An excerpt describing the disease from the story of L.N. Tolstoy "Death of Ivan Ilyich"


L. N. Tolstoy. An excerpt from the story "Childhood" - "MAMAN"

Lesson type: learning new


- educational: continue to acquaint children with the work of L. N. Tolstoy, introduce them to an excerpt from the work “Childhood”, improve reading skills, teach them to find main idea;

- developing:develop the ability to evaluate your work in the lesson, the ability to find the right passage in the text, the ability to analyze, develop reading technique, memory, thinking ;

- educational: educate independence, interest in the subject, understanding the depth of the subject, educate careful attitude to a loved one .


  1. for the teacher - presentation, visual material: crossword puzzle, portrait, textbook.
  2. for students - a textbook, handouts.


1. Klimanova L.F., Goretsky V.G., Vinogradskaya L.A. Literary reading Grade 4, Part 2, Prosveshchenie Publishing House, 2012

During the classes:

1. Org. moment.

Hello guys! We have a lesson literary reading where guests are present. Let's welcome them.

2. Speech warm-up.

slide 1.

The rain poured down - and everything in the mountains got wet,
Circles scattered across the water ...
I hear: through the roof, through the glass
Pray drops:
- Take care of your mom!

I hear: the leaves whisper behind the wall:
“Mom, this is a native tree!”
The voice of the father repeats the earth:
"Mother is the whole world, and groves, and fields."

The storm is raging furiously
In the black sky you can't see a single thing...
The roar of thunder is your voice, nature,
Asks every hour of any year:
“Soul of the world, mother, take care!”

Read slowly. Fast. With a tone of surprise. Let's read it expressively.

How did you understand the meaning of the phrase "... not to see a single thing ..."? ( total darkness)

3.Self-determination to activity

Slide 2.

Whose portrait is in front of you? (L. N. Tolstoy)

This is Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy - one of the greatest writers peace.

What works of L.N. Do you know Tolstoy? ("Bone", "Philippok", "Lion and Dog", "ABC", etc.)

Slide 3 (video)

  1. Setting the topic and objectives of the lesson.

And now, to find out the topic of our today's lesson, you need to guess the crossword puzzle (on the board).

Slide 4 (crossword)

  1. We help each other in trouble
    We do lessons and play together,
    Together we go for a walk, to the store.
    When you are not, then I am alone.
    Come soon, I miss you
    I don't play games without you.
    I really need communication with you
    Since we have a strong relationship with you ... (friendship)
  1. One from the company

Very nice joke

Everyone grabbed their stomachs
This flooded the people (laughter)

  1. When we all grow up

We remember only one

How do we dear mother

I gave everything ... (warmly)

  1. A children's game in which players try to hit each other with their hands. (Salochki)
  2. A children's game in which the driver is looking for all the players, who in turn are very well hidden. (hide and seek)
  3. Children believe in it, and sometimes adults (magic)
  4. Mom made me as a child

Eat soup first

Well, she didn't give them to me.

So that my tooth does not hurt (sweets)

See what word we got vertically? (Childhood)

What do you think, what work will we study today? ("Childhood")

slide 4.

Read the title of the topic of the lesson. (L. N. Tolstoy "Childhood")

What do you think the objectives of the lesson will be?

Today at the lesson we will read one of the chapters of Leo Tolstoy's autobiographical trilogy “Childhood. Adolescence. Youth".

Guys, what is autobiographical trilogy? (children's answers)

Autobiographical, events that actually happened to the author.

A trilogy is three works by the same author, where the second and third are a continuation of the first.

5. Primary synthesis.

Listen to the audio recording (excerpt)

Slide 5 (Audio recording)

Name the main character in the story? (Nikolenka)

And what do you think, if this story is autobiographical, then who does Nikolenka look like? (for the author himself)

Right! Describing his life, L. N. Tolstoy made Nikolenka the main character, called himself by him.

Let's do some vocabulary work. Look at the screen. Here are some words from the piece. How do you explain them?

slide 6

1) canvas dress

2) knickers

3) katsaveyka

4) Maman

6. Reading and analysis.

Now let's read an excerpt from the story.

(children read in a chain)

When do the events in the work take place, in what century?

Therefore, many of the words that you see in the text are no longer used in our time.

Pay attention to the title of the piece. Why is the name, and many phrases of the heroes of the work sound on French, How do you think? (( many spoke French)

What is the mother in the imagination of the son? Find this passage in the text and read it. (p.113 When I try to remember my mother...)

Who else does Nikolenka remember? Look at the text (sister)

What is she? How does he remember her? (from text) ( p.113 She was 11 years old...)

Okay, who's sitting next to his sister? (Maria Ivanovna)

Who is she? (music teacher)

Find in the text how Tolstoy conveyed her character? (p. 113 Beside her, half turn ...)

Who is Karl Ivanovich?

He's the tutor guys. Who is a tutor? ( answers)

(Educator of children in wealthy families in pre-revolutionary times, usually a foreigner.)

Why do you think he spoke German? (answers)

Guys, at that time most of the tutors were foreigners. Karl Ivanovich was a German, he taught Nikolenka the German language.

Explain how you understand the phrase "If in difficult moments of my life I could even catch a glimpse of this smile, I would not know what grief is." ( easier on the soul)

Do you agree with this statement?

What does the expression "resurrect in the imagination the features of a beloved being" mean?

Is it fair to say that the memory of a mother, her smile can brighten up a person's life? Find a passage about this in the text and read it. ( With. 114 When Mother Smiled...)

7. Secondary synthesis.

So, what kind of mother did Nikolenka remember? (Eyes expressing kindness and love; a gentle hand that often caressed him)

Slide 7 (plan)

According to the plan, make a few sentences about the person most dear to you. Let's read it:

1. Features of appearance

2. Facial expression

3. Attitude towards me

You are given some time.

Slide 8 (Tchaikovsky "The Seasons")

Who wants to tell?

Mom in the life of every person is the dearest and most beloved person. This is the first person we see who takes care of us all his life. No matter how old we are, mom will always consider us children and treat us with awe and love.

8. Summing up the lesson.

What writer were we talking about in class today?

What work of L. N. Tolstoy have we studied?

What is the story "Childhood", a part of what? (part of a trilogy)

What is a trilogy? (A trilogy is three works by the same author, where the second and third are a continuation of the first.)

Slide 8

Subject: L.N. Tolstoy. An excerpt from the story "Childhood".


  • Introduce students to short biography writer, the history of the appearance of the novel “Four Epochs of Development”, with the content of an excerpt from the story.
  • Develop the skills of correct, conscious, expressive, selective reading, oral connected speech; the ability to reproduce in memory the previously read works according to the listened passages; the ability to compose an exhibition of books on a given topic with brief annotation for each book the ability to analyze the read text and, as a result of the analysis, determine what means of expression the author uses to express his feelings.
  • Using the example of the hero of an excerpt from the story, to cultivate a warm and caring attitude towards the mother - the dearest person.


  • books with works by Leo Tolstoy for the exhibition;
  • audio recording with excerpts from the works of Leo Tolstoy;
  • photographs about the writer's life; A.M. Gorky's statement.


I. Organization of the beginning of the lesson

II. Introductory part

On the board is the statement of A.M. Gorky, which is read out by the teacher: “There is no person more worthy of the name of a genius, more complex and contradictory and beautiful in everything ...”

We have known this man for a long time through his works. His name is Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy. (Cm. Application . Rice. 1) Today in the lesson we will talk in more detail about his life and work, get acquainted with an excerpt from his story.

III. Introduction to biography

The teacher talks about the pages of the writer's biography, illustrating his story with photographs.

- Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy was born on August 28 (September 9, according to a new style) in 1828 in the Yasnaya Polyana estate, near Tula. Most The writer spent his life in this place. (Cm. Application . Fig.1, 2, 3)
By origin, Lev Nikolaevich belonged to the famous noble families. In the family, in addition to Lev Nikolaevich, there were three more sons: Nikolai, Sergey, Dmitry and daughter Maria, the writer's sister. Unfortunately, the children were orphaned early: Maria Nikolaevna, their mother, died in 1830, Nikolai Ilyich, their father, in 1837.
Their distant relative Tatyana Aleksandrovna Yergolskaya became the teacher of the children. She preserved the children's writings of Leo Tolstoy.
Since 1841, fat children lived in Kazan with their aunt-guardian Pelageya Ilyinichna Yushkova. In 1844, Lev Nikolaevich entered Kazan University. But the existing teaching did not satisfy his inquisitive mind, and in 1847 Tolstoy filed a petition to dismiss him from among the students.
In 1851, Tolstoy and his brother Nikolai (by that time an artillery officer) went to the Caucasus to enlist in the military. In the Caucasus, Leo Tolstoy wrote his first story "Childhood". Under the title “The Story of My Childhood,” the story was published in the journal “Sovremennik” and, at the request of the author, was signed only with his initials: “L.N.”.
During the reform period of the 1860s, Tolstoy devoted a lot of energy to practical activities, striving not in words, but in deeds to make life easier for the people. He accepted the post of mediator in order to fairly resolve disputes between landlords and peasants.
In 1859 he opened a school for peasant children in Yasnaya Polyana. (Cm. Application . Rice. 4) Following that, in the Krapivensky district, with the active participation of Tolstoy, another 26 schools were opened. Tolstoy himself taught children to read and write. In the 1870s he created the ABC and the original books for reading. These short stories and fables are known to everyone from early childhood.

IV. Checking homework

1. Return to the read works of Tolstoy.

– We got acquainted with these stories during all four years of study at school. They are well remembered, because the stories of Leo Tolstoy teach only goodness and justice. Listen to the excerpts and remember what works they are taken from?

Children are invited to listen to five excerpts from the stories and fables of L.N. Tolstoy, recorded on an audio cassette:

  1. An excerpt from the story "Filipok".
  2. An excerpt from the fable "Father and Sons".
  3. An excerpt from the story "Jump".
  4. An excerpt from the fable "The Ant and the Dove".
  5. An excerpt from the story "Shark".

2. An exhibition of books selected by students, with brief annotations.

– What other stories by Leo Tolstoy did you find in the library? Tell us about your findings.

V. Introduction to biography (continuation)

– In his declining years, Tolstoy was full of creative energy. Behind last decade During his life he wrote about fifty works. Tolstoy retained his love for children throughout his life. In the 1900s, he again worked with peasant children, as in his youth. (Cm. Application . Rice. 5).
On October 28, 1910, at six o'clock in the morning, Tolstoy left Yasnaya Polyana forever. He was heading to the south of Russia. On the way, he fell ill with pneumonia and was forced to leave the train at the Astapovo station. The last seven days of the writer's life passed in the house of the head of the station.
On November 7 at 6:50 am Leo Tolstoy passed away.
Lev Nikolaevich lived long life. He died when he was 82 years old. They buried him, as he bequeathed, in Yasnaya Polyana, among the trees, on the edge of a ravine. (cm. Application . Rice. 6, 7).
In Yasnaya Polyana there is a museum of Lev Nikolaevich. People from all over the world come there to see with their own eyes the house where the great Russian writer lived and worked.

VI. Introduction to new work

1. The history of the appearance of the story "Childhood"

- In my story about the work of Tolstoy, I mentioned the story "Childhood". This story was born in the Caucasus. It was there that Lev Nikolayevich made his very own top choice in life, he became a writer. He conceived the novel “Four Epochs of Development”, in which he wanted to depict the process of a person’s spiritual development, “to sharply outline the characteristic features of each era of life: in childhood, warmth and fidelity of feeling; in adolescence skepticism; in youth the beauty of feelings, the development of vanity and self-doubt. In the Caucasus, the first part of the planned novel, Childhood, was written; later two others were created - "Adolescence" and "Youth", and the fourth part "Youth" remained unwritten.

– In the lesson, we will get acquainted only with an excerpt from the first story. Creating images of the heroes of the story, the writer used his personal impressions and experiences, but the story is only partly autobiographical. L.N. Tolstoy claimed that he wrote not only about his childhood, but also about what is in the childhood of every person.

2. Primary perception of the text.

Combined reading: teacher - well-read students.

- What feelings is filled with this passage?

3. Speech workout.

Before we start reading on our own, let's speech warm-up, which will help us prepare the articulation apparatus for work. The warm-up is called the same as the excerpt from L.N. Tolstoy - “Childhood” by M. Yasnov.

  • expressive reading teacher
  • reading the highlighted words, explaining their formation;
  • reading to themselves by students;
  • choral reading at a moderate pace.

In MIRACULOUS you will open the windows -
HAPPY knocks on the path,
Veselyutik blooms by the river,
And the nightingales sing loudly.
And somewhere along distant roads
The NOSOMOT with the BEGEROG are wandering ...
We will go with them to MIRACLE rather -
TOROPINKA hurries right under the window,
Calls us to look - to look:
What's behind the window?
Chu!.. Childhood!

4. Vocabulary work.

Maman - read "maman" in the French manner.

5. “Buzzing” reading by students with the task:

- Find in the text what words Nikolenka addresses to his mother, as he calls her.

6. Analysis of the passage with selective reading.

What is the mother's name for her son?

- What can these expressions tell us, readers?

What did the boy feel when he was next to his mother? What did he want to do at that moment for all the people he knew and did not know? Read.

7. Identification of the main idea of ​​the text.

– This work of Leo Tolstoy is called “Childhood”. Do you think that the writer wanted to tell only about the childhood years of the boy Nikolenka?

Find and read the lines that express the main idea of ​​the passage.

VII. Summing up the lesson

- I would like to finish our lesson with the words of Lev Nikolayevich himself, with which he addressed his students at the Yasnaya Polyana school: “Thank you guys for coming to me. I am happy when you study well. Just please don't be naughty. And that is, those who do not listen, but only play pranks themselves. And what I tell you will be necessary for you. You will remember, when I am gone, that the old man spoke kindly to you.” All the works of Lev Nikolayevich are permeated with this kindness. That is why they are loved and known by adults and children.

VIII. Homework

- Prepare an expressive reading on the roles of this work.

Ivan Ilyich Golovin, a 45-year-old member of the judicial chamber, fell and hit his side on the frame handle. After that there were pains in the left side. by the most different ways Ivan Ilyich resisted the realization that something was wrong with him. He for a long time did not attach any importance to this "trifle case". With all his heart Ivan Ilyich did not want to accept this foolish situation. His pains especially annoyed him when they appeared at the very wrong time. For example, at a court session, at the very moment when Ivan Ilyich, as usual, had to take the floor, before which he was excited every time, knowing that the next day the whole city would discuss the speech and the logic of the proof; she annoyed even when things required constant mental activity due to the complexity of the case or upon the arrival of the authorities, before whom it was necessary to keep an account and be, as they say, “in shape”. I must say that Ivan Ilyich was a respected man, his opinion was listened to and people went to him for advice, it happened that the ministers of various affairs did not make decisions without a friendly conversation with Ivan Ilyich.

In the end, he went to the doctor. But even this did not bring relief, the pain intensified when moving from doctor to doctor, and the diagnosis was still not clarified. The disease took over him completely. Being a very intellectually gifted man, he studied all the medical books that he found, compared his illness with many similar cases, but did not find an answer for himself: what kind of pain torments him in his left side? Finally, he settled on the "wandering kidney" variant. With an effort of imagination, he tried to catch this kidney, stop it, strengthen it. Lying on his side, he listened to how the medicine prescribed by the doctor works beneficially, how it relieves pain .... But, of course, he was disappointed in this as well. Once, a familiar lady told about healing with icons. Ivan Ilyich found himself listening attentively and checking the validity of the fact. “Have I really become so mentally weak?” - he said to himself and gave up all attempts at treatment, again turning to work. But ... both comrades and subordinates saw with surprise and chagrin that he, such a brilliant and subtle judge, got confused, made mistakes. It was impossible to get rid of the pain, it penetrated everything, and nothing could obscure it.

Praskovya Fyodorovna's attitude to her husband's illness was such that Ivan Ilyich was to blame for this illness. He himself experienced a lot from the fact that the pain makes him irritable, that through this irritability, with which there is no way to cope, he brings a lot of suffering to loved ones ... Relatives, over time, stopped taking into account his illness, and behaved as if everyone in the best order...

Gradually, Ivan Ilyich recognizes that it is not in the caecum, not in the kidney, but in life and ... .. death. He is increasingly returning to the impressions of his childhood, memories and impressions of the past constantly float before him. “Here are the plums. They are exactly what I ate when I was a child, and our gardener Seraphim cursed when we plucked a plum tree as children ...

The buffet man Gerasim is the only one who shows him a feeling similar to pity for a child. Ivan Ilyich wanted to be caressed, kissed, to cry over him, as one caresses and consoles children. He knew that he was an important member, that he had a graying beard, and that therefore all this was impossible; but he still wanted it. And in relations with Gerasim there was something close to this, and therefore relations with Gerasim consoled him. Ivan Ilyich wanted to cry, he wants to be caressed and wept over him, and then Comrade Shebek comes, and instead of crying and caressing, Ivan Ilyich makes a serious, stern, thoughtful face and, out of inertia, speaks his opinion about the significance of the cassation decision and stubbornly insists on it...

Pain and suffering increase. All the same. Either a drop of hope will flash, or a sea of ​​despair will rage ... Terrible dreams torment him. It seemed to him that with pain they were thrusting him somewhere into a narrow black bag and deep, and they were pushing it further and further and could not push it through. And this terrible thing for him became a complete suffering. And he is afraid, and wants to fall into it, and fights, and helps. And then suddenly he broke off, and fell, and woke up .... The agony lasted for three days, for three days he screamed in agony without ceasing. For three days he feels how much a burden to those around him, he pities them ... And then death comes, Ivan Ilyich feels it as a wish, and still remembering the shame for his own, he wanted to say “forgive me”, but said “skip it” ... ..

3. Based on the analysis of the text below, write an essay: "The clue to epilepsy in the version of A. Meneghetti"

Clinical case of epilepsy. The relationship of the parents contributed to the development of epilepsy in their first child A. (16 years old) and the transmission of this dynamic to the second child F., who suffers from stuttering (it is an enhanced form of sporadic stuttering of the mother). From the age of five, the patient was treated under the supervision of the head physician of one of the most famous hospitals in Rome. Diagnosis: general epilepsy. He was brought to me after a seizure that happened right in the classroom, which lasted 20 minutes, during which the young man was in a state of complete shock.

An individual consultation helped me understand his mother - a woman, although already married, but in the depths of her soul gravitates towards a long-gone childhood, the memory of which she still keeps in herself. It is this childish form of behavior that characterizes her relationship with the harsh everyday life, turning her life into torment. The husband, brought up by foster parents and not having received real confidence from his mother, in relation to his wife, shows the affectivity of the owner that suffocates her. The wife, despite the pressure she feels from this unspoken sense of possessiveness, is unable to resist and continues to reproduce the infantile pattern of behavior (in her family only the father had the right to vote), thereby suppressing her impulse to protest, and - quite inevitably - pays the price for this pathology.

With the birth of the first child, however, a visceral connection is established, a compensatory symbiosis, a direct, deep and intuitive contact between the unconscious of mother and child. We know that the unconscious speaks directly and directly, it is not bound by any beliefs or norms of public morality that can become a brake on it. Thus, the form of instinctive rebellion and dissatisfaction suppressed by the mother at the unconscious level becomes the law, feeding the aggressiveness and desire for revenge in the child. In such a family episode as, for example, A.'s bathing, the whole dynamics of the mother-child connection is concentrated: the mother wants the child to wash himself, and he demands that she continue to bathe him. This umbilical cord, which binds mother and child, is supported on the one hand by female frustration, and on the other by a certain comfort in which the child is brought up and cannot do without, preferring to be coddled with him.

During the consultation, A. showed a strong aggressiveness (and this should not be underestimated), through which he tries to impose on his parents the game that was allowed to him in childhood. The very sensitive A. intuitively grasped the reality of the unconscious mother: his personality was created under the influence of the spirit of the repressed vindictiveness of the mother, who put her own misfortune into him. The strengthened and formed child, being already independent from his parents, nevertheless magically claims to prolong the super-reward, and if he is denied this, he gives vent to the disease, as a form of blackmail or revenge, destructive for him and for others. The onset of the disease coincides with the mother's pregnancy younger brother. A. intuitively feels some kind of alien presence in the mother's unconscious. The mother's unconscious charge really shifts from the firstborn to the expected child, and A., with her illness, unexpectedly unleashes a war against her parents.

Epilepsy indeed develops as a result of a kind of short circuit: when tension and frustrated aggressiveness exist, the subject discharges them inwards; this threatens retribution and the environment in which he lives. This is a persistent form of claiming what the subject considers necessary for his survival. As soon as the subject masters this mechanism of psychosomatic reaction, he structures it in harmony with his own organism. If a mother in her youth had been more liberated, uninhibited, then she would have taught her husband to treat her accordingly - as a free and mature person. Thus, the health of children depends on the happiness of parents. In order to restore A. to his autonomy, to help reshape his character, to teach him responsibility for his own actions, and to help him manage his energy, I had to break this dynamic of connection with the mother. This required 15 individual and family consultations, after which the medications(metinal L, gardenal, diamox), which the patient took daily from the age of 12. For five years now, the young man has been feeling well, showing no symptoms of the disease.

District competition

for the best methodological development lesson,

dedicated to the life and work of Leo Tolstoy

« ingenious master words"

Subject:L.N. Tolstoy. An excerpt from the story "Childhood".

Age of students: 12-14 years old


To acquaint students with a brief biography of the writer, the history of the appearance of the novel “Four Epochs of Development”, with the content of an excerpt from the story.

Develop the skills of correct, conscious, expressive, selective reading, oral coherent speech; the ability to reproduce in memory the previously read works according to the listened passages; the ability to make an exhibition of books on a given topic with a brief annotation for each book; the ability to analyze the read text and, as a result of the analysis, determine what means of expression the author uses to express his feelings.

Using the example of the hero of an excerpt from the story, to cultivate a warm and caring attitude towards the mother - the dearest person.


    books for the exhibition;

    drawings of students from grades 1 to 7;

    audio recording with excerpts from the works of Leo Tolstoy;

    photographs about the writer's life; A.M. Gorky's statement;


    record player



    books with the works of Leo Tolstoy;

    drawings and creative works students.

On the desk : topic of the lesson

There is no person more worthy of the name of a genius, more complex and contradictory and beautiful in everything ... ”M. Gorky

There is a song about Mom (Assol)


I. Organization of the beginning of the lesson

Definition emotional mood students. Each student chooses a Palm for himself and sticks it in notebooks, opposite the date.

Guys, the color of the palm is your mood. Let's see what you have?

II. Introductory part

On the board is the statement of A.M. Gorky, which is read out by the teacher:“There is no person more worthy of the name of a genius, more complex and contradictory and beautiful in everything ...”

We have known this man for a long time through his works. His name is Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy.


Today in the lesson we will talk in more detail about his life and work, get acquainted with an excerpt from his story. (During the acquaintance with the biography, quiet music sounds.)

III. Introduction to biography


Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy was born on August 28 (September 9, New Style) in 1828 at the Yasnaya Polyana estate, near Tula. The writer spent most of his life in this place.

Frame 2.3

By origin, Lev Nikolaevich belonged to famous noble families. In the family, in addition to Lev Nikolaevich, there were three more sons: Nikolai, Sergey, Dmitry and daughter Maria, the writer's sister. Unfortunately, the children were orphaned early: Maria Nikolaevna, their mother, died in 1830, Nikolai Ilyich, their father, in 1837.

Frame 4

Their distant relative Tatyana Aleksandrovna Yergolskaya became the teacher of the children. She preserved the children's writings of Leo Tolstoy. Reading was a great hobby for Tolstoy.

Frame 5.6

Since 1841, fat children lived in Kazan with their aunt-guardian Pelageya Ilyinichna Yushkova. In 1844, Lev Nikolaevich entered Kazan University. But the existing teaching did not satisfy his inquisitive mind, and in 1847 Tolstoy filed a petition to dismiss him from among the students.

Frame 7

In 1851, Tolstoy and his brother Nikolai (by that time an artillery officer) went to the Caucasus to enlist in the military. In the Caucasus, Leo Tolstoy wrote his first story "Childhood". Under the title “The Story of My Childhood,” the story was published in the journal “Sovremennik” and, at the request of the author, was signed only with his initials: “L.N.

Frame 8.9

During the reform period of the 1860s, Tolstoy devoted a lot of energy to practical activities, striving not in words, but in deeds to make life easier for the people. He accepted the post of mediator in order to fairly resolve disputes between landlords and peasants.

Frame 10

Turgenev's persistent advice to leave military service still had an effect on Tolstoy: he submitted a letter of resignation and in November 1856 received a dismissal from military service, and at the beginning of 1857 he went on his first trip abroad through Warsaw to Paris, and then to London.

Frame 11.12

In 1859 he opened a school for peasant children in Yasnaya Polyana. Following that, in the Krapivensky district, with the active participation of Tolstoy, 26 more schools were opened. Tolstoy himself taught children to read and write. In the 1870s he created the ABC and the original books for reading. These short stories and fables are known to everyone from early childhood.

Frame 13.14

IV. Checking homework

1. Return to the read works of Tolstoy.

We got acquainted with these stories during all four years of study at school. They are well remembered, because the stories of Leo Tolstoy teach only goodness and justice. Listen to the excerpts and remember what works they are taken from? Pick pictures for them.

Children are invited to listen to five excerpts from the stories and fables of L.N. Tolstoy, recorded on an audio cassette:

An excerpt from the story "Filippo".

An excerpt from the fable "Father and Sons".

An excerpt from the story "Jump".

An excerpt from the fable "The Ant and the Dove".

An excerpt from the story "Shark".

2. Exhibition of books, drawings, selected by students, with brief annotations.

What other stories by Leo Tolstoy did you find in the library? Tell us about your findings.

V. Introduction to biography (continued)

In his declining years, Tolstoy was full of creative energy. During the last decade of his life, he wrote about fifty works. Tolstoy retained his love for children throughout his life. In the 1900s, he again worked with peasant children, as in his youth.

Frame 15

On October 28, 1910, at six o'clock in the morning, Tolstoy left Yasnaya Polyana forever. He was heading to the south of Russia. On the way, he fell ill with pneumonia and was forced to leave the train at the Astapovo station. The last seven days of the writer's life passed in the house of the head of the station.

Frame 16

Lev Nikolaevich lived a long life. He died when he was 82 years old. They buried him, as he bequeathed, in Yasnaya Polyana, among the trees, on the edge of a ravine.

Frame 17

In Yasnaya Polyana there is a museum of Lev Nikolaevich. People from all over the world come there to see with their own eyes the house where the great Russian writer lived and worked.

Frame 18

Much time has passed since then. But people remember, honor the name of our countryman, write books about him. Let's listen to a poem written by students of the 8th grade of our school, dedicated to L. Tolstoy.

Reader. His name has become a legend in the world.

And as one poet said:

"Tolstoy, like God, under the golden linden

He liked to sit on the maple throne"

Frame 19

There was a house in Moscow, on the outskirts.

There was a manor near Tula.

dearer Yasnaya Polyana

Homesteads cannot be found.

Millions flocked to him.

The whole world bowed before him.

But instead great genius,

A simple old man came out to them.

A piercing look, and kind

Eyes peeked through brows.

Blouson, high boots,

Quite a gray beard.

Frame 20

piercing, as if piercing,

The gray eyes were astonishing.

And at once a judge and a thinker

This look was reminiscent.

He liked to walk along the outbuilding,

Dressed in modest attire:

And the "hat" is light brown,

And a homemade shoe.

He loved Pushkin, Fet.

Chopin and Glinka loved.

Peasants and their children

He opened a school for the poor.

And he wrote the ABC.

And for the sick and suffering

He gave everything he could.

Loved to become invisible

For all hours up to five.

And sitting in a dark room

He wrote his novels.

Frame 21

Wrote about "War and Peace"

He showed the fate of the country.

And the girl Anna Karenina

In the novel, he described

And at six I went out onto the terrace,

He drank coffee, he played with the children.

And listening to beautiful music

And he remembered his youth.

At that time, not very easy,

I had to serve in the Caucasus.

And I loved it very much in autumn

He goes hunting.

He liked to play tennis.

The people cheered heartily.

And for the rest of your life

He loved to ride.

Suddenly, disaster struck.

Like thunder among white day,

Tolstoy was stricken with illness.

And she shocked everyone!

He left home for a long time.

And did not return there.

We've all lost Tolstoy

Beloved countryman!

Frame 22

We still honor his name.

We are proud of our countryman.

And happy with those in the world

On Tula land we are living!

VI. Introduction to new work

1. The history of the appearance of the story "Childhood"

In my story about the work of Tolstoy, I mentioned the story "Childhood". This story was born in the Caucasus. It was there that Lev Nikolayevich made his most important choice in life - he became a writer. He conceived the novel “Four Epochs of Development”, in which he wanted to depict the process of a person’s spiritual development, “to sharply outline the characteristic features of each era of life: in childhood, warmth and fidelity of feeling; in adolescence skepticism; in youth the beauty of feelings, the development of vanity and self-doubt. In the Caucasus, the first part of the planned novel, Childhood, was written; later two others were created - "Adolescence" and "Youth", and the fourth part "Youth" remained unwritten.

In the lesson, we will get acquainted only with an excerpt from the first story. Creating images of the heroes of the story, the writer used his personal impressions and experiences, but the story is only partly autobiographical. L.N. Tolstoy claimed that he wrote not only about his childhood, but also about what is in the childhood of every person.

2. Primary perception of the text.

Combined reading: teacher - well-read students.

What are the feelings in this passage?

3. Speech warm-up.

Before we get started independent reading, we will conduct a speech warm-up, which will help us prepare the articulatory apparatus for work. The warm-up is called the same as the excerpt from L.N. Tolstoy - “Childhood” by M. Yasnov.

expressive reading by the teacher;

reading the highlighted words, explaining their formation;

reading to themselves by students;

choral reading at a moderate pace.

In MIRACULOUS you will open the windows -

HAPPY knocks on the path,

Veselyutik blooms by the river,

And the nightingales sing loudly.

And somewhere along the long roads

The NOSOMOT with the BEGEROG are wandering ...

We will go with them to MIRACLE rather -

TOROPINKA hurries right under the window,

Calls us to look - to look:

What's behind the window?

Chu!.. Childhood!

4. Vocabulary work.

Maman - read "maman" in the French manner.

5. Reading by students with the task:

Find in the text what words Nikolenka addresses to his mother, as he calls her.

6. Analysis of the passage with selective reading.

What is the mother's name for her son?

What can these expressions tell us, readers?

What did the boy experience when he was next to his mother? What did he want to do at that moment for all the people he knew and did not know? Read.

7. Highlighting the main idea of ​​the text.

This work of Leo Tolstoy is called "Childhood". Do you think that the writer wanted to tell only about the childhood years of the boy Nikolenka?

Find and read the lines that express the main idea of ​​the passage.

VII. Summing up the lesson

Guys, today at the lesson we got acquainted with an excerpt from the wonderful work of L. Tolstoy “Childhood”, we learned how Nikolenka addresses her mother. Do you guys love your mom? Tell us how you address her, what is she like for you?

Let's listen to a song about best friend on the ground? Did you guess who?

(Sounds about mom)

I would like to end our lesson with the words of Lev Nikolayevich himself, with which he addressed his students at the Yasnaya Polyana school: “Thank you guys for coming to me. I am happy when you study well. Just please don't be naughty. And that is, those who do not listen, but only play pranks themselves. And what I tell you will be necessary for you. You will remember, when I am gone, that the old man spoke kindly to you.” All the works of Lev Nikolayevich are permeated with this kindness. That is why they are loved and known by adults and children.

Frame 23

VIII. Homework

Prepare an expressive reading on the roles of this work.

Try to write a quatrain about a writer, a hero.

IX. Student reflection

1. "Self-portrait"

The students again choose the Hands and attach them to the notebook. A conclusion is made about the state of students at the end of the lesson.

2. Students' statements about what they liked and what they took for themselves.

Happy, happy, irretrievable time of childhood! How not to love, not to cherish the memories of her? These memories refresh, elevate my soul and serve as a source of the best pleasures for me.
Having run to your fill, you used to sit at the tea table, on your high armchair; it’s already late, I drank my cup of milk with sugar a long time ago, sleep closes my eyes, but you don’t move, you sit and listen. And why not listen? Maman is talking to someone, and the sounds of her voice are so sweet, so friendly. These sounds alone speak so much to my heart! With eyes hazy with drowsiness, I gaze intently at her face, and suddenly she became all small, small - her face is no more than a button; but I still see it clearly: I see how she looked at me and how she smiled. I love seeing her so tiny. I squint my eyes even more, and it becomes no more than those boys who are in the pupils; but I stirred - and the charm was destroyed; I narrow my eyes, turn around, try my best to renew it, but in vain. I get up, climb up with my legs and comfortably fit into a chair.
- You'll fall asleep again, Nikolenka, - says maman, - you'd better go upstairs.
“I don’t want to sleep, mother,” you answer her, and vague, but sweet dreams fill the imagination, healthy children's sleep closes your eyelids, and in a minute you will forget and sleep until you wake up. You feel, it happened, waking up, that someone's gentle hand is touching you; by one touch you recognize her, and even in your sleep you involuntarily grab this hand and firmly, firmly press it to your lips.
Everyone has already dispersed; one candle is burning in the living room; maman said that she herself would wake me up; it was she who sat down on the chair on which I sleep, ran her wonderful gentle hand through my hair, and a sweet familiar voice sounds over my ear!
- Get up, my darling: it's time to go to bed. Nobody's indifferent looks do not constrain her: she is not afraid to pour out all her tenderness and love on me. I don't move, but I kiss her hand even harder.
Get up, my angel.
She takes my neck with her other hand, and her fingers move quickly and tickle me. The room is quiet, semi-dark; my nerves are excited by tickling and awakening; mother sits beside me; she touches me; I can hear her scent and voice. All this makes me jump up, wrap my arms around her neck, press my head to her chest and, breathless, say:
- Oh, dear, dear mother, how I love you! She smiles her sad, charming smile, takes my head with both hands, kisses me on the forehead and puts me on her knees.
- So you love me very much? - She is silent for a minute, then says: - Look, always love me, never forget. If your mother is not around, will you forget her? won't you forget, Nikolenka?
She kisses me even more tenderly.
- Full! and don't say it, my darling, my darling! - I scream, kissing her knees, and tears flow from my eyes in streams - tears of love and delight. Lord, papa and mama." Repeating the prayers that for the first time my childish lips murmured behind my beloved mother, love for her and love for God somehow strangely merged into one feeling.
After prayer, you would wrap yourself up, it used to be in a blanket; the soul is light, light and gratifying; some dreams drive others - but what are they about? They are elusive but fulfilled pure love and hopes for bright happiness. Remember, it happened, about Karl Ivanovich and his bitter fate - the only person whom I knew unhappy - and it will become so pitiful, you will love him so much that tears will flow from your eyes, and you think: "God grant him happiness, give me the opportunity to help him, ease his grief; I am ready to sacrifice everything for him." Then you stick your favorite porcelain toy - a bunny or a dog - into the corner of a down pillow and admire how good, warm and comfortable it is to lie there. You will also pray that God will give happiness to everyone, that everyone will be happy and that tomorrow there will be good weather for walking, you will turn on the other side, thoughts and dreams will get mixed up, mixed up, and you will fall asleep quietly, calmly, still with your face wet from tears.
Will that freshness, carelessness, the need for love and the strength of faith that you possess in childhood ever return? What time can be better than that when the two best virtues - innocent gaiety and the boundless need of love - were the only motives in life? Where are those fervent prayers? where is the best gift - those pure tears of tenderness? A comforting angel flew in, wiped away those tears with a smile, and conjured up sweet dreams to the unspoiled childish imagination.
Has life left such heavy traces in my heart that these tears and raptures have departed from me forever? Are there only memories left?

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