Top 10 banned films. world conspiracy


It is believed that the erotic drama crashed at the box office. Film critics gave the tape the label of the worst film of 2015, which, by the way, is confirmed by the fact that “50 Shades of Gray” received the Worst Film award at the Golden Raspberry Awards. This traditional event precedes the main ceremony of the Academy of Cinema Arts - "Oscar-2016" and selects the film of the year's failure in the field acting work, screenwriting, directing, film score and anti-film of the year.

For fans of tapes of this direction, an alternative is offered for viewing: TOP 10 banned films that will not be shown in cinema and TV and which, according to critics, are better than “50 Shades of Grey”.

1. Life of Adele (2013)

The erotic drama won the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival and is also known as Blue is the Warmest Color. The French director Abdelatifa Keshishaskaya portrays a 15-year-old schoolgirl who, instead of a natural outburst of love for her peers, meets a university student of the faculty of arts on her way. Adele and Emma's relationship develops into a violent passion.

Trailer for the film "Life of Adele":

2. "Lucky Bastard" (2013)

The story is that sooner or later in life you will have to pay for your mistakes. Main character tape is admin and owner major internet portal "strawberries". In this business, the young man earns a fortune. For the sake of earning money, he uploads the most depraved scenes. The film is banned in Russia.

Trailer for the movie "Lucky Bastard":

The first project of television producer Robert Nathan (TV series " Ambulance and Law & Order) as a director. A film about the creation of a porn site - sex with stars.

3. "Hell" (2011)

crime drama from director Luis Estrada, telling about organized crime in Mexico and drug trafficking. It was seen by more than two million people in Mexican cinemas in 2010.

Trailer for the movie "Hell"

4. "Shame" (2011)

Steve McQueen's drama "Shame" won awards at film festivals in Venice, London and Toronto. In the plot of the film, the life of a 30-year-old New Yorker Brandon, who is a real sexaholic leading a dissolute lifestyle. Not a single girl can resist him, but when his sister Sissy comes to him, his life changes completely.

Trailer for the film "Shame"

5. Serbian Film (2011)

In the film "Serbian Film" scenes of rape, necrophilia and pedophilia are filmed so naturalistically and believably that in most countries of the world it is banned from showing. The director of the film, Serjan Spasoevich, made a lot of noise for them and caused mixed emotions and reviews in a number of countries.

According to the plot of the picture, a porn star agrees to participate in the film, not realizing that the director of this film is a killer. By the end of filming, everything turns into a bloody horror movie.

Trailer for "Serbian Film":

6. Night Buffalo (2009)

An erotic drama based on the novel by Guillermo Arriaga in which the schizophrenic Gregorio kills himself after learning that his girlfriend is cheating on him with his close friend Manuel. After his death, Manuel learns that a friend left him a box of photographs and notes. These memories drive him crazy.

Trailer for the movie "Night Buffalo":

7. "Bitter Moon" (1992)

Roman Polanski's melodrama tells the story of Nigel and Fiona, who have been married for more than seven years. They go on a cruise ship for thrills. During the journey, they meet a young French woman, Mimi, who tries to seduce Nigel and succeeds.

Nigel later runs into her disabled husband Oscar in the cabin, who tells the story of their relationship with Mimi. Arriving for new sensations, a young writer from the USA meets a 20-year-old dancer Mimi and falls in love with her. Lovers go so far in their sexual pleasures that this leads to sad consequences. Passion and sexual experiments make Oscar an invalid forever chained to a wheelchair.

Trailer "Bitter Moon":

8. Lust (2007)

The action in the film takes place during the Second World War, when Shanghai was occupied by the Japanese. Powerful man Mr. Y loses his head from a friend of his young wife. Mr. Y has no idea what the young girlfriend really is. The passion and erotic entertainment of the couple go very far and they are no longer able to stop.

At the Venice Film Festival, the film "Lust" received Grand Prize"Golden Lion".

Trailer for the film "Lust":

9. Descent (2007)

Erotic drama by Talia Lugasi, starring Rosario Dawson. Maya, a student girl, is the victim of a brutal rape. After that, her life changes completely and becomes a vengeful seductress. The film was also released in theaters under the title "Fall".

Trailer for the film "Descent":

10. "Mary and Jack: A Pornographic Love Story" (2007)

Documentary"Mary and Jack: A Pornographic Love Story" tells the story of an American couple of porn actors. The real love story of two porn actors. The documentary shows the difficulties in relationships caused by working in the porn industry.

The film was on screens with alternative titles: "Mary and Jack": " real people. Real life. Real sex."

Movie trailer "Mary and Jack: A Pornographic Love Story":

In the Russian film distribution in 2018 came out on the screens New film"50 Shades Freed", the final part of the erotic film trilogy based on the books of the same E. L. James (Erica Leonard), the film adaptation of the book "50 Shades of Grey" which caused a previously negative attitude. The box office of the first film did not live up to the hopes of the creators. But the latest screened novel "50 Shades of Freedom" in Russia caused a spectator boom. The box office is skyrocketing. According to estimates, they are more than all Russian films bring in this year.

The Minister of Culture of Russia Vladimir Medinsky could not resist criticizing the situation that had arisen, who stated that the film "Fifty Shades of Freedom" on some days made up 70% of the entire assortment in the schedule of cinema networks. This caused a box office failure. Russian films at the rental.

If you're a filmmaker and you hear someone critique your new film, don't be discouraged. It has long been known that people have different tastes, and it is impossible to make a movie that everyone would like without exception.
But if your film was banned in whole country then you should seriously think about it. Maybe you, without noticing it, insulted the whole society. Of course, having studied the culture and moral values different countries, some errors can be avoided. But some embarrassments are simply impossible to predict!
"District No. 9" 2009

It would seem that what's wrong with this film, because it's just a fantasy about aliens who landed in South Africa? But it turns out that during the premiere, the inhabitants of the country of Nigeria saw their fellow citizens as part of the very vile gang that operates in this movie. The Minister of Culture said so: “This film clearly points to Nigerians, exposing them as criminals, cannibals, voodooists and prostitutes, and the fact that Nigerian women allegedly sleep with alien refugees for money is a total disgrace!” According to the minister, it is harmful to show the film in Nigeria before all Nigerians are cut out of it, and the Sony studio is generally obliged to apologize for creating such a negative image for Nigerian citizens.
Battleship Potemkin, 1925

This work of art is regarded by critics as a classic of world cinema, but in the 30s it was banned in a number of countries. However, there is nothing surprising in this. Communism was actively promoted in the tape. That's why this movie was considered by the capitalists as a dangerous and contagious phenomenon: well, how can the people pick up harmful ideas from there and also want to arrange a revolution? However, after the Second World War, this hype subsided: it became obvious that while European prohibitors were protecting society from the "red plague", the "brown" plague had grown under their very noses. The bans were lifted, although Spain held out until 1975.
"Rambo IV" 2008

The fourth Rambo film is considered the most "killer" in the series. The soldiers in it are depicted as real maniacs and bandits, and the harsh veteran killed so many of them that would be enough for a whole cemetery. Sylvester Stallone himself in an interview called Burma (Myanmar) a real hell. This, of course, could not please the government of the country. The picture was called criminal, all the Burmese citizens who participated in the filming were arrested along with their relatives, 7 years in prison were appointed for the distribution of Rambo IV, and Stallone was once even tried to be shot near the Thai-Burmese border. He barely escaped from the whistling bullets. It's good that he already has a similar experience.
"Back to the Future" 1985

China is considered the strictest country in terms of film distribution, but one government decree from 2011 exceeded all expectations. The Censorship Commission banned the distribution of any films about time travel in the country. A special instruction to film distributors was given about the film "Back to the Future". "Producers and directors are handling a serious story in a playful tone, this can't go on any longer," the censors announced. It seems that the idea of ​​escaping to another reality (which may not include the Chinese Communist Party) sounds alarming to the government. But according to official statements, the Chinese government is only protesting the distorted display historical events and figures, which is hard to avoid in feature films.
"2012" 2009

Why the disaster movie "2012" was banned from showing in North Korea, no one understood at first, because this film does not have any references to it. The truth came to light relatively recently. The point is that in 2012 North Korea celebrated the 100th anniversary of the founder of the DPRK, the Great Leader Comrade Kim Il Sung. The government declared 2012 "the year when great prospects will open before the growing power of the state." And then suddenly a film was released in which this year will turn out to be the end of the world for all the powers of the world, including the DPRK. North Korean officials could not tolerate such an embarrassment and preferred to ban it.
"South Park: Bigger, Longer, Uncut" 1999

No one treats South Park as a highly intellectual show, and viewers around the world are quite indulgent about it. But the full-length version of the cartoon, which portrayed Saddam Hussein as Satan's gay lover, offended the Iraqi dictator. And, of course, the tape immediately fell under the ban in his country. For a similar reason, in Nazi Germany the "Great Dictator", which exposed Adolf Hitler in an offensive light, was once banned. But unlike " south park”, a satirical film by Charlie Chaplin eventually received five Oscar nominations.
"The Da Vinci Code" 2006

The film "The Da Vinci Code" piece of art. And the authors of the film have repeatedly stated: the plot of the film is an absolute fiction. But several countries nevertheless decided, out of harm's way, to ban the painting on their territories, so as not to embarrass believing citizens, since a free interpretation Holy Scripture could offend the religious feelings of Christians. China, India, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Pakistan, the Philippines and Singapore were among the dissatisfied, and in the Solomon Islands the tape was generally anathema as "undermining the foundations of Christianity." In the rest of the world, "blasphemy" passed without problems.
"Harvey Milk" 2008

Show staunch conservatives movies about men gay not worth it. Authorities in the island nation of Samoa accused the film of "promoting gay human rights", which "contrasts in an unacceptable way with Christian beliefs and Samoan culture, as well as with the Samoan way of life". It must be assumed that gays have learned and since then go on vacation to other countries, which was intended by the government of Samoa.
"Land of the Dead" 2005

Zombies, as you know, do not exist. But the National Commission on Morals had its own opinion on this matter - so Ukraine became the only country in the world that banned the rental of "Land of the Dead" by George Romero. According to the official wording - so as not to offend a nation that suffered a famine in the 30s. Before that, a remake of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre was banned for its intimidating title. Later, the commission was dissolved, but in the end, she still managed to ban the remake of the Evil Dead. Probably didn't like the name either.
"Borat" 2006

By starring in the film "Borat" as a Kazakh, Sacha Baron Cohen amused the whole world, but at the same time greatly offended Kazakhstan. The film was banned, Cohen was covered in shame and contempt, and his personal website was blocked. But over time, Kazakh officials admitted that the film greatly increased the influx of American tourists interested in Kazakhstan, so that the country allowed the film and remained grateful to Cohen. Moreover, and so it was clear that there was no Kazakh from him.

It just so happens that games always have at least a little bit of violence. And it doesn't matter what it is: BFG 9000 tearing dozens of demons to shreds, or a weighty Italian plumber jumping on the head of an unfortunate turtle - an unlawful act has already been committed. And some senator or a group of social activists will certainly be unhappy with this. Gmbox brings to your attention the 10 most interesting cases of game bans from around the world.

10. Bully

Unexpected, isn't it? This is one of those cases that proves that the regulatory authorities sometimes do not understand anything at all. The game was completely banned in Brazil, with all major UK retailers refusing to put it on the shelves. The fact that in Bully, 15-year-old Jimmy doesn't really bully anyone, but rather tries to reconcile the warring factions of his school, nobody cared. By the way, the same British stores sold GTA calmly. Because just killing people on the street is the norm.

9 Fallout 3

Australia. This beautiful country of endless wastelands gave the world the culture of post-nuclear aesthetics along with the first two parts of the Mad Max movie masterpiece. But Fallout 3 was banned on its territory. Do you think for violence? No, Australians have long been accustomed to exotic desert fauna that tries to bite your face off while you try to shoot off its head - in real life. But frighteningly plausible drugs with addiction and side effects Fallout 3 was not forgiven.

8. Battlefield 3

The Battlefield 3 campaign includes a full-scale siege of Tehran by the US military - of course, it leads to the destruction of epic proportions in the Iranian capital. Now think: if you personally were the great ayatollah, the spiritual leader of the nation, you would A) begin to admire how well the updated Frostbite engine works, or all the same B) ban the game, with punishment up to the arrest of those who have a copy found. Of course, the Iranian authorities chose the second option.

7. Manhunt (of course both parts)

Perhaps the most obvious participant in our rating. In 2004, a tragedy occurred in Britain: 17 summer teenager beat his 14-year-old friend to death with a hammer. Then it turned out that the guy played Manhunt too much. Parents launched a petition, the game was banned. When Manhunt 2 came out, the British authorities did not wait for another fatal outcome, and imposed a ban immediately. By the way, Ireland did the same, and Manhunt became the first banned game in the history of this careless country of clover and dark beer.

6 Wolfenstein: The New Order

It is easy to guess in which country the most difficult fate awaited this shooter. However, not for the reason you think. It’s not that the Germans feel sorry for killing themselves - it’s just that any Nazi symbols, even if we are talking about exposing the Nazis in the most negative light. However, Bethesda did not want to lose such big market. All the symbols prohibited by the Constitution were uprooted, the name of the enemy was changed - it became “Regime” instead of “Nazis”, many scenes were simply cut out. And yet such a miserable Wolfenstein was still allowed into Germany.

5. Left 4 Dead 2

No, this game was not banned in Australia. It's just that you can't sell such products without an age rating, and the relevant commission had to think a little - just for some 5 years after the release. Pundits are baffled by the insides of zombies: necessary element gameplay and a tribute to realism, or is it still a cheap trick? In the end, they glued R18 + on the boxes and let them into the stores with a creak.

Ahaha, Australia, stop it! Well, of course, the serious authorities of the kangaroo continent could not miss such a game. The protagonist of Marc Ecko's Getting Up - a black young man - paints everything with his colorful tags. That is, in fact, inciting unstable Australian youth to take to the streets and do the same! And this is vandalism + damage to private and (most importantly) state property. Atari took the ban hard, and compared it to mass book burnings in Nazi Germany.

3. Silent Hill: Homecoming

We are proud to announce that we have a diverse list of games. But we admit: the list of countries is not very good. Australia again. In 2008, the censors did not particularly like the rivers of blood and torture scenes. But the use of a drill as a weapon finally finished off the unfortunate Australians. And if all the rest of Silent Hill still managed to get MA15+ (mature audience from 15 years old), then Homecoming was sent to the strictest ban.

2. Pokémon

It would seem that Pokemon - funny friends all family. Even harsh Australia has never had problems with them, even though the animals look a bit like kangaroos. But how do you like this list of serious accusations: inappropriate use of religious symbols, propaganda of Zionism, blasphemy, promotion gambling among minors and, finally, support for the forbidden theory of Darwin? Even Australia's eyes widened. Bravo, Saudi Arabia: that's how to ban games! Riyadh has been successfully fighting the yellow monsters for 16 years - since 2001.

1. Rapelay

We are here ... just leave the picture with beautiful flowers. So that we ourselves are not banned to hell. Then look for screenshots on the Internet. After all, it is about Japanese game 2006, in which a freak pursues a mother with two daughters for the purpose of ... you know. And without mutual consent, Certainly. Rapelay was banned by everyone - even Argentina, which has enough worries without video games. In 2016, not just anyone, but the United Nations itself turned to Japan with a demand to veto the development of such games. But Japan refused. Ecchi, manga and hentai have long been entangled in the brains of samurai, like tentacles of lustful space octopuses, and there is no way to uproot them from there.

We have compiled a list of paintings that are banned from showing in some countries, while in others they are masterpieces. Exist different reasons, not always associated with quality, not allowing films to be rented - an insult to the feelings of believers, alien symbolism, distortion historical facts, the content of violence. In the history of cinema, there are forbidden films that have earned more than one Oscar.

It is precisely those moments that the director considers simply necessary that close the screening of premium films on big screens some states. However, every viewer wants to see all the films provided, because it is known that the “forbidden fruit” has always been sweet. Many films have become classics of the genre, and for what reasons they have not been censored, judge for yourself.

Noah (2014)

The tape was banned in Indonesia, Malaysia, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates.

The picture is based on the biblical story about the well-known ark during global flood. The legend tells about the pious family of Noah, who was given a mission to save the household and innocent creatures of God. The rest of the people were mired in sins, and God decided to destroy them by sending a flood to the earth. Father and sons built big ship from magic wood. King Topal-Cain wanted to seize a floating craft, but his troops were repulsed by God's defenders. During a heavy downpour, he managed to get on the ship ...

The Hunger Games (2012)
The Hunger Games

Banned in Vietnam due to violent scenes.

The time of the future of the prosperous country Capitol, in which not everything is so rosy. Citizens even rebelled against the government, and survival games were invented for them. Now every year it is arranged death show as entertainment for wealthy residents. Of the 12 districts, the states choose two participants each, for whom it is insanely difficult to survive in the struggle without the support of a sponsor, where death awaits from natural factors or rivals. Katniss offers her candidacy instead of her sister, and goes with a guy in love to a live show in which one must remain alive.

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011)
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

The film was not released in India.

An exciting investigation will take place in Sweden, where millionaire Henrik Vanger turned to a disgraced journalist for help. Mikael Blomkvist was recently convicted of defamation and forfeited the money savings paid out in the lawsuit. Lisbeth Salander, girl analytical warehouse mind, but with a heavy character, at the request of the oligarch, she collected a dossier on the correspondent. The answer was clean and honest. For a decent reward, he must solve the mystery of the disappearance of the businessman's niece Harriet Vanger.

In the land of blood and honey (2011)
In the Land of Blood and Honey

The film was banned in the Serbian Republic.

The history of military confrontation in the Balkans became the debut project created by Angelina Jolie. The action takes place in Sarajevo, which hosted the Olympics eight years ago. Daniel and Ayla were residents of Yugoslavia, they are of different nationalities, and the ensuing war placed the lovers on different sides barricades. The girl ended up in the enemy camp, where, by coincidence, her boyfriend serves as a guard. He is soon transferred to the front line, and Daniel helps the captive to escape. Later, they look for an opportunity to be together...

District #9 (2009)
District 9

Banned in Nigeria.

Intriguing events take place in South Africa, where an alien ship of impressive size hangs right over Johannesburg. Nothing is heard from there for several days, and when scientists got inside, they found emaciated natives. Intelligent organisms, similar to large insects, suffered a catastrophe - the earthlings had to shelter them. However, rapidly multiplying creatures began to annoy the inhabitants, and the aliens were given a separate corner - district 9. They are controlled by a responsible official, who once, examining an artifact in their shelter, was splashed with an incomprehensible liquid. With Vikus, modifications began to occur ...

House. Travel Story (2009)

It was banned immediately in 36 countries around the world.

The documentary gives the viewer the opportunity to see the past and future of the beautiful planet Earth. From a bird's eye view, you can learn about many wonderful places, but people live for today, ruthlessly destroying Natural resources. Director Luc Besson shows that true art is created by nature - sunsets, sunrises, eternal ice, high mountains, bottomless seas and flowering forests. And the man? He can only destroy...

Grotesque (2009)

The film was not released in the UK.

The beginning did not foretell any difficult situations, just a couple in love walking. The guys saw the sights of the city, passing by the tunnels. Aki asked Kazuo if he could sacrifice his life for her. Quite unexpectedly, they were stunned by a stranger and brought to his house, where, chained up, he would ask the same question. Having mocked with the help of special tools, the maniac will heal them and promise to let them go home. But he promises...

Don't mess with Zohan! (2008)
You Don't Mess with the Zohan

The comedy was not liked by the UAE authorities.

Israeli special forces soldier Zohan Dvir has incredible strength, capable of destroying an entire army. However, he dreams of becoming a stylist - a soldier wants to evade military operations, with expiring feats. During an important mission to capture a Palestinian terrorist, he faked his death and flew to New York. In the metropolis with a new hairstyle according to a fictional legend, he did not immediately manage to find a job. I had to suppress my hatred for the enemy and get a job as a hairdresser in the Palestinian quarter. But soon the hero was recognized ...

Harvey Milk (2008)

The film was banned in Samoa.

The biographical picture introduces the viewer to a US politician who once announced to the whole society that he is a representative of a homosexual orientation. Harvey Milk was elected to the San Francisco City Council and fought for gay rights. Having made a challenge, he proved that the matter was not at all in the difference between people, but in human relations. The plot touches upon the last eight years of his life, which he paid in the struggle for tolerance.

Romance X (1999)

The film was not released in Ireland.

She is a young teacher in an ordinary school. Marie has been living in the same apartment with her boyfriend for several months, Paul is engaged in modeling business. Sometimes it is difficult to understand what connects them? Handsome guy can lie all night with a naked girl, and nothing in him will falter. However, Marie is gnawed not by the fact that he has not loved her for a long time, but by sexual indifference, and the beauty indulges in all serious. In a bar, having met Paolo, she tries to distract herself with him, but finds another, third...

Pulp Fiction (1994)
Pulp Fiction

The film was banned in Malaysia.

The legendary picture is not built by a linear narrative - different moments are taken - jumps in time, miraculously combined into one whole. There is little action here, more dialogue, which is famous for the creator, who has a great sense of humor. The boys are working on crime boss Marselas, and they discuss the assignment given to them - to take the suitcase of money from the debtor. True, Jules is closer to the religious theme, and Vincent is concerned about the boss's wife, who needs to be entertained in the evening ...

Pirates caribbean: At World's End (2007)
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End

The film was not to the liking of China.

Pirates who are actively destroyed by Lord Becket's fleet do not survive better times. The success of the company lies in the help of the sea devil Davy Jones, whose heart is with the lord. Against the background of these events, Elizabeth Swann and William Turner obtain from the robber Xiao a ship and a map with the location of Captain Jack Sparrow. He is imprisoned by Davy at the mysterious end of the world, representing a huge waterfall. The guy has not seen people for several years, and his consciousness represents the pirate in the images of all the members of the Black Pearl...

The Da Vinci Code (2006)
The Da Vinci Code

The show was banned in China, Pakistan, India, Egypt, Jordan.

The story begins with the murder of the curator of the Louvre, who left an encrypted message. Professor Robert Langdon agrees to help recognize the cipher, knowing the meaning symbols. He is assisted by cryptology specialist Sophie, who is the granddaughter of a deceased museum worker. It turns out that the message is addressed to Langdon, and he is suspected of a crime. A fragile person helps to escape from custody, the girl is sure of his further help. They will have to decode the secrets of Da Vinci, which will lead to an ancient mystical manuscript.

Schindler's List (1993)
Schindler's List

The film was not released in Indonesia.

Real events take place during the war in the Polish city of Krakow, where Jews will be kept in a ghetto. At this time, an enterprising German businessman Oskar Schindler arrives in the city. He is about to open a factory for the production of enamelware, and deftly converges with the highest members of the SS, whom he entertains, and seeks permission to build. Due to the lack of material resources, the entrepreneur turns to wealthy Jews who are forbidden to use capital, and in return takes them to work. Later, when his workers are taken to Auschwitz, he will give all the accumulated savings for their release.

Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004)
Fahrenheit 9/11

It was decided to ban in Kuwait.

In America, the numbering of the month comes before the date... Yes, this is the very day of the terrorist attack in New York. The documentary examines the issues of this crime and military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. In all these terrible events, there is a specific allusion to US President George W. Bush, who has business ties with Osama bin Laden. The range of interests was reduced to oil, weapons and all kinds of contracts. The project contains the point of view of director Michael Moore.

Cannibal Hell (1979)
Cannibal Holocaust

The painting was banned in a number of countries around the world.

The picture will show the viewer cruelty, and not only cannibals living in the deaf wilds of the Amazon. It was there that the expedition of journalists headed, hoping to surprise the world with the life of cannibals, whose tribes exist in the civilized 20th century. However, the enthusiasts did not return, and a detachment of special forces was supplied to search for them with Professor Harold Monroe who joined them. The group manages to capture the son of the shaman Yakumo, who was found to have the missing journalist's lighter. The guides took the scientist to the territory dangerous tribe, and they returned the footage ...

Great Dictator (1940)
The Great Dictator

The tape was banned not only in fascist Germany, but also in many pro-fascist states.

During the First World War, the barber was a soldier, serving in the army of the fictional Tomania, he even saved the pilot Schulz. However, having been injured and losing his memory, for a long time was on treatment. His country lost that war, and the dictator Adenoid Henkel came to power, similar in appearance to a Jewish hairdresser, like two drops. But the private does not know any of this yet, he is discharged from a psychiatric hospital, and puts things in order in his barbershop.

Passion of the Christ (2004)
The Passion of the Christ

The painting was banned in Kuwait and Bahrain.

A breathtaking picture will show 12 last hours the life that was given to Jesus as a test. He will be betrayed by Judas Iscariot for the well-known sum of 30 pieces of silver, and he will bring soldiers. The guards will take the son of God for trial to Pontius Pilate, who, under the cry of the public demanding execution, will simply "wash his hands." True, he repeatedly suggested that people release the tortured Jesus, but the crowd needed the crucifixion of the saint. The disciples somehow fled, all except the youngest - John ...

Model Male (2001)

Banned in Malaysia.

Derek Zoolander has been considered for several years best man on the podium, his appearance is not marred by intelligence and other problems. But this time the first place was taken by a rival, a constant competitor Hansel. Of course, the handsome man was saddened, and the accidental death of his friends even made me think a little - “is appearance so important?” He wanted to say goodbye to high fashion and stay with his parents in a mining town. However, the proposal of the famous designer Mugatu forced him to return to his previous job ...

Films banned for showing in Russia:

Russia 88 (2009)

This happened in Moscow during the activities of one of the last neo-Nazi groups "Russia 88". The leader of the bandit organization was Alexander "Bayonet", and he "protected", wisely negotiating with law enforcement, veteran Chechen war. One day, all the ideas of Sasha, an active supporter of the superiority of the Russian nation, began to "burst at the seams." He found out that his own sister was dating a native of the Caucasus, and, of course, called him to the “shooter”. However, Robert with connections turned out to be not a timid dozen ...

Operation Dead Snow 2 (2014)
dod sno 2

The picture with an abundance of blood and severed human organs tells that after the Nazi zombie attack in the mountain gorge, only Martin remained alive from the group of tourists. He even managed to leave by car from a terrible place. Breaking away from the damned monsters, he had an accident, and the limb of a fascist zombie turned out to be in the cabin. The guy woke up in the hospital, where he was informed about the suspicion of killing his friends - he lost his upper limb, and the doctors sewed the found arm. Possessing great power, it exists as a separate life...

Borat (2006)

Borat is proud of his homeland, and on the instructions of the Ministry of Journalism he goes to the USA to glorify Kazakhstan. In his native Kushkek, his not entirely prosperous family remains. Arriving in New York, he saw Pamela Anderson on TV, and immediately decided to marry her. By the way, the wife died at home - the hunter shot, confusing with a bear. And so, in an ice cream van, a reporter makes a trip to Los Angeles ...

Clip (2012)

She is only 14 years old, Yasna is in the stage of transitional age with all the accompanying factors. The high school student tries not to stay at home - her father is terminally ill, her mother is trying by all means to earn money for the upcoming operation, with younger sister not interested. The girl received a gift mobile phone with a camera, and every night he has fun with his girlfriends, filming his "hangouts". Drinking, drugs, sex with a guy who just uses her...

Number 44 (2014)
Child 44

The events take place in the 50s in the USSR. A maniac is operating in the country, on whose account there are already 44 victims. However, the government closes the investigation of the MGB officer Lev Demidov, because killers are born only in capitalist countries. An employee in the family is in trouble - his wife is accused of treason, and he is demoted, sent to country town Volsk. In the new place, the leader supports Demidov, and the investigation continues in secret from higher authorities.

Interview (2014)
The Interview

Dave is a popular host of his show, which is called "Tonight at Skylark". Daily conversations with politicians, businessmen and artists have always been popular with the public. Once celebrating anniversary date programs, Dave finds out that the terrible Korean dictator Kim Jong Un loves this show, as well as The Theory big bang". Producer Aaron arranges a meeting with the bloody ruler through the sexy propagandist Suki. The ubiquitous FBI, having learned about the interview, instructs the TV people to kill the politician. This is where the adventure begins...

5 Days in August (2011)
5 Days of War

The film covers the events that took place in Georgia in 2008. Once in Iraq, a detachment of Georgians as part of the coalition forces rescued an American journalist. Now Thomas Anders has arrived at an invitation to an unfamiliar country, having learned about the military conflict. The correspondent finds himself in the center of a political situation, where he actively participates in an interethnic incident between Georgia and South Ossetia, which is part of the state Russian government. Armed soldiers and navy are referred to as the "Army of Volunteers"...

Life of Adele (2013)
La vie d'Adele

She is a charming high school student who loves children very much and plans to become a teacher. Friends advise Adele to pay attention to Paul, who likes the schoolgirl. The girl met him, and realized that she was not interested in the guy. The girl is in love with a mysterious beauty with blue hair, whom she met in a bar. Soon, they met - the extravagant Emma was an artist with a non-traditional sexual orientation.

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