Non-traditional drawing flowers with a ball of paper. Wet effect painting


The drawing master class is intended for classes with children in art studios and in fine art classes. You can work in this technique both from nature and from memory. Images of trees, leaves, vegetables and flowers look advantageous.

Purpose: performance competitive work on fine arts on the theme "Mirror of Nature", which in the future will become a wonderful decoration for the interior of the room.

For work we need:

  • A3 paper (for the first time you can take A4). I advise you to try on paper of different textures. To get started, you can take a regular landscape sheet
  • Watercolor;
  • Palette;
  • Squirrel or kolinsky brushes (set);
  • A jar of water.

Working process:

1. With a pencil on smooth dry paper, you need to sketch the selected object. We must try to work with thin lines - cobwebs, and if there is such a need to use an eraser - do it carefully, without spoiling the texture of the paper.

2. Sheet with ready pencil sketch you need to crumple, crumple the image inside, so as not to damage the surface of the picture and not to stain.

3. Gently spread the crumpled sheet of paper on the table with your hands.

4. It is necessary to decide in advance on colors future work. I suggest using a limited palette. The color of the future work will be cold, respectively, the colors will prevail: purple, blue, lilac, blue. Start painting with light tones, gradually moving towards darker and more saturated ones. It is better to work on slightly dampened paper, so the colors will smoothly merge with each other according to your idea. It is necessary to wet the fragment of the picture that is to be done next.

5. If necessary, you can return to the elements of the picture already made in color to enhance chiaroscuro and add various shades. Working with a limited number of colors, we concentrate on creating volumetric image, rather than racking our brains over the choice of color.

6. In order to highlight the center of the composition, it is necessary to make the background in calmer cold colors. Work out the cores of the flowers with warm colors using the “poke” method, with color enhancement in the center.

7. Alternately paint over the leaves of crocuses. All shades are suitable for drawing leaves. green color and some cold notes. You can use 2 techniques: drawing on pre-wetted paper, and part of the drawing on dry paper. On the leaves of crocuses, I decided to make dew drops. To do this, you must leave these places unpainted.

8. To create aerial perspective you need to work out the flowers in the foreground more carefully. While working, do not forget about chiaroscuro. Therefore, from the shadow side of the future dew drops, we draw falling shadows. During the work in color, the paint flows interestingly into the created "cracks", creating a beautiful craquelure.

9. It's time to complete the color of the water droplets. To do this, from the shadow side with the help of gently emerald color draw a shadow on the drop itself. Attention! The contours of the drop are left unpainted.

On the illuminated side, we show reflections of purple and golden color. Glare is left untouched.

10.Now the drawing must be dried and ironed with reverse side with the help of an iron.

The work is ready. Many cracks allegedly formed on the surface, the picture is similar to the paintings of artists of the last century.

Thank you for your attention! All new creative victories!

Elena Panina

Target: introduce children to non-traditional technique drawing: crumpled paper drawing.

Tasks: develop creativity, interest in drawing develop imagination, thinking, fine motor skills and hand coordination. Develop aesthetic perception, fantasy. Cultivate independence, activity and accuracy in work.

crumpled paper drawing- it is very interesting and unusual drawing technique. It gives kids a lot of room for imagination and great gymnastics for children's hands and fingers.

Even the process of preparing for the lesson becomes unusual, interesting and exciting.

Cooking paper lumps is a fascinating action and children can easily and with pleasure cope with it themselves.

After you have prepared all the accessories for occupation: paints, jars, paper, containers in which you can dilute paints, brushes, rags. It is necessary to think over the details of the future drawing. Try to reproduce the drawing.

The most important thing in this kind of creativity is fantasy. It depends on the imagination how it will look final result drawing.

Discussing the upcoming work, the children and I discuss the small and large details of the drawing, which means paper lumps we need big and small size. Accordingly, the prints from them will vary in size.

As a result looms invented by children painting:

In our work we use brushes to draw or add elements of the picture. Therefore, the drawings turned out to be combined.

Now let's take a look at some of our work:

So we got to know non-traditional drawing technique -"crumpled paper".

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A monotype is a print with paints: applying paint spots (with or without water) on a sheet of paper, another one is placed on top clear sheet, press and smooth. It turns out two sheets with an unusual spotted pattern. It can be used either as a background for a future drawing, or it can be refined, adding details, turning a shapeless spot into a full-fledged drawing.

If you take not two sheets, but one folded in half, the paint will print almost like a mirror. In this version, the techniques are very good. watercolor landscapes: the clearer half is, say, a forest, and the more blurry one is a reflection of the forest in some kind of reservoir. It remains only to refine the details.

Watercolor and drawing ink

Since watercolor and ink are transparent, fluid paints that require an abundance of water, a monotype using them can be made in two ways. First, you can moisten a sheet of paper with water, and then apply paint with a wide brush or drops. Secondly, you can apply paint on a dry sheet, and then dilute it with drops of water. The results in both cases will differ markedly.

Don't use too much ink and not enough water - the prints will be too bright. If, on the contrary, it is necessary to get rid of excess fluid, blot the sheet with a crumpled paper towel or sprinkle coarse salt on the paper. It will also create unusual textures. After the paint has dried, the salt can simply be shaken off.

Acrylic and gouache

These paints, unlike watercolors and ink, are dense and opaque. The prints are also different: they are textured and textured (especially when using acrylic). Acrylic, by the way, absolutely anyone is suitable for monotype. If you use thick, undiluted paint, when you remove the second sheet (if you shoot without shifting), you will get beautiful tree or coral structures. If you move or rotate it slightly when removing the top sheet, you will get a beautiful and textured smearing effect.

Aging paper with lemon and milk

This is a "prepaint" technique that is used to make paper look like an old, yellowed page. Put drops of lemon juice on a clean sheet of paper, some can be smeared. Lime juice will work too. When the juice dries, iron the sheet with an iron. The lemon juice will darken, creating an aged effect. In addition, the sheet will also wrinkle slightly, which will give it an even greater resemblance to old paper.

You can use full fat milk or cream instead of lemon juice. This method has its roots in ancient times, when milk was used as invisible ink. Apply milk with a brush on a sheet of paper, let dry. Then iron the sheet with an iron or heat it in another way. The milk will turn brown and tint the leaf "antique".

Washing off black mascara

Another way to original toned paper (attention, the process is very dirty). You will need sheets of paper, white gouache, drawing ink, a large brush. The paper must be very thick so that it does not tear when washing. We paint over the central part of the sheet with white gouache (you can not try to make the contour even, chaotic strokes will do). We are waiting for the paint to dry. Now with black ink, carefully paint over the entire sheet. Let dry again.

Now we take a dried sheet and go to the bathroom. Gently wash off the mascara from the sheet under running water (you can rub it lightly with your hands). Wash out middle part sheet (ink over gouache should be easily washed off). And the edges of the sheet, since the ink has soaked into the paper, will remain black. Place the washed sheet on a stack of newspapers and leave to dry. While you wait, wash the bath, otherwise the mascara will strongly eat.

Drawing with shaving foam and ink

You can get very beautiful stains in this way. You need shaving foam or gel and colored mascara. Squeeze the foam onto a plastic palette (if gel, add a bit of water to it and beat with a brush), spread evenly over the palette and drip a few drops of drawing ink. With a brush handle, make stains from the ink on the foam. Now put a sheet of paper on top, press lightly, remove. Remove the remaining foam with paper towels.

Thread drawing

Highly non-standard way drawing, which gives amazing results. You will need paper, ink and thick knitting threads. Dip a piece of thread in ink and lay it out beautifully on a piece of paper (but the tip of the thread should go beyond the edge). Cover with another sheet of paper, put a book on top and press lightly with your hand. Now slowly pull the thread. When you put the book away and separate the sheets, you will see that both sheets of paper are covered with a beautiful intricate pattern. The pattern can be finalized by turning it into a full-fledged drawing.

Blob spots

Such ink stains can become a blank for a full-fledged work: they can be a background, or they can be the base of a drawing that needs to be supplemented with details. On a dry sheet of paper, apply a few drops of colored mascara (if you want a lot, it’s better not to apply them all at once). We take a tube for a cocktail and inflate a drop. You can simply blow, trying to stretch the blot as far as possible, or you can try to give the spot some form, so that later you can use it to create a picture.

"Crumpled" drawing

An interesting effect is given by paint on crumpled paper. You need paper wax crayons and gouache (watercolor). Draw the desired object (contour) on the sheet with crayons, paint over the space around the object with crayons as well. Now the sheet must be gently crumpled, then straightened. We paint over with gouache, and then, with the help of a sponge and water, quickly wash off the paint. The ink should remain only at the folds of the paper on the unpainted area.

Technology in action

You can paint with a regular toothbrush. And you can draw electric. A massage brush will also work. Unusual concentric patterns are obtained that can be used as a background for a picture (especially if you take more than one color). Required paint- gouache or acrylic.


With the help of various stamps (which, by the way, can be almost all small and not so small objects), you can create an interesting background for the drawings, the drawings themselves, and even decorate clothes and interiors. You can use both improvised objects with an interesting texture, and self-made stamps: cut them out of an eraser or from a potato (at one time). Then you just have to dip the stamp into the paint and start creating.


There are two ways to spray paint on a sheet. The first is stencil spatter, when an object is placed on a sheet of paper and its outline is imprinted with splashes. The second is purposeful spraying, with different intensity, paint concentration, droplet size. So you can create whole drawings, moreover, quite presentable and not "childish".

Point technique

Similar to stamping. In addition to the fact that the technique gives a rather unusual result, it is also a great way to relieve your stress. You will need cotton swabs, sheets of paper, paint of your choice. Dip cotton swab into the paint and begin to apply the pattern on paper with rhythmic movements. It is very interesting in this technique to try to mix colors and shades.

foam drawing

The texture background or "fluffiness" in the picture can be created using an ordinary sponge. You can try this technique with soft foil or a thin plastic bag: dip a small piece of sponge (if the foil or bag is a small lump) into the paint and dip it on the surface of the sheet.

"Combing the Paint"

To create texture, try running a toothed comb or fork over the still wet paint. Lines can be made both straight and wavy. Just be careful not to damage the paper.


This is also scratching with a sharp object, only here it is not the texture that is created, but the drawing itself. Rub a thick sheet of paper with a candle, apply ink or gouache over the wax layer (so that it completely covers the sheet, without gaps). Add a few drops to the mascara liquid soap so she lays down better. When the paint dries, take a sharp object and scratch the drawing.

Drawing with cling film

We apply large spots of paint on a sheet of paper, cover with cling film on top. But you don’t need to smooth it, on the contrary, wrinkle it slightly. When the paint is completely dry, remove the film. Thin lines and bubbles will remain on the sheet, which cover the sheet with a cobweb.

Believe me, these are not all the techniques, methods and techniques of drawing that you can try if you want something unusual in your work. In the end, no one bothers you to turn on your fantasy and try to come up with something new!

Non-traditional drawing techniques for older preschoolers.

Crumpled paper drawing technique.

Alekseeva Anastasia Igorevna, social teacher MBDOU No. 20, Vladimir
Purpose:drawing can be used as interior decoration. This master class Designed for kindergarten teachers, parents and children. The age of children is 5-7 years.

Target:introducing children to the technique of drawing with crumpled paper.
- Development creativity in children of preschool age;
- Bring up careful attitude to nature;
- Development of attention, thinking and taste;
- Education of accuracy.
Material:sheets of paper, gouache, brushes, jars of water.

Drawing with crumpled paper is a very entertaining drawing technique that gives room for imagination and freedom for small hands. Even the process of preparing for the lesson is fascinating. Paper lumps, with which the work will actually be carried out, children can be happy to knead themselves.

Stages of work:

1. We take several sheets of paper and crumple into lumps.

2. Having previously applied water to a sheet of paper, we begin to set the background.

3. We dip the lumps into the plates with paint and press the lumps to a sheet of paper, leaving prints in the form of clouds and grass. You can draw the outlines of the desired image in advance, and then seal it.

4. We dip the lumps in red paint and leave marks on paper in the form of poppies.

5. We give a contour to the blades of grass in the field.

6. We finish our work.

Work is ready!

The fox cubs have been drawing enthusiastically all day today. Tell me, have you ever heard of drawings on crumpled paper? It turns out that it is very simple and incredibly interesting! And all you need for this is paints and thin paper... Read more in our master class.

Usually we draw with paints on a smooth, even sheet of drawing paper. This is ideal. But the fact that it should be smooth, even, that's for sure. But no! On crumpled paper, you can draw the same. Moreover, an unusual effect is obtained. There is an imitation of cracks. As if the picture was drawn several centuries ago and the paint on it is cracked. Work in this technique with my pupils is what we call " vintage paintings". How does it work? This will be discussed in this master class.

To draw on crumpled paper you will need:

Thin sheet (such as xerox paper)
- watercolor paints
- soft brush (number to your taste, which one you prefer to draw)
- a jar of water graphite pencil(simple)
- eraser

How to draw crumpled paper

For work, we need thin paper, because. we will need to crush it. And this is difficult to do with a dense Whatman sheet. When crushed, whatman paper can crack and tear. And we don't need it. Xerox paper is ideal for this job. And the writing pad is too thin. But, as an option, you can conduct an experiment with a child: try to do work in this technique on different types paper (writing, xerox, drawing paper, for watercolor, cardboard). And make a conclusion which paper is best suited for this technique. Thus, the child’s acquaintance with various types paper.

On a piece of paper with a simple pencil do the drawing. The drawing should consist of large details. Small in this technique will be very difficult to perform in color.

We crumple the sheet. We crumple, not fold. But be careful not to break it.

We smooth the sheet on the table with our palms.

Let's start painting with paints. Watercolor is suitable, because it requires a lot of water, unlike, for example, gouache. A lot of water is required for this work.

Gradually, detail by detail, we paint the picture. On the brush you need to take a lot of water and a lot of paint. Their excess will drain into the folds. And after drying, the folds will become brighter compared to other places. This is how cracks are created. We painted this work all over with paints, i.e. left no white space. There is another option.

Initial stages: pencil drawing, we perform crumpling in the same way. But in color we draw a little differently. We take a lot of paint on the brush, and less water. When painting on the brush, do not press hard, paint superficially. Thus, white unpainted areas will remain.

You can choose any subjects for such drawings.

After the works have dried, it is desirable to frame them. To do this, we cut strips of thick paper 2-3 cm wide. And paste them along the edge of the work.

We suggest you try it with a butterfly. Enjoy your joint creativity with children!

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