Polygonal portrait program. How to make a polygonal portrait in Photoshop


Polygon or Low Poly trend is gaining more and more popularity on the Internet. More and more sites are using this trend mainly in the background of the site. Basically the landfill is simple form mosaics, but instead of using right angles, this style uses polygon shapes. Also in the trend, mainly triangular shapes are used, given style also called triangulation.

This collection will contain the most popular generators that create this polygon style. With the help of this collection, you will create similar things very simply.

Polygon Style Background Generator - Trianglify

A very simple and simple generator that will allow you to create low poly style backgrounds. There are not many settings here, which are enough to create a suitable and beautiful background for your site. You can also download a ready-made polygon background for free in SVG format.

Polygon style image generator

An excellent and functional generator for creating triangular images. A lot of settings will allow you to create the image that you need. You can also use the randomization button to get random results, in my opinion it is also very useful feature. Once the image is ready, you can download it in PNG and SVG formats.

Offline tool for creating polygon images

This tool allows you to create a real polygon image, but here you have to work more manually, and you need a little skill. Before you start working with this tool, I recommend that you watch the training video posted on the author's page, where you can also download this tool.

DMesh is a great program for creating low poly images.

A wonderful and multifunctional program that will allow you to accurately configure everything you need to create beautiful images polygon style. This program free, but there is also a paid version, which includes several additional features. Also, before using, I recommend watching the training video.

Java Application for Image Triangulation

An excellent and at the same time simple Java application with which you can easily create a picture in the style of Polygon. Before you start working with the application, you need to download it, it is completely free.

Delaunay triangulation is a highly customizable tool

This is the most customizable and heaviest tool for creating Polygon style pictures. To start working in this tool, you must have at least a little experience in working with this style.

More recently, a fashion has come to Runet for low poly stylization of portraits, photos of animals and other images. On this basis, a lot of lessons on creating such images have appeared on the network and still appear. Art in style low poly(polygonal portrait) helps to smooth out unpleasant little things in the photo and focus on color scheme and face profile.

What is Low Poly?

This term first appeared in English language in the world of 3D modeling. Low - low, Poly (Polygon) - polygon: that is, a low polygon, and in programs for working with 3D, this term refers to low-poly models used to save computer resources. A little later, someone adapted this idea for 2D images, it turned out pretty well, and the idea began to spread ...

How to make a low poly portrait. Ways to create a polygonal portrait

The main difference between raster images and vector images is that vector images do not change in quality when their size is changed, while raster ones, on the contrary, lose much in quality. While creating vector portrait or another image in low poly style, you can print it even on a huge advertising banner.

Creating a Low Poly Portrait in Adobe Photoshop (video tutorial in Russian)

Here are the results we got:

Creating a Low Poly Image in Adobe Illustrator(video lesson in Russian)

Create a Low Poly Portrait Online

I want to warn you right away that in this way it will be possible to create only a semblance of a polygonal portrait, since everything is done in a semi-automatic mode. The fact is that a computer, unlike human eye cannot accurately recognize features human face, shadows, light, etc., in connection with which it arranges the polygons (parts of the Low Poly portrait) in a chaotic manner.

All this is done through the following website breatharian.eu/triangulator

We go to it and drag the image that we want to make in Low Poly style with the mouse

We perform the steps shown below. You can place the dots yourself or randomly. We recommend the first option. You can also reset the result if it turned out not very beautiful. The image is saved in SVG format, which can then be recoded into other formats.

As a result, when working online, the following images are obtained:

Program for creating a Low Poly portrait

There is also a fourth option for creating a polygonal portrait - using the application Dmesh. This method is similar to the previous one (creating a Low Poly portrait online). It's a bit more complicated as you have to download special program, but the result will be much better! You can download this application . The site has both a free version and a paid version with advanced functionality. Moreover, there are versions for Windows, For iMac and for iOS. Below is a video of the program.

Here is the result when running the application:

Which way to create a Low Poly portrait to use is up to you.

Want to learn more about polygon graphics? What is it used for? How to do something in this technique? Yes? Then you are a real designer, ready to develop and grow as a professional!

Of course, polygon graphics can hardly be called something new, much less revolutionary. However, it will help diversify your design and make it individual and recognizable. Yes, and another burst of fashion for polygons, which is briskly striding across the expanses of the Internet, is hard to ignore.

In this post, you will learn about polygons and polygon graphics and see amazing examples of its use. We have also compiled a few tutorials for you to help you master this technique. And, who knows, maybe you will draw with polygons even cooler than the authors of the works collected here!

What is polygon graphics?

Polygon(from the Greek polýgonos - polygonal), polygonal line (mathematical), broken line, composed of a finite number of straight line segments (links). A polygon is also understood as a closed broken line, i.e. a polygon.

Where are polygons used?

The answer is obvious - digital graphics, of course! It's a kind of variety digital art. Initially, polygonal graphics appeared in 3D modeling for creating video games. Due to the low resolution, such objects had a high rendering speed. Also, the display in the form of a wireframe saves computer resources and makes it easier to work with the model. Then it became popular in the so-called 2D graphics.

What program can create polygonal images?

If you're working in 3D, then it's only natural for you to do it in 3D max, Maya, or Cinema 4D. The latest software is so friendly that even a child can draw in it. In general, polygon graphics are fairly easy to create, especially when compared to architectural visualization or photorealistic rendering. She reminds early days computer simulation and animations with a touch modern technicians. And since retro style always in fashion, almost all designers create it using old techniques.

As you already know, 3D models are created using polygons. The more polygons, the more detailed the model will be. During the final processing (rendering) of the object, it acquires a “smooth” look. The fewer polygons you use at the modeling stage, the more abstract the result will be. For a pronounced effect, you can turn off the anti-aliasing function in the rendering settings, and then you will get clear edges. It all depends on the effect you want to achieve. Using a low poly technique does not mean that the scene will be simple. You can use complex textures, realistic reflection and refraction settings in environment and so on. Polygonal shapes are very reminiscent of origami and are now at the peak of popularity in graphic design.

You can also create polygonal masterpieces in programs such as Adobe Illustrator, CorelDraw and even Adobe Photoshop. These programs, unlike specific 3D packages, are well known to most designers.

Historical reference

Did you know that polygonal design was preceded by an entire art movement? At the beginning of the 20th century, the expressionist movement was born and became incredibly popular. The advent of photography only spurred on artists, because now it was possible to capture the image in detail, as it really is. Expressionists, on the contrary, sought to convey the essence, mood and character of the object. They deliberately left out the details. Nowadays, expressionism is no less popular both in painting and in the digital art environment.

Outstanding Examples

Here are some examples of contemporary digital art. Perhaps they will impress you to create new masterpieces:


In this tutorial, you will create a polygon mosaic in Adobe Illustrator. A free plugin - Scriptographer and your imagination will help in this simple matter.

Here you will learn how to create a vector polygonal mosaic from bitmap using the free web tool Triangulator and Adobe Illustrator.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to make portraits using polygons. The author shows how to work with photos using both Photoshop and Illustrator to make beautiful portrait in trendy polygonal graphics style.

A detailed video tutorial that will teach you how to create three-dimensional characters.


Polygonal graphics are a mixture of retro and futurism. A timeless style that can be modified, individualized, and experimented with endlessly. It always looks stylish, fashionable and original. Try to work with polygons, and you will realize that you can no longer do without them. We will be glad if you share your ideas on this subject in the comments!

Source: www.onextrapixel.com

Polygonal graphics have become very popular in Lately and attracts the attention of some designers and artists. The image of portraits, objects or any drawings in the form of vector polygons looks spectacular and unusual.

Also, often polygonal drawing is used for the background, a slight color difference on the triangles creates an interesting volume effect. The process of creating such drawings will be discussed in this article, you will learn about manual and automatic methods of drawing with polygons.

Manual method of polygonal drawing.

An ideal tool for drawing polygons in Adobe Illustrator "Feather". Be careful that there are no gaps between the polygons. On small details a much larger number of elements is required so that they are not lost. It is desirable to build polygons in such a way that the image borders coincide with the polygon borders.

In order not to waste time drawing each triangle separately, you can drag one of the nodes on the copies (for more details, see video lesson at the end of the article).

But in any case, drawing polygons by hand takes a lot of time, especially at high detail. In addition, jambs may not be noticeable in the course of work, and then it is very inconvenient to edit them.

When the grid is ready, it's time to start coloring. Take the tool. Holding down a key ctrl select an element, and then, release and click with the eyedropper on the color under the selected element. The polygon is repainted in the desired color.

It looks much more interesting when the triangle has a gradient fill.

Automatic polygon drawing method.

A small program is able to perfectly draw polygons from your photo. Automatically, in any quantities and without jambs. And the best part is that coloring is also done automatically.

Unzip the downloaded archive. Follow this link \triangulator\triangulator\index.html. Run the index.html file. Drag your image into the field "Drop your bitmap here".

By clicking on the image with the mouse, you create nodes that automatically close and fill with a gradient color. Among the top buttons, you can add 25 polygons at once, save and change the transparency of the picture.

When the drawing is ready, you need to save it in vector format - Export to SVG: save this link as file. Right click on a line this link and select "save link as.." (in some browsers, the file format must be entered manually).

Export this file to CorelDRAW or Illustrator. Here you can correct defects and refine the image to the final result.

IN video lesson the process is described in more detail polygon drawing:

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Along with style, Metro began to stir the minds of designers last year. While the style of Windows 8 immediately found its way into web design, Poly has carefully settled into the printing industry, introducing various illustrations that have been used for posters, wallpapers, t-shirt designs, and skins for mobile phones etc. And only after some time, designers began to use it in website design.

Today, Polygonal art often looks like a pastiche for logos, backgrounds, and illustrations that usually serve as embellishments rather than eye-catching elements. But it is here that he shows himself in all its glory. He turns a familiar picture into something extraordinary, with a bunch of sharp corners And flat figures, which form convex regions. The latter is obtained by a clear contrast between adjacent areas, which usually differ from each other only in shades of the same color. The technique for creating such an effect is supposed to be successively filling the entire space with smooth shapes, triangles and rectangles, step by step creating areas of different heights, since some elements should be concave, flat and others convex.

It would be reasonable to assume that the "polygonal" style came to us from cubism

When it comes to website design, Poly works great with a variety of textures, especially those that include paper, cardboard, and noisy backgrounds. In these cases, it usually complements the design, adding a slight sense of dimension as a result.
In the collection below you will find over 20 amazing examples of using Polygonal Art in website design.

Polygon Art Examples:

Dare With Us 2013─ a lot of work on the reconstruction of the world map, through the use of a bunch of acute-angled geometric shapes and various shades of 3 primary colors: blue for the ocean, green and brown for the earth.

Sanissimo─ welcomes its users with amazingly realistic 3D illustrations full of paper elements and polygonal art.

Made by Vadim─ was one of the first websites to implement this technique. If you look closely, you will notice that not only is the artist's image created with light and dark flowing forms, but the background is also done in this style.

Mokhtar SAGHAFI─ breaks the shapes of the traditional background, creating sharp raised illustrations that take up the entire left corner

Yosoygil─ attracts users with a vibrantly resonant header background that pairs well with plain white icons and simple typography.

Send me to South Field─ Conveys the feeling of the South Pole through a three-dimensional illustration with sharp and rough elements, which are made in cold colors.

Welcome to Junkyard! Shouts to you, a bright illustration that has a massive polygonal footer.

BeoPlay A3 has a truly captivating background which consists of separate triangles made in blue colors. Light spots recreate the feeling of concavity, while dark areas are responsible for the protrusions.

Filidor Weise─ The design is made in space style, ─ a translucent dark mess of polygons that can be interpreted as an explosion.

Android Analyze─ captivates with its exceptional slide background, which includes an original green gradient that conveys a consistent color transition, using smooth shapes.

skyboat─ a wonderful portfolio with an emphasis on atmosphere. The "pixel-like" background combined with a little color animation makes the transition look quite nice and complex.

Pinpoint Design─ has a barely visible polygonal background that causes an overall embossed effect.

Equilibrium─ is based on dark illustrations that are filled with polygons, as well as a grunge style that perfectly complements the gilded site name.

Landing Page Design. With white as the primary color, the design gets a clean and transparent portfolio feel by using just one iceberg polygonal image.

HushFlow─ another example of web design on space theme, which recreates the atmosphere by combining squares and triangles.

IN Letters Inc. contact form in the form of a polyhedral heart.

Aires and Cintra Arquitetura─ embodies polygonal art, which is reflected both in the header and in the graphical representation of menu items

Design healthshare consists of many flat triangles. The most obvious and a prime example implementation of polygonal art can be seen in the logo, background and footer.

Chillipear decorates its footer with a polygonal ornament, which is made in the same color palette like the rest of the website design.

Most Wanted Wild Digital Agency encrusts his home page a small dark polygonal ornament that contains a slider. Among other things, the logo is made in the same style.

good twin has a slider of 3 amazing slides, each depicting scenes from different dimensions. Which consist of polygonal graphics.

Vagrant captivates users with a bunch of squares that harmoniously form the logo, and randomly scattered decorative debris on the background image.

Agencja Reklamowa attracts users with its bright background, a slider with deep transitions between different gradients that formed geometric shapes.

Carbon has a logo and a floating sidebar on the left side, made in a polygonal style. The block of triangles serves as an indicator, changing its color depending on the current section.

Vaux Collective has a stunning spherical logo, the volume of which is achieved with a gradient that goes from light to dark, and which of course with sharp raised areas.


Without a doubt, Polygonal Art is one of the most interesting, modern and ambitious trends. Although it can be really time consuming, in the end it can bring wonderful results. The main advantage of using it is undoubtedly the ability to add depth to the site and bring dynamics to the design, using static images.

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