The most popular stand-up comedians. Stand-up residents


"Standup" (show): participants

The idea of ​​creating the program belongs to Yulia Akhmedova and Ruslan Bely. Former KVN workers turned to the management of the TNT channel, and it met them halfway. In the fall of 2013, viewers saw the first release of a humorous program.

Participants of the stand-up show are young, bright and talented people. Many of them at one time participated in KVN. They have an amazing sense of humor and natural charm. Who are these people? Let's get to know them better.

Ruslan Bely - "eternal bachelor"

The creator and presenter was born on December 28, 1979 in Prague. He was brought up in a military family. In this regard, mom, dad and Ruslan often changed their place of residence. About 15 years ago, the family finally settled in Voronezh. Father dreamed of son will go in his footsteps. At first it was. Ruslan graduated from the Military Aviation Engineering University and served in the army. But then the guy realized that his main calling was the stage. Our hero became interested in playing KVN. He was a member of the Voronezh team "Seventh Heaven". Ruslan Bely "lit up" in humorous programs aired on the TNT channel. Among them are "Laughter without rules" and "Slaughter League".

The personal life of Ruslan Bely resembles a roller coaster. It consists of ups and downs. A talkative and smiling guy easily gets acquainted with girls. He has experience of living together with members of the opposite sex. But all Ruslan's relationships were short-lived. He is still in the status of a bachelor.

Yulia Akhmedova - "a lady in active search"

The first and so far the only girl in the show. The rest are male participants. "Standup" allowed Yulia to realize her creative ambitions.

She was born on November 28, 1982 in the Kyrgyz city of Kant. Her father is a full-blooded Azerbaijani. In 1999, Yulia came to Voronezh, where she entered the local university. As a student, Akhmedova began to play in KVN. In 2005, the girl finally moved to Moscow and began developing her humorous career. Julia is the author of scripts for the series "Univer" and the show "Comedy Vumen".

From the stage, Stand Up talks about how hard it is for a girl without a man's shoulder. In her monologues, topics such as losing weight, finding a soul mate, cheating, and so on are often voiced. Many viewers are sure that the girl does not invent anything, but takes stories from her own life.

On this moment Yulia Akhmedova's heart is free. She herself is in search of her soulmate.

Stas Starovoitov - "exemplary family man"

Born on October 11, 1982 in a small village in the Tomsk region. Like many participants in the stand-up show, he participated in KVN during his student days. Then Starovoitov conquered Laughter Without Rules (TNT) three times. In 2013 he became permanent member transmission stand up.

In his speeches, Stanislav often talks about family life, upbringing daughter Mashenka and relationships with his beloved wife Marina.

Ivan Abramov - "intellectual"

He was born in Vologda. Ivan has Jewish roots. At one time, Abramov performed in KVN as part of the Parapaparam team. Since 2013, the guy is in his rooms he uses various musical instruments. Ivan is married and has a little daughter.

Timur Karginov - "Caucasian"

Born in 1984 in the republic North Ossetia. Always dreamed of being famous actor or TV presenter. In the period from 2006 to 2010, he played in KVN as part of the Pyramid team. In "Standup" Timur talks about the hard life of Caucasians in Moscow.

Dmitry Romanov - "sad clown"

Odessa with Jewish roots tells funny stories in a peculiar manner. And even if all the people in the hall roll on the floor with laughter, he will calmly watch this.

Slava Komissarenko - "cheerful Belarusian"

A charming guy under 2 meters tall could become a basketball star. But even in high school, he realized that he wanted to make people laugh. In "Standup" Komissarenko occupied his niche. The guy talks about how a Belarusian can survive in Moscow, meet a girl and maintain a relationship.


We talked about those who create Comedy Standup. The participants in this program are listed in the article. Now you know the details of their biography and personal life. Let's wish this funny guys creative success and family happiness!

Eddie Murphy, "Raw"

Eddie Murphy is known to many as an actor, but he started as a stand-up comedian, and extremely successful. Excerpts from his special “As Is” (Raw) were seen, most likely, even by those who are not interested in stand-up.

Late 1980s Murphy then performed in a blue leather suit. He speaks boldly and obscenely about sex with white women, gay men, marital divorces and, of course, other black people and his poor childhood.

"Raw" was marked by cult beats (as the finished pieces of a monologue are called in stand-up) and record box office: about $ 50 million. Also, the word fuck is used a record number of times in the film, even more than in Scarface.

George Carlin, "You're all sick »

George Carlin is a stand-up legend. Pieces of his speeches are circulating on VKontakte, and people are sharing quotes without even knowing whose words they are. George passed away in 2008 leaving behind a very wealthy creative heritage: for more than 40 years of work, in addition to a bunch of specials, he published five books (he was especially proud of millions of copies), twenty music albums and sixteen films.

George Carlin was an uncompromising fighter against the stupidity and absurdity that surrounds us in our lives. In situations where everyone has long reconciled, Karlin hit the audience on the cheeks and shouted: “Well, look, you are all finished, open your eyes.” Figuratively, of course. He spoke, for example, about books about motivation, about angels in which he did not believe, and about the ten commandments, which he considered to be invented by some "hustlers".

George has released a lot of specials, but for beginners, you should watch "You're All Sick" which he recorded in 1990. Carlin is harsh, venomous, using the full force of his word, goes through all the problems of modern America: terrorism, carrying weapons, an unhealthy economy, the gulf between social classes and, of course, religion. “We are all sick, we are all in a complete ass, but let's at least not turn a blind eye to this” is an effective pill against rose-colored glasses.

Louis C.K., "Hilarious"

Louis C.K. is also a very famous figure in Russia, and throughout the world. You must have seen him joking about how spoiled we've become with all the new technology.

Louis began his career in the late 1990s as a lyricist for others famous comedians and TV presenters: Conan, David Letterman, Chris Rock. Now C.K. is considered the main American comedian. Many Americans, and indeed middle-aged men in general, can recognize themselves in Louis: he is 40 years old, he is divorced, balding, eats immoderately, brings up two daughters, and is single. But, unlike ordinary people, reasons to cry in a vest, he turns into comedic material. Louie talks about his life, marriage, divorce, children, some little routine that fills the life of every person, and does it superbly. Louis has an excellent storytelling talent, and he even turns the story of playing monopoly with his daughters into.

In one of his best specials, "Hilarious," Louis begins to contemplate death, then talks about divorce, unsuccessful sports, unhealthy eating, masturbation, and other routine activities of a lonely forty-year-old man.

In one of his speeches, he said: "I know too much about life to be an optimist." Yes, Louis can hardly be called an optimist, but we must admit that all the failures in life help him earn very good money. Be sure to check out his other specials, Shameless and Live at the Beacon Theater. There will be even more soon: he has signed a contract for new concerts with Netflix.

Eddie Izzard, "Dress to kill"

Eddie Izzard is the most famous drag queen in stand-up comedy because he's kind of the only one. Izzard's performances are full of improvisation. Some attribute this to the comedian's dyslexia: he allegedly cannot learn the script and therefore comes up with the text on the go. Many of Izzard's jokes are based on historical events, which he likes to combine and turn into crazy stories. For example, he once talked about Jesus meeting dinosaurs.

Almost all of his performances have been translated into Russian, but I advise you to start with Dress to Kill. They say that this is his best show. The comedian, as if on the move, generates ideas in his head and throws them into the hall. Here he says something about San Francisco, and then switches to arguments about transvestites in the army. Further, as a big lover of history, he moves on to complex jokes about historical events, then jumps on the topic of cinema, and ends with a monologue about american dream. In general, about everything and nothing.

Jimmy Carr, "Make People Laugh"

Carr is an Englishman to the core. He was raised in a good family and received an excellent education. Jimmy has been successful in career ladder, but then, fortunately, he took a wrong turn somewhere and became a comedian.

Over the years of fruitful work, Carr has mastered the art of short one-line jokes, vanliners, and has been working in this genre ever since. He approached these jokes like a real scientist and even wrote on the theory of vanliners.

It seems to me that you can take almost any of his specials. They are, in general, similar to each other. Start with Make People Laugh. The jokes in this concert are not united by any theme: you just watch a man in a suit joke from the stage for two hours. It's like spending two hours in the same room with your grandfather, only Jimmy looks and jokes better.

Dylan Moran, "Like Totally"

You may know Dylan Moran from the TV series Black's Bookstore, which is dearly loved in Russia. Dylan is Irish, and in order not to destroy our ideas about the Irish, he always comes on stage with a drink and a cigarette. Perhaps if he drank a little more moderately, his face would now have a less blurry outline.

Try to start acquaintance with his special "Like, about everything." The performance fully lives up to its name: Dylan talks like about everything. Starts with how stupid it is to want to move to the country, and then floats down the stream of consciousness, jumping from topic to topic, chatting about the difference between Irish and Americans, adults and children, and just sharing observations about our ridiculous life.

Jim Jefferies, "Free"

Jim Jefferies is the man they say, "What doesn't kill us makes us stronger." Jim made a very big contribution to self-destruction. It is difficult to find a recording of a performance where he performs sober.

Jeffreys has a very hard, sometimes repulsive humor, and he himself managed to annoy many, especially women and believers. It's good that no one from the Wonderzine editors was interested in his performances. Another feature of Jim is to tell crazy life stories that often happen to him under alcohol. For example, he has legendary story, which is called . For 25 minutes, Jim, leaning back in his chair with a glass of beer, tells how he drove his completely paralyzed friend to a prostitute.

American comedian, actor and writer, winner of numerous awards and a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for his contribution to the theater. George Carlin is one of the pioneers of the genre and the founders of modern stand-up comedy. The track record of comedians is measured by specials - full-length concerts in front of a wide audience. With them, artists go on tours, they are released on various media and shown on TV. The first such concert of Carlin is dated 1977, since then he has released more than a dozen specials.

Throughout creative career Carlin ridiculed the vices of Americans, such as the cult of celebrities, the consumer society and hypertrophied religiosity. He died in 2008 at the age of 71 from heart failure.

2. Dylan Moran

Dylan Moran is an Irish stand-up comedian best known for starring in Black's Books. Many of Moran's jokes are based on stereotypes about the Irish, and some performances are accompanied by the consumption of whiskey (probably tea) and smoking cigarettes. Dylan Moran does not try to be scandalous, his stage character is a kind and sloppy Irishman who is always in a melancholy mood. In addition, Moran is one of the few foreign stand-up artists who performed with his show in Russia. The artist has six specials and a dozen film roles.

3. Bill Burr

Bill Burr is a master of bold statements like "the world needs a new plague" and "there was nothing special about Steve Jobs." What follows is dark humor and cold argumentation. Burr's speeches will make some people laugh, cause hatred in others, and force someone to reconsider the existing system of values. Now Burr is one of the most influential figures in American stand-up: many call him the new Carlin, and comedian Anthony Jeselnik prophesied him the title of "the next big comedian" after Louis C. Kay.

4. Louis C.K.

One of the most popular, quoted and productive stand-up comedians of our time. Rarely goes beyond the comedy of observations: describes situations from personal experience, denounces the shortcomings of family life, talks about sex, fatherhood and relationships with people. Louis C.K. does not hide his shortcomings, his performances are full of self-irony. The audience empathize with the comedian and, of course, recognize themselves in the monologues.

5. Dara O'Brien

Irish comedian Dara O'Brien is a master of improvisation. A significant part of his performances is built on communication with the audience. The artist cannot be defeated in the exchange of witticisms, but Dara does not set the task of humiliating the interlocutor. His jokes highlight both him and the object of ridicule. The comedian's performances are distinguished by a lively and energetic presentation, and his humor is often based on ridiculing human stupidity. Especially often goes to psychics, astrologers and all kinds of charlatans.

6. Stuart Lee

Stuart Lee is a writer and intellectual, one of the most respected stand-up comedians. Connoisseurs of his work advise watching performances in the original or with subtitles: not only content is important in them, but also intonation. Stuart Lee's jokes are funny, but fans say they're not for everyone. The comedian narrates in a special manner: it all starts with a monotonous entry, the repetition of the same phrases, and ends with an emotional climax and a powerful final thought.

7. Tim Minchin

British-born Australian comedian, actor and musician. Minchin himself describes his performances as "funny cabaret shows", he considers himself first of all a musician, and only then a comedian. In monologues and songs, it touches on taboo social topics such as religion. At his shows, he usually appears before the audience barefoot, with sticking hair, lined eyes and in a tailcoat. Thus he emphasizes the difference between real person and stage image, simultaneously discrediting himself as one of the modern "icons".

Their humor is loved all over the world, they are called idols and in some ways even imitate modern Russian comedians. If you have never watched an English-language stand-up in your life, we advise you to start getting acquainted with these guys from the selection. Believe me, their stand-up performances - great alternative serials.

George CarlinGeorge Carlin

When we talk about modern stand-up comedy, most often we mean George Carlin. There are many excerpts of his speeches circulating on the Internet, and people share biting quotes without even suspecting whose words they are. For example.

“Religion is like a penis. It's fine when you have it. It's nice if you're proud of it. But please don't take it out and don't wave it in public. And please don't try to slip it on my kids."

George Carlin is one of the pioneers of the genre, an actor and writer, winner of four Grammy awards and the Mark Twain Award. He shared his insightful observations with the audience, joked about politics, religion, sex, ridiculed the vices of Americans, and he was applauded for this.

“I was wondering why people are getting older and more actively reading the Bible. And then it dawned on me: they are preparing for the final exam.

Carlin started as a DJ at a radio station, then put on comedy numbers in nightclubs, and was a frequent guest on various television shows. His popularity grew like a snowball. Most of his jokes were, in one way or another, a form of irony. social criticism. But the real popularity came to Carlin with the release of his monologue "Seven Words You'll Never Say on TV." Not only fame then fell on the comedian, but also a lot of criticism. But the court did not punish for such an extraordinary monologue.

Karlin released 14 full-length stand-ups (one and a half to two hours of humor). The last It's Bad for Ya was filmed four months before his death. Karlin died at age 71 (2008) from heart failure.

Louis C.K.

The main American comedian of our time, the heir to the grumbling style of George Carlin - Louis C. Kay. He began by writing texts for other comedians and TV presenters. Success came to him when Louis was already over 40. The theme of a midlife crisis turned out to be a goldmine, C.K. exploits the image of an irritated man who is divorced, has two daughters and eats immoderately. The humor may seem very cynical, but it is worth watching HOW he pronounces his monologues, and you understand that everything he says is saturated with love for people.

“I never judge other parents. You know, that moment when you see a mother at McDonald's or somewhere and she yells at the child: “Shut up! I hate you". And people stand and look with condemnation: “God, what a terrible mother!” Just so you know: these people are not parents, they don't have children. Because any parent in their place would think: “What did this little asshole do?! Poor woman!"

From 2010 to 2015, Louis himself created a television sitcom with his own name "Louis" - almost best series in the genre of "sitcom about stand-up comedian".

Dylan Moran

When you stumble upon a video of this Irish comedian on YouTube, most will probably think: “Hey man, you had a fun night.” Sticking hair, casual clothes, a cigarette in hand, and often a glass of wine. Dylan Moran is one of best comedians in the world, funny, in some places feignedly ridiculous, but leaving no one indifferent. His humor is essentially classic observational comedy.

“I don't do drugs. I don't need it anymore. I have grown old, and if I now need a parish, I just need to suddenly get up from my chair.

At the same time, Moran tries not to talk about his personal life and simply hates to give interviews. The comedian began his career at the age of 20, at 24 he became the youngest winner of the Perrier Comedy Award, and at 25 he went on his first tour of the UK. At the beginning of the 2000s, he created the cult sitcom Black's Bookstore, where Moran plays Black himself - the owner of a bookstore, who drinks, smokes and hates everyone in the world.

Moran is still acting in films, but most time touring. By the way, he has performed in Russia more than once.

Eddie Izzard

The most famous drag queen in stand-up comedy, and the only one so far. He came to success in the early 90s, when he went on stage exclusively in women's dresses, on stilettos and with full make-up. Now he is more restrained: men's shirts, ties and suits - however, let down eyes, heels and painted nails remain. Despite the stage image, he was and remains a heterosexual man.

Izzard has dyslexia (a selective impairment of the ability to master the skill of reading and writing while maintaining a general ability to learn), there are rumors that it is because of it that he does not prepare for performances. Therefore, one may get the impression that he jumps from place to place and the events of his monologue are incoherent. But this is the peculiarity of Izzard's humor: bringing to the point of absurdity, improvisation and unusual views on things. For example, Izzard said, how Jesus preaches to dinosaurs.

Eddie Izzard is one of the rare comedians who uses pantomime and parody with might and main, and he is also a man of unprecedented erudition, often joking about historical events, ballet and space programs.

You might not know him as a comedian, but you definitely noticed him in movies or TV shows. Appearance in "Hannibal", the role of a criminal expert in "Ocean's Friends", the main role in Lost Christmas. He's really damn talented.

Jimmy Carr

Carr is an Englishman to the core. Dry British presentation, theatrical pauses and ... a minimum of emotions. Not everyone likes his sharp jokes and dark humor (Jimmy had problems because of jokes about people with Down syndrome), which Carr takes it easy, saying that people have the right to be offended, but he also has the right to freely joke about what wants.

“The most widespread superstition in the world is the belief in horoscopes. And there is a name for people who believe in horoscopes, they are called single women.

Having received a good education and starting to build a career in an oil and gas company, Jimmy suddenly changed his professional future by moving into the field of stand-up comedy in 2000. Now he constantly tours, performs at comedy evenings and festivals. By the way, Carr is a master of "oneliners" (short jokes), he even wrote a book about this.

Having earned a good reputation in the stand-up environment, Carr began working as a TV presenter.

Bill Burr

Sometime in student years Zhenya played in the KVN team of his native Lobach, and since then the humorous path has become an integral part of his life. For three years now, after the main work at night, weekends and holidays, Zhenya writes at any free moment. Records funny stories, own observations, conclusions. This personal experience Eugene brings to the stage.
How to turn the stories of your life into funny jokes, he recently told us Today, Zhenya shares a list of his most beloved world-class stand-up comedians, who have become examples for him, teachers and, to some extent, friends (after all, he has been watching their work for more than a year).

One of the most popular trends in domestic humor today is the genre stand up comedy. Born in the UK in late XIX century. In the heyday of the Music Halls, in which performances with dancing, singing, comedy and drama took place, the conversational genre was inherent in the entertainer. They warmed up the audience before the start and filled in the gaps between performing artists. Then, going on stage, the entertainers joked, told funny stories, improvised with the guests, often asking them: “Please, stand up!”. At the beginning of the 20th century, the genre migrated to the United States.

For my long history the world stand-up has managed to undergo several metamorphoses and changed more than one generation of artists, and therefore it is very diverse, has many types and degrees of "legal" humor. Like any person who does not have a soul in his occupation, I have my favorite comedians, from whom I take an example, which inspire me and whom I send to my friends with comments "This is very funny!".

I suggest that you familiarize yourself with only a few of them, the most significant for me. For anyone with any interest in humor who is not familiar with Western stand-up, it will be helpful to see just how versatile humor can (and is). And let for an even number of them be ... 11.

So here are 11 stand-up comedians to watch.

George Carlin

Let's start with dad. George Carlin is one of the iconic
personalities in stand-up. He had a huge impact on the development of the genre, was and remains an idol for more than one generation of comedians. Known for his senile grumbling and a bunch of deep thoughts about everything in the world, seasoned with a strong American vocabulary. I never bothered to select soft wording in my attitude to any topic. Sharp remarks, black humor and monologues on taboo topics eventually led him to serious proceedings in a US court. Until his death in 2008, George Carlin performed on stage.

Louis C.K.

Gorgeous Louis C.K. - unbeatable

guru in matters of "family well-being".
He tells everything about his family! I know about his problems with ex-wife and two children, probably more than about his personal life. If you are planning to have a family and children, it is worth listening to Louis - you may change your mind. A great example of how tons of humor can be extracted from ordinary everyday situations.

In addition, he is a screenwriter, producer, director and main actor Very popular series"Louis".

Eddie Izzard

This is the man who discovered wonderful world stand-up for me personally. An extremely unusual stand-up comedian from England, who wears make-up, walks in heels and does not like the queen. His comedic style is a chaotic, eccentric monologue with a touch of absurdity, parodies and pantomimes. Izzard works in a “stream of consciousness” method, in which thoughts, sensations, and sudden associations constantly interrupt each other and intertwine in a bizarrely illogical way.

If you are a fan of all things strange, then this character is for you.

Sarah Millican

Since the second half of the 2000s - the most popular
female comedian
Great Britain. Combines the images of a modern city dweller, a nerd woman, a feminist and a classic English aunt. Like many other female comedians, he plays on a combination of charm with rather rude, physiological jokes. He interacts a lot with the audience.

Despite the rather harsh humor, Sarah is homerically funny. She is a very strong comedy writer, and her monologues are distinguished by a high density of textual jokes.

This guy from Boston for 2015 - early 2016 is the most popular American stand-up comedian. Bill Burr is a bunch of discontent, by his own description, he is "that loud guy in the bar." God forbid you fall under the distribution of his sharp tongue. Hear a lot of new and funny things about yourself. His comedy is distinguished by directness, frankness and politically incorrectness.

A prim stand-up comedian from the shores of foggy Albion

with a straight face, black humor and inhaled laughter. Known for his sharp jokes and offensive jokes. An impressive portion of "tin" is provided to you. Specializes in short jokes (one-liners) that are unrelated.

If you're fed up with good nature and you're sick of all that's right, watch Jimmy Carr. Want to know how to make a gay man make love to a woman? Watch Jimmy Carr! I can't write about it...

Dara O'Brien

Next up is a comedian from Ireland. Dara O'Brien!
Incredibly energetic and
a cheerful person, a great actor and improviser. According to his conversations with the audience, you can write textbooks on improv-comedy. Being a physicist by education, he talks a lot about “smart” and near-scientific topics. I had the pleasure of watching him perform live in Moscow.

I advise everyone who is not a supporter of harsh topics and offensive humor to watch.

This man is known to the Russian audience primarily as a comedian. However, in the US, this is one of the best stand-up comedians of all time (according to the TV channel Comedy Central). In his monologues, he most often touches on the topics of the relationship between men and women and the problems of the black population of the United States, which makes this very population incredibly happy.

Dave Attell

Old vulgar from New York.

A big fan of black and black humor.
Makes you blush, spit and cackle out loud at the same time. He looks like an unemployed man, with smoky lungs and problems with alcohol. However, it is very much in demand and popular in the USA (everything else is correct). The style of humor is similar to Jimmy Carr, but in fact it is completely different. In general, you need to look to understand. Just not with my mom...

First (in this list) representative

non-standard form of stand-up. In addition to being an actor, Tim is also a great musician with a great voice. He perfectly combines all this in his musical stand-up. Sings smart and funny songs about love for family, truth and peace. On his shows, Tim usually appears barefoot, with sticking hair, with heavily lined eyes, successfully combining this image with a starched shirt, tailcoat and a huge piano. Minchin describes his work as a "funny cabaret show".

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