became the Code of Honor for a Russian officer, which is still relevant to this day.

From the editor. We express sincere gratitude to the participant of our portal from Tuva who sent the text and video of the Code of honor of the man of Tuva. We are glad that the concept of Honor is increasingly responding to officers, soldiers and ordinary citizens from different cities and countries, and we hope that this will serve as a starting point for the widespread adoption of the Higher Code of Officer Honor, based on spiritual principles, so necessary for every person in our difficult time.


We, the men of the Republic of Tuva,

- expressing their interests and will;

- relying on historical traditions and moral principles ancestors who gave us faith in goodness and justice;

- recognizing the rights and freedom of women highest value adhering to the universally recognized principles of the development of a democratic society;

- aware of their responsibility to present and future generations for moral education men;

There are only 10 Cossack commandments:

1. Honor and good name For a Cossack, life is dearer.

2. Cossacks are all equal in rights.

3. You are judged by all the Cossacks and your people.

4. Serve loyally to your people, not to your leaders.

5. Keep your word, the word of a Cossack is precious.

6. Honor elders, respect old age.

7. Hold on to the faith of your ancestors, act according to the customs of your people.

8. Die, and rescue a comrade!

9. Be hardworking, don't be idle.

10. Take care of your family, serve as an example!

"Necessary rules for merchants, bankers, commission agents and in general for every person involved in any business" - "code of honor", compiled by N. E. Zegimel and published in 1881 in St. Petersburg.

In a published book, N. E. Zegimel formulated a "code of honor" or generally accepted rules of conduct for Russian entrepreneurs of the 19th century. They crystallized within previous centuries development of Russian entrepreneurship. More than a hundred years later, these rules are still relevant.

1. Business qualities: common sense, quick thinking, firmness of character in the performance of all affairs. Every decent person can develop these qualities with unwavering determination and willpower.

2. Courtesy and courtesy. It often happens to hear undeserved insolence; it is extremely important not to lose self-control and to treat such accidents with full tact and composure.

3. Be tactful in courtesy. If you are too generous with your customers, they may take it as an insult and ridicule; this will only push them away from you.

It is known that the duel came to Russia from the West. It is believed that the first duel in Russia took place in 1666 in Moscow. Two foreign officers fought... Scotsman Patrick Gordon (who later became Peter's general) and an Englishman Major Montgomery (eternal rest to his ashes...).

There have always been duels in Russia serious test for character. Peter the Great, although he planted in Russia European customs, understood the danger of duels and tried to immediately stop their occurrence with cruel laws. In which, I must admit, I succeeded. There were almost no duels among Russians during his reign.

Chapter 49 of the Petrovsky Military Regulations of 1715, called “Patent on fights and starting quarrels”, proclaimed: “No insult to the honor of the offended can in any way belittle”, the victim and witnesses of the incident are obliged to immediately report the fact of insult to the military court ... even failure to report was punished. For the challenge itself to a duel, deprivation of ranks and partial confiscation of property were supposed, for entering a duel and drawing weapons - the death penalty! With the complete confiscation of property, not excluding the seconds.

Peter III banned corporal punishment for the nobility. Thus, a generation appeared in Russia for which even a sideways glance could lead to a duel.

With all the shortcomings, duels made me appreciate life, the dignity of other people and look at life in a completely different way. In addition, thanks to duels and outright trash and bastards in society, there were fewer. The fact is that among the Russian nobility, HONOR has always been the most precious thing in life.

Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, based on priorities for the protection of life and health, the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, the maintenance of public peace, law and order, based on fundamental human and professional moral values, the requirements of civic and official duty, embodying the expectations of society in relation to the moral character of the employee, which gives the right to respect, trust and support for the activities of the Russian police on the part of the people, adopts the Code of Professional Ethics for an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation.

Chapter 1. Basic Provisions

Article 1. Purpose of the Code

1. The Code of Professional Ethics for an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation[i] is a professional and moral guide addressed to the consciousness and conscience of an employee.

2. The Code, as a set of professional and ethical standards, defines for an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation:

moral values, obligations and principles of service in the internal affairs bodies;

"For thousands of generations, the Jedi Knights have been the keepers of peace and justice in the Old Republic."

- Obi-Wan Kenobi

Jedi - key characters Star Wars”, Peace Knights are members of the Jedi Order. The Jedi are able to channel the Force, which gives them some supernatural abilities. The main weapon of the Jedi is the lightsaber.

The Jedi fought for peace and justice in the Galactic Republic, usually against their sworn enemies, the Sith and Dark Jedi who were supporters of dark side Forces. The Order has been nearly wiped out five times throughout its history: during Darth Revan's Sith Empire and shortly thereafter by the Sith Triumvirate led by Darth Nihilus, during the First Jedi Purge, nearly 4,000 years later during the Great Jedi Purge initiated by Darth Sidious and then, a century later, during the Third Jedi Purge that took place in Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire. However, each time the Order was revived, and this was a considerable merit of the Skywalker family, who played important role in the history of the Jedi.

According to Star Wars creator George Lucas, he came up with the word "Jedi" after remembering the name of the genre of Japanese cinema - "jidaigeki", which produced on him great impression. The popularity of Star Wars and the Jedi led to the emergence of a self-proclaimed "religious" movement called Jediism. Despite the fantasy basis, many adherents take its postulates and principles seriously.

"Ten Prohibitions" by Jueyuan

The first code of Shaolin ude was ten short rules, formulated by the actual creator of the canonical Shaolin wushu Jueyuan in the 30s of the XIII century. They got the name "Ten Prohibitions"(“Shi jin”), by analogy with the ten prohibitions known to every Buddhist.

This text is based on a translation of the original or original Rules of the Knights Templar based on Henry de Curzon's 1886 edition, La Regle du Temple (Rite of the Templars): Military leadership, or How to Strike a Cavalry Strike. It describes the Rules that the Council gave to the young Knights Templar in 1129, while "it should not be forgotten that the Order existed for a number of years and created its own own traditions and customs even before Hugo de Payens appeared on the Council. To a large extent, the Original Rules are based on existing practice." (Upton-Ward, p. 11)

We appeal first of all to those who in their hearts despises own desires and desires to serve the king like a knight and with diligent care desires to wear and wear constantly the noblest armor of obedience...

Historical traditions, the Nart epic, folklore legends testify to the existence of various military alliances among the Nakhs. In the late Middle Ages, one of the most influential military associations was the “Konakhiy” order, which plays an important role in the political life of the Nakh country.

In 1904, captain Valentin Mikhailovich Kulchitsky, who later went through the First world war, put together "Advice to a Young Officer", which became the Code of Honor of a Russian officer. These are simple yet wise rules.

The officer is a noble defender of the Fatherland, an honest name, the highest rank. Honor is his inner dignity, fidelity, valor, nobility of soul, clear conscience, honor and respect. She is the main jewel for the officer, whose sacred duty is to keep her clean and spotless.

All employees ground forces France is subject to 11 rules of the Soldier's Code. It is a guide to conduct, based on the observance of 4 basic principles: professionally and conscientiously perform their duties; observe discipline and the principles of military fraternity with comrades in arms; serve France and its values ​​and maintain strong ties with civil society.

It is no secret that in addition to laws, people's lives are governed by the rules and norms adopted in different communities - national, class, professional. these include codes of honor, which have long been surrounded by a halo of romance - if only because for a long time they were kept secret

Officer Code

Officer codes different countries sometimes they contradicted not only the law, but also the military regulations. Because of this, they were not published for a long time, being distributed in lists or orally.

Before the revolution, the book "Advice to a Young Officer" came out in six editions, but they were not enough - they were rewritten by hand

Russia was no exception: informal codes of officer behavior had existed here since the 18th century, but only in 1904 they were published by captain Valentin Mikhailovich Kulchitsky. His fate is typical for many officers: a participant in the Russian-Japanese, World War I and civil wars, he refused to emigrate and ended up in the Gulag. Released. During the Great Patriotic War, he became an underground worker in Kharkov, was captured and tortured during interrogation.

Before the revolution, his book "Advice to a Young Officer" came out in six editions, but they were not enough - they were rewritten by hand. It contained advice not only for the service, but for all occasions. The author considered it his goal "to prevent inexperienced military youth from taking a false, destructive step."

Chapter "The Essence of Military Service"

Be afraid to break your duty

Believe in God, be devoted to the Sovereign Emperor, his family and love the Motherland. The first and main commandment and duty of a soldier is loyalty to the Sovereign Emperor and

Fatherland. Without this quality, he is not fit for military service. The integrity of the Empire and the maintenance of its prestige are based on the strength of the army and navy; their quality and shortcomings resonate throughout the country, so it is not your business to get involved in social issues and political philosophies; your job is to carry out your duties unswervingly.

Put above all the glory of the Russian army.

Be brave. But courage is true and feigned. The arrogance of youth is not courage. A military man must always be prudent and consider his actions calmly and carefully. If you are harsh and arrogant, everyone will hate you.

Obey discipline.

Respect your boss and trust him.

Be afraid to violate your duty - by doing this you will forever lose your good name.

The officer must be faithful and truthful. Without these qualities, it is almost impossible for a military man to remain in the army. Veren is a man doing his duty; truthful - if he does not change his word. Therefore, never promise unless you are sure that you will keep the promise.

Be polite and humble in dealing with all people.

The best part of courage is caution.

Chapter "Rules of Life"

Never give opinions about women

Don't look after regimental ladies (in vulgar sense). Do not start romances in your regimental family, in which you have to serve for decades. Such novels always end tragically.

Never express opinions about women. Remember: women at all times have been the cause of discord and the greatest misfortunes, not only of individuals, but of entire empires.

Protect the reputation of the woman who trusted you, whoever she may be. A decent person in general, especially an officer, even in the intimate circle of his faithful and experienced friends, never talks about such things - a woman is always most afraid of publicity.

There are situations in life when you need to silence your heart and live with your mind.

In your intimate life, be very careful - "your regiment is your supreme judge."

Any unseemly actions of an officer are discussed by the regimental court of honor.

One should not talk about service and affairs in society.

Keep the entrusted secret or secret, even of an unofficial nature. A secret communicated by you to at least one person ceases to be a secret.

Do not cross the line of conventions developed by the traditions of the regiment and life.

Be guided in life by instinct, a sense of justice and a duty of decency.

Be able not only to think and reason, but also to be silent in time and hear everything.

On the military service do not show pride in trifles, otherwise you will always suffer because of it.

Always be on the lookout and don't let go.

The main rules run like a red thread through the entire book: "Take care of your honor, the honor of the regiment and the army"; "Strictly treat your official duties"; "Keep yourself simple, with dignity, without foppishness"; "Be restrained, correct and tactful always, with everyone and everywhere." The author recommends the officer to be honest, modest, not to revel at someone else's expense, to avoid money accounts with comrades, to avoid drunkenness and gambling.

Sailor's Code

The sailors looked death in the face no less than the "land" officers - perhaps that is why they also developed their own code of honor early. True, no one bothered to write it down: only individual norms, closely intertwined with maritime superstitions, have come down to us.

The sailors of the sailing fleet never named the date of the ship's arrival at the port of destination and did not even enter it in the logbook.

It was forbidden to point a finger from the shore at a sailing ship - this promised him death.

A finger pointed to the sky (albeit by accident) promised a storm.

It was forbidden to talk about the storm on board, even if it had already passed - one could only say: "It has passed, and thank God!"

When the storm began, the sailors should put on clean linen.

They dressed in everything clean even before the battle - "according to the first term."

Sailors never offended seagulls, despite their arrogance - it was believed that the souls of dead sailors moved into these birds.

In general, naval concepts of honor were similar to those of officers - sailors also had duels, although they were allowed to be held only on the shore. The elders also taught the younger ones to be true to their duty, honest, modest, temperate.

And just like on land, some listened to wise advice, while others did not.

Duelist's Code

The "Dueling Code" was first published in 1911 by Vasily Alekseevich Durasov, a diplomat and historian. His book is a massive (500 points) set of dueling rules, largely borrowed from Verger's French code.


1) A duel can and should only take place between equals.

2) The basic principle and purpose of a duel is to resolve a misunderstanding between individual members of a common noble family among themselves, without resorting to outside help.

3) A duel serves as a way to avenge an insult and cannot be replaced, but at the same time it cannot replace the organs of judicial justice that serve to restore or protect a violated right.

4) An insult can only be inflicted by an equal to an equal.

5) A person who is inferior to another can only violate his right, but not offend him.

6) Therefore, a duel, as revenge for an insult, is possible and permissible only between persons of equal, noble birth. Otherwise, the duel is not allowed and is an anomaly.

7) When a nobleman is summoned by a commoner, the former is obliged to reject the summons and grant the latter the right to seek satisfaction by judicial procedure.

8) In case of violation of the right of a nobleman by a commoner, despite the insulting nature of his actions, the first one is obliged to seek satisfaction in the judicial order, since he suffered from a violation of the right, but not from an insult.

9) If, despite this, the nobleman still wishes to fight, then he has the right to do so only with the formal written permission of the court of honor, which considers whether the enemy is worthy of the honor shown to him.

10) A duel between raznochintsy is possible, but is an anomaly, not meeting its purpose.


58) Insults have personal character and avenge themselves personally.

59) Replacing an offended person with another is allowed only in case of incapacity of the offended person, when insulting women and insulting the memory of a deceased person.

60) The substitute person is always identified with the personality of the person being replaced, enjoys all his advantages, assumes all his duties ...

61) Incapacity for the right of replacement is determined by the following provisions:

1] the replaced person must be over 60 years old, and the difference in age with the opponent must be at least 10 years. If the physical condition of the person being replaced gives him the opportunity to personally avenge the insult received, and if he expresses his consent to this, then he has the right not to use the right of replacement;
2] the replacement must be under 18 years of age;
3] the person being replaced must have some kind of physical defect that does not allow him to fight both with pistols and with swords and sabers;
4] inability to use weapons in no case can be a reason for replacing or refusing to duel.

A son can replace an offended father, a nephew can replace an uncle, a son-in-law can replace a father-in-law. Only in the absence of relatives of the offended person can a friend intercede for him. If an insult is inflicted on a woman, her "natural protector" - her husband, brother or other close relative - avenges her. True, with the condition that a duel is permissible if the woman is known for "moral and honest behavior." Anyone who once refused to accept a challenge or violated the rules of a duel is deprived of the right to challenge others, no matter how severe the insult inflicted on him.


215) Arriving at the place of the duel, the opponents must bow to each other and to the opponent's seconds.

216) Any conversation between opponents is prohibited. If one side has something to say to the other, it is done by the seconds,

217) Having received the weapon, the opponents must be silent during the entire duel. Any comments, ridicule, exclamations, screams are absolutely not allowed.

218) Opponents in the continuation of the entire duel are obliged to unquestioningly fulfill all the orders of the seconds.

219) It is extremely impolite to make you wait at the place of the duel. Whoever arrives on time must wait for his opponent for a quarter of an hour. After this period, the first person to appear has the right to leave the place of the duel and his seconds must draw up a protocol indicating the non-arrival of the enemy. The courtesy of the enemy, who arrived first, is allowed to wait another quarter of an hour.

200) In the event that some insurmountable obstacle deprives one of the opponents of the opportunity to appear on time, his seconds must warn the opponent's seconds as soon as possible and agree with them regarding the appointment of a duel at another time.

The "Pistol Duel" section describes six types of this duel, each of which can be limited to one shot, or can continue until one of the participants is injured or even dead. At the same time, "the seconds of the opposing side have the right to shoot the enemy who committed the violation."

Doctor's Code

Physicians have been guided by the Hippocratic Oath since antiquity. Its ancient text included obligations to teach medicine for free to all comers, not to have abortions and not to have sexual relations with patients.

And here is the version of the oath adopted in pre-revolutionary Russia:

"Accepting with deep gratitude the rights of a doctor bestowed on me by science and comprehending the full importance of the duties assigned to me by this title, I promise throughout my life not to darken the honor of the estate into which I now enter. Helping the suffering, I promise to keep sacredly entrusted to me family secrets and not to misuse the trust placed. I promise to be fair to my fellow doctors and not offend their personalities, however, if the benefit of the patient required it, to tell the truth without hypocrisy. In important cases, I promise to resort to the advice of doctors who are more knowledgeable and experienced than me; when I myself am called to a conference, I undertake, in conscience, to do justice to their merits and efforts.

The current "Oath Russian doctor", based on the Geneva Declaration of 1949, calls on doctors to honestly fulfill their duty, provide assistance regardless of gender, race, nationality, political beliefs, treat colleagues and teachers kindly. There is only one prohibition in the oath - euthanasia, although in a number of countries she is also allowed.

Merchant Code

In 1881, a pamphlet by the writer Ivan Yegorovich Zegimel, "Necessary rules for merchants, bankers, commission agents, and in general for every person engaged in any business," was published in Russia. The text of this document is very relevant for today's business community.

We publish it without abbreviations and comments.

1) Business qualities: common sense, quick thinking, firmness of character in the performance of all affairs. Every decent person can develop these qualities with unwavering determination and willpower.

2) Kindness and courtesy. It often happens to hear undeserved insolence; it is extremely important not to lose self-control and to treat such accidents with full tact and composure.

3) Practice tact with courtesy. If you are too generous with your customers, they may take it as an insult and ridicule; this will only push them away from you.

4) Keep order in all, even the smallest, of your affairs. Assign to every thing its own place, so that in case of emergency you can find it without any difficulty and without wasting time. This is an extremely important condition for everyone. business man. Don't go to bed until all your things are in order. Treasure a penny, as you value a ruble.

5) Be systematic and regular. No business can go right and successful for you if you do not have a stable character and do not have firm rules. You must observe regularity not only in your affairs, but also at home.

6) Work yourself. Don't rely on your helpers. What you can do yourself, don't let others do. If you need to do something to others, then at least watch them.

7) Keep always given word. It is better not to promise if you are not sure that you are able to fulfill the promise, but once you have given the word, you must remember it and faithfully fulfill it.

8) Make publications. If you want to do great things, spare no expense in publishing them frequently in the most popular newspapers.

9) Do not pursue a business that promises big profits, but is fraught with risk. It is better to deal with such subjects that give at least a small but sure benefit.

10) Do not spend all your capital on one business, especially at the beginning.

11) The concentration of forces is one of the main conditions for success. Engage in only one thing, study its advantages and disadvantages from all sides, and do not abandon it until you are convinced of the impossibility of its success. But if there is slightest chance to success, do not retreat, because the constant and zealous pursuit of one goal will certainly be crowned with success.

12) Treat your business with full diligence, whatever you do. Work when the need arises: early and late, on time and not on time, in a word, do not miss a single opportunity that could, albeit slowly, serve the success of your studies. It often happens that someone does his job diligently and thoroughly, making a lot of money, while his neighbor, doing the same thing, remains a poor man all his life, because he does his duty reluctantly or without proper attention. "A student who goes to school under duress will never learn anything."

13) Be strictly selective in the choice of assistants in your business. Hire such employees who can comfortably exist on the salary appointed by you. A family man cannot exist on a small salary, he will inevitably become dishonest and will be busy caring for his own interests.

14) A merchant who values ​​his honor should not hire a clerk, clerk, or other employee who has ever dealt with his acquaintance, only when the acquaintance asks him to.

15) Speak clearly and accurately with your customers.

16) Never get bored.

17) Observe sobriety and restraint. Do not enter into the details of other people's affairs, do not ask about them either directly or indirectly, otherwise they will be considered an annoying person.

18) Be calm and cool in business disputes with both buyers and sellers. No matter how lively your argument may be, never get excited and do not gesticulate, do not give outsiders a reason to eavesdrop on your conversation and judge by your facial expression and gestures what you are talking about.

19) Record everything. Never keep in mind what can be written down now.

20) Every business is based on trust. Therefore, you must do your best to earn the full confidence of those with whom you have to deal. This you can achieve different ways, and most importantly - honesty and conscientiousness.

21) Observe savings in your personal expenses. Better live below your means than above.

Code of the Builder of Communism

"" was adopted in 1961 at the XXII Congress of the CPSU. One of its authors, political scientist F. Burlatsky, claimed that he deliberately added the gospel commandments there. Therefore, they say, the text consisted of 12 points:

1) Devotion to the cause of communism, love for the socialist motherland, for the countries of socialism.

2) Conscientious work for the benefit of society: who does not work, he does not eat.

3) Everyone's concern for the preservation and multiplication of the public domain.

4) High consciousness of public duty, intolerance to violations of public interests.

5) Collectivism and comradely mutual assistance: each for all, all for one.

6) Humane relations and mutual respect between people: man is friend to man, comrade and brother.

7) Honesty and truthfulness moral purity, simplicity and modesty in public and private life.

8) Mutual respect in the family, concern for the upbringing of children.

9) Irreconcilability to injustice, parasitism, dishonesty, careerism, money-grubbing.

10) Friendship and brotherhood of all peoples of the USSR, intolerance to national and racial hostility.

11) Intolerance towards the enemies of communism, the cause of peace and the freedom of peoples.

12) Fraternal solidarity with the working people of all countries, with all peoples.

In the era of the growing crisis of socialism, principles in which their creators themselves did not believe caused mockery.

In the post-Soviet era, they were replaced by the commandments of "wild capitalism", which completely deny any morality. Therefore, bred like mushrooms, "code of the customs officer", "code of the judge", "code of the policeman" and so on. - just deliberately fruitless attempts to combine paragraphs of the law with moral prescriptions.

This is impossible without the return to society of strict moral standards that once caused the appearance of the Codes of Honor.

The structure of any society requires regulation by certain social norms. Almost all of them are ambiguous and unique in time and space. This idea is considered in his statement by one of the founders of Marxism - the idea of ​​a variety of social prescriptions and attitudes. In particular, F. Engels points out that the differentiation of social strata in society involves the formation of a set of values, priorities, and guidelines specific to each such stratum.

This statement seems interesting and unique in the context of a kind of "blur" social structure contemporary information society and the transformation of its social norms.

It is difficult to argue with the position of F. Engels. Social norms are a set of standards approved by society and rules for the daily behavior of an individual. Social norms are divided into legal, moral, religious, fashion, etiquette and a number of others. At the same time, for various countries and regions, for each period, depending on the historical and cultural situation, specific prescriptions and stereotypes of the behavioral activity of a person or group of people arose.

Compliance with these standards was reinforced public opinion force of laws and encouragement, and violation often entailed the application of negative sanctions.

Rules of conduct established for a particular social group often put its representative in difficult situation and left no choice. Yes, in middle of XII in. English king Henry II went on a campaign to Toulouse to capture it. Wishing to defend his kinsman's city, King Louis VII of France stationed himself there for protection with a much smaller force. Henry, approaching the city, found out that the French ruler was located there, to whom he once swore an oath of vassal allegiance (homage) and an obligation to protect him; to attack the city where Louis was, meant to betray the norms of the knightly code and be considered a dishonorable person. Therefore, Henry, undermining his authority as a warrior and commander, refused to storm Toulouse, remaining faithful to the homage of his overlord.

The formation of social norms usually took place under the influence of an urgent need or specific social conditions. For example, in the USSR of the first decades, new forms were established speech etiquette: old-mode appeals were considered a relic. So, in the work of M.I. Bulgakov " dog's heart”The representative of the“ old intelligentsia ”made the old-fashioned address“ gentlemen ”and was immediately corrected by the young man, who declared that it was inadmissible to address the interlocutor in this way in other, Soviet realities.

Summarizing, we can point out that the existence of social differentiation in society will always presuppose its isolation by some special rules. One of the inevitable components in these norms and attitudes, in this case, should be their justice, dignity and respect instilled in members of this social group in relation to other social strata.

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Updated: 2018-11-25

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FOR YOU, only what you have observed is TRUE. And when you lose it, you lose everything.

What is honor? Honor is knowing what you know. What you know is what you know, and honor is the courage to know and speak about what you have seen. There is no other honor.

Of course, we can talk about justice, truth, nobility - about all these concepts that are accessible to a few. But we would know very well about them if we looked carefully at what we see and saw what we look at. And in doing so, it is not necessary to take a skeptical, critical, or preconceived point of view. You just need to maintain a sufficient level of decency, sufficient faith in yourself, a sense of dignity and the courage to be able to see what we look at and talk about what we see.

Nothing is true for you if you haven't observed it yourself. But what you yourself have seen is true.


No one requires precise and strict observance of the Code of Honor.

The code of ethics cannot be imposed. Any attempt to impose the Code of Honor will degrade it to the level of a moral code. It cannot be imposed simply because it is a way of life that can exist as a way of life only as long as it is not imposed. Any other use of the Code of Honor, except for the self-determined one, will lead to a noticeable degradation of the individual. Thus, it is a luxury item and is used only as a self-determined action, and only when the individual is aligned with the Code of Honor.

1. Never leave a comrade in need, trouble or danger.

2. Never go back on a promise you've made in the past to be faithful.

3. Never leave a group you choose to support.

4. Never treat yourself with disdain and do not underestimate your strength or capabilities.

5. Never need praise, approval, or sympathy.

6. Never compromise your own reality.

7. Never let anything dampen your sympathy and friendliness.

8. Don't start or accept communication if you don't want to.

9. Your self-determination and honor are more important than your current life.

10. Your integrity and your honesty with yourself is more important than your body.

11. Never regret yesterday. You live today and you create your own tomorrow.

12. Don't seek to be liked or admired.

13. Do not be afraid to cause some harm to another, upholding justice.

14. Be your own advisor, think for yourself and choose your own own solutions.

15. Be true to yourself own purposes. The only way you can lose something is to dissuade yourself from going after your goals.

From the works of L. Ron Hubbard.

Japanese, on the contrary, are extremely closed, ceremonious, disciplined. To look into their eyes means to show bad manners, their handshakes replace bows. The main thing for them is “not to lose face”, a smile and “yes” do not mean consent. You should be extremely polite, careful, modest, punctual, avoid jokes, observe subordination.

Chinese focus on appearance, image, status of the interlocutor; they tend to make decisions at home after consulting with the center, they like to catch mistakes and require guarantees of agreements. It's always a game.

Arabs strictly observe Islam, it is forbidden to offer pork and alcohol; they are trusting, but they prefer bargaining, it is customary for them to lavish praise.

Russians in the eyes of foreigners, they prefer common goals to the means to achieve them, the concept is important to them. The range of communication styles, at the same time, can be from official to friendly. They cannot be pressured, their pride humiliated, and they cling less to financial side transactions; you just need to please them: exchange of photos, praise for the elderly, the achievements of the country. Historically safe for them was group conformal behavior, collective responsibility; they are resistant to change and are ready to sit out anyone. They like to talk, but they control themselves well. They did not have a democracy, and do not expect righteousness and openness from them. But they can be captivated by sincerity and participation.

Russian national etiquette and code of ethics modern young man are historically interdependent. Since the time of paganism, the Russian community has been dominated by the principles of catholicity, mutual assistance, love of freedom, kindness, honesty, and resistance to adversity. The construction of the state with the aim of uniting the tribes and protecting them from conquerors brought into this ethics the strength of courage, readiness for heroism, and loyalty to the fatherland. Russian Orthodoxy, different from Byzantine, added such ideals as passion-bearing, fidelity to the word, modesty and gentleness, conscientiousness and unselfishness, diligence and mercy.

Peter's breakthrough to Western civilization brought in Russian society such traits as a love of education, science, art, manners, politeness and amusing balls, construction and architecture. The foundations of Russian morality and civic consciousness were laid. From Vladimir Monomakh's Instructions to Children (taming anger, obeying elders), through Ivan the Terrible's Domostroy (do not lie, do not gossip, recognize the supremacy of the family and the owner), to Petrovsky's "Youth of the Honest Mirror" (the first code of honor of the young guard) , and further to Catherine's "Tables of Ranks", noble nobility, women's enlightenment, aristocracy of spirit and being, to our golden age of the greatness of Russian culture, and then to the freethinking of commoners, merchant and industrial philanthropy, the unique sacrifice and stamina of the Russian intelligentsia, contrary to the cruelest censorship and repressions of the two-faced socialist system - this whole cross path of Russian ethics and morality is an unprecedented feat of formation, destruction and stubborn revival of modern moral foundations.

We can say with confidence that the standards and regulations of today's rules of doing business in Russia are based on democratic and humanistic traditions. This is equality, respect for human dignity and law, expediency and etiquette culture, the creation of a positive aura. Here are the rules of a universal nature: sensitivity, tact, a sense of proportion, appeals to elders, women, colleagues; and rules of acquaintance, manners of behavior in public places, in negotiations; here and such worldwide recognized actions, such as George Washington's 54 Rules, demonstrating modern business decency, and Amy Winderbalt's 23 Rules of General Etiquette.

Code of honor of a modern young person in Russia forms the requirements that society imposes on the individual as mandatory.

This code historically goes back to the Laws of Moses, the ten commandments written on the tablets and given to us by the Almighty for all time. And in the Egyptian "Book of the Dead" we also find a code of justification: "I did not commit adultery, I did not swear, I did not harm people." Christ also expelled the merchants from the Temple, angrily opposing cynical gain, worship of the golden calf, enrichment at any cost to the principles of selflessness, love and mercy. In the Enlightenment, Morelli, and after him Rousseau, compiled a code of honor in the spirit of the “true laws of nature”, where a person is clean before the world and only one private property as an end in itself of society introduces evil into nature. The distortion of the moral code was " moral code builder of communism" as an example of an authoritarian technocracy and a utopian idea.

The modern code of honor is based on two categories: cardinal and theological virtues. The former include the rational-classical Platonic ideals of wisdom, moderation, courage, justice,

i.e., Old Testament values. Faith, hope for salvation and love for the Creator belong to the second, theological and Christian values. New Testament ethics. Although already in the Middle Ages, theological values ​​were widely interpreted as intellectual (wisdom, science, art) and moral (justice, moderation, fortitude). Our contemporary philosopher Vladimir Solovyov interprets virtue even more broadly: it is shame, pity and good will. Wisdom is virtuous if directed to worthy deeds; cunning worldly prudence at someone else's expense is shameful. Courage is virtuous only if it raises the spirit above the instinct of self-preservation, and justice if it is based on a feeling of pity. Faith is not virtuous if directed at the unworthy; and hope, like love, is manifested only through mercy. Solovyov's conclusion: virtues in themselves are not morally worthy, but become so only in accordance with the primary foundations of morality.

In modern Western society, the system of virtues is known as the Franklinian virtues. The author of the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution, Benjamin Franklin defined the criterion of virtue

“self-made-men”, i.e. self-responsible person. It is diligence, frugality and financial obligations. Dignity is judged by giving credit.

Franklin's code also includes abstinence in eating and drinking, sincerity, reticence, honesty, determination, justice, accuracy, chastity, modesty, calmness and endurance. American ideal.

In reality, there are only three positions for the individual: selfishness (prioritizing oneself at the expense of others), altruism (acting for the benefit of all), and egocentrism (self-worth of the individual, using others only as a means). The interpretation of egoism is twofold. As an ethical principle, it is immoral, because it infringes on the interests of others. (Although there is a paradox: “An egoist is someone who thinks about himself more than about me.”) However reasonable selfishness in conditions market economy mutually beneficial, because it allows you to recognize other people's interests without losing your own with the help of alternatives. The limitation of selfishness in the economy should be of a legal nature: wages, vacations, etc.

In modern Russian society there is an acute question about the "correct behavior" of young people in the field of entrepreneurship. Required " New Code honor." It may include the following rules:

Respect for elders as an ancient universal tradition

Golden rule: do what you want to be done to you

Respect the national dignity of others, do not humiliate "strangers"

Respect the rites of other religious denominations, their sense of faith

Have self-respect and recognize it in others

Tolerance to the opinion of dissidents, diligence and frugality

Mercy and care for nature, for our smaller brothers

Patriotism as devotion to the fatherland

Compliance with legal and etiquette standards

Conscientiousness and honesty.

Aristotle said: “The truth about the respectable is also that he does a lot for the sake of friends and the fatherland and even dies for them, if necessary, wasting the blessings and honors that others hold on to, and leaving behind only moral beauty”

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