"Eugene Onegin. A.S


1. Restore Pushkin's punctuation mark in the stanza:

My uncle is the most fair rules,

When I seriously fell ill _

He forced himself to respect

And I couldn't think of a better one.

1. Onegin's name is Eugene. In what other Pushkin (work known to you) is the name of the protagonist also? (answer - " Bronze Horseman»)

2. How did Russia trade with France?

3. “He was sweetheart ignoramus…” Who?

5. And feelings of pampered joy,

Perfume in faceted crystal;

Combs, steel files,

Straight scissors, curves,

And brushes .. How many brushes were there?

6. In what language was Tatyana's letter written?

7. In the wilderness, under the shadow of the humble,

Full of innocent beauty

In the eyes of her parents, she

It bloomed like a hidden lily of the valley,

Unknown in the grass deaf

No moths, no bees. Who are these lines about?

8. What were the names of Tatyana's mother, father and nanny?

9. But pantaloons, tailcoat, vest -

All these words are not in Russian.

Pushkin “blames” before the reader that he used “foreign” words, although he “looked old” into what dictionary existed at that time?

10. He returned and hit,

How (who?) from the ship to the ball.

11. Pushkin illustrated his manuscripts with drawings. Whose portrait is most often found on this page?

12. "She loved Richardson..."

Who is the line about? Who is she"?

13. Husband arrives. He interrupts this unpleasant "tete-a-tete".

What does the stamp above mean?

14. About whom the rumor says:

Our neighbor is ignorant, crazy,

He is a pharmacist; he drinks one

A glass of red wine...?

15. Alone among his possessions,

So that only time to spend,

First conceived our Eugene

Establish a new order.

In his wilderness, the desert sage

Yarem he ………….ancient

…………. replaced with a light one.

What "reforms" did Eugene carry out in his village economy? Play the missing words - find out.

Test 1 based on the novel "Eugene Onegin" by A. Pushkin

1. In what city was Onegin born? A) Moscow B) Petersburg c) Pskov d) Smolensk

2. Where did Onegin meet Tatyana Larina? A) at a ball in St. Petersburg b) at the Larins' house C) at Lensky's house d) at a party in Moscow

3. Who does Tatyana Larina marry at the end of the novel? A) for a merchant b) for a diplomat c) for a general d) for a scientist

4. With whom does Onegin dance the mazurka and cotillon at Tatyana's name day? A) with Tatiana b) with Olga c) with Tatiana's mother d) with Tatiana's aunt

5. What is the name of Tatyana Larina's father? A) Ivan b) Pavel c) Dmitry d) Nikolai

6. Who acts as Onegin's second in a duel? a) his uncle b) his cousin c) his neighbor d) his servant

7. What university did Lensky graduate from? A) Moscow b) Goettingen c) Sorbonne d) Cambridge

8. What is the name of Tatyana Larina's nanny? A) Nikitishna b) Filipievna c) Vasilievna d) Frolovna

9. Where does Onegin deliver his confession to Tatyana? A) in the Larins' garden b) at the Larins' ball c) in Onegin's garden d) in Tatyana's room

10. What is the name of Lensky's second? A) Nagorsky b) Zaretsky c) Podgorsky d) Ozerov

11. What is the name of Tatyana Larina's sister? A. Praskovya b. Polina v. Alina Olga

12. What is the name of Tatyana Larina's Moscow aunt? A. Princess Sophia b. Princess Alina c. Princess Polina Princess Marie

13. What kind of water is Onegin treated to in the Larins' house? A. cranberry b. raspberry c. lingonberry g. apple

14. How old was Lensky when he died in a duel? A. 16 b. 17th century 18 y. 19

15. What city is Tatyana going to the "bride fair"? a. Petersburg b. Moscow c. Paris London

16. What collar (fur coat) does Eugene Onegin wear? A. fox b. fox c. sable beaver

17. In what language does Tatyana write a letter to Onegin? A. in Russian b. in English c. French d. Italian

18. What does Tatyana put under her pillow so that she will see her betrothed in a dream? A. mirror b. comb c. book g. letter

19. What title does Tatyana Larina receive after marriage? A. countess b. princess in. baroness d. duchess

20. Where is happening last meeting Onegin and Tatyana? A. in Onegin's office b. in the theater in in Tatiana's room at the ball

21. How poetic size written the novel "Eugene Onegin"? a. trochee b. iambic c. anapaest g. amphibrachius

22. After what holiday does Lensky challenge Onegin to a duel? A. after Olga's name day b. after the ball at Onegin's. after the wedding of Olga and Lensky after Tatyana's name day

23. How old is Onegin at the time of the duel? A. 24 b. 25th c. 26 27

24. Who is Tatyana Larina's sister marrying? A. for Lensky b. for an officer in for a doctor d. for an actor 25. What class does Tatyana Larina's family belong to? A. nobles b. the townspeople in merchants g. artisans

Test 2 on the content of the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

1. Where was Eugene Onegin born? A. in Moscow B. in St. Petersburg C. in Novgorod D. in Paris

2. Where did Monsieur l'Abbé take Onegin for a walk as a child?

A. to Senatskaya Square B. to Nevsky Prospekt C. to Red Square D. to Summer garden

3. “He was sweet-hearted and ignorant…”: A. Zaretsky B. Onegin V. Lensky G. Petushkov

4. In what language was Tatyana's letter written?

A. in Russian B. in French C. in English D. in German

5. Who are we talking about: “Our neighbor is ignorant, crazy, He is a freemason; he drinks one glass of red wine"?

A. about Onegin B. about Lensky V. about Chaadaev G. about Flyanov

6. “He returned and got, How (who?) From the ship to the ball”: A. Flyanov B. Onegin V. Lensky G. Chatsky

7. “Onegin goes to the boulevard And there he walks in the open, Until the awake (what?) Lunch rings for him”:

A. breguet B. cornet C. corvette G. breguet

8. Who said this: “But I am given to another; I will be faithful to him forever"?

A. Olga Larina B. Avdotya Istomina V. Tatyana Larina G. Anna Kern

9. Who is it: “How harsh! .. U! how now she is surrounded by Epiphany cold!

A. Avdotya Istomina B. Tatyana Larina V. Anna Kern G. Olga Larina

10. Who wrote this: “To listen to you for a long time, to understand with your Soul all your perfection, To freeze before you in agony, To turn pale and go out ... here is bliss!” A. Lensky B. Onegin V. Chaadaev G. Zaretsky

11. "Cleopatra of the Neva" is: A. Nina Voronskaya B. Maria Volkonskaya V. Avdotya Istomina G. Tatyana Larina

12. "(Shishkov, I'm sorry: I don't know how to translate (what?))":

A. A propos B. In vino veritas C. Tete-a-tete D. Du comme il faut

13. "He could not (what?) From (what?), No matter how hard we fought, to distinguish":

A. iamb from chorea B. dactyl from chorea C. iamba from dactyl D. anapaest from amphibrach

14. “But in what was he a true genius, What did he know more firmly than all sciences ... There was a science (of what?)”:

A. flirting B. tender passion C. coquetry D. hypocrisy

15. Who is it: “... she, Touching the floor with one foot, Slowly circles with the other, And suddenly a jump, and suddenly flies, Flies like fluff from the mouth of Eol; Now the camp will sow, then it will develop And with a quick leg it beats the leg ”?

A. Anna Kern B. Maria Volkonskaya V. Nina Voronskaya G. Avdotya Istomina

16. What does the word "scrupulous" mean in the novel?

A. delicacies B. coquetry C. haberdashery D. affectation

17. How many brushes "for nails and teeth" lay on Onegin's dressing table?

A. thirty B. fifteen C. twenty D. ten

18. “And the baker, (nationality?) neat, In a paper cap, more than once Already opened his vasisdas”:

A. Russian B. German C. French D. Spaniard

19. “An ailment whose cause It would be high time to find, Similar to English (what?), In short: Russian melancholy”: A. deadlock B. migraine C. ailment G. spleen

20. “(Who?) was waiting for him on guard, And she ran after him, Like a shadow or faithful wife»:

A. Migraine B. Melancholy C. Blueness D. Sadness

21. “By the name of Vladimir Lenskoy, With a straight soul (what?), Handsome, in full bloom of years, Kant’s admirer and poet”: A. Goettingen B. Cambridge V. Harvard G. Sorbonne

22. Who is this: “He sang the faded color of life At almost eighteen years old”?

A. Lensky B. Onegin V. Pushkin G. Chaadaev

23. Who is it about: “They got together. Wave and stone, Poetry and prose, ice and fire Are not so different from each other”? A. about Pushkin and Onegin B. about Lensky and Olga C. about Lensky and Onegin D. about Tatyana and Onegin

24. Who is this: “In the eyes of her parents, she Bloomed like a hidden lily of the valley, Unknown in the deaf grass Neither moths nor bees”? A. Tatyana Larina B. Olga Larina V. Nina Voronskaya G. Maria Volkonskaya

25. What name are we talking about: “... it is pleasant, sonorous; But with him, I know, is inseparable Remembrance of old times Il maiden!? A. Elena B. Olga V. Nina G. Tatiana

26. “A habit from above has been given to us: A replacement (for what?) She”: A. happiness B. love C. all D. tranquility

27. What was the name of Tatyana and Olga's father?

A. Petr Larin B. Alexander Larin V. Dmitry Larin G. Alexei Larin

28. Who is it about: “She is round, red in the face, Like this stupid moon In this stupid sky”?

A. about Tatyana B. about Princess Alina C. about Olga G. about Princess Voronskaya

29. How old was Tatyana's nanny when she was married?

A. eighteen B. thirteen C. sixteen D. twenty

30. Who wrote these lines: “Where, where have you gone, my golden days of spring? What does the coming day have in store for me? My gaze catches him in vain, He lurks in deep darkness.

A. Onegin B. Olga Larina V. Tatyana Larina G. Lensky

31. Name Onegin's patronymic: A. Vasilyevich B. Vladimirovich V. no middle name G. Aleksandrovich

Final test

1. The relationships of which heroes of the novel by A. S. Pushkin are plot basis?

2. How does the novel "Eugene Onegin" begin?

1) From a description of nature 2) Lyrical digression 3) Portrait of the protagonist 4) Internal monologue Main character.

3. The climax of the novel is:

1) The duel between Onegin and Lensky 2) Tatyana's declaration of love to Onegin 3) A ball at the Larins' house. 4) Explanation of Eugene and Tatiana at the ball in the prince's house

4. How many storylines are in the novel?

1) one 2) two 3) three 4) four

5. How many chapters are in the novel?

1) 8; 2) 7, 3) 6, 4) 5

6. According to its generic affiliation, the genre of "novel in verse":

1) Lyrical 2) Epic 3) Lyrical-epic 4) Dramatic

1) Narrative 2) Lyrical hero 3) An outside observer 4) The hero of the novel

8. A novel in verse is different from a poem:

1) presence digressions from the main storyline; 2) a broader range of issues with a flexible plot and compositional structure; 3) the presence of a plot, a system of characters;

9. The character of the protagonist in the novel:

1) is given in development, is formed before the eyes of the reader; 2) is shown as established and gradually opens up to the reader; 3) not disclosed, since this is only possible in prose work

10. What is the "Onegin storof"?

1) a stanza of 14 verses in iambic tetrameter, 3 quatrains and the end of 2 lines with a cross rhyme; 2) a stanza of 8 verses, where the first 6 rhyme with each other, and 2 are connected by a pair of rhymes;

3) hexameter

11. What size is the Onegin stanza written in?

1) Free iambic 2) iambic four-foot 3) iambic pentameter 4) Alexandrian verse

12. How many lines are in the Onegin stanza?

1) 4; 2) 6; 3) 14; 4) 13.

13. What is the poetic size of the novel "Eugene Onegin"?

1) Anapaest 2) Chorea 3) Dactyl 4) Iambic

14. In the Onegin stanza, the cross rhyming method is used:

1) twice 2) three times 3) once 4) four times

15. About which of the heroes of the novel "Eugene Onegin" Pushkin writes:

He loved thick groves,

solitude, silence,

And the night, and the stars and the moon...

1) Onegin 2) Lensky 3) Larin 4) Monsieur Triquet

16. From which episode of the novel are these lines taken:

I'm afraid: in my humble prayer

Will see your stern gaze

Contemptible cunning ventures -

And I hear your angry reproach?

1) From Tatyana's letter to Onegin 2) From Onegin's letter to Tatyana 3) From Onegin's explanation to Tatyana 4) From Tatyana's explanation to Onegin

17. What is the middle name of Tatyana Larina:

1) Ivanovna 2) Dmitrievna 3) Vladimirovna 4) Nikolaevna

18. Which of the heroes of the novel corresponds to the characteristic:

"He was a simple and kind gentleman..."

1) D. Larin 2) Onegin 3) Lensky

19. About whom Pushkin said: “Take any novel and you will find, right, her portrait”?

1) D. Larin's wife 2) Tatyana 3) Olga 4) Nanny Filipievna

20. Identify the characters by their reading circle.

1) “By the candle, Schiller opened ...”

2) "I scolded Homer, Theocritus, but I read Adam Smith."

3) “She read Richardson,

Not because I read it, I read it

Not because Grandison

She preferred Lovlace ... "

4) “I saw no harm in books;

He never reads

He considered them an empty toy ... "

5) "Now... an idol or a brooding Vampire,

Or Melmont or Corsair, or the mysterious Sbogar.

"Lord Byron by a lucky whim

clothed in dull romanticism.

A. Onegin B. D. Larin V. Tatiana G. Lensky D. Mother of Olga and Tatiana

21. What is the patronymic of the main character of the novel?

1) Ivanovich 2) Nikolaevich 3) Mikhailovich 4) Middle name not mentioned

22. Which of the heroes of the novel could not distinguish an iambic from a chorea?

1) Lensky 2) Onegin 3) Larin

23. Name the headdress of Eugene Onegin named after the monetary unit.

1) Hat 2) Cylinder 3) Kepi 4) Bolivar

24. Characteristic that does not apply to Eugene Onegin:

1) "fun and luxury child", 2) "uncorrected eccentric", "my companion is strange." 3) "ardent and rather strange spirit", "an admirer of Kant"

25. Interior details that are not related to Onegin's rustic office:

1) "Lord Byron portrait" 2) "column with a cast-iron doll" 3) "porcelain and bronze on the table"

26. Match the objects and characters to which they belong:

1) Olga Larina 2) Onegin's uncle 3) Onegin 4) Tatyana Larina 5) Aunt of the Larin sisters Princess Elena

A. "Tulle cap" B. Martyn Zadeka's dream book C. "Spirits in faceted crystal" D. Expenses book E. "County lady's album"

1) are prohibited by censorship and keep them in the house, and even more so it is dangerous to read; 2) prevent Tatyana from doing more useful things, for example, needlework and preparing for marriage; 3) inspire a girl with a rich imagination with an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bpeople that is far from real

1) Virgil 2) Byron 3) Schiller

29. Pushkin compares Onegin, who returned from his travels, with Chatsky, since

1) the “smoke of the fatherland” is also sweet to him, 2) he, too, will not be understood in society; 3) he also returns with the thought of a girl whose love has grown stronger during the separation

30. Onegin's journey in the final version of the novel:

1) resembles in its route the pilgrimage of Childe Harold; 2) reproduces in in general terms Pushkin's movement during his southern exile; 3) only referred to as wandering without a goal

31. Indicate the time limits of the action of the novel "Eugene Onegin".

1) 1812 - 1824 2) 1819 - 1825 3) 1825 - 1835 4) 1837 - 1840

32. How old was Tatyana's nanny when she was married?

1) 13; 2) 15; 3) 17; 4) 19

33. What comparison did Pushkin not use when opposing Onegin and Lensky?

1) wave and stone 2) poetry and prose 3) ice and fire 4) earth and sky

34. In what language did Tatyana Larina write a letter to Onegin?

1) in Russian 2) in English 3) in French 4) in Latin

35. Insert the missing word into Pushkin's lines from the novel:

(…) How much is in this sound

Merged for the Russian heart!

How much resonated with him!

1) O Rus 2) Arbat 3) Moscow 4) Neva

36. Who is this about?

"Heavy gossip, old rogue,

A glutton, a bribe-taker and a jester..."

1) Retired adviser Flyanov 2) D. Larin 3) Buyanov 4) Kharlikov

37. Who did Onegin choose as his seconds?

1) best friend 2) acquaintance 3) servant 4) lackey

38. What is the epigraph to the novel?

1) an excerpt from a private letter 2) an excerpt from a poem by Byron 3) a Russian proverb 4) an excerpt from a poem by V. Zhukovsky

39. What pronoun does Tatyana use in her letter when addressing?

1) you and you 2) you 3) you 4) does not use pronouns

40. In what country was Vladimir Lensky educated?

1) England 2) France 3) Germany 4) Russia

41. What heroine did A. S. Pushkin remember when Tatyana was guessing at baptism?

1) Naina from the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila" 2) Baba Yaga - the heroine folk tales 3) Svetlana from poem of the same name V. Zhukovsky 4) Snow Maiden, the heroine of folklore

42. What animal did Tatiana see in her dream?

1) hare 2) bear 3) fox 4) wolf

43. Who left Onegin a rich inheritance?

1) Uncle 2) Aunt 3) Father 4) Grandmother

44. To whom does Pushkin refer the words:

be possible efficient person

And think about the beauty of nails ..?

1) Onegin 2) Lensky 3) Prince, husband of Tatyana 4) Larin

45. Insert the necessary adjective denoting color into the line from the novel:

"Tell me, prince, don't you know,

Who is there in (...) take ... "

1) Lilac 2) Light green 3) Coral 4) Raspberry

46. ​​Which of the critics claimed that the novel "Eugene Onegin" "is Pushkin's most sincere work, the most beloved child of his imagination"?

1) N.A. Dobrolyubov 2) V.G. Belinsky 3) I. A. Goncharov 4) D. I. Pisarev

47. Which of the characteristics does not apply to the novel "Eugene Onegin"?

1) "Encyclopedia of Russian life" 2) "Collection colorful chapters"3) "History of the Russian State" 4) " free romance»

48. Which of the literary figures owns the following characterization of the hero:

"Onegin is extra person in the environment where he is, not possessing the necessary strength of character to escape from it.

1) V. G. Belinsky 2) A. I. Herzen 3) N. A. Dobrolyubov 4) N. G. Chernyshevsky

49. What great Russian composer wrote an opera based on the plot of the novel "Eugene Onegin"?

1) P. I. Tchaikovsky 2) M. I. Glinka 3) N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov 4) A. P. Borodin

50. About whom A. Herzen rightly remarks: "... smart uselessness." "He never takes the side of the government ... and is never able to take the side of the people."

1) Lensky 2) Onegin 3) A. Pushkin 4) D. Larin.

How well do we know A.S. Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin" It would seem very famous work And who hasn't read it? Perhaps, in general terms, it is familiar to us. And have we tried to understand it in detail? How to determine the genre of my work? It has no place in the lists of "stories", "critical articles", etc. I would define this genre as follows: 1. Literary game: detail in work of art. Or 2. Entertaining literary criticism. Or 3. Reflections on the text in the form of a game, test tasks.
I will ask my reader not to immediately turn to ready-made answers at the end of the test tasks, but to try to remember the lines from Pushkin's novel in verse and even arm yourself with it in case you want to join the game. After all, the answers are in the novel itself.

Literary game in questions and answers based on the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin".

Questions for the first chapter.

1. How do you understand the meaning of the word "rake"?

A. Veselchak
S. Boltun

2. How many balls did Eugene Onegin's father give each year?

A. Four
At two

3. Why did the French teacher teach Onegin the child "jokingly"?

A. So that the "child" does not know anything
B. So that the "child" does not complain about him
C. So that the "child" is not exhausted
D. In order not to get tired yourself

4. Which poet's poems did Onegin know by heart?

A. Homer
V. Theocritus
S. Virgil
D. Ovid

5. What other science, besides "gentle passion", fascinated Onegin?

B. Astronomy
C. Economics
D. Biology

6. From the fur of which animal did Onegin wear a fur coat?

A. Foxes
V. Norki
S. Beaver
D. Hare

7. What tropical fruits did Onegin order in a restaurant?

A. Bananas
B. Pineapples
D. Coconuts

8. Where and on what did the lackeys sleep, waiting for the gentlemen after the performance?

A. In the foyer on the floor
V. In the foyer on the benches
S. At the entrance to the fur coats
D. In carriages on seats

9. Who did Onegin imitate in clothes?

A. Chaadaev
V. Pushkin
S. Vyazemsky
D. Delvig

10. How much time did Onegin spend in front of mirrors before going out into the world?

A.One hour
B. Two hours
C. Three hours
D.Four hours

11. How was the noble houses outside illuminated on holidays in winter?

V. Candles
S. Kostrami

12. What signal woke up the inhabitants of Onegin Petersburg in the morning?

A. Cock crow
B. Drumbeat
C. Shot from a cannon
D. Soldier's horn

13.Name famous street Petersburg of the Onegin era:

A. Millonnaya
S. Tysyachnaya
D. Tenth

A. To the Caucasus
V. To Germany
N.to France
D. To Africa

15. What does Pushkin call the mind of a lover?

A. Svetly
V. Temny
S. Anxious
D. Sublime

Answers on questions.
1.D. - "The Rake" is a naughty. (Dictionary of V. Dahl.) "Thus thought the young rake, Flying in the dust on the mail ..."
2.S. - "Gave three balls every year And finally squandered."
3.S.- "So that the child is not exhausted, He taught him everything jokingly ..."
4.S. - "Yes, I remembered, at least not without sin, two verses from the Aeneid." The Aeneid is a poem by the Roman poet Virgil.
5.S. "But I read Adam Smith And there was a deep economy ..." Adam Smith is an English economist.
6.S. - "His beaver collar silvers with frosty dust."
7.V.-"... Between Limburg live cheese And golden pineapple".
8.S. - "Still tired lackeys Sleep on fur coats at the entrances ..."
9.A. - "Second Chadaev, my Evgeny In his clothes was a pedant ..."
10.S.-"He spent at least three hours in front of the mirrors..."
11.D. - "Dotted with bowls all around Shines a magnificent house." Bowls - flat jars with oil and wicks. Dictionary of V. Dahl.
12.V. - "And restless Petersburg Already awakened by the drum."
13.A. - "Yes, a distant knock sounded from Millionne suddenly."
14.D.-"Onegin was ready to see with me alien countries..." "Under the sky of my Africa To sigh about gloomy Russia"...
15.V.-"Love passed, muse appeared And the dark mind cleared up..."


Leo, thank you for your attention to my work.
I can’t say that the modern Russian language began precisely with this work. Russian literature, but the fact that we can’t wait for such books (not in terms of plot, but in terms of coverage of Russian reality with all its problems) is probably a fact. Of course modern developed person must go through the novel in verse by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" in order to become the bearer of Russian literary culture in all its original depth.

Kuvshinnikova Alina, Ernisova Emita

This work contains a synthesis literary work and information from the fashion era of Pushkin's time.



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Fashion of the Pushkin era on the pages of the novel "Eugene Onegin"

Conducted the study: Teacher of Russian language and literature Efimova Irina Anatolyevna Pupils of the 9th grade: Petrova Alina, Kuvshinnikova Alina, Khachatryan Elena, Ernisova Emita.

The main purpose of the work is to consider examples of the clothes of the heroes of the novel used by A.S. Pushkin in "Eugene Onegin" - an important component work on the text of the work contributes to an in-depth examination of the work of art.

Tasks: 1. Analyze the items of clothing used by Pushkin. 2. Determine the value of the items chosen by the author that characterize the fashion of a certain era. Match the images of the characters with the main idea of ​​the work. 3. Conduct a literary analysis.

Pushkin himself gives several meanings to the concept of "fashion": 1. At some time in some environment, an inclination, a predilection for something and a preference for someone and something ("Latin is out of fashion today"). 2. The accepted manner of dressing and combing your hair ("Cut off in the latest fashion"). 3. The subject of a fashionable cut toilet (“About the news of the city, about fashion ... I didn’t have a conversation with her”)

"Eugene Onegin" - a novel in verse by the Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, written in 1823-1831, one of the most significant works of Russian literature.

From the novel, as well as from the encyclopedia, you can learn almost everything about the era: about how they dressed, and what was in fashion, what people valued most, what they talked about, what interests they lived. "Eugene Onegin" reflected the whole of Russian life. Briefly, but quite clearly, the author showed the fortress village, the lordly Moscow, the secular St. Petersburg. Pushkin truthfully depicted the environment in which the main characters of his novel live - Tatyana Larina and Eugene Onegin, reproduced the atmosphere of the city noble salons in which Onegin spent his youth.

"Eugene Onegin" has been translated into many languages ​​of the world! In Russian, Uzbek, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Ukrainian, Moldovan (with the study of Russian) and Belarusian schools"Eugene Onegin" is included in the mandatory school curriculum on literature.

Illustrations for the novel Eugene Onegin by E. P. Samokish-Sudkovskaya

Comparative characteristics Note that there is much in common in the manner of dressing between the author and the hero of the work, Onegin. Both wore waterproof raincoats, starched shirts and vests ... When reading the novel, we get the impression that Pushkin described the hero, relying on own experience. For example, the theater and walks along the boulevard were also Alexander Sergeevich's favorite hobby. It is known that Pushkin carefully monitored his toilet and spent more than 3 hours in front of the dressing table.

In the course of our research, we found out ... What are the main items of clothing related to the fashion of the nineteenth century. They compared Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin's style of dressing with the clothes of his hero, Eugene Onegin. We conducted a survey and analyzed which items of Eugene Onegin's clothing were remembered by the students.

Worth noticing…. The very word "fashion" in the novel is used by the author 84 times!

Women's fashion

Iamuzhskfashion Beretki, boa Boots with a clasp, sandals, slippers Fan, reticule, umbrella Gloves Hats Hedwigs at the temples Women's fashion of the 19th century Earrings, rings, rings

In the second quarter XIX century, the silhouette of a woman's dress is changing again. The corset is back. The waistline dropped to its natural place, lacing went into action. The skirt and sleeves have flared out a lot to make the waist appear thinner. The female figure began to resemble an inverted glass in shape. Cashmere shawls, capes, boas were thrown over the shoulders, which covered the neckline. Additions - umbrellas with frills in summer, in winter - muffs, handbags, gloves.

Men's fashion

Iamuzhm Cylinder Cane, gloves, rings with stones Men's fashion of the 19th century Tail coat, pantaloons, vest Watch on a chain Frock coat Fur coats, carriques

For men, the most common headdress of Pushkin's time was a top hat. It appeared in the 18th century and later changed color and shape more than once. In the second quarter 19th century a wide-brimmed hat came into fashion - the bolivar, named after the hero of the liberation movement South America Simon Bolivar. Such a hat meant not just a headdress, it indicated the liberal public mood of its owner. Gloves, a cane and a watch complemented the men's suit. Gloves, however, were more often worn in the hands than on the hands, so as not to make it difficult to take them off. There were many situations where this was required. In gloves, good cut and high-quality material were especially appreciated. The most fashionable thing XVIII - early XIX century was a cane. The canes were made of flexible wood, which made it impossible to lean on them. They were worn in the hands or under the arm solely for panache.

19th century accessories

19th century accessories

Quotes where the description of clothing items in A.S. Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin" is used He wore a Russian shirt, A silk shawl with a sash, an Armenian Tatar for plowing And a hat with a roof like a house Movable - With this wonderful dress Immoral and reckless The Pskov lady was very upset Durina And with her Mizinchikov - Evgeny Perhaps he despised gossip, And probably didn’t know them, But still he didn’t change his habits to please them For which he was unbearable to his neighbor "... Here is my Onegin at large; Shaved in the latest fashion; Like a dandy dressed in London - And finally he saw the light. He could speak and write in French perfectly; He danced the mazurka easily And bowed unconstrainedly; What do you need more? The world decided That he was smart and very nice.

Quotes where the description of clothing items in A.S. Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin" is used "... The corset wore a very narrow And Russian N, like N French, She knew how to pronounce it through her nose ..." "Tell me, prince, you don't know you, Who is there in a crimson beret With the Spanish ambassador speaks? With the glory of red heels and stately wigs

Vocabulary A top hat is a tall, hard men's hat with small hard brim, the top of which is in the shape of a cylinder. tailcoat - men's clothing, cut off at the waist, with narrow long tails at the back and cut-out front floors, with a turn-down collar and lapels, often trimmed with velvet. But pantaloons, tailcoat, vest, // All these words are not in Russian...

Frock coat - men's original outerwear to the knees, deaf or with an open chest, with a standing or turn-down collar, at the waist, with narrow long sleeves. A cane is a straight thin stick. Pantaloons - men's long pants with stripes without cuffs and smoothed folds. But pantaloons, a tailcoat, a vest, // all these words are not in Russian... Gloves are a piece of clothing that covers the hands from the wrist to the end of the fingers and each finger separately.

Boa - women's wide shoulder scarf made of fur or feathers. He is happy if she throws // a fluffy boa on her shoulder ... Bolivar is a man's hat with a very wide brim, type of cylinder. Putting on a wide bolivar, // Onegin goes to the boulevard... A fan is a small hand-held folding fan, in unfolded form, having the shape of a semicircle, an essential ladies' ball accessory.

Corset - a wide elastic belt covering the torso and tightening the waist under the dress. She wore a very narrow corset... Carrick was a men's winter coat that had several (sometimes up to fifteen) large decorative collars.

Student survey results

So what outfits were worn by ladies and gentlemen of that time? The French fashion magazine "Little Ladies' Messenger" (Le Petit Courrier des Dames) for the years 1820-1833 can help with this. Illustrations of clothing models from there just give an idea of ​​what the people around him wore during Pushkin's time.

Survey of students in grades 9 and 10;))

Thank you for your attention!

In 1987 in Bonn Yuri Lyubimov - at that time the third year as a forced emigrant; in 1988 he returned to Moscow, and in 1989 he was returned to Soviet citizenship - he puts on the opera "Eugene Onegin". Alexander Vasiliev was hired as a costume designer.

The Repertoire: Eugene Onegin. By Petr Tchaikovsky. Opernhaus, Bonn: 15 March 1987. Conducted by Maximiano Valdes. Set design by Paul Hernon. Costumes by Alexandre Vasiliev. Choreography by Cristina Hamel. Yury Lyubimov at the Taganka Theatre, 1964-1994. Authors: Birgit Beumers https://books.google.ee/books?id=6D8dbx92kjcC&pg=PA313&dq=yury+lyubimov+alexandre+vasiliev&hl=en&sa=X&ei=BfBcVcqJKMKBUb2xgXg&ved=0CCEQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=yury%20lyubimov&vasiliev%20alexandref%20 false

A significant part of the article about Vasilyev's work on this opera is devoted to the story of how fat Stefka Evstatyeva was, who played the role of Tatyana:

A couple of photos:

A couple of sketches:

Olga Larina's costume

"Costumes for Eugene Onegin should be extremely accurate and true to the era - the 1820s". If Lyubimov's wish was really such, then Vasilyev pretty much framed the master.

Typical dress silhouettes from the 1820s










From these photographs, one can see how the high "Empire" waist line gradually shifts downward until, by 1830, it drops to its natural level.

Returning to Vasiliev's sketch, let's leave out the decoration: vulgar hearts on shawls, a bird, a lyre and crescents on the hem, a rough black belt that visually cuts the dress in half - and all this is generously painted with a silver pen. Due to the disturbed proportions of the female figure, the dress can be attributed to the 1820s. possible with a certain degree of convention.
Sketch men's suit won't help much either. The ham-shaped sleeve of the tailcoat and the natural waist line refer to the end of the 1820s (however, it is difficult to understand from the sketches exactly where, given the unnaturally large head and short torso, the author meant elbows), two rows of buttons on the vest - to the years preceding the 1820s. In addition, according to etiquette, pantaloons should be lighter than a tailcoat.

On the other hand, photographs of ready-made "Russian" court dresses make it possible to fully appreciate Vasiliev's ideas, which, however, are not "accurate and true to the era."

First of all, one should distinguish between ball and casual dresses. Despite the overall trendy silhouette, there were significant differences.
From Kireeva's book "The History of the Costume":

Tatyana in a "crimson beret" appears at a secular evening and, according to Vasilyev's plan, cannot wear "gigot" sleeves if Vasilyev wants to be faithful to the era depicted in the opera.

"Ball at Princess M. F. Baryatinsky". Watercolor by G. G. Gagarin. 2nd floor 1830s

1830 http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/4634883/rubric/3350816/

Evening dress of Alexandra Feodorovna, wife of Nicholas I, c. 1830 http://www.spletnik.ru/blogs/moda/90216_naryady-doma-romanovykh

And the court "Russian" dress is a completely separate fashionable phenomenon.

Emperor Nicholas I, who loved order in everything, at the same time with the "Regulations on civil uniforms" of February 27, 1834, the "Description of ladies' outfits for arriving on solemn days at the Imperial Court" is approved. Apparently, these outfits were introduced for the first time (in the decree of March 11, 1831, they were not mentioned). This outfit consisted of velvet evening dress, which had a slit from the front to the bottom from the waist, which opened a skirt made of white matter, "whichever one wishes." Along the “tail and side” of the dress there was gold embroidery, “the same as the sewing of the ceremonial uniforms of court officials.” Similar sewing was supposed "around and in front of the skirt." The dress of the chamberlain was crimson, the dresses of the ladies of state and chamber maids of honor were green, the dresses of the maid of honor were crimson. The same ceremonial dresses relied on the tutors of the Grand Duchesses (made of blue velvet), the ladies-in-waiting of the Grand Duchesses (like the ladies-in-waiting of the Queen, but with silver embroidery) and the ladies-in-waiting of the Grand Duchesses (made of light blue velvet). The headdress of court ladies was also standardized: married women were supposed to “have a warrior or kokoshnik”, and the girls had to have a “bandage”, in both cases of an arbitrary color, with a white veil. The described outfit was called the "Russian dress". By the beginning of the XX century. the outfit of the court ladies was somewhat transformed. In the "Court Calendar" it is described as follows: a white satin dress that left both shoulders open; velvet train of the same colors as it was established in 1834; on the head is a kokoshnik of the same velvet, and the girls have a bandage.
The cut of the dress of other ladies invited to the court, according to the law of 1834, had to correspond to the same pattern, "as shown in the figure." These dresses could be "of different colors, with different sewing, except, however, for the sewing pattern assigned to court ladies."
In addition to the ceremonial dress, the ladies of the court had special insignia: chamberlains, ladies of state, chambermaids - miniature portraits of empresses surrounded by diamonds, worn on right side breasts, and ladies-in-waiting - gold ciphers strewn with diamonds (monograms of the Empress or Grand Duchesses, under which the ladies-in-waiting were), topped with a crown, worn on an St. Andrew's blue ribbon on the left side of the corsage. The owners of portraits were called in everyday life "portrait ladies". http://www.bibliotekar.ru/CentrTitul/30.htm

As P. A. Divov noted in his diaries in 1833, “Petersburg is busy with transformations in the costume of ladies-in-waiting and ladies of the court. National Costume, which these ladies will be required to wear on days of great outings at court. This is something like a French sundress "/.../ "During the reign of Nicholas I, the official ladies' court costume, called the "Russian" dress, consisted of two items. The upper velvet swing dress with a train, long folding sleeves with an open armhole was worn over the lower one, which was called a "sarafan" and consisted of a corsage with a short puff sleeve and wide skirt from white satin . http://anna-y.livejournal.com/991176.html

Folding sleeves, detail of a Russian folk costume were like this:

At the same time, they also served as formal wear. One of the characteristic outerwear was a summer coat (Fig. 77). An ankle-length letnik is an overhead garment. From top to bottom, it greatly expanded due to sewn-in side wedges, had very wide bell-shaped sleeves, cut off at an angle. Since the sleeves were very long, usually the woman wearing the summer coat kept her arms bent at the elbow so that the ends of the sleeves would not drag along the ground./.../

Noble women also had an upper shirt - a maid's shirt, made of bright silk fabric, often red. These shirts had long narrow sleeves with a slit for the arms and were called long-sleeve. /... One of the favorite clothes of noble women were fur coats (Fig. 78). Fur coat by appearance it was very reminiscent of a letnik (it was a long overhead garment), but differed from it in the shape of the sleeves. The sleeves of the fur coat were long and folding. They usually played clean decorative role, since the hands were threaded into the slits made in the floors of the fur coat above the waist. If the fur coat was worn in sleeves, then the sleeves were collected on the arm in many transverse assemblies. A round fur collar was usually fastened to a fur coat.

Stylized court "Russian" dresses of the 1830s.

Court costumes 1838 (Fragment of a painting)

Portrait of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, 1830

Court dress of the maid of honor of the Empress, 1830s.

Maria Volkonskaya 1839

As you can see, there are no monstrously swollen "gigot" sleeves with round "holes", neat, but not at all scanty trains, the colors of the dresses are strictly regulated. Why would Vasiliev dress the choir in court dresses, which were worn only for solemn visits to the emperor and empress - and the action in the final part of the novel takes place at a secular evening, not at all at court - only Vasiliev knows.

Test based on the novel "Eugene Onegin" by Pushkin
1. To what literary genre refers to the work of A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"
a) a poem b) a novel c) a novel in verse d) an elegy
2. In what city was Onegin born?
a) Moscow b) Petersburg c) Pskov d) Smolensk
3. Name the headdress of Eugene Onegin named after the monetary unit.
a) Hat b) Top hat c) Kepi d) Bolivar
4. What was the name of Lensky
a) Vasily b) Alexander c) Vladimir
5. Who was E. Onegin known among the neighbors because of the replacement of corvée with dues?
a) a real gentleman b) a fashionable dandy c) the most dangerous eccentric d) a fashionable eccentric
6. To what literary direction should include the novel "Eugene Onegin"?
a) sentimentalism b) romanticism c) realism d) classicism
7. Whose portrait is given in the following passage: "Always modest, always obedient,
Always, like the morning, cheerful, Like the life of a poet is simple-hearted, Like a kiss of love, sweet ...
Eyes like the sky, blue, Smile, linen curls...
a) Tatyana Larina b) Olga Larina
8. About which of the heroes of the novel are these lines:
Gave three balls annually
And finally screwed up.
a) about Onegin b) about Tatyana's father c) about Onegin's father
9. Why do Larins go to Moscow?
a) to visit Tatyana's sick aunt b) to Olga's wedding c) to the “bride fair”
10. Where did Onegin meet Tatyana Larina?
a) at a ball in St. Petersburg b) at the Larins' house c) at Lensky's house d) at a party in Moscow
11. Who does Tatyana Larina marry at the end of the novel?
a) for a merchant b) for a diplomat c) for a general d) for a scientist
12. With whom does Onegin dance the mazurka and cotillon at Tatyana's name day?
a) with Tatiana b) with Olga c) with Tatiana's mother d) with Tatiana's aunt
13. Indicate what method of characterizing the hero the author uses in the following lines:
Eyes like the sky, blue
Smile, linen curls,
Movements, voice, light step ... (Chapter 2, stanza 23)
a) portrait b) landscape c) interior d) detail
14. What university did Lensky graduate from?
a) Moscow b) Goettingen c) Sorbonne d) Cambridge
15. Where does Onegin deliver his confession to Tatyana?
a) in the Larins' garden b) at the Larins' ball c) in Onegin's garden d) in Tatyana's room
16. What is the name of Tatyana Larina's sister?
a) Praskovya b) Polina c) Alina d) Olga
17. What collar (fur coat) does Eugene Onegin wear?
a) arctic fox b) fox c) sable d) beaver
18. In what language does Tatyana write a letter to Onegin?
a) in Russian b) in English c) in French d) in Italian
19. Where does the last meeting of Onegin and Tatyana take place?
a) in Onegin's office b) in the theater c) in Tatyana's room d) at the ball
20. What class does Tatyana Larina's family belong to?
a) noblemen b) tradesmen c) merchants
21. How many lines are in the Onegin stanza?
1) 4; 2) 6; 3) 14; 4) 13.
22. What comparison did Pushkin not use when opposing Onegin and
a) wave and stone b) poetry and prose c) ice and fire d) earth and sky

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