Lead to dance. "Sweet fairy tale"


Entertainment scenario with minimal preparation for preschoolers "New Year's Birthday".

Author - compiler: Rukavishnikova Olga Leonidovna, music director, MKDOU d / s "Kolosok" p. Kalinino, Malmyzhsky district, Kirov region.

This material will be useful in the work music directors, kindergarten teachers, teachers - organizers. Entertainment can be used a day or two after New Year's party or immediately after going to work after New Year holidays. Almost all material is learned by the New Year. It all depends on your imagination, what items can be put in the "Magic Bag" and how to beat them, either a dance, or a song, or a game. For example, a bow is a dance of dolls, a bear mask is a game or a dance, a fake candy is either a dance or a game, or it can be used as a surprise moment, etc. Elements of the script by A.E. Alexandrova were used in the development.

The age of children is from 4 to 7 years.

Target: give children the opportunity to show their skills and talents.

promote the development of musical and creative abilities of preschoolers through musical images in games and dances;
to introduce children to dance and game activities through holidays, entertainment. Musical director:
Guys, did Santa Claus come to visit you?
Did you sing songs?
Did you dance round dances?
So, it will soon be the birthday of the New Year. Do you want to congratulate him? (or - January 1 was the birthday of the New Year, let's congratulate him.)

Children- Yes.

Musical director
To start, hello!
Rejoice and celebrate!
Let's dance merrily
Shake hands with everyone here.
Children greet with music different ways(shake hands, clap both hands on the neighbor’s hand, tummies, hug, etc.)

Musical director:
Children know New Year
He lives in the deep forest
And waiting for gifts too
Because today is my birthday
Celebrates the New Year.
Here is the magic track.
Have fun, step, legs,
Cold forest ahead.
New Year is around here.

The game "Stand in a circle"

Let's make a circle, let's make a circle
Friend on the left, friend on the right.
Big feet walked along the road
Top, top, top, top.

Big feet walked on the road
Top, top, top, top.
Little feet ran along the path
Top top top, top – top-top.
Girls and boys

They bounce like balls.
They stomp their feet,
They laugh merrily.

At this time, a house is put up and a child or an adult hides in it - New Year.
The light goes out. Towards the children comes the New Year.

1 Vedas: Hello New Year, we came to congratulate you.

2 Vedas: Happy birthday, new year! Accept gifts
Your holiday will be joyful and bright.

1 Vedas: Happy birthday, new year! Join us in the round dance!
And now we all want to present this song together!

The song "What is the New Year?" (any other from your New Year's repertoire)

New Year:
I say "thank you" to you.
How glad I am! Thank you.
Do you know my favorite song

2 Vedas: What do you say?

New Year:
About a small Christmas tree.

New Year's dance "Little Christmas tree"
1 Vedas: And we will play New Year with you and teach you new games.

Game "Freeze"

(get up in pairs with your palms, freeze in pairs, get up in pairs with your knees, freeze, etc.)

2 Vedas: Did you enjoy playing with us?

New Year:
I liked it very much!

1 Vedas: It's time to solve the riddle.
In a red coat and with a big bag,
With a beard to the waist, he is familiar to all of us,
I want to ask you guys a question.
Who comes to us? This is (Santa Claus)

2 Vedas: Guys, let's choose Santa Claus and go by train.

The game "Steam locomotive - Santa Claus."
(A steam locomotive is driving, two pipes and a hundred wheels are a steam locomotive, a steam locomotive, a Santa Claus steam locomotive. “Stop” - stop - clapperboard, stop - topotushkino, stop stuchalkina, stop - dance-kino)

1 Vedas: New Year, and you love surprises.

New Year:
I love!

2 Vedas: Now we will play surprise gifts.

Game "Magic Bag"

A bag is placed in front of the tree, in it miscellaneous items, attributes for dancing and games. Two children run around the Christmas tree and the first one who comes running takes out one of the items.
(rattle - dance "Petrushka"; watch or dial - dance "Tik-tak"; boots - playing with felt boots; bell - dance with bells; sultan - dance "Snowflakes"; snowball - playing with snowballs, etc ... It all depends on the New Year's repertoire).

New Year:
Guys, I've never had this before. have a fun day Birth. I want to give you candy.

Handing out candy. Children thank, sit on the "Train" and leave in groups.


Leads to games and dances:
Game "Throw snowballs"
Let's play snowballs now
But first: you need to find mittens!
They're all different, look
Collect them in pairs.

The game "Collect mittens in pairs"

Game "Throw snowballs"
Children are divided into two teams. The leaders pull the curtain between them. On a signal, both teams begin throwing snowballs to the opponent's side. The team with the fewest snowballs left wins.

To the tick-tock dance
Tick-tock - the clock chirps.
They walk tirelessly.
We know: on weekdays, on holidays
They won't let you down.

To the game with felt boots(you guys don’t yawn the boots, pass them on ....)
Oh, I'm stomping my foot
Let me stomp another one.
Cheerful with us
There will be a splash.

To the dance of the snowflakes
You, snowflakes, fly and show your dance.

To the Petrushka dance
You are parsley! I am Petrushka!
You are a toy! I am a toy!
We announce our dance
Cheerful, mischievous!
(L.V. Kirillova)

To the dance with bells
Let's take the bells and dance and sing!

I will be glad if my development helps someone, it will come in handy in their work! Thank you for attention! Happy New Year of the Yellow Dog everyone!


Sounds like incendiary music ( latina ) , voice behind the scene.





Procession ( parade ) V couples senior composition , ensemble Latins girls And procession average composition from hall ( input door ) on scene And go away behind backstage . From side doors under stage coming out Jr compound , rises on scene And leaves behind backstage . Are rising on scene luminaries , founders , Graduates « rainbows » from hall on scene , do bow And go away behind scene .

1 host: Good evening, Dear friends and distinguished guests!

2 host: Hello! We are glad to welcome you in this hall for the holiday of summer! DANCE AND SPORTS CLUB "RAINBOW" invites us to meet the sunny, hot, sultry, bright, cheerful, vacation summer.

1 host: What could be more beautiful than a rainbow? The colors of the rainbow are like the colors of our lives. Rainbow is a bridge between heaven and earth, between continents, hearts and souls of people. Let's meet and make friends on this beautiful bridge, let's chat, relax and dance.


Average composition.


1 host: Why do children wait for summer?

2 host: Summer is the time for rest, ka-ni-ku-ly !!! During the holidays, you can do whatever you want. You can do what you love....

1 leader: ...... like dancing. Arseniy Permyakov and Omarova Olga will be happy to show us their new dance"Doll". Let's greet the young artists with thunderous applause.

Doll. Arseny Permyakov and Olga Omarova.

Mix (waltz, jive)

the light is turned off, a beam is directed at the doll, as the dance develops, the light turns on.

1 host: The exuberant colors of summer always fascinate me, it's just a carnival of colors ...
2 host:
Carnival?! This is where you remembered. After all, carnival is, first of all, incendiary dances, colorful outfits and cheerful mood, beautiful girls... debutants on stage, girl group Ensemble "Rainbow" Latin mix. Meet…

Latin mix (cha-cha-cha, samba)

1 presenter goes out with a small couple.

I want to introduce you to beginner dancers Kira Blyskosh and Savely Rybalko, these are our stars who are just starting to shine, the guys are on stage for the first time, they are very worried, this is their first dance. Let's give the young dancers a round of applause.

Savely Rybalko and Blyskosh Kira (waltz)

Like a living rainbow

IN bright colors blossomed,

fire, vortex

Samba, jav and cha-cha-cha

Junior team. Mix. (jive, samba, cha-cha-cha)

1 host: It's getting hot!!! Tell me, do you like to dance?

2 host: I do it with pleasure at parties, discos and even at home. And when good mood…, I dance cha-cha-cha. With the onset of summer, I will always have a good mood.

1 host:

Warms the fire, burns the earth,

This night with you we dance cha-cha-cha

The rains fall asleep, the seas come to life,

Today we will dance with you cha-cha-cha.

The senior composition of the ensemble "Rainbow" (cha-cha-cha).

Passionate and heart broken

Love does not save, it is forgotten

Somewhere inside, on the edge of consciousness

There is the joy of meeting and the pain of parting

We can not now give up happiness

We are in captivity of tango, we are in power of tango.

Danil Ryapolov and Ekaterina Erokhina.

(Argentine tango).

1 host: Summer literally sets everyone in a romantic mood. It seems to me that the most romantic dance is the waltz.

2 host: Yes, I absolutely agree.So I remember the lines from the verses:

The sounds of the waltz gently touched the soul,

imperceptibly penetrated into the depths of all hearts,

invite your lady to dance hurry up,

let the hearts spin in an enchanted rhythm

Average composition.


1 host: Summer is the time to wake up vital energy. I want to move, create, live ...
2 host:
And of course it can all be expressed in dance.

Elistratov Nikita and Radjabova Angela (Cha-cha-cha)


Senior squad (Jive)

"Oh, come on!"

1 host: That's what I decided, as soon as the concert ends, I'll go and sign up for the dance and sports club "Rainbow", I also want to learn how to dance like that. I especially like the paso doble dance. It has so much expression, passion, fire.

2 host: Why record, I could at least now portray both passion and expression for you.

1 host: Do you know what happened to our mutual friend when they turned on the music?

Video clip from the movie "Real Boys". Paso doble.

2 host: Yes, I agree you need to study. We meet candidates for master of sports in sports and ballroom dancing Danil Ryapolova and Ekaterina Erokhin.

Danil Ryapolov and Ekaterina Erokhina. Paso Doble.

The dance is live music,

And no wonder people say:

The dancer is the embodiment of paradise

Peace and harmony reign in the dance.



Nikita Eslistratov - Angela Radjabova

Vladislav Fursov - ...................................

Andrey Donkovtsev - Tatyana Savlyukova



Graduates of the dance and sports club "Rainbow" jive "I stay to live"

Stas Danilevsky,

Rinat Gadylshin,


Olga Alexandrova


Andrey Donkovtsev and Tatyana Savlyukova.

(Jive or cha-cha-cha.)

2 host: The main, most passionate color of the rainbow is red. The color of fire, passion, love.

1 host:

A crazy wave is coming to the coast,
He and she dance the rumba.
Delicate skin the breeze caresses them,
He is free to fulfill any whim.

2 host:
Words are not needed, an expressive look,
Feelings speak volumes in the soul.
Rumba - melody, passion in unison,
fire dance, for those who are in love.

Danil Ryapolov and Ekaterina Erokhina



senior team


1 host: Find time for yourself. Dance. It is so uplifting, inspiring and captivating!

2 host: They say life is not the number of breaths you take; These are the moments that take your breath away. When you dance, you live!

Nikita Tarenkov and Alexandra Momotova


1 host: People have been dancing for tens of thousands of years because the soul asked to "dance".

2 host: The soul of a person who will now take the stage cannot live without dancing.

He infects with his energy, optimism, creativity. For many years, people who are not indifferent to this kind of art, children and their parents, our dear guests who came to today's concert, have been drawn to it. It is worth sounding melodies in a large parquet hall, as the mood rises and you want to dance.

I would give you a starfall,

But how? I can't fly.

I would give you a sunset,

But he, too, then dims.

I would give you sun heat,

But I have no control over the universe.

I will give you your heart,

For everyone to be happy.

1 host: Meet!!! Anvar Aldamzharov!!!

Anvar Aldamzharov and all, all, all..... (mix, jive)

1 host:

Plasticity, grace, dexterity

Instantly turn into a feeling.

And without a single word

They proclaim a miracle.

2 host:

Paul deceptive gloss ...

Couples in outfits flock.

Dance! Divine dance!

The highest art in the world!

General waltz. The final.

Kholodnaya Irina Vladimirovna, musical director of MADOU MO Krasnodar "Kindergarten No. 191"
Author's poetic texts to dance compositions for themed holidays kindergarten with dance movements written in the text.
Material Description:
I bring to your attention the author's poetic texts for dance compositions for holidays in kindergarten. The texts are composed in such a way that they trace the change of dance movements, so learning the dances will not be particularly difficult. The material may be of interest to music directors, educators, teachers-organizers.
Target: Consistency of perception of text and music with movement.
1. Develop motor qualities and skills.
2. Develop Creative skills children.
For New Year's holiday.

"Fairytale Pole" Music by A. Kozlov
Age of children 5-6 years
1. We gathered in the hall today not in vain,
Invite to dance I want you!
All in lights and tinsel Christmas tree
Let's start dancing!
Chorus: New Year, New Year!
IN fast dance fairy tales spin!
In the new year, in the new year, have fun from the heart!
In the new year, in the new year, let your eyes sparkle,
Santa Claus, do not sit, dance with us!
2. We clap our hands loudly, 1-2-3!
How we hit with heels - look!
Let's change places, and then
We'll go around hand in hand with you!
The chorus is the same.
3. Santa Claus go to the circle, do not be lazy!
Have fun with us!
If it gets hot all of a sudden, don't worry!
We will blow on you together, yes, yes, yes!
The chorus is the same.

Dance with soft toys. Music Polka.
Age of children 3-4 years
1. We dance with toys
Here under the Christmas tree
So that on a holiday on our
Grandpa had fun!
Chorus: Though our feet are small,
But they don't stand still
Grandpa, you love
For fun preschoolers!
2. Here under our Christmas tree
There will be a merry dance,
Bear and Fox are dancing,
What miracles!
Chorus: the same.
3. You toy, sit down
Look at the tree!
We clap now
We have a lot of fun!
Chorus: the same.
To the holiday Defender of the Fatherland Day

"Sailors"music Kovalenko
(Variation on the theme of the poem by M. Tanich "We are all sailors")
Age of children 6-7 years
1 . The sea begins with a small river.
Are we all boys? We are all sailors!
Uniforms for growth, peakless caps on one side.
Eh! We are not too lazy to dance with our girlfriends!
Chorus: And well - ka...
Let's clap our hands harder
Let's stomp our feet loudly
And spin around together
We need to quickly
We'll walk in a couple
Let's smile cheerfully
The sea and the sun are laughing with us!
Ribbons - peakless caps,
Girls like pictures
Let's dance together!
Let's show the dance!
2. And girlfriends - girls are very good,
Everyone is dancing nicely, from the heart!
Eyes, like buttons, a dress in expansion,
Eh! Cheerful, mischievous little people!
Chorus: the same.
3. By sea, we are glad to take a watch,
Scrub the floor like a deck, dance the "Bullseye".
We pass in formation, everyone admires, looks!
Eh! Sailor bearing for the guys.
Chorus: the same.

Dance with moms. Music r.n.m. "Cherry"
Age of children 5-7 years
1. We go side by side with mommy - a beauty
Let's start dancing in our festive hall!
Oh, what a tender mother of mine!
All dearer, affectionate, for me it is!
Mommy-beloved give me your hand soon!
Spinning - spinning in the dance quickly.
And how in childhood we will play patty,
Polechka fun to dance together!
Mommy - Mommy, you see, I'm spinning!
At hand, like the sun, you spin!
Pancakes - pancakes, you sit down soon
I will hug my beloved no, you are dear!
2. Music sounds in our festive hall,
And my mother's heart beats for me!
Knock-knock-knock, mommy, you are my joy,
I appeared under my mother's heart!
Chorus: the same
3. Moms will clap, we will go to the circle
Let's smile affectionately, let's go to our mothers.
Let's stomp everything with our feet, shake our shoulders
Let's start dancing again with dear mommy!
The chorus is the same.

For the holiday Children's Day.

Children Protection Day Music by G. Zhilko
The age of children is 5-7 years.
1. Joy in the morning under the June sun
Having fun and dancing kids
You repeat the movements after me
And give everyone a smile
Chorus: Children Protection Day.
Clap, clap your hands do not be sorry!
Clear - the sun looks from above
How we dance on this holiday, you and I!
2. Spin with me my friend, don't be lazy!
Plunge into the sea of ​​happiness and smiles!
Children's Day is a holiday for us
Even the birds on the branches began to dance!
Chorus: the same.
3. Let's start a wide circle, let's start
And like a ball earthly whole let's go around!
Let's say to adults - “We do not want war!
All children need only peace and happiness!”
Chorus: the same.

For any summer summer holiday

Dance with cubes. Protasov's music
Children are 3-5 years old.
1. We took the cubes in our hands and walked around the hall.
We will have fun playing and knocking to the music.
2. And now let's sit down together, we need to build a pyramid!
Look, friends, that's what a builder I am!
Chorus: Clap-clap, tra-ta-ta! Clap, clap, tra-ta-ta!
Clap, clap, tra-ta-ta! The pyramid is beautiful!
3. We'll go around the pyramid, take the cubes again,
Like lanterns, the cubes in the hands of the guys are burning.
Chorus: Cube, Cube 1-2-3, have fun with our kids!
Tuki, tuki, tuki, tuki! You are my bright, sonorous friend!
4. We'll hide the cubes behind the back and jump like bunnies,
Jump and jump, once again, we have a lot of fun!
Chorus: Cube, Cube 1-2-3, have fun with our kids!
Tuki, tuki, tuki, tuki! You are my bright, sonorous friend!
5. Let's raise the cubes together, now we need to run.
Stop and again we will knock with a cube!
Chorus: Cube, cube 1-2-3, have fun with our kids!
Tuki, tuki, tuki, tuki! You are my bright, sonorous friend!
6. The children put their legs out, and, of course, everyone was tired,
The cubes lie quietly, the fingers sleep under the cheek.
Chorus: Bye-bye, the cube is sleeping, bye bye, do not knock!
Just tired of sleeping, we will dance again!
Cube, Cube 1-2-3, have fun with our kids!
Tuki, tuki, tuki, tuki! You are my bright, sonorous friend!

« kind master". Dance with musical instruments
Co-author Dolgaleva O. music Zlotnik.
Age of children 5-7 years
1. A kind master in a glorious fairy tale made tools
Spoons, pipes, rattles, he gladly gave to children.
Knock knock, play, keep up with me!
Knock-knock, come on together, knock-knock, this song
Knock-knock, bolder, knock-knock, more fun!
2. A kind master in a fairy tale carved a glorious rattle
Songs refrain funny he repeated all the time!
Chorus: Ding - ding, rattle, ding - ding, near the ear,
Ding, ding, play, keep up with me!
Ding - ding, come on together, ding - ding this song
Ding - ding, bolder, ding - ding, more fun!
3. The good master even carved tambourines in a glorious fairy tale!
Songs refrain funny he repeated all the time.
Chorus: Slap-slap, tambourine in hand, slap-slap, tuki-tuki,
Slap-slap, play, keep up with me!

Slap-slap bolder, slap-slap, more fun!
4. A kind master in a glorious fairy tale made tools,
Bells, bells children gladly gave!
Chorus: Ring - ring, make some noise, ring - ring, ring,
Ring - ring play, keep up with me!
Ring - ring, come on together, ring - ring this song
ring - ring, bolder, ring - ring, more fun!
5. The good master in a glorious fairy tale loved music very much
Gave a lot of musical instruments to children!
Chorus: Knock-knock, spoons in hand, knock-knock, knock-knock!
Ding - ding, rattle, ding - ding, near the ear.
Slap-slap, come on together, slap-slap, this song
Ring - ring, bolder, ring - ring, more fun!
With the permission of the site administration, I post a link to a collection with plus dance data files

In dance, as in life, there is a run in a circle:
Both strength and weakness run one after the other.
In dance: plie, jump and spin.
And in life you need a fall to take off.

There is a solo dance, it is difficult at times.
Loneliness in life is to blame.
And there is a perky group dance -
With friends, any dream will come true!

Dance - there is a palette of feelings and emotions -
You can show everything that is hidden in the heart!
Dance - there is a special language of the body -
Let's talk about what everyone is used to!

You can talk about dance endlessly,
But dance is life, and it will be forever!

Yes, dancing with its beauty
In flight, in a joyful impulse
Beauty is made more beautiful
Ugly people are made nicer.
I'm sorry that the graceful dance
We haven't studied yet.

Lope de Vega "Dance teacher"

Dance is live music
And no wonder people say:
The dancer is the embodiment of paradise
Peace and harmony reign in the dance.

And why do we love to dance almost from birth?
Yes, dances always express the feelings of our life,
They are an echo of dreams and desires of secret embodiment.
And what words we can not voice,
Passionate and virtuoso movements will be told.

And we choose the dance to our liking, according to our mood,
Sometimes just giving up is not realistic, impossible,
When music is to the heart, for joy, for consolation,
We embody the beauty and charm of the melody with our dance.
The art of dance and the beautiful aspiration.

Galina Bobyleva

Movement, rhythm, melody, steps,
Forward, backward and turn
Deflection, jerk and swing of the leg,
Who danced - he will understand everything!

Dance is incomparable
If you often whirl in rhythm,
The dance may gradually
Turn into the meaning of life!

There's always time for yourself
The melody will call everywhere
Releasing from a busy day
Beckoning to drop everything and dance ...

Feel like flying
Spinning smoothly, wave-second!
To be a bird in the sky soaring
Be real, be yourself!

How to dance - tell the body
When you sit down, wave your hand.
You don't dare to start moving
Then you will notice

Ease, pleasure,
The desire to move, whirl,
Emotions rise and mood -
You can't help but fall in love with it!

Dancing is not for a day
Not for a year or two!
Dance is not familiar with laziness -
Dance is forever!

Dance has the ability to captivate,
Dance can seduce
He is also a master of healing
That's why it's important to us
He is a doctor of soul and body.

We can't live without dancing
We need it like air!
Blood excites like a drug.
There is such a dance addiction,
She does not harm, but helps.

Waltz, waltz... so spin me around!
I'm flying high like an autumn leaf.
Sounds pour, beckoning with them.
There is no point in asking for salvation.

One, two, in a moment, three...
I melt in dance, in tender arms,
Lunar midnight, melting dawn,
All moments boundless flight.

Tact, breath, twinkle like a moth
Melt in a moment with a gentle kiss ...
Waltz sounds, do not be sad again
Take hope for love...

Natalia Grebenko

Today is our last dance
Why useless words?
We don't need to shine
Kohl in the relationship is emptiness.

Forgotten ups and downs
Blossoms together, whispering in the dark.
How long have we been captivated by temptations,
Only a year, and we are not the same.

While we are spinning side by side with you,
As in life, we converge and part again.
But we are beyond love brackets.
The music will stop, and all love will die.

I dance with my eyes closed
Heavenly music sounds...
And takes my soul to heaven
There she floats happy
And with her I...

I dance, angels are circling nearby
To the beautiful melody of love.
Feeling like I can fly
I don't touch the ground at all
I am weightless.

I'm dancing, why is it like that
This feeling is mine
What am I doing with my soul?
This music is calling me
With you!

Galina Bobyleva

Do you hear?
Give me your hand
we can't dance
so let's intertwine our fingers...
You are divinely beautiful today...
just like these sounds
that spill over the bare shoulders of these ladies ...
I can’t calmly look at your hollow ...
I slip all the time...
somewhere under the material ...
Oh, what, you say, told? ..
Although ... the main thing is your voice,
not words...
God... please
don't lean so hard
I will die of suffocation
curls cling to my neck ...
What is your hair, fairy, perfumed today?
Roses? Astrami? Orchids???
Well, what a torture...
looking at your gloved hands,
And I fear only two things:
that I love you...
and what I don't like...
Can't there be exceptions?
A curtain…
greek naturally...
It's time for Ymir to go home...
Arividerci… see you…
Honey, can I come with you?

Sviryaeva Elena

How strange, sometimes it happens like this:
As if the same hall, and the same faces,
All the same music pulsating beat,
And so the light flickers and flows -

An inviting gesture in a barely noticeable look,
Already habitual hugs -
And suddenly, as if out of nowhere
The heart beats in anticipation of happiness.

And time-space is no more
But only the lingering longing of the bandaneon,
Filling everything with myself, nullified
Everything else is beautiful and bottomless.

And in these sounds, melting and breathing,
A moment ago completely strangers
Two bodies and one soul
They live with each other, as if they were blind.

Then more truly easy,
And the ocho are impeccably perfect,
And only a cheek touches a cheek,
And together we are free and imperishable.

And there are no more prohibitions and barriers,
And the fear of misunderstanding recedes,
Breath and heart beat in time
And the secrets of the universe are available to us ...

How strange, sometimes it happens all of a sudden,
A short moment ago it could have happened -
But the couples froze, the last sound subsided.
All the same hall around, all the same faces...

It can be seen from above the dances are sent down,
It was decided by God Himself.
We have been given the talent to dance
All misfortunes and troubles out of spite!
And we can not live differently!

We fantasize, we rejoice!
This waltz swirled like a whirlwind,
Raises from earth to heaven.
Above the ground like birds soar
We fly with our souls.

That's why we dance obliviously
What is possible to forget about everything,
When the dance is both bold and sinful
As a story about feelings, about love!
From the blues and from boredom, he heals.

Galina Bobyleva

The sphere is filled with music,
Sweet melody beckons.
Rhythm from the heart
Controls minds.

Lightness, breath of freedom,
Strength and joy of movement -
Overcome carefree
Sinful Earth attraction.

Plasticity, grace, dexterity
Instantly turn into a feeling.
And without a single word
They proclaim a miracle.

The floor is deceptive gloss ...
Couples in outfits flock.
Dance! Divine dance!
The highest art in the world!

Only the waltz gives us this moment,
And only now he disconnects ...
Flipping through time like the pages of books
Forgotten feeling again intoxicates ...

And who will tell you how to be saved now?
I can't look away anymore...
And the waltz is circling, circling, like for the first time ...
Soul boundless music embraced ...

You whisper to me softly: "Tu souvien?" *
(But how to forget the April of an unexpected meeting?
When the dawn was given to the nightingales,
And the sun was seen off every evening? ..)

I will answer casually: "Un peu ... Tr?s mal ..." **
Suddenly I’ll look away ... You’ll understand - it’s not true ...
And outside the window a long time ago February ...
And we know that he is justified by fate ...

Draws a waltz melody, look ...
In it, every breath reminds us of us ...
And the heart beats in rhythm, one, two, three ...
And the triangle of thoughts closes ...

The last chord melts among the fires...
“I wanted to say so ...” - unable to listen
I disappear into the silence of shadows...
Waltz is only an echo in old dreams and souls ...

Natalia Grebenko

* Tu souvien? (French (colloquial form)) - [tu suvyan] - do you remember?

** Un peu… Tr?s mal (French) - [en pyo… tre mal] - a little, very bad.

Everything shimmers, sparkles, shines!
This is the flame of love, the dance of passion.
And I hug you,
And your soul dances with happiness.

We're going up and up now
These birds will suddenly take off, and you even
Whisper in my ear, I will hear
That you will not give me to anyone.

I don't want to control you
I just feel the heartbeat
We are ready for battle
Feeling this confusion.

You are like a rose against the backdrop of dawn
Your pallor doesn't bother me.
You opened up today and this
Makes you love even more.

Beatrice Ivanova

I hear a soft flapping of wings...
As the night is light, as the day swept away ...
AND smooth lines moment, wave...
Oh how she dances...

Body circling... turning...
And feelings flight, whirlpool,
To her a ray of sunset sings a song
The winds kiss on the lips ...

I hear trembling...
And the look, the look of love is similar ...
Look... don't disturb her...
Breathing timid, unsteady ...

Soars the soul, like a dream is easy ...
There are only clouds around...
And the river echoes...
Keeping her smile...

I hear dance... silence...
A string sounds through the darkness...
She must be in love...
And melts like ice...

And make your head spin...
She doesn't need words...
Trapped in holy sorcery
carefree flamingo...

Natalia Grebenko

A light breath of beauty
my delight, like a leaf, moved
and left traces in the soul,
and then, like a butterfly, fell asleep.

In the middle of the arctic winter
rock'n'roll freezes and freezes,
and crazy minds
don't last until spring.

Do not go back along the broken line -
not to find a solution in the cold darkness ...
fiery, brown eyes,
not blue - that's salvation.

Curved eyebrow string
throws fire-breathing arrows,
and the secret code of steppe blood
opens up new frontiers.

Rhythm and blues of sudden rain
flashes of millions of cameras...
I wanted to say: this is not possible,
only my tongue, like a body, froze.

Shock energy fields,
joy, and then peals of anger ...
Dancing heaven given to the earth,
so that the heat of the fires flew to the sky.

Alexander Kozheykin

I'm in a flamenco dance to the screams of flying hands
Love danced, and the sound of heels instead of a heart
It sounded with every breath, drawing its magic circle.
But did I know - from passion we have nowhere to go ?!

And in the dance, blinding from the light of exploding feelings,
For the first time in my life, I played so naively.
Who knew that Love is older than all the dark arts?!
What magic was… impregnated with a piece of carnival?!

And ribbons of lace were woven into a trap for moons,
The salty pain of bitten lips trembled slightly.
When to break your red-hot strings
Dew fell like a drop of blood from the dagger.

A wondrous melody broke the silence,
Thoughts mixed up musical overflow.
The blind listened to music in a quiet night,
Braiding slowly braids to sad willows ...

And a hand on the waist, strong and tender,
And the bodies are intertwined in a cautious dance ...
Bright, desirable, sad and sinful,
You touch my lips as if not on purpose ...

Feel the warm breath on your cheek
Wriggling like a snake from touch ...
In this smooth mystery you are now mad,
Reveling in the eternity of a brief moment.

In this sincere dance we confess everything
With light movements, without littering with words ...
And the music will subside ... And we will repent of sins,
And we will descend to the ground, shuffling our wings.

We'll meet again in a hundred years
Again we will talk with you with hot bodies,
Again, like a hundred years ago, silently say goodbye,
Lost in the abyss behind the rains again for a hundred years...

Igor Larionov

I really want to understand myself
Why can't I resist
When I hear music in my heart,
It is unable to contain itself.
Is it worth it?

Everything disappears for me
My eyes betray my happiness.
And the melody carries away
And take me to the sky!
Gonna fly Now!

And dancing, making friends with passion,
By inertia, hair up.
Then I'm afraid to get lost
And I'm spinning, forgetting myself
From happiness!

To the rhythm of the movement, not memorized,
After all, they come from the heart
And the plastic body of the bend
Help dance to create
The best!

Pleasure for me unearthly!
Words of feelings can not convey all!
There is such pleasure in the world,
Live life from the heart in dance.
With love!

Galina Bobyleva

Forgive me madam
This dance is for me.
I invite you to the circle
I will lead you to the dawn.
Let him give us
sky blue,
Let the unmowed meadow
It will cover us like a blanket.

This dance is for me
Only there is no music.
The waves are breaking
Marine about the pier.
And washed away by the wave
The burden of unlived years,
And an exciting torso
Hidden with velor backstage.

This day has not faded
But it's like a stranger.
I didn't notice myself
Dropped eyelids.
Was - like a sighted without eyes,
But with an open mind
There was only the wind
Yes, crying snow.

I wander at random
I am crying with my heart.
And can't I understand
That Dance was not mine.
I won't go back
Let the candle burn out
You, madam, dance,
But not with me...

And we all dance tango with you ...
The warmth of the hand and the gaze will pierce through.
That he is the last, I feel a little sorry.
Now we are together, in a moment - apart

But now I don't think about it...
And two souls with madness for one.
May of our meeting turned into summer,
Hops dope spicy wine ...

Your breath will merge with mine.
No words are needed... the tango will tell us everything.
Another chord - and the sun will break,
And the beam glides like a fire on the lips ...

And the dance takes you to the careless world,
And we burn with the flames of the night ...
But the flight of music is so eternal...
I know everything... I beg you, be quiet...

Throws the last beat into the abyss of feeling,
And silence ... and only clouds ...
Everything is decided ... and there is no doubt about it ...
Why are we here? Why is there a hand in the hand? ..

Natalia Grebenko

What magic and power is in your dance!
I can't stop looking, I can't take my eyes off!
So charming, perky and beautiful,
That you seduce me to dance.
Talented! Enchanted and bewitched.

Movements are easy, debugged, natural,
Obedient to music and drum rhythm,
They will tell the story on their own.
We just have to understand and enjoy
When the melody and the dancer are one.

Galina Bobyleva

Standard with Latina forever
I was caught in the net.
And grief is not a problem for me,
If there is dancing in the world.

Oh, how full of love
Melody of passionate Rumba.
I know for sure that she
She will kill me..

When I hear the tango beat
I lose my mind in a moment
But the teacher tells me:
"Keep your sanity!

And let me learn the Standard
And everything is not very smooth,
Under Slowfox I'm still trudging
Under Quick - I ride a horse.

Tango is my favorite!
And a waltz (which one doesn't matter)!
I don't need another fate!
I'm happy with this one too!

In his hands was the elements of freedom,
When he danced my flexible camp.
And all my spirit and all my nature
With him plunged into a sensual dope.

Sparks were kindled in his palms
From the attraction of two flaming bodies.
Steps, curves... Slow and fast...
AND brighter than the stars the light of our eyes burned.

Oceans beat in his movements,
My consciousness is carried away with a wave.
The plexuses of the hands are like tender traps.
Sliding feet - like walking above the ground.

He was the salvation from the deadly thirst,
That the heart so asked to satisfy.
Having managed to dance like that once,
You will learn to love for life ahead.

Anna Bezheleva

You are mesmerizing ... So elegant!
And you yourself are a manifestation of passion.
As good as the red dress!
In a dance that is called flamenco
Spaniards are temperamental.

Enchanted from the first moment...
Breathtaking, can't take your eyes off...
You are on the stage the heat of the immortal fire
And dance like it's the last time
From the heart and completely.

Bewitched ... So masterly transformation!
Heart cry and surge of desires!
Feelings in dance performance.
And the gypsy influence is so noticeable
In fiery movements.

Gave ... Unearthly pleasure!
And you yourself are happy in the dance.
We do not hide tears of admiration,
We looked so that we did not breathe,
And thanks for the applause.

Galina Bobyleva

Only the sky ... scarlet stars radiance ...
Only the sun ... the spindle of secrets ...
Only the tart smell of parting,
Only tango... one for two...

Only the rhythms of two hearts beating...
Only cold... lonely eyes...
Only ice... and touching hands...
Just a moment ... was born and went out ...

Only an ardent kiss of separation ...
Only the petals of withered roses ...
Only pain, touch, sounds...
Only the stream of feelings carried away the limit ...

Only he, she... and tango, tango...
Only dance, passion ... face burns ...
Only bitterness on the lips, so strange ...
Only shine ... and a ring on the hand ...

Natalia Grebenko

The melody as a hymn to everything that is positive in life sounds
And again unobtrusively so inviting to the dance.
She is now by the way to me, do not succumb not to hand,
There is no seductive, charming refusal to her,
I'm dancing, where can I be found? I don't feel the earth at all.

The soul dances to the rhythm with me and also enjoys,
She has a sense of rhythm, like me,
Easily she is freed from negativity, the severity of insults is released,
With their sounds flying somewhere far away it takes
enthusiasm, optimism, good mood the soul is refilled.

Galina Bobyleva

Dance me a flamenco dancer from the south
Rebellious wave of fire
In the melody of the wind, which from the lips of six-strings,
Captivates me with contemplation.

Shine on the stage with a black-haired star,
Snaking in the rhythms of fast-moving snakes,
Entangled in the curves of a blinding figure
Eyeballs of excited eyes.

With Spanish passion, eclipse the chill of the future
Time, without your smile,
When I leave this blooming shore,
I'll leave with a succession of ships.

In heart memory, for many years,
That our affection is torn apart
Dance me a flamenco, a farewell chord,
At the harbor of hidden sadness.

John Richards

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