Cool Italian names and surnames. Italian mafia: history of appearance, names and surnames


A bra is a fairly familiar element of the wardrobe for all women. Many girls wear it almost constantly and take it off only before going to bed. The bra helps to support the chest so that it does not sway when walking and active. But is it mandatory to wear it at home?

Today there is a huge selection of this kind of underwear: sports, gley, strappy and without, helping to increase the size of the chest, which makes it undoubtedly more attractive. Women and girls can no longer imagine their lives without it, and often the refusal to wear a bra leads to a very negative reaction from the society, which is sure that it is not aesthetically pleasing.

Perhaps this is just an outdated stereotype that is long overdue to be broken? Is it really comfortable, and is it necessary to wear a bra all the time? Today, when the number of breast diseases and, in particular, breast cancer has increased dramatically, this issue is very relevant. Let's try to understand all these issues.

Should I wear a bra at home?

There are different points of view on this matter. Someone is convinced that the constant wearing of a bra helps to maintain the shape of the breast, while others claim that it is very harmful and leads to various diseases. The opinion of doctors on this matter is rather contradictory.

Owners of a small and neat chest can do without it at all, but the owners magnificent forms You can't do without this part of your wardrobe. After all, a properly selected bra helps to reduce the load on the ligaments of the chest and back.

It is also quite difficult for lactating women to do without this part of the women's wardrobe. Today, there are special models for them, designed taking into account the fact that the breast should be in constant access and at the same time well supported. They are made only from natural and breathable fabrics.

Doctors recommend not wearing a bra for more than 12 hours and, of course, in no case should you sleep in it, especially during lactation, as the outflow of lymph is disturbed and this leads to a very unpleasant complication called mastitis. In lactating women, the chances of developing this disease are already great, and in this situation they increase tenfold.

Scientists from the USA are sure that women who use this element of the wardrobe even for no more than 12 hours are 10 times more at risk of developing breast cancer, they came to the conclusion that wearing a bra is not at all necessary and does not help the breast in any way, but rather hinders to her. They give a number of recommendations that will help women stay healthy and beautiful:

  1. Avoid sleeping in a bra without fail.
  2. Do not wear tight and lifting models, as they lead to stagnation of the lymph.
  3. It is worth giving preference to underwear made from natural materials. Greenhouse effect create models sewn from nylon.
  4. Strapless options injure the lymph nodes because their sides cut into the body due to the heavy load on them.

Domestic doctors are sure that properly selected underwear cannot cause a serious illness, but, on the contrary, will only protect the chest from traumatic injury. They are sure that episodic wearing it outside the home (at work, school, and so on) can in no way harm health.

How to choose the right bra?

  1. First you need to correctly determine the size, consultants in the lingerie store can help with this. It is also very easy to do it yourself at home, for this you need a centimeter tape.
  2. The cup should be comfortable and cover the chest completely, but in no case put pressure on it.
  3. The straps and belt should not cut into the body and hinder the movement of the chest. You should not experience breathing difficulties, if they arise, then, therefore, the size is chosen incorrectly and wearing such underwear, just the same, will lead to undesirable consequences.
  4. Overweight women should pay attention to models made of dense material with wide straps, this will help to keep large breasts.
  5. bras dark colors it is worth purchasing only from trusted manufacturers, since low-quality dye can be very dangerous to health.

It should be remembered that comfortable underwear does not leave marks and dents on the skin, does not cause inconvenience and discomfort, does not cause pain and does not hinder movement.

Whether or not to wear a bra should be decided by each woman herself, based on her feelings. It will not harm if you choose the right model, give your breasts a rest, do not wear it at home, if possible.

Following all the tips given above, the fair sex will be able to remain beautiful, and most importantly, healthy.

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Anna Gorodetskaya

Founder of panty subscription service and lingerie brand Trusbox. Loves underwear. He believes that it should please not only with beauty, but also with comfort, price and ease of storage.

A bra is a common thing. If you are a girl, he appears in your life as soon as your breasts grow. And that's it, you fall into lace slavery with bones for the next 50 plus years. Probably, you have often thought that wearing a bra is uncomfortable, ugly and tiring. But you comforted yourself with the fact that "it's customary" and "they still wear it." You suffer, but you continue to wear bras. Common situation?

Why do you even need to do something that causes such discomfort? We counted ten reasons not to wear a bra. Here they are.

1. Does not protect the breast from sagging

French scientists have proven Michelle Castillo. French Study Suggests Younger Women Should Stop Wearing Bras . that in fact, wearing a bra not only does not protect the breasts from heartless gravity, but can even do harm. pectoral muscles without regular exercise, they atrophy just like any other. And constant support from the outside deprives the chest of the necessary load.

2. Constrains and makes breathing difficult

If the bra is not fitted correctly, then it will squeeze chest, thereby making it difficult to breathe deeply (in every sense). If the straps and belt of the bra are crushing, rubbing or leaving red marks and dents, throw it away immediately.

3. Hurts

Owners of large breasts often experience pain in the shoulders and neck, which disappears when the bra is removed. Experiments have proven that when switching to a strapless bra or completely abandoning this wardrobe item, women stop experiencing pain. Down with suffering!

4. Hard to find, not easy to pick up

Choosing the right bra is a whole science. While chasing the perfect one, you can go to dozens of stores and still not find anything suitable. And then spend a few more hours online shopping, finally ordering ... and realizing that it does not fit. And it can't be exchanged or returned. Sadness.

5. Expensive

Underwear made from quality materials is expensive. No, EXPENSIVE. Why these expenses? It is better to buy tickets to the theater or.

6. Restricts in the choice of clothes

Have you ever had to ditch a plunging back dress or off-the-shoulder top because your underwear is showing through? Enough tolerating this! Just don't wear that damn bra! And if protruding nipples are embarrassing, you can seal them with special stickers or a soft patch.

7. Takes up closet space

Black, white, gray, beige, colored, silk and lace for a special occasion, cozy cotton for every day… This underwear disgrace has already captured a separate drawer and runs the risk of spreading into the territory of innocent panties. Well, I do not!

8. Ruins a romantic moment

By the way, about special occasions. Men hate fiddling with bra clasps. Spare both parties this unnecessary part of the perky foreplay. In addition, you will no longer need to frantically remember whether the lace monster matches the color of the panties.

9. Ruins things when washing

These malevolent hooks treacherously bite into everything they reach in time. Yes, you can wash bras separately in special bags. And you can just stop wearing it!

10. Infringes on rights

The bra is a relic of the patriarchal sanctimonious past, in which a woman was deprived of her corporality. Everyone has a chest. Why are we required to somehow additionally cover it with thick layers of foam rubber? It doesn't matter if she's big or small, young or old. It's just another part of the body. There is no shame in having it. And there is nothing terrible in the fact that others will see that it is there, no.

Believe me, if you stop wearing a bra, the world will not collapse. The planets will continue to revolve around the Sun, in September it will go out regularly. The main thing is that you feel comfortable, convenient and easy. And if a bra makes you uncomfortable, then there is none. real reason keep wearing it.

In the end, whether you have a bra on or not is only your own business.

Yesterday we watched one of the Fantozzi episodes ( Fantozzi ) - cult Italian comedy about the adventures of an engineer-loser. A spineless fool who endlessly gets into all sorts of stories, on which everyone drives, who has an ugly wife and a monkey daughter, a small apartment and a car - a stool, but who never ceases to love life. So. Once again I was amused by the names in the credits. Let me introduce you to Hugo Bologna and Leo Benvenuti ( Benvenuti means "welcome" in Italian.
The local TV in general often pleases with heroes and surnames. In the news we watch the reports of Alessio Zucchini, his colleagues Withsurname Bella Gamba (Beautiful Leg), as well as the brave reporter Rita Cavallo(Horse). One famous ambitious politician proudly wears family name Casini ( casino - a mess, a mess, a brothel), the other is Scythani. At the word " schifo » (Scythian) 2 meanings, and both of dubious pleasantness - "disgusting" and "choosy" ...

Nepeypivo, Dobrobaba, Kill-Wolf, Negodyaeva, Porosyuchko, Zhopikov and Grave ... All of these wonderful people in Italy there are thousands of brothers and sisters by fate!

Let me divide them, so to speak, thematically.

Let's start with a wide range "edible" surnames: Pomodoro ( Pomodoro ), Fagioli ( Fagioli - beans), Piselli ( Pisell - green pea), Karota ( Carota - carrots), Cipolla ( Cipolla - onion) ... All vitamins in the collection. You can also meet Polpetta ( Polpetta - meatball) and Saltaformaggio (Saltaformaggio - jumping cheese).

Or, for example, Finocchio. Translation at first glance is simple and harmless - "fennel". But this is the same word in slang for gays, so for most Italian men last name is unattractive.

Let's go to the meat aisle, please. It is known about the existence of the owner of the name Vera (Vera - true, real) with the surname Vacca (Vacca - cow, beef). As you can see, the phrase turns out to be very elegant ... By the way, Vacca is a rather popular surname in Italy, especially in Sardinia.

Italian "animals" surnames: Papagallo ( Papagallo - parrot), Pecora ( Pecora - sheep), Mayale ( Maiale - pig, hog), Pesce ( Pesce - fish), Gattoni ( Gattoni - cats). Several families with the surname Anitra (Anitra - duck) live in Sicily. This is only a small part, sorry, the zoo.

characterizing: Bella ( Bella - beautiful), Caradonna ( caradonna - dear woman), Peloso ( Peloso - hairy, hairy), Gambarotta ( Gambarotta - broken leg), Boncristiani ( Boncristiani - good Christians), Bonmarito (Bonmarito - a good husband).

Measuring fantasy: Diechidue ( Diecidue - ten two), Chinquemani ( Cinquemani - five hands) Quattrocs (Quattrochi - four eyes)…

Sensual-physiological: Thatta ( Tetta - breast), Orgasmo (everything is clear here), Kokkolone ( Coccolone - something like the most delicate), Sanguedolce (S anguedolce - sweet blood), Pompino ( Pompino ) - hmm .. you can find the translation on the Internet ... There, of course, a particularly difficult case ... Although, maybe the surname helps on the contrary! Personal life, for example, to arrange.

Let's move on to famous surnames: the namesakes of Shakespeare and Balzac, Bush, Reagan and Marx, Hemingway, Einstein and other world famous greats live on the Apennine land ...

There are Italians whose names are the same as gnomes from Snow White:

DOTTO- Egghead (quite a lot, almost everyone lives in Veneto),
GONGOLO- Veselchak (count on fingers)
PISOLO - Sleepy (also units)
CUCCIOLO - Kid (and it's time for them to go to the Green Book).

Photo source

There are even people with surnames - cursing: Bastardo (translated as "illegitimate", as well as another - a bad word). Tamarro (moor, village). Dozens of citizens and citizens by last name Zoccola (lung girl behavior) can be found in Campania, Piedmont and on the coast of Liguria.

just funny: Portfolio (P orthofoglio - wallet), Gratis ( Gratis - free of charge), Spazzolini ( Spazzolini - brushes), Basta ( Basta - enough), Manjapane ( Mangiapane - "bread eater" in our opinion).
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In Italy, as in Russia, there is a law that allows you to change surnames. But only exceptionally funny or offensive origin. So perhaps one day some of these colorful surnames will remain only in the annals of history...

By the way, Luca Spaghetti, about whom it is written in the book "Eat, Pray, Love", may well not be a fictional character, but a real man...

here in a couple of seconds you can find out about the presence of owners of any Italian surname in the country and popularity; where the most numerous flocks of "blackbirds" (Merlo) huddle, where the most "blessed" (Benedetto) lives, and where the "well-lived" (Bonvissuto) lives.

Montemurro was found most of all in Apulia (where the husband is from), Calabria, Campania and in the north - in Lombardy and Piedmont.

By the way, if you believe the information from this site, there are no more descendants of Shakespeare's Capulets in Italy. But the Montagues are all over the country in darkness.

To whom it is not enough, here is a list of funny Italian surnames from Anna Chertkova.

And a few more interesting facts on the topic of.

Auto RU famous paintings The Birth of Venus and The Adoration of the Magi Botticelli this nickname came from his older brother, a usurer, whom everyone called " il Botticello "(barrel).

10 most common italian surnames(taken):

Rossi. In Russian it would sound like "red", but could also mean a person with a pronounced reddish skin tone. In the southern regions of Italy, there is a variant of Russo.

Bianchi. By analogy with the previous surname, this one translates as "white" and denotes a fair-haired and / or fair-skinned person.

Ricci - "curly". The nicknames Ricci, Rizzi, Rizzo were given to fellow citizens with curly hair.

Marino. The surname comes from the Latin "marinus", i.e. "maritime, from the sea." So called people whose occupation or place of residence were connected with the sea. In addition, the surname Marino was often given to aliens sailing on ships.

Moretti. A word of Hebrew-Italian origin, denoting a dark-skinned or dark-haired person. Most often, this was how the Arabs who arrived from North Africa or Mauritius. Surnames-synonyms: Moriyadi (Moriyadi) and Morritt (Morritt).

Bruno or Bruni means "brown". As a rule, people with brown skin and / or hair, as well as those who wore brown clothes, were called so.

Esposito - a "free" surname given to abandoned children. Derived from the Latin "exponere" - "to throw out, toss."

Colombo - "pigeon". Most likely, the ancestor of the modern bearer of this surname kept a dovecote.

Ferrari (Ferrari). Surname of hereditary blacksmiths who worked with iron. Surname variants: Ferraro and Ferari.

Romano (Romano). The general version points to Roman origin kind. An alternative description links the surname to Gypsies.

In the meantime, it was surprising to learn that Madonna is indeed a traditional Italian name, which in the old days was quite common. But that, friends, is another story...)

Every person born into the world is given a name. The surname is more of a family name. In Italians, this concept is denoted by the word - cognome (konyome), translated as "what goes next to the name." Something similar to the surname existed in Ancient Rome, where citizens were addressed by a triple name.

For example: the name Ronald Julius Demiron meant that a person was named "Ronald", his family originates from an ancestor who bore the name "Julius", and "Demeron" is a characteristic received from society, which, by the way, could change throughout life. Famous personalities could have had more names.

In the Middle Ages, it became customary to refer to a person by the name given in the rite of baptism. The surnames that are now found in Italy became widespread around the 14th century, when there was a sharp need to distinguish people with the same names (of which there were a lot by that time). The first surnames appeared in Venice, they were given only to people from a noble family. In 1564, the city council of Trento approved the form of entry in the parish register (first name + surname).

Families First

The owners of the brightest and most temperamental nation - Italians, have equally interesting and unique surnames. Most Italian surnames end with the letter "I", and all because this nation has an amazing habit of designating the family, the name of the ancestors, in the plural. For example: Diego gli Formento would be called "messer Diego degli Formenti", i.e. Diego from the Formento family.

Surnames among Italians were never used in singular even if it was just one person.

These surname endings were characteristic of certain areas of Italy:

  • Venice: -asso, -ato and consonants (l, n, r): Bissacco, Marcato, Cavinato, Brombal, Benetton, Meneghin, Vazzoler;
  • Sicily: -alaro and -isi: Gavaoro, Luglisi;
  • Lombardy: -ago/ghi and -ate/ati: Monomiraghi, Monati;
  • Friuli: -otti/utti and -t: Rambolotti, Balcutti, Rigonat;
  • Tuscany: -ai and -aci/ecci/ucci: Bollai, Codducci;
  • Sardinia: -u and -as: Schirru, Sarras;
  • Piedmont: -ero, -audi, -asco, -zzi: Ferrero, Rambaudi, Rumaco, Ronazzi;
  • Calabria: -ace: Storace.

In Italy, the names of two ancestors could be written as one.

In most cases, italian surnames formed from a human deposit. For example: Leonardo da Vinci was from the city of Vinci, which is located in eastern Tuscany. Also, many surnames originated from personal names, and the dictionary of Italian surnames indicates that many took the baptismal name as the basis of the surname.

Many Italian surnames take their names from the names of flowers and trees, for example: Foresta - forest, Uva - grapes, Grano - grain. Some surnames were assigned by status, for example: Giudice (judge), Medici (doctors), Cardinali (cardinals). And some of the surnames took their name from animals: Catto - a cat, Leoni - lions, Lupi - wolves, Cavalli - horses.

Beautiful Italian surnames

Italian surnames sound like music. The passion of sun-drenched Tuscany and the heat of Sicily, the languid whisper of palm trees in Sardinia are intertwined in them. Degasperi, Manfioletti, Bressanini, Albertini, Povoli, Leonardi, Sartori, Larentis, Bernardi, Mattevi, Avancini, Colombini, Franceschini, Dorigoni, Christelli, Tonini, Martinelli, Molinari, Niccolini, Coelli, Gardami, Righetti, Andreota, Berlusconi, Viccetzo, Napolitano, Sforza, Borgia, Mancini, Mazarini, Antonell, Giuliani, Carrera, Viardo, Cavalli, Orsini, Rinaldi, Fabretti, Conti, Rossellini, Corleone - the list is endless.

And even the translation is not so important, because these surnames are beautiful in themselves. By the way, the division into primordially feminine and primordially male surnames there is no. All surnames, which confirms the dictionary of Italian surnames, equally apply to both ardent Italians and charming Italians.

funny last names

We can judge the funnyness of surnames only by translation. However, to the Italians themselves, what may seem funny or unusual people with the Slavic mentality, it will not seem strange. For example, Squarcialupi: "Squarciare" is translated as "to skin off", and with particular cruelty, and "Lupi" - wolves.

Pelaratti (Pelaratti) - rats. Saltaformaggio - "jumping cheese". Rousseau - Russian, Colombo - dove. Marino - marine, Bruno - dark.

Popular Italian surnames

The dictionary of Italian surnames provides a huge list of common generic names, which anyone can get acquainted with. Italy gave the world many great names, whose bearers glorified their country and made their surnames popular far beyond its borders.

Here are just a few of them:

  • Adriano Celentano - composer, actor and director;
  • Amerigo Vespucci - traveler, scientist and discoverer;
  • Antonio Vivaldi - the most virtuoso violinist;
  • Valentino Garavani - designer and fashion designer, founder famous brand"Valentino";
  • Galileo Galilei - physicist, mathematician and philosopher;
  • Guglielmo Marconi is an entrepreneur and inventor. The Russian scientist Popov and the Italian Marconi are considered the inventors of the radio;
  • Antonio Stradivari - famous master who made violins, guitars and cellos;
  • Gianni Versace - fashion designer, designer, founder of the Versace brand;
  • Gina (Luigin) Lollobrigida - famous actress;
  • Isabella Rossellini - model, actress;
  • Carla Bruni - model, singer. Wife former president France Nicolas Sarkozy;
  • Claudia Cardinale - actress;
  • Leonardo da Vinci - inventor, artist, sculptor. A man who was ahead of his time and left countless mysteries to posterity.

Yesterday we watched one of the Fantozzi episodes ( Fantozzi ) - a cult Italian comedy about the adventures of a failed engineer. A spineless fool who endlessly gets into all sorts of stories, on which everyone drives, who has an ugly wife and a monkey daughter, a small apartment and a car - a stool, but who never ceases to love life. So. Once again I was amused by the names in the credits. Let me introduce you to Hugo Bologna and Leo Benvenuti ( Benvenuti means "welcome" in Italian.
The local TV in general often pleases with heroes and surnames. In the news we watch the reports of Alessio Zucchini, his colleagues Withsurname Bella Gamba(Beautiful Leg), as well as the brave reporter Rita Cavallo(Horse). One well-known ambitious politician proudly bears the family name Casini ( casino - a mess, a mess, a brothel), the other is Scythani. At the word " schifo » (Scythian) 2 meanings, and both of dubious pleasantness - "disgusting" and "choosy" ...

Nepeypivo, Dobrobaba, Kill-Wolf, Negodyaeva, Porosyuchko, Zhopikov and Grave... All these wonderful people in Italy have thousands of brothers and sisters by fate!

Let me divide them, so to speak, thematically.

Let's start with a wide range "edible" surnames: Pomodoro ( Pomodoro ), Fagioli ( Fagioli - beans), Piselli ( Pisell - green peas), Karota ( Carota - carrots), Cipolla ( Cipolla - onion) ... All vitamins in the collection. You can also meet Polpetta ( Polpetta - meatball) and Saltaformaggio (Saltaformaggio - jumping cheese).

Or, for example, Finocchio. Translation at first glance is simple and harmless - "fennel". But gays are called the same word in slang, so for most Italian men the surname is unattractive.

Let's go to the meat aisle, please. It is known about the existence of the owner of the name Vera (Vera - true, real) with the surname Vacca (Vacca - cow, beef). As you can see, the phrase turns out to be very elegant ... By the way, Vacca is a rather popular surname in Italy, especially in Sardinia.

Italian "animals" surnames: Papagallo ( Papagallo - parrot), Pecora ( Pecora - sheep), Mayale ( Maiale - pig, hog), Pesce ( Pesce - fish), Gattoni ( Gattoni - cats). Several families with the surname Anitra (Anitra - duck) live in Sicily. This is only a small part, sorry, the zoo.

characterizing: Bella ( Bella - beautiful), Caradonna ( caradonna - dear woman), Peloso ( Peloso - hairy, hairy), Gambarotta ( Gambarotta - broken leg), Boncristiani ( Boncristiani - good Christians), Bonmarito (Bonmarito - a good husband).

Measuring fantasy: Diechidue ( Diecidue - ten two), Chinquemani ( Cinquemani - five hands) Quattrocs (Quattrochi - four eyes)…

Sensual-physiological: Thatta ( Tetta - breast), Orgasmo (everything is clear here), Kokkolone ( Coccolone - something like the most delicate), Sanguedolce (S anguedolce - sweet blood), Pompino ( Pompino ) - hmm .. you can find the translation on the Internet ... There, of course, a particularly difficult case ... Although, maybe the surname helps on the contrary! Personal life, for example, to arrange.

Let's move on to famous surnames: the namesakes of Shakespeare and Balzac, Bush, Reagan and Marx, Hemingway, Einstein and other world famous greats live on the Apennine land ...

There are Italians whose names are the same as gnomes from Snow White:

DOTTO- Egghead (quite a lot, almost everyone lives in Veneto),
GONGOLO- Veselchak (count on fingers)
PISOLO - Sleepy (also units)
CUCCIOLO - Kid (and it's time for them to go to the Green Book).

Photo source

There are even people with surnames - cursing: Bastardo (translated as "illegitimate", as well as another - a bad word). Tamarro (moor, village). Dozens of citizens and citizens by last name Zoccola (girl of easy virtue) can be found in Campania, Piedmont and on the coast of Liguria.

just funny: Portfolio (P orthofoglio - wallet), Gratis ( Gratis - free of charge), Spazzolini ( Spazzolini - brushes), Basta ( Basta - enough), Manjapane ( Mangiapane - "bread eater" in our opinion).
........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ...........

In Italy, as in Russia, there is a law that allows you to change surnames. But only exceptionally funny or offensive origin. So perhaps one day some of these colorful surnames will remain only in the annals of history...

By the way, Luca Spaghetti, about whom it is written in the book "Eat, Pray, Love", It may well be not a fictional character, but a real person ...

here in a couple of seconds you can find out about the presence of owners of any Italian surname in the country and popularity; where the most numerous flocks of "blackbirds" (Merlo) huddle, where the most "blessed" (Benedetto) lives, and where the "well-lived" (Bonvissuto) lives.

Montemurro was found most of all in Apulia (where the husband is from), Calabria, Campania and in the north - in Lombardy and Piedmont.

By the way, if you believe the information from this site, there are no more descendants of Shakespeare's Capulets in Italy. But the Montagues are all over the country in darkness.

To whom it is not enough, here is a list of funny Italian surnames from Anna Chertkova.

And some more interesting facts on the topic.

The author of the famous paintings "The Birth of Venus" and "The Adoration of the Magi" Botticelli this nickname came from his older brother, a usurer, whom everyone called " il Botticello "(barrel).

10 most common italian surnames(taken):

Rossi. In Russian it would sound like "red", but could also mean a person with a pronounced reddish skin tone. In the southern regions of Italy, there is a variant of Russo.

Bianchi. By analogy with the previous surname, this one translates as "white" and denotes a fair-haired and / or fair-skinned person.

Ricci - "curly". The nicknames Ricci, Rizzi, Rizzo were given to fellow citizens with curly hair.

Marino. The surname comes from the Latin "marinus", i.e. "maritime, from the sea." So called people whose occupation or place of residence were connected with the sea. In addition, the surname Marino was often given to aliens sailing on ships.

Moretti. A word of Hebrew-Italian origin, denoting a dark-skinned or dark-haired person. Most often, Arabs who arrived from North Africa or the island of Mauritius were described in this way. Surnames-synonyms: Moriyadi (Moriyadi) and Morritt (Morritt).

Bruno or Bruni means "brown". As a rule, people with brown skin and / or hair, as well as those who wore brown clothes, were called so.

Esposito - a "free" surname given to abandoned children. Derived from the Latin "exponere" - "to throw out, toss."

Colombo - "pigeon". Most likely, the ancestor of the modern bearer of this surname kept a dovecote.

Ferrari (Ferrari). Surname of hereditary blacksmiths who worked with iron. Surname variants: Ferraro and Ferari.

Romano (Romano). The general version indicates the Roman origin of the genus. An alternative description links the surname to Gypsies.

In the meantime, it was surprising to learn that Madonna is indeed a traditional Italian name, which in the old days was quite common. But that, friends, is another story...)

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