What disease is Dima Bilan fighting with. Why is Dima Bilan sick? Latest news about his health


He told fans that he was seriously ill. Last news very sad: a popular pop artist fell ill with bronchitis and tried to treat it on his own. At the same time, he did not allow himself to rest, speaking on a very tight schedule.

As a result, pneumonia began to develop rapidly. That is why the artist finally decided to take a vacation to spend it at home and finally recover.

July vacation in a hospital bed

Dima Bilan did not listen to the opinion of doctors and continued to speak at outdoor stages in bad weather, when the air temperature did not exceed 10 degrees Celsius. And only recently he admitted that he was seriously ill, posting the latest health news on official page Instagram.

Incorrect treatment of bronchitis led to the fact that Dima Bilan was hospitalized with fever and pneumonia. But now his condition has improved and he took a legitimate sick leave, canceling all concerts.

Bilan wants to carry out unscheduled treatment in his own house, where he will install programs for new technology and setting up your site. And when his health improves, he will finally hire workers to drill a well. If the water is without impurities hazardous to health, the singer will use only spring water.

Outpatient treatment combines with cleaning

Returning in July 2018 from the hospital, Dima Bilan was forced to arrange general cleaning. The disease was not so serious, and he was allowed to go home for outpatient treatment. The artist immediately posted the latest news on Instagram, which made him very upset and angry.

The point is that in country house Bilan settled wild animals. Having made their way to the veranda, they spoiled some of the furniture and things. So he made a video and posted it on social media.

Followers sympathized with the singer regarding the mess and rejoiced at his return.

Health is a variable

In past years, Dima Bilan has repeatedly frightened fans with new diseases. Two years ago, the artist also ended up in the hospital with pneumonia. And as practice shows, this did not teach him anything, and the singer prefers self-treatment to timely visits to doctors.

And a year ago, the musician was diagnosed with several hernias on his spine and he was forced to cancel a number of concerts and undergo surgery. Then, leaving the hospital, Bilan appeared before the fans very thin and shaved bald. This caused rumors of cancer and other fictions.

Some sources even wrote that the artist was dying, but this turned out to be untrue. Then Dmitry just decided to change his image and made a short haircut.

That is why he repeatedly turned to worried followers with requests not to believe the information from the “yellow press”, subscribe to his page and receive truthful posts about his life firsthand.

Currently, the artist has almost completely recovered. Already on August 9, he met with reporters and gave a new interview. In it, the singer said that he feels great and boasted of the fulfillment of an old dream. The other day Dima Bilan pierced his ear and posted a photo on Instagram.

Recently popular singer Dima Bilan seriously alarmed his fans by disappearing for three weeks, and to top it all, he shaved his bald head, which caused even greater concern among the public.

Immediately after updating the hairstyle, rumors spread around the country about the presence oncological disease at the star. Moreover, his sudden departure to Iceland, after filming a new video, prompted the public to think that the artist simply did not want to advertise his deplorable condition, because of which he lost a lot of weight and withered away, and went abroad to fight a serious illness.

Fans from all over the world hurried to support the star and sent him various gifts and words of support, all the time asking about his well-being and doing their best to raise morale, which Dmitry was incredibly happy about, but still hurried to notify the fans that you should not worry in vain, he not going to die.

Fortunately, just recently, a day after the MUZ-TV award, at which the artist performed well, Bilan published on his Instagram page a refutation of all scary rumors. In the video, the singer really looks rather tired and thinner, and the white walls do not in any way lead to positive. But, nevertheless, the artist told his fans that for a long time he had been suffering from nothing else than bronchitis, which could not be cured due to a busy schedule and it resulted in complications - pneumonia.

Publication from bilan official(@bilanofficial) Jun 9, 2018 at 10:09 am PDT

He also shared with his fans that he flew to Iceland for the sole purpose of resting, because whatever you say, the work of a singer is very hard work.

At first glance, it seems that the stars do nothing, just go on stage, get a lot of money for three minutes of performance and go on doing nothing. But, not many people think about the fact that before going on stage, this number needs to be rehearsed hundreds of times so as not to lose face. In order for the voice to be good, you need to practice vocals, every day for 5-6 hours a day, because by nature only the makings are given. And if there is also choreography in the performance, then there is nothing to talk about at all, because 3-4 hours of jumping to rehearsals is hellish work. So don't underestimate our stars.

In addition, Bilan said that a shaved head is not at all a reason for fear. He said that he only expected to surprise fans with his new look, but not to make them hysterical. According to him, old image he just got bored and wanted to upgrade a bit, that's all.

The artist admitted that the reason for the rapid weight loss was gastritis, which the singer has been suffering for a long time. But, here he again asked not to worry, because gastritis is a very common disease in our time due to junk food, but thank God it’s not fatal, so you shouldn’t worry so much.

In addition, Bilan still complains of a hernia of the spine, due to which he periodically experiences severe pain in the hand, but it is also not deadly if you do it in time. It was to improve his health that the artist decided to go to the hospital while a well-deserved rest allows.

Dima Bilan's personal life

Although Bilan is a public figure and easily tells fans about his illnesses, the star's personal life remains a secret for everyone. Because of this, there are a lot of rumors around the country about the singer's relationship with various young ladies.

So, for a long time he was credited with an affair with his producer, Yana Rudkovskaya. But, despite the many rumors in the yellow press, neither Bilan nor Rudkovskaya confirmed this information, besides, Yana has been in a happy marriage for a long time and she does not need extra suitors.

The press for a long time tried to impose on Dmitry an affair with at least one of the celebrities Russian stage, but since he denied all of them, the press decided to find a different approach and began to write that the artist was gay, moreover, they even found his “fiance” - Rovens Pritula, which of course was not confirmed. If Bilan has any romantic relationship, then until he seeks to notify everyone about this and we can only wait.

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Not so long ago, rumors spread on the network that Dima Bilan was terminally ill. Fans are worried, the singer has lost weight and even cut his hair bald. In this regard, various information began to appear. Dmitry Bilan himself told what is really sick.

Fans are concerned about Bilan's health. Moreover, in Lately the singer rarely performs. The star has permanent bruises under his eyes and he has lost a lot of weight.

The last straw for the fans was that the singer shaved his head. Such a haircut aroused suspicions that Dima Bilan was terminally ill. Recently, information has been circulating on the network that the weight of the star is only 69 kg.

What is Dima Bilan really sick with: the latest information

After heavy filming, Dima Bilan left for Iceland. In 2017, rumors appeared on the network that the singer was seriously ill and went abroad not for vacation, but for treatment. A few weeks after that, he scared his fans with an image change. In addition, this is not the first time Bilan has been seen tired by fans.

And in recent weeks in general, there was information that the singer died in a car accident. But there is no official confirmation of this.

What is Dima Bilan really sick with: comments of the singer

Last year, Dima Bilan spoke about his illness. As it turned out, the singer has several vertebral hernias. Doctors recommended surgery, but he decided against it and went on vacation to Iceland.

Dmitry himself says that he went to the doctor because his hands were numb and he could not do anything, the star also claims that after arriving from vacation he will take care of his health.

The singer is touched that the fans are taking care of him, but claims that he has no serious illnesses. Bilan said that he has gastritis and vertebral hernia, he says that such diagnoses are not fatal and are treated.

In addition, the singer explained the change in his image. According to him, changing hairstyles is in no way related to health. The star, therefore, wanted to pleasantly surprise fans, and not scare.

Dmitry also spoke about weight loss. According to him, all this is due to gastritis, which many people suffer from. Doctors prescribed the singer a diet, after which he began to lose weight.

What is Dima Bilan really sick with: rumors of death

In 2017, the singer stopped touring and radically changed his appearance.

Many fans, after the singer changed his image, suspected that he had cancer. It was after such suspicions that rumors about the death of the singer began to spread. To refute the information, the journalists directly turned to the star's team and his friends.

The singer's colleagues are at a loss as to who is spreading such stupid rumors, they completely denied them. It was said that Dmitry does not have a fatal disease.

At the same time, Dima Bilan has health problems, in addition to the above diseases, the singer was recently diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome. Dmitry himself admitted that he had to go to the doctors because he could no longer endure the pain.

On this moment the singer rarely goes out in public and, according to him, now has a short temporary leave. After improving health, he promises to fully plunge into work.

More recently, the network received information that Dima Bilan has cancer. Also, many unverified publishers simply dazzled that famous singer and the idol of youth is sick with brain carcinoma. Subsequently, there were details that the disease was progressing, and soon Dmitry could die. So is this true or a false rumor?

Illness or Coincidence

Moreover, it was the oncology of the brain that was constantly indicated, which could not but frighten the fans. famous person. Verified publications, as well as television, did not give any comments about the famous singer's illness.

A little later, colleagues in the workshop and people who work with him began to note that Dmitry had lost a lot of weight lately. His haggard face began to appear also in photos and videos on Instagram.

One of the backup dancers said that they saw a doctor come to Dima's dressing room. Later, the doctor began to come only more often. According to many, he began to feel worse and tired more often.

After that, photographs were leaked to the Internet, where Dmitry had no hair on his head at all, and his emaciated face did not express any emotions. Is it really the consequences of chemotherapy and radiation, which are often used in the treatment of this disease?!

According to close friends, Dmitry has recently often complained of headaches and weakness. These symptoms are very bright symptoms of a malignant neoplasm in the head.

Relatives and close friends noticed that the singer's fingers became less mobile, and he could hardly button his shirt or jacket due to severe weakness, or due to paralysis of the limbs. This symptom often occurs when the tumor begins to put pressure on the parts of the brain that are responsible for the movement of the fingers and toes.

Every week details, both false and true, surfaced, and even major publishing houses and television worried about the health of the star. As a result, the "sick" contacted reporters and told the whole truth.

Is it true that you have cancer or not? Dmitry immediately dismissed such a theory. He said that from the side of oncology he is completely healthy, and he does not have any fatal diseases. True, there is a disease that is already long years trying to finish him off. He has several intervertebral hernias in his back, which prevent him from living and dancing normally on stage.

The singer explained that he has so far refused surgical intervention and managed with conventional therapy, massage, etc. He said that he had recently undergone treatment and after the rehabilitation period he feels much better.

Regarding thinness, the young man replied that he had gastritis since childhood, and he adhered to proper nutrition. As a result of all this, he lost weight. And now let's add here the love for creativity and the singer's wild schedule.

Dima is constantly on the road and constantly performs, which is why he has recently developed a syndrome of "constant fatigue". That is why a doctor came to him and checked his condition.

Bilan's death

After that, articles and advertising blocks also began to appear with information that the famous singer died of terrible disease. Information about the death is a common fake and not true. Bilan is not going to die and feels quite well. And God forbid that this continues forever.

REQUEST! Dear readers, write in the comments - why do you love Dima Bilan, and why did his work sink into your soul?

On July 15, one of the most controversial characters in domestic show business, Yuri Aizenshpis, would have turned 65 [discussion]

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In the last weekly, we started a story about the most controversial producer of domestic show business - Yuri Aizenshpis. From the biography of Yuri Shmilyevich, it is clear that in many ways, without fear of anything, even prison, he went ahead to earn money, which he then invested in show business. And, as those who worked with him assure, today's face of our stage - with all the pluses and minuses - is in many ways the same as Aizenshpis saw him at one time. Today we continue our story about him. About tough character- Yuri Shmilevich tried to control our every step, he had a lot of "ears and informants" in the company, - one of his pets, singer Nikita, told KP. - He tried to get into literally everything, even advised me which girl to be friends with. The one I had seemed unsuitable to him, he wooed me another one. But once I let him know that I would not tolerate such excessive control, he was offended. He wanted to be friends, to be closer, and I, a closed person, was passionate about music. He usually gave everyone advice on which parties you can go to and which ones you can’t. I didn’t go to parties at all, but sat in the studio - I wrote songs for myself. We often had skirmishes with him. He just screamed at me. But I also showed my teeth. One day he insisted that I sing a song that I didn't like. It came to conflict. Finally, I was persuaded to make concessions to him. And I... recorded a song with a Georgian accent. Yuri Shmilevich sat down to listen to the recording and shouted: “This is not Nikita singing, is this some kind of Georgian ?!” For a few more minutes, the walls of the studio were shaken by his screams. In his book, Yuri Shmilevich wrote that I was jealous of Bilan. No, I didn't have jealousy. Although I did not understand why he was making a second Nikita out of the new Bilan. Everything that was worked out for me, he skated a carbon copy in the promotion of Bilan. Apparently, he wanted to quickly recapture the money and earn. Shmilyevich counted on me very much, but I bucked - I wanted to write electronic music, and he insisted that I remain in the pop image. As a result, Shpis decided to let me go. By this time, he began to promote Bilan even more actively, who did not argue with him. Although Dima required large financial injections. I wrote songs for myself, and I wasn't paid for it. - They say that Aizenshpis took revenge on you, blocked the oxygen?- I heard such conversations ... But I had no other way - with Aizenshpis I did not see development .... - I wrote songs for Aizenshpis's wards. Admittedly, Aizenshpis was incredibly demanding of his subordinates. He himself caught fire with the idea and demanded the same "spark" from everyone who was nearby, - says the "dynamite" Ilya Zudin. - Once I brought a disk with new record but the disc does not turn on. Aizenshpis decided that I simply didn’t do the job and was trying to blame everything on technology. He yelled at me without choosing words. I heard such insults that I could not stand it - I slammed the door and promised to break all contacts with this person. However, after a while he called: “Well, he got excited. Let's come to reconcile!" It turned out that the disk miraculously worked, and Yuri was convinced that I had not deceived him ... He was despotic. Before my eyes, he threw at people different items. Most often hit in the head. People left with bruises. But they endured - becoming an enemy of Aizenshpis, you know, is dearer to yourself! He could make trouble for those who wanted to cross his path. But he was quick-witted ... On tour in Jurmala, Aizenshpis broke the camera of one photographer who took "spy shots." The fragments hit the face of a photojournalist who wrote a statement to the police. We "made our feet" from this "Jurmala", fearing that Aizenshpis would be imprisoned. He could be cruel. But in critical moments acted according to the concept. When my father died, he opened the bag, took out, without looking, a bunch of dollars and thrust it at me: "Bury your father with dignity." Then he never remembered this money and did not reproach it ...

"Blue Lobby" The appearance of the “blue lobby” in showbiz is associated with the name of Yu. A. Allegedly, at first, the cool ones brought their mistresses to the producer for promotion, and then they began to bring ... lovers. - For some reason last years Yura began to promote some slender boys for some of his own reasons. He chose pretty boys with sexy data, as it seemed to him, - Artemy Troitsky told KP. - I did not support him in this direction and told him about it, he was upset. Partly because of this, we almost stopped communicating with him. They often argued, even because of Bilan ... Rumors about the non-traditional orientation of "Shpis" reached me. But I can't really blame him for anything. He had a wife, a son. Why they got divorced, I don't know. When for some reason he dyed his noble gray hair blue-black, it seemed wild to me ... - My dancers were afraid of Aizenshpis, - producer Vitaly Manshin told KP. - I noticed that Aizenshpis calmly reacted to girls, but with boy dancers he quickly found mutual language. I still couldn't find him a backup dancer for Dima Bilan. Sent two girls. He rejected them. He offered him the guys from the Mirage ballet. Aizenshpis liked them. I went on tour with them and with Bilan, and upon returning, the guys rushed to me with goggle-eyed: “No, we will not work with Aizenshpis!” Then I agreed with three guys from the ballet "Dance-master" (one of them was an ex-participant of "Reflex" Denis). The guys somehow hesitated and asked me about Aizenshpis: “Won’t he pester us?” But guys with a normal orientation work with him! However, after a few days of working with Yuri, Denis came running back to me: “No, I can’t do that.” Apparently, something happened there ... He lured me away dance group, apparently, having managed to win over one dancer-leader. - Are you implying gay Aizenshpis himself?- I didn't tell you that! You know, I still want to live. I don't want them to come to me and shoot me in the head. "So he's dead?"- His friends remained. Therefore, I will not speak badly of him ... - A term in prison could affect the orientation of Aizenshpis. If all other producers in those years only promoted lovers, wives, girls (if a boy singer appeared, then most often he turned out to be the son of some producer), then Aizenshpis was drawn to promote guys. Many people spoke about his "blue lobby". Now this is hardly surprising. I know that he did left-wing concerts and received good money from cool stars for inviting them to them, - Alexander Stefanovich told KP, ex-husband and promoter Alla Pugacheva.

Alexander Tolmatsky: “Krutoy took the leadership from Aizenshpis”- I call Aizenshpis best producer. He worked all his life. Started with me in the 70s, - told "KP" former friend Yuri Shmilevich Alexander Tolmatsky, producer of Decl, Oleg Gazmanov, the Combination group. - Since the late 70s, Yura Aizenshpis and I were among the first to engage in underground concerts, trade (then - speculation) musical instruments, plates. Yura, plus to this, was also engaged in currency trading, for which he sat down. We also had discos. We are one of those who stood at the origins Russian show business. Everything else is a new generation that appeared in the 90s. Until 2000, I and Aizenshpis were in the lead in the music market. In my company Mediastars, I worked as the director of Aizenshpis, and among my founding partners was the then director of the Muz TV channel, who quietly sold the channel to Igor Krutoy, after which my company lost its leadership position, and Igor Krutoy gained influence in the music market. Against his background, Pugacheva was more of an organizer, not a producer. And Kobzon is not a producer, but an artist. - They say Aizenshpis talked with crime bosses? - You know, all the "authorities" in different areas communicate with each other, it so happened. Everyone respected Aizenshpis. He never did anything in the dark. He was a very decent person. - Is it true that Aizenshpis brought the “blue lobby” into show business?- There is such an opinion (chuckling). He was often surrounded by boys. I will not comment on this point. But he knew a lot about promoting singers! Aizenshpis at the end of his life was very worried about Dima Bilan, who became friends with Yana Rudkovskaya. Yura came to visit me and talked about his experiences, he was afraid that Dima would be taken away from him. Those experiences affected the deterioration of Yura's health. Many of his wards were not very grateful. But when they left him, everything went out. CHAPTERS FROM THE BOOK The Temptation of Dima Bilan * * * The singer wrote about his relationship with Aizenshpis in a book that will be published in the fall. A fragment from it "KP" was provided by Dima Bilan's PR manager. “During the filming of the video“ I want to become an oligarch ”we met two respected people - one is very famous in business environment, the other - in the world of show business. Yuri Shmilyevich and I received a very tempting offer- namely, about "buying" my contract and about my transition from StarPro to another production company. Adding to the urgency of the situation was the fact that another producer was offering a very a large sum money, which doubled all the expenses of Yuri Shmilyevich for my promotion. For me, completely fabulous horizons opened up - the prospect of working with the best Western composers and musicians, which means becoming both a more popular and wealthier person.

What do you say? - Yuriy Shmilevich asked me after listening to the details of the deal from the other side. - And you? - I asked him a counter question. - This is a very generous offer, - Yuri Shmilevich praised. - You need to think it over. Carefully and on a cold head. I took some time to think... ...Businessmen ordered me a very expensive brand of car in St. Petersburg, which at that time I could not even dream of. They drove her and put her right under the window of my rented apartment - at that time I lived on Sokol in a rather modest kopeck piece. In the morning I looked down, saw a beauty sparkling with bumpers and realized that all this could become mine as soon as I signed the necessary papers ... - Yuri Shmilevich! I called one fine day. “Are you sure that this offer must be accepted?” - Let's meet and talk, - Aizenshpis immediately responded ... ... We met in one of the cafes, each took a cup of coffee and sat silently for a while. - You understand one thing, Dim, - Yuri Shmilevich began to explain. “I can't offer you the same conditions as these people. And in order for us to reach the same level that you can have with them already now, we will need several years ... - But we can, right? I looked up at my mentor. Yuri Shmilevich was silent. He ... was ready to agree with any decision I made. - I don't want to leave you! - I said. - I feel very comfortable, positive, easy to work with you. We have been together for a long time, and there were a lot of things, but I don’t know these people at all. I am sure that they will fulfill absolutely all their promises to the end. But I'm not sure that I can work with them... I looked at Yuri Shmilyevich, and it seemed to me that joy flashed in his eyes. The prickly look softened, his face brightened and even somehow became younger at once ... - Good, - he answered shortly. Thanks for the friendship. * * * For the first couple of years, Yuri Shmilevich and I - or rather, he personally - tested each other for strength. Aizenshpis constantly provoked me, threw some offensive things, and at the same time carefully watched how I would react. negative situations in communication with him there was a great many, since Yuri Shmilyevich definitely needed to squeeze up to the very boiling point, beyond which a person loses patience and begins to actively protest. It was a kind of "test". Each of his artists or employees at least once reached the last line when he decided to quit and declared: “That’s it, I don’t work here anymore!” Someone left forever, someone eventually returned, but in such extreme conditions and there was a forge of personnel named after Aizenshpis. Moreover, as it seems to me now, in the “education program” of Yuri Shmilyevich, this item was necessarily listed - a check by a scandal. Perhaps it had some sacred meaning, after all, endless concerts and multi-day tours really eat up so much strength, emotions and nerves that not everyone is able to survive such stress. They trained us, that is.

PERSONAL IMPRESSION He either blacklisted journalists or recognized them as his I was personally acquainted with Yuri Shmilyevich. We felt sympathy for each other and communicated tenderly. Then I was often told about the cool and even cruel temper producer. He could be very rude to journalists, and he did dirty tricks to those who criticized his wards. I could not help believing in these stories, but Yuri Shmilevich turned to me “not with thorns, but with leaves” ... We met in Sochi at a hotel. I was on a business trip, he was on vacation. In shorts, in some unimaginable colorful shirt and a smile in his mouth, like the Nutcracker, Aizenshpis immediately attracted attention. Moreover, the first impression - the shock of his creepy appearance - instantly grew into an interest in this man. He knew how to charm. He could not sit still, everything around him began to spin and sparkle. Immediately ordered to set a table for me. Immediately rustled the pages of magazines that had come from somewhere. Aizenshpis quickly explained that he met a fashion designer here and decided to cooperate with him. I have already agreed with a local magazine that will publish a photo of Dima Bilan in the costumes of that fashion designer. “Will you write about Dima? Agree, a good hotel, my friend keeps it. You say you want to get to the concert of Maxim Galkin, let's do it, the director of the Festival is my friend, ”Yuri Shmilevich listened to me in one ear, and pressed his cell phone to the other, talking with some producer and praising the performance of his singer in Sochi, on which he did not go at all. He killed dozens of birds with one stone on the run, trying to introduce everyone, make friends and spin them into one common cause. “The main thing is that everyone should be profitable and interested,” Aizenshpis told me. - You say our PR manager does not give information? Yes, I'll smear them all on the wall! Yes, eat up! I eat according to Volkov's fashionable diet. The salad is specially prepared for me here. I have diabetes. Lost health in the area. And I want to live. I deny myself the pleasure of eating delicious food... Look at the photo of Bilan, is it really very sexy?!” I nodded. I didn't argue with him at all. In each of our subsequent conversations, he did not forget to ask me when I would write about Dima Bilan. I jokingly excused myself: this is a very responsible matter, and I need to prepare well. And along the way, she asked him for minor news from the world of show business. Then I learned that “Shpis” subjected any publication about Bilan to a thorough analysis, after which either the author was blacklisted or included in his own. Neither the first nor the second happened to me. And all because I never wrote ANYTHING about Bilan. Perhaps this circumstance allowed Aizenshpis and I to communicate without problems until the end of his life ... I called him on his mobile two days before his death. Barely recognized his voice. He croaked that he was in the hospital, he was very ill. But then he said that nothing, not the first time, would break through. “I’ll recover a little and go back to battle, Dima needs to do a tour,” he hissed into the pipe. “Come on, call the PR manager, they will tell you something, tell me, I ordered.” And two days later, a message came that he was gone. The official diagnosis is a heart. There were rumors - AIDS. There is a version that this is the result of stem cell treatment. He was a pioneer in everything. Aizenshpis explained his success like this: “We can say that show business is an already established industry, the same industry as the production of cars or iron smelting there. Here, too, there is its own technology and its own laws... The show is a spectacle. The word "concert" is not suitable, it is associated with classic genre, either Symphony Orchestra, Zykina or Magomaev ... Show business brought a lot of money two or three years ago. Now the whole society is sick and the area where I work is sick. The sum of expenses for big spectacles today does not pay off with the cost of tickets. Advertisers and sponsors needed. I believe that the advantage in business lies with those in whose genes blood flows. business man. Real business is for the talented. This is art. Working capacity, a taste that still does not fail, knowledge of the matter help me.

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