Mystical places in the USA: the house of the Winchesters, the Manchak swamps, the Prazer zone. The scariest places in America


On October 12, 1492, Christopher Columbus discovered the island of San Salvador. This day is considered the official date of the discovery of America. Today we invite you to meet the most mysterious places this part of the world, the nature of which has not yet been discovered.

Elbert County, Georgia is home to the American brother of Stonehenge. The giant monument, consisting of six blocks of granite weighing at least a hundred tons each, reaches a height of six meters. Its tablets are engraved with an incomprehensible message, called the "Ten Commandments of the Age of Enlightenment." This time capsule, directed to the future, teaches the survivors of a global catastrophe how to establish a new world order on the planet, reducing the number of individuals inhabiting it, establishing the One world government and replacing spiritual values. Tablets with letters are written in 8 languages ​​and are located on plates oriented to the four cardinal points. In the column located in the center, a hole is cut through which the Polar Star is always visible, on any night of the year, and the light penetrating through the hole in the slab-cover exactly at noon tells what day it is. Until now, neither the authors of the messages, nor the owner of the land on which the monument is located are known.

Known to everyone and at the same time unknown to anyone, the place is located in the Nevada desert, surrounded by mountains. Not one living soul, not one road sign, you won’t even meet a village on the highway leading there. Huge shields appear out of nowhere in the middle of the desert, warning that there is no further passage - a restricted area. At night, flashes of light illuminate the sky here, and incomprehensible luminous objects of strange shape ply. When they approach, devices of incomprehensible purpose, which look like a meter-long pin and a small ball strung on it, emit vibration and noises that are unpleasant for human hearing. A lot of various rumors talks about Area 51: is there a secret research laboratory located here extraterrestrial civilizations, or the most powerful weapon capable of destroying the entire world. Sometimes there are publications in the press and shocking revelations from people who allegedly worked at the base, but they are all refuted by the American government. One thing is known: every day, planes fly from Los Angeles to the base, bringing and taking away about one and a half thousand people. Their occupation remains unknown...

This is not the oldest prison in the US, it is considered perhaps the most mysterious and densely populated with ghosts. According to legends, ghosts inhabited this place long before the fort was built. Native Americans sent those who violated the laws of the tribe here to be torn to pieces by evil spirits. They say that there is a portal to another dimension, which feeds on the energy of restless souls. Joined the ranks of ghosts and numerous prisoners of Alcatraz, who died on the ill-fated island. To this day they live in the dark, uninhabited corridors of the prison, shaking doors and bars, shouting to each other, laughing and sobbing. People who visit the prison today on excursions, and museum curators often talk about strange phenomena in block D, where the most inveterate criminals, violators of the prison regime, were kept. Psychics repeatedly worked in cells 12 and 14, noting too high paranormal activity. There is such a frightening atmosphere here that some employees even refuse to go down here alone. For a terrible history filled with secrets, the island was given speaking name Hellcatraz.

Weird Forest, California

In one of the corners of the California forest, a number of physical laws. It is not clear why objects that are supposed to stand upright give the impression of being at an angle to the surface - people, for example, seem higher or lower than they really are. And round objects roll down inclined plane not down, as expected, but up. It all started seventy years ago, when a certain businessman took up the construction of a summer house on a hillside. But no matter how much he did the calculations, no matter how much he rebuilt, the spirit level showed a flat plane, and the house came out skewed. “People believe that since the house is at an angle, then we also stand like that, but if we take our feet off the floor, for some reason we are still pulled forward, and not down - an unknown force pushes us out of here,” says the local guide. What kind of theories the researchers did not come up with: “there is an excess of magnetic ore below”, “here we observe a gravitational anomaly”, “here a flying saucer crashed”. And the water still continues to flow up the sloping surface and the pendulums regularly change their course.

One of the houses built more than a century ago in the city of Santa Cruz, Oregon, is also famous among lovers of the unknown. Even skeptics are amazed: unusual things really happen here. In the center of the hut stands a broom, like a spear stuck into the ground. No one is holding her, but she still does not fall. The record of her stay in this state is as much as 36 hours! Getting on the "superman playground", a small area of ​​the floor, a person learns to fly - he can lean far forward and not fall, resembling a flying superhero. A ball placed in a trough rolls up. And around the vortex column, which gave the house its name, the visitor begins to spin like a top. For some unknown reason, the hosts of the Oregon Vortex do not allow guests to use video cameras, but do not mind taking photos.

World Travel


10.04.16 10:35

Well maintained cemeteries, houses in which terrible murders took place, infernal mansions and hotels (instead of guests they are hosted by ghosts), sinister mines and caves - all these are the most scary places in the US, objects of not entirely healthy interest to horror fans. If you are going to visit these dubious "sights", make sure you have strong nerves!

The scariest and creepiest places in the US

Walking among the graves

We associate Alaska with stories about the period of the "gold rush", the heroes of Jack London, but this northernmost state of America can be very scary. And not harsh at all. natural conditions. For example, a cemetery in the city of Kenai. In appearance - a cemetery as a cemetery, neat little graves, white crosses. We just do not recommend passing here at night: ghosts like to walk in this place, including a woman named Marie and old man Johnson.

Ghost town

In 1863, the development of the Vultur mine in Arizona began, and three years later the village of the same name arose here. Later, for some reason, the town was abandoned by the inhabitants, but before they left, 18 people were hanged on a 200-year-old tree. Was it a lynching or just punishment - is unknown. Fans of tickling the nerves, who have already visited the ruins of the city, warn: beware of the spirits of its inhabitants.

Welcome to the paranormal hotel!

Built in 1886, the Crescent Hotel in Eureka Springs, Arkansas is also a haunted place. Eyewitnesses swore that they saw the ghost of a nurse, from a mirror still hanging in the hall, pale hands were stretched out towards them, and strange sounds were heard everywhere. You can check it out for yourself by booking a tour to one of the scariest places in the US.

Place of Angry Spirits

This nice-looking house of the Winchesters (we are not talking about evil spirits hunters from famous series) in San Jose, California is full of mysteries. Sarah Winchester was widowed and inherited a lot of money. She bought an unfinished mansion, hired workers and began construction. Increased huge house three floors with turrets, which became a hotel with 160 rooms. The legend says that Sarah made a mistake with the place: spirits lived here since ancient times. From here there are many oddities, such as stairs that lead nowhere, and windows that open onto other rooms.

Inspired King

"Stanley Hotel" in Estes Park, Colorado inspired Stephen King to write it famous novel"Shine". Once the writer stayed in one of the rooms of this mountain hotel, and he had a nightmare: as if his son was running away along the corridors from something evil. Rumor has it that the old (and long-dead) owners of the building, Stanley and his wife Flora, sometimes return - playing the piano in the music room or just floating in the air in the pool room.

Killer Theater

WITH provincial theater in the city of Lewiston (Idaho), a lot of mysterious things are also connected. In 1982, Steven Pearsell, the janitor at the Civic Theatre, went missing and was never seen again. Two women - former theater employee Christina Nelson and Brandy Miller - also disappeared that night. They were passing by the theater - they were going to pick up laundry from there. Their bodies were found two years later. Now the theater still accepts spectators, but its workers say that they saw ghosts in it.

Bridge over a narrow stream

Another one urban legend: A girl from the village of Greencastle, Indiana, used to play near a creek, through which you can drive on a covered bridge. The parents of the child drove across the bridge in the evenings and honked three times for the girl to join them. One day she did not come and was found dead in a stream. So, if you are in these places (the bridge is named after Edna Collins), do not honk three times, otherwise the ghost of the victim will come to you!

Wow treatment!

IN national park Mammoth Cave (Kentucky) also happens paranormal things, so it is considered the scariest place in this US state. The park has the longest cave system in the world. Once upon a time, saltpeter was mined here, and in 1842, a local doctor decided that the vapors of the cave could cure tuberculosis patients and placed his patients in the narrow natural corridors. Some claim that the ghosts of the deceased consumptives roam around and inside the cave.

Lizzie Borden, taking a hatchet ...

You have probably heard about this high-profile (and still unsolved) crime. In 1892, Andrew and Abby Borden were brutally hacked to death with an ax in own house in Fall River (Massachusetts). Andrew's daughter, Lizzie, became the prime suspect, but the girl was acquitted. However, both she and her sister left the city. In the 1990s, the Borden house was turned into a hotel, so you can sleep in the bedroom (the one where Abby Borden met her gruesome end) and have a lot of thrill and breakfast.

Johnny Depp doesn't lie!

The McKay Mansion in Virginia City, Nevada favorite place ghosts, including small children. Johnny Depp stayed in this house during filming. The actor said that the ghost of a young girl appeared to him. Other eyewitnesses confirm that they observed the movement of strange objects and heard sounds.

Place of massacre

In 1975, the Lutz family moved into a house in Amityville, New York, but left it very soon, claiming that they were driven out by otherworldly forces (the new owners heard gunshots, inexplicable noises, disturbing music, and streaks of silty liquid appeared on the walls ). Scientists involved in everything mysterious and supernatural, Ed and Lorraine Warren, were invited to investigate. This incident was the reason for writing the book "The Amityville Horror", later filmed twice. And although it was proved that the Lutz story was a hoax, even before them the DeFeo family lived in the mansion (it was they who allegedly appeared to the Lutzes), and one of the sons shot all his family members (father, mother, two brothers and two sisters). The guy's motives are unclear. And suddenly he was influenced by some otherworldly forces?

The hero of the horror "The Conjuring"

Rounding out the list of scariest places in the US is the Perron family home in Harrisville, Rhode Island. If you've seen the horror movie The Conjuring, then you can imagine what in question. The 2013 blockbuster horror master James Wan is based on the real case of the Warrens: famous exorcists and paranormal investigators came here at the request of the mistress of the house. And although in the movies everything happens within a few days, in fact, the Perrons suffered for ten years - they saw ghosts, watched strange behavior bats, and then called psychics Ed and Lorraine. Now the estate has new owners, and they do not like onlookers who come to gawk at the infamous house.

Of all the abandoned buildings and places that once frightened us, not only in the virtual, but also in real world, hospitals and psychiatric clinics look the scariest. However, much more frightening are those places that during their "life" were not intended for certain atrocities, but for some reason unknown to us, became objects scary stories, tales in roadside eateries, and sometimes even places of worship ...

1. House of Winchesters.

525 Winchester Boulevard in San Jose, California, USA was built by Sarah Winchester in 1881 after the death of her husband, owner of a manufacturing company. firearms Oliver Winchester. The medium she turned to convinced Sarah that her family was under a curse. Sarah didn't have to stop building her house to confuse the spirits. Over forty years of construction, more than a hundred rooms and staircases were erected. It is believed that the spirit of Sarah, who died in 1922, still lives in this unusual building.
The Boston Medium or the Winchester Curse

2. Amityville

On November 13, 1974, six residents of the city of Amityville (New York), members of the DeFeo family, were murdered: parents Ronald and Louise and their children were shot dead in their own beds. They were killed by Ronald Defeo Jr., who claimed that the demonic forces that lived in the house pushed him to this crime.

3. Alcatraz

This island in the San Francisco Bay has become world famous as an impregnable prison for especially dangerous criminals, as well as those who attempted to escape from previous places conclusions. During the 29 years of the existence of the prison, which saw murders, suicides and bloody riots of prisoners, the place managed to acquire rumors and legends.
Secrets of Alcatraz

4 Fox Sisters Cabin

Three sisters from Hydesville, New York, were mediums. Communicating with the spirit of the merchant, they asked him questions, to which he gave answers through knocks, creaks and other sounds. The house is considered a place of presence of otherworldly forces.

5. The White house

The building no doubt hides a great many stories and events that no one will ever know about. To the number famous stories rumors about the ghost of Abraham Lincoln.
Ghosts of the Capitol

But there is also something else.

The town of Dudleytown in Connecticut is considered a cursed city and is notorious.
More than a hundred years ago, people left this place due to an endless series of mysterious deaths, accidents and disappearances without a trace of the inhabitants of the city.
So today Dudleytown attracts the attention of only researchers anomalous phenomena and curious tourists.
The town is located at the foot of three mountains - Bald Mountain, Woodbury Mountain and Coltfoot Triplets, surrounded on all sides by a dense forest, which was given the ominous name of the Dark Forest, and there are very bad rumors about this town.

In 1792, a certain Gershom Hollister broke his neck after falling off a threshing floor at William Tanner's farm. It was said that someone pushed him. The owner of the farm was suspected of this, but he was never charged. Meanwhile, Tanner was clearly out of his mind - demons and demons seemed to him everywhere. He claimed that with the onset of darkness in the city from the forest penetrates devilry and that one of the monsters, right in front of his eyes, tore apart a man.

In 1804, Sarah Faye, the wife of General Herman Swift, died during a thunderstorm from a lightning strike. Her husband went mad after Sara's death.

Then the wife of John Patrick Brophy died of tuberculosis. Shortly thereafter, two of his daughters disappeared into the woods, and Brophy's house burned to the ground one night. John's body was not found at the scene of the fire, and no one else saw him, either alive or dead.

Mary Cheeney, the young wife of prominent American journalist and publisher Horace Greeley, born and raised in Dudleytown, hanged herself a week before her husband was defeated in the presidential election. The reason for the suicide remained unknown.

Soon, in the house of one of the townspeople, William Taners, there was a terrible murder of Gersham Hollister, who came to visit him. The latter was found in a pool of blood, literally shredded to pieces. Taners, accused of the crime, said that demons and ghosts live in his house, as well as a terrible animal, which must have killed Hollister. Shortly after these events, Taners went insane, and the killer was never found.
A few other townspeople went crazy for no apparent reason. Rumors spread that ghosts and some terrible wild beast lived in the houses and on the streets of the town. Two children of a local teacher once went into the forest and did not return. Searches were organized, but the children were never found.

By 1899 people were leaving Dudleytown. Old people died, and those who were younger left here, frightened by rumors of a curse. The abandoned lands were overgrown with forest.

In 1920, a well-known New York physician, an expert in oncological diseases Dr. William Clark. He dreamed of living in a quiet and peaceful place, in the bosom of nature. Clark built a summer house in the woods, near Dudleytown, and began to live there with his wife. Somehow he had to go on business to New York for a while. His wife was left alone in the forest house. When the doctor returned a few days later, it turned out that the woman had gone mad. She ended her days in a psychiatric hospital.

What happened in Dudleytown, what was the reason for these strange deaths?

Dan Ackroyd, a reporter for the Hartford News, found out about Dudleytown in 1993 and decided to find out. unusual story this settlement. The journalist studied a thick sheet of newspapers in the library, talked to people living nearby, and this is what he managed to find out.
The settlement was founded by the four Dudley brothers, who emigrated from England in the late 40s of the 17th century. A trail of crimes trailed behind their ancestors. The brothers' grandfather, Ralph Dudley, stole from the royal treasury and was executed. Father, Joseph Dudley, who had an extremely hot temper, hacked his wife with an ax. Uncle, Thomas Dudley, moved to America, where he received a position as deputy manager of the Massachusetts Bay Company.
He became famous for his persecution of the Puritans, despite the fact that he came to America with them. Maybe that's why the Dudley brothers decided to move to a place where no one knew them or their family history.
In 1660 they settled in a deserted forested region of Connecticut.
Soon other colonists joined them. This is how Dudleytown was born.
But the curse of the family overtook the brothers.
A few years later they all died at mysterious circumstances. The eldest, William, fell ill terrible disease- the whole body was swollen and covered with ulcers. Before his death, the unfortunate screamed in pain.
The second brother, Alexander, went to a nearby town, but the horses carried, the wagon overturned, and Alexander broke his neck.
The third brother went fishing, and when he returned home, he told a terrible story that he allegedly met his executed father, alive and healthy, on the shore of the lake, and he ordered him to kill his wife. A few days later, Andrew disappeared and was never seen again.
Younger brother, Edward, once repaired a horse harness in a barn. Suddenly, a fire started in the house. People noticed the flame when it was already blazing with might and main. Edward couldn't get out of the barn and burned to death.
So all the Dudley brothers were finished. But the curse did not leave the city.

Boston ghost hunter Robin Barron once found a bloody cow horn in a hole. In addition, Barron noticed that fragments of stones with incomprehensible symbols scrawled on them were lying on the sides of nearby roads. All this could indicate that witchcraft or satanic rituals were carried out in the vicinity of Dudleytown.

Dudleytown has been dubbed the “dead zone”: there are few wild animals in the forest, and birdsong is not heard. The daredevils talked about some strange lights and sounds.
Once there was a television film crew. As soon as the journalists set out to start filming, people were suddenly seized by a feeling of severe suffocation and were forced to stop working.

In July 1998, girls Sarah and Jane went on a tour of Dudlitown with two of their friends, attracted by the legend of the city's curse. As soon as the guys turned onto the road leading to Bald Mountain, all four of them had strange unpleasant sensations. Jane's stomach cramps, Sarah's back stiffened, and the two boys, as they later admitted, experienced a feeling of unreasonable horror.

Another eyewitness reports: “I've been to Dudleytown twice - it's a creepy place. The first time I went there alone, the second time I decided to take my friends with me. As soon as we entered the forest, everything around was quiet. Not even the chirping of cicadas could be heard, although it was mid-August. For a while we wandered through the forest, taking pictures. After another 100 steps, all three of us, without saying a word, stopped. We, like the time when I first came here, were seized by an irresistible desire to immediately turn back. This feeling was so strong that we started to run.
What is the secret of the abandoned city?

Renowned demonologist and "ghost hunter" Ed Warren has stated that the curse of Dudleytown has nothing to do with the aristocrat Edmund Dudley. The Dudley brothers, according to Warren, descended from a certain English judge, who at one time sentenced dozens of people to death for witchcraft. Perhaps one of them took revenge by cursing him?
Warren also believes that no monsters that live in dark forest, in fact, does not exist and satanic rituals were not performed there. Then what is it?
Perhaps the very atmosphere of these places drives people crazy, which is why ghosts begin to seem to them. Most likely, we are talking about a strong geopathic zone.

Today, the names characteristic of the village of Dudleytown are a thing of the past. They are remembered only by the walls of old houses, gradually collapsing from time to time, because there is no one else to repair them. There are no more Brofis, Johns, Rogers, Cooks and, of course, Dudleys. Now Dudleytown serves as a home only for wild animals.
However, the descendants of those who once lived here intend to once again defy the curse and settle again in Dudleytown.
The city, in their opinion, deserves to exist.
Well, let's pay tribute to these brave people!
Let's see if they will be able to negotiate with the unknown forces that rule in Dudleytown, or will they add themselves to the list of victims?
Future will tell…

For those whose interests are closer to pathology.

1. Mutter Museum, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

This museum, located in the medical college, is two-storey house, which is literally stuffed with fully preserved anatomical models and medical instruments. One of the most interesting exhibits a corpse called "Soap Lady" is considered, which, after lying in the ground for some time, completely turned into a fat wax.

2. Winchester House, San Jose, California

This house was built by the inconsolable widow Sarah Winchester, who lost her newborn daughter and husband, who died of tuberculosis 15 years later. The medium Sarah turned to for help said that her family was cursed with wandering souls. And people who died from a bullet fired from a Winchester are chasing Sarah and her family. The only way to escape the curse is to build a special house for the restless souls. The huge seven-story building has a number of strange features such as corridors that are too long, stairs leading up to the ceiling, and doors that open straight into the walls.

3. Trans-Allegheny Asylum for the Insane, Weston, West Virginia.

The Trans-Allegheny Asylum was in operation for over 100 years, from 1864 to 1994. It was a horribly filthy place where difficult patients were usually kept in cages. It is not surprising that in this house filled with suffering, visitors often hear incomprehensible sounds and strange voices. For a small amount of $ 100, you can also enjoy paranormal activity famous hospital.

4. Bachelor Grove Cemetery, a suburb of Chicago, Illinois.

The abandoned cemetery has only 82 plots, some of which have remained uninhabited. For more than 100 years, this place has been infamous. Eyewitnesses talk about ghosts strange houses, a transparent figure of a monk and a mysterious white lady.

5. House of the Murdered in Wilisk, Iowa.

On the morning of June 10, 1912, the Moore family in full force(two parents and four children) and their guests were found beaten to death. Although several suspects have been named and convicted, the case is still considered unsolved.

6. Tomb of a stranger, Alexandria, Virginia.

In 1816, a 23-year-old woman died of typhoid fever and was buried by her husband. The couple landed in Alexandria a few months before the woman's death. As soon as she stepped ashore, the young woman immediately put on a thick veil. When it became clear that the disease was incurable, the husband gathered the doctor, nurse and hotel owner in the room and asked them to take an oath not to disclose the identity of the young woman. All the people who took an oath took the stranger's secret to the grave. To this day, no one knows who this woman was.

7. Museum of Death, Los Angeles, California.

The Museum of Death, founded in 1995, is not a sight for the faint of heart. Among the most famous exhibits are the world's largest collection of photographs of serial murders, the severed head of a man nicknamed Bluebeard, real coffins and antique autopsy tools.

8. Stanley Hotel, Estes Park, Colorado.

The hotel, made famous by Stephen King in The Shining, was built in 1909. This place is notorious, and there is nothing surprising in this, because the Stanley's hotel fell in love with ghosts. Residents and staff constantly report eerie otherworldly sounds, early music, sounding in the former ballroom, and children's cries. Stephen King himself saw in Stanley one little ghost.

9. St. Louis Cemetery, New Orleans, Louisiana.

St. Louis consists of three ancient Catholic cemeteries. Many are buried here famous people, but none are more inspiring than Louisiana voodoo queen Marie Laveau. They say that in order to wake the sorceress from hibernation, you need to knock on her grave three times. Then it is necessary to write the word “kiss” on the tombstone with chalk and knock on the grave three more times. Then the voodoo queen will fulfill any of your wishes - unless, of course, leave her a worthy victim.

10. Clinton Road, West Milford, New Jersey.

Clinton is the most mysterious road in the USA. Drivers often report strangely dressed travelers, ghosts, and phantom trucks chasing real vehicles. Particular care should be taken when crossing the bridge. locals claim that a ghost lives underneath little boy who will definitely try to draw water into you and put you to rest forever.

11. Waverly Hills Sanatorium, Louisville, Kentucky.

The sanatorium for tuberculosis patients was opened in 1910. The epidemic of the disease spurred the construction, and the sanatorium was commissioned in the shortest possible time. But after the discovery of rifampicin, the need for a sanatorium disappeared, and the institution was closed in 1962. Old-timers claim that over 63 thousand people died here during the operation. But, judging by the statistics, this figure is 8212 people. Due to its notoriety, Waverly Hills is one of the most popular tourist destinations - even solo overnight tours are in great demand among travelers.

12. Lamp Mansion, St. Louis, Missouri.

Wilhelm Lamp earned a fortune on the famous drink, becoming a real beer baron of the state. But his beloved son Friedrich died in a completely mysterious way in 1901, and William himself shot himself three years later. Prohibition led to the ruin of the Lamps, and the brewery was sold under the hammer, after which the heir shot himself. Living separately from the family, Charles, having moved to the cursed mansion, did not live there for long. And a few years later, he also shot himself, after killing his dog. Now the mansion houses a functioning restaurant, hotel and bar, however, due to ghosts, the owners constantly have problems finding staff.

13. Lizzy Borden House, Fall River, Massachusetts.

In 1892, Lizzie's father and stepmother were hacked to death with an axe. But, despite the fact that the public considered Lizzie guilty of a terrible crime, the case remained unsolved, and the girl was acquitted. After the trial, Lizzy, who remained a parricide for everyone. Today, Lizzie Borden's house is an inexpensive private hotel.

14. Lighthouse of the city of St. Augustine, Florida.

The lighthouse, built in 1874, is notorious. Visitors talk about the constant paranormal activity of the lighthouse. As a rule, people see two young girls in vintage clothes standing on the bridge of the lighthouse. They are the daughters of a man who supervised the construction of the lighthouse in the 1870s. Both girls drowned in an accident at a construction site. Those who want to see the mysterious girls can purchase a special tour " Dark side moon", which involves a paranormal study of all the premises of the lighthouse.

Bold and courageous photographer Sef Lawless traveled to different parts of America to collect for us incredible stories about creepy, legendary houses in the US. We are unlikely to be able to understand where truth ends and fiction begins, but the tour promises to be exciting.

Photographer Sef Lawless has become widely known for his dark and terrifying images of abandoned buildings. The result of his travels was the book Autopsy of America: The Death of a Nation, which collected the best photos author, accompanied by stories of these places.


Surrealistic motifs can be traced in his works. They allow you to experience the so-called presence effect.


Seph Lawless is always trying to look inside to show complete picture, which will help the viewer understand the history of a particular house.


This helps the imagination to think out the events that could have happened here before us.


This is Franklin Castle in Cleveland. house in gothic style was built in 1860, and since then a lot of strange and terrible stories have happened within its walls. Here, under unclear circumstances, three children and a young woman died. According to neighbors, strange things still happen in this house: the doors slam on their own, the light turns on and off, and besides, children's crying is periodically heard.


The next home Seph Lawless talks about is in Texarkana, Arkansas. It is located right next to the road, and according to rumors, it was here in 1946 that the uncaught Serial killer Phantom. The story of his crimes is better known as the Moonlight Killings.


According to Sef Lawless, bodies of people were found near this abandoned house in 2013.


In the house in the photo below, three women were killed, whose bodies were found here. The killer left one of the victims in the fetal position and wrapped it in a plastic bag.


The next spooky place is a house in the town of Ruggles, Ohio, better known as Nova House. If you believe local legend, in 1958, a murder took place here: a father shot his own son with a gun. However, there is no supporting data in this regard.


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