Finger fairy tale turnip. Finger game - fairy tale "Turnip"




    Grandfather (circle an imaginary beard with both hands from top to bottom) Grandmother (circle your head from top to bottom with your hands, as if you are putting on and tying the corners of a scarf under your chin) Granddaughter (draw a bow on top - finger game "Bow" (fold the fingers of both hands with a pinch and connect fingertips with a figure eight). : connect the middle and ring fingers with the thumb so that you get a ring - this is the "muzzle" of the cat. Raise the index finger and little finger - the cat's "ears" stick out). forward and connect - you get a sharp "muzzle" of the mouse.Bend the index and little fingers and press them to the middle and ring finger- these are the "ears").


Turnip (with two hands from top to bottom, “draw” a circle in the air with a tip pointed downwards).

Grandfather planted a turnip in the garden

(knock index finger right hand on the palm of the left)

And in the fall I decided to dig

The turnip has grown big

Like this - like this

(wiggle your hands big circle in the air)

Grandfather called grandma then

But the grandmother could not

Then the granddaughter came running

I promised to help pull out the turnip

Zhuchka - a dog, with a cat Murka

They also wanted to help their grandfather

But they couldn't pull the turnip out

(shake head from side to side)

Little gray mouse

That's such a coward

(cross your arms over your chest and move your fingers over your hands as if you want to warm up)

Grandfather helped

And I was able to pull a turnip

Who gets to work together

(palms join, round)

That's why everything works!

(fold your right hand into a fist, raise your thumb up)

finger game- fairy tale "Kolobok"



    Grandfather (circle an imaginary beard with both hands from top to bottom) Grandmother (circle your head from top to bottom with your hands, as if you are putting on and tying the corners of a scarf under your chin) Gingerbread Man (finger game "Ball": connect the fingertips of the hands so that you get a "ball". Fingers should be slightly bent.Hare (finger game "Hare": make a fist, and raise your index and middle fingers. turned out to be raised up and slightly apart to the sides. These are fox "ears" bend the index fingers and little fingers this will be the fox "muzzle") Wolf (finger game "Wolf": join the palms so that the thumbs are raised up and slightly spread apart These are wolf "ears". Bend your index fingers - this is the wolf's "forehead". The remaining fingers are the "muzzle") Bear (finger game "Bear": lean with all fingers except the middle one on the table - this is "but gi "bear). Bend your middle finger and lift it up - you get a bear's "head".

Grandma and Grandpa lived together

Decided to make a gingerbread man

They swept over the barn

(with both hands pretend to be sweeping with a broom)

They scratched the bottom of the barrel

(scratch the table with both hands)

It turned out a bun

What a rosy side

Rolled out over the threshold

(rotate hands)

And no one could catch up

He rolled through the forest

(keep turning hands)

And the hare found himself

The hare wanted to eat it

But I decided to listen to the song

Nearby lived a gray she-wolf

Here with such teeth

(join the palms at the base and tap with spread fingers as if with “teeth”)

He wanted to eat the bun

And he couldn't catch up

The bear is big and shaggy

Sucking his paw in the forest

And the bun rolled past

(rotate hands)

Picked up and stopped

Mishka sang a song

(put hand to ear as if you want to listen)

And arrived in time for the fox

And the fox was cunning

Kolobok deceived her

He decided to sing a song to her

And jumped on the fox's nose

(touch nose)

And the fox raised his nose

And she swallowed the bun

(open your mouth wide and then close your mouth)

Our story has come to an end

And who listened well done!

(pat yourself on the head).

Early development in recent times has become especially popular among modern parents. This is due to a significant increase in the level of training that a first grader should have. "Pea" is website, child development which will be a fun activity for the whole family.

We have tried to fill our portal with the most interesting materials that are designed to help parents in their daily work on the upbringing and education of preschoolers. Website early development children"Goroshenka" offers the whole variety of games and interesting tasks for children aimed at acquiring certain skills and improving their own skills. All materials posted on the portal have one goal - to prepare the child for school as much as possible.

Presentations for children as one of the best ways to teach a child

Information technology has come a long way last years. Modern children easily master computer technology, and as a result, child development presentations. This special kind materials that help kids learn all the information more easily.

When preparation of children to school, presentation is often of key importance. Bright and colorful pictures allow the baby to clearly see the world, to imagine in his imagination plants and animals that he had not yet met. Children's presentations for children are freely available, which allows all parents to use them in self-study with baby.

Electronic presentations for children download - it is so simple

Modern sites represent many of the most various materials, which parents can use in classes with the child. We tried to make our free presentations for kids slightly different from everyone else.

First of all, our materials are quite informative. They will be of interest not only to preschoolers. Such presentations for children lower grades fit just as well. A logical question arises - can a first-grader and a three-year-old child really learn the same amount of information that will be interesting for the first and understandable for the second.

Definitely not. Our materials work on a slightly different principle. Mainly presentations for children preparatory group . They cover all the points that the child needs to know by school. However, it is still necessary to start teaching the baby earlier - for example, at 3-4 years old, the child is already ready to see presentations for kindergarten children.

At this age, the baby is tormented by a wide variety of questions that adults, at times, cannot answer. But successful child development is possible only when he gets free access to all things interesting in his understanding. He may not understand some of the materials that are not yet so interesting to him due to his age, but if you repeat the lesson in six months, the baby will learn more points.

Preschool development of children using unique materials

The uniqueness of our materials lies in several important points. First, as mentioned above, is the availability and completeness of information, which makes child development preschool age successful. The second point is the bright and colorful pictures. Thus, preschool child development site trying to make it interesting, that is, the baby will definitely be interested in high-quality photographs and pictures that are in each presentation.

And, finally, one more point, in our opinion, one of the most important. Presentation for children free of charge implies the presence of certain tasks at the end, aimed at consolidating the materials and developing certain skills of the baby. These can be games for logic, thinking, speech development, fine motor skills development and others. Thus, the child easily absorbs all the information received and has a pleasant time next to his parents. Perhaps these are the best parameters for successful learning.

Let's talk today about the health of our children. There is a heated debate going on around the development of the next generation. New century dictates its own rules. Many children spend hours playing with their mother's or father's smartphone, watching TV, and after a while they begin to lag behind in the development of speech or perception. But this is absolutely no reason to rush into a panic and run to the doctors. Finger gymnastics for children is quite capable of solving all these issues in an easy and enjoyable way.

The main thing here is that the parents themselves are not too lazy to do it!

The wisdom of Eastern practices for development

Already in the second century BC, the Chinese sages knew what a beneficial effect manual (manual) therapy and gymnastics had on the body. Our limbs contain a huge number of bundles of nerve endings. And each finger is responsible for a separate organ or organ system:

  • big - for the work of the brain
  • index - for the condition of the stomach
  • middle man - responsible for the intestines
  • nameless - for the liver and kidneys
  • little finger - for the work of the heart

Thus, you can start massaging these acupuncture points to your child from the very beginning. early age and thereby contribute proper development his body.

The wisdom of our ancestors of the Slavs

In ancient times, our Slavic ancestors raised their offspring in a way that is strikingly different from today. For such interaction, they even had a special word - nurturing. It involved tuning the biorhythms of the parent to the biorhythm of the child and the earth with the help of special actions. Such simple rhymes for us as “forty-white-sided” and “ladushki” were not just entertainment at all, they were part of the nurturing system, as one of the ways of development based on knowledge of acupuncture.

Let's remember such a simple game with massage of the baby's hands as "magpie - white-sided". It is very simple and gives the little ones a lot of fun.

"Magpie - white-sided"

Words Actions
“Magpie-crow cooked porridge, children…” Start circular movements from the center of the palm in a spiral, gradually increasing the circles
to the brim. This is how you stimulate the small intestine.
“... fed…” On this word, slide your finger between the ring and middle child, stimulating
rectal line.
“I gave this, I gave this…” Starting from the little finger to the index finger, squeeze each finger in your palm, thereby
provoking Good work organs mentioned above.
“... and drove this one away” Grab your baby's thumb
“And you are fat at the gate, wait!
The cow will come
Milk will bring!”
On last word pretend you want to eat it - yours
the child will be completely delighted!

Gymnastics by age

Handmade and older will be different from the one that fits very small. You will have to help with the correct placement of small hands at first. For ages up to 3 years, these exercises are very suitable.

Turnip game

Game about a cat

You can enjoy even more games with movements that children under 3 years old can easily repeat after their parents in this video.

If your “miracle” is already older and can perform movements on its own, or maybe even pronounce verses aloud, then the program for 3-5 years will suit you. Here are some exercises.

The fish game

Game about a dog

Words Actions
“A dog was walking across the bridge” bulge middle finger forward (dog head), and put the rest on the table and walk with them
"Four paws" We raise 4 fingers in turn except the thumb (it is pressed).
“Fifth is the tail” We change: we press everything, and we lift the big one up
"If the bridge collapses" We make a bridge from the palms. To do this, we connect them with our fingertips, and then depict how the bridge collapses.
“That dog will fall off!” We spread our arms in surprise and shrug our shoulders.
“So that she does not drown,
You run to pull it!”
With two fingers of the right hand, we step on the table, as if we were running and grabbing the finger of the left hand

You will see more games for this age category and older in this video clip.

From fine motor skills to good diction

With the help of such simple rhymes, you solve several development issues at once:

All this in a complex will allow your child to grow up a smart and interesting personality. Therefore, rather grab a smartphone from him and take on educational games! You will see positive results very soon!

Finger theater The Turnip is a fun and rewarding way to introduce two to three year olds to this Russian folk tale. And the "artists" of this theater - finger puppets - can easily be made with your own hands from felt. The first acquaintance with both the fairy tale and puppet theater on the fingers, you can spend, for example, like this:

You begin to tell the fairy tale “Grandfather planted a turnip” (we put a doll-Grandfather on the little finger). “A big, big turnip has grown!” (we take a turnip in our hand and hold it near Grandfather). “Grandfather began to pull the turnip. It pulls, it pulls, it can’t pull it out! (a child's hand with spread fingers moves like a pendulum - now towards the turnip, now away from the turnip). “Grandfather called Babka” (we put Babka’s doll on the baby’s finger). "Grandma for Grandfather, Grandfather for a turnip." (lightly hit your index finger on the character you name). “Pull, pull, they can’t pull!” (again we make a pendulum movement, “pull out” the turnip). So, gradually add the characters of the fairy tale. When all the fingers on one hand are occupied by artist dolls, we put them on the second hand. After that, we “pull” the turnip with two handles - the pendulum movement is coordinated by both hands at the same time. At the end of the tale, when "They pulled out a turnip!" lightly push the child's arms, simulating the "recoil" from a pulled turnip. And then you can “feed” all puppet artists with a vegetable taken with a fight.

And now we will tell you how to make artists for the turnip finger theater.

You'll need:

  • Felt of various colors
  • The threads are black and the color of felt, you can floss in 2 additions
  • Black beads for eyes
  • Black beads for spouts
  • Needle, scissors, stapler

Master class on making finger puppets with your own hands from felt.

Granddaughter Masha.

Draw your template or print it out. The size of the finger puppet is given for a child, it is also suitable for a mother's finger.

We cut out the template and pin it to the fabric with a stapler. Cut out the felt according to the pattern.

For the head, we cut out one part from flesh-colored felt, the second from hair color. Cut out 2 details of the dress and handles, one bang.

Sew the two parts of the base. We overlap two pieces of felt and sew.

Embroider Masha's face

We make eyes from beads. We embroider the nose with a pink thread, the mouth with a stalk stitch.

We sew the two parts of the base with a buttonhole seam, inserting handles between them. We put the bangs on top of the front side.

We cut the bangs - we get hair.

The car is ready.

The base consists of two parts: the head and the shirt. It is better to embroider the nose with satin stitch, but you can also sew on a pink bead. For a beard, we sew a bunch of white floss threads with a needle just below the nose, cut it, straighten it. Eyebrows are done, but you can just make a few straight stitches.

The base consists of two parts: a scarf and dresses. After sewing the base, we sew the grandmother's face to one of the sides of the base, putting the ends of the scarf under the face. We embroider the nose with satin stitch, the mouth and eyebrows with straight stitches.

We sew the overlay on the muzzle when we make the antennae. The nose is a bead.

It is better to make black immediately, as in many Russian folk tales the black cat is involved. We sew the paws from below, with black threads - we get claws.

Fairy tales are very captivating for young children. They lovingly and with interest look at the pictures in the books. But much more development potential is given interactive fairy tales, that is, those in which the child himself can take part. The best option- do-it-yourself finger theater crochet. We will consider the schemes in detail. The beauty of the finger theater is also that it develops fine motor skills. And with it, as you know, the speech of the baby is very closely connected.

What to knit

Let's try to make a finger theater. "Kolobok", "Turnip" and "Teremok" are the most favorite fairy tales for kids. Consider all the main characters that we have to connect.

  • "Turnip": grandmother, grandfather, bug, granddaughter, cat, mouse.
  • "Teremok": mouse, frog, hare, fox, wolf, bear.
  • "Kolobok": grandmother, grandfather, bun, bunny, fox, wolf, bear.

As you can see from the list, many characters these fairy tales are repeated, it turns out that only 12 heroes are needed for 3 fairy tales. The same finger will help to play a few more fairy tales: "Mashenka and the Bear", "The Wolf and the Fox", "The Snow Maiden".

For work you will need: multi-colored threads for knitting, a hook, a plastic needle, beads, or other colored ones. And also: lace, ribbons, beads and other little things for decoration.

The toys are small, so it is better to take a thin cotton thread (100 g per 300 m) and a hook of the appropriate size. The size of the hook is always written on the package with threads.


For the mouse you will need threads of white, gray and blue flowers. Knitting patterns are very simple.

  1. We start with a gray thread. From the thread you need to make a loop and knit 6 columns into it, the loop is tightened and a base circle is obtained.
  2. Second row - in each loop of the first row we knit 2 columns, we get 12 loops.
  3. Third row - now we do the addition through the loop.
  4. Rows 4-7 just knit 18 stitches.
  5. Eighth row - decrease through the loop, 12 loops remain.
  6. 9-12 rows - change the thread to white and continue to knit.
  7. We knit the 13th row only for the back wall, we continue to knit 5 more rows, we finish work with the base.


Let's go back to row 13. We bring the blue thread through the wrong side and begin to knit on the front wall.

Small parts

For the nose, we tighten 4 columns into a loop, as at the beginning of work. In the 2nd and 3rd rows, we add 2 columns on one side. To make the ears, we make 7 columns into the loop, but we don’t tighten it very much and slightly spread the edges to make a semicircle. We hide the ends of the threads inside with a needle. Pens. We make 6 columns in a loop gray color. 2 row - 6 more columns. 3-6 rows are already knitted with a white thread. The finished handle needs to be slightly stuffed with padding polyester and tightened. The tail is a chain of air loops.

Now sew everything small parts into place. This can be done using threads that match the color and a regular needle. We embroider cilia, antennae and mouth on the muzzle. The nose and eyes are beads. If desired, make teeth from 2 white beads. For stability, it is better to fill your head a little. The mouse is ready.


You need to tie a few more animals to get a full-fledged crocheted finger theater with your own hands. The schemes are very similar to a mouse, only for the head you need to make 2 more rows. In the middle there will be another row with the addition of 6 loops and one with a decrease. The rest of the knitting patterns are similar.

For girl characters, we also knit a skirt. The wolf, the hare and the bear need panties. To do this, at the level of the 13th row, we simply change the color of the thread.

For a frog, handles are knitted differently. We make 11 air loops and close 3 more in a ring. In this ring we knit 3 fingers, each with 3 air loops, and we return back.

Chanterelle - sister can knit a beautiful scarf. We start with 18 loops, and gradually reduce their number on both sides. You should not reduce the most extreme loops, otherwise the scarf will turn out to be stepped. At the end, we make chains of air loops along the edges of the triangle so that it is convenient to tie a scarf on a fox.

That the animals were more elegant, we decorate the dresses with lace along the edge. you can sew on beads and small rhinestones. Useful for decoration and ribbons, they make bows on the tails of animals.

Grandmother, grandfather and granddaughter

The turnip finger theater will not do without the main characters. All people knit in approximately the same pattern, so their description can be combined. We knit a granddaughter like a mouse, grandparents with an addition so that they turn out a little more.

Grandfather will make a wig with a bald head and a beard with a mustache. For hair, we collect 28 air loops and turn the work without connecting it into a ring. Further according to the scheme: 3 air loops, a connecting column in the previous row. So to the end. For a beard with a mustache, we make a ring of 20 air loops and repeat the wig pattern 4-5 times.

Let's make a fashionable bun on the grandmother's head. To do this, we begin to knit like a head. We knit 5 rows, then, for we make out the front of the hairstyle. Half-column, 5 columns and another half-column, we complete the work. For a beam, we knit 20 air loops, and back with single crochets. We twist the resulting ribbon with a snail and sew the entire structure to the head.

Grandparents are incredibly glasses. To make them for dolls, you will need color-coated paperclips. The paper clip must be straightened and twisted into rings with a pencil. We sink the bows directly into the head and sew them with threads for strength.

It remains to do the granddaughter's hair. Ponytails suit her very well. We wind the yarn of a suitable color on a cardboard rectangle and cut it. Then sew in small strands in the center of the head. The hair will already be parted, it remains to make ponytails.


  • 1 row - we make 6 columns in a tightening loop.
  • 2 row - in each column of the previous row we knit 2 columns.
  • 3 row - we make an increase through the loop.
  • 4 row - we add after 2 loops of the previous row.
  • 5-7 row - we knit the resulting 24 loops.
  • 8 row - decrease after 2 loops.
  • 9 row - decrease through 1 loop.
  • 10 row - decrease after 2 loops. There should be only 8 loops left. Now it's time to fill the turnip with filler, having previously formed a hole for the future finger.
  • 11-16 rows knit 8 loops. We make reductions for another 2-3 rows and fill the resulting finger inward.

We knit 3 leaves for a turnip. We collect 11 air loops, then 2 half-columns, 2 columns, 3 columns with a crochet, 1 column and 3 more columns in one loop. We expand the work and repeat the same thing in reverse order. Sew the leaves to the base. The turnip is ready.


If you decide to crochet a finger theater, do not forget about Kolobok. Its base is made like a turnip. Before stuffing, we will make a kolobok face. We sew on beady eyes, embroider eyebrows with black thread, and a mouth with red thread. We make handles as for other dolls. To make the gingerbread man a little more charming, we will knit a headdress for him. To do this, we will use the scheme of the body from rows 1 to 6, then we will make a row with a decrease. In the final at the crown, you need to tie 3 air loops. Get a nice beret.

Glove- "Teremok"

What to do more interesting theater finger, crochet teremok can also be crocheted. But he will be put on not on the finger, but on the palm. We collect 50 air loops and close in a circle. We knit 3 rows in a circle with double crochets. Then we knit 3 more rows, leaving room for a window approximately in the middle of the palm. Then again we knit in a circle 1 row. Near thumb we make a chain of 18 air loops and knit 3 more rows already in a large circle.

Now it remains to decorate our teremok. We tie the window with a thread of a contrasting color. You can also use air loops to make a crosshair in the window, or even hang curtains made of transparent material. The top is also processed with a bright trim.

We make the bottom of the tower green. We embroider grass in different shades of green. Let's plant some flowers. If desired, you can add a butterfly or a bee. It will turn out a very beautiful teremok. If you bend the finger with the character to the palm, you can depict how he is knocking on the door.

So the do-it-yourself finger theater is ready. The schemes for its creation are very simple and accessible to craftswomen of different levels. It turns out a wonderful set of toys for a fun and useful pastime with children. It is worth connecting a little imagination, and you will get a whole bunch of new heroes and fairy tales. For example, if you add a chicken and a golden egg, it will be “Rocked Hen”. It is easy to crochet a finger theater, and it will delight for a very long time. At first, the parents will show the performance, then the kids will take it into their own hands with pleasure.

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