The image of the Slavs in Nazi racial theory and propaganda.


In 1942, the pamphlet "Subhuman" (Der Untermensch) was published in Germany. Its authors are SS propagandists. Extremist reading with pictures. The brochure was published in a huge circulation (about 3.8 million copies) and is a presentation race theory Nazis in an accessible form and with illustrations. The brochure worked. Turned out so bright pattern fascist racial hatred that the GLAVPUR of the Red Army and the newspaper Pravda risked losing their jobs. Military agitation among the soldiers and the population could no longer be carried out - just translate this SS opus and give it to the subhumans themselves to read. As a result, the Germans themselves were afraid of their frankness and the brochure was forbidden to be distributed in the occupied Soviet territories.

First, the pamphlet defines who a subhuman is: this is an aggressive and stupid savage who wants to destroy everything that Man creates with his mind and hands:

"Since the night rebels against the day, as light and darkness are in eternal enmity, so the subhuman is the greatest enemy of man, who dominates the world. The subhuman is a biological creature created by nature, having arms, legs, a semblance of a brain, with eyes and a mouth "However, this terrible creature is only partly human. It has facial features similar to a human - but spiritually and psychologically subhuman is lower than any animal. Inside this creature is a chaos of wild, unbridled passions: a nameless need to destroy, the most primitive desires and undisguised villainy, subhuman, and nothing more!"

That is, like a person, arms, legs, a semblance of a brain - but not a person at the same time.

Germany, 1943 A lesson in racial theory at school.

Since the subhuman is a stupid animal, he needs a leader:

"The subhuman has never lived in a peaceful life, he has never known peace. He has always needed twilight and chaos. The light emanating from cultural progress has always frightened the subhuman. In order to survive, he needs a stinking swamp, hell, not the sun. And this sub-world of subhumans found its leader - the eternal Jew! The Jew understood the rest of the subhumans and knew what they wanted. He spurred and echoed their common whims and desires, he soon ordered horror to cross over humanity"

So, Man has an enemy - subworld of subhumans led by the "eternal Jew".

Germany, 1930s A lesson in racial theory at school. Two Jewish students at the blackboard.
The inscription on the board: "The Jews are our main enemies, beware of the Jews."

That's how they all started. A few years will pass and those who are at the blackboard will go to the gas chambers, and those who are at their desks will go to Moscow in tanks.

But back to the SS pamphlet. In the 20th century, new trends went into the underworld of subhumans - Bolshevism!

"So, for thousands of years, according to inexorable and terrible laws, there has been a struggle between two opposite poles. Again and again there is a new Attila, a new Genghis Khan, breaking through the gates of Europe and knowing only one thing: the absolute destruction of everything beautiful! Today, the personification of these destructive Bolshevism has become one of the forces! At the same time, Bolshevism does not belong to the phenomena of the times. It is also not a product of our days! It cannot be attributed to some innovations that take place within the framework of human history. Bolshevism is as old as the Jew himself. Lenin and Stalin are only those who prepared the way for him."

German poster 1943-44 Stalin is depicted as a Jew - "warmonger":

Where does the underworld of subhumans live? - The pamphlet "Underman" indicates this place clearly enough:

"The steppe stretches endlessly Russian territory is Eastern Europe. Sudden and sharp contrast, cultural gap between Central Europe and this huge space. On both sides of the border the same land - however not the same person (...)

While on the German side there is an orderly abundance, a planned harmony of fields, a well-thought-out placement of villages, on the other side of the zone there are impenetrable forests, steppe expanses, endless primeval forests through which rivers with sandbars make their way. Poorly cultivated fertile soil could be paradise, European California, and at present it is an abandoned, neglected land over vast expanses, which to this day slides into the abyss of cultural nihilism. (...)

In short, the Germans have abundance and harmony, and the steppes of the east could become a paradise, yes - if they are populated with people, and not untermenschs.

Below - fragment of German Plan "Ost", 1942 Map of the 1st stage of the future colonization of the conquered territories of the USSR. It was supposed to start from the Baltic States, the North-West of Russia and the South of Ukraine. The planned number of German colonists is 5.6 million bodies. Previously, the territory planned for resettlement was to be cleared of 31 million people. previous population. It is interesting that the south of Ukraine on the map is named Gotengau - this is in honor of the Goths, the Germanic tribes who were passing through there in the days of Ancient Rome.

Having summed up the ideological basis for Hitler's campaign against Russia, the authors of the pamphlet Der Untermensch did not stop there. It turns out that not only the Germans need this, the Russians themselves have been asking them for this for centuries:

"Eastern Europe, she did not rise above the current primitivism. She saw only chaos, and all because she lacked a person - a carrier high culture, a genius who would systematically manage its development (...) Of course, the developed peoples of Central and Western Europe wanted to get this land, it was their goal. At first it was the Goths and Varangians who founded empires here and brought culture. Ghanaian, Swedish, Flemish, Dutch, Swabian and Low Saxon settlers tried to bring light into the darkness. For centuries, a cry for help has been heard from these lands. Peter the Great, Catherine II and all the rest called the German peasant and the German officer, the European scientist, doctor and engineer".

So Eastern Europe lacks culture and Western genius. Cries for help are heard from the steppes of subhumans. The Germans are called. Peter I, Catherine was also called. And now the time has come, the SS pamphlet hints to readers.

German poster 1944. "Germans in the East! Territory of culture!".
A Nazi stormtrooper and a Teutonic knight are depicted - heroically resisting a horde of eastern savages in earflaps. The savages look disgusting, the Teuton and his Nazi descendant glow with nobility.

Approximately the same theme is constantly heard in the SS pamphlet Der Untermensch. That's about appearance subhuman:

"Mulatto and Fino-Asiatic barbarians, gypsy scum and black-skinned savages - all this is the basis of the inhabitants of the modern sub-world of subhumans, headed by the unchanging appearance of the eternal Jew."

Yes, ugly faces are chosen ... And what do normal people look like? Here they are:

"In the center is a German peasant; top left - Finnish officer; top right - Spanish sailor; bottom left - Dutch sailor; bottom right - a young Italian"

And these beautiful European people want to exterminate subhumans:

"By the will of the subhuman, this North German peasant, and with him the people of all European nations and races must be exterminated and wiped off the face of the earth. This is the price of "humanity". Such is the fate of civilized society - to be sacrificed in blood. This time the Jew wanted to walk with absolute confidence. He made himself an officer, a commissar, an outstanding leader of the subhuman kov".

Here they are officers and commissars, prominent leaders of the subhumans:

But those who fight them, saving Europe:

"Top left is a German military officer; top right is a Waffen SS officer; bottom left is a ground attack pilot; bottom right is a submarine captain."

Of all the subhumans, the most important is Stalin. Roosevelt and Churchill are also subhuman, but lower in rank:

“The subhuman remains subhuman, and the Jew remains a Jew. And it doesn’t matter what their names are Churchill or Roosevelt or La Guardia. In any case, for us they are nothing more than the dregs behind Stalin - subhuman No. 1. Each for a friend they are allies and comrades."

A very dangerous character of the Untermensch subworld is the Jews:

"On the front line next to the Jews were Jewish women, armed bandit heroines, partisans and prostitutes all rolled into one. These are the ones who taught and led, like animal females of the subhuman, who wanted to turn European women into their own kind."

Aryan women and subhuman females are a striking contrast.
This is what it looks like german woman, the hope of Europe:

And here is a woman with subhumans:

We compared women - now let's compare children. In the Aryan European family - happy healthy children, in the Soviet hell - hungry scab-covered scumbags, victims of "poverty brought by the Jews":

"These pictures reflect the situation of children in the "Soviet state"! All this is a direct result of the policy pursued by Jews in relation to the family. A sea of ​​bitter children's tears that cannot be drained even after hundreds of years (...)

Terribly dirty, dead man's eyes, emaciated "Soviet" child; this little creature, covered with scabs of dirt, is a victim of poverty introduced by the Jews; below - these 10-year-old scumbags - the children of the Soviet hell, are the most striking indictment against the monstrous inhumanity.

While the children of Soviet subhumans are scab-covered morons, the Aryans are different:

"And we appreciate the mothers of the nation. We honor in them the eternal source of unfading life. We know that motherhood is the highest joy in the whole world and we believe that any young woman from an Aryan European family and from the people will consciously fulfill her mission. In all the pictures the same joy of a mother: - and in Switzerland, and Holland, and Croatia and Denmark.

We compared women and children, now let's compare dwellings. The European home is a place of culture and purity. And in the sub-world of subhumans, everything is different:

"In the photo: in the middle - a Soviet citizen digs through dirty garbage to find at least some piece of bread. And so he lives from day to day, from hand to mouth. He never knows what tomorrow is preparing for him; below in rags, among the mud of lice people. Instead of comfortable housing, shabby walls with posters of Soviet propaganda. "

Now let's compare leisure. How do normal people relax? - Like people:

"Top left - the job is done, comfortably settled down, the French worker is resting; top right - caring and hardworking Finnish people makes stocks; middle left, a happy group of Turkish children; In the middle on the right are cheerful Norwegian children; bottom left - dinner in the family of a Flemish peasant; at the bottom right is a work break in a spacious and sun-drenched Norwegian public dining room."

"A happy group of Turkish children" is a nod to neutral Turkey (the Germans did not lose hope that she would enter the war),

How do people rest understandably, but how do subhumans rest? Not at all like a Flemish peasant and happy Turkish children. The Russian peasant at this time, as usual, joyfully crawls into his earthen cave. And he is glad that he has not yet ended up in a forced labor camp, where everything is even worse:

"Crawling into a dugout hidden under the boards: this is how thousands huddled. If they are happy, it is only because, looking to the future, they hope to rest from the prospects of their earthen cave. But the majority are millions of those who die in poverty from malnutrition in forced labor camps."

Now let's compare the life of a peasant-man in Europe and a peasant-subhuman in Russia. Europe First: Pictured in top row- European peasants, bottom left "hereditary farm in Upper Bavaria", bottom right - "new farm in Romania":

And the Russian peasant at this time works on the collective farm:

"The Jew succeeds in the Soviet state by eradicating man. The peasant was proclaimed the mortal enemy of the Soviets. He was forcibly lowered to the level of a herd animal. It was enough to look at all his property. The peasant became a slave who had to work exclusively for the Jewish master."

A sad picture is drawn in an SS pamphlet... On the abandoned Russian plains in earthen burrows live biological creatures with a semblance of a brain, mouth and eyes. They rummage through garbage dumps and plow on the collective farm for the Jewish owner. At home, subhuman females and scab-covered goners await them. And above all - Stalin, subhuman No. 1.

But if carriers of European culture lived in these places, there would be Europe, hereditary farms, clean houses, abundance, order. And even "groups of happy Turkish children."

A striking contrast is also the art of humans and subhumans. Here are the creations of the Aryans:

And here is the Jewish "art":

Here are two Aryan people. How beautiful they are

And here are two subhumans:

Europe is characterized by faith in God, high morality and nobility. Subhumans are atheists and savages. They destroy churches, commit terrible sadistic atrocities, especially the GPU. In the photo - methods of torture of the GPU:

"Top left - chained in a hydraulic ram and pressed to the ground; Top right - or put in a cage and starve to death; Bottom - or torture a person by putting him in a standing cage for several weeks - there is no limit to the terrible plans of the tormentors who came out of the underworld subhuman."

"Terrible are the countless sufferings and bitterness of fathers and mothers, women, girls, children, brothers and sisters, from whom in such a painful and terrible way they took away the most precious thing - innocent loved ones."

"And this is not a terrible dream, this is already a reality! German soldiers see - the Soviet Union."

P.S. The authors of the pamphlet, you see, even in a nightmare could not imagine that they would lose the war to "subhumans", the Goths, Varangians and other Teutons would wander among the ruins of cities and hereditary farms, and the next generation in East Germany- even learn "Holy War" in music lessons.

In 1942 The SS Headquarters prepared and printed the 52-page illustrated pamphlet Untermensch by Nordland GmbH. A team of authors led by SS Hauptsturmführer Koenig collected and summarized documentary materials that clearly reflect the concept of "Jewish Bolshevism".

Since the war of Germany against the USSR was seen as an ideological battle, the image of the enemy, personifying the Judeo-Bolshevik evil, was put at the forefront, as component Jewish world expansion. Readers who read this pamphlet concluded that the term "untermensch" is suitable for Bolsheviks, commissars, and even those Germans who could betray their nation. As for the Russian people, the authors did not associate the image of the "Untermensch" with it. This was confirmed by the Reichsfuehrer SS G. Himmler during the time with the head of the Russian liberation movement, Lieutenant General A. Vlasov: “The brochure that you reminded me of referred exclusively to the “Bolshevik man”, a product of the system, to something that threatens the same Germany, what he did in your homeland. In every nation there are "Untermenschi". The difference lies in the fact that in Russia the Untermensch hold power in their own hands, while in Germany I put them under lock and key. Your first task is to carry out the same action in your own country.”

The brochure "Untermensch" is a clear confirmation that the Third Reich fought the Soviet Union in order to break the Jewish-Bolshevik system, which uses different peoples, and primarily Russians, to maintain its power.

“As long as there are people on earth, the struggle between man and subhuman will be historical rule; - the struggle that is waged by the Jews against other peoples, if we look into the distant past, belongs to the natural course of life on our planet. One can easily be convinced that this struggle for life and death is a law of nature, reminiscent of the struggle of an infection against a healthy organism.

Since the night rebels against the day, just as light and darkness are in eternal enmity, so the subhuman is the greatest enemy of the man who rules in the world. A subhuman is a biological creature created by nature, having arms, legs, a semblance of a brain, with eyes and a mouth. However, this terrible creature is only partially human. It wears human-like facial features - but spiritually and psychologically, the subhuman is lower than any animal.

Inside this creature is a chaos of wild, unbridled passions: a nameless need to destroy, the most primitive desires and undisguised meanness.

Subhuman - and nothing more!

Not all those who wear human form are the same. -

Woe to those who forget this!

All the great creations, ideas and art that our Earth owns are invented, created and improved by man. Man thought and invented, for him all the time there was only one goal: to pave his way to higher forms existence, to give shape to the infinite, to replace the unattainable with the desire for constant improvement.

This is how culture developed. So there was a plow, tools, a house. This is how it was formed human society, family, people and state. Thus man became good and great. Thus he rose above all living beings.

So he became a neighbor to God!

However, in addition to man, there was also a subhuman. He hated everything that was the result of the creation of others. The subhuman hated the creations created by man. He hated them at first secretly like a thief, and then openly like a murderer.

The subhuman constantly joined his own kind. The beast called the beast -

Never before has a subhuman lived in a peaceful life, never has he known peace. He always needed twilight and chaos.

The light emanating from cultural progress has always frightened the subhuman. In order to survive, he needs a stinking swamp, hell, not the sun. -

And this sub-world of subhumans has found its leader - the eternal Jew!

The Jew understood the rest of the subhumans and knew what they wanted. He spurred on and echoed their common whims and desires, he soon ordered the horror to cross over humanity.

This historical period began with the destruction of the Persians, in honor of this event, the holiday of Purim was declared - glorifying organized massacre. 75,000 Aryan Persians fell victim to Jewish hatred. To this day, Jewry celebrates and reveres this terrible act as their greatest "religious" holiday.

The eternal hatred of the subhuman is directed against the pure image characteristic of the bearers of light. Threat of doom Western world always came from deserts and distant steppes, where the forces of destruction gathered together, where Attila and Genghis Khan gathered their hordes of Huns - leading them through Europe, proclaiming a living apocalypse, leaving behind fire and death, violence, murder and horror. And all in order to plunge into the abyss the world of light and knowledge, the world of human greatness and progress!

The desire of the subhuman remains eternal: to turn into a desert everything that gives creative light - the light that illuminates the ignorant darkness. And then, the ultimate goal of the subhuman - chaos, will be achieved.

Thus, for thousands of years, according to inexorable and terrible laws, there has been a struggle between two opposite poles. Again and again there is a new Attila, a new Genghis Khan, breaking through the gates of Europe and knowing only one thing: the absolute destruction of everything beautiful!

Today, Bolshevism has become the personification of these destructive forces! At the same time, Bolshevism does not belong to the phenomena of the times. It is also not a product of our days! It cannot be attributed to some innovations that take place within the framework of human history. Bolshevism is as old as the Jew himself. Lenin and Stalin are only those who prepared the way for him.

“When a people is deprived of its leaders by bloody and violent means, the next stage for it is state, economic, cultural, spiritual and finally physical slavery. The remnants of such a people, due to countless blood mixtures, losing a sense of self-identification and their own unique significance, become depersonalized - and during a short historical stage cease to exist. The only thing that can be preserved is only historical information that such a people once existed. Heinrich Himmler 1935 Reichsfuehrer SS

The steppe of Russian territory stretches endlessly - this is Eastern Europe. A sudden and sharp contrast, a cultural gulf in comparison between Central Europe and this vast expanse.

On both sides of the border there is the same land - but not the same person. For the person himself there is an opportunity to leave his mark on the territorial landscape. While on the German side there is an orderly abundance, a planned harmony of fields, a well-thought-out placement of villages, on the other side of the zone there are impenetrable forests, steppe expanses, endless primeval forests through which rivers with sandbars make their way.

Poorly cultivated fertile soil could be paradise, European California, and at the present time it is an abandoned, neglected land over vast expanses, which to this day slides into the abyss of cultural nihilism. This earth is the eternal accuser against the subhuman and his dominant system. This land is generously watered with burning tears, black earth.

Endless, fertile, abandoned and blessed with natural wealth lands of Eastern Europe- are inseparable from the rest of the continent, but roughly cut off from it by some insurmountable abyss.

Eastern Europe, it has not risen above the current primitivism. She saw only chaos, and all because she lacked a person - the bearer of high culture, a genius who would systematically control its development, who would bring civilization to its immense wealth, who would improve its soil fertility. But this land has known only endless and incessant exploitation, sometimes replaced by violent military clashes.

Of course, the developed peoples of Central and Western Europe wanted to get this land, it was their goal. At first it was the Goths and Varangians who founded empires here and brought culture. Ghanaian, Swedish, Flemish, Dutch, Swabian and Low Saxon settlers tried to bring light into the darkness. For centuries, a cry for help has been heard from these lands. Peter the Great, Catherine II and all the rest called a German peasant and a German officer, a European scientist, doctor and engineer.

And again and again, the forces of darkness prevailed, the spirit that came to the rescue was senselessly and barbarously destroyed.

The subhuman challenged humanity,
thus began the terrible invasion of Attila and Genghis Khan.

On ugly short steppe horses, almost fused with animal hair, the khan's hordes burst into Europe with a roar, their slanted eyes glittered with excitement and greedy, bloodthirsty desire. They left desert, conflagration and destruction behind them. As the chronicle says: "The Huns are coming!" How often this cry has been repeated throughout the centuries! Russia became the stumbling block where "the subhuman doctrines of nihilism and Bolshevism were born." Again and again, the idol of the East sharpened its spears with wild enthusiasm, cursing the “bourgeois” West with foam at the mouth. Red poet Pyotr Oreshchin in his writings wishes that:

“Holy mother earth trembles under the steps of millions of feet. The sickle of the moon hid behind the mosque, and the cross of the church. The end of the lights of Paris. The smoke of the sacrifice made to the new god rises from the steppe. London is sinking. Berlin is in ruins. Sweet is the groan of the noblest who perish in battle. The hordes will sweep away Mont Blanc and pass through the godly valleys. This is how the steppe Kirghiz pray to the new world!

"And here they are again, the Huns, fragments of human guise, nightmare become a reality, a blow to the face of everything good and good ... "

“… in alliance with the primordial essence and the scum from all over the world - the right tools in the hands of the eternal Jew - a master in organized mass murder. Disguised in his civilian attire, the Jew becomes invisible only to naive fools.

Mulattos and Fino-Asiatic barbarians, gypsy scum and black-skinned savages - all this is the basis of the inhabitants of the modern sub-world of subhumans, headed by the unchanging appearance of the eternal Jew.

By the will of the subhuman, this North German peasant, and with him the people of all European peoples and races, must be exterminated and wiped off the face of the earth. This is the price of "humanity". Such is the fate of a civilized society - to be sacrificed in blood.

In the center is a German peasant;
Top left - Finnish officer;
Top right, Spanish sailor;
Bottom left, a Dutch sailor;
Bottom right is a young Italian.

The lines of opposition… are extremely distinct and clear.

This time the Jew wanted to walk with absolute confidence. He made himself an officer, a commissar, an outstanding leader of the subhuman.

As a counterbalance to the subhuman - fighters for everything noble and good that does not allow Europe to slide into the gates of savagery and madness

Top left - German military officer;
Top right, Waffen SS officer;
Bottom left - ground attack pilot;
Bottom right - the captain of the submarine.

Top left - animals in human form;
Middle left: subhuman "leaders" of the underworld;
In the middle on the right is a classic follower of the cult of Satan;
Below - those who came out of the dark and fetid ghettos of the eastern cities;

The subhuman remains subhuman, and the Jew remains a Jew. And it doesn't matter what their names are Churchill or Roosevelt or La Guardia. In any case, for us they are nothing more than the dregs behind Stalin - subhuman No. 1. For each other, they are allies and comrades.

On the front line next to the Jews were Jewish women, armed bandit heroines, partisans and prostitutes rolled into one. These are the ones who taught and led, like the bestial females of the subhuman, who wanted to turn European women into their own kind.

The healthy energy of Bulgarian peasant women, the noble grace of Spanish women, the majesty and charm of Italian women, the honesty, decency and beauty of German girls - all this was supposed to be destroyed and wiped off the face of the earth.

From this type, save us fate!

Women of this type should become the mothers of Europe:

These pictures reflect the situation of children in the "Soviet state"! All this is a direct result of the policy pursued by the Jews in relation to the family. A sea of ​​bitter children's tears that cannot be dried even after hundreds of years.

Above, on the left, a terribly dirty, dead-eyed, emaciated "Soviet" child;
At the bottom right is a small creature covered with scabs of dirt - a victim of poverty introduced by the Jews;
Below - these 10-year-old scumbags - the children of Soviet hell, are the most striking indictment against monstrous inhumanity;

And we appreciate the mothers of the nation. We revere in them the eternal source of unfading life. We know that motherhood is the highest joy in the whole world and we believe that any young woman from an Aryan European family and people will consciously fulfill her mission.

In all the pictures, the same joy of the mother: - in Switzerland, and Holland, and Croatia and Denmark.

From this poverty we want to protect our sunny youth

Such is the lot of youth - the end of the family in the Soviet paradise

The highest position in all European countries is occupied by children. Family is a treasure: both in Germany and in Valencia

Terrible life in the Soviet paradise, but even worse old age.

We want to see how our mothers, after many years of working, will meet their calm and secure old age.

We had heard enough about the hard life in the Soviet Union. However, much remained invisible behind the blood-red curtain. Millions of European soldiers looked behind this curtain. They all fought desperately for their home, their family and their beautiful Motherland.

And that's what they saw in those thousand miserable shacks.

In the middle - a Soviet citizen digs through the dirty garbage on the road to find at least some piece of bread. And so he lives from day to day, from hand to mouth. He never knows what tomorrow has in store for him;

Below - in rags, among the dirt and lice people. Instead of cozy housing, there are shabby walls with posters of Soviet propaganda.

The European home is a place of culture and purity.

In the middle - when you see European peasant women, you cannot help but notice that incomparable difference between Europe and the Soviet "paradise" in relation to family life and the situation of children;

Downstairs - these babies breathe fresh air under the gentle rays of the sun. The hand of their mighty state takes care of them. A happy fate awaits these children, they are protected from the kind of life that exists in the Soviet Union.

Top left - Soviet cities were an unimaginable hell into which millions of people who had come off the ground poured in to vegetate in stuffy semi-basements.

In the center - so begging Soviet youth;

Top right - and no need to think, you just have to look at what serves as a bed for some people in the Soviet Union. If this was a board or a bale of straw, then everything can be considered in order. However, someone is lying right on the pavement of the street, and no one even pays attention to him;

Below - and this is what Russian workers look like;

Top left - the job is done, a French worker is resting comfortably;

Top right - caring and hardworking Finnish people are stockpiling;

Middle left, a happy group of Turkish children;

In the middle on the right are cheerful Norwegian children;

Bottom left - dinner in the family of a Flemish peasant

Below right is a work break in a spacious and sun-drenched Norwegian public dining room.

Crawling into a dugout hidden under the boards: thousands huddled like that. If they are happy, it is only because, looking to the future, they hope to take a break from the prospects of their earthen cave. But the majority are the millions who die in poverty from malnutrition in forced labor camps.

In the middle - in gloomy cold barracks, which can hardly be called housing, people lead an animal lifestyle.

Bottom left and right - and everything that the peasant grows, he is immediately taken away by the local Soviet authorities.

everything is completed, the old Greek is lost in memories;

…the retirement of this pair of fishermen from Pomerania…;

cheerful children of Slovenia…;

… hard-working Hungarian peasant women rejoice at the rich harvest of fruits and vegetables.

The Jew succeeds in the Soviet state by eradicating man. The peasant was proclaimed the mortal enemy of the Soviets. He forcibly descended to the level of a herd animal. It was enough to look at all his property. The peasant became a slave who had to work exclusively for the Jewish master.

Above - on this man is the brand of the proletariat, the brand of system and cruelty;

In the middle on the left - whether a person wanted it or not, he was driven from collective farm to collective farm. The man did not own anything, he had neither land nor housing.

middle right - wage a peasant is a few spoonfuls of thin stew from Soviet cuisine;

Below - It was even strange to see this house in an abandoned village, because people more and more dug into the ground and led an almost underground existence under the slogan: "Work - do not stand!"

God bless the European peasants who proudly go through their fields, harvesting grain, living on beautiful farms.

Bottom left - hereditary farm in Upper Bavaria;

Bottom right - a new farm in Romania.

This is how the “comfortable” housing of a Soviet worker looks like. Somehow twisted, incredibly dirty and life-threatening. These houses are hidden behind the flashy facades of red-party houses or behind huge factories.

In the middle - the Soviet worker lives worse than the Bushmen in Australia. But every morning and every evening he can hopelessly look at his beggarly house, comparing it with the facades of the chic houses of his party leaders.

Below - it would seem that these places are unsuitable even for our pets.

Top left - and this is what the houses of a small German city look like;

Top right - the bright dwellings of the workers of Portugal and the German outskirts;

In the middle - yes, these are huge houses of a big city;

Below - how safely and cleanly we live, together with our children, in the houses of the old, new and eternal culture.

“In the name of our tomorrow, we want to burn Raphael, destroy his collections, exterminate high art". This is how the Soviet poet sings. We know what he means by this.

What a Jew is his art. What is art and its material: tin, cement and plaster.

Just as this Aryan man is noble, so is his art. His dreams in this world become reality.

Two subhumans

Two people

The Jew claims: “God is stupidity and cowardice; God means the power of violence and poverty; God is evil; Only Lucifer, Satan matters to me! And if you want to preserve the spirit of the faith of our fathers, you must oppose the church.”

The Jew and the subhuman hate everything of God. That is why they plundered the churches and then turned them into factories. For the Jew and the subhuman, the highest satisfaction lies in blowing up the church buildings that irritate them so much.

Aryan Europe is characterized by faith in God, as well as freedom of religious beliefs.

This is what churches in Russia look like

So in Germany

Terror and fear are the most effective means that the subhuman uses to break any resistance. Sophisticated torture devices are terrifying tools used for mass intimidation.

Top left - shackled into a hydraulic ram and pressed to the ground;

Top right - or put in a cage and starve to death;

Below - or to torture a person by putting him in a standing cage for several weeks - there is no limit to the terrible plans of the tormentors who have emerged from the underworld of subhumans.

Above - the immeasurable scale of the atrocities committed by the GPU in Lvov, Riga and Dudnov;

In the middle - a murder similar to the slaughter of cattle ...;

Below - brutal sadism.

The killings are spontaneous and gratuitous

Above, in a narrow chamber, hundreds of people torn to pieces by hand grenades;

In the middle - in a bloody mess are women with disfigured faces;

Below - locked up and burned alive

The mountain of dead bodies looks terrifying

Terrible are the countless sufferings and bitterness of fathers and mothers, women, girls, children, brothers and sisters, from whom the most precious thing was taken away from them in such a painful and terrible way - innocent loved ones.

And it's not a bad dream, it's a reality! German soldiers see the Soviet Union.

Like these Russian women, you women of Europe would also cry!

The subhuman has risen to take over the whole world. Woe to you people if you do not unite your efforts.

Europe, protect yourself!

Herausgeber: Der Reichsführer-SS, SS-Hauptamt. Berlin, 1942

During the Third Reich, under the rule of National Socialism, the term "Untermensch" firmly entered the everyday life of German citizens. This concept served to designate a wide circle of people who, with the light suggestion of ideologists, turned from normal people into "lower humanoid beings", inferior in all qualities even to animals. Who are the Untermenschi? How did they appear? Why was this concept introduced?

How did the concept of "untermensch" come about?

The word untermensch is translated from German language as "subhuman". It appeared back in the 20s thanks to the American racist Lothrop Stoddard.

In his work "Rebellion against civilization: the threat of the subhuman" he wrote with disgust and contempt for the Russian people about its final degradation. From the author's point of view, they have always been an inferior race. And then October revolution 1917 and the Russian Slavs turned into "masses from the East", with whom the civilized nations will have to fight.

In Stoddard's book, the communists appear before the reader as real criminals, a kind of destructive barbarian force. Their author defined the word underman, which in literal translation from English means “subhuman”.

The American Racist's book was published in Germany. And the term underman in the German version was transformed into untermensch ("untermensch"). This concept was adopted by NSDAP ideologue Alfred Rosenberg and introduced it into his work The Myth of the 20th Century, which became the second political bestseller after Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf.

Who did the Germans classify as Untermensch?

In the ideology of National Socialism, the meaning of the word "untermensch" has undergone some changes. Not only the Bolsheviks, but all the Slavs as a whole, as well as Jews, Gypsies, Mongols, Tatars and other peoples who were not related to the Aryan race were classified as subhuman. And Hitler elevated her to the rank of the highest. Aryans, who allegedly created everything cultural heritage world, could consider themselves predominantly Germans.

Moreover, those citizens of Germany who had any defects were also called Untermensch and were persecuted. There was an opinion that the mentally ill, drug addicts, the disabled and the mislings could spoil the purity of the blood of the Aryans and lead the race of "rulers" to degradation and degeneration. And National Socialism, as Hitler claimed, is "the will to create a superman."

Untermensch and Ubermensch

He became the ideal to which the Aryans aspired. Hitler borrowed the term "superman" ("ubermensch") from Friedrich Nietzsche. The intellectual and moral ideal, designed to return to people the meaning of being, created by the great German philosopher, was endowed by the Fuhrer with national and ethnic characteristics and presented to the inhabitants of Germany.

He represented the Superman as a thoroughbred, fair-haired Aryan with blue eyes, possessing indestructible health, excellent physical form, steel will, powerful self-control and outstanding intellect.

The image created by Hitler was actively cultivated, and the untermensch became its antagonist. This is a creature that, according to the pamphlets published by the ideologists, posed an unprecedented threat to the Germans. He had to be fought. The Untermensch had to be defeated.

Why did Slavs and Jews become Untermenschs?

The Jews were especially virulent. Hitler despised them and positioned them as the perpetrators of all the troubles of the German people. He wanted to wipe the Jews off the face of the earth. Cunning and dodgy people, as the Fuhrer inspired the Germans, took into circulation the Russian people, also belonging to the sub-world of subhumans.

With the coming to power of the Bolsheviks, he lost the intelligentsia on which the state rested. In the tsarist era, according to the instructions of the fascist leader, it existed thanks to the German core higher strata Russian society. After all, Catherine II, and Peter III were of German origin. The Germans had run the country effectively, Hitler argued, and now the Jews had taken their place. Moreover, they brought only disorganization and chaos. From their domination, the Germans had to save Soviet people. The Russian Untermensch themselves were presented to the inhabitants of Germany as a kind of barbarian tribe, whose direct purpose was to serve the noble and highly developed Aryan race.

As Heinrich Himmler once said, the Germans needed slaves to maintain culture. The Slavs, like animals, could become them, and the Aryans, in turn, would provide these "animals" with a decent existence.

Brochure Der Untermensch

In order to denounce them, the ideologists of the NSDAP even published in 1942 the infamous pamphlet "Underhuman". On 52 pages of a pamphlet, they explained to the citizens of Germany what untermensch means.

The main method of influencing the reader was opposition. Photo illustrations of wealthy Aryan Europeans were printed next to images of poor old people, gloomy youth, exhausted women, their hungry skinny children and Jews from the ghetto.

The conceptual idea of ​​the brochure boiled down to the fact that the untermensch is only endowed with outward signs human: head, legs, arms. But in fact, he is a backward creature, not burdened with intellect, spiritually and psychologically inferior to an animal, living in a dugout and plowing, like an ox, for a Jewish owner.

Ideologists argued that the lands that in the hands of a developed Aryan would become "European California" are turning into a wasteland because of the Untermensch. Chaos, unbridled passions and a thirst for destruction rule them. And the Jews know about these desires and skillfully use them. Under their leadership, the subhuman barbarian is going to exterminate. That's what untermensch means. This is how his ideologists presented him to the citizens of Germany.

The fate of the Untermensch

The subhuman in the era of the Third Reich was doomed to death. The "lower" races were subjected to persecution and all kinds of repression. Jews were consistently excluded from the political and economic life of the country and deprived of their citizenship. For people of this nationality, ghettos were created, designed for them to die of hunger and disease, as well as concentration camps, where they were destroyed: they were shot and sent to gas chambers.

Gypsies, like the mentally ill, as well as other "inferior Aryans" were subjected to forced sterilization and exterminated. death penalty honored Slavs who had sexual relations with representatives of the German Soviet prisoners of war, especially Asians, were tortured and abused.

Global idea and its background

As you can see, the German nation, humiliated by the results of the First World War and oppressed by a full-scale economic crisis, willingly imbued with the idea of ​​​​its own greatness and rushed to destroy the "universal evil" invented by Hitler and fight the "aggressors" invented by the Fuhrer, in the name of his own global ideas. However, in reality, the goals were different: the conquest of the territories of Eastern Europe and the extermination of the nations hated by the Nazis, for which the term "Untermensch" was created. This racist-eugenic concept, like Übermensch, served as a means for politicians to control the mindset of the masses. And they have become only a tool designed to achieve base goals.

Often we hear how people are called untermensch, but few people know where it came from and what it means. A little sneak peek below...

Subhuman(German. untermensch ) is a racist-eugenic term from the ideology of the National Socialists. In the context of Nazi racial policy, subhumans opposed"Supermen" they are even ubermensh (German. Ubermensch ).

The subhuman is a creation of nature, biologically, at first glance, completely identical to man, with arms, legs, a kind of brains, eyes and mouth. But this is a completely different, terrible creature. It's just a semblance of a man humanoid facial features , which is spiritually much lower than the beast . A cruel chaos of wild unbridled passions reigns in the soul of these people, an unlimited desire for destruction, primitive envy, the most undisguised meanness. In a word, subhuman. So , not everything that has a human appearance is equal . Woe to those who forget this.

from Brochure Der Untermensch

How one should relate to "subhumans", It is clearly and clearly visible from the following statement of the Reichsfuehrer SS:

Whether other peoples live in abundance or die of hunger interests me only to the extent that we need slaves to maintain culture ... We Germans are the only ones in the world who treat animals well. We will treat these people, the animals, decently. However, it would be a crime before one's own blood to take care of them and inspire them with any ideals, and thereby make it even more difficult for our children and grandchildren to deal with them.

Mulattos and Fino-Asian barbarians, gypsy scum and black-skinned savages - all this is the basis of the inhabitants of the modern sub-world of subhumans, headed by the unchanging appearance of the eternal Jew.

Brochure Der Untermensch

While the "Aryan" was portrayed in the historical role of the creator and hero, subhumans were described as primitive peoples incapable of organizing, capable only of destruction, dangerous for the existence of the Aryans, who, in accordance with social Darwinist principles, should be subjugated or destroyed. The National Socialists sought to protect Europe from aggression from subhumans and expand the living space for the Aryans at the expense of their territory. First of all, non-Aryan races, people of mixed blood and Jews ruling over them (from a racial point of view - representatives Western Asian races), which, according to the ideologists of Nazism, represented the greatest danger to the purity of the "Aryan race", as well as gypsies and blacks.

But even in the struggle for the "equality of all people" dear to her heart, the Eastern race needs leaders, usually belonging to another race. The French Revolution can be considered a mass phenomenon of the Eastern and Western type, but among its leaders the Nordic people predominated. It can be considered an East Baltic, East and Central Asian movement, but Jews have so far dominated among its leaders, predominantly Western Asian races. All movements of the Eastern race are forced to look for leaders of other blood.

Hans Günther

After the seizure of power by the Nazis, a policy of oppression of "subhumans" followed. In particular, the Nuremberg Race Laws were issued in 1935, in which established who were considered Jewish, mixed or "Aryan". In general, all those who did not correspond to the ideal of the "Aryans" (which cultivated national socialists), even despite the racial type, for example: representatives of sexual minorities, drug addicts, alcoholics, prostitutes, mentally ill, mentally retarded, disabled persons , the disabled , and those who have been ill for more than 5 years . The ideologists of eugenics policy considered such people to be regressive and undesirable elements, carriers of the genetic load, subject to degeneration and degeneration, which pollute the Aryan blood with their sick heredity.

The role of the Jews in the Soviet ethnos, within the framework of the doctrine of National Socialism, is reflected in the following words of Hitler:

Fate itself points to us with a finger. Having handed over Russia into the hands of Bolshevism, fate deprived the Russian people of the intelligentsia, on which it had been kept until now. state existence and which alone served as a guarantee of a certain stability of the state. Not state the gifts of the Slavs gave strength and strength to the Russian state. Russia owed all this to German elements - most excellent an example of that huge state the role which the Germanic elements are capable of playing within the lower race. This is how many powerful states on earth were created. More than once in history we have seen how peoples of lower culture, led by the Germans as organizers, turned into powerful states and then stood firmly on their feet as long as the racial core of the Germans remained. For centuries, Russia lived off precisely the German core in its upper strata of the population. Now this nucleus has been completely and completely exterminated. The place of the Germans was taken by the Jews. But just as the Russians cannot throw off the yoke of the Jews on their own, so the Jews alone are not able to keep this vast state in their subordination for a long time. The Jews themselves are by no means an element of organization, but rather an enzyme of disorganization. This gigantic eastern state is inevitably doomed to destruction. All the prerequisites have already matured for this. The end of Jewish domination in Russia will also be the end of Russia as a state. Fate has destined us to witness such a catastrophe, which, better than anything else, will definitely confirm the correctness of our racial theory.

). Even the policy of “subhumans” is a flesh and blood parallel to the Talmudic concept of Jewish people and goyim animals (by the way, the infamous phallus also calls to imitate the Talmuds Istarkhov Goodman). What was the "project of Hitlerism" for? Ashkenazi cosmopolitans - to destroy the counter-revolutionary Stalinist USSR, chauvinists-Sephardim - to gain God's promised " promised land"(it was controlled by Ashkenazi England).

Why am I doing all this? Yes, just to avoid misunderstandings...

Now to the point. I am not inclined to underestimate the crimes and abominations committed by the German invaders on our native land and in relation to our peoples - there were plenty of them, and there is no justification for them! At the same time, I am not inclined to join those who exaggerate the terror of the foreign invader. Understatement or exaggeration of something is the lot of speculators. The West is hushing up its failures and underestimating its losses, while Jewry, on the contrary, is exaggerating and overestimating (why this is done, I think, it is not necessary to explain). Well, let's be honest.

So. Much is said about the fact that the Nazis allegedly planned to do something terrible with the Soviet population - to kill some, and turn some into monkey-like slaves. They refer, of course, to the general plan "Ost". The text itself, of course, did not exist, and therefore everyone turned to the comments on it by certain German experts and officials. The comments are really disgusting. But the fact that they are just criticized the plan, everyone "for some reason" was modestly silent ... And in the 80s. the Ost plan is finally found, and ... classified. wtf? It wasn't until 2009 that the Humboldt University of Berlin finally released the text of the plan to the public! Voila! When we, filled with fair annoyance, bitterness and resentment, open it, we find ... that there are no killings and 4-grade schools in it! () Fail!

Now, the same story turns out with the infamous Der Untermensch pamphlet, which allegedly classifies the Slavs as subhuman.

Well, friends, I suggest you see for yourself what and who this brochure is about...

I'll tell you ahead. It seems that all these holocausts (), ost-plans and untermenschi correspond to the politicized myths of the winners from the series:. ■

Der Reichsführer-SS

Berlin, 1942
DHM Berlin
Do 56/685

SS-Hauptsturmführer König, SS-Obersturmführer Ludwig Pröscholdt
in Verbindung mit der Graphischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft Jupp Daehler

“As long as there are people on earth, the struggle between man and subhuman will be the historical rule; - the struggle that is waged by the Jews against other peoples, if we look into the distant past, belongs to the natural course of life on our planet. One can easily be convinced that this struggle for life and death is a law of nature, reminiscent of the struggle of an infection against a healthy organism.

Heinrich Himmler 1935 Reichsführer SS

Since the night rebels against the day, just as light and darkness are in eternal enmity, so the subhuman is the greatest enemy of the man who rules in the world. A subhuman is a biological creature created by nature, having arms, legs, a semblance of a brain, with eyes and a mouth. However, this terrible creature is only partially human. It wears human-like facial features - however, spiritually and psychologically, the subhuman stands lower than any animal.

Inside this creature is a chaos of wild, unbridled passions: a nameless need to destroy, the most primitive desires and undisguised meanness.

Subhuman - and nothing more!

Not all those who wear human form are the same. -

Woe to those who forget this!

All the great creations, ideas and art that our Earth owns are invented, created and improved by man. Man thought and invented, for him all the time there was only one goal: pave your way to higher forms of existence, to give shape to the infinite, to replace the unattainable with the desire for constant improvement.

This is how culture developed. So there was a plow, tools, a house. This is how human society, the family, the people and the state were formed. Thus man became good and great. Thus he rose above all living beings.

So he became a neighbor to God!

However, in addition to man, there was also a subhuman. He hated everything that was the result of the creation of others. The subhuman hated the creations created by man. He hated them at first secretly like a thief, and then openly like a murderer.

The subhuman constantly joined his own kind. The beast called the beast. -

Never before has a subhuman lived a peaceful life, he has never known peace. He always needed twilight and chaos.

The light emanating from cultural progress has always frightened the subhuman. In order to survive, he needs a stinking swamp, hell, not the sun. -

And this sub-world of subhumans has found its leader - eternal Jew!

The Jew understood the rest of the subhumans and knew what they wanted. He spurred on and echoed their common whims and desires, he soon ordered the horror to cross over humanity.

This historical period began with the destruction of the Persians, in honor of this event, the holiday of Purim was declared - glorifying organized massacre. 75,000 Aryan Persians fell victim to Jewish hatred. To this day, Jewry celebrates and reveres this terrible act as their greatest "religious" holiday.

The eternal hatred of the subhuman is directed against the pure image characteristic of the bearers of light. The threat of the destruction of the Western world has always come from deserts and distant steppes, where the forces of destruction gathered together, where Attila And Genghis Khan gathered their hordes of Huns - leading them across Europe, proclaiming a living apocalypse, leaving behind fire and death, violence, murder and horror. And all in order to plunge into the abyss the world of light and knowledge, the world of human greatness and progress!

The desire of the subhuman remains eternal: to turn into a desert everything that gives creative light - the light that illuminates the ignorant darkness. And then, the ultimate goal of the subhuman - chaos, will be achieved.

Thus, for thousands of years, according to inexorable and terrible laws, there has been a struggle between two opposite poles. Again and again there is a new Attila, a new Genghis Khan, breaking through the gates of Europe and knowing only one thing: the absolute destruction of everything beautiful!

Today, Bolshevism has become the personification of these destructive forces! At the same time, Bolshevism does not belong to the phenomena of the times. It is also not a product of our days! It cannot be attributed to some innovations that take place within the framework of human history. Bolshevism is as old as the Jew himself. Lenin And Stalin- these are only those who prepared the way for him.

“When a people is deprived of its leaders by bloody and violent means, the next stage for it is state, economic, cultural, spiritual and finally physical slavery. The remnants of such a people, due to countless blood mixtures, losing a sense of self-identification and their own unique significance, become depersonalized - and during a short historical stage cease to exist. The only thing that can be preserved is only historical information that such a people once existed.

Heinrich Himmler 1935 Reichsfuehrer SS

The steppe of Russian territory stretches endlessly - this is Eastern Europe. A sudden and sharp contrast, a cultural gulf in comparison between Central Europe and this vast expanse.

On both sides of the border the same land - however not the same person. For the person himself there is an opportunity to leave his mark on the territorial landscape. While on the German side there is an orderly abundance, a planned harmony of fields, a well-thought-out placement of villages, on the other side of the zone there are impenetrable forests, steppe expanses, endless primeval forests through which rivers with sandbars make their way.

Poorly cultivated fertile soil could be paradise, European California, and at the present time it is an abandoned, neglected land over vast expanses, which to this day slides into the abyss of cultural nihilism. This earth is the eternal accuser against the subhuman and his dominant system. This land is generously watered with burning tears, black earth.

Endless, fertile, abandoned and blessed with natural resources, the lands of Eastern Europe are inseparable from the rest of the continent, but they are roughly cut off from it by some insurmountable abyss.

Eastern Europe, it has not risen above the current primitivism. She saw only chaos, and all because she lacked a person - the bearer of high culture, a genius who would systematically control its development, who would bring civilization to its immense wealth, who would improve its soil fertility. But this land has known only endless and incessant exploitation, sometimes replaced by violent military clashes.

Of course, the developed peoples of Central and Western Europe wanted to get this land, it was their goal. At first it was the Goths and Varangians who founded empires here and brought culture. Ghanaian, Swedish, Flemish, Dutch, Swabian and Low Saxon settlers tried to bring light into the darkness. For centuries, a cry for help has been heard from these lands. Peter the Great, Catherine II and all the rest called the German peasant and the German officer, the European scientist, doctor and engineer.

And again and again, the forces of darkness prevailed, the spirit that came to the rescue was senselessly and barbarously destroyed.

The subhuman challenged humanity,
so began the terrible invasion of Attila and Genghis Khan

On ugly short steppe horses, almost fused with animal hair, the khan's hordes burst into Europe with a roar, their slanted eyes glittered with excitement and greedy, bloodthirsty desire. They left desert, conflagration and destruction behind them. As the chronicle says: The Huns are coming!". How often this cry has been repeated throughout the centuries! Russia became the stumbling block where "the subhuman doctrines of nihilism and Bolshevism were born." Again and again, the idol of the East sharpened its spears with wild enthusiasm, cursing the “bourgeois” West with foam at the mouth. Red poet Petr Oreshchin in his writings he wishes that:
“Holy mother earth trembles under the steps of millions of feet. The sickle of the moon hid behind the mosque, and the cross of the church. The end of the lights of Paris. The smoke of the sacrifice made to the new god rises from the steppe. London is sinking. Berlin is in ruins. Sweet is the groan of the noblest who perish in battle. The hordes will sweep away Mont Blanc and pass through the godly valleys. This is how the steppe Kirghiz pray to the new world!

“And here they are again, the Huns, fragments of human appearances, a nightmare that has become a reality, a blow to the face of everything good and good…”.

…In alliance with the primordial essence and the scum from all over the world - the right tools in the hands of the eternal Jew - a master at organized mass murder. Disguised in his civilian attire, the Jew becomes invisible only to naive fools.
Mulattos and Fino-Asiatic barbarians, gypsy dregs and black savages- all this is the basis of the inhabitants of the modern sub-world of subhumans, headed by the unchanging appearance of the eternal Jew.

By the will of the subhuman, this North German peasant, and with him the people of all European peoples and races, must be exterminated and wiped off the face of the earth. This is the price of "humanity". Such is the fate of a civilized society - to be sacrificed in blood.

In the photo below:

In the center is a German peasant;
Top left - Finnish officer;
Top right, Spanish sailor;
Bottom left, a Dutch sailor;
Bottom right is a young Italian.

This time the Jew wanted to walk with absolute confidence. He made himself an officer, a commissar, an outstanding leader of the subhuman.
As a counterbalance to the subhuman - fighters for everything noble and good that does not allow Europe to slide into the gates of savagery and madness

Top left - German military officer;
Top right, Waffen SS officer;
Bottom left - ground attack pilot;
Bottom right - the captain of the submarine.

In the photo below:

Top left - animals in human form;
Middle left: subhuman "leaders" of the underworld;
In the middle on the right is a classic follower of the cult of Satan;
Below - those who came out of the dark and fetid ghettos of the eastern cities;

The subhuman remains subhuman, and the Jew remains a Jew. And it doesn't matter what their names are Churchill or Roosevelt or La Guardia. In any case, to us they are nothing more than the dregs behind Stalin - subhuman No. 1. For each other, they are allies and comrades.
On the front line next to the Jews were Jewish women, armed bandit heroines, partisans and prostitutes rolled into one. These are the ones who taught and led, like the bestial females of the subhuman, who wanted to turn European women into their own kind.
The healthy energy of Bulgarian peasant women, the noble grace of Spanish women, the majesty and charm of Italian women, the honesty, decency and beauty of German girls - all this was supposed to be destroyed and wiped off the face of the earth.
From this type, save us fate!
Women of this type should become the mothers of Europe:
These pictures reflect the situation of children in the "Soviet state"! All this is a direct result of the policy pursued by the Jews in relation to the family. A sea of ​​bitter children's tears that cannot be dried even after hundreds of years.

Above, on the left, a terribly dirty, dead-eyed, emaciated "Soviet" child;
At the bottom right is a small creature covered with scabs of dirt - a victim of poverty introduced by the Jews;
Below - these 10-year-old scumbags - the children of Soviet hell, are the most striking indictment against monstrous inhumanity;

And we appreciate the mothers of the nation. We revere in them the eternal source of unfading life. We know that motherhood is the highest joy in the whole world and we believe that any young woman from an Aryan European family and people will consciously fulfill her mission.

In all the pictures, the same joy of the mother: - in Switzerland, and Holland, and Croatia and Denmark.

From this poverty we want to protect our sunny youth.
Such is the lot of youth - the end of the family in the Soviet paradise.
The highest position in all European countries is occupied by children. Family is a treasure: both in Germany and in Valencia.
Terrible life in the Soviet paradise, but even worse old age.
We want to see how our mothers, after many years of working, will meet their calm and secure old age.
We had heard enough about the hard life in the Soviet Union. However, much remained invisible behind the blood-red curtain. Millions of European soldiers looked behind this curtain. They all fought desperately for their home, their family and their beautiful Motherland.

And that's what they saw in those thousand miserable shacks.

In the middle - a Soviet citizen digs through the dirty garbage on the road to find at least some piece of bread. And so he lives from day to day, from hand to mouth. He never knows what tomorrow has in store for him;
Below - in rags, among the dirt and lice people. Instead of cozy housing, there are shabby walls with posters of Soviet propaganda.

The European home is a place of culture and purity.

In the middle - when you see European peasant women, you cannot help but notice that incomparable difference between Europe and the Soviet "paradise" in relation to family life and the situation of children;
Below - these babies breathe fresh air, being under the gentle rays of the sun. The hand of their mighty state takes care of them. A happy fate awaits these children, they are protected from the kind of life that exists in the Soviet Union.

On the picture:

Top left - Soviet cities were an unimaginable hell into which millions of people who had come off the ground poured in to vegetate in stuffy semi-basements.
In the center - so begging Soviet youth;
Top right - and no need to think, you just have to look at what serves as a bed for some people in the Soviet Union. If this was a board or a bale of straw, then everything can be considered in order. However, someone is lying right on the pavement of the street, and no one even pays attention to him;
Below - and this is what Russian workers look like;

On the picture:

Top left - the job is done, comfortably settled down, a French worker is resting;
Top right - caring and hardworking Finnish people are stockpiling;
Middle left, a happy group of Turkish children;
In the middle on the right are cheerful Norwegian children;
Bottom left - dinner in the family of a Flemish peasant
Below right is a work break in a spacious and sun-drenched Norwegian public dining room.

Crawling into a dugout hidden under the boards: thousands huddled like that. If they are happy, it is only because, looking to the future, they hope to take a break from the prospects of their earthen cave. But the majority are the millions who die in poverty from malnutrition in forced labor camps.

In the middle - in gloomy cold barracks, which can hardly be called housing, people lead an animal lifestyle.
Bottom left and right - and everything that the peasant grows, he is immediately taken away by the local Soviet authorities.

Photo from top to bottom:

from above - everything is completed, the old Greek plunged into memories;
below - ... the retirement of this couple of fishermen from Pomerania ...;
below - the cheerful children of Slovenia ...;
below - ... hardworking Hungarian peasant women rejoice at a rich harvest of vegetables and fruits.

The Jew succeeds in the Soviet state, eradicating human. The peasant was proclaimed the mortal enemy of the Soviets. He forcibly descended to the level of a herd animal. It was enough to look at all his property. The peasant became a slave who had to work exclusively for the Jewish master.

Above - on this man is the brand of the proletariat, the brand of system and cruelty;
In the middle on the left - whether a person wanted it or not, he was driven from collective farm to collective farm. The man did not own anything, he had neither land nor housing.
In the middle on the right - the wages of a peasant - these are several spoons of thin stew from Soviet cuisine;
Below - It was even strange to see this house in an abandoned village, because people more and more dug into the ground and led an almost underground existence under the slogan: "Work - do not stand!"

God bless the European peasants who proudly go through their fields, harvesting grain, living on beautiful farms.

Bottom left - hereditary farm in Upper Bavaria;
Bottom right - a new farm in Romania.

On the picture:

This is how the “comfortable” housing of a Soviet worker looks like. Somehow twisted, incredibly dirty and life-threatening. These houses are hidden behind the flashy facades of red-party houses or behind huge factories.
In the middle - the Soviet worker lives worse than the Bushmen in Australia. But every morning and every evening he can hopelessly look at his beggarly house, comparing it with the facades of the chic houses of his party leaders.
Below - it would seem that these places are unsuitable even for our pets.

On the picture:

Top left - and this is what the houses of a small German city look like;
Top right - the bright dwellings of the workers of Portugal and the German outskirts;
In the middle - yes, these are huge houses of a big city;
Below - how safely and cleanly we live, together with our children, in the houses of the old, new and eternal culture.

"In the name of our tomorrow, we want to burn Raphael, destroy his collections, exterminate high art." This is how the Soviet poet sings. We know what he means by this.

What a Jew is his art. What is art and its material: tin, cement and plaster.

Just as this Aryan man is noble, so is his art. His dreams in this world become reality.
Two subhumans:
Two people:
The Jew says: God is stupidity and cowardice; God means the power of violence and poverty; God is evil; Only Lucifer, Satan matters to me! And if you want to keep the spirit of the faith of our fathers, you must oppose the church ».

The Jew and the subhuman hate everything of God. That is why they plundered the churches and then turned them into factories. For the Jew and the subhuman, the highest satisfaction lies in blowing up the church buildings that irritate them so much.

Aryan Europe is characterized by faith in God, as well as freedom of religious beliefs.
This is what churches in Russia look like:
So in Germany:
Terror and fear are the most effective means that the subhuman uses to break any resistance. Sophisticated torture devices are terrifying tools used for mass intimidation.

Top left - shackled into a hydraulic ram and pressed to the ground;
Top right - or put in a cage and starve to death;
Below - or to torture a person by putting him in a standing cage for several weeks - there is no limit to the terrible plans of the tormentors who have emerged from the underworld of subhumans.

The mountain of dead bodies looks terrifying:

Terrible are the countless sufferings and bitterness of fathers and mothers, women, girls, children, brothers and sisters, from whom the most precious thing was taken away from them in such a painful and terrible way - innocent loved ones.
And it's not a bad dream, it's a reality! German soldiers see the Soviet Union.
Like these Russian women, you women of Europe would also cry!
The subhuman has risen to take over the whole world. Woe to you people if you do not unite your efforts.

Europe, protect yourself!

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