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Very often, mothers ask themselves the question “when can I sit the baby down?”. Naturally, our kids are always curious and they have a great desire to quickly learn everything, not only in a lying state. And as soon as the baby has learned to smile, he quickly switches to new level- attempt to sit down.

But did you know that in the first year of life, the child's spine, like the entire skeletal system, is still not enduring, it does not tolerate overloads well. And therefore, orthopedic doctors recommend parents not to give the child a sitting position until he sat down himself.

So, when can the baby sit down?

Of course, doctors have a certain recommended age when the baby can sit - this is six months. But do not forget that each child is individual, has his own individual method of development. Attempts to sit down the baby can be started from four months, but you need to sit down the baby very carefully. Try first to put the baby in your arms when you walk, for example, holding with one hand and supporting it under the ass with the other. After several days of such exercises, you can sit down for one minute in a soft, stable place, supporting the child.

It is important to know how to seat the baby correctly. Here are some tips:

1. No need to put the baby in the pillows, because when sitting down, his back bends like a wheel and instead of holding the spine, his muscles relax.

2. Try to start small. Take the child in your hands, with one hand hold the top, under the chest, and with the other hand support him by the ass. And don't stay that long. Gradually, the spine will get used to such exercises and the muscles will develop in this direction.

3. You can hang strong toys on the crib, for example, a toy ring that he can cling to. By six months, the baby should already roll over on his own, due to the fact that he rolls over, he practices his sitting exercise.

In fact, children often start to sit down early, but this does not mean that their spine is ready to hold a vertical position for a long time, so our task is to ensure that they do not stay in this position for a long time. Therefore, dear mothers, there is no need to rush things, you can only help your crumbs without consequences with the help of gymnastics to bring happy moment when the baby sits up. Finally, let's add that this issue often indicate the gender of the child: (boy or girl), it absolutely does not matter when sitting down.

I have a friend. Their first child. Since 5 months, every time she boasts that her daughter is sitting. I (with the second)) emphasized that we will have time to sit down, but so far I don’t sit down in any way (our children are the same age as that mother). The kids are already 8 months old. mothers a girl he sits too much, but he doesn’t crawl, doesn’t get up and doesn’t look to turn on his side. then the first child, wants to feel like the mother of a brilliant child, but forgot about the doctors (((

10/06/2016 14:54

Russia Moscow

If a girl child tries to sit at 3 months - can it be harmful to the musculoskeletal system? Of course, we are not trying to help and put in pillows. But maybe it's too early and you should not let her load her spine like that?

08/05/2011 12:16

There is no need to artificially slow down the process, the child will sit down by himself if his back is already stronger. Everything should be natural. What is not clear here? And you, Liza, say that you see the readiness of the child, so if he does not sit down himself, then he is not ready yet. It is you who are ready, not a child, do not confuse. In my opinion, the main thing is the health of the child and it is better to play it safe, and not to plant on your own, you will have time. Where to hurry?

12/04/2011 10:05

We got our little one seated at 5.5 and after 3 days he was seated without pillows or anything. Moms, let's treat our children adequately. I do not dispute that Dr. E.O.K. pretty good. He really does not just say, but explains why it is so and not otherwise. But all kids are different. Why can't I put the child at 5.5 if I see that he is ready for this? Why can't I give him food if we are spinning, spinning like a top, we have teeth and we are already sitting without assistance? I agree that we mothers are trying to raise our children as soon as possible. Although time already flies. But why artificially slow down this process is not clear to me.

09/04/2011 19:20

and all the young mothers I know tell me that boys can be planted at 5 months. I believe that there is no difference, a boy or a girl, this is, first of all, a child with a fragile spine. so mine at 7 crawled along the bellies, and at 7.5 I planted it. sat for a week with support, and then by himself. now he is 8 and he is trying to get up on his own legs. and when I tried to plant at 6 months, he resisted and did not want to sit, even on my lap. and up to 7 months he lay quietly and played on his stomach. did not resort to the help of jumpers and walkers.

In the first six months of life, the baby learns many new skills: he holds his head well, rolls over, actively crawls. The most mobile babies try to lift the body by grabbing the back of the crib or mother's hand. Consider when the child begins to sit on his own, and what to do if this does not happen within the time limits set by pediatricians.

The development of the musculoskeletal system of a newborn occurs in several stages. The spine, initially an absolutely straight line, gradually acquires natural curves. At about 3-4 months, when the baby begins to hold his head well in the prone position, cervical lordosis is formed - the arching of the upper vertebrae forward. By six months, as a result of high physical activity and attempts to transfer the upper body to a vertical position middle part chest under the influence of gravity slightly bends back. At this stage of development, the spine is able to withstand increasing loads and is ready to start sitting down. In accordance with the average pediatric standards, the child should:

  • sit down with support at 6 months;
  • at 7 months, sit for a while without support;
  • at 8 months, without the help of an adult, sit down from a prone position or standing on all fours.

Some babies may start learning a new skill a few weeks earlier or later than expected. It depends not only on the state of health, but also on weight, physique, temperament and other individual characteristics. Therefore, to the question of how many months the child begins to sit on his own, pediatricians cannot give an unambiguous answer.

Can a child be specially placed?

Many parents rush things, seating the baby much earlier than the due date. It is strictly forbidden to do this, since early verticalization leads to the development of many serious complications, including limb deformities, severe postural disorders and pathologies of the genitourinary system. For this reason, you should not be persistent until the age of 6 months. The baby is ready to sit down if he:

  • rolls well from back to stomach and vice versa, confidently holding the head and upper body vertically;
  • crawls on all fours and pulls himself up on his hands, grabbing an immovable support or fingers of an adult;
  • shows a desire to change the usual posture.

To determine the physiological readiness of the baby to master a new skill, orthopedists are advised to seat him on a hard surface for a few seconds, lightly supporting him by the side or back. In the future, sitting down can be carried out without fear if:

  • the baby sits confidently, trying to maintain balance, and does not fall on its side;
  • the body is tilted forward, leaning on arms extended in front of you;
  • legs are spread apart and slightly turned outward with toes;
  • the back is straight, the spine slightly bends in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions;
  • the chin is down, but the head is well held upright.

If at least one of the above conditions is not met, classes should be postponed, paying special attention to physical development and strengthening of the muscular corset.

What to do in cases where the child begins to sit too early? Pediatricians recommend unobtrusively stopping attempts to sit down, switching the attention of the crumbs to something else. interesting activity: game, reading, walk. Active babies should be placed in the center of the crib or playpen so that they cannot grab onto the sides or other support with their hands.

Stages of sitting down

If the baby is ready to learn a new skill, you need to start sitting down, following these recommendations:

  1. It is necessary to carry out exercises daily, starting from 15-20 seconds in one approach and gradually increasing the time of classes.
  2. The first sittings are best done on the lap of an adult, turning the crumbs with their backs to their stomach. When he learns to maintain balance, you need to move to a hard surface (floor, hard sofa or changing table). It is allowed to seat the baby from a standing position on all fours, holding it lightly by the shoulders or back so that it does not fall sideways.
  3. At the same time, for better adaptation of the spine to increasing loads, the back of the car seat, stroller and high chair should be set at an angle of 45 °. When the baby learns to sit on its own, it can be placed in any of the listed devices with a straight back.
  4. During classes, it is forbidden to use a support in the form of a pillow or a rolled up blanket, leave the baby sitting for a long time, and also put him in a walker or other devices for forced upright position.
  5. Physical exercise is not recommended immediately after feeding or sleeping, during illness or poor health. You should not forcibly seat the baby if he is not in the mood for classes, is naughty or is passionate about the game.

What to do if the baby is in no hurry to sit down?

If the baby does not sit down on his own at 8-9 months and does not attempt to change the usual position of the body, you should contact a pediatrician, neurologist or orthopedist for an exception possible problems with health. Often delayed physical development is a consequence of birth trauma, fetal hypoxia, pathologies during pregnancy, intracranial pressure. Even in the absence of obvious violations, such children are shown a special massage, swimming, physiotherapy procedures according to indications.

To strengthen the spine and back muscles at home, it is recommended:

  • encourage any physical activity;
  • more often carry the baby in the arms in an upright position;
  • hang toys and bright objects over the crib and scatter them around the room, stimulating the desire to reach them;
  • do an intensive foot and leg massage;
  • conduct physical activities in a playful way while reading, swimming or walking.

Ideally, the skill of sitting is acquired after mastering crawling. Therefore, in order to help the crumbs sit down on their own, first of all, you should teach him to crawl correctly.

Back exercises

To help your child learn a new skill, doctors advise to perform daily physical exercise, strengthening the muscular corset and stimulating the development of a new skill:

  1. Extend your arms to the baby, who is lying on his back on a hard surface (preferably on the floor or a changing table), allowing him to take hold of his thumbs. Grasping the baby’s wrists, gently pull him up by the arms so that the head and body are at a slight angle to the floor. It is not allowed to perform the exercise if the child's head is thrown back strongly. Hold for 15-20 seconds, then slowly return the baby to its original position. Do several approaches with a small interval. After 2-3 weeks of classes, the child will try to sit down without the help of an adult.
  2. Raise the baby lying on the stomach, holding it under the chest and knees. Legs should rest on chest adult, shoulders and hips tense, arms extended forward. Stay in this position for 15-20 seconds.
  3. Pull the baby lying on his back alternately by the left and right handles, helping to make active coups on the stomach and back.
  4. Place the baby on the belly gymnastic ball and make circular springy movements and swaying in different sides. The upper part of the body should be slightly raised, resting on outstretched arms.

Do not stop classes when the child begins to sit on his own. In the future, gymnastics will help him get back on his feet faster and take his first steps.

The difference between the sexes

With the onset of the age of five months, the kids already know a lot and do not want to lie in one position for a long time. They turn their heads left and right, examine objects and people. They actively play with toys, reach for them and grab them. Babies at five months easily turn from their back to their tummy. But impatient mothers really want the baby to start learning to sit. As soon as their baby tries to do this, the parents do not hide their admiration and wait for him to sit on his own.

When does a child start to sit up on their own?

According to the average development indicators, this happens like this:

  • At the age of 6 months, the child learns to sit with the support.
  • At the age of 7 months sits independently without additional support.
  • At the age of 7.5-8 months, he can easily sit down on his own.

These are only averages, all children develop individually.. It all depends on many parameters and various conditions(atmosphere in the family, health at birth, etc.). Someone can sit down a month earlier, and someone a couple of months later. This is not considered abnormal. And not one professional children's doctor will not say the exact time when the child should sit. Every baby is unique, he does not need to be equal to anyone.

In order for the child to at least try to sit, the back muscles must be well strengthened. If the parents themselves plant the child, but he does not succeed or this causes a negative reaction, then his back is not yet ready for such loads. In most cases, the spine of a child under 6 months is not yet ready to withstand a vertical position.

Obsessive attempts by parents to teach a baby to sit before six months may affect the health of his spine in the future. This does not apply to those children who try to sit up on their own before they reach six months of age. Such "early" babies can be allowed this, but not more than one hour throughout the day.

Those children who did not show attempts to sit down until 6 months old, with the onset of this age, you can begin to sit down.

Exercises to strengthen the back of the baby

Moms and dads should start strengthening their baby's back muscles as early as three months old. The muscular corset is strengthened while swimming in the bath or in the pool, if possible. Daily massage and simple gymnastic exercises should be mandatory.

  • The baby lies on its back. Give him your index fingers, and he will definitely grab them and try to get up. The backrest should rise above the ground at no more than approximately a forty-five degree angle. Then gently lower the child to the starting position (on the back). You can repeat several times.
  • Put the baby on the tummy. Raise it with one hand under the chest, and with the other under the legs. With the legs, the child should touch the chest of an adult and try to push off from it. At this time, he strains the muscles of the back and buttocks, as well as the cervical region, as he raises his head.
  • To develop and strengthen the baby's muscular system, it is recommended to hang rings above the crib, which the child can reach and grab onto. In this way, he will try to rise.
  • When the baby is lying on his tummy, try to put a bright attractive object at a short distance from him. Most likely, with the help of arms and legs, resting and puffing, he will try to get to this object.

Note to new mothers

If the baby does not show a desire to sit and does not try to do it on his own, then parents should not in any case:

  • Plant the child, wrapping it with pillows.
  • Ride in the stroller in a sitting position (it is better to lower the back of the stroller at an angle of 45 degrees).
  • Carry the child in a seated position in portable backpacks, such as "Kangaroo".
  • Sit on your knees (with a flat back).

Boys and girls: assumptions and facts

Among young parents, as well as grandparents, one can hear talk that boys can be taught to sit down earlier than girls. But experienced children's doctors say that the time of the first sitting down absolutely does not depend on the sex of the child. The main thing to consider is individual characteristics, as well as mental and physical health baby.

Sitting down boys and girls before six months is bad for the development of the spine. In the future, this may affect posture, possibly the development of scoliosis. Doctors say that the early planting of children leads to a curvature of the pelvic bones. For girls, this disorder can lead to problems during childbirth in the future.

The weight of the child is also important. Thin children are more mobile and active. Their muscles and abdominals are strengthened earlier than in children with greater weight. It is much harder for chubby and well-fed toddlers to keep their spine upright. Therefore, they often begin to sit on their own later than others.

Boys and girls who themselves suddenly began to sit before the age of six months, most likely develop a little faster than their peers. Perhaps their parents did more with them, and genetics is a strong thing. The main thing is that the parents themselves are not in a hurry in this matter. Remember, every child is unique, inimitable and unique.

Early seating: can a non-sitting child be seated? (video)

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