Famous Italian names. What are the names of Italian men


Most modern Italian names are of Roman origin. The most ancient are found in myths. For example, the name "Elena", which means "radiant", wore beautiful daughter Zeus, the unwitting culprit of the beginning Trojan War. Some names in Ancient Rome were nothing more than nicknames, but gradually lost their original meaning. For example, Flavio Latin translates as "blonde". Often foreigners were given nicknames denoting the name of the area from which they came. So, for example, the name Luke appeared, i.e. a native of Lucania, as Basilicata used to be called.

Especially big number nominal forms was formed from the names of Catholic saints. It is noteworthy that even in the Middle Ages, before surnames came into use, the variety of names was much greater. For example, there were Germanic names, borrowed from the Lombards, are now extremely rare or have been transformed into surnames. The spellings of the same name may differ from region to region, depending on the characteristics of the local dialect. So, in Veneto and Emilia-Romagna, it was customary to replace the letters "G" and "X" with "Z": Zanfrancesco.

In addition, in the old days no liberties were allowed in determining the name of a born child. The first-born boy received the name of his grandfather on the paternal side, the second son - on the maternal side, the third - the name of the father, the fourth - the name of the great-grandfather on the father's side. The first-born girl received the name of her paternal grandmother, the second daughter - on her mother's side, the third - the name of her mother, the fourth - the name of her great-grandmother on her father's side. Subsequent children were named after cousins ​​and second cousins ​​grandparents. There were also nuances: if the first son received the name not of his paternal grandfather, but of the patron saint of his village, the second had to be named after his father; also "out of turn" the name of the father was given to the boy if he died before the birth of the child. In many Italian families, this strict naming system is still adopted today.

Male names

Most male Italian names were formed from Latin prototypes by replacing the common ending -us with -o (less often -a or -e). There are also forms with diminutive suffixes that end in -ino, -etto, -ello, -iano.

According to statistics collected a few years ago (2008), boys in Italy are most often called by the names of Francesco (3.5%), Alessandro (3.2%), Andrea (2.9%), Matteo (2.9%) , Lorenzo (2.6%), Gabriele (2.4%), Mattia (2.2%), Riccardo (2%), Davide (1.9%), Luca (1.8%). It is worth noting that this list is very different from what could be seen half a century ago, then Giuseppe, Giovanni and Antonio were in the top three.

Women's names

Most male names have female form, changing the ending -o to -a. The names of saints are very popular, as well as variants with the endings -ella, -etta, -ina.

The most common female given names today are Julia (3.5%), Sofia (3.2%), Martina (2.6%), Sarah (2.6%), Chiara (2.3%), Georgia ( 2.1%), Aurora (1.8%), Alessia (1.8%), Francesca (1.6%), Alice (1.6%). In the middle of the last century, most often girls were called Maria, Anna and Giuseppina.

In general, if you take a list of the thirty most popular names in Italy, then their owners will be 50% of men and 45% of women.

Rare and old names

As already mentioned, in the past, very often the name of the child was given in honor of a saint. But even then, many of them were very unusual and rare: Castenze, Calchedonio, Baltassare, Cipriano, Egidio. The use of such names was limited to the area where these saints were well known and revered. But non-religious names during the time of Christianity might not appear at all in civil records: often it was replaced by the closest sounding Christian counterpart or not indicated at all.

During the conquests of the Franks, Normans and Lombards, such Italianized options appeared as Arduino, Ruggiero, Grimaldo, Theobaldo. Before the rise of the Inquisition, Jewish and Arabic names but later disappeared almost completely.

Among Christian names, the majority are Roman-Latin, but there are also Greek ones: Ippolito, Sofia. Some Orthodox variants were Latinized and accepted in the Catholic society: Yuri turned into Yorio, Nikola into Nikolo.

Another category of names that have disappeared are those that have been superseded by a more modern version. For example, today the name Luisa, which is of Spanish origin, is quite widely used, while the Italian original sounds like Luigia.

Some novice researchers confuse some very similar names with Italian names. For example, the name Donna is not an Italian name at all. Rather, such a word exists in Italian, but is widely used exclusively as a designation for a woman. But Madonna is a traditional Italian name, which was quite common in the old days.

In the Middle Ages, the Piedmonese and Sicilian dialects had a great influence on the territory of the country, which brought with them a considerable number of names specific to themselves. They lost popularity and disappeared when the Tuscan dialect was recognized as the state language. Thus, immediately large group the names that prevailed in the 16th century were completely forgotten in the 18th century. Surprisingly, part of this group was revived in the last century, when there was a surge of interest in them among the bourgeois class that arose at that time.

Finding the roots of rare old names today is quite difficult. Most of the records have been lost, and scientists prefer to focus on the records of the southern regions, as the most complete and reliable. This is how the origin of the names Milvia and Milvio was determined, which was common in the Albanian communities in the south and in Rome. They appeared after the victory of Constantine on the Milvian bridge (Ponte Milvio).

Enough interesting class medieval names are derived from a common name, formed with the help of suffixes. Often this was done with the names of children named after older relatives, in order to simultaneously indicate both kinship and individuality. From Antonio came Antonello and Antonino, as well as Antonella and Antonina, from Katerina - Katrinella, from Margarita - Margaritella, from Giovanni and Giovanna - Giovanello, Giovanella, Ianella and Gianella.

Barbaro is the masculine form of the name Barbara, and Barbriano comes from the male version. The names Mintsiko and Masullo also came from the female Mintsika and Misulla. Geronimo is an obsolete variant of the name Gerolamo. And the name Cola is nothing more than an abbreviation for Nikola, like Toro, which has nothing to do with bulls (toro), but only represents short form from Salvatore. Bastiano is a shortened form of the name Sebastiano. Miniko, Minika, Minikello and Minikella are derived from the earlier common names Domenico and Domenica.

Several names are derived from the titles of their masters. For example, Marquise, Tessa (from contessa - countess), Regina (queen). In fact, the name Regina does not refer to belonging to the royal family, but refers to Mary - the mother of Christ. From Mary came the forms Mariella and Mariuccia.

The names of the saints were not always of ancient origin. In old records, you can find options such as the Providence (Providenza - providence), Felicia (Felicia - well-being), Dea (Dea - goddess), Potency (Potenzia - power), Virgin and Virgin (Vergine / Virgin - chastity), Madonna, Santa (saint), Bellissima (beauty), Venus, Boniface and Benefacha, Doniza (bestowed), Violanti (fury), Mercurio and the name of obscure origin Shumi (Xhumi).

The female names Orestina, Furella, Fiuri, Ferencina, Cumonau and Doniz were unusual even for the 16th century, as were the male names Valli, Zalli, Gagliotto, Manto, Vespristiano and Angiolino.


At a speech in early January, Papa Benedict XVI urged Italians, when choosing a name for a child, to be guided by the lists of Christian martyrs, abandoning bizarre inventions and anglicisms, the growth spurt of which has been noted since the eighties. The increase in the number of originally non-Italian names is explained by the large influx of foreigners with their own cultural traditions.

In addition, modern parents gravitate toward shorter and shorter sonorous names. The tradition spread several generations ago to give children compound names (Giampiero, Pierpaolo) is gradually becoming a thing of the past. Some names disappear because the owners themselves refuse them. The judicial authorities allow such a procedure for carriers of funny, offensive or discriminatory names.

Every few years there is a surge in the popularity of a particular name. For example, at the beginning of the last century, 900 girls in a short time were named Fedora in honor of the heroine of the opera by Umberto Giordano. In the second half of the century, various ideological derivatives became fashionable: Libero (Libero - free), Selvaggia (Selvaggia - rebel). And in last years many parents when choosing a name often call their children the names of sports idols and movie stars.

According to theoretical estimates, in Italy there are a little more than seventeen thousand names, but this number is conditional, since in reality parents can name a child by any name, both already existing and invented there on their own.

Legislative restrictions

Despite the rather strict traditions, modern Italians sometimes come to the decision to name their child a foreign or just an unusual name. However, not every option can be approved by the registration authorities, the court reserves the right to ban if, in its opinion, the name may limit the social interaction of the child or put him at risk in Everyday life.

So, in 2008, a couple of Italians were forbidden to name their son Friday (Venerdì) by analogy with the character of the novel Robinson Crusoe. But progressive parents are not going to give up and threaten to name their next offspring Wednesday.

The secrets associated with the meaning and origin of names at all times excited the minds of the inhabitants. Italian male names reflect the essence of this hot, passionate people. In general, the names are very beautiful.

The meanings after translation into Russian confirm the sincere impulse of the soul, courage and the boiling blood of Italian men.

Had a great influence Catholic Church on the souls of people. named after saints many babies.

Open the veil of secrecy and find out what the names mean famous football player Mario Balotelli, the genius of Leonardo da Vinci and other famous sons of sunny Italy.

List of Italian male names

"Brave lion", "seductive", "sparkling", "God's spear", "Easter child" - these are meanings translated into Russian. What do the Italian versions sound like?

Name in Russian Name in English Meaning of the name Name origin
Form of the name Abel, Jewish
noble warrior
Spanish form from Adolf
Rich or from the Adriatic coast
From a Roman nickname
noble brilliance
Old German or Latin
Defender of Humanity
Defender of Humanity
Ready and noble
Loving God
Italian form from Latin Amadeus
man, warrior
Greek, Italian
Messenger, angel
Greek, form from Angelii
Opposing or flower
Ancient Roman or Greek
Eagle Power
Italian form from Ronald
Hardy, brave man
Spanish form of Herman
King's Protector
Ancient Greek transcription of two Old Testament names
Wise ruler
Old Germanic
BernardoBernardoLike a bear
Italian or Spanish
ValentinoValentino Strong, healthy Italian
VincenteVincentconqueror, conquerorlatin
VitaleVitaleLife, from lifelatin
VittorioVictor Winner Italian
GasparoGasparoTreasure the bearerArmenian
GuerinoGuerin Protecting Italian
GuidoGuidoForestOld Germanic
DarioDarioRich, owning manyItalian form from Darius
dinodinoBeliever, senior priestEnglish or Persian
GeronimoGeronimo holy name 1.Italian form from Jerome. 2. On behalf of the leader of the Indian tribe
GiovanniJohnPardoned by Godancient jewish
GiuseppeGuiseppeGod multiplyHebrew form of the name John
GenarroGerardoJanuary Italian form from English John
GianniGianniGod is kindItalian
GinoGinoLittle farmer, immortalItalian
GiulianoGiulianoWith a soft beard, reference to youthItalian
DorianoDorienoFrom the Doric tribeItalian
GianluigiZhanluiji famous warrior, God is good Italian form from Lewis
GianlucaGianlucaFrom Lucanius, God is goodItalian
Good man and godItalian
Originally from ItalyItalian
The keeperancient roman
The most beautifulancient roman
Known for destroying Hispanic
Honest, brave adviserOld Germanic
Follower of Christ Portuguese
BraveOld Germanic
Reigning gloriouslySlavic
Brave strong lion Old Germanic
From LaurentumItalian
LukeLuceLightancient greek
LuigiLuigifamous warriorItalian
MarcoMarco Warlike latin
ManfredoManfredoworld of the strongGermanic
MarioMarioCourageousForm of the name Maria
MartinoMartinofrom marsancient roman
MarcelloMarcelloWarlikePortuguese form of Mars or Marcus
MaurizioMaurizioMoor, blackItalian form from Mauritius
ManlioMenlayo Morning Italian
NazarioNazarioFrom Nazarethancient jewish
NikolaNicolaWinner of the PeopleGreek
OrsinoOrsino bear like Italian
OscarOscarGod's SpearScandinavian or Old Germanic
OrlandoOrlandoknown landCatholic form of the name Ronald
OttavioOttavio Eighth Spanish form from Octavian
PaoloPaoloSmallItalian form from Pavel
PatrizioPatrizioNoblemanancient roman
ProsperoProspero successful, fortunate Spanish
PellegrinoPellegrinoWanderer, travelerancient roman
RiccardoRiccardoBrave, strongItalian form by Richard
RuggieroRuggeriofamous spearItalian
SandroSandro Defender of Humanity Italian
SilvestroSilvestriForestancient roman
CecilioCecilioBlindancient roman
SilvioSilvioForestFrom Latin Silvius
TeofiloTeofilo Friend of God ancient greek
TeodoroTeodoroGift of Godancient greek
UbertoUbertoSpirit, bright heartSpanish
HugoHugoSpirit, mind, heartSpanish, Portuguese
FabioFabio Seductive Italian
FlavioFlavio Yellow flower ancient roman
floerinoFloerinoFlowerancient roman
FrancoFranco Free Italian
FredofredoWorld of GodOld Germanic
FernandoFernandoCourageous, brave, protects the worldOld Germanic
FrancescoFrancisFreeItalian form from Francis (fr.)
HironomoHironimoholy nameancient greek
CesareCaesar Hairy Roman. Italian form from Caesar
EmanueleEmanueleGod is with usJewish. From Biblical Immanuel
EnnioEnnioChosen by GodItalian
EnriqueEnrique housekeeper Spanish. Variant of the name Heinrich
ErnestoErnestoFight deathSpanish
well born

Interesting facts about Italian male names

In Italy, heated arguments often flare up between parents and numerous relatives: in honor of whom to name the born baby. Everyone defends his own version and believes that he is right.

Are there traditions associated with addressing men in Italy? Does fashion influence the choice of a name for a boy?

Do you know that:

  • in the Middle Ages children often named after saints. Now this tradition is preserved in the villages. Inhabitants major cities adhere to it less and less;
  • most modern Italian names have a Latin basis. The ending -e or -o replaced the Latin -us. The transformation was facilitated by the suffixes -ello, -ino, -iano;
  • during the Roman Empire there was an unusual tradition. The families were big. To avoid confusion, only four older boys were given names. The rest of the sons were called ordinal numbers, for example: Sextus - the sixth. Gradually, the original meaning was lost. Quint - does not always mean "fifth in a row";
  • many young families name their children after famous people, show business and movie stars. In Italy, athletes are treated with great respect. The football craze led to the mass registration of new Paolo, Fabio, Fernando and Mario;
  • in XXII - XIX centuries most popular names were Giuseppe and Leonardo. Modern parents often called sons by the names of Fernando and Mario;
  • there are creative parents who want to call their newborn an absurd or funny name in all countries. In Italy, eccentricities are fought at the legislative level. State authorities have the right to refuse parents to register an infant if the chosen name will bring suffering to the child in the future;
  • fashion has not bypassed men's names. Previously, among the Italians there were many citizens who were addressed by Bartolomeo, Pierpaolo, Michelangelo. Shorter, more severe appeals are now popular.: Antonio, Pietro, Mario, Fabio.

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Italian names

Italian male names and their meaning

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Italian names. Italian male names and their meaning


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Coming up with a name for a newborn girl seems simple until you come across it yourself. Most easy way- this is named after the saint who owns the day when the baby was born, but in Italy they went further and can christen their children as Friday, Sunday, Tuesday. Naturally, when translated into Russian, the girl's Italian name may look funny, but in the language itself, Friday will sound like Venerdi, and Sunday - Domenica. Who has not dreamed of such beautiful Italian names? So, jokes aside, because it will be even more fun.

Funny Italian female names

An even more interesting way for Italians to name girls is by numeral. This custom came from the time when families had many children and named newborns in order of birth: Seventh, First, Eighth, Fifth. In Italian, these names also sound beautiful: Settima, Prima, Ottavina, Quinta. Just do not confuse the numerals and serial numbers in Italian: the number three in translation into Russian is “tre”, and the numeral “third” is Terzo. Agree, what is not a name for a child?

Now it’s clear where such beautiful Italian female names. One thing is strange, why do they like ordinary numbers so much? It is difficult for a Russian person to understand this, because such a custom has not taken root in our country, and they don’t run around the streets: First, Third and even Seventh. How much you need to love your language in order to see poetry in the word “eighth” and admire it so much that you name your daughter in honor of this word, and she, in turn, is proud of such a name and does not cry over her passport at night.

We would like to remind you that boys in Italy are given the same names, but with a different ending, so that you do not think that only women have overtaken the ordinal name. italian names.

Italian female names and family traditions

Previously, strict rules were followed for the name of the child, and this mainly concerned the ancestors: the children of the first-born were named after their grandparents, and the rest - after their great-grandmothers and the names of their uncle and aunt. In this custom, one can see a reverent attitude and reverence for family ties in Italy.

If we take a closer look at this family custom, then the daughter who was born first will bear the name of the father's mother. The second, respectively, mother's mother. The third daughter was named after her mother, and the fourth - after her father's grandmother. The fifth newborn will be named after an aunt or great aunt.

Moreover, in Russia they try not to name a newborn in honor of a recently deceased relative, but in Italy they treat this differently and the baby can be called as a recently deceased member of the family.

Influence of other countries and religion on name formation in Italy

On this moment there is a growing fashion for foreign names for girls and boys, and do not forget about the tradition of naming the saint on whose day the child was born. The Roman Catholic Church brought Roman origins to the list of Italian children's names.

The most popular female names in Italy: Domenica ( Domenica), Giulia (Giulia), Alessia (Alessia), Chiara (Chiara, in our Sveta), Francesca (Francesca), Sarah (Sara), Federica (Federica), Silvia (Silvia), Martina (Martina), Elisa (Elisa) . Affectionate diminutive derivatives of such names approximately sound like this: Ellie, Lesya, Fede, Frani, Julli.

More information about the culture of Italy in the article about the national anthem:

Your passion for Italy is not accidental? Are you planning a move? Then information about work for Russians in Italy that will be useful to you.

The meaning of Italian female names

The translation of names carries the unimaginable poetry and beauty of the Italian language. Let's say Dominica got her name from the day of the week "Sunday", which means "belonging to God." Felice means Happy and Perla means Pearl. Immacolata in translation into Russian means Flawless, Angela - Angel, Selvaggia - Wild. Reading this list of Italian female names, you involuntarily begin to envy their diversity, this is not 20 newborns per day in one maternity hospital named Nastya. These Italians are entertainers, I must admit!

List of Italian female names and their meaning in Russian

  • Agostina - venerable
  • Agatha is good
  • Adeline - noble
  • Agnes - saint, chastity
  • Alessandra - protector of mankind
  • Allegra - cheerful and lively
  • Albertina - bright nobility
  • Alda - noble
  • Annette - benefit, grace
  • Beatrice is a traveler
  • Bettina - blessed
  • Bella - God is beautiful
  • Beaty is a traveler
  • Brigid - Exalted
  • Bianca - white
  • Violetta - purple flower
  • Velia - hidden
  • Vittoria - conqueror, victory
  • Wanda - moving, wanderer
  • Vincenza - conquered
  • Vitalia - life
  • Gabriela - strong from God
  • grace is pleasant
  • Deborah the bee
  • Gemma is a gem
  • Giovanna - Good God
  • Gioconda - happy
  • Georgina - peasant woman
  • Gisella is a hostage
  • Giacinta - hyacinth flower
  • Jolanda - purple flower
  • Juliet is a young girl
  • Domenica - belongs to God
  • Donatella - given by God
  • Dorothea is a gift from God
  • Danila - God is my judge
  • Elena is the moon
  • Ileria - joyful, happy
  • Ines - chaste, saint
  • Italia - ancient name of Italy
  • Caprice - capricious
  • Carmela, Carmina - sweet vineyard
  • Clara - bright
  • Colombina - faithful dove
  • Christina is a follower of Christ
  • Crocetta - cross, crucified
  • Caprice - capricious
  • Letitia - happiness
  • Leah - always tired
  • Lorenza - from Lorentum
  • Luigina - warrior
  • Lucretia - rich
  • Luciana - light
  • Margherita - pearl
  • Marcella - female warrior
  • Maura - dark-skinned, Moor
  • Mimi - beloved
  • Mirella - delightful
  • Michelina - who is like God
  • Malvolia - malevolence
  • Marinella - from the sea
  • Nerezza - darkness
  • Nicoletta - victory of the people
  • Noelia - Nativity of the Lord
  • Norm - standard, rule
  • Ornella - blooming ash
  • Orebella - golden, beautiful
  • Paola is small
  • Patricia - noble woman
  • Perlite - pearl
  • Pirin - rock, stone
  • Pasquelina - Easter child
  • Renata - born again
  • Roberta is famous
  • Rosabella - beautiful rose
  • Romola - from Rome
  • Rosaria - rosary
  • Rossella - rose
  • Sandra - protecting humanity
  • Celeste - heavenly girl
  • Serafina - mountain
  • Simone - listening
  • Slarissa - fame
  • Susana - lily
  • Santazza - saint
  • Tiziana - of the titans
  • Fiorella - a small flower
  • Felisa - lucky
  • Ferdinanda - prepared for the trip
  • Fiorenza - blooming
  • Francesca - free
  • Fulvia - yellow
  • Chiera - clear, bright
  • Edda - militant
  • Eleanor is a foreigner, different
  • Elettra - radiant, bright
  • Enrika - housekeeper
  • Ernesta - a fighter against death

Italy continues to amaze with its originality and inspire new discoveries. Reading about its culture, traditions, nature and sights, one wants to come there again and again. And what about those who have not yet been to Italy? You should definitely set a goal to go there!

Italians are bright like the South European sun, hot like a siesta and unpredictable like an April thunderstorm in Milan. Burning brunettes, they can strike anyone on the spot with one glance. And their names match their owners - bright, sonorous, seething with passion and pressure. Let's take a closer look at the hot Italian people using the example of names that perfectly convey the characters, culture and the very soul of the representatives of the male half of the inhabitants of Italy.

Popular names

  • Abremo- Responsible and prolific. As a rule, this name was given to the son in those Italian families where it was customary to have many children.
  • Agepito- beloved, long-awaited and adored child of his parents. This name was given to the first or hard-to-give children.
  • Adolfo The name literally means "noble wolf". Its owner had an unbridled disposition, combined with the concepts of honor and dignity.
  • Alberto (Alberto)- the name of a bright, beautiful and noble lord, quite often found in our time in all corners of the globe.
  • Alessandro- this name was given to boys who were inclined to establish justice and protect the weak.
  • Ambrogino- the name translates as "immortal". This boy always comes out dry.
  • Amerigo- the name of a hardworking and purposeful person, as indisputably evidenced by two whole continents named after him.
  • Angelo- "sent by an angel", a long-awaited or possibly blond child.
  • Antonino(Antonio) - the name of an "invaluable", pleasant and talented person in all respects.
  • augusto- the name of a child from a respectable, noble and wealthy family, called to continue the work of his parents.
  • Baldassare- a noble and fearless warrior, born to defend the king and the fatherland to the last drop of blood.
  • Basilio (Basilio)- the name of a person of royal blood or who has every chance of getting into a noble family.
  • Bernardino (Bernardo)- a brave, courageous and indestructible defender of the family and the king, fearless, like a bear.
  • Bertrando- the name translates as "bright raven", that is, they called him a wise and resourceful person, possibly of a very attractive appearance.
  • Valentino- the name of a person bursting with health, strength and diligence.
  • Vincente (Vincenzo)- the name of the conqueror, warrior and winner, who is always in search of a new and better one.
  • Virgilio- the name of a person not far from political circles, who is destined for the career of an ambassador or official.
  • Vitale- the name of a cheerful and cheerful person who always preserves positive attitude and optimism.
  • Gabriel- a strong and invincible messenger of divine forces, with this beautiful name, a person felt himself under the protection of the Almighty.
  • Gaspar (Gasparo)- this name was most often called boys from the hereditary families of the messengers of the king and the court retinue, literally it means "cherish the bearer."
  • Guido- literally translated "forest". Usually the name of a person who was born in a simple family, probably hunted or hunted for firewood.
  • Dario- the name of a person from a wealthy and usually powerful family.
  • Giuseppe- "increasing". Such a name could be given to a boy in a family close to the financial sector or counting on the continuation and expansion of his father's business.
  • Jacob (Jacomo)- literally "destroying". The name of a person close to military affairs or even, perhaps, an executioner.
  • Innocenso- "innocent, virginal." A boy with this name was usually rather modest and was most often born in a family close to the church and was intended to serve God.
  • Carlo (Carlos)- the name means directly "person". Kind, sympathetic, perhaps from the caste of healers.
  • Clemente- the name of a kind and compassionate person, whose complacency disposes all those around him to him.
  • Leonardo- the name of the strong and brave man, literally translated as "strong lion".
  • Leopoldo- translated as " strong man". This name belonged to a man strong in mind, spirit and body.
  • Mario- mature man. The name Mario was more often called boys, on whom the family had special hopes.
  • Massimo- large, even faster big man, not only in terms of size, but also an immense soul.
  • Orazio- the name of a person who is clairvoyant and able to see hidden meaning where others cannot.
  • Pietro- a man adamant and invincible, like a stone mountain, Pietro could rightly be proud of his sonorous name.
  • Fabio literally "bean". This name was most often called boys born in a family of farmers.
  • Faustino- the name of a person who should be lucky everywhere and in any of his undertakings.
  • Emilio- "competitive". A person with this name wants to be the first everywhere and always, often regardless of the ways to achieve the goal.


Without much difficulty, you can see that for the most part, the Italian names of men carry references to one or another character trait that parents would like to see in their child. However, there are often references to professions or areas of activity that the future man should, according to the parents, engage in in the future. Also often mentioned are the professions and the origin of the fathers of the Italian family, which the little Italian will inherit. In this sense, the choice of names for boys in Italy is not much different from the principles of naming any other people, which quite clearly reflect its culture, customs, crafts and the most valuable features of the national character.

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