How wild she treats Boris. Comparative characteristics of Tikhon and Boris (based on the play by Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm")


One of minor characters works is a young man who arrived for some time in a provincial town from the capital, named Boris.

Boris is presented by the writer as a well-educated, well-read man, distinguished by a fashionable style of clothing and a modern metropolitan disposition with hints of snobbery. Local residents consider Boris to be a foreign dandy by his tone of communication and manner of dressing.

His arrival in the province was caused by mercantile motives for receiving a monetary inheritance from his uncle Diky. True, the uncle does not at all intend to part with his wealth for the sake of his nephew and, due to his rude and cruel nature, tries in every possible way to ridicule and insult Boris in the hope that he will leave his house. However, Boris steadfastly endures and endures the bullying of the greedy merchant, since wealth for him is main point life, although he clearly understands that, apparently, he will never receive an inheritance. Due to his weakness of character and weak will, the man is constantly humiliated and fawns over the uncontrollable uncle, being unable to carry out independent actions.

The writer introduces the image of Boris in the work to illustrate the depth and tragedy of the personality main character plays by Katerina, who falls in love with Boris.

In this love affair main negative qualities hero - cowardice and pettiness. The girl is full of courage and determination to reveal the truth about their relationship to her family, but Boris feels fear and does not want their secret to be revealed. It only seems to him that he is in love with Katerina, but in fact the young man does not care about her at all. Boris is not able to take responsibility and protect Katerina, who is in love with him, while he does not forget to repent and regret what happened. By nature, this is a selfish person who, even in the most tragic moments, continues to think only about himself, and not about state of mind Catherine.

After the death of Katerina, forgetting about moral, moral principles And human feelings Boris decides to leave the city. He could have previously taken the girl with him, supporting her choice, but he is afraid of the wrath of his relatives.

The writer draws the reader's attention to the fact that one of the reasons that pushed Katerina to commit suicide is precisely the cowardice of Boris, who is ready to humbly accept the current situation, incapable of making decisions and sacrificial acts for the sake of a real feeling.

Option 2

The characters in Ostrovsky's play "Thunderstorm" are divided into two categories: characters representing " dark kingdom and the heroes who are the victims of this realm. The first includes Wild, Kabanikha, the second - Katerina, Tikhon, Boris. But is it safe to say that Boris is a victim?

The image of Boris can be revealed with just a few lines: this is a faint-hearted, spineless young man who has recently arrived in Kalinov and wants to get a lot of money, for which he is ready to sacrifice all moral principles.

Boris' appearance also requires few words. He came from Moscow, dressed better than the locals, by the type foreign person. Boris has a different worldview and, unlike the Kalinovites, he is proud of it and constantly flaunts it. The hero also thinks that he is better than Kalinovtsy, because he has a good education. But villagers are accustomed to judging people not by such standards as education, clothing or worldview, but by such standards as nobility, attitude towards other people, purity and sincerity of motives, and so on.

Boris is Diky's nephew, but he came to Kalinov not to see a relative whom he had not seen for a long time, but in order to earn extra money. Wild is a stingy and immoral person who would never give his inheritance to Boris for anything in the world. The hero, realizing that the Wild cannot be defeated in an honest way, decides to take him by cunning, namely, to appease his uncle, to awaken kindred love in him with slyness. But on the fronts of kindred love, everything is bare, both with Boris and with Diky.

Boris hates Kalinov, does not want to be there anymore, but the desire for profit overcomes him.

Also, a love line passes through the image of Boris. He falls in love with Katherine. At least he thinks so. But Tikhon arrives and secret meetings with Katerina stop. It is here that the true face of the character is revealed to the reader, vile and pitiful. Katerina fell madly in love with Boris, wanted to tell everyone, including relatives, about her happiness, that she wants to marry Boris and live happily with him all her life. But Boris had a different opinion on this matter. He was afraid of the mere thought that their secret would be revealed, that her husband would find out about the walks, and therefore he persuaded the girl in every possible way not to talk about such things.

Composition Boris in the story Thunderstorm

The play "Thunderstorm" by the great Russian playwright A.N. Ostrovsky was written at the end of the nineteenth century. The events described in the plot of the work take place in a provincial town on the banks of the great Volga River.

One of central characters plays - Boris, the nephew of the merchant Wild. Ostrovsky sparingly describes Boris' appearance. It is only known that the young man came to the city of Kalinov from Moscow itself. His appearance contrasts strongly with that of local residents. The hero is dressed in solid suits, sewn according to fashionable cut. As a person who has received an education, he stands above the Kalinovites in terms of his level of development. The difference in education and the prevailing worldview gives him reason to be proud of himself.

But you will not surprise the inhabitants of Kalinov with education. It is unnecessary for them. Here, among the townsfolk and philistines, only those who own an impressive fortune are held in high esteem. But just the state of Boris Grigorievich was not. He, in fact, came here, to his uncle Wild, in order to receive the inheritance due to him. After the death of his parents, the hero of the play was left without a means of subsistence. And according to the will, Dikoy had to give money to his nephew if Boris would respect him.

Not wanting to part with the money, Dikoy behaves unforgivably rudely. And Boris, stepping over himself and his pride, is trying to please his stingy and dishonorable relative. The hero does not feel any love or respect for his uncle. He is only interested in the issue of inheritance.

Having met Katerina by chance, Boris became interested in her. She stood out for something among the locals and therefore was closer to him than all the others. The young woman also responds to the hero in return. She is even ready to confess to her husband in treason. But Boris is not ready for decisive action and is not ready to bear responsibility. In part, his weakness and indecision pushed Katerina to commit suicide. For all his external well-being, Boris turned out to be a useless person.

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The play "Thunderstorm" by Ostrovsky is known to everyone. Live in small town flows at its own pace. Everything changed with the arrival of Boris, who met and fell in love with a married woman. The image and characterization of Boris in the play "Thunderstorm" is inextricably linked with love line. The relationship between Boris and Katerina played big role in the tragedy unfolding in the play. He could not protect love, which led to the death of a girl who was unable to cope with mental anguish and decided that suicide would be the best way out in this situation.

Boris is a young man who came from the capital to receive an inheritance. Consists of family ties with Wild.

Image and characteristics

Little is known about Boris' appearance. He dressed like a dandy in the latest fashion. Received a good education. Brought up. It was no coincidence that I ended up in Kalinov. Came for the inheritance inherited from the grandmother. Only a sister remained from the family. The parents are dead.

He received a good education while studying at the Commercial Academy.

“My parents raised us well in Moscow, they spared nothing for us. I was sent to the Commercial Academy, my sister was sent to a boarding school.

Fashionable, stylish. This is not surprising, because in Moscow everyone dresses with a needle. In comparison with the inhabitants of Kalinovo, its appearance was strikingly different.

"All persons, except Boris, are dressed in Russian."

The purpose of coming to the city is one - to receive an inheritance. This is possible under the only condition if the guy treats the uncle (Wild) with respect and respect.

“Grandma died and left a will so that uncle would pay us the part that should be paid when we come of age, only on the condition that we would be respectful to him.”

Boris constantly suffers humiliation from the uncle. He always finds a reason to find fault and humiliate the guy. He has to endure and silently endure insults, because there is too much at stake. He is no longer sure that he will be able to get at least some penny from the uncle. It works, it works, but it's useless.

“He first breaks down on us, scolds us in every possible way, as his heart desires, but all the same ends up giving nothing or just some little.”

Weak character. The weakness of Boris's character was repeatedly manifested throughout the play. He knows this trait in himself, but he cannot change it. He fawns over his uncle, fawns, enduring his antics. In the case of Katerina, he did not have the fortitude to protect the woman he loved. Turning her head, he throws her into Hard time, having escaped from the city, like a cowardly hare from the chase. If he had shown at least a little character, he would have taken her with him, thereby saving her life, but, alas.

Kind. By nature, Boris is a kind, sympathetic guy. Kuligin said about him:

"He's a good man, sir..."

Indecisive. Doing things is not about our Boris, there is not enough courage. When everyone knows about the love affair with Katerina, he panicked, preferring to "rush about, cry", but at the same time do nothing at all. At the moment of parting with her, he relied on himself:

“Oh, if only these people knew what it feels like to say goodbye to you! My God! God grant that someday it will be as sweet for them as it is for me now ... You villains! Fiends! Oh, what strength!

But there is no place for strength. Boris himself understands this very well.

It is easier for him to run away from problems than to take on their solution. He saw that something was wrong with Katerina, but did not deign to ask what was bothering her and why she was alarmed. He added fuel to the fire, saying that he was leaving for a long time, his uncle ordered so, and to disobey him means to lose hope of getting an inheritance. Boris is not used to being responsible for his actions. Maybe he did not like Katerina, he just spent time with her, brightening up his leisure time. As soon as she began to give him problems, he chose to retire.

Egoist. First of all, Boris always thought only about himself and his own benefit. Interests and problems of other people did not bother him much. He was unable to understand the depth of Katerina's nature and appreciate the tragedy of her personality, which ultimately led to a sad ending. His cowardice brought Katerina to tragedy. If he had thought about her for once, things might have been different.

In the drama of Katerina, the main character of A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" important role played not only by her mother-in-law Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova, but also, of course, the two heroes of this " love triangle "- Tikhon and Boris. Tikhon Kabanov - the heroine's husband, a merchant's son. He married Katerina because his mother demanded it, and he believes that he himself loves Katerina, but is that so? He himself is weak-willed and completely subordinate to his mother, he does not even dare to protect his wife from the attacks of his mother-in-law. All he can advise her is to ignore her mother's reproaches. He himself does this all his life, agreeing with his mother and dreaming at the same time of running away to his neighbor Savel Prokofievich and having a drink with him. Happiness for Tikhon is a two-week trip to Moscow on business. In this case, Katerina is no longer interested in him, and when she asks him to take her with him, he frankly admits: “Yes, as I know now that there will be no thunderstorm over me for two weeks, there are no shackles on my legs, so it’s up to my wife me?” Katerina feels sorry for her husband, but can she love him? Seeing neither understanding nor support from him, she involuntarily begins to dream of a different love, and her dreams turn to another hero, and Boris. Is he a hero? He is different from the inhabitants of the city of Kalinov - he is educated, studied at the Commercial Academy, he is the only one among the townspeople who walks in a European costume. But these are all external differences, but in fact Boris is just as weak-willed and dependent. He is financially dependent on his uncle, the merchant Diky, he is bound by the terms of the will of his late grandmother, and not only because of himself personally, but also because of his sister. If he does not respect his uncle, she will remain a dowry, not receiving, like he himself, an inheritance. But it seems that his words: “I would drop everything and leave” are just an excuse. After all, Boris suffers humiliation and abuse from Savel Prokofievich, without even trying to object to him, to defend his dignity. He has neither will nor strength of character. He fell in love with Katerina, having seen her several times in church, and his sublime feeling does not take into account the rough realities of the local way of life. Fearing "to ruin his youth in this slum," he does not listen to Kudryash, who immediately warns him that love for a married woman "quit it": "After all, this means you want to completely ruin her" - because for this in these parts Katerina "They will be driven into the coffin." Boris thinks only of himself, of his happiness, and all of Katerina's emotional experiences are alien to him, like Tikhon. If it were not for the indifference of her husband (“... you are still imposing ...”), Katerina would not have taken the fatal step by agreeing to a meeting with Boris. But Boris also thinks only of himself, brushing aside Katerina’s torment about the terrible dream she has committed: “Well, what to think about it, it’s good for us now! » For him, meeting with Katerina - secret romance, which must be hidden: “No one will know about our love. Can't I pity you!" He did not understand at all that Katerina absolutely did not know how to lie, following the example of Varvara, therefore her behavior, when her husband arrived, for him complete surprise. He regrets everything that happened: “Who knew it that we should suffer so much with you for our love! I'd better run then!" But he is powerless to change anything, he cannot take Katerina with him - "I am not going of my own free will." Thinking about everything, he pities himself first of all, cursing the "villains" and "fiends": "Oh, if only there was strength!"

Tikhon also verbally regrets Katerina: “... I love her, I’m sorry to touch her with my finger,” but he is not able to contradict his mother: he beat his wife, as she ordered, and condemns, repeating mother’s words: “It’s not enough to kill her for this ". Most of all, he pities himself: “I am unhappy now, brother, man!” And only after the death of Katerina did he dare to object to Marfa Ignatievna: “Mother, you ruined her, you, you ...”

Both heroes, Boris and Tikhon, despite external differences, could not become for Katerina reliable protection and support: both are selfish, weak-willed, do not understand her anxious, restless soul. And both are to blame for her tragedy, unable and not even willing to prevent it.

Ostrovsky in the drama "Thunderstorm" portrayed the deplorable situation of young people, who are left with the right to only agree with their elders in everything. One of the main qualities of children is curiosity, that is, the desire to learn something new, which subsequently turns into anti-conservatism, that is, the desire to introduce this new into life. There is no place for curiosity in the city of Kalinov, because information about the world around us comes here through wanderers like Feklusha, who fanatically convince everyone and everything that “you have paradise and silence in your city, but in other cities it’s just sodom”. Dikoy calls Kuligin a “Tatar” for trying to explain what a thunderstorm is. In an atmosphere of general conviction that “a thunderstorm is sent to us as a punishment,” young people believe everything: both stories about people with dog heads and Diky’s stories about their right to dispose of people. Learning from childhood that one must be afraid of elders and unquestioningly obey them, young people lose the ability to critical appraisal reality and is forced to accept as an unchanging reality both the house-building orders and the right of the old people, the “aces” of this world, to power backed up only by the authority of money. Upbringing in the house-building traditions, when parents literally “crush the ribs” of their children, or suppress and break child character, or makes the child adapt and learn by tricks to avoid punishment for crimes against imposed morality.
An example of the first type of young people are Tikhon Kabanov and Boris Grigorievich. They are best characterized by the words of Tikhon: “No ... of one's own mind. And, therefore, live the life of a stranger.” All their lives they are under the heel of their relatives and cannot change this situation, but can only feel sorry for themselves. They are incapable of committing any significant act: Tikhon is jealous of Katerina's death, but he himself cannot decide to commit suicide; Boris obeys his uncle, even when he tells him to leave Katerina and leave for Siberia. These people cannot really love much: Tikhon treats Katerina as one of constituent parts of his “bondage”: “There will be no thunderstorm over me for two weeks, there are no shackles on my legs, so are they married to me? ” Boris, to Katerina’s words that her husband left for two weeks, says: “Oh, so we will take a walk! Time is enough.”
Boris, to Katerina’s words that her husband left for two weeks, says: “Oh, so we will take a walk! Time is enough.” Parting with Katerina, he asks God “that she die as soon as possible so that she does not suffer for a long time! ” Boris and Tikhon are puppets in the hands of the “dark kingdom”, weak-willed dolls, incapable of either an act or a true feeling.

One of the main characters of the play by the famous Russian playwright A. N. Ostrovsky is the nephew of the merchant Wild - Boris. "Thunderstorm" is a famous play and tragedy, which embodied in its plot all the originality and unbending spirit of the people of that time, made an invaluable contribution to the history of literature, contributing to the understanding of the life of that era.

Story line

The plot is built on feelings and emotions, on and off it. In those distant times, the people of a small town lived as one big family, the tragedy of one person concerned everyone and was discussed by everyone.

So it happened with the Tikhon family. The reason was - the situation in which the characteristics of Boris manifested themselves in the best possible way. "Thunderstorm" is a play, the main meaning of which is tragic consequences betrayal, but betrayal in the name of love. How this event will affect each member of the family, how the true essence will be manifested and revealed human soul? Eg, main character Boris, whose moral principles were at odds with the current situation, decided to abandon his loved one, stop communicating with Katerina, thereby wounding her in the very heart. Did you act like a coward or... a hero? What is actually the characteristic of Boris? Storm - a natural phenomenon, which is able to reveal and convey the torment of all the main characters. Experiences and doubts, the correctness of actions and the fidelity of choice in the face of fear and death...

Characteristics of the hero: Boris. "Thunderstorm" - a great tragedy of a small human soul

Already from the first scene of the play it is clear that Boris, who arrived from Moscow, stands out from the crowd with his noble behavior, respectful attitude and good manners. He himself says that he was “trained in literacy and languages”, studied diligently and strived for the best. After the death of his parents, who tragically died from the cholera epidemic raging at that time, he had to come to his only relative - his uncle - to receive an inheritance. According to the terms of the will, he will receive it only in the case of a respectful attitude towards the merchant Diky. Brought up and meek, courteous and cultured - such is the characteristic of Boris. "Thunderstorm" - a work that perfectly reveals inner world such people. He was ready to harbor resentment and the understanding that he would not receive an inheritance, while continuing to play the role of a loving nephew, staying in this town and enduring a rude and impudent uncle, not wishing him harm and treating him with understanding. This characterizes him as a person with great and bright soul, open and kind, but at the same time he becomes more and more depressed and gloomy, his feelings are written on his face.

fateful decision

Fate cannot be deceived - it is this folk wisdom characterizes the behavior and actions of the main characters. Boris fell in love with Katerina, a woman with whom, as he himself said, he was not even destined to talk, because his love was already married. This circumstance greatly influenced the main character, he admitted that he was crushed and killed by the mere thought of an impossible intimacy with a loved one, but "the ways of the Lord are inscrutable", and fate brought two hearts in love, giving a spark of hope to both, because Katerina answers young man reciprocity. At this moment, the whole characterization of Boris changed radically. Thunderstorm - which the author used in this play. It displays and conveys the emotions of all the main characters, their torment and doubt, the brewing tragedy. Katerina's husband had to leave the city. And after the departure of her husband, she completely surrenders to emotions.

This happened because Katerina never loved Tikhon and was offended by his entire family for humiliation. She cannot resist the surging feelings and is cheating on her husband with Boris, who also could not control himself and threw himself “into the pool with his head”, indulging in sin with married woman. This moment may characterize him as a frivolous person, but everything is far from it. After Tikhon returned, he refused to communicate with Katerina in the hope that her husband would forgive her, did not destroy the family, which caused irreparable injury to his beloved. It was much harder for him at that moment, but he agrees to hide his feelings for the sake of a woman's happiness. In order not to discredit her name, he asked not to confess, but she decided otherwise ... It can be said that the characteristic of Boris ("Thunderstorm") manifested itself in cowardice and repentance, but this is the other side of the coin.

Quote of Boris. "Thunderstorm" - a tragedy of feelings

The most famous quote, which Boris described himself as: "Driven, beaten, and then foolishly decided to fall in love." From the very beginning, he did not like the bourgeois life in a small town, he was bored; having left big city and finding no support here, he began to yearn, and the very first phrase shows his moral state: “I understand that all this is ours, Russian, dear, but still I won’t get used to it in any way.” Such a life was alien to him, he did not want to put up with it, at the same time, pride and selfishness manifested themselves more and more often. He pushed away his beloved, did not communicate and talk with her, and his cowardice led to tragedy - Katerina committed suicide. This best characteristic Boris. "Thunderstorm" is a play that shows what indifference and playing with the feelings of another person leads to, indecision and cowardice, untimely decisions and the bitterness of resentment.

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