Who are the Aryans and what do they have to do with the "Aryan race". Project "Heritage of Ancestors"


Many European and Oriental languages ​​are close to each other. All of them belong to a single "Aryan" or Indo-European language family. However, historians are still arguing whether the "Aryans" actually existed.

Aryan etymology

The Aryans are the ancient peoples of India and Iran who spoke the Aryan languages ​​that are part of the Indo-European language family. The etymology of their self-name is very mysterious. In the 19th century, a hypothesis was put forward that the ethnonym "Aryan" came from the words "nomad" or "farmer". Already in the 20th century, scientists believed that the Indo-European ar-i̯-o- means “one who is hospitable to ari”, and “ari” can be translated from ancient Indian as “friend” or, conversely, “enemy” (the opposite meaning of the same same words or related words characteristic of ancient languages).

The unifying meaning can also be "a tribesman from a foreign clan", since he could be both a friend and an enemy. Thus, the concept of "Aryan" denoted a person who is part of the ethnic totality of the various tribes of the Aryans. The hypothesis is confirmed by the presence in the Vedic pantheon of the god Aryaman, who is responsible for friendship and hospitality.

Another vector of etymological research leads us to a different meaning of the word "Aryan" - "freeborn" and "noble", which came from the Semitic languages. It is possible that the rudiments of this word were preserved in the Old Irish language, in which "aire" is translated as "noble" or "free", as well as in some others.

Where did the arias come from

Recent studies show that the ancient pra-Aryans were originally a single people, and only in the second millennium BC they were divided into two branches - Iranian and Indo-Aryan. The very word "Iran" has a connection with the word "Aryan", and means "land of the Aryans". At the same time, it is important to take into account that modern Iran is only a small area on the map of those vast territories that the ancient Iranian peoples occupied: the Iranian plateau, Central Asia, Kazakhstan, the steppes north of the Caucasus and the Black Sea, and others. In addition, the commonality of the Indo-Aryan and Iranian branches proves the similarity of the sacred texts - the Iranian Avesta and the Indian Vedas. To date, there are several versions of where the arias came from.

According to the linguistic hypothesis, the Aryans migrated to India and settled there around 1700-1300. BC. The version is based on the study of ancient languages ​​and customs reflected in historical sources. Linguistics shows that India was not the homeland of the Aryans - as a rule, in the region of origin of any language family there are many different languages ​​\u200b\u200band dialects of the same family, and in India there is only one Indo-Aryan branch of languages. In Central and Eastern Europe, by contrast, there are hundreds of varieties of Indo-European languages. It is logical to assume that it was here that the Indo-European family of languages ​​\u200b\u200band peoples originated. In addition, having come to India, the Aryans encountered its indigenous population, speaking the languages ​​​​of another family, for example, Munda (Austroasiatic family) or Dravidian - languages ​​​​from which archaic borrowings in Sanskrit were taken.

The most recognized at the moment is the kurgan hypothesis. According to her, the ancestral home of the Indo-Europeans was the Volga and Black Sea lands, where archaeologists recorded the Yamnaya culture. Its representatives were the first to build war chariots, which allowed them to capture more and more territories and spread their influence over the entire Eurasian continent.

Pseudo-scientific speculation

In addition to academic versions, there are dozens of fantastic ones: that the Aryans, in fact, are inhabitants of the mythical Hyperborea, who came from the Arctic; that they are the immediate ancestors of the Germans, Russians or someone else. As a rule, such theories are in demand among nationalist-minded communities to build a pseudo-history of a certain people. The main goal is to "prolong" the history of their country.

Aryan culture

The Aryans or Indo-Iranians left a rich cultural legacy. In addition to the most important written heritage, such as the Vedas and Avesta, the later Mahabharata and Ramayana, the Aryans also left monuments of material culture. Originally a semi-nomadic people, they focused primarily on raising cows and horses. The main weapon of the Aryans were arrows. These peoples were familiar with irrigation systems, forging copper and gold products.

The Aryan family was patriarchal, in each family there were other members, slaves and cattle in addition to the head of the family. Families united into clans, communities and tribes, sometimes at war with each other. That three-class social system that became widespread in ancient Iranian and Indian societies was not as strongly developed among the Aryans, however, its main features were present. At the top of the hierarchy were priests, future Brahmins, and kshatriya aristocrats who commanded common people. The Aryans were a warlike people, extracting land in search of new lands and pastures.


The origin of races before the 19th century was a historical mystery. However, at the beginning of the century, scientists discovered the commonality of many European languages ​​​​with the languages ​​\u200b\u200bof India and Iran. All these languages ​​​​were called the Aryan language family - later it will be called Indo-European. The self-name of the peoples of ancient India and Iran - Aryans, was mistakenly understood as a common name for all Indo-European tribes, and archaeologists soon found the so-called Yamnaya culture, which, thanks to the construction of war chariots, quickly expanded its linguistic, cultural and political influence from a small area within the borders of some lands of modern Poland, Ukraine and southern Russia to the scale of an entire empire - from Portugal to Sri Lanka.
Despite the fact that no separate race of Aryans existed, and the mixing of physiological characteristics with linguistic ones was pseudoscientific (the peoples of Tajikistan, Persia, the gypsies, and even the Veddas, who are Australoids), were among the speakers of Indo-European languages), scientists began to believe that the community of languages ​​is equal to the community of race. The well-known mistake of the German researcher Max Muller, who accidentally referred to the non-existent "Aryan race", led to the spread of scientific world opinions about the existence of the Aryan race, and later the emergence of Nazi racial theories.

ancient arias


According to mythological ideas, the brown, yellow, black, and red races previously existed on Earth. Our white race is the last, Aryan, and its most characteristic representative, who has preserved to a greater extent the purity of Aryan blood, is the Russian people. The mythologies of all the peoples of the Earth include the legend of the Flood. One can, of course, imagine that the birth of such a myth could be facilitated by a local experience of an accidental very large flood of the river, but the similarity of the details about the salvation on the ark still speaks more in favor of a real event of world significance. The issue of glaciation and the death of mammoths is not clear so fast that frozen carcasses with the remains of undigested plant food in their stomachs are found in the permafrost of northern Siberia. A comparison of disparate sources of information suggests the following:

Russians are one of the oldest nations that inhabited the Earth and had a previously developed civilization before the grandiose global cataclysm. The ancient Aryans are our direct ancestors. Russians lived on the territory today occupied by tundra and permafrost in the area Northern Urals over ten thousand years ago. In those days, the climate there was completely different, tropical. Abundant vegetation covered vast areas, and the forests were full of animals and birds, the rivers were full of fish. It was in literally golden age. The Russians worked moderately, they did not experience a lack of anything, and the development of production was due only to an organic merger with nature. But not preparations for wars, civil strife, so characteristic of our period of civilization. There was no slavery among the Russians, just as there were no wars of conquest. However, they were always ready to repel enemy attacks due to the developed hierarchy of the state control system, a sense of community, innate courage and extraordinary fortitude. At that time, they already owned metallurgical production and urban planning. Only recently, the scientific world was shocked by the completely unexpected finds of a number of remains of ancient cities in Siberia and the Northern Urals, obtained as a result of special photographing of the territory from space. The antiquity of the buildings is undoubted, and, undoubtedly, the fact that our ancient ancestors could build structures that are not inferior to the buildings of Ancient Greece many millennia before it. Excavations are already waiting for their discoverers.

The first city beyond the Urals, which was given the name Arkaim (after the name of a nearby mountain) in which excavations had already begun, showed that it was inhabited by artisans, farmers, and hunters. The inhabitants themselves were worshipers of the sun, as evidenced by the swastikas (sign - Kolovrat), the oldest stylized image of the sun, applied to ceramic dishes and other material remains. This symbol was extremely common among ancient peoples. In terms of the city is a regular circle with radially divergent streets. (The echo of that architecture undoubtedly affected the urban planning of Moscow). Found figurines, for some reason very similar to statues from Easter Island. The ancient tools made of mammoth bone and wood, found in the permafrost, according to radiocarbon analysis, have a distance of 9-10 thousand years from us. And yet this is not the main thing. The main discoveries are still waiting for their archaeologists. The fact is that the buildings found are a post-culture that arose on the remains of the previous, lost civilization of the Aryans as a result of a global catastrophe that occurred 11.5 thousand years ago. It was then that mammoths died out, and the descendants of the Aryans managed to survive the catastrophe thanks to a fairly strong and developed culture.

It is assumed that the reason for such a rapid glaciation is the rotation of the earth's axis, which occurs from time to time. The earth is an ellipsoid shape. Every student knows that the earth rotates around its axis with a period of a day (that is, they are precisely due to rotation). But that the earth's axis is also circular, not everyone knows the movement. This movement is called precession in mechanics. For clarity, see how the spinning top, spinning top rotates. The axis of rotation does not remain strictly vertical and motionless. She also draws a small circle with a movement, and the time to complete one revolution is much longer than for the revolution of the spinning top itself. So the time of the precessional rotation of the Earth's axis is 44 thousand years. In addition, the Earth's axis tends to sway from the equilibrium position in both directions by one and a half degrees with a period of 25,776 years. That is, there are mechanisms that shake the Earth's axis, and under certain conditions, a situation with the appearance of an unstable balance of the axis is quite possible. It can be the impact of a powerful meteorite, a comet, the deflection of a nearby massive cosmic body by the gravitational field, and even the growth of ice caps at the poles, which happens all the time. With the growth of ice caps at the poles, the Earth, as it were, takes on the shape of a dumbbell, which also leads to a position of unstable equilibrium. Most likely, it was the rotation of the Earth's axis, which occurred 11.5 thousand years ago, that was the cataclysm that caused irreversible phenomena, a sharp cooling in previously climatically favorable areas, with all the accompanying phenomena - earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, subsidence and uplift of the continents, i.e. e. "Global Flood".

It was in those times, 11-12 thousand years distant from us, that great battle hostile civilization of the Atlanteans with the Aryans in which our ancestors crushed the Atlanteans. Information about this battle through the initiates has found its way into our age. It was the rotation of the Earth's axis that caused the death of Atlantis. Part of the Atlanteans escaped by settling on the American continent and mixing with the red race, part on the African continent, subsequently founding the civilization of the Egyptians. Arias, according to a number of legends, come from the Northern Urals. Probably, the Ural Mountains contributed to survival, and a developed culture helped to overcome hundreds of years of life in the resulting icy desert. It is to that period that the beginning of the settlement of the Aryans on the planet can be attributed. One way or another, but the cataclysm forced them to look for new, more suitable lands and go on long hikes in search of those. By that time, the appearance of various languages ​​\u200b\u200bmust also be attributed. Before the cataclysm, the language on the planet was one, common.

So gradually our ancestors mastered the spaces first of the Trans-Urals, Siberia, then Europe. Some of them went to India, where they founded a center of ancient culture. Part, through the strait between Asia and America, crossed to the American continent, assimilating with the red-skinned race, which remained partially the same. It was the most difficult period of formation, associated with battles for the territories being developed, with the hardships of campaigns, with the conduct of a nomadic lifestyle. In relation to the remnants of other races that survived after the rotation of the earth's axis and by that time were the cave dwellers of the Stone Age, the Aryans were the bearer of civilization. They managed to preserve part of the culture and the knowledge that they owned before. A guess about the origin of the Slavic people was able to put forward a scientist at the end of the 16th century - early XVII century Mavro Orbini, author of the book "Slavic Kingdom" claimed that the Slavic clan is much older Egyptian pyramids and “he was so numerous that he inhabited half the world” ...

Ancient Aryans and their migrations to the south. Society and culture of the ancient Aryans.

From the end of the II millennium BC. and to this day, the population of Iran and India, for the most part, ethnically descends from a special branch of the Indo-Europeans - speakers of the so-called languages. Indo-Iranian group of Indo-European languages, which, in turn, is divided into two subgroups - Iranian and Indo-Aryan. Finding out the ancestral home of the common Indo-Iranian unity, the history of its disintegration into communities of Indo-Aryans and Iranian-speaking tribes, their habitats and the course of settlements is one of the most difficult problems in the history of antiquity. There is currently no generally accepted and fully proven solution to this problem. With a sufficient degree of certainty, it can only be said that by the end of the 3rd millennium BC, the Indo-Iranian ethno-linguistic unity still existed and inhabited the vast expanses of the steppes stretching from the Danube to Altai through the Northern Black Sea region and modern Kazakhstan.

At the end of the 3rd - beginning of the 2nd millennium, the proto-Iranian and proto-Indo-Aryan tribal communities separated from each other within this unity, as a result of which their languages, by the middle of the 2nd millennium, finally diverged into Indian and Iranian. The common self-name of the Indo-Iranians, preserved by both of their branches, was Arii (a term with the general meaning of “ritually pure, higher, best person”; terms with a literal meaning “real people” were taken as a self-name by many ethnic groups primitiveness). The ancient Aryans of this time were pastoralists who stood at the pre-state stage of development; earlier, their main occupation was agriculture (as evidenced by their preservation of common Indo-European agricultural terminology), but due to climatic changes, it faded into the background. During the 2nd millennium BC, the Aryan tribes settled in several waves to the south, occupying the territories of Iran and Northern India. Archaeological and linguistic materials incline researchers to assert that the Iranians came to Iran through the Caucasus rather than from Central Asia.

At a more hypothetical level, a more detailed picture can be recreated. Apparently, at the beginning In the 2nd millennium BC, the ancestors of the Indo-Aryans settled in the western part of the steppes, in Ciscaucasia, and the ancestors of the Iranian-speaking tribes settled in the east. Judging by the relic representations that survived in the Avesta, the sacred book of the late Iranian religion, Zoroastrianism, the world originally known to the Iranian-speaking tradition stretched from Altai and Tien Shan to the sources of the Volga from east to west and from Western Siberia to the Amu Darya from north to south; this vast space was divided into seven parts, the central of which was Khvanirata - the birthplace of the Iranians themselves. Archaeologically, this is the time of the dominance of the Catacomb culture between the Dnieper and the Caucasus.

In the XVIII-XVII centuries. BC, as excavation data show, there is a massive displacement of tribes through the Caucasus to the south, along the route Ciscaucasia - Northern Iran - further east up to the Indus. The decisive role in this migration was apparently played by the Proto-Indo-Aryans of Ciscaucasia; on their way they ravaged the natives of Iran and drove them before them; they moved to the east, crowding each other and causing new chain migrations. As a result, a strip of Indo-Aryan settlement arose, stretching from the Caucasus through north-central Iran and Afghanistan to the borders of India, which were reached by the "advanced" detachments of the Indo-Aryan migration. On the way, some groups of Indo-Aryans lagged behind the main stream; in particular, one of their groups at that time came to the Armenian Highlands and settled on the Upper Euphrates, at the borders of Upper Mesopotamia, where it is recorded under the name "manda warriors" by the Near Asian sources of the 18th - 17th centuries. BC (in science they are known as the Asiatic Aryans). Hence the Aryans - "manda", entering into symbiosis with the Hurrians, penetrate deeply into the Hurrian world: from their midst in the 17th - 16th centuries. BC came the dynasts of Mitanni and some kingdoms of Hurrian Palestine). The name “Manda” was preserved behind the Upper Euphrates region of the Aryans, and the Armenian princely family that ruled it many centuries later was called Mandakuni after it. Part of the Indo-Aryans remained in the Ciscaucasia and existed there even in ancient times (as O.N. Trubachev’s studies showed, the Sinds and Meots, well known from ancient sources, turned out to be relic Indo-Aryans).

As a result, in the second quarter - the middle of the 2nd millennium, the zone of proto-Indo-Aryan settlement lies mainly to the south of the Caucasus-Caspian line, and the proto-Iranian - to the north of this line, so that there is a significant territorial gap between them. It was at this time that their languages, according to linguistics, diverged completely. For the steppe, this is the time of existence of two main archaeological cultures- multiroll in the steppes west of the Urals - the Volga and Andronovo in the territory of Kazakhstan; there is every reason to associate the latter with the pan-Iranian ethno-cultural unity.

In the XVI / XV - XIV centuries. BC. the second major migration of the ancient Aryans takes place approximately along the same circum-Caspian route as the first: the Andronovo tribes move west from behind the Volga and, mixing with local tribes, form a special log culture here (while Andronovo proper continues to the east of the Volga tradition); at the same time, Iranian-speaking tribes spread from beyond the Caucasus to northwestern and northern Iran, bringing with them the beginning of the Iron Age in Iran and the characteristic gray ceramics. At the end of this period of migration, the Iranian-speaking tribes moved eastward up to the later Bactria (the very name of Bactria means in Iranian "eastern country", so the Iranians came here from the west) and the Amu Darya valley inclusive. Probably, it was under their gradually increasing pressure that the Indo-Aryans moved to Northern India in the 14th-13th centuries. BC. In Iran, the Indo-Aryans were mostly forced out or assimilated by their newcomer Iranian-speaking relatives, although at the junction of their ranges a wide band of interstriped Iranian-Indo-Aryan existence and symbiosis remained, which included a significant part of modern Afghanistan. Thus, the same territory centered in the later Kandahar is known from Indian sources as the Indo-Aryan kingdom of Cambodia, and from Iranian sources as a country with the Iranian name Harahvatti (ancient Arachosia).

As a result of this, the second cycle of Aryan migrations, the settlement of the Iranian-speaking tribes took the following form, which remained in general terms at the end of the 2nd - beginning of the 1st millennium BC: to the east of the Urals and the Volga lived the carriers of the Andronovo culture - the ancestors of the Scythian-Saka tribes, known first of all, according to ancient data, and the tribes of the “tura”, about which the “Avesta” narrates; to the west of the Urals and the Volga, the steppe was occupied by the bearers of the Srubna culture, the immediate ancestors of the tribes whom the Greeks generically called "Cimmerians"; most of West-central and northern Iran was occupied by a community from which the Median and Persian (Western Iranian) tribes later emerged; under the Amu Darya-Hilmend, a group of tribes became isolated, known in science under the name "Avestan Aryans" (they called themselves "Arya", their territory - Aryanam-Vaija, "Space of the Aryans" and Aryoshyana, "Country of the Aryans", and it was with them that the events reflected in the "Avesta", the core of which was formed in their own environment). The Avestan Aryans were the descendants of the head part of the same migration flow that moved farthest to the east, the main part of which, remaining in central Iran, was represented by
Medo-Persian tribes. However, the Avestan Aryans, moving east, broke away from their Western Iranian relatives and found themselves separated from them by the regions of the South-Eastern Caspian region with the native non-Iranian population, described in the Avestan tradition as terrible and powerful enemies, and by the Desht-i-Kevir salt desert. This did not allow the Avestan Aryans to maintain contact with the Iranian-speaking tribes of the Iranian plateau and led to the fact that their history in the next few centuries developed in two independent streams.

As a result of the gradual assimilation of the aboriginal population of Iran by Iranian-speaking tribes, the entire space between the Tigris, Indus and Amu Darya around the middle of the 1st millennium began to be called "Aryanam", "Aryan (land)". The later form of this word is the modern "Iran". Early Iranian (as well as Indo-Aryan) societies are characterized by the same three-estate organization, dating back to common Indo-Iranian practice: the society was divided into hereditary estates of priests, warriors and ordinary community members - pastoralists and farmers. At the level tribal unions the corresponding roles were often assigned to entire tribes: for example, in the six-tribe union of the Medes, priestly functions were monopolized by a tribe of magicians (whence the meaning of the word "magus" in European languages). The mentality of the Indo-Iranians was characterized by ritual-linguistic ethnic self-identification: those who carried out the correct rituals in a pure language, honoring the corresponding gods, were considered ethnically “their own”, regardless of blood relationship. This greatly facilitated the assimilation of the native population. The priests were considered the most revered class, but the power of the leader (later the king) was normally supposed to be carried out by someone from the class of warriors; leader and was seen primarily as the head of the military organization of the tribe.

The religious ideas of the Indo-Iranians are reconstructed according to the data on the beliefs of individual Indo-Iranian peoples. The gods were clearly divided into two classes - daivas and akhurs (Iranian asuras), to some extent opposed to each other (such a division is known in many mythologies, including Sumerian-Akkadian). By the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC, among the Indo-Aryans, and independently of them among the Iranians, this division was rethought as a value one: the gods of one of the classes began to be regarded as “good” (spreading joy, life, creation), and the other - as "evil" (those who spread death, suffering and destruction). At the same time, the Iranians regarded the Ahur as good gods, and the daives as evil, and the Indo-Aryans - on the contrary. Accordingly, the most powerful and unequivocally beneficent gods, such as, for example, Mithra, the god of the sun and human justice, the guardian of oaths, were enrolled by different peoples in different categories: among the Iranians, Mithra - akhura, among the Indo-Aryans - daiva. All Indo-Iranians revered Yama (Yima), the ancestor of mankind and the lord of the kingdom of the Dead, as well as the Wind, the Sun, the Moon and fire.

As the Avesta narrates, along the shores of the Voorukash (“Sea of ​​Milk” of the Mahabharata) and Rankha (Volga) seas, there were a number of Aryan countries - from Aryan-Vej in the far north to seven Indian countries in the south, beyond Rankha. The same seven countries are mentioned in the Rigveda and the Mahabharata as the lands between the Ganges and the Yamuna, in Kurukshetra. It is said about them: “The glorious Kurukshetra. All living beings, one has only to come there, get rid of sins, ”or“ Kurukshetra - the holy Altar of Brahma; there are holy brahmins - sages. Whoever settles in Kurukshetra will never know sorrow.” The question arises by itself: what are these rivers - the Ganges and the Yamuna, between which the country of Brahma lay? We have already found out that Ranha-Ganga is the Volga. But ancient Indian legends call the Yamuna the only major tributary of the Ganges, flowing from the southwest. Let's look at the map, and it will become clear to us that the ancient Yamuna is our Oka! Is it possible? Apparently - yes! It is no coincidence that in the course of the Oka here and there there are rivers with names: Yamna, Yam, Ima, Imyev. Moreover, according to the Aryan texts, the second name of the river Yamuna was Kala. So, until now, the mouth of the Oka is called by the locals the mouth of the Kala.

Mentioned in the Rig Veda and Mahabharata and other major rivers. So, not far from the source of the Yamuna (Oka), there was the source of the Sindhu River flowing to the east and south and flowing into the Chervona (Red) Sea (“Sindhu” in Sanskrit - stream, sea). But let us remember that in the Irish and Russian chronicles the Black Sea was called the Cheremny, that is, the Red Sea. So, by the way, is still called a part of its water area in the north. On the shores of this sea, the Sind people lived and the city of Sind (modern Anapa) was located. It can be assumed that the Sindhu of the ancient Aryan texts is the Don, whose sources are located not far from the source of the Oka. In the Volga-Oka interfluve there are many rivers, over the names of which millennia have not been in control. To prove this, no special efforts are required: it is enough to compare the names of the Poochya rivers with the names of the “sacred springs” in the Mahabharata, more precisely, in that part of it that is known as “Walking along the springs”. It is in it that a description is given of more than 200 sacred reservoirs of the ancient Aryan land of Bharata in the Ganges and Yamuna basins (as of 3150 BC):

Krinitsa River in Poochie
Agastya Agashka
Aksha Aksha
Apaga Apaka
Archika Archikov
Asita Asata
Ahalya Akhalenka
Wadawa Wad
Vamana Vamna
Vansha Vansha
Varaha Varaha
Varadana Varaduna
Kaveri Kaverka
Kedara Kidra
Kubja Kubja
Kumara Kumarevka
Kushika Kushka
Manush Manushinsky
Pariplava Plava
Crybaby Crybaby
lake Rama Lake Rama
sita sita
Soma Som
Sutirtha Suterki
Carcasses Tushin
Urvashi Urvanovsky
Ushanas Ushanets
Shankhini Shankini
Sean Shana
Shiva Shivskaya
Yakshini Yakshina

It is also surprising that we are dealing not only with an almost literal coincidence of the names of the sacred springs of the Mahabharata and the rivers of Central Russia, but even with the correspondence of their mutual location. So, in both Sanskrit and Russian, words with the initial “F” are extremely rare: from the list of rivers of the Mahabharata, only one river has “F” at the beginning of the name - Falguna, which flows into Sarasvati. But, according to the ancient Aryan texts, the Saraswati is the only large river flowing north of the Yamuna and south of the Ganges and flows into the Yamuna at its mouth. It corresponds only to the Klyazma River located north of the Oka and south of the Volga. And what? Among hundreds of its tributaries, only one has a name starting with "F" - Falyugin! Despite 5 thousand years, this unusual name has not changed much.

Another example. According to the Mahabharata, south of the sacred forest of Kamyaka, the river Praveni (that is, the Pra-river) flowed into the Yamuna, with Lake Godovari (where “vara” is “circle” in Sanskrit). But what about today? As before, to the south of the Vladimir forests, the river Pra flows into the Oka and Lake God lies. Or another example. The Mahabharata tells how the sage Kaushika flooded the Para River during a drought, which was renamed in his honor for this. But then the epic reports that the ungrateful locals still call the river Pair and it flows from the south to the Yamuna (i.e., to the Oka). And what? Until now, the Para River flows from the south to the Oka and, just like many thousands of years ago, it is called by the locals.

The description of the five-thousand-year-old springs refers, for example, to the Pandya River, which flows near Varuna, a tributary of the Sindhu (Don). But the Panda River even today flows into the largest tributary of the Don - the Vorona (or Varona) River. Describing the path of the pilgrims, the Mahabharata reports: "Von Jala and Upajala, rivers flowing into the Yamuna." Are there any rivers Jala (“jala” - “river” in Sanskrit) and Upa-jala flowing somewhere now? Eat. These are the Zhala (Tarusa) River and the Upa River, which flow into the Oka nearby. It was in the Mahabharata that the river Sadanapr (Great Danapr) - the Dnieper, flowing west from the upper reaches of the Ganges (Volga), was first mentioned.

But if the names of the rivers have been preserved, if the language of the population has been preserved, then, probably, the peoples themselves should be preserved? And, indeed, they are. So, in the Mahabharata it is said that to the north of the country of Pandya, lying on the banks of Varuna, is the country of Martyas. But it is precisely to the north of Panda and Vorona along the banks of Moksha and Sura that the land of Mordva (Mordva of the Middle Ages) lies - a people who speak the Finno-Ugric language with a huge number of Russian, Iranian and Sanskrit words. The country between Yamuna, Sindh, Upajala and Para was called A-Vanti. That's right - Vantit (A-Vantit) called the land of Vyatichi between the Oka, Don, Upa and Pair Arab travelers, Byzantine chronicles and Russian chronicles. The Mahabharata and the Rig Veda mention the Kuru people and Kurukshetra. Kurukshetra - literally "Kursk field", and it is in the center of it that the city of Kursk is located, where the "Tale of Igor's Campaign" places Kuryans - noble warriors.

ancient aryan chariot

The warlike people of Krivi are also mentioned in the Rig Veda. But Latvians and Lithuanians call all Russians the same way - “Krivi”, after the name of the neighboring Russian ethnic group Krivichi, whose cities were Smolensk, Polotsk, Pskov, and the current Tartu and Riga. But what about the ethnonym Rusa itself - the Russian land? Are they mentioned in ancient multi-thousand-year-old texts? Rusa, Rasa, Rasyan are constantly mentioned in the Rig Veda and Avesta. And as for the Russian land, here it is a matter of translation. The lands of Bharata, lying along the Ganges and Yamuna, on Kurukshetra, were otherwise called Sacred, Holy or Light Land, and in Sanskrit "Rusa" means "bright". Once Gavrila Romanovich Derzhavin wrote: "The river of time in its aspiration carries away all the affairs of people ...".

We, however, faced an amazing paradox, when real rivers seemed to stop the flow of time, returning to our world those people who once lived along the banks of these rivers, and their deeds. We have returned our memory.

A. VINOGRADOV economist, ecologist, geographer
S. ZHARNIKOVA candidate historical sciences, art critic, ethnologist.
Newspaper "New Petersburg", 18 (485), 04/26/2001


At that time, people were born already possessing noble qualities and amazing powers. In order to acquire special powers, people of this yuga did not have to do yogic practices or recite mantras that provide amazing achievements. These people, by mere devotion to the dharma, were Siddhapurusas, or people endowed with supernatural powers.
They were virtuous people with knowledge and wisdom. They could naturally voluntarily move across the sky at the speed of the wind. All of them possessed eight supersensory achievements, now called supernatural, known as shrinking to a tiny size, growing to a gigantic size, the ability to become extremely heavy, the ability to become weightless, the ability to get everything you want, the ability to completely get rid of desires, the attainment of supreme achievements, gaining amazing flexibility.

When we hear the word "Slavs", a chain of images-associations is immediately born involuntarily: Slavs - paganism - sorcerers - magicians - divination - spirits of nature - epic heroes-warriors - round dances of girls, in embroidered kokoshniks - jumping over the fire on the night of Ivan Kupala - seeing off winter - carnival, etc.
However, these dear ideas about the Slavs, our ancestors, brought up with children's fairy tales, epics - refer to those who lived about 3 - 5 thousand years ago, before the Christianization of the Slavic peoples. We will talk about the more distant ancestors, who lived about 5 thousand years ago and even more than 8 - 10 thousand years ago, in the pre-glacial period - about the Aryans, god-people who have an unearthly origin, who gave rise to most of the current earthly civilizations and cultures, in particular the Indo-Slavs
Indo-glories - the Aryans were the highest civilization of the immortals, the civilization of people-gods who owned the secrets of controlling space-time, could freely move to parallel dimensions, bending space, traveled on vimanas - aircraft resembling UFOs, owned ray weapons that surpassed the latest achievements of humanity in this area, actively explored the near and far space, mastered the technologies of alchemy, methods that surpassed modern nano-technologies, and traveled to the moon.
Professor of the Sanskrit Faculty of the University of Madras V.Ragavan believes that the heroes of the epic "Mahabharata", "Ramayana" - arias, our ancient ancestors - are representatives of a more ancient civilization.
“I came to the conclusion,” says V. Ragavan, “that there are living beings on other planets that visited the earth in 4,000 BC. This is indicated by the huge number of references in the Vedas, the ancient Indian epic and other Sanskrit texts about amazing flying machines and incredible weapons.

Aircraft of the Aryans

Indeed, in the ancient Indian epic "Mahabharata", "Ramayana" and other texts in Sanskrit, countless times aircraft are mentioned - vimanas, ray weapons, which humanity has no analogues now - "divine lightning".
The Vimanika Shastra says that in the Satya Yuga (1728000 years) the first three classes of vimanas did not exist, i.e. the first vimanas did not contain gross material particles, i.e. they consisted of subtle-material elements that are not accessible to humanity at the current level.
But with the coarsening of human minds in the Treta Yuga (1296000 years), vimanas were created through mantras - sound vibrations and were called "mantrika".
In the Dvapara Yuga (864,000 years), vimanas were condensed and created through magic and tantric methods. Such vimanas were called "tantrika".
In the Kali Yuga (432,000 years), as human consciousness became denser and more and more immersed in the material and the loss of connection with the worlds of the gods, vimana manufacturing technologies became more coarsened, and vimanas became artificial, i.e. made of rough matter, they were called "kritaka".
In terms of the form of movement and speed of the vimana "mantrika" and "tantrika" there were no differences. There was a difference in the use of the energy of heaven and earth. According to the Saunaka Sutra, there were 53 types of vimanas of the tantrika class.

“According to the ancient sages, in the Krita-yuga, or the first age, there were no three classes of vimanas.
The Vimana Chandrika says: “I will speak in general terms about the varieties of vimanas. In the Treta Yuga, when people were versed in mantras and powerful hymns, vimanas were created through mantric knowledge.
In the Dvapara Yuga, when people developed significant tantric knowledge, vimanas were produced through tantric knowledge.
Since the knowledge of mantras and tantras became insufficient in the Kali Yuga, the vimanas created at that time are known as kritaka, or artificial ones.
Bodhananda Vritti, Commentary on the Vimanika Shastra

Thus the ancient seers mention in the shastras three classes of vimanas.

The history of the creation of the vimana by the ancient Aryans

According to the Vimanika Shastra, the art of creating vimanas was sent down to the Aryan sages as a divine revelation by the Great God himself, the creator of our universe, who taught the sages the art of mantras.

“The human mind has condensed, and the concept of Vedic truths, the inner essence of man and supernatural forces impoverished. Due to the fact that Dharma, or righteousness, has cracked, people have lost the ability to fly in the sky with the speed of the wind.
The great God wished to give the twice-born the ability to correctly understand the Vedas and graciously descended to Earth in the form of a young man facing south. Through Sanaka and other initiates, He classified the mantras of the Vedas and then gave them Vedic perception.
The divine youth-god, delighted with the ascetics' ability to perceive, praised them, saying: “From now on, having comprehended Knowledge, you will be known as seers (rishis). You will become perfect in the art of sound vibrations and live in celibacy.
You will begin to worship the heavenly Goddess of the Vedas, master her energy and, immersed in samadhi, approach the Great God - the Creator and know his plan.
Having known, you will create for the benefit of mankind moral codes(Dharmashastras), mystical stories (Puranas and Itihasas), as well as the sciences of physics and mathematics. As far as celestial travel is concerned, you will pass on the art of building a vimana. In order for the vimanas to reach the speed of the wind, you, on the basis of the Kalpashastras, or scientific treatises, will develop methods.
Later munis, created in accordance with the Vedas of the Dharmashastra, or ethical codes, epics, chronicles, manuals for rituals, treatises on arts and sciences, codes of rites and sacrifices, and distributed them among people. It is said that among these writings of the ancient seers, there are six treatises on the construction of vimanas. They describe three classes of vimanas, known as consisting of sound vibrations, magical and artificial, capable of flying anywhere.
Bodhananda Vritti, Commentary on the Vimanika Shastra

Description of vimanas in ancient texts

Various texts such as Ramayana, Mahabharata often and in detail describe vimanas that move at high altitude through the air on vortex engines and work using mercury. Vimanas are described as double-deck aircraft with round portholes. Outwardly, they resembled a modern UFO. They move "faster than the wind", making melodious sounds. Vimanas were stored in special places - hangars.
According to the descriptions of the Ramayana, the Aryas-Indo-glories traveled on the vimanas, moved both within the Earth and to other planets of the Greater Cosmos. There is also an episode detailing the journey to the moon and the battle with other flying ships belonging to another race. The Mahabharata also contains no less amazing descriptions: “Rama ascends into the sky with a terrible roar in his amazing chariot, surrounded by clouds of smoke and fog.”
An important source describing the achievements of the Aryans is the Vimanika Shastra, a text found in 1875 under mystical circumstances. "Vimanika-shastra" is attributed to the sage Masarishi Bharadvaja, who lived in the 4th century BC, and wrote it down in a state of trance.
Professor aeronautics Krshna Murthy from the Research Institute in Bangalore, studying ancient texts, concluded that the gods, aliens from outer space, taught the construction of the Vimana flying machines, the Aryans. Ancient texts are full of numerous descriptions of the battles of the gods who fought on the vimanas. “Pushpaka's chariot resembles the sun and belongs to my brother. This wonderful machine itself is transported through the air to any place at any distance, ”says one of the chapters of the Ramayana.
The Mahabharata often mentions the "dart of Indra" - a beam of light emanating from a round reflector, which is aimed at any target, guided by sound. It was with it that Krishna struck the vimana of his enemy Salva.
Vimanas and their possibilities are described in such texts as:
1. "Vimana Chandrika"
2. "Vyomana Tantra"
3. "Yantra-kalpa"
4. "Kheta-yana-pradipika"
5. "Vyoma-yana-arkaprakashika"
6. "Kriya-sara"
7. "Yantra Sarvasra"
8. "Manibhadra Karika"
9. Shaunaka Sutra
10. "Lohatantra" and others.

Possibilities of vimanas

The Vimanas described in the Vimanika Shastra possessed abilities that are currently inaccessible to earthlings:
~ the power of "guda" allowed the vimana to be invisible to the enemy
~ the power of "paroksha" could disable other aircraft
~ the power of "pralaya" could emit electric charges and destroy obstacles
Using the energies of space, vimanas could also bend space and create visual or real effects - the starry sky, clouds, etc.
According to the descriptions, Vimanas mainly use seven sources of energy: fire, earth, air, the energy of the sun, the moon, water and space:

“There are seven and the moon, water and sky. These seven types of energy are called solar heat, solar electric dozen, kuntinee and source power.
"Saunaka Sutra"

Vimana movement

“The Vimana can perform 12 kinds of spectacular movements, also 12. These movements and forces include: forward movement, shuddering, ascent, descent, circular movement, movement at high speed, movement around something, movement sideways, movement backwards, anti-clockwise movement, full stop and demonstration of tricks.
Bodhananda Vritti, Commentary on the Vimanika Shastra

The authors of ancient Indian treatises write about amazing aircraft and their abilities as a matter of course. Vimanas are said to have 32 supernatural powers.

Unusual abilities of vimanas

The Vimanika Shastra lists 32 secrets that an aeronaut should learn from knowledgeable mentors. Only such a person can be entrusted with the control of an aircraft, and not another. These secrets provide the key to mastering supernatural powers.
All these secrets are explained by Siddhanadha as follows:
- mastery of the art of mantras, medicinal herbs, hypnotic powers, powers of magic,
- ability to create visual effects,
- destroy enemy ships with the force of vibration
- know routes and air currents,
- own the secret powers of the sun's rays and be able to use them to hide, to be invisible,
- by manipulating various energies of space with the help of a system of mirrors, be able to mask the vimana,
- have the ability to attract energy from the sun and primary elements, and with the help of it to bend space, changing its topological characteristics - dimensionality, etc.
- immobilize hostile energies, completely depriving them of the ability to perceive
- create visual effects in space, such as a starry sky, etc.
- create a thunderous rumble, and suppress hostile energies with the power of vibration
- move in zigzags like a snake
- instantly “transfer” vimana from one place to another, using the knowledge of astral energy flows
- create a shock wave that generates shaking vibrations
- be out of reach due to fast rotation
- hear conversations and sounds coming from other vimanas
- by means of a "photographic yantra" installed on board, to receive television images of any objects outside the vimana, including what is happening on the ground, to track the approach of other ships
- merge with the sky, take the form of a cloud, become indistinguishable
- paralyze hostile creatures on other aircraft

Air routes

Also in the Vimanika Shastra, in the chapter on air routes, five atmospheric layers of space and 519,800 air routes are described, along which the vimanas travel through the seven worlds (lokas). These lokas are called: Bhu-loka, Bhuvar-loka, Svar-loka, Maha-loka, Jana-loka, Tapa-loka and Satya-loka.

“According to Saunaka, there are five layers in the sky called Rekhaapathha, Mandala, Kakshya, Shakti, and Kendra.
In these five atmospheric layers there are 519,800 airways by which the vimanas travel through the Seven Lokas or worlds known as Bhur-loka, Bhuvar-loka, Swar-loka, Maha-loka, Jnana-loka, Tapa-loka, Satya-loka. .
Bodhananda Vritti, Commentary on the Vimanika Shastra

Air vortices, which are prescribed
viman pilots beware
In the chapter "Air whirlwinds" it is said about five currents of energy destructive for the vimanas, which the pilot must beware of and lead the vimana to a safe place from them.

“Aavartaa, or whirlwinds of air, are innumerable in the upper layers. Five of them are on the routes of the vimanas. These whirlwinds are destructive to the vimanas and should be avoided.
The balloonist must be aware of these five sources of danger, and be able to lead the vimana away from them to a safe place.
Bodhananda Vritti, Commentary on the Vimanika Shastra

Energy sources

In the chapter "Sources of Energy", it is said about the energy that makes vimanas move and about seven types of devices that produce and extract these energies. These include:
- Devices that provide absorption of solar energy
- extracting energy from opposing forces (from alien aircraft)
- main driving force
- twelve groups of solar forces that help to carry out takeoff, landing, absorption of solar heat, curbing someone else's power and moving in space.

The amazing information about vimanas, which exists in a huge number of sacred texts of ancient India, is of tremendous value as documented, material evidence that our ancestors, the Aryans, in ancient times had colossal achievements both in the field of spiritual knowledge, and in magical and scientific and technical fields. areas. The descriptions of vimanas that have come down to us are late fragments containing tiny grains of that truly limitless potential, those mystical possibilities that our ancestors, the Aryans, of Indo-glory possessed.

According to Valmiki-ganita, the 1st and 2nd sections of the Rekhaapatha layer are suitable for the vimanas of our world (Bhu-loka). In the Mandala layer, sections 3 and 5 are suitable for the vimanas of the inhabitants of the astral world and the world of the gods (Bhuvar-loka, Swar-loka and Maha-loka). The 2nd and 5th sections of the Kakshya layer are suitable for the Jnana-loka vimanas. For the inhabitants of Brahma-loka, according to the shastras, the 3rd and 11th sections of the Kendra layer are most convenient.

In the Re-khapathha layer, the "Shaktyaavarta" or energy vortex is found. In Mandala-pathha there is a wind whirlwind. In Kakshyaa-pa-thha there is a whirlwind of sunbeams. In Shakti-pathha there is Shytyaavarta, or whirlwind of cold currents. As for Kendra-pathha, there is a gharshanaavartha or whirlwind created by the destructive force.


For ethnonym * a/āri̯a- it is supposed to be erected to the Indo-European form * ar-i̯-o-, reflected, in all likelihood, also in OE. aire "noble", "free", etc.-Scand. (runic) arjōstēR "most noble". The last words, however, were never used as an ethnonym, while in the languages ​​of the Indo-Iranian (Aryan) peoples, in addition to the meaning of "noble", the word had a pronounced ethnic connotation that opposed Aryans("their own people") to the surrounding foreign peoples - OE Ind. anārya-, Avest. anairya- "non-Aryan", "barbarian".

Various versions of origin have been proposed* ar-i̯-o-, starting from the versions of the 19th century already left in academic circles: from the verb "to move" (that is, "nomad") or from the verb "plow" (that is, "farmer"). In 1938, Paul Thieme put forward an etymology that was widely used in its time and critically rethought by E. Benveniste * ar-i̯-o- as "hospitable" to * ari(other-ind. ari"friend", "enemy", "foreigner").

This hypothesis is confirmed by the presence of other ind. arya- (←*ari̯a-) "lord", "master of the house", directly corresponding to the Iranian variants of the ethnonym (with a short A-). At the same time, the ancient Indian version with a long ā- (ārya-) can be interpreted as a vriddhi form from arya-, that is, "a member of the union of householders-aryá, in which mutual hospitality is shown." Corresponding with this is such an important pan-Aryan deified concept as * ari̯aman-(other-ind. aryaman-, Avest. airyaman-) - Aryaman, lit. "Aryan", the deity of friendship, hospitality and marriage.

Use in antiquity

In ancient times, the term *a/āri̯a- ( arya / arya) was the main supra-tribal ethnonym, denoting among the Indo-Iranian peoples the totality of tribes with which they felt kinship and direct ethnic connection. The term was also widely used in a linguistic sense: Aryan language is the native language of the Indo-Iranians. Meanwhile, historical evidence of the existence of the ethnonym dates back to the time after the collapse of the Indo-Iranian unity, which only worsened over the centuries. Therefore, the Indo-Iranian ethnonymy is characterized, on the one hand, by the exclusion from the scope of the ethnonym arya the surrounding peoples of the same Aryan origin, the kinship with which in this community ceases to be realized, and on the other hand, the gradual oblivion of this ethnonym and its displacement by more local self-identifications.

In India

In the Vedas

In the Iranian world

In the ancient Iranian era
In the Middle Iranian era

The notion of arias as ethnic community survived the Parthian period (the Arsacid dynasty), as can be seen from the Parthian versions of the Sassanid inscriptions, where the king is called šāhān šāh aryān "king of the kings of the Aryans (MLKYN MLKʾ ʾryʾn)", although there is no information that the Arsacids themselves called themselves that way.

At the same time, the Sassanids bring forward the political significance of the ethnonym and for the first time formulate the idea of ​​the "Iranian Empire" - Parth. aryānšahr (ʾryʾnḥštr), cf. pers. ērānšahr (ʾylʾnštr)< др. иран. *aryānām xšaθra- «Царство ариев», именуя себя «царь Эрана и Анерана» (ариев и неариев) - ср.перс. šāhān-šāh Ērān ud Anērān (MLKʾn MLKʾ ʾyrʾn W ʾnyrʾn), др.-греч. βασιλεύς βασιλέων ἀριανων . Term Eran(the totality of the Aryans, Aryan lands) is widely used in the new title of officials, in toponyms, in religious and political propaganda.

In this era, at the other end of the Iranian-speaking world, in the South Russian and North Caucasian steppes, another Iranian people, the Alans (*alān< др.иран. *aryāna-). Подобно тому, как сасанидские иранцы не считали «ариями» незороастрийские иранские народы, в частности, аланов, сами аланы также распространяли этот древний этноним только на самих себя.

Modern reflexes

None of the modern Indo-Iranian peoples any longer calls themselves Aryans and, at the level of traditional culture as a whole, is not aware of Aryan origin and kinship with all Aryan peoples on the basis of the common Aryan heritage. Surviving secondary derivatives of this root as ethnonyms are rare, most of the Indo-Iranian peoples refer to themselves by local or tribal names.

In Nuristani languages

The living use of the former ethnonym was preserved, ironically, in South India, inhabited by Dravidian-speaking (that is, non-Aryan-speaking) peoples in ayya- respectful treatment of the person.

In the Iranian world

The Sasanian concept of the "Aryan kingdom" (ērānšahr) is continued in the modern name of the country Iran (pers. ایران [ʔiˈɾɒn]), taj. Eron). The latter was adopted as official only in 1935. Before that, the name Iran existed as an unofficial name for a vast ethno-cultural region (the so-called "Greater Iran"), which was primarily supported by the popularity of the national Iranian epic Shah-nameh (X century), which describes the confrontation between settled Iran and nomadic Turan, continuing the Avestan airya- and tūirya -.

From the name of Iran comes the self-name of the modern inhabitants of the country: ایرانی [ʔiˈɾɒni]). Persian. آریا [ʔɒrjɒ]) "ary" is a "bookish" word of recent historiographical origin.


The Iranian languages ​​preserved in the South Central Asian region demonstrate the absence of a specific substrate, in contrast to the Iranian languages ​​of Western Iran and the Indo-Aryan languages ​​of India. The common substratum identified in all Indo-Iranian languages ​​presumably correlates with the pre-Aryan culture of the BMAK. In addition, there is a transfer of some geographical names from the South Central Asian region to India (cf. Avest. Harōiuua-, other Persian Haraiva- "Area" ~ other Ind. Saráyu-; Arachosia” ~ other ind. Sárasvatī-.


The collapse of the Aryan language community according to D. I. Edelman

The Dardic languages, which do not have monuments of the most ancient era, were traditionally considered as a special sub-branch of the Indo-Aryan, however, modern studies show that the allocation of the ancestor of the Dardic took place in an era correlated with the separation of the Proto-Indo-Aryan and Proto-Iranian, Dardic in some respects occupy an intermediate position between Indo-Aryan and Iranian. Therefore, the Dardic languages ​​should rather be considered as a separate branch of Indo-Iranian.

From the point of view of relative chronology, the selection of the ancestor of the Nuristan languages ​​should be attributed to greater antiquity than the collapse of the Indo-Iranian languages ​​proper (Indo-Aryan, Dard and Iranian). Thus, the selection of archaic Nuristani languages ​​can be considered the earliest filiation of the Proto-Aryan language.

Culture and religion

The material and spiritual culture of the ancient Aryans (Indo-Iranians) is being restored on the basis of the evidence of the most ancient literary monuments of the Indo-Aryans (Vedas) and Iranians (Avesta), as well as historical evidence of the ancient Indo-Iranian peoples, archaeological data, data from late epic legends (Mahabharata, Ramayana, Shah-name ) and ethnographic studies of modern archaic Indo-Iranian peoples.

material culture

The ancestors of the historical Aryans were a semi-nomadic people, in whose economy cattle breeding played a leading role, and agriculture was of a subordinate nature. The main domestic animal of the Aryans was a cow/bull (ancient ind. go-, Avest. gao-) - the basis of material well-being, a source of food and draft power. Sheep (Other Indian paśu-, Avest. pasu-), goats (Other Ind. aja-, Avest. aza-), donkeys (Other Ind. khara-, Ave. .ind. uṣṭra-, Avest. uštra-). Dogs (ind. śvan-, Avest. span-) guarded the dwelling and guarded the livestock. The Aryans plowed the land with an ox-drawn plow and sowed barley (ancient ind., Avest. yava-). An intoxicating drink was also made, probably on a milk basis (other ind. sura-, Avest. hura-)

The basis of combat power was a horse (Old Ind. aśva-, Avest. aspa-), harnessed to a light and fast chariot (Old Ind. ratha-, Avest. raθa-). The main weapons were arrows (Old Ind. iṣu-, Avest. išu-) and club (Old Ind. vajra-, Avest. wazra-).

The Aryans were known for primitive irrigation (OE Ind. yavyā-, OE Persian yauviyā- "canal"), digging wells (Old Ind. cātvāla-, Avest. cāt-), making bricks (Old Ind. iṣṭakā-, Avest. ištiia-), smelting of copper (Other Ind. ayas-, Avest. ayaŋh- "metal", "copper") and gold (Other Ind. Hiranya-, Other Persian daraniya- "gold") products. Other areas of activity were weaving, carpentry, and healing.

social structure

The basis of the Aryan society was the patriarchal family, which inhabited a separate building (ancient ind., Avest. dam-). The social subjects were the heads of such families (Old Ind. pati-, Avest. paiti-), under their authority people (family members, captive slaves and other dependent people) and cattle were united (Old. Ind. paśuvīra-, Avest. pasu .wīra- "cattle and people"), the number of which determined the wealth of the family. Families united into clans (Old Ind. viś, Avest. wīs-), occupying villages-communities (Old. Ind. vr̥jana-, Avest. wərəzana-). Groups of communities made up tribes, often united in unstable and warring alliances.

The three-class structure of society, fixed in the ancient Indian and Iranian societies, was probably just being formed, and the main names for the classes vary in different branches of the Aryans. The society was headed by priests (Old Ind. ātharvan-, hotar-, uśij- Avest. āθrauuan-, zaotar-, usij-), among whom poets-seers especially stood out (Old Ind. kavī-, r̥ṣi-, Avest. kauuī-, ərəši-), and the aristocratic elite, owners authorities(Other Ind. kṣatra-, Avest. xšaθra-), consisting of chariot warriors (Other Ind. ratheṣṭā-, Avest. raθaēštā-). The third class, which made up the common people, consisted of shepherds, who, if necessary, constituted a militia-troop (Other Indian senā-, Avest. haēnā-). War (both with neighboring Aryan tribes and with non-Aryan peoples), motivated by the capture of prey (primarily livestock) and new territories for settlement and grazing, was the main form of social activity.

spiritual culture

Religion was the basis of spiritual culture, penetrating all the activities of the Aryans. The Indo-Iranian religion was built around sacrifice (ancient Ind. yajña-, Avest. yasna- ), arranged on holidays or other significant days by priests by order and at the expense of sacrificing laity. The meaning of the sacrifice was to maintain the World Order (ancient Ind. ṛta-, Avest. aša-, other Persian (a)rta- ), which manifests itself in cosmic cycles and in the general prosperous functioning of the universe, which provides the Aryans with the multiplication of material wealth. At the sacrifice, the priests sang hymns to the deities, brought them gifts designed to strengthen their strength and call them to help the Aryans. An important role was assigned to fire (Old Ind. agni-, surviving Avest. aɣni- ) - an intermediary in the transfer of gifts from people to the gods. In the process of the sacred action, a hallucinogenic or stimulating drink was prepared (Old Ind. soma-, Avest. haoma-), which caused religious ecstasy among believers. Priests sang sacred formulas (Old Ind. mantra-, Avest. mąθra- ), which have a magical effect on the universe and awaken the hidden holy power hidden in all things (Old Ind. brahman-, other Persian. brazman-).

Seer-poets staged contests of improvising religious hymns, often using metaphors for equestrian events in which the Aryans staged chariot races, their favorite pastime, which also had religious significance. At ceremonies, the singing of religious songs was accompanied by accompaniment on musical instruments (primarily the lute).

The religions that have survived to our time, which arose on Aryan soil, are Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, the religion of the Kalash and Kafirs of the Hindu Kush, and Zoroastrianism.

The use of the term "Aryans" / "Aryans" in the XIX - early XX centuries

Since the end of the twentieth century. the theme of the "ancient Aryans" is often developed in the style of folk history within the framework of non-academic studies and neo-fascism.

Racial theories

The Aryan racial theory was developed by the French writer Arthur de Gobineau, who, having singled out three main races by skin color (white, yellow and black), considered the white to be the highest race, and within it put the "Aryans" in the highest place. Modern science rejects the Aryan theory as unscientific.

see also


  1. Benveniste E. Dictionary of Indo-European social terms. M ., 1995. S. 240-242.
  2. O. Szemerinyi. Structuralism and substratum - Indo-Europeans and Semites in the Ancient Near East (LINGUA. International Review of General Linguistics, v. 13: 1-29) 1977. P. 122.
  3. Proto-Semite. * ʔary-
  4. Illich-Svitych V. M. The most ancient Indo-European-Semitic language contacts // Problems of Indo-European linguistics. Etudes on Comparative Historical Grammar of the Indo-European Languages. M., 1964. S. 7. (254 Kb, djvu)
  5. Massageta // BRE. T.19. M., 2011.
  6. Issyk // BRE. T.12. M., 2008.

What is the difference and what is common between the Slavs and the Aryans.

To be honest, I decided to write this material only so that some of you simply understand how the Slavs and Aryans differ. I have been asked several times why some pagan organizations call themselves Slavic-Aryans? It seems to be clear with the Slavs, especially since several articles have already been written regarding the Slavs, for example, (The origin of the word of the ethnonym), and you can always refer to them to refresh the meaning of this term in your memory. But who are the Aryans? Are these the same arias that were ruled by the famous bloody dictator Hitler? Not really.

Aryans - the peoples of ancient Iran and ancient India. The native language of the Indo-Iranians is Aryan. The Indo-European word "Aryans" can be translated as "noble" - the exaltation of a special God-chosen people. So, Arius is his own man, Non-Arius is a barbarian. Something similar can be found in one of the proposed translations regarding the Slavs: A Slav is one who speaks with his own word, i.e. in native language. In addition, some historians and researchers suggest that the word "Arius" can be translated as "Nomad", "Plowman", "Hospitable", "Friend", "Courageous". In modern India, the word ārya means one who is pious or adherent to the Dharma. The term is widely used in the Rigveda, where it is used to refer to several Indian tribes. Also often, and maybe even more often than in Hindu literature, it is used in Buddhism and is translated here as "Noble, Holy." In Buddhism, there are such concepts as the Four Aryan truths, the Aryan (eightfold) path, Aryan people (they are Buddhists themselves), etc. Used in the ancient Iranian Avesta as an ethnic self-determination. In the South Russian and North Caucasian steppes, the Alans (Ossetians) called themselves Aryans. The Iranian-speaking population did not consider the Alans to be Aryans; in response, the Alans considered only themselves to be Aryans. Studies show that the Aryans were originally a single people and were the ancestors of the Indian and Iranian-speaking peoples.

Slavic-Aryans is the same as the Indo-Europeans. Slavs and Aryans are already two divided groups of the once existing Slavic-Aryan people. It is customary to call such terms an ancient group of people or people who were the progenitors of the Slavic and Aryan peoples or the ancestors of the Indians, Iranians, Slavs, Europeans and others. Thus, it would be natural to say that none of us can be either a Slavic-Aryan or an Indo-European, since these words are only suitable for designating some ancient people, the progenitor of the Aryan and Slavic peoples.

The term Aria became widely known with the rise to power of Hitler. Although he only took advantage of the theory developed by the French writer Arthur de Gobineau. In his writings, he divided all mankind by skin color - black, yellow and white. Aryans, he considered the white population of the earth, which occupies a dominant role on the planet. Modern science rejects this theory as pseudoscientific and does not stand up to any criticism of modern scientists, anthropologists, etc., here there is an obvious linguistic idiom with terms, since Arias is a concept of a completely different kind, not related to skin color.

Who are the Aryans?

Where did the Aryans Slavs and "Indo-Europeans" come from? DNA genealogy provides the answer.

Haplogroup(in human population genetics, the science that studies the genetic history of mankind) - a group of similar haplotypes that are a series of alleles. The term "haplogroup" is widely used in genetic genealogy, where the Y-chromosomal (Y-DNA), mitochondrial (mtDNA) and MHC haplogroups are studied. Y-DNA markers are transmitted with the Y-chromosome through the exclusive paternal line (i.e., from father to sons), and mtDNA markers through the maternal line (i.e., from mother to all children). Thus, males are carriers of both Y-DNA markers and mtDNA markers, although they do not pass the latter on to their offspring.

Haplogroup R1a (M17) originated in the south of the Russian plain about 10-15 thousand years ago, on the basis of this genus, the Slavic ethnos was formed. It is generally accepted that these people were the Aryans.

Presumably, it was this clan that invented the wheel, designed the first carts and tamed the horse, which allowed him to leave primitive matriarchal agriculture and switch to more efficient nomadic pastoralism and subsequently master the entire strip of the Eurasian steppes from the Danube to Transbaikalia, breaking up into many tribes.

Distribution area from Iceland (Vikings) to India (Brahmin caste), modern center haplogroup is located on the territory of Poland R1a occurs with a frequency of Tajiks (64%), Kigiza (63%), Hungarians (56%), 56.4% among Poles, 54% among Ukrainians and 47% among Russians, but only with a frequency of 15.2% among Macedonians , 14.7% among Bulgarians and 12.1% among Herzegovinians.

R1a migration map

The "ancestral home" of the Aryans, Proto-Slavs, "Indo-Europeans", and the picture of migration flows from the ancestral home

The "ancestral home" in relation to the Slavs, Aryans and Indo-Europeans is the territory where stable DNA genealogical ties with modern Slavs began to form, connections that can be identified, identified, and attributed specifically to the Slavs, as descendants of the Aryans, "Indo-Europeans" and "Proto-Indo-Europeans", and originally those who left Africa about 60 thousand years ago, and gave rise to modern humanity - and the "Indo-Europeans", and the Semites, and the Finno-Ugric peoples, and the Turks. And in general, all 18 modern haplogroups, they are the main genera modern humanity in terms of DNA genealogy.

Let's consider the whole path, starting from the exit from Africa, and put the "Proto-Indo-Europeans", "Indo-Europeans", Aryans and Proto-Slavs in a single framework, in single system.

Route, stage one, the first 20 thousand years. Africa - Western Asia. The beginning - 60 thousand years ago, the pass - 40 thousand years ago.

Our Slavic ancestors are distant descendants of "chromosomal Adam" who lived in northeast Africa. They call him Chromosomal Adam because approximately 80-100 thousand years ago he passed the “bottleneck” of the human population, and only his direct offspring survived and grew. The offspring of the rest of the people of that time, or those who lived earlier, were not found in us, the modern people of the Earth. For now, anyway.

The route, stage two, the next 15 thousand years. Western Asia - Southern Siberia. The beginning - 40 thousand years ago, the pass - 25 thousand years ago.

From Mesopotamia and the South Caspian, the flow split. Future Jews and Arabs stayed in the Middle East for a long time, and many settled there forever (haplogroup J, the southern part of Mesopotamia), some continued to go north, to the Caucasus (haplogroup G), and some (haplogroups I and J2), having passed Asia Minor, through the Bosporus and the Dardanelles, which were then dry, went to the Balkans, to Greece, to Europe. Among those who went to the Balkans - many future Balkan Slavs of haplogroup I2 - from 30% to 40% of Bulgarians, Bosnians, Slovenes, Serbs have it. They are by origin - not Aryans and not "Indo-Europeans", although by language - "Indo-Europeans".

On this path, which took several millennia, our Eurasian ancestor had another mutation, M45, the transformation of guanine into adenine (Gà A). It happened in Central Asia, 30 thousand years ago. The consolidated haplogroup was reduced to P-R. Behind it - the next mutation, M207, already in the south of Siberia, 25 thousand years ago. This identified our ancestor in the haplogroup R.

Route, stage three, the next 13 thousand years. Southern Siberia - Balkans, Dinaric Alps, Adriatic. The beginning - 25 thousand years ago, the pass - 12 thousand years ago.

This stage is extremely important for future Europeans in general, and the Aryans in particular. In the course of it, the clans were divided into Western and Eastern European, into the Aryan and Celtic clans. There was a selection of the kind of future Slavs.

Route, stage four, the next 6 thousand years. Balkans - Central Europe, Atlantic, Scandinavia, Carpathians, future Ukraine, Belarus, Russia. The beginning - 10 thousand years ago, the pass - 4 thousand years ago.

In Central Asia, the Aryans, moving along the southern part of the route, were delayed for 500-800 years. These places were then described in detail in the Zend-Avesta, the ancient book of the Aryans, written already in Iran, where the Aryans moved in the 2nd millennium BC.

Perhaps this migration was earlier than the Aryans with southern Urals, from Arkaim and the “country of cities”, and happened at the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC, approximately 3900-3800 years ago. Perhaps, and at the same time, like the South Ural Aryans, 3600-3500 years ago. So far, Iranian R1a1 haplotypes are not readily available, but this issue will be resolved in the near future.

Chelyabinsk City of the Sun - Arkaim.

North India

In those days, between 6 and 4 thousand years ago, there was a great migration of peoples. This was not the famous Great Migration of the 4th-7th centuries AD, during which there were large ethnic movements in Europe, and which led to the collapse of the Roman Empire or became its result. It was a much more global Great Migration, associated with the spread of new technologies, agriculture, horse transport, and eventually led to the creation of a family of Indo-European languages. The genus R1a1, the Aryans, the Proto-Slavs, played a decisive role in this migration and in its results.

Route, stage five, the next thousand years. South Ural - India, Iran. The beginning - 4 thousand years ago, the pass - 3 thousand years ago.

So, the early Bronze Age. Arias arrive in the southern Urals. 3800 years ago they built the settlements of Sintashtu, Arkaim (modern names), and a whole "country of cities".

The picture shows a sculptural image of an Aryan peasant from Arkaim.
This sculpture local resident, with typically Russian features; his facial expression clearly shows a person sitting and looking at the sky with nothing to do.)))


Modern descendants of the genus R1a1 (and we are talking about it now) have their uninterrupted DNA genealogical lines since the ancient Neolithic, and sometimes even Paleolithic sites, and this can be directly seen from the records in our Y chromosomes, haplotypes, and from the pattern of mutations in them calculate the times of these stops and the times of migrations of human flows.

Of course, there is a temptation to note, or even emphasize, that the dates of the life of common ancestors throughout Europe, found in this study using DNA genealogy, mostly fall on 4200-4800 years ago, that is, in the III millennium BC. , and this strikingly coincides with the data of historians.

As they write, it was at this time that "the Indo-Europeanization of Central Europe by the agricultural tribes of the Indo-Europeans ended." True, not "Indo-Europeans", but Aryans, haplogroup R1a1. Those who went to the east became the Proto-Slavs, those who went to the west became ... in general, they do not have their own name. Some call them the collective name of the Celts, some - the Basques. The share of R1a1 in the British Isles is minimal, often between zero and 4%. In the north of Scotland - up to a quarter. In the north, in Scandinavia - about 20%, and with an upward gradient - to the east, up to three quarters in Russia, up to two thirds in some regions of Central Asia.

What made the Aryans move to new lands? What caused the almost constant flow of population to new territories? To be honest, this is not my question either. I would prefer professional historians, anthropologists, linguists to interpret these data professionally. They know the answer better than me. They write that this flow was caused - and in turn caused itself - by new economic and technical achievements, in particular, dairy farming, new land cultivation technology, the domestication of the horse, the creation of wheeled vehicles. Still - climate change, the onset of "a period of a certain decrease in temperature and a variable increase in continentality, the onset of global climate aridity in the III millennium BC." This, in turn, "led to a decrease in the agro-climatic potential and did not give guaranteed yields." But this is again not my question, not my profession. And not DNA genealogy.

Most importantly, in collaboration with the data of linguists, archaeologists, historians in this study, it turned out to be possible to establish where the “ancestral home” of both the “Proto-Indo-Europeans” (Anterior Asia) and the Aryans, they are also “Indo-Europeans”, they are also Proto-Slavs (Balkans) , thereby reconciling - at least at first glance - the two main schools of linguists. It's just that the time frames for these "ancestral homes" turned out to be different - for the first 40 thousand years ago, for the second - 12 thousand years ago.

The same approach made it possible to follow in some detail, in time and place, how the Aryans migrated between 6000 and 4200 years ago to the northern Carpathians, to the places of the mysterious Trypillia culture, in Central Europe, to the British Isles, to Scandinavia, to Slavic territories present-day Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Lithuania, Germany, Ukraine, Russia, and further along the southern steppes of Ukraine and Russia to the Southern Urals and further to India and Iran, and to the Middle East, to Lebanon, and to the Arabian Peninsula, to the Oman bay. He allowed quite reasonably to assume that it was the Aryans who erected the monuments of Stonehenge. That it was the Aryans who erected settlements in the Southern Urals, now called Arkaim, Sintashta, and the country of cities.

This method made it possible to establish that the Russian and Ukrainian Slavs have a common ancestor who lived 4500 years ago, that the same Slavic ancestor is also the ancestor of the Hindus of the same kind of Aryans, who now number at least one hundred million people. The Indian descendants continued the lineage of our Proto-Slav who lived 3850 years ago, and continued this lineage shortly after the Aryans left Arkaim and the Southern Urals. And we probably already know why and when they left it.

This method made it possible to convincingly show that not the "Indo-European languages", but the Aryan, Proto-Slavic languages ​​are primary. " Indo-European languages”- this euphemism arose at one time from a misunderstanding of what connects Sanskrit and its variants, on the one hand, and European languages, on the other. Now it has become quite clear. Aryan languages ​​are the basis of European languages, Sanskrit, and "Indo-European" Iranian languages. Not "Iranian-speaking peoples" lived on the Dnieper, Don and Ural River. The Slavs lived there, the Proto-Slavs, the Aryans, and that was their language. It was they who brought their language to India, Iran, Afghanistan.

I would put a plus on the post, but have not yet grown to the ability to plus / minus :)
In general, I have I1, I don’t regret it at all :) Well, you need to understand that the Y-DNA test gives information about only one ancestor, well, for example, out of a thousand, the rest could carry any haplogroups. In order to understand what is messed up in a person, you need to do, for example, a test from 23andme.com, it is about twice as expensive as the 67-marker Y-haplotype from FTDNA.

Arkaim and K are still not Aryan.

"R1a is found with a frequency of Tajiks (64%), Kigiz (Kyrgyz?) (63%), Hungarians (56%), 56.4% among Poles, 54% among Ukrainians and 47% among Russians"
That is, Tajiks and Kyrgyz are more "pure Aryans" than others?

Hitler would be furious :) And the highest percentage of the R1A1 haplogroup is among the Brahmins from West Bengal, 72.22%. So, here they are - arias :)

Yes, Hitler would be furious (see below :))
Saliva samples taken from 39 of the Nazi leader's relatives show he may have had biological links to the "subhuman" races he tried to exterminate during the Holocaust.
Jean-Paul Mulde, a Belgian journalist, and Marc Vermierin, a historian, tracked down the Fuhrer's relatives earlier this year, including an Austrian farmer who was his cousin.
The chromosome, called Halogroup E1b1b1, that was found in their samples is rare in Western Europe and is commonly found among the Berbers of Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia, as well as among Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jews.
"Anyone can deduce from this that Hitler was connected with people he despised," Mr. Mulde wrote in the Belgian magazine Knack.
Halogroup E1b1b1, which accounts for approximately 18 - 20 percent of the Ashkenazi and 8.6 - 30 percent of the Sephardic Y chromosomes, appears to be one of the main lineages of the Jewish population.
Knack, who published the results, says the DNA was tested under rigorous laboratory conditions.
"This is an amazing result," said Ronnie Decort, a geneticist at the Catholic University of Leuven.
"The case becomes exciting when you compare it to the concept of the Nazi world, in which race and blood were central."
“Hitler's concern about his origins was not unfounded. He was certainly not "pure" or "Aryan"
This is not the first time historians have suggested that Hitler had Jewish ancestry.
His father, Alois, is thought to have been the illegitimate descendant of a damsel named Maria Schickelgruber and a 19-year-old Jewish youth named Frankenberger.

the dumbest thing that can unite people is their exterior.

Not correct article.
P1A is not yet a synonym for Aryan, there is no archaeological data to establish the gallogroups of the Indo-Aryans, everything is at the level of hypotheses.
The low proportion of p1a1 in Britain and Scotland, in the presence of the same anthrotypes in Germany and Russia, which are richer in this halo group, leads only genetic conclusions to a dead end.
However, p1a1 is just a gene, its presence shows only a genetic relationship, but the phenotype may be different, as in the case of the Kirghiz and Tajiks, who are descendants of Androonians with p1a1 and Mongoloid later newcomers. Yes, they are, as it were, relatives to us, but only by 30-40% ...

incorrect comment.
Since belonging to a haplogroup is determined by very specific mutations in certain nucleotides of the Y chromosome, we can say that each of us carries a certain mark in DNA. And this mark in the male offspring is indestructible, it can be destroyed only together with the offspring itself. Unfortunately, there have been many such cases in the past. But this does not mean at all that this label is an indicator of a certain “breed” of a person. This mark is not associated with genes and has nothing to do with them, namely genes and only genes can be associated with a "breed" if desired. Haplogroups and haplotypes do not in any way determine the shape of the skull or nose, hair color, physical or mental characteristics of a person. But they forever tie the carrier of the haplotype to a certain human race, at the beginning of which was the patriarch of the clan, whose offspring survived and lives today, in contrast to millions of other broken genealogical lines.
This mark in our DNA turns out to be invaluable to historians, linguists, anthropologists, because this mark is not "assimilated" as speakers of languages, genes, speakers are assimilated. different cultures, which "dissolve" in the population. Haplotypes and haplogroups do not "dissolve", do not assimilate. Whatever religion the descendants change over the course of millennia, whatever language they acquire, whatever cultural and ethnic characteristics they change, exactly the same haplogroup, the same haplotype (except with several mutations) stubbornly appear with appropriate testing of certain fragments of the Y-chromosome . It doesn't matter if it's a Muslim, Christian, Jew, Buddhist, atheist or pagan.

Only shaved, sculpture "Hitler in Argentina or thoughts about the past" (Justo Urquis, marble, Buenos Aires 1947, not previously exhibited)

Illiteracy progresses in fragile minds :)
Do not interfere in a bunch of language and blood affiliation. These are very, very different things. Indo-Europeans are just a linguistic feature. "Arias" - charlatan.
The first meaning of the word "Aryans" is Indo-Europeans.
The second meaning is the Iranian branch of the Indo-European world.
To the question whether the Aryans are Slavs, I would answer this way:
- In the first place, yes. They are Indo-Europeans, not Semito-Hamites, not Altaians, not Kartvelians, not Dravidians...
- In the second sense, no. What are Iranians like? They are Slavs.

Aryans is the pre-war name of the Indo-Europeans. They replaced it so that Hitler would not turn in his grave.
As for the Iranian roots, it is absolutely wrong, and M.
According to the number of Iranian borrowings in the Slavic languages, there is reason to speak of a close symbiosis of these groups. This is linguistics.
The anthropological type of the Iranonordid is characteristic of both the early Slavs and the early Iranians. Now neither the Slavs of this type have such a frequency, much less the Iranians, except for the Parsis. This is anthropology.
Genetics also confirms the common halogroup there.

"strengthened minds"))) it was established that the genus R1a1 in the DNA genealogy is the Aryans, they are also Proto-Slavs, they are also "Indo-Europeans". They brought their Aryan language, which is also Proto-Slavic, to India and Iran 3500-3400 years ago, that is, 1400-1500 BC. In India, by the works of the great Panini, it was polished into Sanskrit about 2400 years ago, close to the turn of our era, and in Persia-Iran, the Aryan languages ​​became the basis of a group of Iranian languages, the oldest of which date back to the 2nd millennium BC.
This is what it means when linguists do not have in their hands the dates of the life and migration of the Aryans, in particular, in the territory of modern India and Iran. Hence, they, the Aryans, and then everyone else - the inhabitants of the Russian plain, the Dnieper region, the Black Sea region, the Caspian region, the southern Urals - were all awarded the title of "Indo-Europeans", and even more so "Iranian-speaking", exactly the opposite.
That's where these clumsy "Indo-Europeans" came from. In fact, they had Aryan languages ​​without any India or Iran, all over the Russian plain and up to the Balkans. They, the Aryans, brought the language to Europe, they also brought it to Iran and India. From India to Europe - one and the same group of languages ​​- Aryan. And they took it and called it "Indo-European", "Indo-Iranian", "Iranian". And what is generally incomprehensible to a "strengthened mind", our people, our ancestors, the Proto-Slavs turned out to be "Indo-Europeans", and even "Iranians". "Iranian-speaking residents of the Dnieper". :)))
It's time, finally, for philologists-linguists to put things in order.

Can you link to a scientist who equated the foreign European and Slavic, in general, even restored the foreign European !?
I want to look into his false eyes :)
No one has dates for the migration of the Aryans, there are plus or minus five hundred years, from what to proceed from the recording of the Vedas, the Assyrian chronicles? Archeology will not help here!
Rather, representatives of the Baltic and Finno-Ugric languages ​​\u200b\u200b(see hydronyms) lived on the Russian plain, there are Iranianisms in the very south - the rivers Don, Dnieper, Dniester, Danube from the Iranian Don (Dun) big water.
In the Balkans, the languages ​​of the Pelasgians are generally non-European, Greek contains a large layer of non-Indo-European words, names, verbs.

Here's the link, if you're curious.

I do not advise you to get involved in Klyosov :) Of course, he builds cool trees with a haplotype and for beginners his reading is interesting, but at the same time his information is not accurate. So, for example, I met critical articles(Unfortunately, I will not provide a link) on the topic that in his research he uses haplotypes and predicts haplogroups from them in a probabilistic way, which does not exclude errors. Also, I do not recommend nailing to any nationalist forums. Nationalism is good in moderation, but not in the case when they try to fit the sciences under the ideology :) I recommend communicating on the molgen.org forum, there are historians, geneticists, and the leadership of Gentis.
In general, according to your discussion, I can say that you will not find out the truth, all this is speculation anyway. As well as the fact that dark Indo-Europeans once came to Scandinavia and colonized the local slender, fair-haired and blue-eyed Nords - And so the Proto-Germans turned out :)

According to historians, people settled Europe/Scandinavia several thousand years ago (maximum 10,000-20,000 years ago), and before that it was very cold there. Who came earlier and who later is a question, and I think no one will answer it for sure. That's why I wrote that all we have is hypotheses and assumptions.
Here is a map of the distribution of blond hair in Europe - http://lh4.ggpht.com/_OXy57y6j2Qc/TE9ZiLJAXeI/AAAAAAAAAAk4/2Qx24d1zFQY/s800/eu_li ght_hair.jpg
Here is a map of the distribution of light eyes in Europe - http://lh4.ggpht.com/_OXy57y6j2Qc/TE9ZmUTjh_I/AAAAAAAAAlE/mAn3w8M71SA/s800/eu_fa ir_eyes.jpg
In general, maybe light eyes and hair could have been brought by the Indo-Europeans (R1a), but the problem is in England and a little less in Finland, there is very little R1a. Therefore, most often in articles I came across the identification of blond hair with I1, and light eyes with I1 or I*.
Here is the distribution map of I1 - http://lh5.ggpht.com/_OXy57y6j2Qc/TE9ZkvFrS-I/AAAAAAAAAlA/TrBszvNXWXw/s800/Haplo group_I1.jpg

Simply put: Ole Klindt-Jensen. Denmark before the Vikings. 2003.
in addition, archeology in Scandinavia highlights the culture of battle axes, which migrates from the Baltic to Scandinavia and is anthropologically very close to modern Scandinavian types.
The time of settlement is not earlier than 3000 BC. Before this period, the fossil material is extremely small and contains household items, skeletal remains characteristic of modern Laplanders who probably came from the south a little earlier.
The sagas speak of the same, telling about the long war of Odin and his people upon their arrival in Scandinavia.

The Mesolithic in Northern Europe differed significantly from the Mesolithic of the Mediterranean and Atlantic parts of the European continent.
The Mesolithic in Northern Europe differed significantly from the Mesolithic of the Mediterranean and Atlantic parts of the European continent. Human development of the territory of Northern Europe took place as the glacier melted. Following the receding glacier, herds of reindeer adapted to life in the Arctic conditions advanced, and after the deer hunters moved - people of the end of the Paleolithic and the beginning of the Mesolithic. The development of fishing and seafaring created the conditions for the resettlement of people along the sea coast, which was freed from under the ice. Early monuments of human advancement to the North belong to the Hamburg, Federmesser and Ahrensburg cultures. We have already considered them in the Paleolithic section.
It is likely that adaptation to the conditions of constant forest advance led to the formation of macrolithic cultures in the northern European regions, which used coarse ax-shaped tools for felling trees. In the early post-glacial period (preboreal - 8100/7800 - 7000/6500 BC), forests spread far to the north and are represented by cold-loving trees (mainly birch and less pine). At this time, in the north of Germany and in Scandinavia, few locations of deer and elk hunters, as well as roe deer, wild boar, etc., are known.
By the end of the preboreal period, there are sites of the Lingby culture (named for the location of Lingby, or Lyngby - Lyngby, on west bank the islands of Zeeland, Denmark). The most characteristic are picks or axes made from the horn of a reindeer or (rarely) a red deer1 and rough triangular stalked arrowheads. Rarely there are coarse large tools close to later macroliths. Lingby-type sites are seasonal and temporary; the population was apparently very mobile and consisted of wandering bands of hunters and gatherers. In addition to Denmark, the lingby culture is known in Germany and southern Sweden.
The Mesolithic in northern Germany is represented by the monuments of the so-called northern ax culture, which is divided into three stages, named after the excavated settlements of Pinnenberg, Duwensee and Oldesloe. At the settlement of Pinnenberg, located in the Ahrensburg peat bog, several dwellings, a large number of hearths and burials were found2.
In the stone inventory, along with wide scrapers, coarse chisels, micro-chisels, and tips with a handle, there are flat axes, processed only on one side. The settlement of Duwensee near Hamburg served as a seasonal hunting and fishing site belonging to the Maglemose culture (see below). Primitive hoe-axes (Kernbeil) and flat axes made of horn3 have been found. At the Oldesloe stage, the processing of axes improved markedly, trapezoidal arrowheads and microtools of various shapes4 appeared.
Mesolithic hunting cultures are also represented by dune settlements on the Middle Elbe and settlements on the coastal terraces and mountain uplands of Thuringia and Saxony.
The beginning of the Mesolithic in Northern Scandinavia includes the cultures of Fosna (Fosna), Komsa (Komsa) and Askola (Askola). The Komsa culture is widespread in the north of Norway (Finmarken), in the north of Finland and on the Kola Peninsula (to Murmansk) and represents the oldest monuments of human exploration of the Arctic strip. About 100 localities are known, where flakes and hard stone tools were found: dolomite, flint and quartzite. Basic shapes: arrowheads with retouched handles, thick chisels, scrapers on blades, knives made of blades with retouched backs, disc-shaped axes. Less common are microliths (in particular, lanceolate). Occasionally there are also tools similar to the axes and points of the Paleolithic era.
It is possible that the physical properties of the hard rocks of stone, from which the tools were made, did not allow the development of such clear and stable forms as those made from flint. Therefore, the stone tools of the northern Mesolithic have a rough and primitive character. Initially, this group of monuments was attributed to the Paleolithic period and was called the "Arctic Paleolithic"5. However, further studies have shown that the sites of the "Arctic Paleolithic" are synchronous with the Mesolithic cultures of the more southern regions. Apparently, tools made of horn and bone were widely used, but the special conditions of the occurrence of cultural remains led to the complete decomposition of objects made of organic materials here.
In Finland, at the same time as the Komsa culture, the Askola culture existed (settlements were found in the valley of the city of Porvon-Joki, Askola region). Some scholars view it as an offshoot of the komsa culture. The tools are made entirely of quartz. Basic shapes: scrapers, cutters, drills, arrowheads. There are finely retouched items6. Both of these cultures date back to the 8th millennium BC. e. and, according to researchers, have their original forms in the settlements of the Hamburg and Ahrensburg cultures7. It is possible that their appearance is associated with the northward movement (after the end of the Ice Age) of deer hunters. Fosna - a culture similar to Askola and Komsa, is common on the western coast of Norway, north of Bergen and on Heligoland. Other finds are known from Ostfold in Norway and from the west coast of Sweden. Fosna culture got its name from a small island in the city of Kristiansund, where typical things were first found. The inventory is similar to that of the Komsa culture, but there are also large, coarse arrows of the lingby type8. Culture known only from finds stone tools. Tools made of organic matter (bone, wood), apparently, have not come down to us, no settlement sites have been found.
Regarding the economic forms of these northern Mesolithic cultures, we essentially know nothing. Probably, these forms are close to the economy of the population of the circumpolar regions9.
It is debatable whether some of the Norwegian rock carvings- drawings of animals, scenes of hunting for marine mammals and catching fish in the hole. Most of these images were made in the Neolithic era, and only a few can be presumably attributed to an earlier time.
So, probably, the realistic group of images in Finnmarken can be attributed to the Mesolithic and associated with the Komsa culture. These images are located exclusively near water - along the sea coast, rich in fiords, near rapids and waterfalls. In contrast to later stylized images drawn with paints or made in dot technique, these naturalistic drawings are carved on the rocks. The object of the image is the game that was hunted on land and on the water: elk, deer, bears, whales, seals, waterfowl. The fact that most of the drawings are located in places where the most favorable conditions for hunting still exist, suggests that they are associated with the magical actions of Mesolithic hunters.
The late Mesolithic culture of Finland (VII-IV millennium BC) - Suomusjärvi - is named after the district in the south of the country, where its monuments were first discovered. In addition to the southern regions of Finland, the Suomusjärvi culture is widespread in the upper reaches of the rivers flowing into the Gulf of Bothnia and in Karelia. Despite the fact that the later monuments of this culture belong chronologically already to the Neolithic era, the carriers of the Suomusjärvi culture did not know ceramics. The leading forms of stone tools were primitive axes, oval in cross section, with sharp corners, spearheads made of slate, chisels with a rounded back, scrapers, drills, arrowheads made of quartz. In the settlements, hearths were found and the foundations of oval huts with square vestibules were traced. There are different points of view on the origin of the Suomusjärvi culture. According to one of them, it was brought by people who migrated from the southern coast of the Gulf of Finland, according to another, more provable, it represents the latest stage in the development of the Askola culture.
One of the most significant Mesolithic cultures in Europe - maglemose - is named after a peat bog located near the city of Mulerup (Zeeland), where in 1900 the remains of an ancient settlement were discovered. This culture is spread from East Anglia to the Baltics and from Southern Norway to Picardy. The most famous settlements of this culture on the island of Zealand - Holmgard (Holmegaard) and Sverdborg (Svaerdborg); in England - Broxbourne, Killing-Heath, Newbury; in Germany - Kalbe, Dobbertin, Duwensee; in Sweden - Istaby (Istaby), Omossen (Amossen), Sandarna and others.
The settlements of the Maglemose culture are located among swamps and swamps, on capes and separate islands of land along the banks of rivers and lakes. But, apparently, some of them are only seasonal settlements of hunters and fishermen, used in the dry season. At the Maglemose site, which gave the name to the culture, the preserved items were found in a peat bog, but in the Mesolithic there was a lake. The form of the settlement could not be established. It is unlikely that these were piled buildings, most likely, people lived on floating rafts, on which huts stood.
We hardly know what the huts of the Maglemose culture looked like. According to some traces that were found in the swamps of Denmark, these were square-shaped buildings, but with rounded corners and a floor made of pieces of birch and pine bark. The walls consisted of thin poles stuck into the ground, tied together in the form of a roof12.
The economy was based on hunting wild bull, red deer, elk, wild boar, bear, beaver, squirrel and various birds - ducks, swans, etc., as well as gathering, in particular hazelnuts, and fishing.
The tools of the Maglemose culture are a combination of microliths of Soviet technology with various weapons and tools made of bone and deer antlers and with large stone tools (macroliths). The latter are often found fixed in horn muffs. There are also large tools in the form of clubs with protrusions - trunnions on the sides and through holes. They are made by the so-called point retouching, i.e. e. successive chipping of stone particles, and then drilling. Single polished axes are known. Bone tools are represented by harpoons of various shapes, axes with obliquely cut blades, handles with deep grooves into which sharp blades made of flint plates were inserted, arrowheads, and horn clutches for axes. Bows were made of elm (elm), and the tops of wooden arrows were burned.
1. The main trunk of a deer antler served as the handle of an ax (or pick), and a part of the lateral process served as the blade. Back to text
2. A. Rust. Die Funde vom Pinnenberg. Neumunster, 1958. Return to text.
3. G. Schwantes Deutschlands Urgeschichte. Stuttgart, 1952 (7th ed.); K. Kersten. Vorgeschichte des Kreises Herzogtum Lauenburg. Munster, 1952. Return to text.
4. G. Schwantes. Die Urgeschichte von Schleswig-Holstein. - In the book: Geschichte Schleswig-Holstein, Bd. 1. Neumunster, 1956; L. Ya. Krizhevskaya. New data on the chronology of Late Paleolithic and Mesolithic sites in the north of the GDR and the FRG. - In the book: At the origins of ancient cultures..., pp. 52-62. Back to text
5. Within Russia, monuments were discovered by B. F. Zemlyakov in 1936. The name "Arctic Paleolithic" was given by archaeologists Nummedal and others. See: J. Boe et A. Nummedal. La Finnmarkien. Oslo, 1936; B. Zemlyakov. Arctic Paleolithic in the north of the USSR. - Soviet archeology, V, 1940, pp. 107-143; Gurin. Ancient history of the north-west of the European part of the USSR. M. - L., 1961, pp. 26-44. Back to text
6. M. Kivikoski. Suomen esihistoria. Helsinki, 1961; She is. Finland. London, 1967, pp. 20-29. Back to text
7. Luho. Die Komsa culture. - Suomen Muinasmuistoyhdislyksen Aikakauskirja, 57, 1956; He is. Die Askola Culture. - Right there. Back to text
8. Hagen. Problemkompleks Fosna. - Fynd, 1963. Return to text.
9 Freundt. Komsa - Fosna - Sandarna. Problems of the Scandinavian Mesolithicum. - Acta Archaeologica, v. XIX, 1948, pp. 1-68. Back to text
10. e Steinzeit. Vierzigtausend Jahre Felsbilder. - In the book: Die Kunst der Welt. H. G. Bandi (Ed.). Basel, 1960. Return to text.
11. Brondsted. Nordische Vorzeit. I. Steinzeit in Danemark. Neumunster, 1960. Return to text.
12. G. D. Clark. The Stone Age Hunters. London, 1967, p. 96. Return to text.
Fishing techniques have reached such perfection that over the following millennia, right up to our time, few new improvements worthy of mention can be listed. Fishing tools were harpoons and arrows, a three-pronged spear had already been invented, and tops and nets were used. But the most remarkable invention was the curved fishhook (straight, sharp-angled hooks date back to the Upper Paleolithic). Fishing and swamp hunting created a need for boats. Dugout boats and oars have been found in the peat bogs of the Maglemose culture. In the processing of wood, in particular in the manufacture of boats, in addition to axes and chisels, fire was used, which burned the tree from the inside. Maglemose people had hoes - massive points made of horn or tubular bones, which served to dig up the roots of edible plants. The gathering of edible plants was of great importance in the economy of northern hunters and fishermen. In the eastern regions of the Maglemose culture, a domestic dog was known.
Bone products of the Maglemose culture are most often decorated with simple geometric ornaments in the form of rhythmic combinations of straight and oblique lines, hatched triangles, etc. The ornament is cut or scratched, sometimes filled with resin. Pendants and figurines of animals carved from amber are very rare. Two images are unique: five male figures, engraved on a bone found at Rimarkgarden near Sorø in Denmark, and two deer on a bone ax from Schonen in southern Sweden.
Although, in general, the beginning of the Maglemose culture dates back to the 7th millennium BC. e., some of the most early monuments(protomaglemosis) date back to the 8th millennium BC. e. The sites of Klostermund in Jutland and Vig in Zeeland13 and the site of Star Kapp off the coast of North East England (Yorkshire) are dated in this way.
The radiocarbon date of Star Kappa is 7535±350 BC. e.14 This was the time when England was still connected to the continent. The settlement was located on a platform of birch branches, stones and clay on the edge of the lake. No remains of residential buildings have been found. But still there is reason to believe that within 12-15 years a small group of four to five families left the settlement and reoccupied it in winter and spring (from October to April)15. The economy was based on the gathering and hunting of deer and other animals and waterfowl. The remains of the oldest dog in Europe (and in the world) have been found. Stone tools are mainly represented by coarse flakes. Of the 17 thousand stone tools, only 7% are tools of completed forms, and only 248 microliths. There are many tools made of bones and horns, including harpoons and hoes. An oar was found - the oldest evidence of the existence of navigation.
On the whole, the monuments of the Maglemose culture testify that people who, after the retreat of the glacier, settled in the north of Europe, are moving here to settled life on the basis of fishing and hunting.
Towards the end of the Mesolithic in the north of Europe, the cultures of coockenmeddings (kitchen leftovers), or shell mounds (close to the Asturian deposits) belong. The most typical of these cultures is Ertebolle, named after the area near Aalborg (Denmark). Kokkenmedding Ertebolle (discovered in 1840, the main excavations were carried out in 1893-1897) is a layer of debris (with a predominance of shells) 330 m from the modern coastline. Its length is 140 m, width 30-40 m and height up to 1.5 m. In this layer, between the shells and bones of animals and fish, several thousand flint tools were found, among which the macrolithic ax-cutter (tranchet) characteristic of the Neolithic is especially interesting. and an ax-hoe (pic). If there were several such tools in Maglemoz, then here there are 789 of them for 8600 finds. Instead of long-blade arrowheads, trapezoidal arrowheads appeared. In some swampy deposits of southern Sweden and northern Jutland, such arrowheads have been found along with surviving arrow shafts. The oldest samples of ceramics were also found here - thick-walled, pointed-bottomed vessels molded from clay mixed with sand or crushed shells, which protected them from cracking during firing at the stake. The walls of the vessels are smooth, without ornamentation, sometimes striated, usually scars or pits run along the upper edge of the rim.
There are also oval saucers with a rounded bottom, which probably served as lamps in which fish oil burned. Some archaeologists have suggested that pottery was not invented by the tribes of the Ertebolle culture, but brought by some newcomers from the southwest. However, no earlier settlers have yet been found who could teach this art to the Ertebolle tribes. The remains of hearths were found in the Ertebolle cultural layer.
The very fact of the mass accumulation of garbage testifies to the sedentary nature of man. However, the buildings are unknown to us. Probably, the dwellings were huts or tents, from which only platforms that served as floors, and stone hearths have come down to us.
At the sites of the Ertebolle culture, a significant number of human bones were found scattered throughout the territory of the settlement. (A typical example is the Dyrholmen site in East Jutland.)
Cut marks on many of the bones leave no doubt that the meat was cut off with a flint knife. Tubular bones are split to extract bone marrow. Undoubtedly, this is evidence of cannibalism. But the question of the causes of anthropophagy remains open: whether it is simply associated with a lack of food or had a ritual significance16.
In addition to coastal kokkenmeddings, settlements close to the Ertebolle culture, but without accumulation of shells, are known in northern Europe. Such are settlements on lakes within Denmark (Vester-Ulslev and others) with the remains of a hearth and ceramics of the ertebolle type, near Limhamn in Sweden.
In the Scandinavian countries there are axes made not from flint, but from diorite, hornfels, slate, slate17.
Ertebolle culture arises on the verge of the Mesolithic and Neolithic (in the 5th millennium BC) and continues to exist when the Neolithic was already developed in Central Europe and the most ancient farmers lived. Various researchers place the ertebolle either in the Mesolithic or in the Neolithic. The fact is that if we recognize the presence of ceramics and polished stone wedge-shaped axes as characteristic of the Neolithic, then both of these features are present in the Ertebolle culture.
However, this is a typical forest culture of hunters and gatherers, and there is no sign that is the most important for the Neolithic era - the transition to a productive economy.

In the area of ​​territorial mixing of the Slavic population with the Scythian-Sarmatian (forest-steppe lands between the Dniester and the Dnieper, most suitable for agriculture), a Slavic-Iranian symbiosis is taking shape. As a result of the process of gradual Slavicization of the natives, a new formation is formed, known in historical sources as Antes - this is an Iranian ethnonym inherited by the Slavic formation, which survived symbiosis with the Scythian-Sarmatians. Their monuments make up the Podolsk-Dnieper region of the Chernyakhiv culture, in which such elements of house-building, funeral rituals and molded pottery are manifested, which became very characteristic of the early medieval Slavic culture of the Dnieper-Dniester region.
The period of Slavic-Iranian symbiosis includes a number of linguistic and cultural elements that were adopted or inherited by the southeastern part of the early Slavs from the Iranian world. As a result, a whole group of new words penetrated into the Slavic language from Iranian, such as steppe, hut, boot, pants . Among pagan gods worshiped by the Eastern Slavs, chronicles call Khorsa and Simargl, whose Iranian (Scytho-Sarmatian) origin is indisputable. Among the Russian leaders who signed in the tenth century. agreement with Byzantium, there were people with Iranian names - Sfandr, Prasten, Istres, Frasten, Fursten. The Slavic names of the Croats and the North (northerners), known from the annals, are also of Iranian origin, as, according to many researchers, and the very name of the Ants. "Anty" in translation from some modern languages ​​\u200b\u200bmeans "outlying", "border residents". Apparently, the population of the Northern Black Sea region "christened" so a group of tribes located on the southeastern outskirts of the Slavic world, who came into close contact with the Scythians and Sarmatians. Linguistic influence is manifested in the materials of vocabulary, elements of phonetics and grammar. This gave rise to V.I. Abaev to assert that the Scythian-Sarmatian ethnic substratum participated in the ethnogenesis of the considered group of Slavs. An analysis of linguistic Iranianisms allows us to say that in Roman times the Ant dialect region was formed. The Iranian heritage in the southeastern part of the settlement of the Slavs is also revealed in spiritual culture and anthroponymy.
To date, science has collected a lot of facts that quite reliably testify that at a certain stage the Slavs lived in the neighborhood of the Roman world and mastered a number of elements of its culture. Researchers have repeatedly paid attention to the impact of Roman civilization on some aspects of Slavic folk life. So, there is no doubt that the name of the calendar cycles (kolyada, rusalia, etc.) was adopted by the Slavs from the Romans back in the all-Slavic period. Analysis of the early medieval ceramic material, carried out by Czech researchers D. Byalekova and A. Tirpakova, showed that the vessels were made in accordance with Roman measures even at the time when the Slavs lived north of the Carpathians.

Indeed, very similar languages ​​\u200b\u200bare Hindi and Russian (and everything is clear without translation :)
The Slavs lived there, the Proto-Slavs, the Aryans, and that was their language. It was they who brought their language to India, Iran, Afghanistan.
Slavs vahām̐ rahatē thē, praslavyane, arias, aura yaha unakī bhāṣā thī. Ki vē apanē dēśa mēṁ apanī bhāṣā, īrāna, aphagānistāna lāyā.

The material of the article is presented in a greatly simplified form ... Absolutely global catastrophes are not taken into account. In the described period of time, there were 2.1 - 70 (+ -2) years ago a supervolcano eruption occurred - as a result of which the "other people" probably died, except for "Chromosomal Adam". Not the fact that he lived in Africa. The map of the world was then quite different. Another global catastrophe happened 11.5 thousand years ago - dozens of large animals died out and, obviously, most of the people died. And, only after the climate calmed down, people began to breed again and settle in free territories - "In those days, between 6 and 4 thousand years ago, there was a great migration of peoples." It is necessary to replace the term "resettlement" with "resettlement"!!! And it is not necessary to remember the Roman Empire in vain. I am now re-reading a thick smart book with such a title - laugh out loud!!! Zadornov is simply resting compared to historians !!!

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