Mikhail Raduga Superpowers of the human brain. Journey into the subconscious


About the film.

I believe that the history of the creation of this film goes far beyond the boundaries of this life. If earlier I expressed my creative ideas through paintings and music, now, like many others, I combine my ideas with the help of a computer. As a result, this weird movie. I could not determine what genre it belongs to, so I came up with my own: "musical and philosophical relaxation." Of course, in lucid dreams there is no such chatter as in the movie, but without it, some moments could be misunderstood. Of course, not everything went so smoothly, given that this is my first film. The film was made slowly, at convenient moments. As a result, it turned out about 7 years. And, of course, there is a certain minus in this, because during this time you understand that some moments could have been done in a completely different way. Of course, you should not think that these are my or someone else's dreams, much here is still a fantasy, although, as far as possible, I tried to adhere to the laws that reign in the subtle worlds. I did not strive for realism, because the goals were different. Plots were directly read from the head into the computer, and immediately animated. Perhaps, in some places I went too far with surrealism, I will be more careful in the future, although I do not promise :). In general, of course, I wanted to do something positive, I don’t know how much I succeeded, it’s not for me to judge. The main task was - not to deviate from the main theme, which was never revealed. Obviously, we will have to reveal it in the next part. But it all depends on the circumstances, perhaps more than one year will pass. But the continuation will still have to be done, and there, as they say: "we will see to do it."

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Day of the Spring Equinox - traditions, beliefs and rituals

The day of the Spring Equinox is one of the ancient pagan holidays, which was celebrated by many nations. This is one of the eight days of power in the year, revered by sorcerers and magicians. At this time, awakening...

Greetings dear children. I'm Eugene, the author of the animated film "Journey into the Subconscious". I decided to put my project on the crowdfunding platform. Who is not familiar with the theme of the film, you can first read the first part at the link: https://youtu.be/273dGn7cI38

I agree with some of the comments, for the mass audience the film may seem a little "crazy", but this is just the wrong definition of surrealism. Such a definition is partly true, since the subtle world of dreams is affected here, in which the conscious and the unconscious are closely intertwined.

Therefore, I decided that it is best to film such a topic in such a visual, entertaining, musical and philosophical format, with elements of humor, fairy tales and surrealism. To do this, do not hesitate to use any non-standard methods. The main thing is that all this should have at least some positive connotation, and not apocalyptic, as it has already developed in modern cinema. I hope the second part will be softer.

According to the plot main character seeks the truth, traveling in a dream, constantly communicating with the symbol of his mind (the head of an old man) and overcoming various surreal situations.

The theme of lucid dreams, touched upon in the film, is not the main one. This is just an excuse to bring the viewer closer to other worlds. In general, the essence of the film is to show the approximate structure of being, with its invisible worlds where their unearthly laws reign.

With worlds that a person will definitely have to face someday. This is an attempt, at least indirectly, to point out that " Higher beginning", which is located inside the person himself. But this moment is still far away, since the film is full-length, and is divided into parts, each of which has been made for more than one year :)

It is no secret that the work of a director, screenwriter, editor, sound engineer, composer, etc., is associated with funding. I will not dwell on prices, but in comparison with others famous cartoons, where each second of the animation is "worth its weight in gold", the amount indicated here really looks symbolic, even taking into account the commission of the "planet" and tax. Given that the duration of the film will be approximately 25 minutes.

Despite the fact that the film is made on the "knee", I try to stick to a comfortable quality. To do this, you have to combine all the employees of the studio, which is why the first part took 7 years. Programs are being studied at the same time.

All musical compositions I write myself, it still takes extra time. I hope to finish the second part quickly, because more than half has already been done. Thanks to you, dear shareholders, the creation process will go faster.

But in any case, the film will be released, the difference will be only in time. It's just that your support brings a certain discipline and responsibility to the creation process, optimally allocates time and opportunities, and possibly paves the way for the creation of the third part.

"Journey into the subconscious"

All to start!

Subconscious is not a name locality which we have just passed, dear reader. The human subconscious is a fascinating book that has not yet been read, published for each of us in a single copy. About the subconscious now you can hear everywhere and to the place, and not to the place. They remember him as if by chance, in order to attribute something alien and unusual to him, to put idle and simply curious people on the wrong track.
We are flying into the boundless Cosmos, we are descending into the dark depths of the oceans, we are penetrating to the hot center of the Earth - grandiose goals, alluring distances ... But what do we know about ourselves, about our inner world? How can this small discovery, you stand on the defensive, compare with the grandiose plans of Mankind? Of course, you will be surprised, but the roots and the beginning of everything that surrounds us, and what we strive for in our lives, are right here - in our subconscious. That’s good: it turned out that you don’t have to fly headlong anywhere, you can just relax and stay in your favorite place, on the couch. Now no one goes anywhere!

Breaking your head - how strange it sounds

It is believed that the brain modern man contains approximately 30 billion neurons and weighs approximately 1.5 kg. The brain grows until a person is 20 years old, and then its growth stops. modern science there is no proven relationship between human brain size and intelligence quotient. For example, the brain of a woman is smaller than men, but due to the increase in the concentration of gray matter, the intellectual abilities of men and women are the same. Our body is 70% water, and the brain and even more - 90%. From here possible representation man in the form of a leather bag, which contains a "cool" chemical water solution. Inside this bag there are constant chemical reactions. Modern science has proven that the human body is completely renewed within 11 months. It turns out that our physiological age is no more than 11 months?!
The brain is the organ that represents the center of the nervous system. It is located inside the skull and spine: the head and spinal cord. The brain is comparable to the planet, and its departments are comparable to the continents, representing the right and left hemisphere. The left hemisphere is responsible for subject-logical and abstract thinking. The right hemisphere is your figurative and associative thinking. Any information entering the brain is a sequence of bioelectric impulses in neural network. The capacity of a child's brain is amazing. Its bioelectrical activity exceeds the activity of the middle-aged human brain by 100 times! That is why it is so useful to "fall into childhood" more often, thereby increasing the perception of the world around us.
Our mental computers from the moment of birth contain about 2 thousand separate programs designed to ideally control our body. It is known that the human intellect in a lifetime can accommodate about 400 semantic positions for temporary storage, but this information, if not used, will disappear in about a month and a half. In short-term memory, the storage of information can last from a few seconds to 20 minutes. At the same time, the subconscious, or nervous memory, is able to accommodate 5 billion actions and retain this information for a lifetime. Apparently, it is not in vain that scientists of the 21st century say that a modern individual, a "thinking person", uses the possibilities of his consciousness not very reasonably and very irrationally.
Our consciousness has three levels: ordinary consciousness (responsible for thinking), subconsciousness (responsible for our feelings) and superconsciousness (the engine of the will). Consciousness and the subconscious interact equally: the spinal system is the nervous organ of consciousness, and the sympathetic system is the nervous organ of the subconscious. The sympathetic nervous system is beyond the control of the human will. It has its center in the solar plexus - this is the "brain of the subconscious." This is the center of mental processes that unconsciously control all the vital functions of the body. The front, part of the brain is referred to as the area of ​​consciousness, and the back - to the subconscious; middle part brain is a "bridge" between them.
Imagine that the interaction between the mind and body of a person in a simplified form looks something like this: consciousness receives a thought that causes in the spinal cord nervous system excitations that generate a similar impulse in the nervous system of the subconscious and are thus transmitted directly creative environment. More than 90% of mental life takes place at the subconscious level.
Sometimes the subconscious is identified with the heart or soul of a person. Christian teaching says that man is created in the image and likeness of God, but does not mean the head, arms and legs. It's about about the soul. And if the Holy Spirit descends on a person, then it illuminates his soul. Therefore, in order for the "holy place" to be occupied by the Holy Spirit, it is important that your soul be pure, and not just thoughts and deeds.
The human soul consists of four components: three types of mind (instinctive - subconscious, intellectual - consciousness, spiritual - supraconscious) and one's own "I". If a person's soul is not in place, then uncertainty appears and this violates his psyche. He does not sleep well, he simply does not find a place for himself. Often they say, from fear of the soul in the heels. This means that the connection with the subconscious is lost for a while, and this manifests itself in paralysis of the will, the inability of the subconscious to turn on the body's defense mechanisms, which often leads, ultimately, to disastrous results.

Knock louder - there is a deaf dog in the yard!

We now know that the subconscious mind exists and has its own will. It leads its own life which continuously strives to achieve harmony, health and happiness. The subconscious always seeks to serve life and act constructively. At the same time, consciousness, processing sensory perceptions, constantly turns on and causes a terrible confusion of incorrect opinions, unfounded fears and false attitudes. The instinct of self-preservation is the strongest in human nature. Therefore, the factor of male supermortality - "psychological suicide", when an incorrectly consciously chosen "lifestyle" inevitably leads to loss of health and premature death, cannot be attributed to the normal subconscious.
It is believed that only 1/7 of the information a person perceives consciously, the remaining 6/7 - subconsciously. When using trance techniques, subconscious messages are carried out when information is perceived by a person beyond the threshold of her consciousness, that is, subconsciously. Some of these unauthorized interventions, such as direct intervention, exposure to drugs, exposure to 25 frames or high and low audio frequencies, as well as hypnosis, can do more harm than good. With the help of the mind, people are constantly trying to penetrate into the subconscious. Controlling your subconscious (article "Lord of Dreams" in the "New Interesting Newspaper" N 7, 2004, part Dd), you can, plunging into pleasant dreams, solve many of your own life problems on your own. Acceptable for successful contact with the subconscious is the impact with the help of special mental exercises - meditation. During meditation, the human intellect is separated from the body, and it itself regulates its activity (reconstruction of cells), that is, the control of the body from consciousness is transferred to the subconscious.
The method of dynamic meditation by H. Silva, with the help of control over the rhythms of the brain (alpha rhythm - from 7 to 14 Hz), allows a person to independently, without falling asleep, enter the state deep sleep. This method of controlling consciousness allows you to open a "tunnel to the subconscious" and use all the huge creative power of the subconscious for the benefit of yourself and people. The universal method of immersion into the subconsciousness (UMP) by S. Kholnov is also suitable for introducing any attitudes into one's "subcortex". With the help of UMP, you can set any psychological attitudes for yourself - bring programs necessary for you into your subconscious. Most often, such programming occurs not so much for the purpose of improving the body, but in order to act effectively in life and intelligently shape one's destiny. For all of these methods, relaxation is the key to success. Do not think about how you can fulfill your desire (prayer) and perceive it - regardless of whether it is about health, money, work or family life- as an action that has already taken place.

Think good, talk good...

It is noticed that the human brain 30 times per second passes the frequency level of fluctuations on average equal to 10 rhythms per second - this is the alpha rhythm. The constant repetition of positively (negatively) directed phrases of self-hypnosis (suggestion) leads to an accidental entry of information directly into the subconscious, which leads to negative or positive results. That is why it is impossible, for example, to call your child a fool, an idiot, or someone else worse for a petty offense. Being deposited in the sensitive subconscious of the child (his brain rhythm is often equal to the alpha rhythm), negative image become a guide in real life. The subconscious does not understand jokes and figurative meaning.
Not worth it great attention devote to horoscopes or divination. Japanese scientists have proven that impressionable people are 85% programmed for the result of what they were told and then act in life, like zombies with a disconnected consciousness. Fortune-telling and various looking into the future for many uninitiated, for example, palmistry, given Slavic fatalism, will not lead to anything good if negative results are set.
Positive thinking should become part of you. The pessimist says we are going to the bottom, and the optimist says we are already at the bottom. You say the glass is half empty, but I say it is half full. If you tell a child not to slam the door when leaving, he will definitely slam it. If you tell him to gently close the doors, he will. The subconscious does not understand the particle "not".
It takes time for the subconscious to absorb the attitudes that penetrate it from the mind, and rebuild its "work" in accordance with them - this is the "buildup of the psyche." When we speak: " Good morning!", - we set a positive psychological attitude for the next day and, first of all, this attitude is turned to ourselves. If you want to use the magical power of the subconscious, use the following positive attitude: "Infinite healing power my subconscious fills my whole being: it manifests itself in the form of harmony, health, peace, joy and material well-being.
Unfortunately, in modern society such goals as money, sex and power are dominant. Over the years, one of these goals - "sex" is replaced by another - "health". If you are concerned about health, use this psychological attitude: "Every day I get better, better, better in every way. Every day I feel better, better, better in every way." These settings can be repeated 20 times a day, but you can use the methods of immersion in the subconscious only once a day - the result will be the same. You will be able to feel better, and good health will become normal for you, because you entrusted it to the invisible power of the subconscious, which can do anything! Any disease is contrary to Mother Nature herself, so your voice will be heard. A sick person thinks negatively, and this destroys his nerves and glands, which cleanse the body of toxins. Fear, anxiety, jealousy, hostility and other negative thoughts are gradually replaced on a conscious and later on a subconscious level by positive attitudes. During one moment of time, a person can have only one thought, the slower the change of thoughts occurs, the less the rhythm of the brain, the calmer and healthier we feel. Remember how Pushkin says: "There is no happiness in the world, but there is peace and freedom!" If some negative or obsessive thought haunts you, it is enough to say to yourself: "Erase, erase, erase" - and imagine how you erase it in your brain with your hand. Be sure that a stubborn thought will not linger with you for a long time.
The law of life wants you to be happy, wealthy and successful, but the one who makes money his main reason for life has made the wrong decision. It is unacceptable, however, to consider money as something evil or excessive - you will only forcefully push it away from you. Each person should lead a balanced life and also satisfy their needs for spirituality, harmony, love, joy and perfect health. At the same time, the desire to be rich is the desire for a more fulfilling, happier and more wonderful life. And this desire of yours will be fulfilled by the subconscious! By repeating many times daily, you can increase your cash: "Money is success! Money flows to me from all sides in abundance. With their help I will do a lot of good and useful things. I am grateful for my material and mental wealth." The wording may be different, as long as it is laconic and easy to reproduce, does not contain mutually exclusive concepts, is useful to you and does not harm other people. You have to believe in what you say, best if you imagine a movie where you are the main character, where you are given good money for a job well done and sincerely thanked. Remember this pleasant feeling, try to reproduce it when you need it.
If you want the positive attitudes that you may come up with for yourself in the future to work, you must always be truthful to yourself - tell yourself the same thing and think about the same thing. It is also impossible to say one thing, do another, think a third, as in his time - Cicero. This can confuse the subconscious - it will refuse to understand you, it will withdraw into itself. Since the subconscious is a part human soul, then work on your subconscious is work on your soul.
Now very important conclusion. Since consciousness always chooses the dominant idea, then what your soul is doing will be the goal of your subconscious. And since the subconscious (the sphere of acquired reflexes) has a huge influence on human actions through consciousness, such eternal problems of humanity as alcoholism, substance abuse, drug addiction, nicotine and even non-chemical addictions, with the help of work on the subconscious, can be forgotten on planet Earth forever. No kidding, surely you know people who do not smoke, drink or use drugs? Now fighters with all sorts of chemical and non-chemical addictions of people are beginning to understand that working with the human psyche is the key to solving the problems of any addiction. Long live independence! It is necessary to systematically work on the cause, and not on the effect in any situation, and then the result will be positive.

We are what we think

Ancient people believed that we are what we eat. But we are what we think. Each person is also what he perceives himself to be, first of all, on a subconscious level, somewhere on a conscious level. The world in which we all exist is the result of our perception. There is a Global law of instability of the universe - nothing in this world for a single moment (not even time itself) remains unchanged. Permanent rebirth human body does not lead to a permanent change psychologically of our "I", it is, as it were, permanent. Therefore, our consciousness is continuous. true faith can also become the key to the gates of the subconscious, because what we consciously believe in, our subconscious mind also considers true and reacts accordingly. Your true thoughts and true feelings are always imprinted in the subconscious, and not just empty words and statements devoid of any measure.
Some scientists associate unconscious mental phenomena with the human subconscious. To the mental unconscious, called the subconscious, we include two such groups of phenomena. The first is everything that was conscious and can, under certain conditions, become conscious. The second - brought to automatism and therefore ceased to be realized skills and conflicts forced out of the sphere of consciousness. Deeply assimilated social norms - "the voice of conscience", "the call of the heart", "the command of duty" also enter into the sphere of the subconscious. The presence of intuition based on accumulated experience is also a manifestation of the subconscious. The subconscious mind is the defense of the conscious mind. extra work and unbearable loads, the subconscious frees consciousness from stressful overloads.
You should not be afraid to take control of your own subconscious, although perhaps our subconscious is that abyss about which Nietzsche once said: "If you persistently look into the abyss, the abyss begins to peer into you." Control is always needed, because it is no secret that many everyday conflicts on the "fertile" soil of alcohol and drugs lead to domestic murders, and blind faith leads to the acceptance by the subconscious mind that the unaltered consciousness rejects, for example, faith in Satan. Such faith to the followers of "darkness" forgives even sophisticated ritual murders.

Internet - resting

Jung, Vernadsky and other scientists called a single information sphere that unites the subconscious of all people (past and future) the noosphere or the collective unconscious. It can be imagined that, by analogy with the worldwide global computer network Internet, the noosphere consists of many "sites" - egregors, that is, homogeneous groups of people connected by faith, culture, and ideological community. Each of us is a part of the noosphere and at the same time its creator. Invisible connections, uniting the immortal soul of man with the noosphere, permeate time and space. Superintuition, clairvoyance, clairaudience, telepathy, telekinesis and many other parapsychological phenomena become real for people who have expanded the boundaries of everyday consciousness.
Various layers of the subconscious are connected, synchronized with the corresponding layer of the noosphere. In the ordinary state, the consciousness of the normal average person is connected only with a narrow sphere of the subconscious. All other areas are inaccessible. In the subconscious of any person, a huge number of subpersonalities also doze, which make up his inner mental world. The human psyche seems to have an invisible switch (faucet - shower). When the consciousness (faucet) is turned on, the subconscious (soul) is turned off, and vice versa. Going on a journey to the subconscious, we open a communication channel with the Creator, the Creator. And if someone has not yet chosen a goal in life, let a great goal become a revelation for him - he must become a co-author of the Creator! The creator in the process of creation needs your help. The idea to make this world a better place together with the Creator - what could be more attractive!

The many-sided subconscious

When you fly in an airplane, you do not think about why the plane flies and does not fall, and it is heavier than air. You do not think in which direction to fly, and at what height. The pilot will take care of this for you. But in a critical situation, God forbid, of course, you yourself will have to fly the plane and then it will be your business. Also, the management of your own subconscious does not cause you the need until critical situation such as deterioration in health.
It is known that magicians never tell their secrets - this destroys the illusion. But how to destroy the illusion that surrounds us 24 hours a day and not only in relation to such a concept as the subconscious? The subconscious mind is not a magician and its ultimate goal is not an illusion, but a reality.
Deep faith in the power of the subconscious and your imagination can truly create miracles incomprehensible to the ordinary mind. Recent studies by Western scientists have shown that when training to increase strength right hand the left one increases its strength by 30% without any training, is this not the "invisible" work of the subconscious. Finally came true cherished dream lazy people! Unknown to many yoga fans, yogic static exercises to increase strength are also based on the work of the brain and subconscious, since with maximum muscle tension, you also need to imagine how these muscles grow and increase in volume. To enhance the effect of such a kind of bodybuilding, it is recommended to imagine an image or look at a real photograph of a bodybuilder with well-developed muscles that you train - the subconscious mind gets set to the ultimate goal of such body work.
Our subconscious, like a modern American espionage super-system "Echelon", accumulates and processes absolutely all the information that enters our body from the world around us, stores it all our lives and even after death (reincarnation). This information comes to us not only from the 5 senses and intuition. It can be both body temperature and sensations associated with various experiences, stressful situations, and much, much more. That is why there is nothing surprising in the fact that in moments of life that are mortally dangerous for a person in his consciousness (distant pantries of the subconscious are opened) in a matter of moments, his entire previous life rushes by.
"This is a chair," says consciousness when we see a chair. "They sit on it," says the subconscious. What first, without thinking, comes to mind is a manifestation of the subconscious. A soldier salutes at the sight of an officer, not because he suddenly remembered that it was written about it in the military regulations. Being not only determines consciousness, but also powerfully influences the subconscious.
The subconscious mind has many faces, but its goal is one. It wants to bring you healing, good health, wealth, success, happiness, harmony with people and the world around you. Go towards your subconscious, open it for yourself, love your subconscious. It is yours! Use its magic power, open your inexhaustible Klondike!

Tips for travelers to the subconscious

1. If you have made the final decision to go on a journey where your subconscious will be the final destination, then some useful tips will not interfere with your journey:
2. Choose your dominant idea and act;
3. Believe with all your heart, and your faith and imagination together will truly work wonders;
4. Constantly protect and guard your subconscious from psychic attacks from outside;
5. Only the constant practice of traveling into the subconscious gives real and lasting results;
6. Love your subconscious, and it will reveal all its secrets and mysteries to you.
About what and how it affects our subconscious, as well as how to protect it, and therefore yourself, from outside influences, you will learn in the new article "The Bodyguard of the Subconscious". And lastly, the article you read was written using immersion in the state of alpha rhythm, that is, the subconscious mind was connected. "The first rule of the author is to write, not to think" - isn't there hidden in this saying secret meaning- The writing author, no doubt, must use his subconscious to the fullest. This is another proof that everyone can travel into their own subconscious, everyone can discover their own El Dorado!

In 1803, Thomas Young directed a beam of light at an opaque screen with two slits. Instead of the expected two streaks of light on the projection screen, he saw several streaks, as if there was an interference (superposition) of two waves of light from each slot. In the XX-XXI centuries. it was shown that not only light, but any single elementary particle and even some molecules behave like a wave, as if passing through both slits at the same time. However, if a sensor is placed near the slits, which determines what exactly happens to the particle in this place and through which particular slit it nevertheless passes, then only two bands appear on the projection screen, as if the fact of observation (indirect influence) destroys the wave function and the object behaves like matter.

Superman's dream

Probably, at that time it was the brightest and most valuable event in my life, so I appreciated it and kept it in my memory. I even told someone about this, but for some reason they didn’t really believe me. Why? In my mind, I was among the elect, who were paid attention to and who for some reason turned out to be needed. So these memories would be my most valuable asset if there were no continuation.

After a couple of months, I woke up in the afternoon in bed and again could not move. I was also overcome by animal fear and horror, but for some reason I immediately realized that this time the aliens had nothing to do with it. Which among white day aliens?! If only at night... For this reason or another, my body was no longer moving anywhere. I just lay in horror, trying to stir the body, and after about 1-2 minutes I succeeded. Now there have been two in my life unusual phenomena, but what happened?

Gradually, I began to remember books and articles about psychics who "left the body" or fell into the "astral plane." Judging by the description, I had something similar to their experiences: vibrations, tinnitus, paralysis of the body. In general, I always dreamed about it and, perhaps, even tried to experience something similar, but nothing worked. My suspicions were confirmed when it happened again a few weeks later.

I will reassure you again, but I will disappoint someone: this book is far from being about out-of-body and astral travel. But first things first.

At that moment, it was clear to me that I had some unique gift that others did not have and that needed to be developed. This could open up incredible possibilities, and the world no longer seemed boring and gray to me! In the bookstore, I found a section where the answers to all my questions were collected, and in everything I saw the absolute truth of the last instance. This was a section of esoteric literature... Of course, I could not buy books due to lack of funds, so I just read them on the spot. I then visited bookstores more often than the most believing person church.

Often the books talked about out-of-body travel, the astral plane, or lucid dreams, but for some reason the described technologies did not work. However, spontaneously it began to happen to me every few weeks. For some reason it was always after sleep. I still had animal fear, but I was able to overcome it. At first, I “brought” only one arm out of the body for a few seconds. The next time, the upper part of the body and after some time, completely "separated" from the body, could already walk around the room, getting used to the sensations. I also noticed that sometimes I "left" my soul from the body in my room, and sometimes I ended up in some kind of world, perhaps the same "astral plane" that I read about in books and newspapers. I also began to have lucid dreams, when in the plot of a dream I suddenly realized that everything around was a dream, and I did what I wanted. Thus, I gained as many as three superpowers! And I was ready to fill the face of anyone who would say that I was wrong. After all, it was all real from the point of view of my experience.

Do not think that everything was some kind of imagination or dreams, because it was not in vain that fear arose. While in these unusual states, I retained full consciousness and self-understanding, but did not feel the physical body in bed. At the same time, all sensations were preserved in my “divided” soul or in some phantom, astral body. These sensations were so vivid that hyperrealism and clarity of perception often arose, which at times exceeded the sensations familiar to a person. When I was there, the same thought haunted me: “Why is it all as real as in physical world? How is that possible?!”

I must say that by this time my mother got married and I had younger brother. Together they left for even more northern regions of Siberia, and at the age of 18 I began to absolutely independent life: did not earn - did not eat. Since I could not immediately go to university and become an orientalist, and at the same time I was a healthy athlete, from the age of 17 I worked as a bouncer in nightclubs. First acquaintance with real life, money and women happened precisely in such an "intelligent" environment.

However, both at work and at home, I rarely let go of thoughts about my own “gift”. I wanted to explore it, understand what it is, and find all the possibilities it brings. Although everything was terribly confusing and incomprehensible, I was 100% sure that there was an elegant explanation of what was happening that could be logically built into an understandable picture of the world. How can I do that?

It seemed to me that this required practice and experimentation. And here I stepped on a rake that no experimenter passes by in this area. How to check that you really "leave" the body? Correctly! You need to "experience" someone to show themselves or to learn something that you do not know. For example, you can see which card from the deck you put on the cabinet. Everything looks simple at first glance, but not in practice. It seems that you “leave” your body and at the same time find yourself in the physical world; in this case, the maps coincide only within the limits of probability theory, as in other tests of this kind. It is even more incomprehensible why, “having left the body”, I still feel in the usual physical body and the expectedly simple things do not always turn out there, like taking off or passing through a wall?

Somehow, I gradually understood completely certain thing that this exit is better not at bedtime, as it is recommended everywhere in books, but at the stage of awakening. Especially in the morning or after daytime sleep. Later, I realized that people simply psychologically appreciate the experience gained after sleep and therefore often distance themselves from talking on this topic. Ineffective actions before sleep I called the intuitive term "direct method", and on awakening "indirect method". It was the second point that began to give me more and more opportunities for experimentation. And it was this factor that led me to serious consequences: from now on I could check in practice everything that is written in books from the esoteric shelf. Is it not from there that all these fabulous and amazing stories, while readers do not have the opportunity to test them in practice?

For example, in one of the books I read that, “leaving the body”, you can fly to familiar people, pinch them, and they will have a real bruise on that very part of the body. Many people are reading this open mouth like me in my youth. But I could check it! Having caught the moment of awakening, I could use some technique, “get out” of the body and fly to my friends or relatives, pinching them wherever possible. Well I did it dozens of times before I gave up simple question: if the author of that book really did what he described, then why does he talk about it so casually and why didn’t he try to conduct a similar experiment at least once again? This is indeed Nobel Prize, least. But no: the author left only short description. And this is a typical template for any such story. And for any book of this kind. And everything is not repeated in experiments ...

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