Finger Theatre. Finger theater "Puppet heads"


Victoria Zdvizhkova

"The mind of a child is at your fingertips"

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Finger theater the children of our group, especially the girls, love it very much. It's no secret that, in addition to aesthetic pleasure, playing with a finger puppet theater develops a child's imagination, curiosity, sociability, interest in creativity, contributes to the development of speech, memory, attention, thinking, perseverance, broadening one's horizons, helps to cope with shyness and much more. .

For this reason, one of parent meetings we decided to replenish our theater with hand-made characters.

Parents tried and sewed the fairy tale "Teremok"

It turned out it wasn't all that difficult.

Some parents "took the hook" for the first time. And it turned out pretty well, in our opinion.

One family presented a nursery rhyme "Magpie Crow" made of felt.

We made some animals ourselves with children from plasticine.

Thanks to the finger theater, the child has the opportunity to fantasize, invent their own fairy tales and stories. Parents thank you so much for active participation in the life of the kindergarten.

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All toys were sewn from hard Korean felt. They are bright and attract the attention of children. Finger puppet theater helps the teacher.

You can create a finger theater with your own hands. This takes a little creativity and imagination. Children love to play with their fingers.

The finger theater "Ryaba Hen" is made of felt, taking into account the size of a child's hand. The simple text and plot of the tale allow you to play even with.

We take 200 grams of flour and 150 grams of salt, add 1/3 cup of water, mix. add 1 tablespoon of PVA glue, or wallpaper paste.

Dear Maam people, we all know what a huge role theatrical activity plays in the lives of children - children love to listen to, watch and listen to fairy tales.

The game is the most natural look child's activities. It is she who makes it possible to acquire new knowledge about the world around us, to expand.

The whole school year, the guys and I worked on the project "Pets". The guys learned a lot: how and where they live, what they eat, what kind.

Finger theater - These are small figures that are put on the fingers of adults and children and are used to stage fairy tales and stories.

When playing, it is important to work with different fingers, pairs of fingers, one and two hands, several fingers at the same time. All this helps with the development of coordination of movements, the brain.

Benefits of finger theater

The finger theater is one of the types of puppet theater and has the following advantages over its other types:

    Finger theater promotes the development of fine motor skills. Thanks to actions with puppets, thin differentiated movements of the fingers are formed;

    The use of finger theater does not imply that the child has special technical skills that may be needed when using glove puppets, puppets, etc.

    Finger theater is familiar to children from preschool age, as educators widely use it in various classes in the learning process;

    In dramatizations, the finger theater allows the child to show several characters at once;

Finger theater puppets take up little space and do not require large material costs. There are various types of finger theater made using various technologies that take into account the physiological capabilities of children.

In the finger theater, director's play is used as a type of theatrical games. In it, the child does not play the role of any character himself, but controls the artists - puppets. In this type of theatrical game, the child “voices” his characters and comments on the plot as the author, thereby developing his monologue speech.

There are various types of finger theater made using various technologies that take into account the physiological capabilities of children.

    Akulova, O. Theatrical games // Preschool education, 2005.-№4. Vetlugina, N.A. Aesthetic education in kindergarten: a manual for educators det. garden / N.A. Vetlugin. - 2nd ed., revised. - M .: Education, 1985.-207s., Ill.

    Kravtsova, E.E. Wake up the wizard in the child: book. for kindergarten teachers and parents. – M.: Enlightenment: Educational literature, 1996.-160s.

    Krupenchuk, O.I. Finger games (for children 4 - 7 years old) / O.I. Krupenchuk. - St. Petersburg: Litera, 2008.- 33s.

    Finger games as a means of developing children's speech preschool age[Electronic resource].

Svetlana Cheremnykh

This is a set of figurines-characters that are put on a separate finger. It can be just individual dolls, animals, some items for staging a fairy tale, or everything. famous characters our beloved Russians folk tales. - this is a unique opportunity to place a fairy tale on the palm of a child, in which he can take the role of any hero. The child can dress any character on himself. finger, and play. It is very important, when playing, to contact the child, including him in the game. Theatre It is also an excellent speech and sensory-motor simulator. Dolls develop mobility fingers of both hands, help to master the speech of characters, help develop vocabulary and activate speech functions.

Designed for children from 3 to 7 years old.

Target: develop fine motor skills of hands in combination with speech; development of communicative abilities of preschool children in the process finger theater.

Tasks: To teach children to act out small performances, skits, fairy tales with the help of finger theater;

Develop: speech, thinking, memory, attention, creative imagination; enrich vocabulary;

evoke positive emotions; develop a sustained interest in theater;

Description: knitted, sewn dolls-heroes on fingers, Scenery.

Variability of use:

Learning nursery rhymes;

Dolls can be used to meet and learn counting (for example, in a fairy tale "Teremok" a mouse, a frog, a hare three together began to live, then a fox came - there were four of them); to get to know the characters and the plot of the fairy tale, to get to know the concepts "right left", "beside", "one by one";

- Playing out fairy tales: "Turnip", "Teremok", "Kolobok", "Ryaba Hen"…;

Come up with your own story;

Guess the hero;

-"Who says what" (onomatopoeia);

-"World of Emotions" (sadness, joy, anger, surprise);

-"What color is the hero?" (kolobok-yellow, fox-orange, mouse-grey).

Finger theater and finger games develop the brain of the child, stimulate the development of speech, creativity, imagination of the baby. Simple moves help to remove tension not only from the hands themselves, but also to relax the muscles of the whole body. They can improve the pronunciation of many sounds. The better they work fingers and whole hand, topics better baby He speaks.

Related publications:

Consultation for educators "Finger theatre, tactile theater and theater of hand shadows for the development of speech of preschoolers" It is known that in the last 5-10 years the level of speech development of children has decreased markedly. Why? Parents talk less to their children, as many do.

Theatrical and gaming activities in kindergarten are one of the most interesting forms of activities with children and are effective tool for the all-round.

MASTER CLASS "FINGER THEATER". To work with you, we will need: 1). Plywood - 3 and 7 mm thick, 2). Electric jigsaw, 3). Colorless.

"Finger theater made of felt" My group of children loves to play and show the theater, both girls and boys. The group is present.

Finger puppet theater is an exciting educational activity for kids. It perfectly expands the imagination, strengthens fine motor skills.

Finger theater is designed for theatrical activities in kindergarten and at home, can be used as a surprise moment and.

Finger theater is a multifunctional game, you can use it in different directions child development: fine motor skills, onomatopoeia, development.

Do-it-yourself finger theater

Master class on making finger puppets from felt

Author: Demidova Ekaterina Nikolaevna, educator, MBDOU "Kindergarten of a combined type No. 62" silver hoof”, Kurgan

Theater is thoughts of free flight,
Theater - fantasy blooms generously here ...

Vladimir Miodushevsky
The master class is designed for educators and specialists preschool institutions, teachers additional education, parents and creative individuals.
The finger theater is designed for theatrical activities in kindergarten and at home, can be used directly during educational activities like a surprise. It can become a wonderful tradition for your family.
The choice of material - felt is due to the following criteria:
easy to process, the edges do not crumble;
wide range of colors, different thickness and density;
natural, safe for health!!!
Target: making a finger theater for development creativity children through theatrical activities.
introduce the technology of making finger puppets from felt;
develop acting and directing abilities of children;
develop fine motor skills;
contribute to the enrichment and revitalization vocabulary, develop monologue and dialogic speech;
to form interest in arts and crafts;
develop the skills of organizing practical activities.
Materials and tools:
simple felt, on a self-adhesive basis;
beads, rhinestones, small buttons, small eyes for dolls;
reinforced threads;
tailor's pins;
tailor's chalk;
pattern paper;
glue "second";
sewing machine.

Chanterelle patterns:

Technology for making a finger puppet "Fox".
Before we get started, let's remember the basic safety rules when working with scissors and needles.
store needles and pins in a designated place (pincushion). Do not take needles, pins in your mouth and do not stick them into your clothes.
do not use rusty needles and pins in your work.
do not leave the blades of the scissors open during operation.
don't cut on the go.
Making a pattern for a finger puppet will not take you much time. First you need to decide on the size. The base of the toy should be approximately forefinger. Draw the body and other details. Do not forget to make allowances for those parts that are inserted into the base.
We select materials for our fox. The details are transferred to paper and cut out.
Base - 2 parts;
Head - 1 detail;
Muzzle - 1 detail;
Ears - 2 parts;
Tail - 1 detail;
The tip of the tail - 1 detail;
Paws - 2 parts.

We transfer the pattern to felt. Larger details are pinned to the material with pins, small ones are circled with tailor's chalk.

We distribute the details in places.

We adjust the right foot to the base. We do bindings.

We adjust the second paw. We do bindings.

We adjust the muzzle on the head. Align the edges with scissors.

Sew the ears to the head with a triple clip.

We make out the tail - we adjust the tip of the tail to the detail. Align the edges with scissors.

We connect the details of the body along the contour. Don't forget to add a ponytail to the side. We do bindings. Align the edges along the contour.

Attach the head to the body with glue. We work with glue carefully, as traces may appear on the surface of the material. We make eyes and a nose from large black beads. They can be glued or sewn with threads in color.

Technology for making a finger puppet "Mashenka".
A distinctive feature of the performance will be the processing of the head.
We draw a pattern. We select materials.
Base (dress) - 2 parts;
Sleeves - 2 details;
Hands - 2 parts;
Bast shoes - 2 parts;
Head - 1 detail;
Scarf (front part) - 1 detail;
Kerchief (rear view) - 1 detail;
Scythe - 1 detail;
Spout - 1 detail;
Bangs - 1 detail.

Patterns of the doll "Mashenka"

Cut out blanks. Putting the details in place.

We adjust the sleeves on the dress, put pens on the bottom of the sleeves (without adjusting them).

We sew lace on the bottom of the dress. We do bindings.

We set up bast shoes. We do bindings. We sew the dress along the contour. Align the edges along the contour.

We adjust the bangs and nose on the head. To prevent the spout from slipping under the foot of the sewing machine, it must first be glued.

Glue the head to the base. Glue a self-adhesive felt scarf on top. We fix the braid between the two parts of the scarf. Align the edges.

We fix the edges of the scarf with machine stitching. We do bindings.

Glue the eyes - beads. We brown the cheeks with a red pencil.

Mashenka's eyes can be decorated using special accessories for needlework - a peephole.

Here's what we got!

My first works.

Design options for the finger puppet "Frog".

Design options for the finger puppet "Cockerel".

Design options for finger puppets - little men.

Size: px

Start impression from page:


1 Finger theater as a means of sensory development of preschool children SLIDE 1 At present, the problem of educating preschool children with impaired speech development is becoming more and more urgent. Therefore, it is very important to identify and eliminate these disorders as early as possible so that at school the child does not experience difficulties both in learning and in communicating with peers. Studies have shown that there is a relationship between the coordination of small hand movements and speech. Until the movements of the fingers become free, the development of speech and, consequently, thinking is slowed down, since thinking is closely connected with speech and depends on it. Educators and psychologists dealing with problems early age believe that hand movements associated with the inclusion of fingers are necessary for the development of the child. They not only contribute to speech development, but also have a significant impact on the overall psychophysical development, acquire skills non-verbal communication, sharpen tactile capabilities, train muscle memory. In the 20th century, researchers such as L.A. Wenger, L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Zaporozhets, M.M. Koltsova, A.R. Luria, M.N. Shchelovanov, came to the conclusion that sensorimotor development is the foundation of mental development. They point out that " mental capacity the child begins to form very early and not by itself, but as his activity expands, including general, motor and manual. "However, despite the fact that children's teachers and psychologists note the effectiveness of finger theater in the development of fine motor skills, only a few of they are used in kindergartens.Analysis of the programs "Origins", "Childhood", "The program of education and training in kindergarten" showed that the work on the development of fine motor skills is not a priority and is not given due attention.

2 SLIDE 2 Therefore, work in this direction will be effective only if an educator, speech therapist, psychologist, music director, instructor physical education, parents. If the development of finger movements lags behind, then speech development is also delayed, although general motor skills may be higher than normal. It has been proven that the movements of the fingers stimulate the development of the central nervous system and accelerate the development of the child's speech. Therefore, the constant development and strengthening of the muscles of fine motor skills is necessary in permanent job. to one of effective ways correction of children's speech can be attributed to the finger theater. The finger theater is a unique opportunity to place a fairy tale on the palm of a child, in which he can take the role of any hero .. Also, the finger theater is an excellent material for the development of imagination, thinking and speech in children, the development of fine motor skills: during games, children develop dexterity , the ability to control one's movements, to concentrate on one type of activity, which is a natural means of self-expression for the child, and the use of symbolic materials helps him to distance himself from problem situations. Finger theater is an effective means of developing fine motor skills of the hand in children of primary preschool age. SLIDE 3-5 Finger theaters are primarily: knitted figurines that are worn on the fingers; from paper pulp; from the balls on which the faces of the characters are drawn; finger puppets made from various kinds fabrics; a small screen and scenery. Characters are created from paper, small boxes in which holes are made for fingers. These are miniature figurines made of cones and cylinders that are put on fingers. Figures or only heads are drawn, glued to cardboard rings and put on fingers. 2

3 SLIDE 6-9 For three years, the project "Theater for All!" has been implemented in our garden. Its participants were children, their parents and teachers. The implementation of this project began in the academic year. Working as an educator during the academic year preparatory group, together with the children we staged the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut", took part in the show of carnival masks, and also, participating in the "Fairytale Tour" in kindergarten, demonstrated the fairy tale on the umbrella "Masha and the Bear". In the school year, my pupils were children of the first junior group. And when carrying out theater week they participated in fabulous tours with the finger theater "Kurochka Ryaba", and in the entertainment "Funny Folklore" (they played sketches, nursery rhymes and mini-sketches). The finger theater is held both during classes according to the plan of the educator, and in free time and regime moments time. In particular, the finger theater is carried out by me as a way of children's play activities. All children of the group take part in finger theatrical games. My work in this direction is structured as follows. SLIDE For example, when playing the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen", children first get acquainted with the fairy tale. Directly during the playing of the finger theater, children remember the heroes of the fairy tale, the course of events in it, diligently answer the questions posed by the content, learn the movements of the puppets, thereby contributing to the development of fine motor skills of the hands. Then on their own free time from activities they play without the help of a teacher. SLIDE With great pleasure, the children act out the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man", and even remembered the songs based on this fairy tale: "I am a gingerbread man, a gingerbread man, I'm blasted around the barn." 3

4 sang along with the teacher. After the finger theater, the children made a successful attempt to act out this fairy tale during play activities. SLIDE 14 Finger theater "Turnip" is of interest to children. Remembering the moments from the fairy tale, the children answer the questions posed by the teacher and themselves play out this fairy tale in play activities without the help of the teacher. SLIDE Exhibitions “Such different theater" and " Unusual transformations ordinary things." SLIDE Together with children and their parents, I took part in the creation of this exhibition, which included exhibits from my theater corner. Finger theater is one of the most successful means in the development of fine motor skills with a well-developed theoretical base and rich historical background. This is especially important due to the fact that at present most of today's children have a general motor lag. A consequence of the poor development of motor skills, and in particular the hand, is the general unpreparedness of most modern children for writing or problems with speech development. However, even if the child's speech is normal, this does not mean at all that the child is well managed with his own hands. Thus, one can speak of finger theater as an excellent universal, didactic and educational material. Its method and meaning lies in the fact that the nerve endings of the hands affect the child's brain and brain activity is activated. For schooling, it is very important that the child has well-developed fine motor skills. The finger theater is a good helper in order to prepare the child's hand for writing, to develop coordination. Scientists have proven that the development of hands is closely related to the state of speech and thinking of the child. SLIDE 19 4

5 Thank you for your attention! 5

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