Images-symbols in the Tale of Igor's Campaign. The image of the Russian land in the work


Shiryaeva Irina Grigorievna, teacher of Russian language and literature

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

Update and summarize existing knowledge on this topic;

Develop the ability to work with text independently and in a group;

Training in the analysis of a literary work;

Prepare students for essay writing

Cultivate a sense of patriotism, observation, diligence.


Computer, CD with slides;

Handout (fragments of D.S. Likhachev's article "The Golden Word of Russian Literature");

Illustrations: engravings by V.A. Favorsky, miniatures from the Radziwill Chronicle of the 15th century. and Facial chronicle 16th century


"A word about Igor's regiment" ... is a passionate and excited speech of a patriot, either referring to the events of living modernity, or recalling the deeds of hoary antiquity. This speech is sometimes angry, sometimes sad and mournful, but always full of faith in the motherland, full of pride in it, confidence in her future.

D.S. Likhachev

"The Tale of Igor's Campaign", which continues to live in hundreds of works of Russian literature XIX and XX centuries, we have the right to consider the work of not only ancient, but also to a certain extent and modern literature. It is alive and active, infects with its poetic energy and educates ideologically, teaches literary mastery and love for the Motherland.

D.S. Likhachev

The Russian land, in the description of which lyrics and journalism are combined, is the main artistic image"Words…"

D.S. Likhachev

During the classes

Stage I is the challenge stage, its purpose is to update and generalize the existing knowledge on this topic, to awaken students to vigorous activity at the lesson.

1. Goal setting:

Name the main characters of the poem.

- "The Word ..." is dedicated to the military campaign of Prince Igor, but who main character poems?

- What makes up the image of the Russian land?

2. Independent reading fragment "The image of the Russian land in the "Word ..." from D.S. Likhachev's article "The Golden Word of Russian Literature" (see Appendix 1).

While reading the text, students make notes:

"P" - already knew;

"+" - new;

"-" - thought differently;

"?" - have questions.

Stage II - comprehension, its goal - analytical reading text, getting new information.

1. Conversation on what has been read:

What did you already know about what was discussed in the lessons?

What seemed incomprehensible?

What surprised you, excited you?

- What would you single out as the most important?

2. During the conversation, a cluster is formed (Fig. 1):

3. The class is divided into three groups, each of which works on one of the topics:

– Nature in the “Word…”;

- People Ancient Rus' in a word…";

- The history of Rus' in the "Word ...".

Groups make up their own cluster on the topic (Fig. 2, 3, 4) and illustrate it with fragments of the poem, and also name the means of creating an image.

4. Speech by a representative of each group in front of the class.

5. In the course of their presentation, the class continues to compile the cluster:

Stage III - the stage of reflection. Its purpose is to analyze the entire process of studying the material, to generalize the information received.

1. Summing up the results of the lesson based on the compiled cluster:

- Did you enjoy the lesson?

- Did you manage to gain new knowledge?

– How is the image of the Russian land created in the poem?

– What means artistic image participate in the creation of the image?

2. What can you use in your essay on the topic “The Image of the Russian Land in the Tale of Igor's Campaign”?

Homework: write an essay "The image of the Russian land in the" Word ... "

Literature for the lesson:

1. Korovina V. Ya. "When you want to say a word…" // Literature at school, 1995, No. 4, pp. 54-61.

2. Kurilov A.S. moral lessons"Words about Igor's Campaign" // Russian Literature, 2000, No. 5, pp. 32-36.

3. Likhachev D.S. Poetics ancient Russian literature. - M., 1979.

4. Prokofiev N.I. "The Word about Igor's Campaign" // Literature at School, 1985, No. 4, pp. 5-16.

5. Rybakov B.A. How to get into the essence of "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" // Literature at School, 1990, No. 4, pp. 2-19.

6. Rybakov B.A. "The Word about Igor's Campaign" and his contemporaries. - M., 1971.

7. A word about Igor's regiment. - M., 1980.

8. Tkachenko O. Literature and tradition // Literature (PS), 1999, No. 26, p. 6-11.

9. Fogelson I.A. Learn to learn. Skill building independent work at the lesson of literature // Russian language and literature in secondary educational institutions Ukrainian SSR, 1990, No. 5, p. 30-31.

10. Shklyarevsky I. Riddles and secrets "The Tale of Igor's Campaign". - M., 1998.

The image of the Russian land in "The Tale of Igor's Campaign".

The image of the Russian land in "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" is central. Talking about the unsuccessful campaign against the Polovtsians of "Igor's brave army", the author covers the events of Russian life for a century and a half, comparing past names with the present. Huge geographic areas are introduced into the circle of the author's narrative: the Polovtsian steppe, the Don, the Black and Sea of ​​Azov, Volga, Dnieper, Danube, Western Dvina; cities, Korsun, Kyiv, Polotsk, Chernigov, Kursk, Pereyaslavl, etc. The peoples surrounding it listen to the events taking place on Russian land: Germans and Venetians, Greeks and Moravians. Lithuania, Finns, Polovtsy are drawn into the course of Russian history. The vastness of the Russian land is emphasized in the "Word ..." by the simultaneity of action in different parts of the country:

“Pipes are blowing in Novgorod, there are banners in Putivl”, “girls are singing on the Danube, (their) voices are winding across the sea to Kyiv.”

The feeling of endless expanses is conveyed by the landscape. wind, sun, thunderclouds in which blue lightning trembles, morning fog, nightingale's tickle at night and jackdaw cry in the morning, the sea, ravines, rivers - this is a huge, wide background and at the same time a concrete landscape, taken as if in motion.

The author of "Words ..." knows the nature of the steppe, its flora and fauna well. But real images animal world, natural phenomena acquire in the "Word ..." symbolic artistic sense. The reception of the personification of the forces of nature indicates a connection with oral folk art.

All Russian nature takes part in the joys and sorrows of the Russian people. “The sun ... obscures the path with darkness” to the prince - warns him of danger. After the defeat of Igor, nature mourns along with the Russian people: “The grass will die of pity, and the tree bowed to the ground with sadness.” The Donets makes a bed for Igor, who is escaping from captivity, on the green shore, wraps him in a warm mist.

Covering the entire space of the Russian land, the author is nevertheless observant and accurate in details. He talks about the details of camp life, methods of defense and attack, details of weapons, the behavior of birds and animals. The hero of the "Word ..." becomes the whole Russian land. Princely sedition and strife allowed "the filthy from all sides to go with victories to the Russian land." And so all the princes are called in the "Word ..." to unity and the common defense of the Russian land from the Polovtsian danger.

In the image of the Russian land, for the author of "The Lay ...", its history and modernity, villages and cities, rivers and expanses of the steppes, and most importantly - the people who inhabit it, its people are united. The author talks about the peaceful work of the Russian "ratays" - plowmen, disturbed by the strife of the princes, about the wives of Russian soldiers, mourning their husbands who fell in the battles for Rus'. He speaks of the grief of the Russian people after the defeat of Igor and of the joy that gripped everyone at the return of the prince.

Igor's army is just warriors, these are "Russians". They go to the Polovtsy for their homeland, they say goodbye to it, crossing the border of Rus': “O Russian land! You are already over the hill!” This is farewell to the Russian land as a whole, and not to Novgorod-Seversky principality, not to Kursk or Putivl.

Pain for the Russian land, torn apart by internecine wars, permeates the entire "Word ...", the main objective which not only to tell about the unsuccessful campaign against the Polovtsy of Prince Igor, but also to show the need for the unity of all Russian lands. That is why its history organically enters the image of the Russian land. In the beginning, the author says that he begins "this story from the old Vladimir to the present Igor." He leads his story, "weaving the glory of both sexes of this time", constantly turning from the past to the present, comparing antiquity and modernity. This allows you to create a large-scale, voluminous image of the Russian land, extended in time and space, from the age of Troyanov, Oleg's campaigns to the campaign of Prince Igor. This gives particular credibility to the conclusions that the author makes, putting it into the mouth of Svyatoslav, into his “ golden word", his cherished thought of uniting the Russian princes in the face of a dangerous enemy that threatens the Russian land itself.

Thus, the image of the Russian land becomes not only central, but also the main one for expressing the main idea of ​​the work. The image of the suffering homeland arouses the reader's sympathy for it, arouses hatred for its enemies, calls the Russian people to its defense. The idea of ​​the unity of the Russian land, which sounded so powerfully and at the same time piercingly in The Tale of Igor's Campaign, has not lost its importance even now. And the love for the motherland, which inspired the author of the "Word ..", his faith in it, reflected in the image of the Russian land, for our contemporaries can serve as an example of true patriotism coming from the depths of the soul.

Dear ninth graders, I spread the promised material (in two separate messages).

I remind you that you must read it carefully and use it to create a presentation.

Patriotic pathos "Words…" in that its main character is the Russian land."Word ..." with extraordinary force reflected the main disaster of its time - the lack of state unity of Ancient Rus'. The essence of the poem is the call of the Russian princes to unity.

The author of The Tale of Igor's Campaign embodied his call for unity, his sense of the unity of the motherland, specific image Russian land. I repeat once again that the hero of the Lay is not some prince, but the Russian people, the Russian land. To her, the Russian land, all the fullness of the author's personal feelings is turned. Imageit is outlined broadly and freely. The author draws the vast expanses of the Russian land, feels the homeland as a single, huge, living being.

There is hardly a work in world literature in which such huge geographical spaces would be simultaneously involved in action. Polovtsian steppe (“unknown country”), “blue sea”, Don, Volga, Dnieper, Donets, Danube, Western Dvina, Ros, Sula, Stugna, Nemiga, and from the cities - Korsun, Tmutorokan, Kiev, Polotsk, Chernihiv, Kursk , Pereyaslavl, Belgorod, Novgorod, Galich, Putivl, etc.The whole Russian land is in the field of view of the author, introduced into the circle of narration. At the same time, the author of the "Word ..." does not exclude Rus' from the composition of the peoples surrounding it, forcing the Germans and Venetians, Greeks and Moravians to listen to the events taking place in it, and the Polovtsians and Lithuanian tribes are directly involved in the course of Russian history.

Wind, sun, thunderclouds, in which blue lightning flutters, morning fog, tickling nightingale at night and jackdaw cry in the morning, evening dawns and morning sunrises and much more make up an unusually wide background against which the action of the "Word ..." unfolds, convey a feeling of boundless expanses of the homeland.

People feel like a part of nature, trust it with their troubles and joys, seek a response to their thoughts, compare themselves with animals and birds. For example, Svyatoslav of Kiev compares himself with a falcon, which, after molting, put on the plumage of an adult bird and"He will not give his nest to offense." The falcon actually bravely defends its nest from birds, even much stronger than itself.

Or Yaroslavna, who, in a difficult moment, turns to the forces of nature for help: to the wind that cherishes ships on the blue sea, to the Dnieper, which broke through the stone mountains through the Polovtsian land, to the sun, which in the waterless steppe spread its burning rays on Russian soldiers. Yaroslavna not only asks nature for help for Igor, who was captured, but also mourns for the entire squad, who died in the battle with the Polovtsy.

All Russian nature takes part in the joys and sorrows of the Russian people: the concept of the motherland - the Russian land - includes history, cities, and landscape.

The author never depicts nature in a calm state. Nature actively participates in events and is endowed with human qualities: steppe animals and birds anticipate the defeat of the Russian army; along with the Polovtsy, black clouds are approaching the Russians; nature helps Igor in escaping from captivity.

The author speaks about the peaceful labor of the Russian "rataev" (i.e., plowmen), disturbed by the strife of the princes; about the wives of Russian soldiers mourning their husbands who fell in the battle for Rus'; about the grief of the entire Russian people after the defeat of Igor, about the loss of the property of the Russian people, about the joy of the inhabitants of the cities at the return of Igor. His army is, first of all, "Rusichi", Russian sons. They go to the Polovtsy for their homeland. Crossing the border of Rus', they say goodbye to the Russian land as a whole, and not to the Novgorod-Seversky principality, not to Kursk or Putivl:"O Russian land! you're over the hill."

The concept of the motherland includes for the author "Words ..." and its history. In the introduction to the "Word ..." the author says that he is going to lead his story"From the old Vladimir to the present Igor" . Outlining the history of the unfortunate campaign of Prince Igor against the Polovtsy, the author covers the events of Russian life for a century and a half and leads his narrative, constantly turning from modernity to history, comparing past times with the present. For example, he recalls the Troyan centuries, the years of Yaroslav, Oleg's campaigns.

The Russian land is the main artistic image of The Tale of Igor's Campaign. The author writes for the sake of the Russian land, groaning from the raids of the Polovtsy, pities it, loves it, and devotes his thoughts and anxieties to it. The ideal of the author is the power of the Russian land, the unity of the Russian princes, whom he wants to see as brothers, able to feel someone else's pain and help in grief. The Word is a lesson in sympathy, empathy and love for one's land.

"The Tale of Igor's Campaign" was written in the 12th century. This work is dedicated to the unsuccessful campaign of Prince Igor against the Polovtsy, his capture and return to his homeland. "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" is imbued with true patriotism, sincere love for one's fatherland. That is why the image of the Russian land occupies a significant place in the work.

The whole work is permeated with love for the motherland. Deep humanity emanates from the description of the landscape of an empty arable land. The sad pictures of an abandoned field, where instead of a plowman there are only crows, are perceived as a kind of lament by the author about the Russian people. The unusual sensitivity of the author, his big heart could not but draw his attention to people's grief. His feelings are entirely subordinated to the all-pervading love for his native Russian land. It is she who is the main character of the work. And it was this love for the Motherland, for the Russian people, that intensified his feelings to the limit, made them complex, sharpened his hearing, his eyesight, his poetic imagination. It was the love of the motherland that became his true inspiration.

Love for the motherland revealed to the author the mournful experiences of Yaroslavna, filled his heart with grief for the dead Russian soldiers. Love for the motherland helped the author to penetrate the thoughts of the soldiers, to cross the border of the Russian land. Love for the Motherland helped him feel painfully anxious. long night on the eve of the battle.

The Russian land is inextricably linked for the author with Russian nature. Wind, sun, thunderclouds, evening dawns and morning sunrises, the sea, ravines, rivers make up the unusually wide background against which the action of the "Word" unfolds, convey the feeling of the wide expanses of the homeland. The boundaries of the landscape are as if moved apart and allow you to see not a piece of nature, but an entire country.

This broad landscape stands out especially clearly in Yaroslavna's lament. Yaroslavna refers to the wind blowing under the clouds, cherishing the ships on the blue sea, to the Dnieper, capable of breaking through the stone mountains, to the sun, which is warm and beautiful for everyone, and in the steppe stretched out its burning rays on Russian soldiers.

At the same time, Russian nature is not excluded from the events of history. The landscape of "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" is closely connected with man. Russian nature takes part in the joys and sorrows of the Russian people. The more the author covers the Russian land, the more concrete and vital its image becomes, in which the rivers come to life, entering into conversations with Igor, animals and birds are endowed with a human mind. The feeling of spaciousness present in the "Word" is enhanced by the diverse images of falconry, the participation in the action of birds that make long flights (geese, goldeneye, crows, cuckoos, swans).

This unification of the entire Russian land into a single concrete, living and moving image is one of the most essential elements of the author's call for unity. The call for unity naturally follows from this central image of the "Word" - the image of a single, beautiful and suffering Motherland. This image evokes sympathy for the Russian land, arouses love for its nature, pride in its historical past and consciousness of the irresistible forces inherent in it.

The call to unity in the face of external danger permeates the entire "Word" from beginning to end. The author proves the necessity of this unity on the example of the unsuccessful campaign of Prince Igor. Igor is defeated precisely because he goes on a campaign alone.

The call to unity is central image"Words" - the image of the Russian land. One enumeration of the Russian cities mentioned in the "Word" is a fairly accurate idea of ​​the vast boundaries of the Russian land: Kyiv, Chernigov, Polotsk, Veliky Novgorod, Tmutarakan, Kursk, Putivl and other cities.

"The Tale of Igor's Campaign" is full of strong and exciting feelings towards the Russian land. The work is complete true patriotism and feelings of compassion for the unfortunate Motherland, torn apart by civil strife. The author's high feelings for home country are transmitted and modern reader who discovered this great work.

The central idea of ​​"The Tale of Igor's Campaign" is outstanding monument Old Russian literature is a patriotic idea. Love to motherland, native land and her people, moved by unknown author during the creation of this work. So rightfully so, in my opinion, central character"Words" we can consider precisely the Russian land.

In this work, Rus' appears in all its historical and natural beauty, in all the complexity of the political struggle of its time, in the broadest spatial and temporal perspective.

First of all, the author shows us his homeland as the land of his ancestors, conquered and reconquered, abundantly watered with the blood of fathers and grandfathers. He recalls the history of Rus', starting in the distant past - from pagan times ("the age of Troyan") to "the current Igor":

There were Troyanov's eyelids,

Yaroslav's summers have passed;

There were battles of Oleg,

Oleg Svyatoslavich.

The author connects the power of the Russian land with the activities of the “old” princes - Vladimir and Yaroslav, and explains “the current gloomy time” with the “sedition” of the “new” princes (“Oh, moan to you, Russian land, Remembering the times of the first and first princes!”). It was during the time of Prince Oleg, according to the author of the Lay, that civil strife began in Rus', which weakened Rus', made it defenseless in the face of an external enemy:

That Oleg forged sedition with a sword,

And he sowed arrows on the ground.

In addition, in the "Word" Rus' appears before us as a powerful state with international authority: the Germans and the Venetians, the Greeks and the Moravians are closely following the events taking place in the Russian land.

The author emphasizes the vast geographical space of the Russian state, its infinity. The feeling of spaciousness is created with the help of images of birds - falcons, jackdaws, ravens ("It was not a storm of falcons that brought across the wide fields - Jackdaws run in herds to the Great Don!"), The fact that Igor's campaign takes place in the steppe - a huge space ("Igor thought field measures From the great Don to the small Donets”), etc.

The Russian land in the "Word ..." is also Russian nature, majestic and beautiful world, in which the winds live their special life - Stribog's grandchildren, the seas and rivers are agitated, the sun "shines in heaven", blue lightning trembles in the clouds.

In general, nature takes an active part in the lives of heroes. So, for example, she warns of the danger and failure of Igor, who went on a campaign:

And drove across the open field.

The sun blocked his path with darkness;

The night, thundering against him, awakened the birds...

Already the trouble of his birds is calling,

And the wolves howl like a threat in the ravines,

The eagles on the bones of animals call klektom,

Foxes bark at scarlet shields.

We see that Div - the pagan deity of the Polovtsy - in turn warns them of danger, we learn that the treacherous Stugna river drowned the young man Rostislav and that the Donets helps Igor get home safely:

Donets says: “You, Prince Igor!

Not enough greatness for you

End of dislike

Russian land of fun!

Thus, nature in the "Word" appears in its real and metaphorical meaning, actively participates in people's lives and, at the same time, lives its own independent independent life.

The author of the Lay shows us that the Russian land is the whole people inhabiting it: princes, retinue, Russian wives, boyars, plowmen, artisans. We love and care for the Russian people pagan gods(he is Dazhd-God's grandson and grandson of Troyan) and the Christian God-father. That is why at the end of the work the author exclaims: “Glory to the princes, and amen to the squad!” And that is why he calls on the Russians to unite in order to preserve their beloved homeland - great Rus'.

Thus, the Russian land is the main character of the Tale of Igor's Campaign. It is presented in the work on a large scale and volumetrically, as a great and beautiful country that is impossible not to love. The author and his characters feel like an integral part of the Russian land, which must be admired and must be protected and protected. This idea is the main idea of ​​"The Tale of Igor's Campaign", which is relevant at all times.

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