The best numbers of the creative association Ural Pelmeni.


A month before the tragedy, fans of the show discussed on the Internet financial scandals allegedly related to the deceased.

With reference to the official representative Sverdlovsk Ministry of Internal Affairs Valeria Gorelykh received information that a dead ex KVNschik and director creative association"Ural dumplings" Alexey Lyutikov, born in 1974. It is clarified that preliminary data do not indicate a violent nature of death. Meanwhile, Lyutikov's colleagues are very stingy with comments, while calling the deceased "very hardworking and hardworking."

According to the information provided in open sources, the man lived in the hotel since August 2 and practically did not leave the room. The body was found by a maid with a "do not disturb" sign on the door. An investigative-operational group and representatives of the ICR went to the place. Numerous bottles of alcohol were found in the room. In turn, the searched-out widow of the deceased told investigators that her husband complained of heart problems.

The actress of the show "Ural dumplings", singer Ilana Yuryeva told "MK" that she herself learned about the incident from correspondents. They had little contact with Alexei at work, since he dealt with financial issues, and not creative process. Even when asked if Lyutikov had children, Ilana could not answer.

Another former employee The team noticed in a conversation with MK that Lyutikov was “very industrious and industrious”, he invested a lot of effort in a common cause, but there were no close relations with him either.

The founder of the Ural dumplings team, actor Dmitry Sokolov, refused any personal memories of the deceased, citing the fact that he was uncomfortable talking. Did not want to talk about a colleague and the author of the show Danila Pyatkov.

Meanwhile, people who follow the work of the team, just a month ago, asked themselves in social networks the question of the personality of Alexei Lyutikov. They recalled that he graduated from the Kursk Pedagogical Institute with a degree in social psychology, and in the early 90s he became the captain of the KVN team "Service Entrance", in which he reached the semifinals of the game. “The Service Entrance team was cool. Lyutikov fronted, ”recalled a user under the nickname IgorVC. “If you don’t know who Lyutikov is, you don’t know anything about KVN!” - emotionally declared another user Kaziborda. However, some were more concerned about rumors financial scandals, where the surname of the now deceased was allegedly involved. In particular, it was stated that KVNshchik had accumulated debts in Kursk, and the lenders were even going to look for him in Moscow, but other people returned all the money, who at the same time vouched for the honesty and commitment of the man. In addition, fans of the show recall an article in the regional Yekaterinburg media. There is one of the "who wished to remain anonymous" friends former director"Ural dumplings" Sergei Netievsky, who was removed from the leadership with a conflict, states that Lyutikov was the reason for Netievsky's departure in many respects (later Netievsky was reinstated by court order).

It is Lyutikov who is credited with aggravating the conflict in the team. Allegedly, he found some documents confirming big difference in the fees of team members.

In 2006-2011 Lyutikov also held one of the leading positions in " comedy club Production", and since 2013 was the director of own production"New Channel".

- a humorous program based on KVN, which can be watched online on the Internet. This program has been broadcast on the STS channel since 2006. The main composition of the presenters consists of 12 people. The initiative to continue to develop in show business belongs to Andrey Rozhkov, who for a long time was the captain of the KVN team of the same name. On this moment the executive director of the team is Sergey Isaev.

The following list will help you get to know permanent members this popular team

  • Writers: Danila Pyatkov, Artem Pushkin, Roman Postovalov. Since 2016, these guys, both sporadically and on an ongoing basis, appear on main stage in front of the audience along with the main cast.
  • Andrey Rozhkov is an actor, a candidate master of sports in sambo and, of course, a non-replaceable team captain.
  • Dmitry Sokolov is one of the founders of the television show, an actor and a writer of jokes. Previously, this humorist worked in several other teams (for example, Neighbors).
  • Dmitry Brekotkin - Russian TV presenter, screenwriter and author of some jokes. Oddly enough, he is also a candidate master of sports in sambo.
  • Alexander Popov - actor and creative producer, who has been working with the rest of the guys since 1997.

The best performances of the creative association Ural Pelmeni

We bring to your attention the most colorful productions that were aired in 2015:

  • All about grandmothers. This time the actors dressed up in old-fashioned women's clothing and made a real pun, fueled by sparkling humor and incendiary songs. This scene shows everyday life Moscow pensioners who quarrel with sons-in-law and daughters-in-law. The stage has been completely refurbished and looks like a real studio apartment.
  • Office plankton. If you want to know what is happening in offices around the world, then check out the interpretation of the Ural Pelmeni. All the templates and clichés are used here, from beautiful but stupid secretaries to directors and office managers who are constantly interviewing. Most of the jokes are dedicated to the supposedly recent corporate party, at which many employees went over and said too much.
  • On holiday. In this miniature you can see how ordinary Russian married couples go on holiday abroad. First, you can hear jokes about the selection of clothes (the husband "accidentally" put on his wife's blouse and leggings), and then the audience is shown a foreign bar where Russian tourists buy elite alcohol (initially it was planned to buy perfume for the wife).

The former leader of the team, Sergei Netievsky, was expelled from the team: once inseparable colleagues and friends quarreled over money.

"Show Ural dumplings" / TASS

Yekaterinburgers, who chose orange shirts as their uniform, gathered in 1993 at the base of student construction teams of the Ural Polytechnic Institute. There were 12 of them, like apostles - Andrey Rozhkov, Dmitry Brekotkin, Dmitry Sokolov and others. Sergey Svetlakov was taken from the Park of the Current Period team. In 1994 Sergei Netievsky came. They created a combined team of USTU-UPI, called themselves "Ural dumplings", began to play in KVN and won in 2000 major league. Then they took a few cups and began to think about continuing the path.

Sergei Netievsky. Photo: STS channel

It was then that Sergei Netievsky took over the control of the ship. Everyone considered him a good ship captain, a person who could promote and sell the project on TV. Both Sergey Isaev, who later replaced Netievsky, and Dmitry Sokolov, and Dmitry Brekotkin said in unison that it was not in vain that Sergey pupated into the producer of the team.

It was his idea to go to TNT with the idea of ​​the show. The humorous project "Show News" did not last long and was a failure, but it was this bad experience that allowed the guys to sit on the STS channel for a long time.

Live for profit

"Ural dumplings" put together a serious composition and began to shy away concert programs. In 2009, they were invited by STS. More precisely, it was Sergei Netievsky who did not abandon his attempts to sell the project - and he did it super-successfully. The team began recording shows right at their concerts. Not too multi-layered, but understandable humor, interactive with the audience in the hall, recognizable faces - that's the whole secret of success. Plus, Pelmeni continued to tour. 130 people (!) are working on the show - authors, directors, film crew, make-up artists ...

In 2013, Ural dumplings soared to 15th place on the Forbes list. And where large sums there are big conflicts. Alas, even among old friends.

Deep in court

In 2015, the team was suddenly headed by Sergey Isaev. The revolution passed without bloodshed. After all, ten participants in the Ural dumplings are the founders of the project - here. It turned out that by the time of the change of power in Pelmeny, Netievsky single-handedly organized the tour of the team - he was general producer Idea Fix Media and founder of First Hand Media. These are the companies that released the projects of the "Ural dumplings" and were engaged in the touring activities of the team. All income from TV shows came to the piggy bank of these firms. The key claim was this: Netievsky "received income from the sale of the show to TV channels, hiding it from the team for three years."

Producing work is a huge job on the production of the show! And the guys did nothing as producers

But the displaced producer is not at all embarrassed by this. “As if everything that the production company and I, as a producer, earned, had to be shared with the team! Sergei Netievsky is surprised. — Producing work is a huge work on the production of the show. The guys did nothing as producers. The team performed the functions of actors and screenwriters, so the production company entered into contracts with them, as with actors and authors. And they got paid for every episode of our show."

Pelmeni lawyer Yevgeny Orlov assured that the ex-producer stole "not a fundamentally huge amount, several million rubles." Netievsky went on a retaliatory attack - to the court. He stated that he was removed, firstly, without a quorum of votes and, secondly, not notified of the date of the meeting 30 days in advance. The court reinstated the producer in his position and exacted from former colleagues in his favor 300 thousand rubles - for legal costs. After that, Netievsky was fired again, and he again proved the violation of rights. Realizing that porridge with "Ural dumplings" can no longer be cooked, in the fall of 2016, Sergey left voluntarily.

The team filed a class action lawsuit with the Moscow Arbitration Court and demanded that they retain the rights to the Ural Pelmeni trademark, and not Netievsky. The court refused. After that, Sergei transferred the team the right to two Ural dumplings trademarks, asking for a symbolic sum of two rubles.

But the litigation didn't end there.

Because the rights to the performances belong to all the actors of the TV show. However, until 2015, Netievsky was also among them, and after 2015, not. Therefore, the team is trying to negotiate with Sergey how to share the rights, earned capital, website and shares in the project.

Divorce per million

“Now I am producing a program in which teams of “already Muscovites” and “come in large numbers” compete in wit on the Moscow 24 channel,” says Sergey Netievsky. — Together with the Russian Youth Union I am engaged in All-Russian festival STEMs that I want to make a TV show out of. And for a year now, the authors and I have been writing the script for the film "March 9".

"Ural dumplings" also participate in the film process. Not so long ago, whose heroes won 43 million rubles and decided to run away from loved ones so as not to share. Maybe it's hello ex friend. Maybe a symbolic message for everyone.

Be that as it may, Sergei Netievsky now lives alone. He separated from his wife two years ago after 18 years. life together. The producer refutes the information that since the divorce he has accumulated 1.5 million rubles of alimony. He moved his eldest son Ilya to Moscow, the guy goes to school and does not want to return home, as his father assures. The middle son Ivan and daughter Masha live in Yekaterinburg with their mother.

Now Andrey Rozhkov is legally the director of the Ural dumplings.

Danila Pyatkov is a 28-year-old Chelyabinsk guy. Few people know him by sight, they don’t take autographs from him and don’t ask for joint photo. But in fact, millions of people, including TV, regularly laugh at him. witty jokes. For several years now, remaining behind the scenes, he has been writing scripts for the Ural dumplings show.

How Danila discovered his superpower and why he calls the inhabitants of Moscow the kindest people? Danila Pyatkov spoke about this and many other things in exclusive interview"good news"

- Danila, you have been living in Moscow for 4 years. Do you feel at home?

A long time ago. And when in another city or in another country I say that I “want to go home,” I think of a Moscow apartment. I feel comfortable and relaxed here. Here, after all, you can choose what your Moscow will be like. I live in a quiet area, I have trees outside my window and children play in the morning on the playground, they wake me up early. My work schedule is such that I do not get into the subway during rush hour and do not see tired, dissatisfied faces in a full carriage. I go to the office at one o'clock, back after eight o'clock. And the last thing I will buy here is a car, because I don’t want to stand in traffic jams and suffer with parking.

- They often say that in Moscow you should not expect help from someone. And even when asking for directions, you need to remember that they can specifically send you in the wrong direction.

Vice versa. Now I can’t even count how many times I was bought subway tickets. There are times when you need to urgently go, but you don’t have cash with you, running to an ATM is not an option. I just approached people, asked if they could help me out and, for example, add money for a ticket. And they don't refuse. And there was a case when Moscow gave me almost 30 thousand.

- What kind of gift is this?

Even when I just moved to Moscow, there was a period when the three of us and the guys rented an apartment. At the same time, everyone was left without money and without work. For an apartment it was necessary to pay 30 thousand. And then, literally on the last day before paying, I found them on the street. Immediately slipped a thousand to a grandmother begging for alms. The old woman immediately got up and left, apparently so that I would not have time to change my mind. In general, I have a peculiarity - I often find money.

- And always lucky in a big way?

Most often it is. The first time I found money was when I was a child. My parents and I got ready to go to the garden, I went outside earlier, in trekushkas like that, in sandals. I decided to climb into the bushes, to check if there were any bottles there. At that time, I constantly handed them over. Imagine, the money for one was enough for ice cream or three chewing gums. Parents, however, did not let me go home with bottles, I hid them in the entrance. So, I looked into these bushes and found a wallet. It contained 600 rubles - a huge amount. Dad then received only 200. In general, he was able to track down the owner and returned everything to him. A month later, dad himself lost his wallet along with his entire salary. And, by the way, it was also returned to him.

You obviously have a talent for finding money. What about creativity? Did you joke as a child?

I was three or four years old when my parents and I came to my sister's school for the "Primer Festival". They had a concert in the classroom, schoolchildren performed. And at one point I just went to the blackboard, climbed into a chair and began to read all the poems that I knew. Everyone laughed and clapped. Then I almost started to sing songs.

- Ripped off the applause?

Well, yes. Got some attention. But it was not my first concert. Before that, we rested with our parents in the Crimea, several more families lived with us in the house. And arranged for them poetry evenings. They promised to send me gifts as a reward, and then, when we had already returned home, they sent us a box of nuts from Abkhazia and a box of dried fruits from Georgia.

- Did you still have a desire to stand on a stool at school?

Not really. It just came back for graduation. The guys and I prepared KVN ourselves, wrote a performance, and made up jokes about teachers. Then I realized that I was comfortable standing on stage, I liked this feeling. And when I entered the university, I already clearly knew that I would definitely play in KVN, and then I would leave for Moscow and someday write a script for a film. Despite the fact that I have never been an ardent fan of KVN, I just sometimes watched episodes with "County Town".

- And in the end you immediately joined the university team ...

Yes, there was the SKIF team at the history department, in which Ilya Polezhaikin and Timur Safiullin played. I then immediately got a lot of roles. True, he did not write anything himself - the older guys did it. But then, when they had already graduated, we did everything ourselves and even became ChelGU champions twice. By the way, I never finished college. In my third year, Ilya Polezhaikin called me and invited me to Moscow to write dialogues for the TV series Univer.

Did you agree without hesitation?

Certainly. Just before that, in Chelyabinsk, I managed to work as a watchman and also as a security guard in the parking lot. And at that moment he was sometimes engaged in holding holidays, city events, worked in clubs ...

- Have you ever been a toastmaster?

No, and this is essential. Didn't have a single wedding. I can't work for people who eat and don't listen to you. And if you are leading weddings, then, for sure, you come across drunk, inattentive, often allowing yourself a lot of people. That's probably why I went into authorship.

- And how did Moscow meet you?

Not bad. When I left Chelyabinsk, I was not afraid to go back. As a result, I worked for Univer for two months. The series was already launched then, Anton Zvezdin and I connected at about two hundred episodes, wrote dialogues. But two months later, Anton and I were left without work. And then the "Ural dumplings" appeared. The guys just went to Moscow, launched their show. We sent them 4 numbers, 3 of which they immediately bought. This is how our collaboration began. Then we worked with them on the Unreal Story project. At first, all this was remote, and now we regularly fly to Yekaterinburg once a month.

- That is, all the "dumplings" live in the Urals? Why don't they move to the capital?

What for? Nobody likes Moscow. They just fly here to shoot here once a month, and then return to their families.

- Do you usually attend the shooting?

Yes, we are on duty backstage. Sometimes, we add texts on our knees. Sometimes there are gaps in the numbers. The guys sometimes ask: "Here, I would like to add a joke." And we are already on the spot to achieve everything.

- For those who do not work in this area, it is difficult to imagine how to take it like that and immediately come up with a funny joke?

- Schemes, according to which jokes are written?

Yes, there are many. And knowing these schemes, it is easier for you to compose a joke. It is also convenient to work in pairs. Anton and I have been writing together for 10 years.

Yes, of course, recently I myself received such a greeting. In the series on STS "Two Fathers and Two Sons", the character Danila Pyatak appeared in the series. And I'm named best friend, when he wrote “Once Upon a Time in the Police” for DTV, he named the detained criminal - Gorshkov Evgeny Sergeevich. Then I showed it to him and laughed. So I often send greetings to Chelyabinsk. And now, I can not miss the opportunity. Luchik, Goose, Sanya, Zheka hello to everyone !!!

The humorous show "Ural dumplings" has become very popular thanks to the talent of its participants, who, although they have become celebrities, are in no hurry to advertise their personal lives. Agree, because we know much less about them than about other stars. Interesting Facts about the personal life of the participants of the show " Ural dumplings» are waiting for you further.

Sergey Ershov

Sergei Ershov also does not advertise his wife and children. Do not go out with them. Most often he appears in public with his television “family” - with Yulia Grishina and Zoya Berber

Dmitry Sokolov and Ksenia Li

Ksenia Li - the wife of Dmitry Sokolov, like her husband, is also a comedian. A member of the Ural Pelmeni KVN team, Sokolov, after a divorce from his first wife, became one of the jury members in KVN and watched everything that happened on stage. Once, during one of the games, Dmitry Sokolov noticed in one of the teams charming girl from Kazakhstan, whose name was Xenia. She not only joked witty, but also sang beautifully.

Sergey Netievsky and Natalya Netievsky

In the photo Sergey with his fans. He does not advertise his personal life. Sergei Netievsky's wife, Natalya, has been living with him for sixteen years. In his interviews, he always tries to avoid topics about his personal life, and although he tries not to even mention her name, it is known that her name is Natalya. There are three children in the Netievsky family.

Dmitry Brekotkin and Ekaterina Brekotkina

Dmitry Brekotkin's wife Ekaterina met her future husband at a student construction camp. Dmitry and Ekaterina have been married since 1995. The couple have two daughters.

Sergey Isaev and Irina

Irina is the second wife of Sergei (civil marriage). Feelings arose at first sight. Sergey jokes that, while working nearby, they could see each other through the window, but they met ... in a club. It is also curious that Irina was once in absentia in love with him. Now Sergey appreciates stress resistance and positivity most of all. While the lovers rejoice just every day spent nearby. And they advise everyone: look around carefully. Maybe your happiness is nearby? And on October 12, 2013, this couple had a son, Elisha.

Andrey Rozhkov and Elvira Rozhkova

It is hard to believe that the merry fellow and joker, the soul of the Ural Dumplings KVN team, TV presenter and actor Andrei Rozhkov, could not find a suitable bride for himself. Moscow friends helped to get rid of the bachelor life. He was already torn between Yekaterinburg and Moscow, lived in the Urals, worked in the capital. On one of his visits, friends introduced him to their friend Elvira. This was it future wife Andrey Rozhkov. But then they were separated from the wedding for six whole years: they recognized each other, they wanted to understand whether they could spend their whole lives hand in hand. And now the Rozhkovs have two lovely sons.

Vyacheslav Myasnikov and Nadezhda Myasnikova

Vyacheslav is married and has two children. The Myasnikov family, like the families of all the Ural dumplings, lives in Yekaterinburg, from where he constantly leaves for Moscow to work. Vyacheslav has to literally be torn between Yekaterinburg and Moscow, where he mainly has to work. The more time he tries to devote to his wife and children, returning to hometown. The wife of Vyacheslav Myasnikov, Nadezhda, is raising twins - Konstantin and Maxim.

Julia Mikhalkova-Matyukhina and Igor Danilov

In 2010, Yulia had a boyfriend - a 39-year-old deputy of the regional Duma of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region, Igor Danilov. Now he heads the Committee on Housing and Public Utilities Public Chamber Sverdlovsk region. For his thirtieth birthday, Igor gave his girlfriend a ring. True, the date of the wedding is not yet known.

Ilana Yurieva (Isakzhanova) and Dmitry Dyldin

Dmitry is the second husband of Ilana. The girl divorced her first husband Anton Yuryev. The couple met by chance in a Moscow restaurant. According to Ilana, it was love at first sight. Within five minutes of meeting, they began to jokingly plan a wedding. And exactly a year later, Ilana and Dmitry got married, and recently their daughter Diana was born.

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