Mingrelian surnames. Megrelian surnames (baslandze)


Who are Megrelians, Kakhetians, Rachvelians, Imeretians? We are all Georgians, we just live in different geographical regions of Georgia. Mingrelians, however, stand somewhat apart, because they have retained their ancient language(which once in ancient times formed the basis of the Georgian literary). And all Georgian ethnic groups have their own "family" features - that is, by surnames, by their ending, we can understand to which group one or another of its carriers belongs. So, about Megrelian surnames.

Many Megrelian surnames end in "wa", "ava", "iya" or "ia". Examples of Megrelian surnames ending with "wa" are Sturua, Matua, Vekua. Examples of Megrelian surnames with the endings "ava" are Okudzhava, Berulava, Pirtskhalava. Examples of surnames ending in "ia" or "ia" are Zhvania, Janashia, Kobalia. Some Megrelian surnames have common Georgian endings "shvili", "dze". Examples of surnames ending in "shvili" are Gugushvili, Nadareishvili, Kikalishvili. Examples of surnames ending in "dze" are Alakidze, Mikadze, Mkheidze. Rare Megrelian surnames include surnames with the endings "iri" or "ori". For example, Papaskiri, Gegechkori, Kvekveskiri, Tsuleiskiri. Descendants coming from Abkhazia have surnames with the endings "bai" or "baia". For example, Ketsbaya, Agirbaya, Zukhbaya. Descendants from Lechkhumi, Svaneti have surnames ending in "ani". For example, Gasviani, Chikovani, Asatiani.
The category of "original Megrelian surnames" includes the surnames of Khoshtaria, Kvaratskhelia, Gamisonia. These surnames were able to assimilate into the Abkhaz ethnic group. That is, many Abkhazians have Mingrelian surnames. There are Abkhaz surnames that have been changed to Megrelian. These include Marshania, Vardania, Margania, Emukhvari. In Abkhazian, these surnames sound like this: Amarschan, Avardan, Maan, Ekhmaa. That is, the ending "iya" was added to the Abkhaz surnames. There are people with the surname Tsushbaya and Zukhbaya. These surnames were noted as a variation of the Abkhaz surnames Tsushba and Zukhba.
In the seventeenth - nineteenth centuries, Megrelian surnames became widespread among the Abkhazian population. At first, the Mingrelians assimilated the Gallic region in Abkhazia. The following surnames appeared: Eshbaya, Kilbaya, Emukhvari, Dzyapshiskua, Marshania, Tarbaya, Zukhbaya, Shakirbaya. The Megrelian surname Eshbaya was formed from the Abkhaz surname Eshba. The Megrelian surname Kilbaya was formed from the Abkhaz surname Kilba. The Megrelian surname Emukhvari was formed from Aimkhaa and Emkhaa. The Megrelian surname Dzyapshiskua originated from Dzyapsh-ipa. The Megrelian surname Marshania was formed from the Abkhazian surname Amarschan. The Megrelian surname Tarbaya was formed from the Abkhazian surname Tarba. The Megrelian surname Zukhbaya was formed from the Abkhaz surname Zukhba. The Megrelian surname Shakirbaya originated from the Abkhazian surname Shakryl. Mingrelian surnames began to appear among the Abkhazian population during the period when the Abkhazians entered Russia. Megrelian priests, rewriting the flock, gave them convenient surnames. Most of the Abkhaz who received Mingrelian surnames remember their original Abkhaz surnames. For example, the Abkhazian population with the surname Dzidzaria has the original surname Lazhv-ipa. Lazhv-ipa is translated as "children of a dog". One of the most common Megrelian surnames is the surname Tsurtsumiya. In ancient times, people bearing this surname were engaged in breeding cows. The cows from the herd of quartzhelia were considered the best. The Megrelian surname Japaridze is common among the Svans. Megrelian surnames, which have the ending "ava" intertwined closely with Japanese surnames. Before the revolution, Megrelian surnames ending in "shvili" belonged mainly to ordinary peasants. More honorary Megrelian surnames ended in "dze". Surnames ending in "oni" or "ani" belonged to people with noble birth. For example, Bagrationi, Orbeliani. Surnames that contain the sound "j" are often of Mingrelian origin. Among Megrelian surnames there are descendants of Abkhazian surnames. For example, the surname Apshilava comes from the ethnonym Apsil. From the first century, they were used to designate the ancient Abkhazian tribes. Megrelian surnames Ardiya, Ardbelava originated from the ancestors of the Abkhaz, who bore the surname Ardba. The Megrelian surname Askurava originated from the ancestors of the Abkhaz from the ancient Ashkurtsaa clan. The Mergel surname Buliskeria originated from an ancient and respected surname among the Abraskil people. The Mergel surnames Alshibaya, Tskhuchkhubaya, Tsaragbaya, Ezugbaya also descended from the ancestors of the Abkhazians. Almost all Megrelian surnames of the inhabitants of the Gelsky region are of Abkhaz origin. We give the following examples. The locality Atarba izdyh is the source of the Tarba clan from the village of Chkhuartal. The peasant surname of the Abkhazians was formed from the name of the area Ahiba in the village of Gumurish. From the name of the hill near the river Ingur Gudzba came the name large family Gudzba, now known under the Megrelian surname Gvadzabiya. The village of Gumurish, translated from the language of the Abkhazians, is “a sanctuary place of the famous Gumba clan. The area Kapsh-kyt comes from the name family lineage Kaps. The name of the locality near the city of Gall Sida comes from family name the princely family of the Abkhaz Sidovs. The name of the locality of the village of Okum Chabalkhua comes from the surname of the princely family of the Abkhaz Chaabal.
The surnames Zhvania and Alasania are of Mingrelian origin. There is an opinion that these are not Megrelian surnames. This opinion is considered unfounded. The population whose native language is Megrelian call themselves Margal. In Georgian it sounds Megreli. The prefix "M" together with the suffix "Eli" is used to form participles and adjectives from the nominal and verbal stems. Let's give an example: M-Shrom-Eli - a worker, comes from Shrom-A, which means work. Megrelian surnames have the suffix "ava". For example, Antelava, Jobava, Lezhava. This is what distinguishes Megrelian surnames from the surnames of other peoples. The Megrelian population has the Megrelian surname Panchulaya. She points to the place, as well as to the family from which the carriers of the surname are from. During the time of mahajirism, Georgian priests, when they saved Abkhazians, baptized and wrote down names that were convenient for them. Therefore, we hear Mingrelian surnames in Georgian transcription. There were quite a few transfer names. Megrelian analogues were often recorded. (http://vsefamilii.ru/)

I did not make such a philological digression out of idleness. I met with representatives of the Megrelian family Baslandze - amazing people who are passionate about the history of Georgia, who love their families and relatives. They say this: a person must love his family - otherwise how can he love his homeland? Having united, having found close and distant relatives bearing this surname, as well as namesakes, they decided to meet annually, on the same day, on Mariamoba (Day of the Assumption of Our Lady) - because it all started with a conversation between Kako Baslandze and the priest of Sameba Church, and with a desire to learn more about their roots. The priest blessed the parishioner, suggested that it would be good to order an icon of the Assumption of the Mother of God and, when it was ready, the confessor consecrated it in the temple and entrusted the Baslandze surname to patronage Mother of God. It was a few years ago, and now the number of "found" Baslandzes is about 200 people (not very many), and every year everyone tries to gather at Mariamoba, they even come from abroad, meet them oldest surname, 85-year-old Indiko, dressed in a Georgian chokha, and next to him, when everyone is seated at a long table, there is certainly a family coat of arms, a special pride of the family! When it was thought over, they decided to make it very concise and clear, and write "Gamarjoba, Abkhazeto chemo!" which can be roughly translated as "long live our Abkhazia!" - because the word "gamarjoba" is actually "victory". And at the table everything goes in the traditional way, they even sit in the old fashioned way - women and men separately, toasts are pronounced in a certain order, and men get up to drink a glass of wine, while women can sit at this time. And, of course, - music, a trio: accordion, duduks and shares, it's completely in Tbilisi, in Georgian - whatever you want to call it!
Here is a story about the name Baslandze, from the mysterious Greek Basla, who settled in Megrelia, it is not known when, and laid the foundation for the Baslandze family (in the archives they found documents that lead to the 17th century, but we don’t know what happened before, the search is a painstaking business !)

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The meaning of the word megrel

megrels in the crossword dictionary

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


Megrelov, units Mingrelians, Megrelians, or Mingrelians, Mingrelians, unit. Mingrelian, Mingrelian, m. South Caucasian people living in the north-west. parts of the Georgian USSR.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova.


Ate and -words, units. -ate, -a, m. and MINGRELS, -ate and -elov, unit. -el -a, m. ethnic group Georgians constituting indigenous people one of the territories of Western Georgia - Megrelia (Mingrelia) (in the 16-19 centuries the Megrelian principality).

and. megrelka, -i and mingrelka, -i.

adj. Mingrelian, -th, -th and Mingrelian, -th, -th.

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    An ethnographic group of Georgians living in western Georgia.

    representatives of this group.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


Mingrelians (mingrels) in Art. Georgians.


Mingrelians, Georgians, who in the past occupied the central and foothill regions of ancient Colchis; now live in the right-bank regions of the Rioni River, the basins of the Khobi, Inguri and other rivers, as well as compact groups in Abkhazia and a number of other regions of the Georgian SSR. Megrelian Georgian tribes in ancient times, together with the tribes of Karts, Svans and others, formed the basis for the formation of the Georgian people. M. speak the Georgian language, in everyday life - and Mingrelian (see Kartvelian languages), until the recent past, they retained some features of culture and life.



Mingrelians, Sometimes mingrels (, margallepi, units h. "margal"; : megrelebi, abh. : agyrқәa) - the nationality of the Megrelo-Zan group of the Kartvelian language family; often seen as a sub-ethnic group of the Georgian people. They speak the Megrelian language, which is part of the Megrelian language, which is separate from the Georgian language. language group Kartvelian language family. Until the 30s of the XX century, they were distinguished as a separate nationality (before the 1926 census), subsequent censuses (also in 2002 and 2014) classify them as Georgians. Almost all Megrelians except mother tongue they also speak modern Georgian.

Examples of the use of the word megrel in literature.

Beria was a Mingrelian, and Megrelians did not get along with the Gurians, whom Stalin trusted most of all.

But, for example, numerous, smart, and somewhere scary, Megrelians, sometimes do not identify themselves as Georgians.

Kvilitaya knew that my surname was Megrelian, often Megrelians who have lived in Abkhazia for a long time, begin to consider themselves Abkhazians.


Mingrelians(Russian transmission is also common mingrels, previously also Mingrelians, self-name margal listen)) is a sub-ethnic group of the Georgian people, living mainly in the western lowland regions of Georgia and in the east of Abkhazia. They speak Mingrelian. As a rule, they also speak Georgian; and some who previously lived in the Ochamchira region of Abkhazia - and Abkhaz. Typical Mingrelian surnames end in -ia(in Russian it is often rendered as -and I: Zhvania / Zhvania), -aia(translated as -th: Shengelaya), -ava(Eliava), -ya(Chkadua). Surnames with Mingrelian endings are not uncommon among the Abkhaz, which is the result of a long assimilation.

IN late Middle Ages Mingrelians enjoyed relative independence from the Georgian kings (the Principality of Megrelia) and had their own dynasty of sovereign princes (Dadiani). The Mingrelian principality became part of Russian Empire(Kutais province), Mingrelians took an oath to Alexander I. The princes of Dadiani (the most illustrious princes of Mingrelian) subsequently became part of the Russian nobility (after the liquidation of the principality).

Mingrelians are ethnographic group Georgians (nationality), that is, Georgians. Mingrelians are the indigenous population of the Samegrelo region. They profess Christianity (Georgian Orthodox Church).

IN Krasnodar Territory there is the village of Mingrelskaya.


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what "Mingrels" are in other dictionaries:

    MAGRELS, ate and elov, units. ate, a, m. and MINGRELS, ate and spruce, sg. ate, a, m. An ethnic group of Georgians who constitute the indigenous population of one of the territories of Western Georgia - Megrelia (Mingrelia) (in the 16th-19th centuries, the Megrelian principality). Dictionary… … Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    Mn. the same as Megrelian Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova

    mingrels- mingr ely, r e l and ov, units. h. h. Lets, Lts, creative. p. face (same as megrels) ... Russian spelling dictionary

    Ov; Mingrelians, ev; pl. = Mengrel. ◁ Mingrel, a; Mingrelian, tsa; m. Mingrelka, and; pl. genus. lok, date lcam; and. Mingrelian, oh, oh. M. tongue. In Mingrelian, adv. Speak Mingrelian... encyclopedic Dictionary

    mingrels- mingres/litsy; ov see also. Mingrelian, Mingrelian, Mingrelian, Mingrelian, in Mingrelian = Mingrelians ... Dictionary of many expressions

    Mingrelians, Georgians, who in the past occupied the central and foothill regions of ancient Colchis; now they live in the right-bank regions of the Rioni River, the basins of the Khobi, Inguri and other rivers, as well as in compact groups in Abkhazia and a number of other regions ... ... Big soviet encyclopedia

    - სამეგრელო Map ... Wikipedia

    Ov; pl. An ethnic group of Georgians living in Western Georgia; representatives of this group. ◁ Megrel, a; m. Megrelka, and; pl. genus. lok, date lcam; and. Megrelian, oh, oh. M. tongue. * * * Mingrelians (Mingrelians), see Georgians. * * * MINGRELS MINGRELS… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    - "Mingrelian case" case started in November 1951 by the State Security agencies of the Georgian SSR against senior officials who came from Mingrelia. They were heavily charged with (Mingrelian) nationalism and ... ... Wikipedia

    The All-Russian population census of 2010 counted only 142,856,536 people, of which 137,227,107 people (96.06%) indicated their nationality. 5,629,429 people either did not indicate their nationality, or ... ... Wikipedia


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I will, as far as possible, publish the works of the Georgian politician 19th century Jacob Gogebashvili.
Today is a fragment from his book "Treasury" of the late 19th century.
Mingrelians belong to one of the branches of the Georgians. They are not much different from other Georgians, for example, a Kakhetian will not distinguish them from a Gurian or an Imeretian. Only their language differs from Georgian, although the service in the church is in Georgian. About 20 years ago, the spiritual rulers (apparently Russian, my pr.) decided to lead the service in the church in Megrelian and even translated the prayer of John Chrysostom, but this was massively opposed by all the estates of Megrelia. It should be noted that those who know well Georgian language there are more Megrelians than in other parts of Georgia.
About the qualities of megrels.

The rural workers of Megrelia have one good quality, which the inhabitants of eastern Georgia are completely deprived of, I'm talking about rural fairs. In Kartli and Kakheti, a peasant will never put out a crop for sale, transferring its sale to foreign intermediaries. In Telavi, Sighnaghi and Gori, all trade is in their hands (Armenians, Jews). When harvesting, merchants go around the villages and buy the entire crop for nothing, which they then sell at exorbitant prices. This is destroying the population of Kartli and Kakheti, and Megrelia is completely devoid of this disease. large fairs. Mingrelians bring their goods to the fair and bazaar and sell or exchange them at a bargain price. They sell Lye, tobacco, bread, fruits, all kinds of utensils, honey, wine, Mingrelians are everywhere here, so other people don’t appear here. Urii (Jews) are trying to give them the only competition, but they cannot dictate prices on the market, as Jews do in Kakheti, because Mingrelians are not weaker than them in buying and selling .This good quality will bring a lot of benefits to Megrelians in the future. They surpass all Georgians in resourcefulness: Go to Kakheti and cultivate a garden there equally in proportion, open a dukhan overlooking the sea, carry smuggling through customs - all this is easy for a Megrelian. It is difficult to find such talented , diligent, enterprising and resourceful people, like Mingrelians.
With all of the above, Mingrelians have a lot of shortcomings.
Theft is a moral disease and the beginning of many misfortunes for Megrelia. They steal everything - livestock, horses and the most offensive most of society. Theft in Megrelia is so massive that the courts do not have time to accept claims from numerous cases. Imeretin even has a story about Megrelians: "Mingrel went to heaven, and there he saw the beautiful horse St. George. He could not resist, jumped on the horse's neck and galloped from heaven to hell. In fairness, it must be said that with the opening of schools, theft is reduced for the happiness of Megrelia.
There are two cities in Megrelia, Zugdidi and Redoubt-kale (Kulevi). There are also beautiful villages in Megrelia: Akhali Senaki, Muri, Jvari, Martvili and others.
One of the most beautiful is the Martvili Monastery, where the chief bishop of Megrelia, who is called Chkondid, is located.

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