Birthday of tango - dance of love and fiery passion. Shall we dance? International Tango Day


BUENOS AIRES, December 11 - RIA Novosti, Alexander Solovsky. International Tango Day is celebrated on December 11, the birthday of the Argentine singer, musician and film actor, "King of Tango" Carlos Gardel (1890-1935).

His name, as well as his face, is familiar to any Argentine, but no one knows exactly where this man was born, who became a symbol of the Argentine culture of the twentieth century. According to one version, Gardel was born in France, according to another - in Uruguay. Be that as it may, at the age of two, he came to Argentina with his mother. He grew up in Buenos Aires, where he became known as a performer folk songs, and then began to sing tango and act in films. In 1917, Gardel recorded his first tango song by composer Samuel Castriota, "My Sad Night". From that moment on, the tango song genre and Gardel himself became very popular.

UNESCO, which has included dance in the list of world cultural heritage declared 2010 the Year of the Tango.

In the birthplace of dance, in the capital of Argentina, Buenos Aires, the World Tango Championship is held annually. Dance performances are attended by about 100 thousand people, more than a third of whom are foreigners. In 2011, the organizers of the ninth World Tango Championship are planning to hold qualifying competitions abroad, including in the USA and Canada.

This dance...

Tango is an improvisational dance, the ability of partners to feel each other is very important in it. In this dance, it is not customary to talk, smile, it is not even customary to look into each other's eyes.

The history of tango in Argentina goes back over 110 years. This dance originated in the port area of ​​Buenos Aires - the La Boca quarter, which became a haven for immigrants from Europe who came to Argentina in search of a better life.

Initially, this dance "was a man's affair" and women did not participate in it. Therefore, there was no love background here. Just "macho" showed each other their become, dancing on street corners to impress or just pass the time, waiting for their turn in a brothel.

Then prostitutes began to be attracted to the dance, thanks to which the woman’s classic Argentine tango outfit retained some of the details typical of the representatives of the “oldest profession”: a tight dress with a breathtaking slit, mesh stockings, a defiantly low-cut blouse and stilettos.

The partner looks much more modest: a loose-fitting suit, sleek and oiled hair, patent leather boots and a gangster-style felt hat.

At the beginning of the 20th century, tango conquered Europe and the USA. In world capitals, the fashion for the dance itself and everything connected with it has begun: parties, drinks, cigarettes, clothes and shoes in the appropriate style. Tango then became popular in Russia, although it was officially banned. So, in 1914, a decree of the Minister of Public Education appeared, prohibiting educational institutions In Russia, the very mention of "a dance called tango that has become widespread." After October revolution tango remained banned, already as a dance of the "decadent" bourgeois culture.

In addition to Gardel, the Argentine composer Astor Piazzola played a huge role in popularizing the tango. Thanks to him, the tango was enriched with classical polyphony, jazz harmonies, and, in the end, escaped from dance halls at will, turning into serious music - the so-called nuevo tango (new tango) - a style designed primarily for the listener, and not for the dancer.

Piazzola played with the greats jazz musicians like Harry Burton. It was thanks to Piazzola that nuevo tango became one of the jazz styles developing in line with Latin American jazz.

Where did he come from

The word "tango" is of African origin, it is erected to the language of the Nigerian people Ibibio, where it meant dancing to the sound of a drum. The Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy of Letters, 1899 edition, defines tango as "the fun and dance of the Negroes or lower classes in America." However, there is another opinion, according to which the name comes from the Latin tango - "I touch". After all, it is the touching of the object of one's desire that is one of the main aspects of this daring dance.

Despite the fact that we call the tango "Argentine", Uruguay also claims copyright for it. The decades-long dispute between these countries about who actually invented tango is very reminiscent of the dispute between the Irish and Scots about the authorship of whiskey. The truth, as always, lies somewhere in the middle.

Regrettably for the Argentines, it is believed that the first tango "La Morocha" was created by the Uruguayan Enrique Saborido. The most wonderful tango of all time "La Cumparcita" was also composed by the Uruguayan, Gerardo Rodriguez. But if there was no Buenos Aires, the world most likely would never have known this incendiary erotic dance. It was in the Argentine capital that tango turned into a cult object for the lower strata of society, and it was from here that it spilled over from the port areas to Europe.

The Old World was struck by the energy and defiant frankness of the fantastic Latin American dance.

There are many dance styles tango, including Argentinean, Uruguayan, ballroom (American and international styles), Finnish and old. Salon tango differs in stricter rules from the stage version, where couples can even include elements of other dances.

Steel Bandoneon

In Buenos Aires, in one of the most prestigious areas of Puerto Madero, a tango monument was erected in 2007. Argentina is the only country in the world where a monument to a whole trend in music and dance has been erected. Even in the USA there is no monument to jazz, and in Italy - tarantella.

The monument is a giant bandoneon - special kind accordion, imported from Germany and used in the tango orchestra. It is made of stainless steel, 3.5 meters high and weighs two tons. Funds for its construction were collected by dance fans and private companies.

The bandoneon is named after its inventor, Heinrich Band. The bandoneon was used to perform sacred music in churches in Germany and in late XIX century was brought to Argentina, eventually becoming a symbol of the country.

It's extremely difficult to play. There are two keyboards in the bandoneon, but in fact there are four in the bandoneon - pressing the same button can give different sounds when inhaling and exhaling furs. In addition, you can change the sound by moving the knee on which the bandoneon is placed during performance. The only place in Europe, where you can get systematic knowledge in the field of playing the bandoneon - a conservatory in the Netherlands. That is why in Europe you can count only 15 - 20 bandoneonists.

One of the best tango shows in the Argentine capital can be seen in the cozy Chanta Cuatro restaurant. Before entering the restaurant - a monument to the king of tango. The restaurant is located in the Almagro quarter, where Gardel gained popularity and lived a century ago. most own life. Nearby is the house-museum of the singer, in which he lived with his mother. The entire quarter is decorated in the style of the first third of the 20th century.

One of Gardel's most famous tangos is "My Beloved Buenos Aires," and the city pays him the same kind of love, to the point of idolatry. The singer was buried in a cemetery in the Chacarita region, his magnificent mausoleum is always decorated with flowers, and a cigarette lit by the hand of a caring admirer often smokes in the hand of the statue of Gardel.

Tradition nightlife

In Buenos Aires, the old bohemian tradition of real nightlife has been preserved. In the evening, many residents go for a walk. A lot of tango fans go to clubs. Milongas are dance evenings which are organized every day. To understand what Argentine tango is, you need to go there. Tango evenings in Buenos Aires are the main attraction for tourists.

La Boca is the colorful quarter of Buenos Aires. It was once inhabited by poor artists and immigrants who built their houses from sheets of slate and painted them different colors with the remnants of ship paint. On the pedestrian street of Kamenito, you can witness impromptu tango and enjoy the festive atmosphere at a table in a cozy cafe. Like any port, Buenos Aires for a long time was a haven for smugglers - and primarily the La Boca area.

Now La Boca is one of the poorest areas, but its historical artery - Caminito Street - and the neighborhoods adjacent to it have been turned into a tourist area with many restaurants, cafes and shops.

Today tango in Buenos Aires is danced wherever possible: on the streets of San Telmo, where the first dancers once appeared, and in restaurants, theaters, cabarets and cafes.

Cafe "Tortoni" is perhaps the most famous of the many such establishments. For almost 100 years, this place has been a favorite drinking place for writers, poets and musicians. Today, in the back room of the Tortoni Café, tango is still being danced to the applause of a respectable audience. Jorge Luis Borges enjoyed the sounds of tango here in heavy leather chairs. However, in the 20s of the last century, not only buns and coffee were served here, but also, say, cocaine.

Tango is movement, rhythm, melody, sadness, hope, passion, love, despair, memory, tenderness, struggle, erotica, sex, life, freedom and something else... Argentine tango dance all over the world and, of course, in Russia.

In Scent of a Woman, Al Pacino dances the tango with Gabrielle Anwar to Gardel's Por una cabeza. These three minutes are one of the most highlights in the film, they rehearsed for two months.

Argentine psychiatrist Federico Trossero, author of the recently published book "Tango Therapy", claims that many diseases - from depression to schizophrenia - can be treated with the help of tango. He teaches at the Department of the University of Rosario and has been using this dance for more than four years as a remedy that helps people get rid of many health problems.

International Tango Day is celebrated on December 11th. According to some sources, the date of the holiday is dedicated to the birthday of the "King of Tango" - the famous Argentine film actor, singer and musician Carlos Gardel, born in 1890. And according to others, the holiday was dedicated to Julio De Caro, another musician who celebrates his birthday on the same day. For the first time, Argentines celebrated Tango Day in 1978, and a few years later the holiday became international.

Tango - folk argentine dance, built on improvisation and the ability of partners to understand each other on a subconscious level. This little performance in which dancers live a lifetime filled with emotions, passion and unstoppable energy. Dancing tango, you can convey to the partner and the audience something that cannot be described in words.

International Tango Day brings together millions of fans. It is also celebrated by those who cannot live without passionate dance, and those who like to admire virtuoso dancers.

Birth of tango
The birthplace of tango is Argentina, or rather the port metropolitan suburbs, where at the end of the 19th century a symbiosis of Brazilian, Argentinean, Cuban, Spanish and African rhythms was born. Many believe that tango owes its birth to the Spanish sailors who were visiting Argentina, who showed local residents flamenco. At first, tango was considered something unprestigious, vulgar and completely unfashionable. Only the poor quarters of Buenos Aires and its numerous emigrants moved in the rhythm of the tango.

Suffice it to say that the king of tango Carlos Gardel himself came to South America from France. His parents brought him to Argentina when he was a teenager. The young man once got acquainted with tango and never parted with it after that. Carlos, literally, fell ill with these rhythms and made the dance not just popular, but the most massive and fashionable phenomenon of the early twentieth century in Argentina, he danced every day. Tango just captured him.

Tango around the world
After the tango became incredibly popular in Argentina, Carlos exported the dance to his historical homeland. The dance began its European triumph with the conquest of Paris. But here, too, not everything went smoothly. One after another, European capitals fell under the onslaught of tango. Even in former USSR the tango was incredible fashionable dance, the truth move in incendiary Latin American style was strictly prohibited. It was considered a vulgar copy of the Western style, very defiant and frank.

Nevertheless, the popularity of tango in the USSR could not be stopped. Records with sparkling music were passed from hand to hand, melodies were remade on button accordions and harmonicas, and also passed from mouth to mouth. As for the very name of tango, it is believed that the word was born on one of the Canary Islands and literally meant - meeting places for the Negro population for leisure. If you turn to modern development dance, today there are many styles of tango.

For example, one can single out a milonegro, which can be called close to classical dance, saloon tango, which can be said to be the most prim and the distance between partners as far as possible, and also the style of fox, nueva and fantasy. In any case, as already mentioned, tango is a momentary, emotional dance, born here and now. And he will live as long as an incendiary spark runs between two people, the International Tango Day will also help in this.

BUENOS AIRES, December 11 - RIA Novosti, Alexander Solovsky. International Tango Day is celebrated on December 11, the birthday of the Argentine singer, musician and film actor, "King of Tango" Carlos Gardel (1890-1935).

His name, as well as his face, is familiar to any Argentine, but no one knows exactly where this man was born, who became a symbol of the Argentine culture of the twentieth century. According to one version, Gardel was born in France, according to another - in Uruguay. Be that as it may, at the age of two, he came to Argentina with his mother. He grew up in Buenos Aires where he became known as a folksinger and later began singing tango and acting in films. In 1917, Gardel recorded his first tango song by composer Samuel Castriota, "My Sad Night". From that moment on, the tango song genre and Gardel himself became very popular.

UNESCO, which has included the dance in the list of world cultural heritage, has declared 2010 the Year of the Tango.

In the birthplace of dance, in the capital of Argentina, Buenos Aires, the World Tango Championship is held annually. Dance performances are attended by about 100 thousand people, more than a third of whom are foreigners. In 2011, the organizers of the ninth World Tango Championship are planning to hold qualifying competitions abroad, including in the USA and Canada.

This dance...

Tango is an improvisational dance, the ability of partners to feel each other is very important in it. In this dance, it is not customary to talk, smile, it is not even customary to look into each other's eyes.

The history of tango in Argentina goes back over 110 years. This dance originated in the port area of ​​Buenos Aires - the La Boca quarter, which became a haven for immigrants from Europe who came to Argentina in search of a better life.

Initially, this dance "was a man's affair" and women did not participate in it. Therefore, there was no love background here. Just "macho" showed each other their become, dancing on street corners to impress or just pass the time, waiting for their turn in a brothel.

Then prostitutes began to be attracted to the dance, thanks to which the woman’s classic Argentine tango outfit retained some of the details typical of the representatives of the “oldest profession”: a tight dress with a breathtaking slit, mesh stockings, a defiantly low-cut blouse and stilettos.

The partner looks much more modest: a loose-fitting suit, sleek and oiled hair, patent leather boots and a gangster-style felt hat.

At the beginning of the 20th century, tango conquered Europe and the USA. In world capitals, the fashion for the dance itself and everything connected with it has begun: parties, drinks, cigarettes, clothes and shoes in the appropriate style. Tango then became popular in Russia, although it was officially banned. So, in 1914, a decree of the Minister of Public Education appeared, prohibiting the very mention of "a dance called tango that has become widespread" in Russian educational institutions. After the October Revolution, tango remained banned, already as a dance of a "decadent" bourgeois culture.

In addition to Gardel, the Argentine composer Astor Piazzola played a huge role in popularizing the tango. Thanks to him, tango was enriched with classical polyphony, jazz harmonies and, in the end, broke free from dance halls, turning into serious music - the so-called nuevo tango (new tango) - a style designed primarily for the listener, and not for the dancer .

Piazzola played alongside jazz greats such as Harry Burton. It was thanks to Piazzola that nuevo tango became one of the jazz styles developing in line with Latin American jazz.

Where did he come from

The word "tango" is of African origin, it is erected to the language of the Nigerian people Ibibio, where it meant dancing to the sound of a drum. The Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy of Letters, 1899 edition, defines tango as "the fun and dance of the Negroes or lower classes in America." However, there is another opinion, according to which the name comes from the Latin tango - "I touch". After all, it is the touching of the object of one's desire that is one of the main aspects of this daring dance.

Despite the fact that we call the tango "Argentine", Uruguay also claims copyright for it. The decades-long dispute between these countries about who actually invented tango is very reminiscent of the dispute between the Irish and Scots about the authorship of whiskey. The truth, as always, lies somewhere in the middle.

Regrettably for the Argentines, it is believed that the first tango "La Morocha" was created by the Uruguayan Enrique Saborido. The most wonderful tango of all time "La Cumparcita" was also composed by the Uruguayan, Gerardo Rodriguez. But if there was no Buenos Aires, the world most likely would never have known this incendiary erotic dance. It was in the Argentine capital that tango turned into a cult object for the lower strata of society, and it was from here that it spilled over from the port areas to Europe.

The Old World was struck by the energy and defiant frankness of the fantastic Latin American dance.

There are many dance styles of tango, including Argentinean, Uruguayan, ballroom (American and international styles), Finnish, and old-fashioned. Salon tango differs in stricter rules from the stage version, where couples can even include elements of other dances.

Steel Bandoneon

In Buenos Aires, in one of the most prestigious areas of Puerto Madero, a tango monument was erected in 2007. Argentina is the only country in the world where a monument to a whole trend in music and dance has been erected. Even in the USA there is no monument to jazz, and in Italy - tarantella.

The monument is a giant bandoneon - a special kind of accordion brought from Germany and used in a tango orchestra. It is made of stainless steel, 3.5 meters high and weighs two tons. Funds for its construction were collected by dance fans and private companies.

The bandoneon is named after its inventor, Heinrich Band. The bandoneon was used to perform sacred music in churches in Germany and was brought to Argentina at the end of the 19th century, eventually becoming a symbol of the country.

It's extremely difficult to play. There are two keyboards in the bandoneon, but in fact there are four in the bandoneon - pressing the same button can make different sounds when the bellows is inhaled and exhaled. In addition, you can change the sound by moving the knee on which the bandoneon is placed during performance. The only place in Europe where you can get systematic knowledge of the bandoneon is a conservatory in the Netherlands. That is why in Europe you can count only 15 - 20 bandoneonists.

One of the best tango shows in the Argentine capital can be seen in the cozy Chanta Cuatro restaurant. Before entering the restaurant - a monument to the king of tango. The restaurant is located in the Almagro quarter, where Gardel gained popularity a century ago and lived most of his life. Nearby is the house-museum of the singer, in which he lived with his mother. The entire quarter is decorated in the style of the first third of the 20th century.

One of Gardel's most famous tangos is "My Beloved Buenos Aires," and the city pays him the same kind of love, to the point of idolatry. The singer was buried in a cemetery in the Chacarita region, his magnificent mausoleum is always decorated with flowers, and a cigarette lit by the hand of a caring admirer often smokes in the hand of the statue of Gardel.

nightlife tradition

In Buenos Aires, the old bohemian tradition of real nightlife has been preserved. In the evening, many residents go for a walk. A lot of tango fans go to clubs. Milongas are dance evenings that are organized every day. To understand what Argentine tango is, you need to go there. Tango evenings in Buenos Aires are the main attraction for tourists.

La Boca is the colorful quarter of Buenos Aires. It was once inhabited by poor artists and immigrants who built their houses from sheets of slate and painted them different colors with the remnants of ship paint. On the pedestrian street of Kamenito, you can witness impromptu tango and enjoy the festive atmosphere at a table in a cozy cafe. Like any port, Buenos Aires has long been a haven for smugglers - and first of all, the La Boca region.

Now La Boca is one of the poorest areas, but its historical artery - Caminito Street - and the neighborhoods adjacent to it have been turned into a tourist area with many restaurants, cafes and shops.

Today tango in Buenos Aires is danced wherever possible: on the streets of San Telmo, where the first dancers once appeared, and in restaurants, theaters, cabarets and cafes.

Cafe "Tortoni" is perhaps the most famous of the many such establishments. For almost 100 years, this place has been a favorite drinking place for writers, poets and musicians. Today, in the back room of the Tortoni Café, tango is still being danced to the applause of a respectable audience. Jorge Luis Borges enjoyed the sounds of tango here in heavy leather chairs. However, in the 20s of the last century, not only buns and coffee were served here, but also, say, cocaine.

Tango is movement, rhythm, melody, sadness, hope, passion, love, despair, memory, tenderness, struggle, erotica, sex, life, freedom and something else... Argentine tango is danced all over the world and, of course, in Russia.

In Scent of a Woman, Al Pacino dances the tango with Gabrielle Anwar to Gardel's Por una cabeza. Those three minutes are one of the highlights of the film, they were rehearsed for two months.

Argentine psychiatrist Federico Trossero, author of the recently published book "Tango Therapy", claims that many diseases - from depression to schizophrenia - can be treated with the help of tango. He teaches at the Department of the University of Rosario and has been using this dance for more than four years as a remedy that helps people get rid of many health problems.

International Tango Day is celebrated on December 11th. According to some sources, the date of the holiday is dedicated to the birthday of the "King of Tango" - the famous Argentine film actor, singer and musician Carlos Gardel, who was born in 1890. And according to others - the holiday was dedicated to Julio De Caro - another musician who celebrates his birthday on the same day. For the first time, Argentines celebrated Tango Day in 1978, and a few years later the holiday became international.

Tango is an Argentinean folk dance built on improvisation and the ability of partners to understand each other on a subconscious level. This is a small performance in which the dancers live their whole lives filled with emotions, passion and unstoppable energy. Dancing tango, you can convey to the partner and the audience something that cannot be described in words.

International Tango Day brings together millions of fans. It is celebrated both by those who cannot live without passionate dance, and those who like to admire virtuoso dancers.

Two bodies in a passionate duel
They intertwined and start a fight.
Sounds like an old record
The motive of the melody is native.

They dance for each other
The clock has stopped running.
The hand is firm, the back is elastic.
Step, two, suddenly a sharp turn.

Can't figure out where the winner is
Who lost and won.
Tango is the only ruler here
Approved for infinity.

The soul needs excitement
Everything will repeat again and again.
One of its purposes:
A synonym for tango is love!

Tango is a special world,
This is a passionate conversation.
In this excellent dance
There is intensity, love, enthusiasm.

In a sensual rhythm, let this
Life turns you around more.
This dance is incredible
Gives you optimism.

Congratulations on international day tango and from the bottom of my heart I wish you unquenchable passion and ardent love, a groovy and emotional dance of life, vivid emotions and incendiary mood, undoubted luck and sparkling happiness.

Tango is a real art
A mixture of love, expression, fire!
It gives exciting feelings
Incendiary rhythm beckoning!

I want to dance tango more often
To bring beauty into our world!
This is the dance of real passion!
You won't find a more sensual dance!

Anyone who loves the rhythms of tango
Congratulations on this day.
Let me merge in a passionate dance
There will never be laziness.

Let lovely dance this
Inspires and invigorates.
Splash of great love and passion
Let the partners absorb.

Tango Day is celebrated by the whole planet,
Oh, how much light is in this dance,
It has a lot of passion and love,
It shines with shades of sophistication, beauty.

I congratulate you with all my heart!
And, of course, I wish
Do not give up in life, do not be sad,
And it's better to live in the rhythm of tango.

Tango comes from Argentina
Passionate dance, what can I say?!
Come on, all women and men,
It's time for you all to dance the tango!

Step forward, step back, turn -
It is difficult to describe the dance in words!
Don't be lazy, dance people
Let passion rage between you!

The dance of passion is a tango
You can't argue here
I congratulate you on the day of tango,
Get into position, so...

Let this beautiful dance
Will take away from all worries,
A couple of pas to the rhythm is beautiful
It will take you to a fantasy world.

I put mine in your hand,
I will give you a passionate look,
I really love this dance
Tango is a dance for two halves.

You go to me, then I to you,
You can squeeze harder
It's time for international tango day
And we dance with you, we are not shy.

Tango is a brilliant dance
It has an insidious passion,
The most captivating gloss
Caresses of bewitching power!

Let the tango spin you around
Heart filled with fire
With a wonderful rhythm make friends!
With a beautiful day dance!

December 11, 1887 was born main star tango - Argentinean actor, singer and dancer Carlos Gardel. Dance fans, of which there are tens of millions in the world, gave their idol the biggest birthday present ever, making 11 December World Tango Day.

It's not just a dance, it's whole life with all its drama, passion and relationships. Of course, the main roles are assigned to a man and a woman, or rather the spark that flares up between them and gives birth to the dance itself. Interestingly, tango is not based on any specific rules and canons, and most of the movements are pure improvisation. Everything as in real life. During the dance, the partners remain silent, do not express any emotions and do not even look into each other's eyes.

Imagine that a simple invitation to dance can become a real insult for a girl. No words, just body language. Confidence, clarity of movements is achieved thanks to a subtle spiritual connection, everything that happens at a given second is dictated only inner voice, the interaction of two people tuned to the same frequency. And how after that not to believe in telepathy.

Birth of tango

The birthplace of tango is Argentina, or rather the port metropolitan suburbs, where at the end of the 19th century a symbiosis of Brazilian, Argentinean, Cuban, Spanish and African rhythms was born. Many believe that the birth of tango is due to the Spanish sailors who visited Argentina and showed flamenco to the locals. At first, tango was considered something non-prestigious, vulgar and completely unfashionable. Only the poor quarters of Buenos Aires and its numerous emigrants moved in the rhythm of the tango.

Suffice it to say that the king of tango Carlos Gardel himself came to South America from France. His parents brought him to Argentina when he was a teenager. The young man once got acquainted with tango and never parted with it after that. Carlos, literally, fell ill with these rhythms and made the dance not just popular, but the most massive and fashionable phenomenon of the early twentieth century in Argentina, he danced every day. Tango just captured him.

Tango around the world

After the tango became incredibly popular in Argentina, Carlos exported the dance to his historical homeland. The dance began its European triumph with the conquest of Paris. But here, too, not everything went smoothly. One after another, European capitals fell under the onslaught of tango. Even in the former USSR, tango was an incredibly fashionable dance, although moving in an incendiary Latin American style was strictly forbidden. It was considered a vulgar copy of the Western style, very defiant and frank.

Nevertheless, the popularity of tango in the USSR could not be stopped. Records with sparkling music were passed from hand to hand, melodies were remade on button accordions and harmonicas, and also passed from mouth to mouth. As for the very name of tango, it is believed that the word was born on one of the Canary Islands and literally meant - meeting places for the Negro population for leisure activities. If we turn to the modern development of dance, today there are many styles of tango.

For example, one can single out milonegro, which can be called close to classical dance, saloon tango, which can be said to be the most prim and the distance between partners as far as possible, and also the style of fox, nueva and fantasy. In any case, as already mentioned, tango is a momentary, emotional dance, born here and now. And he will live as long as an incendiary spark runs between two people, the International Tango Day will also help in this.

When is International Tango Day?

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