List of youth subcultures. Modern youth subcultures


is the third international event organized by . In 2013, a three-day, and in 2015 - International Anniversary Conference "Youth and Society: in search of new solidarities" took place.

- What are the most striking youth subcultural practices and communities can be identified in modern Russia?

– This conference is noteworthy in that it focuses on new types of urban communities and formations, interactions and communications of young people both in Russian cities and in the global dimension. It is difficult to say what new cultural youth types have appeared in modern Russia. We note several key trends that seem most interesting to us in today's youth space. First, some extinction of subcultural activities in their "classical" version. It's not that subcultures have disappeared. Rather, we are talking about the fact that some key and significant, core values, around which subcultural solidarity was formed, are becoming more mobile and “softer”. And these values ​​can be perceived by wider audiences, i.e. subcultures are losing their closeness, which was inherent in them in the classical sense. At the same time, within the subcultural scenes themselves there is a constant fragmentation, the allocation of new and new subspecies, such more point formations that, while maintaining the most significant value, at the same time develop an additional special quality that separates them, distinguishes them and makes them recognizable among other subcultures.

What does the extinction of subcultural activities in their "classical" version mean?

- Using the example of the Gothic scene, we see that they (the subculture of the Goths) are actually disappearing. We made this conclusion, among other things, based on data collected during a survey of students who recognized the Goths as a separate subculture only in St. Petersburg (the survey was conducted in St. Petersburg, Ulyanovsk, Kazan, Makhachkala). And then a very small percentage of young people are familiar with who the Goths are, and only a few admitted that they are part of this subculture. But the very idea of ​​promoting a cult of dark forces or something incomprehensible, mysterious, otherworldly meaning was perceived by a variety of smaller groups, small communities, and these ideas continue to gather “followers”, but mostly it goes into the music scene.

– That is, subcultures cease to be so closed?

- Using the example of classical subcultures, we see that they were formed based on 4-5 key ideas. For example, for hippies, such ideas were unisex, the principled rejection of violence, pacifism, anti-capitalist values, the cult of movement and travel, soft drugs, the search for a different reality, the refusal to follow the obligatory successful career, the cult of nature and everything natural, including close relationships, the rejection of militarism, war, etc. If, for example, we talk about "Dandies" or "Teddy Boys" - this is still a cult of style and special communication, these are young people who are more high status due to a rather outrageous, special style that brings them (at least symbolically) closer to a higher class. If these are skinheads, then ideas of workers, male brotherhood, rigid heterosexual masculinity, strength, aggression, protection of local values ​​(one's own territory), such male solidarity prevail here. If we talk about punks, then this is a symbolic challenge to the consumer society, the cult of gloss, the neglect of money and wealth. And they are developing the DIY economy, veganism, vegetarianism and so on. All these and other key “points”, ideas, they begin to be perceived by wider youth groups, are modified, refracted through local features, implemented in a more diverse subcultural youth space, participation.

- This was all about the first trend, but what else do you highlight?

- The second trend that I would like to note in the youth space today is the development of sports practices that define urban functionality in a different way, i.e. reformat the city, in terms of convenience and applicability of a particular place or places for sports. And here we see the sport "natural" and "commercialized" - fitness. By the first we mean such types of sports practices as parkour, tracing, workout, where young people refuse any commercial forms (paid fitness, coach, etc.), and focus on the natural. Here we also see other types of careers that are not related to finance or commercial success.

The third popular trend is the emphasis on healthy lifestyles, which, by the way, intersects with the previous trend. And here it is worth mentioning a real healthy lifestyle, where practices are implemented through asceticism in consumption, which can manifest itself not only in the refusal of alcohol, smoking, drugs, but also in just a certain ideology of ascetic food (vegans, vegetarians, etc.), as well as in virtual healthy lifestyle, for example, communities on Vkontakte, pages of certain people on Instagram in which photos appear, advice on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and these groups and pages collect hundreds of thousands of subscribers.

Fourth, I would like to highlight activism, which over the past five years has also become a trend among the youth. Young people and girls are included in formally organized structures or movements that may or may not be funded, such as student organizations or organized NGOs. But more and more often we meet a variety of initiatives, informally created, refusing commercialization, acting exclusively on their own. And here, too, there is a tendency for fashion to be involved in some kind of civic activity and participate in some form in the management of the city.

All these trends characterize youth as a very heterogeneous social group, and this diversity helps to see and understand new types of youth involvement in the city.

– How do you solve this problem?

– If we talk about deproblematization at the methodological level, at the level of research practices and techniques, then we solve this problem using different methods. We are not only trying to capture the overall picture with the help of survey techniques, but also strive to understand the various meanings and interpretations of young people regarding certain political and cultural practices, we pay attention to the peculiarities of youth rhetoric in order to avoid any moral, value judgments, which may manifest itself in the formulation of questions or the conduct of interviews. We are trying to reproduce youth everyday life as accurately and fully as possible, we listen to the youth themselves and enter into equal communication with them. This is precisely the understanding of young people as an active, reflective subject, and not as an object of political manipulation and control.

And finally, rhetoric itself is very important. academic writing. Very important point– how we present research results: presentations, articles, books. We strive for the most included and frank look, so as not to distort with our own assessment what we heard in the interview or saw during the observation. Thus, if we manage to show all this diversity and find common features and trends, then it seems to us that the methodology has been implemented successfully.

– Please introduce Professor Hilary Pilkington as a researcher. Why did you feel it was important to invite her?

– Professor Hilary Pilkington works at the University of Manchester, she is a sociologist. She and I have been working together for more than 20 years and have implemented a lot of joint projects and research together. In the course of joint work, the main strategy, the concept of youth research, was developed. It is difficult to say whose contribution is greater. It's more like a generic a joint project during which we all learned from each other. We consider it formally and informally academic supervisor schools of youth studies. In addition, key books were written with her -"Looking West" and a book about skinheads"Russia's Skinheads: exploring and rethinking subcultural lives" , many joint articles and common academic events. Hilary is a very honest and well-deserved, well-known sociologist with an established reputation in Britain and Europe. She is also a very effective leader. Under her leadership, the third international project is being implemented, each of which involves more than 15 European countries. These are global and very ambitious projects. Receiving such grants and such major projects talking about her reputation.

The first such project, MyPlace, was dedicated to the historical memory and the attitude of young people to history in countries that survived the war and the situation totalitarian regime, the second one (HORIZONT 2020) is a project about the inclusion of youth in society, new forms of youth participation and exclusion. The third project we are just now starting together, it is dedicated to the radicalization of youth activism, primarily related to religion. She is a very strong researcher. By the way, the book she wrote "Loud and Proud: Passion and Politics in the English Defense League (New Ethnographies)". The British Sociological Association recently named it the best book of 2016.

She is not only a strong sociologist, but also a good friend of the CMI, so it is extremely important and honorable for us that she will open this conference.

– What is the purpose of the conference?

– The purpose of our conference is to look at the diversity of youth cultural activities as a space for learning, growing up, experimenting, protesting, creating, and communicating.

To this end, we propose to invite empiricists from different disciplines and countries to participate in the conference in order to discuss contemporary youth cultural contexts and the latest approaches to youth research.

– And how to become a participant of the conference?

– To participate in the conference, you must send an abstract of no more than 350 words along with a cover letter, which should indicate your place of work and position, email addresses and contact phone number. Abstracts can be prepared in Russian or English and must be sent by May 28, 2017 to [email protected]. The results of the selection will be known on June 11, 2017. We are waiting for applications!

Social sciences understand a subculture as a part of a culture that differs from the generally accepted one: a system of values, the appearance of representatives, and language. A subculture, as a rule, seeks to oppose itself to society, to isolate itself from its influence.

The concept itself was formulated in the 1950s in America. The article will consider the youth subculture, its types, ideology.

History and modernity

In the middle of the 20th century, the first youth informal associations, they were based on musical preferences. The development of rock and roll, its new directions led to the emergence of such types of subcultures as beatniks, hippies, rockers, punks, goths and others. In one form or another, these movements have retained their relevance.

In the 21st century, informal movements are based not only on musical tastes, but also on various types of art, sports hobbies, and Internet culture.

If a few decades ago belonging to one single movement was unambiguous, now fragmentary entry into one or another informal society does not cause rejection and conflicts among the youth.

Among modern types of subcultures, the following areas are distinguished:

  • musical;
  • sports;
  • industrial;
  • internet cultural.

Art subculture

Art subculture is understood as informal movements associated with creative self-expression, hobbies. This is graffiti, and underground art, and role-playing games, and anime.

Graffiti is the most recognizable type of art subculture. It is understood as inscriptions and drawings on the walls of buildings, entrances, metro stations. The modern graffiti movement originated in New York.

Many street artists in their work reflect acute social or political topics, someone creates real masterpieces on the walls of houses, and popular in last years 3D paintings on city streets are striking in their realism.

Graffiti as a kind of subculture is quite popular among Russian youth. In the middle of the 2000s, an international festival of this direction was held in St. Petersburg.

Roleplayers - inhabitants of two worlds

Role players or historical reenactors are another direction of the art subculture.

At the heart of the role-playing movement is a passion for fantasy or history. Each participant in the role-playing game transforms into a certain character and acts according to the scenario. The game can be based on both historical events and plots of works in the fantasy style.

Participants try to repeat the living conditions, costumes, crafts, battles of a particular era as authentically as possible. Vikings, Ancient Rus' or medieval knightly battles are popular with role players.

A separate direction of the role-playing movement are Tolkienists - fans of J.R. Tolkien. Members of this subculture transform into the characters of his books: elves, orcs, gnomes, hobbits, acting out stories from the universe invented by the writer.

IN ordinary life participants of the role-playing movement may not stand out from the crowd, but many prefer unusual jewelry and clothes that are stylistically close to the character's costumes, many create accounts in in social networks on behalf of your hero.

Role-playing games are a kind of escapism, a way to get away from reality. For some, this is a break from everyday routine, for some it is an alternative and more preferable reality. Among roleplayers, you can meet both teenagers and older people.

Anime and cosplayers

Another type of youth subculture is otaku. It is based on a love for Japanese animation and manga ( japanese comic). Members of this movement not only passively watch cartoons, but also create their own, arrange festivals and cosplay contests.

Cosplay is the transformation into a specific character of an anime, manga, film or computer game. This is not only a reliable costume and hairstyle, many with the help of art make-up try to achieve a complete resemblance to the chosen hero.

Representatives of this type of subculture can be recognized by their bright hair, paraphernalia with their favorite characters. But then again, not everyone copies the appearance of their favorite characters in everyday life.

The otaku movement in Russia is characterized by a specific slang based on the use of words Japanese language. These can be both common phrases - “arigato” - “thank you”, “sayonara” - “goodbye”, and specific ones: “kawaii” - “cute”, “charming”, or “nya” - expressing a huge range of emotions.

The age composition of anime people is diverse - these are 15-year-old teenagers, and people 20-30 years old.

Music subcultures

In the concept of subculture, species are inextricably linked with the development of musical genres. The first musical trend is rock and roll lovers of the 50s of the XX century - rockabilly. Bright and bold, they challenged social norms, winning their right to self-expression.

With the development of rock music in the 60s, hippies appeared who advocated a world without wars, for love for nature and harmony with it. "Flower children" preferred to live in communes, wore long hair, dabbled in light drugs and studied Eastern philosophy. Self-knowledge and disclosure of one's mental abilities, love of nature and non-violence form the basis of the hippie subculture.

In the 70s, a variety of rock music genres gave the world punks, metalheads. In the 80s, the Goths appeared. In the 1990s, the development electronic music led to the emergence of ravers.

Common to various musical subcultures is the love for a certain genre, the appearance that copies popular musicians, the philosophy and values ​​inherent in a particular genre of music.

Punks are anarchists who challenge social norms

In the mid-70s of the XX century, the punk movement was born. Its participants opposed themselves to society, expressed dissatisfaction with the political system.

Flagships of punk rock - Sex Pistols, The Stooges (Iggy Pop), Ramones. The music is characterized by a dirty guitar sound, provocative lyrics and shocking, on the verge and even beyond the brink of decency, the behavior of the musicians on stage.

Iggy Pop - one of the brightest representatives of the punk scene - largely laid down the behavior of the musicians of this genre.

Punk as a subculture declares complete personal freedom, rejection of generally accepted rules, the desire to rely on own forces and not be influenced.

Nihilism, non-conformism and outrageousness are the features that define the representatives of the punk movement.

You can recognize a punk by torn jeans, an abundance of metal jewelry, pins, rivets, chains, brightly dyed hair, a mohawk or shaved temples, a leather jacket-leather jacket.

Despite the fact that the punk movement originated in the distant 70s, it remains relevant in modern realities. protest against social injustice, the call for personal freedom is what makes punk in demand among young people.

Gothic - the aestheticization of death

In the 80s of the XX century, on the wave of post-punk, a new musical direction appeared - gothic rock. It gives rise to a new kind of subculture.

The Goths do not protest so vehemently against social injustice, they leave the imperfect world, plunging into mystical romance and the aestheticization of death. They can be compared with adherents of the decadence of the literary and artistic direction in turn of XIX-XX centuries.

Melancholy, dressed, as a rule, in all black, the Goths see beauty where the townsfolk do not notice it. Cemeteries and ancient cathedrals, grotesque graphics filled with mystical meaning, poetry glorifying decadence, thrillers and horror films are not full list hobbies of representatives of this type of subculture.

Goths are distinguished by their refined taste and high level aesthetic needs. They can be called snobs in rock music.

black clothes Victorian era or more modern latex and leather bows, make-up, the basis of which is a bleached face, on which black-painted eyes and lips stand out brightly, are the hallmarks of a goth.

Gothic rock underwent changes, branching into several directions, and the entire subculture changed and expanded along with the musical genre. From classic The Sisters Of Mercy, Bauhaus, The Cure to London After Midnight, Dead Can Dance, Clan of Xymox, Lacrimosa.

In countries such as the UK, Germany, USA, in countries Latin America Gothic has been popular for several decades; in Russia, the peak of popularity of this subculture fell on 2007-2012.

Industrial subcultures

The industrial subculture, its types and their characteristics are discussed below.

Industrial subcultures include:

  • diggers;
  • stalkers.

Diggers are explorers of underground military or civilian structures, either abandoned or active. These can be both bomb shelters and abandoned bunkers that are inaccessible to metro station passengers.

This subculture is characterized by its own slang, which will be difficult for the uninitiated to understand.

Stalkers prefer to explore all sorts of abandoned objects, both civilian and military, ghost towns. The object of their interest may also be operating industrial zones that are closed to citizens.

Stalkers are attracted by industrial landscapes, the special atmosphere of abandoned buildings. Many people combine their passion for stalking with photography or graphic art.

Representatives of this subculture are distinguished by a special secrecy, the majority do not advertise the exact coordinates of the objects they visit, they try not to post personal photos on the objects on the network.

Internet subculture

The spread of the Internet has led to the emergence of such subcultures as "bastards" and the blogosphere.

The appearance of such an Internet phenomenon as "bastards" is associated with the site "". It was its founder who first began to promote communication on the Internet with the help of specially distorted, misspelled words. Expressions such as "author zhzhot" quickly spread throughout the Runet.

The "bastards" are characterized not only by the violation of the norms of the Russian language, but also by a particularly cynical attitude towards everything that happens, ridiculing and depreciating even significant events.

The blogosphere as a direction of the Internet subculture brings together people who lead various blogs. These can be channels on YouTube, and diaries on LiveJournal, partly publics and communities on social networks. Bloggers deal with a variety of topics: someone covers the latest in cinema and music, literature, someone writes about politics, someone maintains a beauty blog.

Short list of subcultures

List of types of subcultures most common in Russia:

Music subcultures:

  • punks;
  • metalworkers;
  • goths;
  • rappers;
  • folkers;
  • skinheads.

Art subcultures:

  • graffiti;
  • roleplayers;
  • otaku;
  • underground.

Industrial subcultures:

  • diggers;
  • stalkers;
  • cyber goths;
  • rivetheads.

Internet subcultures:

  • "bastards";
  • blogosphere;
  • demoscene.

Subcultures allow a teenager to find like-minded people, better deal with their inner world, but at the same time it is a kind of escape from reality.

youth subculture - this is the culture of a certain young generation that has a common style of life, behavior, group norms, values ​​and stereotypes. Youth subcultures can be defined as a system of meanings, means of expression, lifestyles. Created by youth groups, subcultures reflect attempts to resolve conflicts associated with a broader social context. Subcultures are not some kind of foreign formation, on the contrary, they are deeply accelerated, in a general socio-cultural context.

The core of any youth subculture is street style. Slang is one of the main distinguishing features of the subculture. Knowledge of a specific language is a pass to the group.

Entering adolescence, the individual moves away from the family, seeks new company which allows him to undergo socialization. Official youth organizations group adolescents of the same age, but often claim only "social (public) life", without affecting their personal lives. That is why young people prefer not the official structure, but the youth subculture, where they have the opportunity to realize themselves at the level of social communications in their social environment.

Conflict of youth subcultures

The subculture, to which young people belong mainly, is a certain choice of what clothes to wear, what music to listen to, what values ​​to believe in, and, first of all, which group to belong to. In a big city, young people can choose from any of many such groups. They arise even within national communities.

The huge variety of youth associations entails certain conflicts, which are mainly of a personal nature and result in a confrontation between young people who consider themselves to be members of different subcultural associations.

Any youth subculture has certain rules, sometimes "unwritten" traditions, values, even views on the same situations or incidents in several subcultures can radically differ, and each subculture considers its opinion to be the most correct, accurate and relevant. The main difference between the conflicts of youth subcultures, and the conflicts taking place among adults is that the older generation is able to be more tolerant and correct about outside opinions, or at least only verbally respond to the identification of any obvious contradictions or differences in views (to argue and seek a compromise). Young people, on the other hand, react more temperamentally to such manifestations of “otherness” of someone directly to their social group and try with all their might to change this, but, encountering opposition and unwillingness of the opposite side to obey, they try, again thanks to youthful egocentrism, to solve such a problem with physical force. . It is from such situations that youth conflicts, intergroup clarification of relations, the definition of right, wrong, guilty and injured follow.

The conflict within culture always has a subordinate place, as it destroys the traditional mechanisms of its self-preservation and sustainable development. Here, a conflict of cultural and civilizational foundations of society, represented by different social groups, is also possible. In particular, between different subcultures.

Our society consists of various social groups, differing both in the number of individuals included in it and in the nature of the group orientation.

Football fans

Communities football fans- one of the most common forms of subcultural youth activity, which has a long history. The specificity of this subcultural form lies in the situational nature of identification, which requires a minimum of effort from the participants and does not deeply affect the way of life. The very game on the football field inspires them, but the moments of general emotional relaxation, the opportunity to “break away”, to show their feelings to the fullest (yell, rage) are more significant.

The compensatory purpose of the rampage at the stadium and vandalism after the match is obvious. But the subcultural meaning of football fan communities, of course, does not end there. Young fans get the opportunity in the circle of their peers to model their behavior as a group and at the same time not under pressure from the main social control authorities (parents, school, etc.).

Football fans are a complex organization community. Among the fans of the Brest "Dynamo" there is such a group as the informal organization "Blue-white Devils" - "White-Blue Devils", numbering about 300 people.

The fan movement combines different attitudes and lifestyles. "Devils" are guided by the philosophy of "clean lifestyle". Physically well developed, its participants avoid fights, but protect the “little ones” - the youngest part of the fans, the newcomers.

In a sense, communities of football fans make up for the shortcomings of the social experience of intergroup interaction, including the experience of large-scale confrontation. Recently, such communities different teams are increasingly concluding agreements on "non-aggression" and joint actions against other communities:

Friends: fans of BATE (Borisov), Minsk "Dynamo";

enemies: fans of Dnipro (Mogilev), Gomel, Shakhtar (Salihorsk), Slavia (Mozyr), Belshina (Bobruisk), Vedrich (Rechitsa), Lokomotiv Vitebsk;

neutrality: fans of the Minsk "Torpedo".

Fans can receive personalized cards to purchase tickets for their team's matches at a discount .

Bikers versus motorcyclists

In Russia, mostly wealthy people can imitate Western bikers. Having special motorcycles (in Russia - unaffordable even for the "middle class") and other iconic signs of bikerism, Russian bikers are most often just consumers of a certain cultural assortment. By expert opinion, most of them are not able to fix even simple breakdowns in a motorcycle, for any reason they turn to service stations.

Another character is associated with a motorcycle lifestyle. Young people who adhere to it do not have any ideological platform; identification takes place within small communities that do not have a sign system or even a self-name. They adhere to a special lifestyle: these motorcyclists create their own motorcycle: they buy an old motorcycle very cheaply (usually in the village), which they supplement with parts of motorcycles, cars, and various industrial waste thrown into a landfill. Such an updated, original design motorcycle, not capable of developing too high speed, costs about 10 times less than a motorcycle in a store. When the work is done small groups(friendly companies) ride quite calmly (without violating the rules) on motorcycles on the roads. They do not set any special travel goals - "just go."

This undecided movement is formed among young people from low-income families. The ability to freely ride on equipment made by oneself creates the basis for self-assertion and creative attitude to life. It should also be borne in mind that in Russia, with its roads, a motorcycle has long become one of the main (along with a bicycle) means of transportation in small towns and villages, much more important and often more prestigious than a car. In this regard, the practice of the aforementioned movement of motorcyclists is very old, not biker at all, while weakly fixing its symbolic space, but, undoubtedly, associated with a special subjective construction of social reality.


"Rave" (from the English rave - rave, delirium, incoherent speech, also: rage, roar, howl, rage, speak with enthusiasm) is interpreted in T. Thorn's Dictionary of Modern Slang as "a wild party, dancing or a situation of desperate behavior » The source of the life guidelines of the ravers was the musical style, or, to be more precise, the life style samples of the most popular musicians acting in the charismatic role - the bearers (creators) of the corresponding socio-cultural samples. Breaking away from the source, the rave has acquired international features that are also characteristic of our young followers. Ravers basically borrow the behavior of regulars from nightclubs. According to this model, the ravers' lifestyle is nocturnal. In the appearance of ravers and the style of behavior, the idea of ​​a person's departure from nature is realized. The industrial rhythms characteristic of the musical style of ravers are a kind of alternative to rock music.

hip hop culture

Hip-hop is a "street culture" that has become widespread since the mid-1970s in the United States, and then in many countries of the world as one of the subcultural forms of youth mastering social subjectivity through the creation, development, distribution, and development of four main areas: breakdance, rap, graffiti and djing. As part of the elements of hip-hop culture are also considered streetball(street football) rolling(certain roller skating technique), etc.

With the support of events in the field of hip-hop culture, it is taken into account that, by origin, hip-hop is associated with the disinterested interest of urban youth in self-expression and exploration of the world around them in peculiar subcultural forms. Since the features of hip-hop culture are associated with actions in open areas, in parks, on sports grounds, it has become a kind of alternative to youth gangs of a criminal nature.

Brakedance (eng. Breakdance - "broken dance") - a type of "dance in a circle" associated with hip-hop culture. The words “breaking”, “rocking” (the original name of breakdance), “b-boying” are also used to designate it. It originated in the late 1950s in New York as a phenomenon of youth "street culture" in immigrant neighborhoods. The spread of the new dance style was directly related to the activity of youth groups and the division of the territory of large cities into zones controlled by breakers. The competition of groups gave rise to the complication of the break as a dance and its growing importance as a value among the youth. In this part, breakdancing became a compensatory means of teenagers’ aggressiveness (“dance battles”: one of the leaders of hip-hop, Afrika Bambaataa, suggested that street youth groups “deal not with trunks, but with dances: who danced worse, he lost”).

Rap (or recitative). The meaning of the text in rap is crucial, since it was originally formed as a protest subculture, so rap took slogan forms. In fact, rap can be called melodeclamation. The main thing in rap is the rhythm of words and lyrics. With the skillful selection of sounds in rap, the effect of melody of a simple pronunciation (reading) of texts is achieved. With the seeming simplicity of the approach, it is very difficult to become a master, since reading texts should not be monotonous, but memorable, therefore the correct selection of rhymes, intonations, the principle of alliteration - _ftn4 is of great importance.

Graffiti (it. graffito - “scribbled”) - a type of art, wall symbolic painting, giving textual information a certain figurative form. In this sense of the term, graffiti is a phenomenon of hip-hop culture. This is a kind of art design direction, which has become widespread among the youth and has become a fact of counterculture, which has grown into a sustainable social and artistic practice.

Initially, the passion for graffiti was formed not only in opposition to social norms, social decency, but also as a competition with “ours”, where it was significant to draw your “tag” in a more prominent, most unexpected place. Developing from the culture of the streets, graffiti has changed in the manner of execution and the technique used. If initially the main tool of the writers were homemade markers, and the shades were given with paints for shoes and stamps, then later aerosols for painting cars appeared, and “tags” became colored everywhere. The peculiarity of the artistic image depended on the firmness of the hand, since the image could not be corrected, and on the selection of atomizers, often stolen from stores.

DJing(the term comes from the English "disk jockey") - view creative activity, the main components of which are:

- Mixing(Mixing). This is the name of the process of smooth mixing, combining, mixing, connecting, mixing or transition of one musical composition to another using a DJ console (mixer) and music players. This, in fact, is what the DJ does, trying to ensure the maximum quality of work in order to keep the audience on the dance floor as long as possible.

- scratching(Scratching, from the English word "scratch" - a scratch; is associated with scratching a record with a player's needle). This is the name of the process of creating individual rhythmic sound schemes using a special performance technique using music players and a mixer.

The highest, last and only goal of a DJ is to encourage people to dance. A good DJ is not at all the one who has good records, and not the one who knows how to dock them into a long gut, but the one who is able to control the mood of the dancers, turn on the audience, bring it to a state of ecstasy.


Diggers are researchers of underground communications. The dangers of being in underground passages, the closeness of the communities of diggers, the mysteriousness of the underground world, devoid of everyday life - these properties of diggerism determine the internal motives of the interest of a certain part of the youth in such forms of activity. Diggers, as a rule, have no desire to advertise their activities. Representatives of means are allowed only in some groups mass media. In many cases, diggers cooperate with the executive branch, local governments, when they discover life-threatening phenomena in underground utilities (subsidence of building foundations, leaks in the water supply system, various environmental violations, etc.). In this aspect, diggers manifest themselves as part of the environmentally oriented youth movements.


The connection of Tolkienists with a foreign source is obvious - the images of John Ronald Rowell Tolkien's books The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion, the plots of which were the basis of role-playing games that gave rise to a kind of social movement. Tolkienists are mostly young people, 13-17 years old, but there are also mastodons among them.

A real Tolkienist differs from all other fantasy lovers in many ways:

· These people are very well aware of their difference from their other fellow citizens, so that for compatriots who are not part of the system (and this is the whole normative society) it is sometimes difficult to understand and infiltrate it;

· Careful attitude to the game, to fantasy literature, up to a philological interest in the study of Elvish languages, a great interest in history, mainly of the early Middle Ages, martial arts, fencing, etc.

Life perception combined with a very humorous assessment of one's own activities (a person is able to argue passionately, with fervor and in all seriousness about the hobbits' genealogies, but after a minute the same hobbits will become the object of his ridicule - in general, that Tolkienist who always takes himself seriously is bad) ;

· For a significant part, symbols of an amazing readiness to believe with a minimum of grounds for faith (belief in magic, etc.) are characteristic. For example, there are those who consider themselves atheists, but do not doubt the existence of elves.

Tolkienists themselves single out in the structure of their hangout several types of people who came here, in accordance with the reasons that led to Tolkienism.

1. Firstly, these are people who, for whatever reason, have not been able to establish themselves in big world, or managed, but what they did, they do not like. They cling to the new world like polar explorers to a radio station, because loss means the final collapse of life. Over time, such people constitute the elite of Tolkienism; they close in their narrow circle, and here religion really grows, but directed inward - therefore, the influx of a new flock is extremely undesirable, for the system is hermetic, fresh blood may destroy her.

2. Another part of the Tolkienists are those who just like to play. Role-playing allows a person to be in the shoes of another, while remaining himself at the same time - and this is an interesting emotional experience. Unlike the theatre, the game provides an almost unlimited opportunity for action. For the most part, such individuals lead a normal "civilian" life, and games are considered as a hobby, a means to take a break from the harsh everyday life.

3. The third category are those who need to experience their otherness. In fact, the Tolkienist with his fancy costumes, swords under his arm, medieval style of behavior really attracts attention. As a rule, such individuals are carried away in parallel with a lot of other things and, in general, do not stay long in Tolkienist society.


Participation in a subculture is a “game of adulthood”, where young people construct some kind of life situations and learn how to behave in them. The only thing worth considering is that subcultures are often influenced by commercial companies that dictate fashion and consumer behavior to them. At the moment, for sociologists, marketers and social psychologists, there is an urgent problem - the replacement of the social model among young people with consumer behavior.

Youth subcultures create their own culture that helps young people adapt to life, takes on some of the functions of socialization of individuals that the family, school, formal youth organizations and the state cannot cope with.

In conclusion, I would like to note the positive consequences of youth subcultures:

The general aggressiveness of showdowns between street gangs decreased, the negative energy of confrontation was realized in a different form;

The youth involved in hip-hop were distracted from drugs and alcohol, since breaking requires sports training;

The situation in the criminal, disadvantaged neighborhoods of large cities in America and Europe, and other regions of the world has noticeably improved;

In its non-commercial forms, the subculture does not require large financial investments from young people;

It makes it possible to organize active leisure for a certain part of the youth, focused on the values ​​of a particular subcultural structure.

Top 10 youth subcultures, according to the American agency

youth subculture that emerged in the United States in the 1960s. The heyday of the movement came in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Initially, the hippies protested against the puritanical morality of some Protestant churches, and also promoted the desire to return to natural purity through love and pacifism.

a stylistic direction in rock music (a variant of "new wave grunge metal") and a youth subculture that became one of the most notable phenomena of alternative rock in the late 1980s - mid-1990s. The city of Seattle (USA, Washington state) became the birthplace of grunge, the most prominent representatives are four Seattle bands: Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains, Nirvana and Soundgarden. These groups are known as the "Seattle Four". Grunge refers to heavy music along with heavy metal and hard rock.

the emo subculture can be classified as the latest new style, although it looks very similar to goth and glam rock. Inspired stripes with long names, such as The Day My Dog Went To Town, sickly youths all over the world chose to wear their hair slicked to the side, neckerchiefs, black eyeliner, and skintight jeans.

a youth subculture that arose in the mid-70s in the UK, USA, Canada and Australia, characteristic features which are a critical attitude towards society and politics. The name of the famous American artist Andy Warhol and the band Velvet Underground, which he produced, is closely associated with punk rock. Their lead singer, Lou Reed, is considered the founding father of alternative rock, a movement closely associated with punk rock.

This style has a resurgence every few years, with the latest one still in full swing, Johnny Depp and Justin Timberlake- bright representatives, checkered trousers, sneakers and a T-shirt tucked into trousers.

Rockers appeared in the mid-60s and reached their peak in the late 60s and early 70s, both in England and on the Continent. Rockers come predominantly from families of unskilled workers, without education, and often from single-parent and "problem" families.
Rocker clothes - leather jacket, worn jeans, rough big shoes, long hair combed back, sometimes tattoos. The jacket, as a rule, is decorated with badges and inscriptions. The main element of the rocker subculture is a motorcycle, which is also decorated with inscriptions, symbols and images. A motorcycle is a symbol of freedom, power and intimidation, the main source of strong sensations. At the same time, technical knowledge and driving skills are highly valued among rockers.

Gangsta Rap began its development in the late 80s. This direction originates in hardcore rap. Gangsta rap style had a hard, noisy sound. Lyrically, it was as edgy as rappers' crude tales of urban turmoil. Sometimes the lyrics are different accurate display reality, and sometimes they were just comics filled with exaggeration. This direction became the most commercially successful in the history of hip-hop development from the late 80s to the early 90s. In its infancy, gangsta rap became a source of considerable controversy, as some conservative groups attempted to ban the distribution of these musicians' albums.

New Romantic (Glam Rock),
musical movement that emerged in the UK in the early 80s and (as part of the new wave) had a noticeable impact on the development English pop and rock scene. New Romantic emerged as an alternative to the asceticism of punk culture and not only did not carry social protest, but (according to the Virgin Encyclopedia of 80's Music) "sang of glamor

Butter dish,
an offshoot of the British Teddy Boy culture - can be described as: Skinny jeans, tight T-shirts and slicked back hair. Jukeboxes, cocktail bar and travel in cars.

Dandy Flapper,
Dandy flapper girls prevailed. Red lipstick, hair stuck to the head with lacquer and sequined dresses were the order of the day for the girls, and the men only wore a tweed suit with a bowler hat.

The study of youth subcultures is an important direction in the sociology of youth. Since the 1960s, leading sociologists have addressed this issue. different countries peace. In domestic sociology, however, the analysis of youth subcultural phenomena until the end of the 1980s was carried out within a very narrow framework. To a certain extent, this was explained by the fact that these phenomena, due to established scientific paradigms, were perceived as social pathology. In the process of formation and development of youth subcultures, the following types of them were formed:

  • - politicized subcultures - actively participate in political life and have a clear ideological affiliation;
  • - ecological and ethical subcultures - are engaged in the construction of philosophical concepts and are fighting for the environment;
  • - non-traditional religious subcultures - mainly a passion for eastern religions (Buddhism, Hinduism);
  • - radical youth subcultures - they are distinguished by their organization, the presence of older leaders, and increased aggressiveness;
  • - lifestyle subcultures - groups of young people who form their own way of life;
  • - subcultures by interests - young people united by a common interest - music, sports, etc.;
  • - the subculture of "golden youth" - is typical for capital cities - is focused on spending leisure time (one of the most closed subcultures). Belsky V.Yu., Belyaev A.A. "Sociology", M., "INFRA - M", 2005. - 399 p.

An analysis of various types of youth subcultures shows that this phenomenon is dynamic and developing, manifesting itself through many forms. They differ in their origin and internal organization, in different historical times, some are more relevant than others.

Subcultures of the 30s-60s

One of the brightest and most famous subcultural communities are youth movements associated with certain genres of music. The image of musical subcultures is formed largely in imitation of the stage image of performers popular in a particular subculture. The formation and development of subcultures happened a long time ago. The most striking in the formation of subcultures are the beginning of 1930 - 1940.

Swing youth. In 1939, an informal movement called the Swing Youth emerged in Germany. The most developed was mainly in Hamburg, Frankfurt and Berlin. "Swinging youth" - as a rule, these were children from bourgeois families - high school students, students, young musicians. They were fond of American jazz and swing dancing. The appearance of the "swinging youth" was the opposite of the official image of the "correct" German youth. "Swing-Boys" dressed "American". They wore long double-breasted jackets in a cage or "tennis" stripes, with huge shoulders, wide trousers with large lapels, boots with thick soles. Ties and scarves, as well as clothing in general, had to be bright, like "jungle fire". Young dandies had to get out in order to be stylish in conditions of military shortage - jackets were altered from their father's, old rubber soles were glued to boots. The Swingers walked with a deliberately loose gait, the obligatory cigarette hung from the corner of their mouths, they held dance parties where they played American and English music. In the end, the authorities banned swing dancing.

Bikers. Bikers and biker subculture, like many other things, came from America. This is one of the oldest subcultures, formed back in the 1940s and 1950s. The appearance of bikers is quite recognizable: leather, jeans, metal accessories - this is not a complete list of the components of a biker style. From musical preferences - rock in all its manifestations, although some listen to pop music. Nowadays, a huge number of music festivals are held, where the vast majority of spectators and listeners are bikers. These festivals are fun entertainment program, an abundance of beer and rock and roll. There are also various rock clubs where bikers like to gather. Such clubs can always be identified by motorcycles parked at the entrance. There, in the parking lot, they not only wait for their owner, but also attract the attention of others with their impressive appearance. Each biker pays great attention not only to the technical equipment of his steel horse, but also to his external attractiveness. In addition to freedom, bikers value their biker brotherhood and are always ready to help each other.

Teddy-boys. The Teddy Boy subculture originated in London in 1953 and quickly spread throughout the UK. Teddy-boys dressed in tapered trousers or trousers-pipes, long jackets, fitted coats, frock coats with double collars, bow ties. So they tried to look like a dandy and a "golden youth." The Teddies were mostly working class. Teddy-boys are the first youth culture in England that differentiates itself, having its own dress code and certain hobbies, and as a result adjusts the market to suit itself. It was with the advent of Teddy that the first youth clothing stores and youth television programs appeared. For Teddy Boys, appearance and clothing are important - this is what makes them stand out from the crowd. They were characterized by rather hooligan behavior, which shocked the older conservative generation, and newspapers usually "inflated" the hype around them even more, exaggerated and added fuel to the fire.

Fashion. Mods is a British youth subculture that formed in the late 1950s. among the London petty bourgeoisie and peaked in the mid-1960s. Mods replaced teddy-boys, and later the skinhead subculture formed from among the most radical mods. As a mode of transport, fashion chose scooters for themselves. Mods tended to meet in clubs and seaside resorts. The mods were not cohesive, they did not have some kind of connecting idea, where the ideas of brotherhood and unity are promoted. They were just young people, gathering at night and having fun until the morning. And, nevertheless, they left a mark in history with their bright appearance and peculiar tuning of their scooters. Initially, the preference was given to tailor-made suits, later - just suits of Italian and British brands. The language is extremely limited. They use drugs - pills and dark beer. In the second half of the 60s. the mod movement waned and has only sporadic revived since then.

Skinheads. The first mentions of skinheads in the press and music are found in England in the late 60s of the XX century. The skinheads of the 60s had style in common with the mod subculture. The subculture was completely apolitical from the start. Neither left nor right politics prevailed. They were tough guys who equally hated both young bourgeois majors and relaxed hippie drug addicts. The ideology of "White Power" appeared - the White Power, which must maintain racial balance not only in Europe, but throughout the world. Real skinheads do not call for the destruction of other races, they simply say that everyone has their own home, their own homeland, the land of their ancestors. The Skins had their collars cut, their trousers narrowed, their badges removed, and their feet shod in heavy construction boots. This is how the canon of skinhead clothing was established. In this clothing, everything is strictly functional, adapted for a street fight. Nothing superfluous: no glasses, no badges, no bags, shoulder straps, nothing that prevents you from dodging the hands of the enemy. In boots, instead of black laces, white laces appeared, as a symbol of the fact that the skins are fighting for the White Race.

Stilyagi. Stilyagi is a youth subculture in the USSR, which became widespread in large Soviet cities from the late 1940s to the early 1960s, having a predominantly American way of life as a standard. The dandies were distinguished by deliberate apathy, a certain cynicism in their judgments, and a negative attitude towards certain norms of Soviet morality. Western cinema played an important role in the development of the dude subculture. In the early years of the existence of this phenomenon, the appearance of the dude was rather caricatured: wide bright trousers, a baggy jacket, a hat with wide brim, socks in bright colors, the infamous "fire in the jungle" tie. Later, the dress code of Soviet dudes underwent significant changes: the famous trousers-pipes appeared, a whipped "cook" on the head, an exquisite jacket with broad shoulders, a narrow tie "herring", an umbrella-cane. Of the shoes among Soviet fashionistas, pointed boots with high rubber soles were popular. For a girl who positioned herself as a representative of the "stylish" culture, it was enough to make up brightly and wear the "crown of the world" hairstyle. Tight skirts were considered special chic, tightly fitting girl's hips. In musical preferences, dudes gravitated more towards jazz and rock and roll. Favorite dances were boogie- woogie, rock'n'roll, and later twist and shake.The dudes were distinguished not only by special clothes, music, dances and manners, but also by specific slang, partially borrowed from jazzmen.Lisovsky VT Sociology of Youth.M.1996. p.54

In addition to the previously considered subcultures, in the 30-60s of the last century, such cultures as Edelweiss Pirates, Rockabilly, Rude-boys and Hipsters appeared.

Subcultures of the 70-80s of the XX century

Hip-hop. The hip hop subculture began in 1974 in the African American and Hispanic neighborhoods of the Bronx. Clothing style in the hip-hop subculture. Freedom of action implies loose clothing. Therefore, the hip-hop style is characterized by men's cut T-shirts, T-shirts, sweatshirts, hooded sweatshirts and hoodies. The colors of the clothes were originally dark and gray, but over time this convention was overcome in favor of more positive shades. On their feet, hip-hop fans prefer to wear wide "pipe" jeans, often with a low waist. Usually they are worn in such a way that part of the underwear becomes visible. You can call it a form of disregard for the norms of culture and ethics accepted in society. Hip-hop shoes are 100% sporty. In addition to attributes of a purely sporting nature, such as bandanas, wristlets, baseball caps, which are worn by almost all representatives of the movement, there are also jewelry in the hip-hop style that are typical for those whose financial capabilities are much higher than average. Ponomarchuk V.A., Tolstykh A.V. Secondary education: two critical points of the modern school.//Sotsis 12/94 p.54

Ravers. Usually ravers are classified as musicians. At the heart of this subculture is present: a light, carefree attitude to life, the desire to live today, to be dressed in the latest fashion. The ravers subculture emerges in the 80s. in the US and UK. In Russia, it has been distributed since the beginning of the 90s. An integral part of the rave lifestyle is night discos with powerful sound, laser beams. Ravers' clothes are characterized by bright colors and the use of artificial materials. The development of the rave subculture went hand in hand with the spread of drugs, in particular amphetamines. The use of stimulants and hallucinogens for the purpose of "mind-expanding" has become, unfortunately, almost an integral part of the raver subculture. At the same time, many figures of youth culture, including DJs - the key figures of the rave subculture - have expressed and continue to express an extremely negative attitude towards taking drugs.

Punks. A youth subculture that arose in the late 1960s - early 1970s in the UK, USA, Canada and Australia, the characteristic features of which are a critical attitude towards society and politics. The philosophy of punk is mainly to fight dullness, aggression and monotony. Punks have a colorful image. Many punks dye their hair in bright unnatural colors, comb it and fix it with hairspray, brilliantine, gel or beer to make it stand up. In the 1980s, the mohawk hairstyle became fashionable among punks. They wear ripped jeans tucked into heavy boots and sneakers. The clothes are dominated by "dead style". Punks put skulls and signs on clothes and accessories. Also, punks wear various attributes of rocker subcultures: collars, wristlets, bracelets, mostly leather, with spikes, rivets and chains. A lot of punks get tattoos.

Goths. Goths are representatives of a youth subculture that originated in the late 70s of the XX century on the wave of post-punk. The Gothic subculture is quite diverse and heterogeneous. The main elements of the Gothic image are the predominance of black in clothing, the use of metal jewelry with the symbols of the Gothic subculture, and a distinctive make-up. Typical attributes used by the Goths are ankh, the ancient Egyptian symbol of immortality, skulls, crosses, straight and inverted pentagrams, the bats. Makeup is used by both men and women. It is not an everyday attribute, and is usually applied before visiting concerts and gothic clubs. Makeup usually consists of two elements: white face powder and dark eyeliner. Hairstyles in Gothic fashion are quite diverse. In the post-punk era, the main type of hairstyle was medium length tousled hair. But in modern subculture many wear long hair, or even mohawks. It is typical for the Goths to dye their hair black or - more rarely - red. Some Goths prefer clothing styled after the fashion of the 18th-19th centuries. with appropriate attributes: lace, long gloves and long dresses for women, tailcoats and top hats for men. The normal state for Goths is "anguish" - a fairly comprehensive term that describes the usual gothic state. The humor of the Goths is quite specific - it is purely black humor.

Hippie. Hippies were one of the first musical and youth subcultures of our time. Hippie is a philosophy and subculture that originated in the 1960s in the United States. The movement flourished in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Initially, the hippies protested against the puritanical morality of some Protestant churches, and also promoted the desire to return to natural purity through love and pacifism.

Hippie believes:

  • - that a person should be free;
  • - that freedom can be achieved only by changing the inner structure of the soul;
  • - that beauty and freedom are identical to each other and that the realization of both is a purely spiritual problem;
  • - that everyone who thinks otherwise is mistaken. Shchepanskaya T.B. System: texts and traditions of subculture. M., 2004

The hippie culture has its own symbolism, signs of belonging and attributes. Representatives of the hippie movement, in accordance with their worldview, are characterized by the introduction of ethnic elements into the costume: beads woven from beads or threads, bracelets, "baubles" and so on.

In the 70s and 80s, such subcultures as Metalists, Freaks and Glamor appeared.

Subcultures 1990-2000

Cyber ​​Goth. Tentatively, the origins of the emergence of the Cyber ​​​​Gotha subculture fall on the 1990th year. It is worth noting that the exact classification and definition of this informal direction does not yet exist, of course, there are some features that distinguish this direction from others, but due to the deep delusion of many, they have nothing to do with the usual Gotha subculture. The origins themselves were taken precisely from the Gothic movement, but in a short time they were completely reoriented. Like most subcultures, Cyber ​​Goths were formed due to musical trends. The main focus of the Cyber ​​Goths' musical preferences was guitar sounds and standard rock songs. The following are used as the main hairstyles: dreadlocks - hair dyed in different colors, often found among representatives of this movement and Iroquois, but they have nothing in common with the punk subculture. The color scheme ranges from green to black, but bright ones are predominantly used. Clothing is mostly made of leather or synthetic material. The design included elements of microcircuits, showing the predilection of Cyber ​​Ready for computers. This is hallmark Cyber ​​Ready from ready. Shchepanskaya T.B. System: texts and traditions of subculture. M., 2004.

Grangers. One of the oldest subcultures is grungers, they arose under the influence of the musical direction of grunge, from where they actually stood out as a separate culture around 1990-1991. Its founders, the Nirvana group, who were able to promote not only their style to the masses, but also give rise to a whole generation of their followers. In appearance, the Grangers are easy to distinguish from representatives of other subcultures, they are distinguished by a plaid shirt, sneakers and long hair - these three elements completely form the image and image. Moreover, preference is given to worn out clothes. Often, such things are bought in second-hand stores to form an image, style and image. In their own way, they are completely harmless to others. Of the musical directions, priority is naturally given to Grunge. The grunge subculture is also distinguished by its conservatism, unwillingness to change its foundations of life, norms, philosophy or value system. The fashion for grunge ended around 2000-2005, but even now this subculture is adhered to, only by those people who are not indifferent to this direction. It is worth noting that it was from the direction of the Grangers that an element of clothing was later adopted - a T-shirt or sweatshirt with black and red colors. As for age, there are no restrictions. Among the grungers you can meet both at the age of 15, and fully formed and established people.

Alternatives. The subculture Alternatives was formed in the first half of the 90s. It included representatives of rappers, metalheads and punks. Of all youth musical directions, they stand out for their friendliness towards representatives of any subcultures. Unlike all musical movements, Alternative combined several styles at once, which made it possible to create a completely separate subculture. Based on the HardCore style. As for the musicians, not the followers, they tried to make a breakthrough in music, rejecting the existing standards. The main contribution made to world music, is an amalgamation of rap and rock. Toward the turn of 2000, the new style hit the mainstream and began to massively spread around the world. The appearance of the Alternatives immediately catches the eye. They are easy to distinguish from representatives of other subcultures. They wear wide clothes and piercings. The peak of the popularity of the Alternative came in 2005. This subculture did not have a special ideology, everything rested on a musical experiment that radically changed the development of world music.

During this period, such a subculture as the Tolkienists appears.

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