What does the year of the small homeland mean. The small homeland is a significant image for the formation of patriotism


Rave! Complete nonsense!

Rave! Complete nonsense!

She is simply Motherland!

To the Motherland!

Registration number 0074167 issued for the work:

Does she have a "small motherland"?

Both in conversations and in the press there is the phrase " small homeland". I've always wondered - do people understand what it is? What are they talking about? Most likely not. Otherwise, they would be shy - why belittle the Motherland? Unfortunately, people rarely think about words anyway, and if these words, moreover, are found in the media, then even more so.

What if you think about it? "Small Motherland"? If it exists, as such, then somewhere there must also be a “Big Motherland”. And perhaps also the "Middle Motherland". Well, those who have ever played football will assume that there is also a “Welter-Middle Motherland”.

Rave! Complete nonsense!

But there is one more question - why is she "Small"? Because of their size? Because of its importance? Indeed, such a shame to say - "small motherland" - some kind of nonsense. Here is the "Big Motherland" - it's great, sonorous, spectacular.

Rave! Complete nonsense!

There is always one homeland, a person cannot have a whole set of “homelands”. There is no homeland, neither small nor large, nor low, nor high, nor wide, nor narrow - none!

She is simply Motherland!

Because the Motherland is that part of the Universe where you were born, or rather, where you spent your childhood, where you grew up and matured. After all, our brightest memories are always associated exclusively with childhood. But how could it be otherwise - after all, then, in childhood, we did not know that death exists - a painful separation from loved ones forever. They did not know about painful illnesses, about pain, both mental and physical, about suffering. They did not think about the transience of life. They didn’t think how insulting it was to die, leaving forever this beautiful and mysterious world leaving loved ones, favorite things, unfinished business, unknown secrets. Then we did not imagine all the horrors of infirm old age. And, on the contrary, every year, they grew, matured, became stronger, smarter and more beautiful, and thought that it would be like this forever.

But it was not so. Therefore, when sadness and suffering torment our soul, when we get tired of failures or pain, like a kite, torments our heart, then you mentally return to where it all began - to where the sun always shines, where parents are forever young, where there is no worries and sorrows - in your early childhood. And therefore - to their homeland!

To the Motherland!

Not to the "small homeland", but to their own, the only one in the world, the Motherland. There, where your house stands, from the window of which you learned the world, the yard where you played all day long and from where your mother could not drag you home. The street you walked down to school. The bushes where you first kissed. The school is your school, where you have been, and friends, and enemies, and love, and separation, and victories, and failures - everything is YOURS and only YOURS!

Yes, of course, the Motherland does not have a clearly defined border. Everyone has her own. Some have more, some have less. It all depends on the lifestyle. One spent his entire childhood in one yard and on one street, while for another it expanded to other streets, and even to other cities. For me, for example, a house in a completely different district of Moscow is still infinitely dear, just because my first love lived there. And, now, despite the fact that several decades have passed, I return to it, as if I had come to my home - I run my hand along its walls, touch the door handle (which has not changed since then!) And let her name , once scratched by me on the wall, has already been painted over and covered over several times, so that there is no trace of it left, I still remember where it was and pressing my cheek against this place - I understand - this is the Motherland!

Sometimes the way of life, on the contrary, makes it difficult to feel that uniqueness, that "birth" of the place that we call the Motherland. I had to meet, in particular, the children of the military, whose childhood was so "scattered" in different parts of the Earth that the "homeland" did not develop from it. One class is here, the other is here. Either the desert or the taiga. Leapfrog and no attachments.

We are growing and the concept of Motherland is growing with us. It expands, but how? It seems to me - depending on some spiritual and aesthetic priorities embedded in us. Buried so deeply that we are not only unable to change them, but we are not even able to understand them as a whole. I've always wondered why one thing I like, and the other - almost exactly the same - not. Why do I feel Leningrad - native, and Vyborg, which is literally sixty kilometers from it - a stranger. Why Saratov - for me lies at home, and Volgograd - in a foreign land. It's hard to explain.

It turns out that the places where we feel at home increases our homeland. For each person, the concept of the Motherland has its own dimensions.

But no one dares to "measure their homeland" with each other - who is longer! Man is incapable of such blasphemy. Then where did this notorious "small motherland" come from?

The ruling circles have always tried to combine the concept of "Motherland" and "the lands they own." They transferred the holiness of the Motherland of each person to everything that belonged to them. Their country was to be transformed for common man to his homeland, the Greater Motherland. To push people to another massacre to protect their own interests and their own territories, to give this massacre the status of a "sacred" defense of their homeland.

But that, the real Motherland, which each person has his own, in their opinion, became a “small motherland”. It was impossible to take it away, so as not to shake the holiness of the "Great Motherland", which is why they came up with such a diminutive and derogatory name. Small means unimportant! So that every citizen understands his smallness in comparison with the rulers. You are small and your homeland is small! We are great and our homeland is huge.

Remember the slogan of the period of stagnation? "Our Motherland is the USSR". Nothing more stupid can be imagined. It turned out that my homeland is Siberia with its taiga, and middle Asia with its deserts, and Ukraine with its fat and Far North with your tundra. And most importantly - foreign countries, such as Lithuania, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Tatarstan with their own own history, culture, tradition, religion, which we not only do not know, but we do not understand and do not perceive - is also my homeland. And laughter and sin. Indeed, against this background, my real Motherland seemed so small, so insignificant, that it seemed to be pointless to even remember this nonsense. This is how the communist regime tried to deprive us of our true homeland, slipping a palliative instead - a set of territories in which there was no logical connection, except that they were all able to be captured and held for some time.

The artificiality of the "Great Motherland" is palpable - governments are changing - and with them the territories they hold are also changing. Does that mean the Motherland is changing? What nonsense! Motherland - it is unchanged! This is something that is not subject to any rulers. After all, it’s not for nothing that they say “Motherland is mother”. You can't find another mother, you can't find another Motherland.

I can still understand the slogan - "my homeland is planet Earth." There is logic in it - all over the earth there are more or less acceptable places for human existence.

Therefore, for me there is no "small homeland", no big motherland, for me, there is only one Motherland - places familiar from childhood and youth, and what is close to me in spirit, in mood, where I come with a feeling own house. And everything else is just a country of which I happen to be a citizen.


1. The village is my small homeland

2. My village and seasons

Small Motherland - the most the best place on the ground! My Motherland is Russia. But the place where I was born and still live (my small homeland) is my native village. It may be small, but I love it. My parents and sisters live here, as well as my grandparents. When I come to visit, my beloved granny always greets me with pies, the taste and smell of which I will remember for the rest of my life. And I bring to my grandparents, with whom we often go fishing, postcards that I make at craft lessons at school.

I like my native village at any time of the year. In the summer, when my holidays come, we go to the nearest forest. It is very green and there are many mushrooms and berries. Usually we collect a full basket, and mom or grandmother cooks from them. delicious dishes. In autumn and winter, in the evenings, we sit and drink tea, and bad weather rages outside the window. But we are not at all cold, because when the whole family is together, the soul is in place. Well, in the spring my native village is transformed - the first flowers bloom, the grass becomes emerald, the birds sing beautifully, and the mood is very good. I love my little country very much. When I grow up, I will have to leave for the city, because I want to enter an institute that we do not have in the village. But I will come to the village very often and visit my relatives. And when I graduate from the university, I will definitely return to my native land, because my small Motherland is the best place on earth!

Composition My small Motherland Grade 7


1. Memories of the small Motherland.

2. My village today.

3. My small homeland is my pride!

I live and study at a school in the capital of Russia, in the city of Moscow. It is very noisy and fun here, there is always a lot of entertainment, but every evening, before going to bed, I remember my small Motherland - my native village. Her small houses, a beautiful lake, a huge forest. Quite recently I had a vacation, and I managed to visit the village where I spent my childhood.

What makes me especially happy: unlike other villages, my small Motherland is not dying out, but, on the contrary, is being transformed. And all thanks to the fact that hardworking and loving people live here. motherland People. They are the wealth of the village. I am very grateful to them for the fact that they not only preserved, but also increased the beauty of the village; for the fact that I have the opportunity to return to the walls of my native school and remember how as children we gnawed at the granite of science here, drove along the corridors, fell in love and hurried to grow up. And each of my visits to my small homeland is an opportunity to return at least for a short time to a country called "Childhood". Here I am again running barefoot on the dewy grass to meet the June dawn, but my sleigh in full steam rushes along the snow-covered slope, and my grandmother is worried that I won’t catch a cold!

Yes, it was a good time, fabulous. This, unfortunately, will not happen again. Years will pass, but I will again and again return to the village of my childhood. It is dearer to me than any large and comfortable city. After all, the small Motherland for me is not just a phrase, but the land with which my best memories, most pleasant meetings and days are associated. I wish with all my heart that my native village becomes more beautiful and richer every year. I am proud of my small Motherland!

Composition My small Motherland Grade 11


1. "Where does the Motherland begin?".

2. The village is my small Motherland:

A) a description of the atmosphere that the native village “breathes”;

b) the nature of the native village;

3. Small Motherland is forever!

“Where does the Motherland begin?

From the picture in your primer

With good and faithful comrades,

Living in the next yard.

Probably, there is no such person who would not know these lines from the song. But here is the answer to the question, where does the Motherland begin, everyone has his own. Someone prefers to consider their own native side the place where he lives this moment. But someone like me, for example, will never forget the land on which he was born and raised, the place that they say "my small Motherland". For me, this is my hometown.

The village of my childhood is a very small, but cozy and picturesque settlement. Let it not be here large enterprises, factories and factories, but here it is very picturesque nature. There is a special air here, which is easy and free to breathe. Or maybe it's because this is my small homeland?! And I'm just not able to objectively describe the atmosphere that this village breathes?! But here's what you can say for sure: this is that small piece of land where a person can take a break from the hustle and bustle big city, communicate with nature, heal the body and soul. My native village is very beautiful in all seasons. In winter, it is covered with fluffy silvery snow and resembles a fairy-tale valley. In spring and summer, the village is all in bloom and greenery, but in autumn it is dressed in golden decoration.

Now, unfortunately, I rarely manage to visit my small Motherland, I live and study in a school in a big city, where I am overwhelmed by business, worries, where I sometimes feel very lonely. But still, whenever possible, I try to come to my native village. Small Motherland is forever!

Small homeland of L.N. Petukhova

The village got its name from the area.

The center of the Utmanovsky volost was the town of Sosnovets, which stood not far from the confluence of the Yontala River with the Yug River. The district of the confluence was called "Utmanovo", formed from "duck", "ducks" in the meaning of the mouth, "man" - small, small.

For the first time Utmanovo was mentioned in the treaty letters of Vasily III in 1511.

What is "Small Motherland"? What does this expression mean to you?

Before proceeding to the analysis of the lyrics dedicated to the small homeland, we decided to find out what meaning our contemporaries put into this concept. Adults and very young. To this end, we have posted the following questions on the Internet forum:

1. What is "Small Motherland"?

2. What does this expression mean to you?

People with desire and interest responded to this topic. Here are the most common responses and reflections:

The city where he was born. The place where your home is.

· For me, "Small Motherland" is the village where I spent my childhood and youth.

This is the place you miss the most when you are abroad, and it doesn't matter if you were born there, for me this is the place where I went to school and spent my childhood

· Where childhood passed.

Small motherland in the verses of Lyubov Nikolaevna Petukhova

Reading my grandmother's collection of poems, I was surprised that in most of her poems, written in different topics, one way or another, the theme of the homeland is touched upon.

“True, not ostentatious patriotism, pain and anxiety for their small homeland and the fate of fellow countrymen - distinguishing feature creativity L.N. Petukhova,” writes Nadezhda Mokhina, a member of the Writers’ Union of Russia, head of the literary association"Spring".

“The village is crying” - this is the name of the chapter in the poetry collection of L.N. Petukhova, which combines poems dedicated to the small homeland.

Let us turn to the poem that gave the title to this chapter.

The village is crying with rotten roofs,

Crying through empty windows.

Children's laughter and didn't hear the songs

For too long there are no faces of saints.

In the corners of the day, darkness and shadows,

Russian stoves are cold for a long time.

The one where the gate stood at the entrance, Moss-covered logs are visible.

In the center of the village there is a crane at the well,

It looks like it's about to take off.

What are you people? Will anyone come back?

Maybe there will be life here?

But ... silence, even the wind-reveler

No more dancing here and no longer singing,

Small homeland! Sad... However,

Who will believe us, forgive and understand?!

The village is crying. The title of the poem is based on personification. This artistic technique lies at the very foundation poetic text. The village is a living being. Therefore, everything in it is alive: and “the crane at the well / As if it is going to fly up”, and “the wind is a reveler”, and cold Russian stoves, and gates, and even darkness and shadows in daily corners seem to be alive. But my heart is so sad that a cry breaks out of my chest: “Small motherland! Sad…". Why is the village crying? Where does this aching inescapable sadness come from?

For a long time there is no children's laughter, which means there is no happy future for the village I have not heard children's laughter and songs

The Russian village seemed to have “left the soul”, because “for too long there have been no faces of saints”, and “in the corners of judgment there is darkness and snares”.

The Russian stove is a symbol of a happy home, a symbol strong family, and if the oven is cold, i.e. there is no heat in the house, which means there is trouble, misfortune, grief. “Russian stoves have been cold for a long time,” the poet complains, and his heart shrinks from pain and regret.

Even the cheerful "reveler wind no longer dances and sings here." And only a crane, albeit a well one, as a symbol of family happiness, standing next to with living water, still stands in the center of the village, although it is “going to fly up.” So there is hope that the still living village will not die. “Maybe there will be life here again?” - the lyrical heroine wants to believe. She feels responsible for what happens in native village. Responsible to future generations and to the motherland, for not being able to save it, for the fact that the village is “crying”. “Who will believe us, forgive and understand?!”

The poet's soul aches for his native places, for the people who have lived their whole lives here and are now left all alone.

In the village of Strashkovo lives the only, last old woman Khudorozheva Serafima Mikhailovna, who is already 95 years old. About her, Lyubov Nikolaevna Petukhova wrote the poem "Loneliness".

I will come to the village, that of the three houses,

Well, who will understand that real torment

Look at the village old people.

In a hut with a lopsided roof

One old woman, with her beloved cat.

She's blind and can't hear

But, they say, he lives in hope.

She is still waiting for sons and grandchildren,

Perhaps they will come to visit in the summer.

Her knotted callused hands,

Could once move mountains.

And again pain for the village, for its last inhabitants and a great desire to help at least in some way. But the “old woman, again on duty at the window” really wants, as they say, in the end, to see not just anyone, but her own “sons and grandchildren”. And the lyrical heroine sadly understands that "I cannot console her."

The poet's heart is so wide that it wants to embrace everything that is dear, everything dear; warm and maybe even enliven with your love. And in this high impulse, the Christian soul seeks support and help from God:

Soul hurts? So it means there is!

Don't cry, but rejoice

Blizzards will dance, spring will ring,

And the May thunderstorms will be echoed by the cannonade.

The ice of doubts and anxieties will melt.

Again the peasants will go out to sow in the field.

Save us all, save Russia, God,

She deserves a better share.

Lyubov Nikolaevna knows her native places well. Her memory keeps memories of happy times when the villages were full of life.

The poet with admiration and joy conveys to us the details of the past, which today have already become history:

A solid village was Podgorbunye,

What women here were singers!

Almost in a meadow, near a small river

There was a chapel with a wooden porch.

Five-wall houses, barns and bathhouses,

Here they measured their strength at every party.

At the end, behind the village, at the forge of the old

Loving couples sat until dawn.

The picture is conveyed so brightly, vividly, colorfully that we seem to see the village of Podgorbunye with our own eyes, hear sonorous singing, smell fragrant rye bread:

And the smell of rye fragrant bread

Soared over any village in the morning ...

And again, my grandmother, Lyubov Nikolaevna Petukhova, becomes bitter from the fact that:

But all this was a long time ago, not yesterday ...

Today the houses caved in and settled,

All windows are broken, snowstorms in winter

Here they cry and dance like little children,

Alas, these are signs of our Russia.

Poems truthfully paint a sad picture of reality. Today, there are fewer and fewer left in the village. less people. Most try to go to the city. Some villages were completely empty, and there are those from which even names have not remained. But this is our homeland, its past. I know that my grandmother loves the history of her homeland very much, it is hard for her to see how the places where they once lived, worked and loved happily leave the face of the earth and from the memory of people. Perhaps that is why she had such lines:

I want to resurrect the past.

There is no Zhukov, no Podgorbunya,

Whom should I ask about them?

It would be nice for each village,

Or where she stood

Once there were signs

And on them villages names.

To stand silent reproach

For our soullessness, sins,

Oh, how I want to believe that soon

Roosters will crow in the villages.

It should be noted that the poet again and again speaks of personal responsibility for what is happening to the motherland today. How difficult it is to live with such a feeling!

Not only pain and sadness for the homeland fill the poems of the Vyatka poetess and teacher. A sense of pride in her native places, a desire to talk about their beauty and grandeur is another side of her lyrics about her small homeland. This is how the native side is revealed in the poem “Here Russia lives the soul”

Smells like mint, bread and honey

The air of our fields and meadows.

Neither time nor years will cool

To Podosinovets our love.

My village, my capital

You started everything.

I want to bow to you again

You are my harbor of hope.

Pearls in January and gold

The dawn generously gives you

Here Osinovets was once,

Merchants threw anchors to the South.

Villages and towns brotherhood -

It originally happened here

Only our main wealth

These are the people who live here.

Along the forests and meadows of emerald

The river flows slowly

And beautiful, and honest, and difficult

Russia's soul lives here.

I think that it is in the depths of our vast country, among forests and endless fields, where small villages and ancient villages hid, as my grandmother, Lyubov Nikolaevna Petukhova, said in her poem, the soul of Russia is located. That is why we must love and protect our small Motherland.

What is a "small homeland"? There are many approaches to understanding the phenomenon of "small motherland". This phenomenon is considered as a literary metaphor, a topographic category, its phenomenological and structural analysis from the point of view of various scientific disciplines. But it is also a psychological phenomenon. Undoubtedly, the word "motherland" is the same root as the word "birth". Therefore, often the homeland is understood precisely as the place of birth. Motherland can have quite large scale countries, states. Then this concept claims to be a certain objectivity, universality for a certain group of people. Under the "small homeland" can be understood as a certain relatively small region, settlement, area, which are subjectively and individual for each bearer of this phenomenon. For each person, the place of his birth has a certain subjective meaning. Often it is the place of birth that is metaphorically called the “small homeland”. A “small homeland” for a person can also be a place with which childhood memories are associated. It also happens that the phenomenon of a “small homeland” finds its localization in those areas in which a person has not been for a long time or not been at all, but knows about them, dreams of going there. These areas may be associated with the heroic past of his ancestors. This is especially true for representatives of noble families, creative elite who honor their family traditions and traditions of their people. It happens that a person, being a carrier of a minority culture in society, identifies himself with the carriers of that culture that is valuable for him. "Small homeland" he will consider the territory on which given culture is dominant. The phenomenon of the "small motherland" found its reflection in literary, artistic and other types of creativity. And also the plot of mother earth, which gives strength, is very common in mythologies. various peoples peace.

To the "small homeland" a person experiences positive, warm feelings. It has a certain, one might even say, sacred meaning for him (the testament to be buried in the “land of the fathers” is one of the vestiges of such sacralization), is often poeticized and idealized, and is of a certain value.
Exist different approaches to the definition of "small homeland" from various scientific positions. We are more empathized with the position of MP Krylov, as it is more psychological. In his article “Russian cultural and historical space. The Problem of Regional Identity”, published in the journal “World of Psychology 2005 No. 3”, he gives the following understanding of the “small motherland”: “small motherland” is the perception by the plurality of interacting individuals of their habitat as a special, some kind of conditional integrity that has internal cultural and spatial logic, and representing the totality of spatial identities within a region, including identities settlements and local expressions of identity.

Therefore, to study the phenomenon of "small motherland" through the category of identity seems to us the most adequate. Since this phenomenon has its own topographic dimension, with which a person is historically and mythically connected, belonging to some territory with its sociocultural traditions is expressed through identity.

Identity is a mental formation that is a consequence of the process of identification. In the broad sense of the word, identification (from Latin - identification) is an emotional-cognitive process of unconscious identification by the subject of himself with another subject, with a group, a model.

There are several approaches to understanding identity. The theoretical basis of this study is the cognitive approach proposed by G. Tejfel and J. Turner with their understanding of social identity.

Based on the above theoretical base, we will try to define the phenomenon of "small motherland":
The phenomenon of the "Small Motherland" is an identification with a valuable region that plays a significant role in the formation of personality, this identification is carried out by including oneself in the group of bearers of the socio-cultural traditions of this region.

In this study, the phenomenon of "small motherland" is correlated with the category of local identity. Namely, it is a variation of it. Local identity can act as a particular category in relation to the concept of regional identity.

Local identity, a variation of which is the phenomenon of "small homeland" determines behavior not only at the level of cognitive regulation, but also at an emotional, often unconscious level. "Small Motherland" is also a value phenomenon. The space of the "small motherland" is saturated not only with objective the objective world, but also phenomena with which, through their experiences, the human self correlates.
Personality is formed in a certain socio-cultural environment. It is the environment and the region that have had the greatest impact on the formation of a person's personality that are designated by the concept of "small homeland". At the same time, the person himself feels this influence. The person is included in the group of inhabitants of the region. He begins to highlight the features that distinguish this group from everyone else and is already able to make comparisons with other groups. If your group has a large number positive characteristics compared with others, then a positive identity is formed, if less, then a negative one.

The phenomenon of a “small homeland” can manifest itself in the fact that a person realizes himself first of all as a resident of a small area, and only then as a resident of a country or a representative of a nation. Sometimes people try to keep local culture the region that he considers his small homeland. And he considers himself the bearer of this culture.
Studying the phenomenon of a “small homeland” makes it possible to understand what a person feels when he is away from home for a long time. Helps to study the process of adaptation to new social and cultural conditions.
The image of the "small motherland" is formed through the prism of the human self, which was formed under the influence of a certain region with its sociocultural traditions. The image of the "small motherland" is formed on the basis of the reflection of individual significant features of the subjectively identified region. The image of the "small motherland" accumulates the life world of the individual. And the concept itself acquires a phenomenological character.

Why is the phenomenon of "small motherland" becoming relevant? IN modern society there is an identity crisis. The polarity "globalization-regionalization" can lead to the actualization of the phenomenon of "small motherland", that is, local identity comes to the fore, and not national or ethnic. People strive to develop their own unique, relatively characteristic small group features, and on the other hand, they are increasingly striving for universality, globality. On the one hand, globalization is the strengthening of interconnections between people different countries, ethnic groups and cultures, leading to the formation of the population the globe united humanity. On the other hand, cultural and ethnic boundaries are blurred. Which leads to loss of identity, destruction national identity. These trends can be seen most clearly in the border area, where long time several ethnic groups coexist. Here a special type of person is formed, belonging to several cultures. Regional rather than ethno-national affiliation is beginning to take the first place. One of the reasons is the polyethnic nature of the border region.

Grodno region is a border region, which is part of the Belarusian-Polish-Lithuanian border. In the conditions of interpenetration of cultures, the phenomenon of the “small homeland” acquires significance.
In this study, an attempt was made to empirically study the content and emotional tone of the image of the "small motherland" of students of the regional and city classes of the lyceum No. 1 in Grodno of younger youth (15-17 years old). Selecting this age group not accidental, in given age the value-semantic sphere of personality is formed.

The method of free interpretations was used. The subjects were asked to continue the statement: "small homeland" for me is ... ".
Most of the students of the regional classes defined "small homeland" as "the place where I was born (was born)". Most of the students in the city classes defined their "small homeland" as "the city of Grodno". In second place was the definition of "small motherland", as "home" among the regional classes, and as "family" among the city. The appearance of the category "home" among the students of the regional classes is very interesting. It should be noted that they permanently reside in the Grodno region, they came to Grodno for the duration of their studies. Perhaps, in such conditions, the house acquires special significance for them.
The method of semantic differential was used to determine the emotional tone of the image of the "small motherland".
In the regional classes, the majority of the subjects characterized the image of the "small motherland" as sublime, tender, good, open, bright, mysterious, soothing; , "open-closed", "dark-light", "mysterious-ordinary", "disturbing-soothing" inappropriate for characterizing the image of the "small motherland". This means that students in the regional classes use a wider repertoire of adjectives to characterize the image of their “small homeland”. Hence, this image richer, more versatile.

For most of the subjects from the regional classes, the "small homeland" is more warm, lively, cheerful, important, beautiful, optimistic, attractive, safe. Which speaks of the greater dynamism and eide-ness of this image.

Equally and almost equally, the "small homeland" was rated with positive adjectives in the regional and city classes: light, close, bright, pleasant, optimistic, strong, calm, inspiring, beautiful, exciting, natural.

Analyzing the data obtained, it can be seen that the image of the "small motherland" has a positive emotional tone among urban and regional students. But the ideas about the "small homeland" are richer and more figurative among students from the regional classes. It is possible that the influence of the city or regional socio-cultural environment in the process of personality formation played a significant role here. But this assumption requires empirical evidence.


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Very often you can hear a phrase from a person: "My Motherland is ...". But there is no clear continuation of this phrase. Everyone talks about their homeland in different ways.

At the origins...

For one, the Motherland is the place of his birth, for the other, the city where he lives at the moment. There are many such opinions, and all of them are true in their own way. A person chooses as his homeland what is dear to his soul, what is dear to his thoughts, what determines his behavior and perception of the world around him.

"My Motherland" is a concept that originates from ancient times, and was talked about long before modern history states. A lot of books and poems were written about him, many songs and various stories were created. And for everyone this concept was warm and joyful. And sometimes it caused melancholy. Is the homeland necessarily the state in which the citizen was born? Anyone can answer this question on their own.

Huge country

“My Motherland is Russia,” the patriots proudly say. People born and raised in this state revere its history. Every year, our ancestors, those who found the era of war, crisis, perestroika, pass away. But these people never complained about their fate, about the fact that they had to endure hunger, the loss of loved ones, and all sorts of other difficulties.

On the contrary, their character became stronger than steel, and they passed on their memories to us in stories, songs, poems, films. This is a huge value for every Russian person. My Motherland is a coat of arms, an anthem, the words of which we know from childhood. Observing the traditions and laws of Russia, a person respects his country, treats it with love. The whole world is discussing this state: someone scolds, someone supports, someone does not understand the policy. The double-headed eagle is depicted on banknotes, seals, documents, passports, and in force Russian army it is simply impossible to doubt.

Endless fields and forests, many beautiful places, a huge amount of minerals, a wide Russian soul - a great reason for the pride of every Russian. And any foreigner who has visited this country returns home with unforgettable impressions and, of course, a set of nesting dolls.

Such a different homeland

My homeland is not only a certain country in which this or that citizen was born. In other words, if a person was born in the USSR, what now? Does he have no homeland? This is absolutely not true. Homeland is where a person felt good at some moments of his life.

The land where a person feels like a part of it, where his thoughts and memories return, about which he yearns - all this is his native side. The fact is that the first "institution" for the knowledge of the Motherland is the immediate environment of a person.

"My small Motherland" - this is how a person can call the region or city in which he grew up, a part of the land that is connected with his friends, with the street on which in childhood he played hide and seek with them. It also happens that a person leaves his native land in search of a better life, but this does not mean at all that he forgets about his beloved city.

Remembering native land

My Motherland is the city, town or village where childhood passed, where the first words were spoken, where the first steps were taken. Growing up, we look through old photographs and return to those distant days, where we first knew bitterness and joy.

We remember how we fell off our bike for the first time, breaking our knees, how we built snow tunnels with the neighbor's children, how they secretly took out a piece of freshly baked mother's bread for a homeless puppy from their parents. My small homeland is all these memorable moments that will be with me forever, they cannot be taken away from a person, they cannot be sold or bought. Flowering trees near the house, creaking swings, morning birds singing outside the window, the way to school - this is all part of everyone's soul, this is the homeland of man.

About the most important

Where does the Motherland begin? How does a person learn about this word? Homeland begins with close, dear people. Home is my family. From an early age, our parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters instill in us love for their Motherland. They teach us to appreciate and honor our native traditions and culture, they tell cautionary tales, interesting historical facts about our country.

Who else can give us such valuable experience? Of course, patriotism is nurtured in us at school, but the family still makes a greater contribution. Our grandfathers with tears in their eyes told about the heroism of young guys at the front, about selfless deeds in the name of their native lands. It is the family that should help the child in the upbringing of patriotism, and a full-fledged personality cannot be brought up without pride in their country, region or city. The family teaches us to be responsible for our actions, for our words and, of course, for our Motherland.

native land

From all these examples it is easy to understand: "my small homeland" is a broad concept. Everyone understands it in their own way. One thing is clear - we call the Motherland the place where our memories are, where our thoughts are. This is what is associated with the most best moments life.

Now all over the world people are leaving their homes in search of a better financial position. And someone leaves for a long time to rest in other countries and cities. But going to foreign lands or countries, having met a person there from our native side, we rejoice. It's easier for us to understand it. We quickly find with him mutual language. We want to be closer to him. This person is part of the Motherland, part of that big thing that evokes in us tender and at the same time dreary feelings. Is it worth it to instill such feelings in children? Of course it's worth it! After all, wherever a person is, he should always know: consolation can be found in his native land.

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