Topic 30 the influence of art on man. About the power of art and its influence on a person


How does art affect people? How does it affect the worldview and perception of the entire surrounding space? Why from some musical works goosebumps run down the skin, and from the scene in the movie - tears down the cheeks? No one will give an exact answer to these questions - art is able to awaken in a person the most diverse and often very contradictory feelings.

What is art?

Exists precise definition art is the process or result of expression in artistic expression, as well as creative symbiosis, which conveys certain feelings and emotions experienced at a certain moment. Art is multifaceted. It is able to convey the experiences of one person and even the mood of the whole people in a specific period of time.

The power of real art lies primarily in its impact on a person. Agree, one picture can cause a lot of experiences and impressions, which, among other things, can be quite contradictory. Art is a kind of reflection of the true essence of man. And it doesn't matter at all great artist it or connoisseur of painting.

Means of influence of art and its types

First of all, it is worth deciding on the types of art, and there are enough of them. a large number of. So, the main ones are music, literature, painting, theater, circus, cinema, sculpture, architecture, photography, as well as graphics and much more.

How does art work? impassive, unlike music or painting, which can cause a lot of emotions and experiences. Only true masterpieces can contribute to the formation of a special worldview and perception surrounding reality. Worthy of special attention means of expression art (rhythm, proportion, form, tone, texture, etc.), which allow you to fully appreciate a particular work.

The versatility of art

As already mentioned, art is multifaceted. This is especially eloquently evidenced by the masterpieces of sculpture and architecture, arts and crafts, music and literature, painting and graphics, preserved from time immemorial, as well as immortal cinema and theatrical performances. And historical research show that ancient civilizations sought to express their own "I" through the drawings on the rocks, ritual dances campfire, traditional costumes and etc.

In art, they are not intended only to evoke some particular feeling. These methods are intended for more global purposes - to form a special inner world a person who is able to see beauty and create something similar.

Music is a separate art form

Perhaps this type of art deserves a separate large category. We encounter music all the time, even our ancient ancestors performed various rituals to the rhythmic sounds of original instruments. Music can have the most varied influence. For some, it can serve as a means of peace and relaxation, but for someone it will become an incentive and impetus to further action.

Moreover, scientists have long concluded that music is an excellent secondary means of rehabilitation of the sick and great opportunity achieve peace of mind. That is why music very often sounds in the wards, thus strengthening the faith in a speedy recovery.


The influencing force of art is the greatest power that can radically change a person's worldview and significantly influence the formation of his inner world. A riot of colors, rich colors and harmoniously matched shades, smooth lines and scale of volumes - all these are means visual arts.

worldwide famous masterpieces artists are kept in the treasuries of galleries and museums. Pictures have an amazing effect on the inner world of a person, they are able to penetrate into the most hidden corners of consciousness and sow the seed. true values. Moreover, by creating unique works of fine art, a person expresses his own experiences and shares his vision of the surrounding reality with the whole world. Everyone knows the fact that the treatment of certain diseases nervous system often accompanied by drawing lessons. It promotes healing and peace of mind for patients.

Poetry and Prose: On the Influencing Power of Literature

Surely everyone knows that the word, in its essence, has incredible strength- it can heal a wounded soul, reassure, give joyful moments, warm, in the same way a word can hurt a person and even kill. A word framed by a beautiful syllable has even greater power. It's about about literature in all its manifestations.

Masterpieces of world classics are a huge number amazing works which, to one degree or another, have affected the lives of almost everyone. Drama, tragedy, poetry, poems and odes - all this, to varying degrees, was reflected in the soul of everyone who could touch the creations of the classics. The impact of art on a person - in particular, literature - is multifaceted. So, for example, in troubled times writers with their poems called on the people to fight, novels carried the reader into a completely different world, filled with different colors and characters.

Literary works form the inner world of a person, and it is no coincidence that in our times, filled with innovations and technological innovations, people are encouraged to plunge into the unusually cozy atmosphere that a good book creates.

Influence of art

Progress does not stand still, just like art. For different eras certain tendencies are characteristic, which, to one degree or another, are reflected in many works. Moreover, it is often fashion trends shaped the image and way of life of the population. It is enough to remember how the directions of architecture were dictated by the canons of construction and arrangement interior decoration. The influencing force of art contributed not only to the creation of buildings in a certain style, but also formed general tastes among the population.

So, for example, in the architectural field there is even a kind of classification historical periods: Renaissance, Rococo, Baroque, etc. How does art affect a person in this case? It forms the taste preferences of a person, his style and manner of behavior, dictates the rules of interior design and even the style of communication.

Influence of contemporary art

It is difficult to talk about contemporary art. This is not at all due to specific features of the XXI century filled with innovations and unique technological innovations. At one time, many writers and artists were not recognized as geniuses, moreover, they were often considered crazy. It is quite possible that in a few hundred years our contemporaries will be considered the geniuses of their time.

Nevertheless, it is quite difficult to follow the trends of contemporary art. Many are inclined to believe that the current creations are just the decomposition of the old ones. Time will tell by what means art influences in this case and how it influences the formation of personality. And for creators, it is very important to form and cultivate a sense of beauty in society.

How does art work?

Speaking about the influencing force of this phenomenon, one cannot confine oneself to the concepts of good and evil. Art in all its manifestations does not teach to distinguish good from bad, light from darkness and white from black. Art forms the inner world of a person, teaches him to distinguish between the concepts of good and evil, to talk about life, as well as to structure his thoughts and even see the world in a multifaceted aspect. Books immerse you in a completely different world of dreams and fantasies, form a person as a person, and also make you think about many things and take a different look at seemingly ordinary situations.

The works of architects, painters, writers and musicians that have survived to this day speak eloquently of the immortality of true masterpieces. They fully show how powerless time is before the priceless works of the classics.

True art cannot be overlooked, and its power can not only shape the inner world, but also drastically change a person's life.


On the topic “How Art influences our lives”

Prepared by Ivanov Danila 9”A” class

Yekaterinburg - 10.11.2016

Art- this is a kind of reflection of the true essence of man. And it doesn’t matter at all whether it is a great artist or a connoisseur of painting.

The power of real art lies primarily in its impact on the inner world of a person. Agree, one picture can cause a lot of experiences and impressions, which, among other things, can be quite contradictory.

Means of influence of art and its types

First of all, it is worth deciding on the types of art, and there are a fairly large number of them. So, main arts: music, literature, painting, theater, cinema, sculpture, architecture, photography, as well as decorative applied art, graphics and more.

How does art work?

Exact sciences impassive, unlike music or painting, which can cause a lot of emotions and experiences. Only true masterpieces can contribute to the formation of a special worldview and perception of the surrounding reality. Expressive means of art deserve special attention. (rhythm, proportion, form, tone, texture, etc.), that allow you to fully appreciate a particular work.

The means of expression in art are not intended only to evoke some particular feeling. These methods are intended for more global purposes - to form a special inner world of a person who is able to see beauty and create something similar. Speaking about the influencing force of this phenomenon, one cannot confine oneself to the concepts of good and evil.

Art forms the inner world of a person, teaches him to distinguish between the concepts of good and evil, to talk about life, as well as to structure his thoughts and even see the world in a multifaceted aspect. Books immerse you in a completely different world of dreams and fantasies, form a person as a person, and also make you think about many things and take a different look at seemingly ordinary situations.

Influence various types art on human life music

Music can have a wide variety of influences on a person. For some, it can serve as a means of appeasement and relaxation, and for someone it will become an incentive and impetus for further action. For example, music helps a person in terms of work and creativity. Does music help a person to concentrate? Yes and no! In general, in order for a person to concentrate on something, listening to music is not necessary, because complete silence is well suited for better concentration. And that goes for most of us. However, some people in the process of work, for reflection and acceptance important decisions some background is needed. The sounds of music help them not only to concentrate, but also to increase mental performance. Athletes may be advised to listen to fast-tempo music during intense workouts and slow music during breaks to improve performance. For office workers (well, or those who work remotely), who believe that music helps a person in their work, the advice is this - if you really need music during work, it is better to listen to one that does not contain words.

Music also affects the mood of a person. How music helps a person cope with difficult life situations, is hardly comparable to any other impact of external factors. Music can create and maintain the right mood. It helps to relax (not surprisingly, after work, some people the first thing they cross the threshold own house, turn on your favorite compositions), or maybe vice versa - energize.

In the morning it is better to listen to cheerful and rhythmic music, it will help you wake up and make you jump out of bed in the desire to change your life for the better. Also, cheerful and energetic music influences the human psyche and makes him change sadness to joy, and sadness to optimism and love of life.

Calm and smooth music will help you relax and calm down, distract from everyday worries, reduce the number of thoughts in your head and focus on self-regulation. Slow and relaxing music affects a person like sleeping pills, so if you suffer from insomnia and you do not know how to fall asleep quickly, use this fact.

Moreover, scientists have long come to the conclusion that music is an excellent secondary means of rehabilitation of patients and an excellent opportunity to achieve peace of mind. That is why music is often heard in hospital wards, thus strengthening the belief in a speedy recovery.


The influencing force of art is the greatest power that can radically change a person's worldview and significantly influence the formation of his inner world. A riot of colors, rich colors and harmoniously matched shades, smooth lines and scale of volumes - all these are means of fine art.
Scientists confirmed beneficial effect works of fine art, painting on the mental health of a person. And it does not matter what is in front of you - a portrait, still life or landscape. Contemplation of painting takes away all anxieties and improves well-being.

Observation of painting helps to improve well-being and helps to get rid of negative emotions, anxiety, stress and depression. It has also been proven that those people who surround themselves with paintings significantly reduce the feeling of anxiety and fear (for some phobias, painting plays the role of a kind of psychotherapeutic method).

But the strongest impact on emotional condition a person and his psyche as a whole are affected not so much by the perception of beauty as by the process of creating such a creation. Thanks to painting, you can form a strong tendency to reduce chronic pain.

From different paintings, drawings, photographs, the so-called general energy will go, which can influence the subconscious of a person, which can help change his thoughts and worldview. As a result, the very actions and behaviors of people can naturally change. This total energy consists of the following elements:

  • colors;
  • images and plot;
  • artist energy.

When choosing a picture, you should pay attention to all these elements. On beautiful painting it is impossible not to pay attention, and the energy that it radiates can not only shape the inner world of a person, but also perfectly change his life for the better. So man must surround himself beautiful pictures and behold beauty!

Poetry and prose

Masterpieces of world classics are a huge number of amazing works that, to one degree or another, have influenced the life of almost every person. Drama, tragedy, poetry, poems and odes - all this, to varying degrees, was reflected in the soul of everyone who could touch the works of the classics. The impact of art on a person - in particular, literature - is multifaceted. So, for example, in troubled times, writers called on the people to fight with their poems, and with novels carried the reader into a completely different world filled with different colors and characters.

Today, reading and understanding poetry and prose is a real art that requires special efforts. Most of the poets of the "silver" and "golden" centuries left unsurpassed examples of art, which today are the most revered among the entire population of the planet.

Very important aspect when reading any fiction poetic work is his understanding, feeling. For example, the poetry of nature is not a temple, but a real workshop, which cannot be understood without feeling all the beauty of the surrounding world. And accordingly, if you do not understand poetry, it cannot influence your life in any way, change it, make it more perfect.

Music, literature, visual arts are an integral part of the culture of a person and the society in which he lives. Thanks to all this, a person not only receives aesthetic pleasure, he improves, develops spiritually and finds peace of mind. Art can do wonders

The power of real art lies primarily in its impact on the inner world of a person. Agree, one picture can cause a lot of experiences and impressions, which, among other things, can be quite contradictory. Art is a kind of reflection of the true essence of man. And it doesn’t matter at all whether it is a great artist or a connoisseur of painting.
Means of influence of art and its types
First of all, it is worth deciding on the types of art, and there are a fairly large number of them. So, the main types of art: music, literature, painting, theater, circus, cinema, sculpture, architecture, photography, as well as arts and crafts, graphics and much more.
How does art work? The exact sciences are impassive, unlike music or painting, which can cause a lot of emotions and experiences. Only true masterpieces can contribute to the formation of a special worldview and perception of the surrounding reality. The expressive means of art (rhythm, proportion, form, tone, texture, etc.) deserve special attention, which allow one to fully appreciate a particular work.
The means of expression in art are not intended only to evoke some particular feeling. These methods are intended for more global purposes - to form a special inner world of a person who is able to see beauty and create something similar.
Music can have a wide variety of influences on a person. For some, it can serve as a means of peace and relaxation, and for someone it will become an incentive and impetus for further action.
Moreover, scientists have long come to the conclusion that music is an excellent secondary means of rehabilitation of patients and an excellent opportunity to achieve peace of mind. That is why music very often sounds in the wards, thus strengthening the faith in a speedy recovery.
The influencing force of art is the greatest power that can radically change a person's worldview and significantly influence the formation of his inner world. A riot of colors, rich colors and harmoniously matched shades, smooth lines and scale of volumes - all these are means of fine art.
Poetry and prose
Masterpieces of world classics are a huge number of amazing works that, to one degree or another, have influenced the life of almost every person. Drama, tragedy, poetry, poems and odes - all this, to varying degrees, was reflected in the soul of everyone who could touch the works of the classics. The impact of art on a person - in particular, literature - is multifaceted. So, for example, in troubled times, writers called on the people to fight with their poems, and with novels carried the reader into a completely different world filled with different colors and characters.
How does art work
Speaking about the influencing force of this phenomenon, one cannot confine oneself to the concepts of good and evil. Art in all its manifestations does not teach to distinguish good from bad, light from darkness and white from black. Art forms the inner world of a person, teaches him to distinguish between the concepts of good and evil, to talk about life, as well as to structure his thoughts and even see the world in a multifaceted aspect. Books immerse you in a completely different world of dreams and fantasies, form a person as a person, and also make you think about many things and take a different look at seemingly ordinary situations.

2012-06-16 Nikita Melikhov Printable version

No one will argue with the fact that art plays a cognitive, educational, communicative role in the formation of a person. Since ancient times, art has helped a person to realize and transform reality, presenting it in images and thereby linking it into a single whole. At the same time, a person developed an abstract and creative thinking fantasy developed. The Soviet philosopher E. Ilyenkov said: “Taken in itself, fantasy, or the power of imagination, is not only among the most precious, but also among the universal, universal abilities that distinguish a person from an animal. Without it, one cannot take a single step, not only in art, unless, of course, it is a step on the spot. Without the power of imagination it would be impossible even to recognize an old friend if he suddenly grew a beard, it would be impossible even to cross the street through the stream of cars. Humanity, devoid of imagination, would never launch rockets into space.

It is impossible not to take into account the fact that art with early years takes a direct part in the formation of consciousness in a child (and throughout life too). Music, literature, theater, visual arts - all of them bring up sensuality and morality in a person. Such qualities as friendship, conscience, patriotism, love, justice, etc. develop through art. Moreover, thinking itself would be impossible without the development of sensory perception: “The ability to think logically, that is, to operate with concepts, theoretical definitions in strict accordance with the norms of logic, is worth absolutely nothing if it is not combined with an equally developed ability to see, sensually contemplate, perceive the world» .

Of course, with all this, art often performed the function of entertainment. And, it would seem, if from time immemorial art has been used both for enlightenment and for distraction, then even now there is no cause for concern. Today also remain and are still being created good books, films, music, upon acquaintance with which a person acquires the opportunity to join all the experience gained by mankind, thereby developing his own abilities. Only if you don't take individual works art, but the trend of development (or degradation?) of contemporary art, then it deviates more and more noticeably towards the renunciation of all previous developments of mankind, turning art into an entertainment industry and distracting a person from the problems of developing their creative abilities.

Perhaps everyone, at least once entering the Museum of Modern Art, thought that, as a child, he drew better. Famous artist D. Pollock, splashed and poured paint on fiberboard, counting spontaneous creative process more important than the result. These blots cost 140 million dollars, today it is one of the most expensive paintings in the world. The postmodern writer V. Pelevin spoke about the famous “Black Square” in one of his books: “Malevich, although he called himself a Suprematist, was faithful to the truth of life - light in Russian sky most often not. And the soul has no choice but to produce invisible stars from itself - this is the meaning of the canvas. Such non-objective, depicting pictures make even the personality of the author meaningless, they say: "everyone will see something of his own."

The Soviet philosopher, who devoted a lot of time to studying the question of the influence of art on a person, M. Lifshitz wrote: “The main internal goal of such art is to suppress the consciousness of consciousness. Flight into superstition is the minimum. Even better is an escape to the unthinking world. Hence the constant efforts to break the mirror of life, or at least make it cloudy, unseeing. Every image needs to be given the features of something “dissimilar”. Thus, the figurativeness decreases, in the end - something free from all possible associations with real life.

In contemporary visual arts, there are many different directions. The authors of some trends endow their works with a “deep” meaning, which in fact is only a form that reflects the personal experiences and fleeting feelings of the creator. The famous surrealist S. Dali wrote about his painting “Soft Clock”: “It was one evening, I was tired, I had a migraine - an extremely rare ailment for me. We were supposed to go to the cinema with friends, but in last moment I decided to stay at home. Gala will go with them, and I will go to bed early. We ate very tasty cheese, then I was left alone, sitting, leaning on the table, and thinking about how "super soft" melted cheese is. I got up and went to the studio to take a look at my work as usual. The picture I was going to paint was a landscape of the outskirts of Port Lligat, rocks, as if illuminated by a dim evening light. In the foreground, I sketched the chopped off trunk of a leafless olive tree. This landscape is the basis for a canvas with some idea, but what? I needed a marvelous image, but I did not find it. I went to turn off the light, and when I got out, I literally "saw" the solution: two pairs soft watch, some plaintively hang from the olive branch. Despite the migraine, I prepared my palette and set to work. Two hours later, when Gala returned from the cinema, the picture, which was to become one of the most famous, was completed. Such works do not carry anything useful to other people, because they are a reflection of the moments of the artist's well-being, which can hardly matter beyond this vanishing moment. “In the old art, it was important to have a loving, conscientious image real world. The personality of the artist more or less receded into the background before his creation and thus rose above its own level. IN the latest art the situation is just the opposite - what the artist does is more and more reduced to a pure sign, a sign of his personality. “Everything that I spit, all this will be art,” said the famous German Dadaist Kurt Schwitters, “because I am an artist.” In a word, what is done is not important at all. The gesture of the artist is important, his posture, his reputation, his signature, his priestly dance in front of the lens of cinema, his miraculous deeds, divulged to the whole world.

After reading a book by some contemporary, you sometimes sit and think “what ideas did the author want to convey?” But now, even in a book for children, you can find out “how children are made” and what words are best expressed. With cinema, the situation is the same, if not worse. Fantastic action films, "abstruse" detective stories, incredible adventure novels - such films are being churned out like on a conveyor belt. real human feelings and experiences fade into the background, now a beautiful form is in vogue, cultivating vulgar, arrogant behavior, selfishness, and the denial of any ideals. What are the endless erotic scenes pressing only on physical human needs? And in other types of art, unfortunately, nothing qualitatively new appears. Modern musical performers or the same screenwriters theatrical performances remake old works new way, completely distorting, or rather, if possible, completely eliminating the meaning from there. This is often the whole point of them.

Is it possible to bring up normally developed person based on such art? Modern man reads vulgar literature, looks violent movies, listens to destructive music and at the same time he himself becomes vulgar, cruel and blind. Our contemporary cannot properly assess the situation and find a way out of it, because "in order to think about the world around you, you need to see this world." By creating works that do not reflect anything other than the artist’s well-being at the time of the creation of this work, or by replacing art with a beautiful form that does not carry any meaning at all, the creator destroys the ability of mankind to come closer to understanding the surrounding reality, nature, society, man, and himself too . But “truth is the similarity of our representations, or concepts, with the thing itself. It should be the basis of every work of fine arts. V.I. also wrote about this. Lenin: “There are really, objectively, three members here: 1) nature; 2) human cognition, the human brain (as top product of the same nature) and 3) the form of reflection of nature in human cognition, this form is concepts, laws, categories, etc. A person cannot embrace = reflect = reflect the nature of all, completely, its “immediate wholeness”, he can only eternally approach this, creating abstractions, concepts, laws, scientific picture world, etc., etc.”

Now, perhaps, everyone who decides to engage in creative activity and at the same time tries not to die of hunger, they admonish with this phrase: “first earn yourself a name, and then the name will work for you.” Capitalism strictly dictates its conditions: if you want to live, sell yourself. What sells best? Fictional mythical utopias, abstract surreal paintings, enticing, enchanting landscapes, without any deep subtext. Such works are created that stupefy and lead thoughts into oblivion. Why? There is no profit in painting injustice existing world, there is no benefit in highlighting issues modern society. Because such works would make the public think, think about the imperfection of the modern world. Art loses its main function - the function of reflecting reality, while it grows a limited, insensitive and blind consumer. “Art must first of all reflect real life people, and not to inspire that everything is fine. There is advertising for this, it requires, forces you to buy, shave, wash, perfume, go on vacation, and so on.

Today, many people agree that modern Art is the decomposition of the old and does not play a creative role in the formation of personality. These people try to educate themselves and their children in the spirit of the classics, closing their eyes to modern life. Of course, for the normal development of a person, it is necessary to master the riches of culture accumulated by all previous generations. But to create a qualitatively new in any area, you need to go beyond the existing. Therefore, you should not close your eyes, but on the contrary - you need to pay attention to real situation affairs and change the situation for the better.

Creators should direct their efforts to open the eyes of humanity: so that people look around, so that their hearts beat, so that they feel the existing injustice and all together begin to look for a solution to the existing problem.

2. Voitsekhovich I. “The experience of inscription general theory Fine Arts, Moscow, 1823.

3. Dali S. " secret life Salvador Dali, painted by himself».

4. Ilyenkov E. V. "On the aesthetic nature of fantasy."

5. Lenin V.I. complete collection compositions. Ed. 5th, v.45.

6. Lifshits E.M. "Art and modern world”, M., 1978.

Passport design work Name of the project: "Influence of art on a person" Project manager: Rykalova Natalia Nikolaevna Project consultant(s): Full name Academic subject, within the framework of which work is carried out on the project: psychology Academic disciplines related to the topic: history, world art culture, social science Age of students for which the project is designed: years Composition of the project team: Full name different types art on a person, on his psychological condition, mood, behavior.

Project Objectives To clarify the meaning of the term art and define the goals of art pictorial views art on a person Determine how they affect spectacular views arts on a person To determine how the visual arts affect a person Project questions What is art? What kinds of art are there? What is the purpose of art? How does music affect a person? How does literature affect a person? What conclusion can be drawn from the influence of music and literature on a person? How does theater affect a person? What conclusion can be drawn from the influence of theater on a person? How does visual art affect a person? What conclusion can be drawn from the influence of fine arts on a person?

Art Art (from church - Slavic art (lat. e x perimentum experience, test); Art. - Slavic art experience, less often torture, torture) figurative understanding of reality; the process or result of the expression of the internal or external (in relation to the creator) world in artistic image; creativity directed in such a way that it reflects the interests of not only the author himself, but also other people. Art (along with science) is one of the ways of cognition, both in the natural sciences and in religious picture perception of the world.

Classification of art Most often, art is divided into non-visual (architecture, literature, music, choreography, ballet, radio art), spectacular (theater, opera, stage, circus, film art) and fine (painting, graphics (drawing, printmaking), decorative and applied arts , sculpture, photographic art, graffiti, comics, silent films) According to the dynamics of art, art can be divided into spatial and temporal. According to their utility, arts are divided into applied and elegant (pure). According to the materials, art can be divided into types using traditional and modern materials.

The goals of art Unmotivated goals of art are those that are an integral part of human nature, cannot be reduced to the characteristics of the creator's personality and serve any extraneous, for example, utilitarian purpose. Those goals that the author or creator intentionally and consciously sets for himself when working on a work are hereinafter referred to as motivated. Often, art is seen as an attribute of selected social strata, alien to other strata of the population. In this sense, the pursuit of art is generally seen as belonging to the upper classes, associated with wealth, the ability to buy beautiful but useless things, and a penchant for luxury.

The Influence of Music Music can influence a person both positively and negatively. It is used for calming, for medicinal purposes, to achieve inner harmony. But music can also cause stress, lead to memory impairment and poor health.

The Influence of Literature When Reading literary works he experiences all the emotions of the hero with him. A person is completely absorbed by the book, which leads his body to secrete certain hormones that either cheer up or, on the contrary, make you feel along with the hero.

Influence of fine art Fine art has a very strong influence on a person's mood. This influence is not only positive, but also negative. For the most part, the influence of fine art, painting, depends on what is drawn in the picture, what colors and tones the artist uses.

Conclusion Art plays essential role in our lives, helping future generations to grow morally. Without art, we would hardly be able to look at the world with different points vision, in a different way, to look beyond the ordinary, to feel a little sharper. Art, like a person, has many small veins, blood vessels, organs.

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