A very short story about the hero ural batyr. Ural Batyr


Ural Batyr
Bashkir fairy tale summary

  • The plot of the epic Ural Batyr
    Plot basis this epic is a description of the heroic struggle of the Ural Batyr for the well-being of other people. The opponents of the protagonist are invaders from other lands, who are helped by evil otherworldly forces. The characters of the legend are ordinary inhabitants of the earth who defend their right to happiness.

    Included in the plot are mythical creatures- the heavenly king Samrau and the spirits of nature. Each part of the epic describes the life of one of the three heroes who are the children and grandchildren of the old Yanbirde. The first part of the epic tells about the old man himself and his wife Yanbik.

    By the evil will of fate, they are forced to live in deserted territories. elderly married couple engaged in hunting wild animals, as this is the only way to get food for himself. In the declining years of a woman, the heavenly king gives her two sons, Ural and Shulgen.

    Old man Yanbirde told his children about the existence of the evil force Ulem, which destroys all life on earth. At the moment of the conversation, a swan swam up to the people, who said that there was an immortal spring of life on the planet Yanshishma. The guys, impressed by the stories of their father and the swan, decide to find a life-giving spring, and thereby destroy Ulem.

    However, during their journey, Shulgen goes over to the side of evil and in every possible way prevents his own brother, the Ural Batyr, from carrying out his mission. Evil mythical creatures come to help Shulgen, who attack the Ural Batyr, but the courageous young man manages to defeat them.

    According to the Bashkir legends, from the bodies of the killed enemies, the Ural batyr created mountains (the Ural Mountains). At the end of the second part, the Ural batyr dies, but leaves behind worthy heirs of his children, who, like their father, become just as courageous and brave.

    The third part of the epic is the legend of the settlement Bashkir people Ural land. The children of the Ural Batyr were able to continue the work of their father and found a source of prosperity, which allowed them to live happily on fertile lands at the foot of the mountains erected by their parent.
    Sorry it got long...

In the section on the question, tell us briefly what is said in the epic "Ural-batyr"! Please!! given by the author Cakura Haruno the best answer is "Ural Batyr" - folklore of the Bashkir people, which carries the spirit of the history of this ethnic group, is an unforgettable symbol of the culture and customs of this ancient people. Like other epics, "Ural Batyr" narrates modern reader about how they lived individual peoples what they believed in, what forces they worshiped, with whom they fought and were friends.
The meaning of the epic
"Ural Batyr" is a real storehouse of information about the long-forgotten past and passes it on to new and new generations of the Bashkir people. For for long years the epic existed exclusively oral. Only in 1910, the famous folklorist M. Burangulov was able to codify all the poems and legends into a single work.
The epic consists of three parts, which include 4576 poetic lines. "Ural Batyr" refers to ancient genre folk poetry Bashkiria kubair (a kind of heroic legends).
The heroes of this epic are often found in other Bashkir folk tales "Alpamysh", "Kongur-buga", "Zayatulyak and Khyuhylu". Later, works were created that became a continuation of the legendary epic: “Babsak and Kusek”, “Akbuzat”.
The plot of the epos "Ural Batyr"
The plot basis of this epic is the description of the heroic struggle of the Ural Batyr for the well-being of other people. The opponents of the protagonist are invaders from other lands, who are helped by evil otherworldly forces. The characters of the legend are ordinary inhabitants of the earth who defend their right to happiness.
Mythical creatures are also introduced into the plot - the heavenly king Samrau and the spirits of nature. Each part of the epic describes the life of one of the three heroes who are the children and grandchildren of the old Yanbirde. The first part of the epic tells about the old man himself and his wife Yanbik.
By the evil will of fate, they are forced to live in deserted territories. An elderly couple is engaged in hunting for wild animals, as this is the only way to get food for themselves. In the declining years of a woman, the heavenly king gives her two sons, Ural and Shulgen.
Old man Yanbirde told his children about the existence of the evil force Ulem, which destroys all life on earth. At the moment of the conversation, a swan swam up to the people, who said that there was an immortal spring of life on the planet Yanshishma. The guys, impressed by the stories of their father and the swan, decide to find a life-giving spring, and thereby destroy Ulem.
However, during their journey, Shulgen goes over to the side of evil and in every possible way prevents his own brother, the Ural Batyr, from carrying out his mission. Evil mythical creatures come to help Shulgen, who attack the Ural Batyr, but the courageous young man manages to defeat them.
According to the Bashkir legends, from the bodies of the killed enemies, the Ural batyr created mountains (the Ural Mountains). At the end of the second part, the Ural batyr dies, but leaves behind worthy heirs of his children, who, like their father, become just as courageous and brave.
The third part of the epic is a legend about the settlement of the Bashkir people of the Ural land. The children of the Ural Batyr were able to continue the work of their father and found a source of prosperity, which allowed them to live happily on fertile lands at the foot of the mountains erected by their parent.

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

In ancient, very ancient times, when there was no Ural mountains, nor the beautiful Agidel, in the middle of a dark dense forest lived an old man with his old woman. long life they lived together, but one day the old woman died. The old man stayed with his two sons, the eldest of whom was called Shulgen, and the youngest - Ural. The old man went hunting, while Shulgen and the Urals stayed at home at that time. The old man was very strong and a very skilled hunter. It cost him nothing to drag a bear or a wolf alive. And all because the old man before each hunt drank a spoonful of the blood of some kind of predator, and to own forces the strength of the beast whose blood he drank was added to the old man. And it was possible to drink only the blood of the beast, which the man killed himself. Therefore, the old man warned his sons all the time: "You are still small, and do not try to drink blood from the tursuk. Don't even come close to the tursuk, otherwise you will die."

Once, when my father went hunting, and Shulgen and Ural were sitting at home, a very beautiful woman came to them and asked:

- And why are you sitting at home instead of going hunting with your father?

- We would go, only father does not allow us. He says that we have not yet grown enough for this, - answered Ural and Shulgen.

“Is it possible to grow up while sitting at home?” the woman laughed.

– What should we do?

“You need to drink blood from that tursuk,” the woman said. “It is enough to drink just one spoonful of blood, and you will become real batyrs and will be strong as a lion.

- Father forbade us to even come close to this tursuk. He said if we drink the blood, we will die. We will not break the prohibition of the father, the boys replied.

“In fact, it turns out that you are small, and therefore you believe everything that your father tells you,” the woman laughed. guard the house and quietly grow old. That's what he's afraid of, and that's why he forbids you to touch the tursuk with blood. But I already said everything, and the rest is up to you.

With these words, the woman disappeared as suddenly as she appeared.

Believing the words of this woman, Shulgen tried the blood from the tursuk, and the Urals firmly decided to keep the word he had given to his father, and did not even come close to the tursuk.

Shulgen drank a spoonful of blood and immediately turned into a bear. Then the woman reappeared and laughed:

“You see what a strong man your brother has turned into? And now I'll make a wolf out of him.

The woman flicked her finger on the bear's forehead, and it turned into a wolf. Clicked again - turned into a lion. Then the woman mounted the lion and rode away.

Turns out this woman was a slut. And because of the fact that Shulgen believed the sweet speeches of this yukha in the guise beautiful woman and violated the prohibition of his father, he forever lost his human appearance. For a long time Shulgen wandered through the forests, either in the guise of a bear, or in the guise of a wolf, until he finally drowned in a deep lake. The lake in which the brother of the Urals drowned was later called Lake Shulgen.

And the Urals grew up and became a batyr, who had no equal in strength and courage. When he, like his father, began to go hunting, everything around him began to die. Rivers and lakes dried up, the grass withered, the leaves turned yellow and fell from the trees. Even the air became so heavy that it became difficult for all living things to breathe. People and animals were dying, and no one could do anything against Death. Seeing all this, the Urals began to think about how to grab Death and destroy it. The father gave him his sword. It was a special sword. With each swing, this sword emitted smashing arrows of lightning. And the father said to the Urals:

“This sword can crush anyone and anything. There is no power in the world that can withstand this sword. Only against Death he is powerless. But you still take it, it will come in handy. And Death can be destroyed only by throwing it into the waters of the Living Spring. But this spring is very far from here. But there is no other way to defeat Death.

With these words, the father of the Urals led his son on a long and dangerous journey.

The Urals walked for a long time until they reached the crossroads of seven roads. There he met a gray-haired old man and addressed him in these words:

- Long years to you, venerable aksakal! Can you show me which of these roads leads to the Living Spring?

The old man showed the Urals one of the roads.

– Is it still far from this spring? – asked the Urals.

“And this, son, I can’t tell you,” the old man replied. “For forty years I have been standing at this crossroads and showing travelers the way to the Living Spring. But in all this time there has not yet been a single one who would have walked this road back.

- Son, you will go along this road a little and you will see a herd. There is only one white tulpar in this herd - Akbuzat. If you can, try to ride it.

Ural thanked the old man and went along the road indicated by the old man. The Urals passed a little and saw the herd that the old man was talking about, and in this herd I saw Akbuzat. The Ural looked at the white tulpar for some time, and then slowly approached the horse. Akbuzat did not show the slightest concern. Ural gently stroked the horse and quickly jumped on his back. Akbuzat got angry and threw off the batyr with such force that the Urals entered the ground to the waist. The Urals, having applied all their strength, got out of the ground and again jumped on the horse. Akbuzat again dropped the Urals. This time the batyr went to the ground up to his knees. The Ural got out again, jumped on the tulpar, and clung to it so much that Akbuzat, no matter how hard he tried, could not throw him off. After that, Akbuzat, together with the Urals, rushed along the road to the Living Spring. In the twinkling of an eye, Akbuzat rushed through wide brim, rocky desert and rock, and stopped in the middle of a dark forest. And Akbuzat said to the Urals human language:

- We drove up to the cave in which the nine-headed deva lies and guards the road to the Living Spring. You will have to fight him. Take three hairs from my mane. How you will need me, these three hairs fell, and I will immediately appear in front of you.

The Ural took three hairs from the horse's mane, and Akbuzat immediately disappeared from view.

While the Urals were thinking about where to go, a very beautiful girl, which, bent over in three deaths, carried a huge bag on its back. Ural stopped the girl and asked:

- Hold on, beauty. Where are you going, and what is so heavy in your bag?

The girl stopped, put the bag on the ground, and with tears in her eyes told the Urals her story:

My name is Karagash. Until recently, I grew up with my parents, free, like a forest fallow deer, and I knew no refusal in anything. But a few days ago I was kidnapped by a nine-headed deva for the amusement of his nine cubs. And now, from morning to night, I carry them river pebbles in bags so that they play with these pebbles.

“Come on, beauty, I’ll carry this bag myself,” said Ural.

“No, no, come on, and don’t even think of following me,” Karagash whispered in fright. “Dev, as soon as he sees it, will immediately destroy you.”

But Ural insisted on his own and carried a bag of stones to the cubs of the nine-headed deva. As soon as the Urals poured the pebbles in front of the deva cubs, they began their games, throwing and throwing pebbles at each other. And while these cubs were busy with their game, the Urals took a stone with a horse's head, hung it on a rope on the nearest tree, and he quietly went to the cave, in front of which the nine-headed deva himself lay.

The children of the deva very quickly ran out of all the pebbles. And then they saw a large stone hanging on a tree. One of them, interested, hit the stone. He swayed and hit the cub on the head. The deva cub got angry and hit the stone again with all his might. But this time, the stone hit him with such force that the head of the cub split open, as if eggshell. His brother, seeing this case, decided to take revenge, and also hit the stone out of anger. But he, too, suffered the same fate. And so, one after another, all nine children of the nine-headed deva perished.

When the Urals approached the cave, he saw that a nine-headed deva was lying right on the road in front of the cave, and everything around was strewn with human bones. The Urals shouted from afar:

- Hey, dev, give way, I'm going to the Living Spring.

But the deva did not even move and continued to lie. Ural shouted again. Then the deva pulled the Ural to him with one breath. But the Urals were not afraid and shouted to the deva:

Are we going to fight or are we going to fight?

Dev had already seen a lot of brave guys and therefore was not very surprised.

“I don't care,” he said. “Whatever death you want to die, that you will die.”

They climbed to the highest place and began to fight. They fight, they fight, now the sun has approached noon, and they are all fighting. And so the deva tore the Ural off the ground and threw it away. Ural to the waist went into the ground. The dev pulled him out and began to fight again. Here the deva again raised and threw the Urals. Ural entered the ground up to the neck. Dev pulled the Urals by the ears and they continued to fight. And the day is already drawing to a close. Now the twilight has already come, and the Urals and the deva are still fighting.

And then the deva, who had already believed in his invincibility, relaxed for a moment, and in that moment the Urals threw the deva so that he entered the earth up to his waist. Ural pulled the deva out and threw him again. The dev went into the ground up to his neck and only nine of his heads remained sticking out above the ground. Ural again pulled out the deva and this time threw him so that the whole deva went underground. Thus came the end of the evil deva.

The next day, poor Karagash decided to at least collect and bury the bones of the Urals and climbed the mountain. But when she saw that the batyr was alive, she wept for joy. Then she asked in surprise:

“Where did the dev go?”

- And I put the deva under this mountain, - said Ural.

And then, three steps away from them, clouds of hot smoke suddenly began to come out from under the mountain.

“What is it?” Karagash asked in surprise.

- In this very place, I drove the deva into the ground, - answered the Urals. - Apparently the earth itself is squeamish about keeping this reptile in itself. Therefore, this deva is burning right there, inside the earth, and the smoke comes out.

Since that time, this mountain has not ceased to burn. And the people called this mountain Yangantau - Burning Mountain.

After he dealt with the deva, the Urals did not stay long on the mountain. Pulling out three hairs, he set them on fire, and immediately Akbuzat appeared in front of him. Having planted Karagash in front of him, the Urals drove further along the road to the Living Spring.

They drove through wide fields and deep gorges, through rocks and impenetrable swamps, and, finally, Akbuzat stopped and said to the Urals:

- We are already very close to the Living Spring. But on the way to the spring lies a twelve-headed deva. You will have to fight him. Take three hairs from my mane. When you need me, set them on fire and I'll come right away.

The Ural took three hairs from the tulpar's mane, and Akbuzat immediately disappeared from sight.

- You wait for me here, - said Ural Karagash. - I will leave you my kurai. If everything is fine with me, milk will drip from the kurai. And if I feel bad, blood will drip.

Ural said goodbye to the girl and went to the place where the deva lay.

And now the Living Spring is already murmuring ahead, flows out of the rock and immediately murmurs into the ground. And around the spring, human bones turn white. And this water, which can heal a hopeless patient, and make a healthy one immortal, lies and guards the oldest twelve-headed deva.

Ural, seeing the deva, shouted:

- Hey, dev, I came for living water. Let me pass!

This daeva has already seen many brave batyrs, but none of them has yet been able to defeat him. Therefore, the deva did not even raise his eyebrows at the voice of the Urals. Ural shouted again, this time even louder. Then the dev opened his eyes and with his breath began to attract the Urals to him. Ural did not have time to blink an eye, as he was in front of the deva. But the Urals were not afraid and challenged the deva:

Are we going to fight or fight?

“It doesn’t matter to me,” answered the deva. “Whatever death you want to die, that you will die.”

- Well, then hold on! - said Ural, pulled out his lightning sword and swung it several times in front of the deva's eyes. From the lightning that fell from the sword, the devas even went blind for a few moments.

- Well, hold on! - Ural shouted again and began to cut off the deva's heads one by one with his sword.

And Karagash at that time, without taking her eyes off, looked at the kurai that the Urals left for her. She saw that milk was dripping from the kurai, and she was very happy.

Then, having heard the desperate roar of the twelve-headed deva, all the smaller devas began to resort to his help. But the sword in the hands of the Urals continued to cut right and left, and the hand of the Urals did not know how to get tired. As soon as he crushed this entire pack of devas into pieces, a great many of the most diverse petty evil spirits appeared - genies, goblin, ghouls. With their whole crowd, they fell on the Urals so much that blood dripped from the kurai that Karagash had left.

Karagash, seeing the blood, became worried. And then, without thinking twice, she took a kurai and began to play some kind of unpleasant melody that she heard when she was in slavery to the nine-headed deva. And that petty evil spirits, it turns out, is all that is needed. Hearing the native tune, they, forgetting about everything in the world, started dancing. The Urals, taking advantage of this respite, defeated all this pack and went to the Living Spring to draw water from it. But when he approached the spring, he saw that the spring had dried up completely, and there was not a drop of water left in it. All these devas and other evil spirits drank all the water from the spring so that this water would never get to people. The Urals sat for a long time in front of a dry spring, but no matter how much he waited, not a single drop of water leaked out of the rock.

Ural was very upset. But still, the fact that the Urals defeated all these devas has borne fruit. Forests immediately turned green, birds began to sing, nature came to life, smiles and joy appeared on people's faces.

And the Urals put Karagash on Akbuzat in front of him and rushed along way back. And in the place where the Urals left a pile of deva bodies cut by him, a high mountain appeared. People called this mountain Yamantau. And until now, nothing grows on this mountain, and neither animals nor birds are found.

Ural married Karagash, and they began to live in peace and harmony. And they had three sons - Idel, Yaik and Sakmar.

And now Death rarely began to come to these parts, because she was afraid of the lightning sword of the Urals. And because in these parts there soon became so many people that they no longer had enough water. Ural, seeing this case, pulled his all-destroying sword from its scabbard, waved it three times over his head and struck the rock with his sword with all his might.

“Here will be the beginning of big water,” said Ural.

Then Ural called his eldest son, Idel, and told him:

- Go, son, wherever your eyes look, walk among people. But do not look back until you come to a full-flowing river.

And Idel went south, leaving deep traces behind him. And Ural saw off his son with eyes full of tears, because Ural knew that his son would never come back.

Idel goes forward, goes, and now he turned to the right and went to the west. Idel walked for months and years and finally saw a large river in front of him. Idel turned back and saw that a wide river was flowing in his footsteps and began to flow into the river to which Idel had come. This is how the beautiful river Agidel, sung in songs, arose. On the same day, when Idel set off on his long journey, Ural sent his other sons on the road with the same condition. But younger sons The Urals proved to be less patient. They did not have the endurance to go all the way alone, and they decided to go together. But be that as it may, the people remained forever grateful not only to Idel, but also to Yaik and Sakmar, and wished the Urals long life for raising such glorious sons.

But the Urals, already completing the hundred and first year of its life, did not have long. Death, which had long been waiting for the Urals to completely weaken, approached him quite close. And now the Urals are on their deathbed. From all sides people gathered to him to say goodbye to their beloved batyr. And then a middle-aged man appeared among the people, went to the Urals and said:

- You, our father and our dear batyr! On the same day, when you lay down on your bed, I, at the request of the people, went to the Living Spring. It turned out that it was not all dry yet, and there was still some living water left. For seven days and seven nights I sat at the Living Spring and collected the remains of its water drop by drop. And so I managed to collect this horn of living water. We all ask you, our dear batyr, drink this water without a trace and live forever, not knowing death, for the happiness of all the people.

With these words, he extended the horn to the Urals.

“Drink everything to the last drop, Ural batyr!” the people around asked.

Ural slowly got to his feet, took in right hand horn with living water and, bowing his head, expressed his gratitude to the people. Then he sprinkled everything around with this water and said:

I am alone, there are many of you. Not me, but ours motherland must be immortal. And may people live happily on this earth.

And everything around came to life. Various birds and animals appeared, everything around bloomed, and previously unseen berries and fruits poured out, numerous streams and rivers broke out of the ground and began to flow into Agidel, Yaik and Sakmar.

While people looked around with surprise and admiration, the Urals died.

The people with great respect buried the Urals in the most elevated place. And each person brought a handful of earth to his grave. And now, on the site of his grave, a high mountain grew, and people named this mountain in honor of their batyr - Uraltau. And in the depths of this mountain, the sacred bones of the Ural Batyr are still kept. All the innumerable treasures of this mountain are the precious bones of the Urals. And what we call oil today is the never-drying blood of a batyr.

© Translated from Bashkir

Yanbirde - "Giving the Soul" the first person and his wife Yanbike ("Soul") lived alone in the region eternal summer, were engaged in hunting for lions, a falcon was their faithful companion. The fate gave them two sons - the younger Ural and the older Shulgen. Shulgen from childhood was inclined to violate his father's prohibitions and disobedience.

Once the old man told the boys about Death - Ulem, which kills all living things and brings suffering. Caught in their snares while hunting white swan- the daughter of Samrau and the Sun. She told them about the Living Spring - Yanshishma. He gave Yanbirde to the grown sons of lions and ordered them to go to the Living Spring, the water from which gives immortality. Ural immediately decided to defeat Death and cut off her head, thereby saving people from grief.

On the way, they parted: Shulgen went to the region of Samrau, and the Urals had to go to the country of the padishah Katil, who annually sacrifices his people to their ancestors. The Urals decided to defeat death in this region and fought the king's bull. The bull's hooves cracked, the horns bent, the tusk fell out of its mouth, and since then its kind has submitted to man. Katil ran away in fear, and the Urals married his daughter, a beauty with burning eyes.

Shulgen, on his journey, met Zarkum, the son of the serpent padishah. Zarkum easily ingratiated himself with him and was able to instill in his heart enmity towards his own brother. On the side of the older brother, various mythical creatures are fighting with the Urals, but they were all defeated by the mighty batyr. From the bodies of the creatures defeated by the Ural Batyr, the Ural Mountains arose.

In the second part, the Ural Batyr dies, but leaves behind the same strong and honest descendants. It was they who found the Spring and settled the lands of the Urals near the mountains themselves. The son of Idel split the mountain in two with his father's sword, and a spring ran out of it. This is how the Idel River was formed. Later, the sons of Yaik, Nugush and Hakmar created three more rivers with their swords, each of which still bears their names.

The Bashkir epic "Ural Batyr" is rightfully considered a treasure folk art containing information about the beliefs of ancient people.

Picture or drawing Ural Batyr

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Ural batyr

Ural batyr

Bashkir fairy tale

In ancient, very ancient times, when there were neither the Ural Mountains nor the beautiful Agidel, an old man and his old woman lived in the middle of a dark dense forest. They lived a long life together, but one day the old woman died. The old man stayed with his two sons, the eldest of whom was called Shulgen, and the youngest - Ural. The old man went hunting, while Shulgen and the Urals stayed at home at that time. The old man was very strong and a very skilled hunter. It cost him nothing to drag a bear or a wolf alive. And all because before each hunt the old man drank a spoonful of the blood of some predator, and the strength of the beast whose blood he drank was added to the old man's own strength. And it was possible to drink only the blood of the beast, which the man killed himself. Therefore, the old man warned his sons all the time: “You are still small, and do not try to drink blood from a tursuk. Don’t even get close to the tursuk, otherwise you will die.”

Once, when my father went hunting, and Shulgen and Ural were sitting at home, a very beautiful woman came to them and asked:

And why are you sitting at home instead of going hunting with your father?

We would go, but our father won't let us. He says that we have not yet grown enough for this, - answered the Urals and Shulgen.

Is it possible to grow up while sitting at home? - the woman laughed.

What should we do?

You need to drink blood from that tursuk, - the woman said. - It is enough to drink just one spoonful of blood, and you will become real batyrs and will be strong as a lion.

Father forbade us to even come close to this tursuk. He said if we drink the blood, we will die. We will not violate the prohibition of the father, - the boys answered.

You really, it turns out, are small, and therefore you believe everything that your father tells you, - the woman laughed. - If you drink blood, you become strong and courageous, and you yourself go to the beast, and your father will have to sit and guard instead of you house and quietly grow old. That's what he's afraid of, and that's why he forbids you to touch the tursuk with blood. But I already said everything, and the rest is up to you.

With these words, the woman disappeared as suddenly as she appeared.

Believing the words of this woman, Shulgen tried the blood from the tursuk, and the Urals firmly decided to keep the word he had given to his father, and did not even come close to the tursuk.

Shulgen drank a spoonful of blood and immediately turned into a bear. Then the woman reappeared and laughed:

See what a strong man your brother has become? And now I'll make a wolf out of him.

The woman flicked her finger on the bear's forehead, and it turned into a wolf. Clicked again - turned into a lion. Then the woman mounted the lion and rode away.

Turns out this woman was a slut. And because Shulgen believed the sweet speeches of this yuha in the guise of a beautiful woman and violated his father's prohibition, he forever lost his human appearance. For a long time Shulgen wandered through the forests, either in the guise of a bear, or in the guise of a wolf, until he finally drowned in a deep lake. The lake in which the brother of the Urals drowned was later called Lake Shulgen.

And the Urals grew up and became a batyr, who had no equal in strength and courage. When he, like his father, began to go hunting, everything around him began to die. Rivers and lakes dried up, the grass withered, the leaves turned yellow and fell from the trees. Even the air became so heavy that it became difficult for all living things to breathe. People and animals were dying, and no one could do anything against Death. Seeing all this, the Urals began to think about how to grab Death and destroy it. The father gave him his sword. It was a special sword. With each swing, this sword emitted smashing arrows of lightning. And the father said to the Urals:

This sword can crush anyone and anything. There is no power in the world that can withstand this sword. Only against Death he is powerless. But you still take it, it will come in handy. And Death can be destroyed only by throwing it into the waters of the Living Spring. But this spring is very far from here. But there is no other way to defeat Death.

With these words, the father of the Urals led his son on a long and dangerous journey.

The Urals walked for a long time until they reached the crossroads of seven roads. There he met a gray-haired old man and addressed him in these words:

Long life to you, venerable aksakal! Can you show me which of these roads leads to the Living Spring?

The old man showed the Urals one of the roads.

Is it still far from this spring? - asked the Urals.

And this, son, I can’t tell you, - the old man answered. - For forty years I have been standing at this crossroads and showing travelers the way to the Living Spring. But in all this time there has not yet been a single one who would have walked this road back.

Son, walk along this road a little and you will see a herd. There is only one white tulpar in this herd - Akbuzat. If you can, try to ride it.

Ural thanked the old man and went along the road indicated by the old man. The Urals passed a little and saw the herd that the old man was talking about, and in this herd I saw Akbuzat. The Ural looked at the white tulpar for some time, and then slowly approached the horse. Akbuzat did not show the slightest concern. Ural gently stroked the horse and quickly jumped on his back. Akbuzat got angry and threw off the batyr with such force that the Urals entered the ground to the waist. The Urals, having applied all their strength, got out of the ground and again jumped on the horse. Akbuzat again dropped the Urals. This time the batyr went to the ground up to his knees. The Ural got out again, jumped on the tulpar, and clung to it so much that Akbuzat, no matter how hard he tried, could not throw him off. After that, Akbuzat, together with the Urals, rushed along the road to the Living Spring. In the twinkling of an eye, Akbuzat rushed through wide fields, rocky deserts and a rock, and stopped in the middle of a dark forest. And Akbuzat said to the Urals in human language:

We drove up to the cave in which the nine-headed deva lies and guards the road to the Living Spring. You will have to fight him. Take three hairs from my mane. How you will need me, these three hairs fell, and I will immediately appear in front of you.

The Ural took three hairs from the horse's mane, and Akbuzat immediately disappeared from view.

While the Urals were thinking about where to go, a very beautiful girl appeared, who, bending over in three deaths, carried a huge bag on her back. Ural stopped the girl and asked:

Hold on, beauty. Where are you going, and what is so heavy in your bag?

The girl stopped, put the bag on the ground, and with tears in her eyes told the Urals her story:

My name is Karagash. Until recently, I grew up with my parents, free, like a forest fallow deer, and I knew no refusal in anything. But a few days ago I was kidnapped by a nine-headed deva for the amusement of his nine cubs. And now, from morning to night, I carry them river pebbles in bags so that they play with these pebbles.

Come on, beauty, I’ll carry this bag myself,” said Ural.

No, no, come on, and don't even think of following me, - Karagash whispered in fright. - Dev, as soon as he sees it, will immediately destroy you.

But Ural insisted on his own and carried a bag of stones to the cubs of the nine-headed deva. As soon as the Urals poured the pebbles in front of the deva cubs, they began their games, throwing and throwing pebbles at each other. And while these cubs were busy with their game, the Urals took a stone with a horse's head, hung it on a rope on the nearest tree, and he quietly went to the cave, in front of which the nine-headed deva himself lay.

The children of the deva very quickly ran out of all the pebbles. And then they saw a large stone hanging on a tree. One of them, interested, hit the stone. He swayed and hit the cub on the head. The deva cub got angry and hit the stone again with all his might. But this time the stone hit him with such force that the cub's head cracked open like an eggshell. His brother, seeing this case, decided to take revenge, and also hit the stone out of anger. But he, too, suffered the same fate. And so, one after another, all nine children of the nine-headed deva perished.

When the Urals approached the cave, he saw that a nine-headed deva was lying right on the road in front of the cave, and everything around was strewn with human bones. The Urals shouted from afar:

Hey, dev, give way, I'm going to the Living Spring.

But the deva did not even move and continued to lie. Ural shouted again. Then the deva pulled the Ural to him with one breath. But the Urals were not afraid and shouted to the deva:

Will we fight or fight!?

Dev had already seen a lot of brave guys and therefore was not very surprised.

I don't care, - he said. - What death you want to die, you will die with that.

They climbed to the highest place and began to fight. They fight, they fight, now the sun has approached noon, and they are all fighting. And so the deva tore the Ural off the ground and threw it away. Ural to the waist went into the ground. The dev pulled him out and began to fight again. Here the deva again raised and threw the Urals. Ural entered the ground up to the neck. Dev pulled the Urals by the ears and they continued to fight. And the day is already drawing to a close. Now the twilight has already come, and the Urals and the deva are still fighting.

And then the deva, who had already believed in his invincibility, relaxed for a moment, and in that instant the Urals threw the deva so that he entered the earth up to his waist. Ural pulled the deva out and threw him again. The dev went into the ground up to his neck and only nine of his heads remained sticking out above the ground. Ural again pulled out the deva and this time threw him so that the whole deva went underground. Thus came the end of the evil deva.

The next day, poor Karagash decided to at least collect and bury the bones of the Urals and climbed the mountain. But when she saw that the batyr was alive, she wept for joy. Then she asked in surprise:

Where did the dev go?

And I put the deva under this mountain, - said Ural.

And then, three steps away from them, clouds of hot smoke suddenly began to come out from under the mountain.

What is it? - Karagash asked in surprise.

In this very place, I drove the deva into the ground, - answered the Urals. - Apparently the earth itself is squeamish about keeping this reptile in itself. Therefore, this deva is burning right there, inside the earth, and the smoke comes out.

Since that time, this mountain has not ceased to burn. And the people called this mountain Yangantau - Burning Mountain.

After he dealt with the deva, the Urals did not stay long on the mountain. Pulling out three hairs, he set them on fire, and immediately Akbuzat appeared in front of him. Having planted Karagash in front of him, the Urals drove further along the road to the Living Spring.

They drove through wide fields and deep gorges, through rocks and impenetrable swamps, and, finally, Akbuzat stopped and said to the Urals:

We are already very close to the Living Spring. But on the way to the spring lies a twelve-headed deva. You will have to fight him. Take three hairs from my mane. When you need me, set them on fire and I'll come right away.

The Ural took three hairs from the tulpar's mane, and Akbuzat immediately disappeared from sight.

You wait for me here, - said Ural Karagash. - I will leave you my kurai. If everything is fine with me, milk will drip from the kurai. And if I feel bad, blood will drip.

Ural said goodbye to the girl and went to the place where the deva lay.

And now the Living Spring is already murmuring ahead, flows out of the rock and immediately murmurs into the ground. And around the spring, human bones turn white. And this water, which can heal a hopeless patient, and make a healthy one immortal, lies and guards the oldest twelve-headed deva.

Ural, seeing the deva, shouted:

Hey dev, I've come for living water. Let me pass!

This daeva has already seen many brave batyrs, but none of them has yet been able to defeat him. Therefore, the deva did not even raise his eyebrows at the voice of the Urals. Ural shouted again, this time even louder. Then the dev opened his eyes and with his breath began to attract the Urals to him. Ural did not have time to blink an eye, as he was in front of the deva. But the Urals were not afraid and challenged the deva:

Shall we fight or fight?

It doesn't matter to me, - answered the deva. - What death you want to die, you will die with that.

Well, then hold on! - said Ural, pulled out his lightning sword and waved it several times in front of the deva's eyes. From the lightning that fell from the sword, the devas even went blind for a few moments.

Well, hold on! - Ural shouted again and began to cut off the deva's heads one by one with his sword.

And Karagash at that time, without taking her eyes off, looked at the kurai that the Urals left for her. She saw that milk was dripping from the kurai, and she was very happy.

Then, having heard the desperate roar of the twelve-headed deva, all the smaller devas began to resort to his help. But the sword in the hands of the Urals continued to cut right and left, and the hand of the Urals did not know how to get tired. As soon as he crushed this entire pack of devas into pieces, a great many of the most diverse petty evil spirits appeared - genies, goblin, ghouls. With their whole crowd, they fell on the Urals so much that blood dripped from the kurai that Karagash had left.

Karagash, seeing the blood, became worried. And then, without thinking twice, she took a kurai and began to play some kind of unpleasant melody that she heard when she was in slavery to the nine-headed deva. And that petty evil spirits, it turns out, is all that is needed. Hearing the native tune, they, forgetting about everything in the world, started dancing. The Urals, taking advantage of this respite, defeated all this pack and went to the Living Spring to draw water from it. But when he approached the spring, he saw that the spring had dried up completely, and there was not a drop of water left in it. All these devas and other evil spirits drank all the water from the spring so that this water would never get to people. The Urals sat for a long time in front of a dry spring, but no matter how much he waited, not a single drop of water leaked out of the rock.

Ural was very upset. But still, the fact that the Urals defeated all these devas has borne fruit. Forests immediately turned green, birds began to sing, nature came to life, smiles and joy appeared on people's faces.

And the Urals put Karagash on Akbuzat in front of him and rushed along the way back. And in the place where the Urals left a pile of deva bodies cut by him, a high mountain appeared. People called this mountain Yamantau. And until now, nothing grows on this mountain, and neither animals nor birds are found.

Ural married Karagash, and they began to live in peace and harmony. And they had three sons - Idel, Yaik and Sakmar.

And now Death rarely began to come to these parts, because she was afraid of the lightning sword of the Urals. And because in these parts there soon became so many people that they no longer had enough water. Ural, seeing this case, pulled his all-destroying sword from its scabbard, waved it three times over his head and struck the rock with his sword with all his might.

There will be the beginning of big water, - said the Urals.

Then Ural called his eldest son, Idel, and told him:

Go, son, wherever your eyes look, walk among people. But do not look back until you come to a full-flowing river.

And Idel went south, leaving deep traces behind him. And Ural saw off his son with eyes full of tears, because Ural knew that his son would never come back.

Idel goes forward, goes, and now he turned to the right and went to the west. Idel walked for months and years and finally saw a large river in front of him. Idel turned back and saw that a wide river was flowing in his footsteps and began to flow into the river to which Idel had come. This is how the beautiful river Agidel, sung in songs, arose.

On the same day, when Idel set off on his long journey, Ural sent his other sons on the road with the same condition. But the younger sons of the Urals were less patient. They did not have the endurance to go all the way alone, and they decided to go together. But be that as it may, the people remained forever grateful not only to Idel, but also to Yaik and Sakmar, and wished the Urals long life for raising such glorious sons.

But the Urals, already completing the hundred and first year of its life, did not have long. Death, which had long been waiting for the Urals to completely weaken, approached him quite close. And now the Urals are on their deathbed. From all sides people gathered to him to say goodbye to their beloved batyr. And then a middle-aged man appeared among the people, went to the Urals and said:

You, our father and our dear batyr! On the same day, when you lay down on your bed, I, at the request of the people, went to the Living Spring. It turned out that it was not all dry yet, and there was still some living water left. For seven days and seven nights I sat at the Living Spring and collected the remains of its water drop by drop. And so I managed to collect this horn of living water. We all ask you, our dear batyr, drink this water without a trace and live forever, not knowing death, for the happiness of all the people.

With these words, he extended the horn to the Urals.

Drink everything to the last drop, Ural batyr! - the people around asked.

Ural slowly got to his feet, took a horn with living water in his right hand and, bowing his head, expressed his gratitude to the people. Then he sprinkled everything around with this water and said:

I am alone, you are many. Not me, but our native land should be immortal. And may people live happily on this earth.

And everything around came to life. Various birds and animals appeared, everything around bloomed, and previously unseen berries and fruits poured out, numerous streams and rivers broke out of the ground and began to flow into Agidel, Yaik and Sakmar.

While people looked around with surprise and admiration, the Urals died.

The people with great respect buried the Urals in the most elevated place. And each person brought a handful of earth to his grave. And now, on the site of his grave, a high mountain grew, and people named this mountain in honor of their batyr - Uraltau. And in the depths of this mountain, the sacred bones of the Ural Batyr are still kept. All the innumerable treasures of this mountain are the precious bones of the Urals. And what we call oil today is the never-drying blood of a batyr.

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