What kind of person is considered cultural. What kind of person can be called cultural in modern society? What are the main qualities a modern person should have


2014 has been declared the Year of Culture in Russia. In the course of studying cultural studies, ISUE students wrote an essay on the problems of defining the concepts of "culture" and "modern man of culture».

We bring to your attention the most interesting works.

Student scientific historical society"CLIO"

Guseva Nina, 1-4:

Culture is aspiration

to perfection through knowledge

what concerns us the most,

what they think and talk about...

Matthew Arnold.

What does it mean to be a cultured person? In my opinion, a cultured person is an educated, well-mannered, tolerant, intelligent, responsible person. He respects himself and those around him. A cultured person is also distinguished by creative work, the desire for high quality, gratitude and the ability to be grateful, love for nature and the Motherland, compassion and sympathy for one's neighbor, goodwill.

A cultured person will never lie, he will retain self-control and dignity in any life situations He is a person who has a clear goal and achieves it.

D.S. Likhachev wrote: “What is the greatest goal of life? I think: to increase the good in those around us. And good is, first of all, the happiness of all people.

It is made up of many things, and every time life sets a task for a person, which is important to be able to solve. You can do good to a person in small things, you can think about big things, but small things and big things cannot be separated ... ".

But one cannot rely on goodness, education, and “correct” behavior. In our time, people pay too little attention to culture, and many do not even think about it throughout their lives, thereby showing ignorance, laziness, selfishness, hypocrisy.

It is good if a person has a process of familiarization with culture, that is, inculturation, as well as familiarization with cultural values ​​and knowledge through social institutions, that is, socialization, occur from childhood. The child joins the traditions that pass from generation to generation, absorbs the positive experience of the family and environment. Indeed, in life, the more experienced a person is, the more competitive he is, and if he has where to get this experience from, then he has advantages.

In conclusion, it should be noted: no matter how much is said about culture, but "a person is known only by deeds."

The ideal of a cultured person is nothing but the ideal of a person who, under any conditions, retains true humanity.

Galkin Oleg, 1-4:

In the explanatory dictionary S.I. Ozhegov, the concept of culture is interpreted as follows: "This is a combination of industrial, social and spiritual achievements of people;" cultured person - "is located on high level culture and corresponding to it”, as well as “relating to educational or intellectual activity”.

This definition is vague and not very clear. Let's try to speculate on the topic: “What kind of person is considered to be cultured? How do education and culture relate? Russian philosophers (for example, Ivan Ilyin), writers, publicists: (D.S. Likhachev, D.A. Granin, V.A. Soloukhin, L.V. Uspensky, etc.) have repeatedly argued on this topic in discussions, essays and articles.

We find interesting reflections on traditions in culture in Ivan Ilyin. He believes that the future of culture is in the ability to be grateful for the past, that is, to absorb everything that has already been created, but not cold and prudent, "the response of the heart to the good deed already done to you."

One cannot but agree with this opinion. A cultured person is capable of knowing the world in its past, present and future (this is the cognitive function of culture), such a person is able to perceive everything that is created by another person, his mind and hands. But do not envy, and even more so "blacken", but perceive it as interesting phenomenon, to appreciate and, perhaps, to know more deeply.

Education and culture are related concepts, but far from being unambiguous. What does education mean? This is a collection of specific knowledge from any area. By the way, who is more educated? Who has in-depth knowledge of a certain science or has broad ideas from a whole range of knowledge about the world? Undoubtedly, education and knowledge nourish human culture, but this is only part of it. D.S. said it well. Likhachev “A cultured person is an intelligent person. And intelligence is not only in knowledge - it is in the ability to understand another and respect his Self.

A cultured person is able to absorb the good and resist the bad. There are many disputes, for example, about the culture of the language. A cultured person is not capable of clumsy speech, rude words in everyday life, they disgust his nature. He will still strive for knowledge, how it is more correct, better to say, write, conduct a dialogue. The ability to communicate, to be logical and to prove one's opinion is one of the abilities of a highly cultured person. A cultured man is a man open heart able to rejoice and marvel at the beauty of the world. It does not matter whether it is the wonders of the world, or a modest chamomile meadow, Niagara Falls or a quiet forest lake. A cultured person is capable of experiencing and mercy.

So, "cultural person" - the concept is quite broad. Such a person owns a communicative, educational, cognitive culture, respects traditions, a person open to the world.

Blechenkova Anastasia, 1-4:

“Culture is the essence of the organism. History of culture and their biography. Culture is born at the moment when, from the primitive mental state of eternally childish humanity, it awakens and stands out. great soul"(Oswald Spengler).

Based on this quote, I would like to speculate from the point of view of a civilizational approach to the history of the development of culture. I believe that culture is determined by time and society. That is, a person must correspond to the time and the public idea of ​​a cultured person. In most cases, this implies a certain level of intelligence, knowledge of etiquette, the ability to correctly and competently express thoughts, be objective, and keep your emotions under control.

Man is the creator of culture. But it all starts with him. He goes through inculturation in childhood, then socialization through such social institutions as family, school, university, etc. From this we can conclude that the formation of a cultured person largely depends on external factors.

Let's remember the story of Mowgli. Small child ends up in the jungle, in a wolf family that lives in a pack and lives by the law of the jungle. Naturally, when he gets to the village, it is unusual for him to live by human rules.

In the modern world cultural space a person is mainly shaped by various means mass media. Television and the Internet are replacing theaters, libraries, and museums from the cultural needs of modern man. And it's sad to realize. After all, everything that exists now, everything that we study, was created by people. Music, literature, great scientific discoveries, created several centuries ago, allowed us to live in such a world, this is the base, without which a person cannot be considered cultural if he does not know the elementary.

Modern sociocultural situation, which determines the formation of a cultural person and the requirements for him in modern world, is characterized by richness and variety of dynamic processes. The pace of modernization covers all more existing cultural forms. Blurring the lines between different ethnic cultures, national entities. historically shaped cultural tradition loses priority in social processes. Professional activity of any kind becomes the main form of individual self-expression.

Culture is the realization of human creativity and freedom, hence the diversity of cultures and forms cultural development. On the example of a subculture, we can clearly see how a person can create, bring something new inside his social group. Also, in each country we observe our own religion, architecture, language, dances, traditional clothes. And when a person moves to another country, he often tries to adapt to this culture, which once again shows how the social environment affects a person.

From all this, we can conclude that a cultured person in the modern world can be called someone who knows and understands the culture of the past, who observes the norms and rules of behavior of the present time, and who makes a contribution to modern culture, thinking about the future.

cultured man

A cultured person is a rather rare phenomenon today. And the thing is that the concept of a "cultural person" includes many requirements, which, unfortunately, not every one of us meets. Let's consider what kind of person can be called cultural.
Modern cultured person

First of all, one who can be called a cultured person must have politeness and good manners. Etiquette, the basics of behavior - this is exactly what makes a person cultured. This is by no means innate instinctive knowledge. They are acquired with age, parents teach us this, Kindergarten, school. In fact, etiquette is not based on empty, nothing meaningful rules, and on fundamental basis life in society. The ability to behave well can be improved by every modern cultured person.
How to become a cultured person?

What defines the concept of a cultured person? It is worth considering the defining features of a cultured person, and then we will find out what it means to be a cultured person. Let us enumerate the main distinguishing qualities of a cultured person, which should prevail in us.
External signs. They meet a person, as they say, by clothes. The first impression is almost always correct, so a cultured person is always presentable. appearance, dressed according to the situation, he has a competent speech, he knows the rules of etiquette and behavior in society well;
Character traits. The main features and characteristics of a cultured person, namely his character and personality traits, are responsibility, kindness, inborn politeness, generosity and sincerity, willpower and self-control, self-confidence. The signs of a cultured person, acquired with age and experience, laid down in his upbringing, should be a sense of proportion and tact, tolerance, lack of rudeness, respect for others, sympathy and compassion, readiness to help, self-giving and self-sacrifice;
Self-development. This is an equally important feature that determines cultural level person. Erudition and education, civilization and general knowledge about the world, reverence for knowledge and the ability to appreciate the beautiful - these are the main qualities of a person that determine what a cultured person should be. The ability to create and strive for new knowledge and skills, openness to everything new and unknown, willingness to learn and the desire for continuous self-improvement distinguish a cultured person from other people.
Cooperation with people. This means the ability to cooperate, work in a team, work for the common good, be able to sacrifice oneself for the sake of high goals. The signs that determine what kind of person can be considered cultural are the lack of commercialism, the ability to put personal interests below common goals and interests, the willingness to help and teach, share one's accumulated experience, knowledge and skills, the desire to learn and learn from others.
Devotion home country and her culture. This is another important sign of a cultured person. After all, a person who knows nothing about his own country, its history, people, national traditions. This quality largely depends on education and upbringing, on parents and the society in which a person grew up. However, his desire for new knowledge can independently educate a personality out of him.

It is difficult to enumerate all the qualities and signs of a cultured person. Everyone means by this characteristic something of their own. However, we have tried to present to you the main features of a cultured person, which can be developed and nurtured in yourself on your own. Strive for excellence and be cultured!

Whether you are a teenager or an older person, you still want to understand this beautiful but complex culture that exists in modern society. This can be quite difficult if, say, you have not read a single book; but this article will help you become a more cultured, interesting, versatile person even from scratch.


    Let's first understand what it means to be cultured. A cultured person can be some eclectic reader who watches high-quality classic movies and has a refined perception of art. Being cultured also means knowing the world, languages, understanding world politics and being well-read about world history. But most importantly, a cultured person is someone who is interested in culture and understands it.

    Read more. A significant part of the culture comes from books, since they existed long before the advent of other media. If you are just starting to read, obviously you should start with classic books; it will be interesting for you, and it will also be easier for you to get up to speed.

    • Choose a literary style that you have a genuine interest in, such as fantasy or romantic literature. Determine which books of this style are most popular with book lovers and read them. Perhaps you go to pick up books from other styles that interest you. If you're unsure about a particular style, try it out and you might like it.
    • After you feel that you are well-read in one literary style, choose another one. Also read a few classic or recommended books. Perhaps you will understand and love the books of past cultures by reading books of modern culture.
    • Subscribe to magazines that have articles about literature, theater, and music. Read articles from these magazines once a week or twice a month, or whenever your schedule allows. Follow short descriptions presented in the articles you read. From time to time you will come across articles that will arouse in you the desire to delve deeper into some issue. For example, if you read a great article about Mozart, take that article with you to a CD store and ask the salesperson to show you some Mozart CDs you might like. Buy or borrow some CDs from the library. If you read an article about an artist that interests you, look online to see which museums show his work. Then schedule visits to these museums. Check the newspaper for local high school or college theater productions that you might like to attend.
  1. Write. You can write poetry short stories, books and even plays. To be cultural means to conform to the culture, and the best way to do this is to create your own culture.

    Watch movies. It is very important not only to read books, but also to watch movies regularly. There are many movies out there and you may not be sure which ones to watch.

    • Viewer reviews are the best way to find out which New film worth a look. Perhaps you remember how your friends discussed a movie. Go to a store that sells videos, look on the shelves, and look for familiar movie titles.
    • Take a look at the movie reviews on Wikipedia before you watch it to make sure you're not wasting your time (if you're on a tight schedule). However, remember that critics' opinions are not always correct.
    • It is important to be independent research work. If you don't understand a movie, look it up on Wikipedia or elsewhere on the Internet. Sometimes old films reference other classic films. As a result, you will gain knowledge about other film works. If you watch films of this type, you will soon be able to appreciate many more of them than you could before.
    • Don't limit yourself to movies mother tongue. There are many films worth watching, they are just in other languages.
  2. Watch TV. Watching TV shows can be time consuming, but if you watch one episode each day, you'll spend less time watching TV. Much can be learned from television programs. Television is as important a medium as any other, and it often represents public opinion.

    • Pick up good programs which you should like. There are quite a few of them, comedy shows to drama. As a rule, Wikipedia has enough information about popular TV shows. You can view the ratings or just ask around.
    • Don't forget: don't be prejudiced. You think you won't like a TV show, but it may turn out to be your favorite. That happens.
    • If you really like the TV show and would like to watch it again, buy it on DVD.
    • Watch TV channels like discovery and History Channel. It's a painless way to delve into topics like the origins of Impressionist art or the history of English kings.
  3. Expand your musical horizons. When it comes to music, many people have a very narrow outlook here. But a cultured person loves even little-known musical genres.

    • For example, while it's important to listen to and enjoy songs with non-standard lyrics, it's also important to be able to enjoy music without lyrics, just for the mood, or to hear what story it can tell without words.
    • be able to appreciate classical music not as difficult as it seems. Just listen to some famous musical works and you will almost certainly understand why.
    • Don't be prejudiced. There is a lot of music that doesn't fit into any style, but you might like it. Don't dismiss certain forms of music simply because you've never heard of them.
    • Listen to albums, not just singles. Perhaps you will awaken interest in songs that have never been popular. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't like the songs that have become popular.
    • Listen to groups. Many bands have been making music for a long time, and despite this fact, their music is still fresh. It will give you access to more old music and you will be able to appreciate it.
    • Listen to music from other countries and in other languages. You will be surprised.
    • Learn to play musical instrument. Since you are listening good music, it will be a natural step for you to learn how to play and create your own music.
  4. Play video games. Though considered a goofball activity, video games are growing in popularity and becoming an integral part of modern culture. It is important to try all kinds of cultural communication, and video games are no exception.

    • If you don't like shooting games, there are many other types of video games that you might enjoy. Search and you will find that there are many more than you thought. MMORG, RPG, especially RPG with open world, are good enough to completely immerse yourself in them. Many people, however, prefer simpler games such as platform games.
    • Don't worry if you like video games. It's even good. It doesn't automatically make you a jerk, it just adds a bit of complexity to your personality.
    • Gaming is quite an expensive hobby, so try before you buy.
  5. Participate in Internet culture. Don't forget that past culture like 80s music was once modern culture. Those who paid attention to her will be able to appreciate her cultural influence, and those who did not attach importance to it will not be able to. Era digital technologies- very milestone for society. We live in historically wise times. Don't let him pass you by.

    • You may think that you already know a lot about the Internet, but still try to learn more about the history of the Internet. Check out the text documents and videos about viruses to help you better understand where they come from.
    • Set Wikipedia as your home page, and read an article every day about something that seems "cultural" to you. For very a short time you will know much more than you know now.
  6. Take a deeper interest in the visual arts. art is a universal language. It is sometimes called the most powerful means of communication. To what extent this is so is up to you.

    • We will give only one advice here: study on your own and be interested in art by visiting art museums(which, contrary to public opinion, free).
    • If there is an art form that you particularly enjoy, such as dancing or sculpture, start doing it.
  7. Learn a new language. The best way do it - dive...

    Travel. Reading about other cultures as opposed to personal experience communication is like explaining to a blind man what color is. The trip will reveal many differences and similarities between cultures and free your mind from prejudice. Most prejudices about any culture (good or bad) are simply untrue, and the only way to find out the truth about social order or folk customs is to experience everything for yourself.

    Find a hobby. Ask your friends what their hobbies are. For most, it's some form of art or sport. As a cultured person, it is important for you to get as much experience as possible, so the next time your friend goes water skiing, let him take you with him.

    Go to places where education can be fun. Go to the zoo, visit museums, go hiking to learn more about wildlife.

  8. Do self-education. Today, thanks to the Internet, almost any information is available. You must use this opportunity to the fullest and study all those questions that you have not understood until now. You should strive to be sufficiently educated in these matters.

    • The World History. This is perhaps the most important cultural asset you need to master, as it opens doors to other areas of knowledge and contextualizes their discoveries.
    • Geography. Again, a cultured person cannot help but know where the countries with famous sights are located.
    • Fundamental sciences: physics, mathematics, chemistry and biology. Unless you are looking for a career, there is no particular need for in-depth knowledge in these sciences. It is enough to have a good understanding of these sciences at the high school level.
    • Economy. This science plays significant role in understanding the modern world.
    • Psychology. Note: There is a misconception that psychology is not a science, or that it is a pseudoscience. Read up on experimental methodology and eventually get it clear for yourself instead of believing in allegations. Psychology has a very great importance for modern society, and this value becomes more and more as the world becomes more complex.
    • Art and architecture.
    • Philosophy.
  9. Free yourself from ignorance about other cultures. Develop natural curiosity. Dig deep into things you don't understand.

    • Part of cultural upbringing is learning about other cultures, not just your own. Try to get rid of ignorance about other societies/religions and media stereotypes.
    • When studying, always try to be imbued with an understanding of all sides. This is very important for overcoming prejudices. By nature, no one is either good or bad. You need to try to understand the motives of actions. Otherwise you will not understand other cultures.
    • Think for yourself. Don't let someone else's opinion be forced on you.
  10. Eat new types of food with an open mind and with high spirits, especially Indian food.

    • The biggest obstacle in the growth of the cultural level is time. You need to put the task of raising the cultural level in the first place if you want to move forward. Reading a book for an hour before going to bed, listening to music while you work, are great ways to incorporate culture into your lifestyle.
    • By analogy with the previous advice, you should not strive to simply have knowledge of the culture, but to incorporate it into your lifestyle. Culture exists to be enjoyed, not just seen and forgotten. For example, if you have read all the books classical literature, this does not mean that you should stop reading. You can continue to be interested in incomprehensible texts or reread those that you liked.
    • Highly important characteristic cultured person - intelligibility. You should always be able to sort out something you have dealt with, to be able to highlight its good and bad points. Let at first you have few criteria for evaluation, later your critical reviews become much more accurate.
    • Creation or consumption is a very interesting dilemma. Most of the steps above showed how to consume other people's products, but it's equally important to create your own. own works. If you have any criticisms about someone, go ahead and do what you like. In addition, it is very suitable for a hobby.
    • You don't have to be into every aspect of a culture to be cultured.


    • Be patient. It takes time to become a cultured person. Challenge yourself to be well-rounded and interesting.
    • Some of these objects of study - books, television, video games - can become addictive. Allocate time to different activities. Don't sacrifice your work, family, or health because they take precedence.
    • Don't get recognized. Always be a polite and decent person.
    • Don't try to become cultured just to impress others. This is not the goal for which one should raise one's cultural level. People want to raise their culture from innate curiosity to understand the world because the world is interesting. This is a job for a lifetime.
    • Don't waste time. if you have free time, instead of talking on the phone or watching bad TV, do something that in the future will bring you closer to your goal of becoming a cultured person.

Man, no doubt, is a rational being, but this statement is not always applicable to each individual representative of humanity. Sadly, in the era of advanced technology and high scientific achievements, there are still individuals whose intellectual abilities and level of culture leave much to be desired.

What are the main qualities a modern person should have?

So, what set of qualities should a person have in order to be called a worthy member of a highly developed society? as show psychological research, each of us on a subconscious level already knows what should fill the modern mental healthy person. But there are also generally recognized character traits that need to be worked out. In the first place among them is the desire for development. In the conditions of the old world priority man was survival. Today, the living conditions of the majority have improved significantly and there is time for spiritual development and self-improvement. A healthy desire to become better (smarter, stronger, more beautiful, more talented, kinder) encourages us to overcome negative traits and develop positive qualities.

Humanity is a trait that also needs to be cultivated in oneself. Participation in charity events, active assistance to those in need, altruistic deeds develop humanity and make the world kinder. Another way to train humanity is to help ordinary people, for example, someone who fell on the street, lost something, etc.

One more important quality The deficiency of which often leads to conflicts and aggression is tolerance. Tolerance is a tolerant attitude to the personality of another person, to his opinion, actions, his otherness. We are all different and look at the world in our own way, but this should not be an obstacle to peaceful coexistence. Learn to accept people for who they are and stop imposing your opinion on them. And very soon you will notice how much easier and better your life has become.

What qualities should a cultured person have?

Over the millennia, our society has gone through great transformations. Gradually, people came up with new means of self-improvement and adjustment - constructive styles of interaction, adequate methods for solving conflict situations, morality, morality, human and legal laws. All this is the culture of society.

As for a single person, a person can be called a cultural person who:

  • know how to be grateful
  • responsible for their actions
  • educated
  • respects others
  • benevolent
  • polite
  • accepts the opinions of others, even those that differ from their own
  • tactful
  • brought up
  • enterprising

A cultured person observes the norms of society, the team, and the family. He always knows the measure in his statements and actions. In addition, he tries to contribute to the development of society. A cultured person always behaves naturally, does not try to ingratiate himself with others. Hypocrisy and malicious sarcasm are not present in his manner of communication. He builds his own system of values, which does not contradict the norms and rules of society and does not go against his own morality and the principles of others.

Thus, an individual can be called a cultural one who has managed to combine positive traits and good relations to those around you. Of course, the set of features listed above is far from complete, because the concept of culture is very broad. But we can say with confidence that a person who has at least half of the qualities from this list can be called a worthy representative of a modern highly developed society.

The ancient Romans called cultured those who surrounded themselves with worthy fellow travelers among things, people and thoughts. German philosopher Hegel endowed a cultured person with universal abilities that are characteristic of everyone else. What does it mean to be a cultured person today - in this article.

What does it mean to be a cultured and civilized person?

Such a person is often called educated and intelligent, because only such a person can ideally behave in society from the point of view of generally accepted moral standards. If he observes a kind of philistine code of honor, then for society in any situation he will remain a cultured person, but alone with himself, that is, for " behind closed doors"can be anyone - a tyrant, a despot, a marginal, etc. Having gone beyond his home, a cultured person should automatically turn on the self-control toggle switch to comply with generally accepted rituals and rules. If these characteristics of a cultured person were also accompanied by a good education, then in the eyes of those around him he rose to the level of an intellectual. In principle, society did not impose other requirements on a “cultural person”.

How has the concept of culture changed?

However, the very concept of "culture" in the course of human development has undergone various changes. At first, it was more related to agricultural science, which is reflected in the interpretation explanatory dictionary Ushakova: “a cultured person” is a “cultivated” person. With the development of global urbanization and the emergence of "urban culture", the term began to be considered in the context of information transmitted from generation to generation. These are traditions, and customs, and social norms, and rules that regulate the behavior of those living today and those who will come after them. That is, the ability to assimilate and analyze a large amount of information, the ability to interpret it and build cause-and-effect relationships began to be attributed to the qualities of a cultured person.

History shows that many prominent figures were cultured people. They possessed encyclopedic knowledge, and their craftsmanship was distinguished by exceptional perfection. These undoubtedly include Leonardo da Vinci - a great artist, engineer and scientist. Perhaps it is in this connection that the expression appeared: talented person talented in everything. Today, the possibilities of a cultured person have grown extraordinarily. But the main characteristics are based on the same postulates: knowledge, its volume and depth, skills, their high qualification and skill, as well as moral and aesthetic education and self-control.

Signs of a cultured person

  1. First of all, this external signs. A cultured person always watches his appearance. He is well-dressed and according to the situation, speaks competently, observes the rules of etiquette and norms of behavior in society.
  2. The character traits of such a person include politeness, kindness, responsibility, sincerity and generosity, self-confidence and the ability to control their emotions. He is distinguished by a sense of proportion and tact, tolerance, lack of rudeness, compassion and readiness to help.
  3. Those who are interested in what a cultured person should be should answer that he is highly developed, educated and erudite. He is open to everything new and ready to learn and grow. He knows how to create and appreciate the beautiful.
  4. Such a person knows how to work in a team and is ready to cooperate with other people. He knows how to sacrifice himself for the sake of high goals.
  5. He is devoted to the Motherland and its culture, honors its history, people and national traditions.

Thus, a cultured person can be called someone who observes the norms of behavior in a civilized society, but at the same time remains

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