Female images in dead souls. Female images in The Inspector General and Dead Souls N


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And N. V. Gogol's comedy "The Government Inspector", and his famous poem"Dead Souls" - first of all, public works. Their the main objective- to show the whole truth of Russian life, to bring out everything "that is every minute before the eyes and that indifferent eyes do not see." Gogol spoke more than once about artificiality love affair in such works, therefore, in the "Inspector" and in "Dead Souls" love line very weakly expressed. Consequently, the author needs female images not as the heroines of novels, but as another way of expressing the main idea of ​​the works. Korobochka, the wives of landowners, the governor's daughter, the lady is simply pleasant and pleasant in all respects, the wives of officials in "Dead Souls", just like Anna Andreevna, Marya Antonovna and secondary female characters(a locksmith and non-commissioned officer's wife) in "The Government Inspector" - caricature female figures, carrying, according to the author himself, "the idea of ​​emptiness."

In the poem "Dead Souls", several groups of female images can be distinguished according to their place in figurative system. The only independent image is the image of Korobochka - a landowner, a secretary from Kolleya. The box is thrifty, "gains little by little money in motley bags", lives closed in his estate and, in accordance with his name, is surrounded by all kinds of drawers, boxes and chests of drawers, where all sorts of goods are stored, which, perhaps, will never be useful in the household . Limitation, half-wittedness, indecision complete the character of the "club-headed" landowner, who is distrustful of everything new in life. “Is it really that big a gulf that separates her [Box] from her sister?” - asks Gogol. Here it turns out that both of them are empty and worthless. But the worst thing is that the image of Korobochka, like all the images in Gogol's work, is typical, that sometimes even a "statesman" in fact turns out to be a perfect Korobochka.

Another group of images in "Dead Souls" are the wives of the landowners, who complement the images of their spouses. Lizanka Manilova is similar in appearance and character to her husband. She is just as pretendingly polite, just as she does not do housework, since these are “kitchen items”, and she was brought up well, that is, in a boarding school, where “three main subjects form the basis of human virtues:” French, playing the piano and the actual economic part, that is, "knitting purses and other surprises."

Sobakevich's wife, Feodulia Ivanovna, is opposed to her husband in appearance, although her gravity is somewhat akin to her husband's clumsiness.

The only female image among the landlords, which carries some kind of positive beginning, is the image dead wife Plushkin. During her lifetime, she was a "friendly and talkative" hostess and was famous for her hospitality. Housekeeping was going well under her, "everything flowed quickly and was accomplished at a measured pace," and Plyushkin was a pleasant person, in whose eyes "mind was visible." But with her death, everything in the estate changed, the widower became stingy, launched his household, and soon he himself turned into "some kind of hole in humanity."

IN separate group one can single out the images of officials. These images are typified, which is constantly emphasized, even the lady is pleasant in all respects and just a pleasant lady is not named (we learn their names only from their replicas). Speaking about the ladies of the city of NN, Gogol highlights a number of features that are characteristic of the entire beautiful half of the bureaucracy. All of them strive to be like metropolitan aristocrats, dress in fashion, although sometimes among chic outfits some kind of "cap unseen by the earth" flashes by. Each lady is confident in her irresistibility and strives to show the best that she has. Another important feature of the inhabitants of the city of NN is stubbornness: “if an inner conviction was felt,” then it was not possible to inspire the lady with anything else. Ideal sorority is a lady pleasant in all respects, since she makes “every movement” with taste, loves poetry and knows how to “dreamyly” hold her head.

poem " Dead Souls”was conceived by Gogol as a grandiose panorama of Russian society with all its peculiarities and paradoxes. Central problem works - spiritual death and rebirth of representatives of the main Russian estates of that time. The author denounces and ridicules the vices of the landowners, venality and pernicious passions of bureaucracy.

The title itself has a double meaning. "Dead Souls" are not only dead peasants, but also other actually living characters of the work. Calling them dead, Gogol emphasizes their devastated, miserable, "dead" little souls.

History of creation

"Dead Souls" is a poem to which Gogol devoted a significant part of his life. The author repeatedly changed the concept, rewrote and reworked the work. Gogol originally conceived Dead Souls as a humorous novel. However, in the end, I decided to create a work that exposes the problems of Russian society and will serve its spiritual revival. And so the POEM "Dead Souls" appeared.

Gogol wanted to create three volumes of the work. In the first, the author planned to describe the vices and decay of the feudal society of that time. In the second, give your heroes hope for redemption and rebirth. And in the third I intended to describe further way Russia and its society.

However, Gogol managed to finish only the first volume, which appeared in print in 1842. Until his death, Nikolai Vasilievich worked on the second volume. However, just before his death, the author burned the manuscript of the second volume.

The third volume of Dead Souls was never written. Gogol could not find an answer to the question of what would happen next with Russia. Or maybe I just didn't have time to write about it.

Description of the artwork

One day, in the city of NN appeared very interesting character, which stands out against the background of other old-timers of the city - Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov. After his arrival, he began to actively get acquainted with important people of the city, attended feasts and dinners. A week later, the visitor was already on "you" with all representatives of the city's nobility. Everyone was delighted with the new person who suddenly appeared in the city.

Pavel Ivanovich goes out of town to pay visits to noble landowners: Manilov, Korobochka, Sobakevich, Nozdrev and Plyushkin. With each landowner, he is kind, trying to find an approach to everyone. Natural resourcefulness and resourcefulness help Chichikov to get the location of each landowner. In addition to empty talk, Chichikov talks with the gentlemen about the peasants who died after the revision (“dead souls”) and expresses a desire to buy them. The landowners cannot understand why Chichikov needs such a deal. However, they agree to it.

As a result of his visits, Chichikov acquired more than 400 "dead souls" and was in a hurry to finish his business and leave the city. Useful acquaintances made by Chichikov upon arrival in the city helped him settle all the issues with the documents.

After some time, the landowner Korobochka let slip in the city that Chichikov was buying up "dead souls." The whole city found out about the affairs of Chichikov and was perplexed. Why would such a respected gentleman buy dead peasants? Endless rumors and conjectures have a detrimental effect even on the prosecutor, and he dies of fear.

The poem ends with Chichikov hurriedly leaving the city. Leaving the city, Chichikov sadly recalls his plans shopping dead souls and pledge them to the treasury as living.

Main characters

Qualitatively new hero in Russian literature of that time. Chichikov can be called a representative of the newest class that is just emerging in serf Russia - entrepreneurs, "purchasers". The activity and activity of the hero favorably distinguishes him from the background of other characters in the poem.

The image of Chichikov is distinguished by its incredible versatility, diversity. Even by the appearance of the hero, it is difficult to immediately understand what a person is and what he is like. “In the britzka sat the gentleman, not handsome, but not bad-looking, neither too fat nor too thin, one cannot say that it is old, but not so much that it is too young.

It is difficult to understand and embrace the nature of the protagonist. He is changeable, many-sided, able to adapt to any interlocutor, to give the face the desired expression. Thanks to these qualities, Chichikov easily finds mutual language with landlords, officials and wins the right position in society. The ability to charm and win over the right people Chichikov uses to achieve his goal, namely the receipt and accumulation of money. Even his father taught Pavel Ivanovich to deal with those who are richer and take care of money, since only money can pave the way in life.

Chichikov did not earn money honestly: he deceived people, took bribes. Over time, Chichikov's machinations are gaining more and more scope. Pavel Ivanovich strives to increase his fortune by any means, not paying attention to any moral standards and principles.

Gogol defines Chichikov as a man with a vile nature and also considers his soul to be dead.

In his poem Gogol describes typical images landlords of that time: "business executives" (Sobakevich, Korobochka), as well as not serious and wasteful gentlemen (Manilov, Nozdrev).

Nikolai Vasilievich masterfully created the image of the landowner Manilov in the work. By this image alone, Gogol meant a whole class of landowners with similar features. The main qualities of these people are sentimentality, constant fantasies and lack of vigorous activity. The landlords of such a warehouse let the economy take its course, do nothing useful. They are stupid and empty inside. This is exactly what Manilov was like - in his soul not a bad, but mediocre and stupid poseur.

Nastasya Petrovna Korobochka

The landowner, however, differs significantly in character from Manilov. Korobochka is a good and tidy mistress, everything in her estate is going well. However, the landowner's life revolves exclusively around her household. The box does not develop spiritually, it is not interested in anything. She does not understand absolutely anything that does not concern her economy. The box is also one of the images by which Gogol meant a whole class of similar limited landowners who see nothing beyond their household.

The author unequivocally classifies the landowner Nozdrev as not a serious and wasteful gentlemen. Unlike the sentimental Manilov, Nozdryov is full of energy. However, the landowner uses this energy not for the benefit of the economy, but for the sake of his momentary pleasures. Nozdryov plays, wastes money. It is distinguished by its frivolity and idle attitude to life.

Mikhail Semenovich Sobakevich

The image of Sobakevich, created by Gogol, echoes the image of a bear. There is something from a large wild beast in the appearance of the landowner: sluggishness, sedateness, strength. Sobakevich is not concerned aesthetic beauty surrounding things, and their reliability and durability. Behind the rough appearance and harsh character lies a cunning, intelligent and resourceful person. According to the author of the poem, it will not be difficult for such landowners as Sobakevich to adapt to the changes and reforms coming in Rus'.

The most unusual representative of the landowner class in Gogol's poem. The old man is distinguished by his extreme stinginess. Moreover, Plyushkin is greedy not only in relation to his peasants, but also in relation to himself. However, such savings make Plushkin a truly poor man. After all, it is his stinginess that does not allow him to find a family.


Gogol in the work has a description of several city officials. However, the author in his work does not significantly differentiate them from each other. All officials in Dead souls"- a gang of thieves, crooks and embezzlers. These people really care only about their enrichment. Gogol literally describes in a few lines the image of a typical official of that time, rewarding him with the most unflattering qualities.

Analysis of the work

The plot of "Dead Souls" is based on an adventure conceived by Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov. At first glance, Chichikov's plan seems incredible. However, if you look at it, the Russian reality of those times, with its rules and laws, provided opportunities for all sorts of machinations related to serfs.

The fact is that after 1718 in Russian Empire A polling census of peasants was introduced. For each male serf, the master had to pay a tax. However, the census was carried out quite rarely - once every 12-15 years. And if one of the peasants escaped or died, the landowner was forced to pay tax for him anyway. The dead or runaway peasants became a burden for the master. This created fertile ground for various kinds of fraud. Chichikov himself hoped to carry out such a scam.

Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol knew perfectly well how the Russian society with its feudal system. And the whole tragedy of his poem lies in the fact that Chichikov's scam absolutely did not contradict the current Russian legislation. Gogol denounces the distorted relations of man with man, as well as man with the state, speaks of the absurd laws in force at that time. Because of such distortions, events that are contrary to common sense become possible.

"Dead Souls" - classic, which, like no other, is written in the style of Gogol. Quite often, Nikolai Vasilievich based his work on some kind of anecdote or a comical situation. And the more ridiculous and unusual the situation, the more tragic it seems real situation of things.

An essay about " Women's images» in the works of N.V. Gogol

Creativity N.V. Gogol occupies a special place in Russian literature. No one else could describe in such a lively and humorous manner the widest panorama of Russian life. Of course, first of all, the artist is interested in shortcomings, he does not feel sorry for his homeland, but shows all its injuries, everything bad that is in Everyday life. The satirist's pen serves to denounce officials and landowners, and mocks their vices. In his works, Gogol does not pay much attention to female images. The writer does not consider it necessary to depict separately the shortcomings of men and women, he only gives big picture desolation reigning in the cities and villages of Russia. However, on the other hand, they prompt the reader to think deeper about the reasons for desolation, add color to the description and dynamics to the actions.

One of the most famous works of Gogol is the play "The Government Inspector". This work seems to be a kind of prologue to the monumental poem "Dead Souls", the work of the whole life of the writer. In The Inspector General, the sting of satire is directed against the life and customs of a remote town, against the greed and arbitrariness of county officials.

"Dead Souls" is a work of a much larger scale. In it, all of Russia appeared before the readers' court. Gogol does not feel sorry for her, but caustically sneers at her shortcomings, believing that this treatment will be beneficial, that in the future the motherland will definitely get rid of dirt and vulgarity. The idea of ​​"Dead Souls" is a continuation of "The Government Inspector". It does not just show the life and customs of the officials of the county town. Now Gogol is exposing both the landlords and the officials, and he is scourge of glaring shortcomings on a much larger scale. The "dead" souls of all Russia pass before the eyes of readers.

One of the main functions performed by female images in both works is the formation of ideas about certain social and socio-psychological types. Most a prime example this is the image of the landowner Korobochka. She is described by Gogol as a terrible person for her stinginess and stupidity, who is more like a machine than a person. Her characteristic- the desire to get as much as possible more money, and she is not interested in whether the buyer needs the goods or not. The box is stingy and thrifty, nothing will be lost in its economy, which, in general, is commendable. But main feature her character is hidden in her "talking" surname: this is an impenetrable, limited and stupid old woman. If some idea came to her mind, then it is impossible to convince her, all reasonable arguments "bounce off her like a rubber ball off the wall." Even the imperturbable Chichikov becomes furious, trying to prove to her the undoubted benefits of selling the peasants. But she firmly took it into her head that Chichikov wanted to cheat her, and cracking this nut, this box is extremely difficult even for the hardened businessman Chichikov. In Korobochka, Gogol embodied all the limited thinking of Russian landowners, it became a symbol of the abyss in which Russian landed nobility completely lost the ability to think sensibly.

In order to show a picture of life and the depth of the decline of morals in the provincial town of N., the author introduces images of urban gossips. Their exaggerated and fictitious stories about Chichikov's adventures, mixed with discussions about fashion, do not arouse in the reader anything but a feeling of disgust. Vivid images simply a pleasant lady and a lady pleasant in all respects characterize the city and the province from a very unfavorable side, emphasizing the plane of their thinking.

Because of the gossip spread by these ladies, the shortcomings of dishonest officials were revealed. And this is not the only example of how female images help Gogol to show the real picture life, the real situation.

Outwardly, there is nothing interesting in Anna Andreevna, the wife of the mayor in the Inspector General: a fussy, curious chatterbox, the reader immediately gets the impression that she has a wind in her head. However, it is worth taking a look at it. After all, the author in his "Remarks for Messrs. Actors" characterizes her as a woman intelligent in her own way and even having some power over her husband. This is an interesting representative of the provincial society. Thanks to her, the image of the mayor becomes more prominent, acquires additional meaning, and the reader gets a clear idea of ​​the lifestyle and problems of county ladies.

Not very different from mother and Marya Antonovna. She is very similar to her, but much less active, this is not a double of an energetic official, but only her shadow. Marya Antonovna wants with all her might to seem significant, but her behavior betrays her: outfits occupy the most space in a girl’s heart, she pays attention primarily to Khlestakov’s “suit”, and not to its owner. The image of Marya Antonovna characterizes the city from a bad side, because if young people are busy only with themselves and "suits", then society has no future.

The images of the mayor's wife and daughter brilliantly reveal the author's intention, illustrate his idea: the bureaucracy and society of the county town are thoroughly rotten. Women's images help to reveal the author's intention in "Dead Souls". Deadness is also manifested in Korobochka, who is always painstakingly collecting a pretty penny and is afraid to make a mistake when making a deal, and in the wives of landowners.

In addition, the wives of Manilov and Sobakevich help the author to discover male images more fully and in detail, to emphasize any features of the character. Each of them is, as it were, a copy of their spouse. For example, Sobakevich's wife, having entered the room, sat down and did not even think to start a conversation, which confirms the rudeness and ignorance of the owner. Manilova is more interesting. Her manners and habits exactly repeat the manners and habits of her husband, we recognize the same cloying expression in her face, she, like Manilov himself, has not yet left the world of dreams. But at the same time there are hints of her independence; Gogol reminisces about her studies at the boarding school, about her playing the piano. Thus, Manilova separates from her husband, acquires her own features, the author hints that her fate could have turned out differently if she had not met Manilov. However, the images of the wives of the landlords are not independent, they only enrich the images of the landowners themselves.

The image of the governor's daughter is extremely important in this aspect. Although she does not utter a single word in the entire poem, with her help the reader discovers Chichikov's amazing character traits. Meeting with charming girl awakens tender feelings in Chichikov's soul, this rogue suddenly begins to think about love and marriage, about the future of youth. Despite the fact that this obsession will soon subside like a haze, this moment is very important, here the reader meets a vague hint of a possible spiritual rebirth of the hero. Compared with the image of the mayor's daughter in "The Government Inspector", the image of the governor's daughter carries a fundamentally different semantic load.

In principle, the female images of The Inspector General do not play an important role in understanding the main idea of ​​the work. But their importance is also great. After all, women are not officials, which means that Gogol's satire is not directed directly at them, their function is to emphasize the general degradation of the county town. Anna Andreevna and Marya Antonovna set off the shortcomings of officials. Their stupidity and overly high self-conceit bring under the blinding light of satire the same shortcomings of officials, hidden under the mask of integrity and diligence.

In "Dead Souls" female images, on the contrary, are versatile. They are much more complex, more developed than in the "Inspector". None of them can be unequivocally characterized. But one thing is certain: female images allow the reader to understand the work more deeply, their presence enlivens the narrative, and often makes the reader smile.

In general, Gogol's female images, not being the main ones, characterize in detail and accurately the mores of the bureaucracy. interesting and versatile show the life of the landlords, more fully and deeply reveal the most main image in the writer's work - the image of the motherland, Russia. Through the description of such women, Gogol leads the reader to think about her fate, about the fate of his compatriots, and proves that Russia's shortcomings are not her fault, but a misfortune. And behind all this lies the great love of the author, the hope for her moral revival.

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Gogol's poem "Dead Souls" is not devoid of a significant amount acting characters. All heroes according to their significance and time interval of action in the poem can be divided into three categories: main, secondary and tertiary.

The main characters of "Dead Souls"

As a rule, in poems the number of main characters is small. The same trend is observed in the work of Gogol.

The image of Chichikov is undoubtedly the key in the poem. It is thanks to this image that the episodes of the story are connected.

Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov is distinguished by his dishonesty and hypocrisy. His desire to enrich himself fraudulently discourages.

On the one hand, the reasons for such behavior can be explained by the pressure of society and the priorities operating in it - a rich and dishonest person is more honored than an honest and decent poor person. Since no one wants to drag out their existence in poverty, the financial issue and the problem of improving their material resources are always relevant and often border on the norms of morality and integrity, which many are ready to cross.

The same situation happened with Chichikov. He, being common man by origin, he was actually deprived of the opportunity to make his fortune in an honest way, so he solved the problem that arose with the help of ingenuity, ingenuity and deceit. The sting of "dead souls" as an idea is a hymn to his mind, but at the same time exposes the dishonest nature of the hero.

Manilov became the first landowner to whom Chichikov came to buy souls. The image of this landowner is ambiguous. On the one hand, he creates pleasant impression– Manilov is pleasant and well-mannered person, but we immediately note that he is apathetic and lazy.

Manilov is a person who always adapts to circumstances and never expresses his real opinion on this or that matter - Manilov takes the most favorable side.

The image of this landowner, perhaps, is perceived as a whole as positive and pleasant. Korobochka is not smart, she is a stupid and, to some extent, uneducated woman, but at the same time she was able to successfully realize herself as a landowner, which greatly elevates her perception as a whole.

The box is too simple - to some extent, its habits and habits resemble the lifestyle of peasants, which does not impress those who aspire to aristocrats and life in high society Chichikov, but allows Korobochka to live quite happily and quite successfully develop her household.

Nozdryov, to whom Chichikov comes, after Korobochka, is perceived quite differently. And this is not surprising: it seems that Nozdryov could not fully realize himself in any field of activity. Nozdrev is a bad father who neglects communication with children and their upbringing. He is a bad landowner - Nozdryov does not take care of his estate, but only spends all his money. Nozdryov's life is the life of a man who prefers drinking, festivities, cards, women and dogs.

This landowner is controversial. On the one hand, he is a rude, muzhikish man, but on the other hand, this simplicity allows him to live quite successfully - all the buildings on his estate, including the houses of the peasants, are made to last - you will not find anything leaky anywhere, his peasants are full and quite satisfied . Sobakevich himself often works together with the peasants on an equal footing and does not see anything unusual in this.

The image of this landowner is perhaps perceived as the most negative - he is stingy and angry old man. Plyushkin outwardly looks like a beggar, since his clothes are incredibly leaky, his house looks like ruins, as well as the houses of his peasants.

Plyushkin lives extraordinarily economically, but he does it not because there is a need for it, but because of a feeling of greed - he is ready to throw away the spoiled thing, but just not to use it for good. That is why fabric and products rot in his warehouses, but at the same time his serfs go head and ragged.

Minor Heroes

Minor Heroes there is also not much in Gogol's story. In fact, all of them can be described as significant figures in the county, whose activities are not related to the landownership.

Governor and his family
This is perhaps one of the most important people in the county. In theory, he should be insightful, intelligent and reasonable. However, in practice, everything turned out not quite so. The governor was a kind and pleasant man, but he did not differ in foresight.

His wife was also a nice woman, but her excessive coquetry spoiled the whole picture. The governor's daughter was a typical cutesy girl, although outwardly she was very different from the generally accepted standard - the girl was not full, as was customary, but was slender and sweet.

What is true, due to her age, she was too naive and gullible.

The image of the prosecutor defies significant description. According to Sobakevich, he was the only decent person, although, to be completely honest, he was still a “pig”. Sobakevich does not explain this characterization in any way, which makes it difficult to understand his image. In addition, we know that the prosecutor was a very impressionable person - when Chichikov's deception was revealed, due to excessive excitement, he dies.

Chairman of the Chamber
Ivan Grigoryevich, who was the chairman of the chamber, was a nice and well-mannered man.

Chichikov noted that he was very educated, unlike most of the significant people of the county. However, his education does not always make a person wise and far-sighted.

This happened in the case of the chairman of the chamber, who could easily quote works of literature, but at the same time could not discern Chichikov's deceit and even helped him draw up documents for dead souls.

Chief of Police
Aleksey Ivanovich, who was acting as chief of police, seemed to have grown accustomed to his work. Gogol says that he was able to ideally comprehend all the subtleties of the work and it was already difficult to imagine him in any other position. Alexey Ivanovich comes to any shop as if to his home and can take whatever his heart desires. Despite such arrogant behavior, he did not cause indignation among the townspeople - Alexei Ivanovich knows how to successfully get out of the situation and smooth out the unpleasant impression of extortion. So, for example, he invites guests for tea, play checkers or watch a trotter.

We suggest following in Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol's poem "Dead Souls".

Such proposals are not made by the chief of police spontaneously - Alexei Ivanovich knows how to find in a person weakness and use this knowledge. So, for example, having learned that the merchant has a passion for card games, then immediately invites the merchant to the game.

Episodic and third-rate heroes of the poem

Selifan is Chichikov's coachman. Like most ordinary people He is an uneducated and stupid person. Selifan faithfully serves his master. Typical of all serfs, he likes to drink and is often distracted.

Petrushka is the second serf subordinate to Chichikov. He serves as a footman. Parsley loves to read books, however, he does not understand much of what he read, but this does not prevent him from enjoying the process itself. Parsley often neglects the rules of hygiene and therefore it emits an incomprehensible smell.

Mizhuev is Nozdrev's son-in-law. Mizhuev is not distinguished by prudence. At its core, he is a harmless person, but he loves to drink very much, which significantly spoils his image.

Feodulia Ivanovna
Feodulia Ivanovna - Sobakevich's wife. She simple woman and with its habits resembles a peasant woman. Although, it cannot be said that the behavior of aristocrats is completely alien to her - some elements are still present in her arsenal.

We offer you to get acquainted with the poem by Nikolai Gogol "Dead Souls"

Thus, in the poem, Gogol presents the reader with a wide system of images. And although most of them are collective images and in their structure are an image characteristic types individuals in society, still arouse the interest of the reader.

Characteristics of the heroes of the poem "Dead Souls": a list of characters

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In his poem "Dead Souls" N.V. Gogol introduces a description of the ladies of the provincial city NN, whose images play important role in the image of the city itself, which acts as a mirror of the whole country, in the image of mores and values secular society.

First representative female half The population we meet on the pages of the poem is Nastasya Petrovna Korobochka.

When describing the appearance of an elderly landowner, the author does not pay attention to the eyes of a woman, thereby emphasizing her lack of spirituality. main feature hers is petty stinginess. The surname itself makes it clear that such a person lives exclusively in some kind of his own space, without going beyond it, with his own views, concepts and principles.

Gogol does not hide his irony regarding Korobochka's mental abilities, calling her "clubhead". Conditions patriarchal life suppressed the personality of Nastasya Petrovna, leaving her intellectual development at a very low level. Everything that is not connected with hoarding remained inaccessible to her.

The only thing that can be distinguished in Boxes is housekeeping. But such landowners' thriftiness has an inhuman meaning, just like mismanagement.

Continuing to pay visits to the landowners, Chichikov meets with the wives of some of them.

For example, in Chapter II we meet Manilov's wife, an amiable and pretty woman who is not at all interested in housekeeping. She enjoys daydreaming with her husband at the Temple of Solitary Reflection. Manilova is also cut off from real life like the husband.

In the fifth chapter, in the house of Sobakevich, we also get acquainted with his wife Feodulia Ivanovna. She is calm and imperturbable, but unlike Manilova, she is an economic and practical storm. Like her husband, Feodulia is rude and ignorant (when, upon meeting, she shoved her hand right into Chichikov's lips, when, sitting down at the table, she did not consider it necessary to start a conversation with a guest).

Drawing conclusions, it should be noted that the images of wives are not independent, with their help, the characters of the landowners themselves are revealed.

But we see a more generalized image of the ladies of secular society in the scene of a conversation between two city gossips and in the walls of the governor's house during a ball.

The occupations of the female half of the population are limited only to primitive conversations about fashion, which, in their opinion, are of a significant nature, as well as exaggeration and dissemination of gossip and rumors.

The author draws our attention to appearance and the behavior of the ladies: they dressed "with great taste" and rode around the city in carriages. And for the signed business card two friends and "even relatives" could quarrel, so much so that it would be impossible to reconcile them. The ladies were distinguished by decency in expressions: “They never said: “I blew my nose”, “I sweated”, “I spat”, but they said: “I eased my nose”, “I managed with a handkerchief”. And in conclusion, Gogol says that "... it is very dangerous to look deeper into ladies' hearts."

Thus, all these ladies are united by emptiness and superficiality, the plane of conversations and limited thinking. Secondary female images help N.V. Gogol to reveal the depth of the decline in the morals of secular society, to reveal the shortcomings of other heroes (officials), to show a real picture of the life of that time.

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