Greetings to the jury team pulse. Funny greeting for the kvn team


Choreography teacher, head of the choreographic Studio "Rechenka" MAOU DOD DYUTS Fortuna, Honorary Worker of the Secondary special education, multiple laureate of regional and all-Russian festivals- Amosova Olga Gennadievna

Dear participants, I congratulate you on the completion of this wonderful festival. It's great that we can be the first to rejoice creative achievements kids. Let me wish all the participants not to stop there and conquer new heights in creativity!
Let me also thank the teachers and music directors for their hard work and warmth. To teach a baby to move, to hear music, to convey an image is very, very difficult, but as the festival showed, it is possible.
And let me give you some advice for the future:
1. it is desirable to select new music, which is not well known, in terms of tempo it should not be very slow (the child cannot cope with a slow tempo);
2. dance, like any other work of art, must have dramaturgy, i.e. exposition, plot, development of action, climax and denouement;
3. The dance must have a composition (vocabulary and drawing).
I wish you all further creative success.

Lecturer in conducting and choral disciplines at the Department of Music and Art Education of the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Special Education "Tyumen Pedagogical College No. 1", an excellent student of public education of the Russian Federation, laureate regional competition"Educator of the XXI century", multiple laureate regional festivals choral performance- Hireva Tatyana Evgenievna

On October 30, the laureates in the nominations "Vocal" and "Instrumental performance" were determined. The most impressive was the "singing nomination" (46 numbers), presented by young performers from all over the Tyumen region. And this pleases, because. Singing is one of the most favorite forms of children musical activity, which contains a great potential for emotional, musical and cognitive development child.

The winners of the festival are:

Yutesh Mikhaela and Kagarmanova Kamilla, pupils of the kindergarten "Teremok" in Lyantor , Surgut region (song "Ladybug" music by S. Savenkov, lyrics by T. Tarasov)

Kuznetsova Daria, a pupil of kindergarten No. 59 in the city of Tyumen

Herbst Anna, a pupil of kindergarten No. 1 "in Tobolsk ("Firefly" lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky, music by E. Zaritskaya)

Along with the winners, it is necessary to note the guys whose performances sounded harmoniously on stage, brightly: the Kompot-Company group in Lyantor, Rozman Anna and Ivan Zotova in Nizhnevartovsk, the Domisolki ensemble in Nizhnevartovsk, Daniel Kolpashchikov in Tyumen, Matorina Vasilina, Nizhnevartovsk, Mungaytpasov Raihan, Nizhnevartovsk, Chulkov Snezhan, Labytnangi, Khasanov Amalia, Nizhnevartovsk, Alloyarova Nastya, Tobolsk, Domracheva Dasha s. Omutinskoye.

The appearance and stage performance culture of all participants of the festival left a very good impression.

I would like to highlight the performance of "Lullaby" by Artyom Korobeinikov. ("Lullaby", music by T. Petrova, lyrics by T. Petrova)

The child's attitude to sound, intonation, musical image pleasantly surprised. For two verses of the song without accompaniment, the child remained in tune (!!!), which is not always possible for an adult performer.

Form this competition has a big plus - the ability to listen to the performance of the contestant several times, so as not to be mistaken in the fairness of his assessment.

And the minus - the low quality of audio and video recording could not adequately represent some of the performers.

As a result of the festival, I would like to express a few wishes music directors:

To carry out a better selection of phonograms that meet the natural conformity of each child individually. The quality of some performances decreased due to the fact that the children, unable to cope with the tempo, the range offered by the phonogram, switched to colloquial speech to music with unclear diction, a forced sound, loudness appeared.

It is necessary to teach children the features of singing a song with a microphone. It was annoying to watch how a small performer fought with a microphone, which during the performance distracted him, and sometimes simply interfered with his free, natural singing.

The emotional self-expression of the child should not take hypertrophied forms and be replaced by "antics" to the music.

External video effects, technical processing of the voice, unfortunately, did not allow us to fully see the vocal, stage personality of the three participants from Nizhnevartovsk (Kindergarten No. 40 " gold fish"). Although, Amalia Khasanova is undoubtedly a very bright girl.

In our opinion, participation in the competition of a different format: music videos will bring undoubted success to their creators!

I would like to wish musical directors from the first purposeful vocal lessons to put into the minds of little performers the idea that singing is a lot of work, and not entertainment to the music. This is meticulous work on intonation, diction, breathing, words!!!

And only then a soundtrack, a microphone, applause and success!

Dear contestants, we once again congratulate you on your participation in the wonderful festival of children's creativity!

Sing, play musical instruments and remember that the path to success in musical art long, requiring a lot of work, dedication of all its participants: both children and leaders and parents.

Actress GAUK TO "Tyumen Puppet Theatre", Associate Professor of the Department of Directing of the Institute of Music, Theater and Choreography of the Tyumen state academy culture, arts and social technologies (TGAKIST) lecturer stage speech - Gryaznova Olga Vasilievna

Festival Jury Chairman- Head of the Department of Arts and Crafts and Ethnodesign of the Institute of Fine Arts and Museum Technologies of the Tyumen State Academy of Culture, Arts and Social Technologies (TGAKIST), Ph.D. - Evseeva Olga Yurievna

In the nomination of decorative and applied art, 51 works are presented in different techniques execution. There is a variety of subjects, the degree of independence of preschoolers in the performance of work. The role of educators is noticeable, who presented the master class, described the sequence of work, the main stages.

One can see the boy's enthusiasm for the process of drawing, talent in the field of art, independence in work is sufficient.

Arthur mixes colors in his work, he showed an attempt to work with color. The result was a bright three-dimensional landscape.

2nd place

"Our native region" Auth. Creative team: "Skillful hands"

MADOU d / s No. 64 of the city of Tyumen

The work is dedicated to the theme of the festival and reflects the regional component.

Children drew silhouettes of animals, made a collage, created and variously decorated photo frames. Teamwork combined all the elements into a single composition.

Every child's contribution is seen common work. Collective activity in the field visual arts and unites children, and allows them to express their individuality.

Polina introduced unusual picture from sand in a jar. I tried to recreate the coat of arms of the city of Tyumen. With seeming simplicity, the work is quite painstaking, which does not allow for correction. The image of a golden ship sailing with a mast without sails, a rudder and weathercocks has been worked out in an interesting way.

In general, looking at the works of the festival participants, one is pleased with the appeal to the symbolism of the region. Several variants of coats of arms are presented, which are made in combinations of techniques (The work of Irgaliyeva Milena, Nadym, the "Daisy" group of kindergarten No. 36, Tobolsk).

Very interesting image north of the Tyumen region, its ethnic flavor is reflected in the work of Milana Orlova, a pupil of the Krasnoyarsk secondary school of the Nizhnetavdinsky district.

We wish children further creative victories, teachers - professional growth, search for extraordinary approaches and solutions in the choice of technique and composition!

Greetings from the KVN team "Cool Kolobki"

at the district game "KVN in Smolensk"

SCENE 1 "At recess"

On stage Petya, Roma, Oksana, Julia

Julia looks in the mirror, sits on a chair, Roma sits on a chair,

behind them: Petya stands looking at the phone, Oksana with a book

Oksana: Roma, what did they ask us to do at home in biology?

Roma: I don't know. I gave the diary to Kushelev, to scare my parents!

Julia: Why teach lessons? Who needs this education?

Petya: How? Why did I spend two years in 1st and 2nd grade?

Julia: Petya, do you like going to school?
Petya: Yes, I like walking, only these hours between walking are the most disgusting.

Olya runs in

Olga: Guys! I came to you with most unpleasant news.

Roma: That the holidays were cancelled?

Olya: Worse! We need to go to KVN in Novodugino!
All: It can't be!

Olya sings a song to the motive "Cause - time" (Spanish: A. Pugacheva).

What is it, just horror, horror, horror.
Do not fall asleep to us, do not fall asleep again!
You need to compose for KVN, yes.
Action must be taken immediately.

Hey, you're up there!
There is no rest from you again!
Drive to Novodugino:
Show cardio.
How can we win?
Tell me the answer!
After all, we need a victory!
Well, the worse we are, the worse of all.

Roma: Can we refuse?
Julia: Oh no! We have been waiting for this for a long time!
Oksana: So you have to get ready! And we have spring! We just want to take a walk.
Petya: Yes, for the sake of such an occasion, we will make such a greeting that all mouths open (show)
Olya: Yes, okay, guys, because the main thing is participation, maybe it will work out.
Roma: We disagree!

Julia: For us, the main thing is victory!

Oksana: And at the expense of opponents, well, we are also not born with a bast.

Petya: We will come, we will see and we will definitely win!
Olya: In that case, let's go win!

SCENE 2 "Let's go to KVN in Smolensk style!"

(imitation of a bus ride)

Olya, Julia, Roma are sitting on chairs.

Behind them are Oksana, Petya.

Olya sings to the tune "To Tikhoretskaya" (Spanish: Pugacheva A.)

The composition will go to KVN.

The trailer will move - the people will remain,

I'm taking the team to KVN, friends,

Rival rushes, Rival rushes, Rival rushes,

And I like everything

The fans are already fighting.

And our wagon runs and swings,

The jury looks angrily in our direction

Go, darlings, go, darlings,

Ride on, darlings

On the other side!

Conductor enters (Alena)

Alena (to the hall): You won’t joke - you won’t go!

Alena (to Olya): Your ticket?

Alena (to Yulia): Your ticket?

Alena (to Roma): Your ticket?

Roma: My ticket!

Alena: Your ticket?

Roma: My ticket!

Alena: Are you a hare?

Roma: Are you a wolf?

Alena gets ahead of Oksana

Petya: Girl, give the conductor a ticket!
Oksana: You sho, she drives for free!!

Roma leaned towards Yulia

Julia: What is your hand doing in my pocket?
Roma: Looking for matches.
Julia: You could ask.
Roma: I was shy.

Oksana: Can you tell me when I need to get off to get to Novodugino?
Petya: Follow me and get off one stop early.

Julia: And what kind of village is this?

Olya: This is the village of the Holy.
Yulia: And why Saint?
Olya: The district administration gave up on her.

Petya: Oh, after all, what a beauty we have!

Oksana: Someone in the Smolensk region has a good life!

Roma: Whoever lives well in the Smolensk region works in Moscow!

Olya: Laugh early! In a year we will live much better!

Julia: Are you going somewhere?

Olga: What the hell is this? Yes, look like a stone, and there is an inscription on it. Well, Roma, read on, otherwise it’s bad to see.
Roma (runs up to the stone): To the right - wealth, here those times, to the left - honor and glory, and straight ahead - victory.
Olya: Well, bro! Where we go!

ALL: Right!!!

SCENE 3 "Arrived!"

Everyone runs to the edge of the stage.

From left to right: Olya, Alena, Yulia, Roma, Petya, Oksana

Olga: Stop. Arrived!

Together: Hello! (nods head) Here we go! (hands in an oblique fathom)

Alena: Today we will play KaVeeNu,
After all, our team took the stage.

Yulia: Hello guys.

We are visiting you

And we will reveal the name of the team now.

We are unable to hide our name,

You've heard it a thousand times!

Together: Cool Koloboks!

Roma: There are many of us, and you are alone.
We are kind, cheerful, dexterous.
Everything is baked in the oven.

Petya: Don't lie down sideways,

You will be built like a bun!

Oksana: We love to eat very much,
Let's all be strong today!

Olya: Friends, rivals,

Accept hello.

We are happy to meet you

We wish you victories.

Alena: But not today

And not in this room!

Julia: Here is such an intrigue:
12 schools, but only three come out
Why not the big leagues!

Everyone sings to the tune of the song “I wish” (Spanish: E. Vaenga)

The sun shines brightly,

And the children laugh.

And we're hand in hand

We stand next to the stage.

And no need to judge

Everything is so clear

And we are pleased to tell you all


We wish that we had a victory

And so that above us

The viewer laughed along with us - koloboks!

To give 100 points,

So that grief does not know

To please our school with a victory .

Petya: That's it, the greeting is over,
Let the jury now evaluate
That's how good I am!

Roma: It's time for us to wrap up.
And under the loud "Hurrah!",
And to thunderous applause

We leave the carpet.

KVN based on the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin "What a charm these fairy tales are..."


generalize and expand students' knowledge about the work of A.S. Pushkin;

to reveal how familiar children are with the tales of the great Russian poet;

to cultivate a sense of friendship, collectivism and love for Russian poetry.

Game participants : a team of 4th grade students and a team of parents.

Event progress:


Summer flew by and ended

Autumn rang the school bell.

There were holidays - and they are not,

And it's time to get down to business.

KVN is a special holiday,

He will help check today

You completely forgot about books over the summer,

Do you still remember?

We want now in this room

Sadness and longing have not found a place for themselves,

So that the smiles on the faces shine

It was fun and interesting.

How will our battle end?

Nobody here knows yet.

Who is the strongest, only time will tell

May the fight be glorious and fair


We start KVN. Today, two teams will fight for victory. We meet them: a team of students in grade 4 (spectators greet the team) and a team of parents in grade 4 (applause).


Came to the club - do not frown,

Be fun to the end.

You are not a spectator or a guest,

And the programs of our nail!

Don't be shy, don't break

Obey all laws

To my left is a team of 4th grade students. Team captain ... On the right is the team of parents. Team captain…

Here are the participants of today's meeting, ready to immediately join the fray. Both teams are in great fantastic shape and ready for any surprises. And the fans, of course, are ready in advance to award victory to their team. But in order for justice to prevail, we invited a competent jury.

We present it to you...

The teams will now exchange greetings. Who starts will decide the lot. I'll ask the captains to come to me.

The captains approach the leader. Before their eyes, he twists two pieces of paper with the numbers 1 and 2, clamps them into fists and hides them behind his back. The first team to start is the one whose captain pulls out a piece of paper with a number.


our team : pupils of the 4th grade - "Book lovers".

Our motto : "One for all and all for one".

They call us bookworms

And respect for friendship

We are all friends as one

|Today we will defeat you.

Our greetings to the jury:

If you are one with us,

So we are invincible.

Greetings to the fans:

Fans! One hope for you!

We rely on you.

| In this difficult, difficult hour!

our team : (parents) SOC - mothers ("The most charming princesses")

Our motto: Mind is good, but a lot is better"

Our greetings to the opposing team:

As one poet said,

We are not dearer in the world,

To find out who is smarter

Look at us soon!

Our greetings to the jury:

We ask the jury

To judge us objectively.

And who will be the winner

Decide fairly!

Greetings to the fans:

To not happen

You clap friendly

Don't scream, don't make noise

Support if needed!


Here we are familiar with the teams.

The jury will sum up

Who will win is still unclear

Everyone performed great here.

It's time to start warming up

And so, let's get started!

I competition "Warm-up"

1 team

Questions are asked to teams in turn, if a team cannot answer a question, another team tries to answer. For a correct answer, the team gets extra points.

1. I once heard the words such: “Who reads a lot ...”, but I don’t remember further. Continue

(Answer: he knows a lot)

2. “Reading is the best…” And then I forgot.

(Answer: teaching)

3. Near the seaside, a green oak;

Golden chain on an oak tree:

And day and night the cat is a scientist

Everything goes round and round in a chain;

Question for the 1st team:

Tell me, where is this magical land?

(This country in the fairy tales of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin)

Question for the second team:

What does the word "lukomorye" itself mean?

(Lukomorye - a bend of the seashore, a bay)

4. Please name the birthday of the princess from "The Tale of dead princess and seven heroes ”(January 6 - on Christmas Eve).

5. What did the old woman demand in The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish? (The old woman wanted to get a new trough, a new hut, then become a columned noblewoman, mistress of the sea).

6. What do the heroes from "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Heroes" do while living in the forest?

(Answer: heroes guard the state, hunt)

7. Name the main characters of "The Tale of Tsar Saltan"

(Answer: the main characters of "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" are the king, queen, cook, weaver, woman Babarikha, prince, White Swan, Prince Guidon)

8. Who did Balda call his own little brother? (hare)

9. How many people did Balda eat and work for?

(Eat for four, work for seven)


Our competition is over, and again

We give the floor to the jury

In the meantime, the jury sums up the results of two competitions, we will play with the fans.

IN magical forest Lukomorye has many different wonders. Remember, as Pushkin said:

There the forest and valleys of visions are full ...

What kind of visions is the forest full of?


Hut there, on chicken legs

It stands without windows and doors ...

And thirty beautiful knights

A series of clear waters emerge,

And with them their uncle is marine ...

There is a stupa with Baba Yaga

It goes, wanders with itself;

There, King Koschei languishes over gold.

Jury's word:

Jury please don't torment

II competition "Artists"


Who loves drawing since childhood?

It's your turn to shine.

There is a task for artists.

Well let's draw something

This competition for teams is homework. The teams present their drawings, and the opposing sides guess which heroes of which fairy tales or an object from which fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin are depicted.

1 team: nut, tent, bumblebee

2 team : chain, crown, helmet


Your drawings are just awesome!

The jury will now evaluate.

Questions for fans:

I have a magic basket in my hands. And in it there are objects that belong to some kind of fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin.

What fairy tale are these objects from? apple, squirrel, mirror, cockerel

(viewers answer)

Jury's word:

III competition “Do you know the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin"

Blitz - tournament

(Questions are asked one by one, if the team cannot guess, then the answer from the other team is accepted and an extra point is added)

1. What words did the queen use to address the magic mirror?

(“My light, mirror! Say

Yes, tell the whole truth:

Am I the sweetest in the world,

All blush and whiter?")

2. What did the cockerel cry, sitting on a knitting needle?

("Kiri-ku-ku! Reign lying on your side!")

3. Paying with Balda, the priest turned his forehead. What did Balda say reproachfully?

(“You wouldn’t chase, pop, for cheapness”)

4. How did the old man address the goldfish?

(Have mercy, empress fish!)

5. What words end the fairy tales: "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" and "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs"?

(I was there, drinking beer honey -

And his mustache just wet)

6. How does Pushkin begin The Tale of Tsar Saltan?

(Three girls by the window

Spinning late in the evening)

7. What are the words with which Pushkin ends "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel"

(The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it!

Good fellows lesson.)

8. What words begin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"?

(An old man lived with his old woman

By the blue sea...

9. What was the name of the dog in The Tale of the Dead Princess? (Sokolko)

10. What happened to the pop after the first click? (Pop jumped up to the ceiling)

Well done! You are true connoisseurs of the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin.

And as always, we give the jury the floor to sum up

Student: reads an excerpt from "The Tale of Tsar Saltan"

IV contest "Fabulous announcements"


I have an envelope in my hands, it contains the first issue of the newspaper "Volshebnye Izvestia", which is completely devoted to the publication of fabulous announcements.

Who could make such an announcement?

1) I offer my services:

harness a horse;

use the stove;

buy products on the market;

cook porridge;

babysit children.

My address ... (Balda. "The tale of the priest ...)

2) Fashionistas and fashionistas! Who wants to buy a magic mirror that can speak?

Our address ... Address ... (Queen-stepmother from "The Tale of the Dead Princess")

3) For those who cannot wake up at the sound of an alarm clock, we suggest purchasing a pure gold cockerel that will help you out anytime and anywhere. Address ... ("The Tale of the Golden Cockerel")

4) Who wants to change the old trough for a new one? Or an apartment for a house?

Speak to…. (To the goldfish from The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish)

5) For those interested in housing! I rent out my room for the summer for a moderate fee. In the upper room there is:

shops covered with carpets all around;

stove with tiled bench;

an oak table under the saints.

My address ... ("The Tale of the Dead Princess")

6) The School of Healers and Psychics conducts monthly paid courses. Diseases such as:

bites of the right and left eyes;

blisters on the nose.

The beginning of the next classes ... (The Tale of Tsar Saltan")

Jury's word

V competition "Fabulous apples"

On the board are sheets cut out in the form of apples. WITH reverse side questions are recorded. Players from teams come up in turn, take one apple at a time, read the question aloud and answer it.

What words begins "The Tale of the Priest ..."

(Once upon a time there was a pop, oatmeal forehead)

The last wish of a grumpy old woman? (Become the mistress of the sea)

With what words did the wayward queen address the magic mirror?

(My light is a mirror! Tell me, tell the whole truth. Am I sweeter than everyone in the world, all blush and whiter?)

Faithful guardian of King Dadon? (Cockerel)

Who did Prince Gvidon turn into when he flew to the kingdom of Saltan?

(In a mosquito, a fly, a bumblebee)

What did the boyars and nobles regale the old woman with in the royal chambers?

(Overseas wines, printed gingerbread)

What is the Cockerel made of? (Made of gold)

Where did the devils live from “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda? (In the sea)


Reads an excerpt from "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs"

VI. Crossword

Write in the vertical cells the answers to the questions:

1. Who called Balda aunt? (muffling)

2. What was the name of the island, past which the ships sailed to the kingdom of Saltan? (Buyan)

3. Who did the evil Wizard turn into to destroy the Swan Princess? (Kite)

4. The clothes in which the old woman stood on the porch of the tower, waiting for the old man? (Soul warmer)

5. What did the old woman eat from The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish? (gingerbread)

6. Dilapidated housing of an old man and an old woman. (Dugout)

VI I competition "Homework"

Each team shows a scene from Pushkin's fairy tale.

"Book Lovers" - an excerpt from "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs"

"SOC - Moms" - an excerpt from "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"


I was worried in vain at the beginning

The teams didn't let us down

They tried and now

The jury will give its opinion.

Jury sum up

Yes, be nice and gentle

The jury summarizes the results of the competition and announces the total number of points for each team. The chairman of the jury announces the winning team. Present diplomas and souvenirs

Elena Kokshareva

Dear Colleagues! I bring to your attention a competition of cheerful and resourceful, which was held in our kindergarten. Educators from 7 kindergartens took part in the competition. Two combined teams competed: probationers and young educators. For several months, the teams were preparing for the competition, meeting, talking, rehearsing. Despite the fact that the teachers were from different kindergartens, everyone not only met, but also became friends. I was a member of the trainee team, so I offer the material of our team.

1 Competition: Presentation of teams(greeting, motto, creed, etc.)

Team of trainees "Babki Yozhki".

Motto: We are cool Grandmas Yozhki, we will not let anyone down.

If necessary, we will dance, if necessary, we will sing.

Here we are grannies, we will not disappear anywhere!

Our credo: Go to victory until the end

Children's hearts in our palms!

Jury greetings: We will give the jury soap, so that we are not strictly scolded.

We will give the jury laughter to make it fun for everyone.

Greetings to opponents: We wish you, we wish you best prize got to us.

Greetings to the fans: You fans get sick, but you don't take pills.

You clap your hands and stomp your feet.

To the music from the cartoon " flying ship The team danced and sang ditties.

Chastushki: 1. Arrived on a broom,

We are all ready to play

The best interns

After all, we are specialists.

2. They came to you from a fairy tale

Baba - Yaga's grandmothers.

wise, beautiful,

The caregivers are cute.

3. We came to you for a competition,

All the jury went crazy

The old women thought

Look, we are young.

The team of young educators "Flower-Semitsvetik".

The jury summed up the results after each competition.

2 Competition - Blitz "Question - answer". The teachers answered in turn, for each correct answer a point was given to the team.

1. What was the name of the three piglets?

2. Where did the seventh goat hide? (In the oven).

3. What did Carlson love the most? (Jam and cookies).

4. Where did the woman get the flour for Kolobok? (She swept the barn, scraped the bottom of the barrel).

5. What did the fairy make a carriage for Cinderella? (From a pumpkin).

6. What was Freken Bock's position? (Housekeeper).

7. Who defeated the Cockroach? (Sparrow).

8. How did Thumbelina get into the country of elves? (On a swallow).

9. Name two fairy tales where the swans are positive and negative characters? ("Wild Swans", "Geese - Swans").

10. What word did Kai make out of the ice? (Eternity).

11. The tallest hero of Sergei Mikhalkov? (Uncle Styopa).

12. Who are "Winged, furry, but oily"? (Sparrow, mouse and pancake).

13. Which fairy tale contains a warning that you should not drink raw water? ("Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka").

14. Name the most famous variant Italian fairy tale retold by Alexei Tolstoy? ("The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio").

3. creative competition"Turn a blot into a fairy-tale hero." Each team completed the inkblot using watercolors and felt-tip pens, turning it into a fairy tale character.

The team of "Grandma Yozhka" - cockerel, golden comb.

Team "Tsvetik - seven-flower" - turnip.

4 Competition " old fairy tale in a new way."

Teams need to submit modern version famous fairy tale.

A team of trainees presented the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen in a new way".

Storyteller: Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman, and they had a hen Ryaba. And here is the grandfather (Grandfather comes out, barely walking).

Grandfather: Uh, good! I ate chips with crackers, washed down with Pepsi-Cola. Now you can relax, lie down on the couch, and look at the red girls on your computer. But then the SMS came, my daughter and son-in-law are leaving for the Maldives, they throw us a granddaughter with my grandmother. It would be necessary to read intelligent literature, to take up the upbringing of a granddaughter, to teach her mind to reason. (Lies down on the sofa, reads the program "From Birth to School").

Grandma enters sportswear with dumbbells, jump rope.

grandmother: Well, grandfather, you have no healthy lifestyle. You look at me, slim, good, I drink tea for weight loss, not Pepsi. I am on a diet, I eat fruits, vegetables, and not chips with crackers. Therefore, I do not gain extra calories. I go in for sports, I run for shaping, Pilates, yoga, swimming pool every day. Even if you send me to the Olympics, all my medals will be. And you keep being clever, reading books on the couch, spoiling your eyesight. Better go, check the chicken Ryaba, maybe she laid an egg.

Chicken Ryaba comes out.

Hen: I'm not a simple hen, I'm a hen all pockmarked. I comb everything feather to feather, I smooth everything, I take care of myself, I perform cultural and hygienic skills.

Storyteller: The chicken laid a testicle not simple, but golden, shimmers in the sun, everyone likes it. Even if you bring it to the museum for an exhibition, it will not yield to the beauty of Faberge. Grandpa wanted an egg. His grandfather beat-beat, did not break.

Grandfather: It’s like a woman says, I don’t have any strength left, I don’t do exercises, I don’t go to the gym, I don’t pump muscles, even finger gymnastics I don't, I'm completely weak. Lived, I'll have to ask my grandmother to break an egg. Hey, grandma, come here, our chicken laid a hard egg, I can’t break it, but I really want to eat.

Storyteller: Baba is glad to show her strength to her grandfather. But it wasn’t there, the woman beat and beat, but didn’t break.

grandmother: What kind of egg is this? There is probably a lot of calcium in it, it turned out to be very strong.

Storyteller: At this time, the granddaughter mouse ran past, and, as always, wagged its tail. (Mouse runs out).

grandmother: Mouse, you're waving your tail again. How many times do you have to repeat how to behave in a decent society. Be humble, kind, polite and tidy. You see, the testicle lies, the hen laid it down, but the testicle is not simple, there is a lot of calcium in it.

Mouse: They educate everything, educate from childhood - here are the educators.

Storyteller: The mouse waved its tail, the testicle fell, but did not break, the cunning mouse rolled it into its hole.

Mouse: Precisely with calcium, I will be healthy! (The mouse runs away with the egg).

Storyteller: The grandfather is crying, the woman is crying.

Woman: Yes, what kind of mouse is so ill-mannered.

Grandfather: Yes! She never even kept a program of education in her paws.

Storyteller: And the chicken cackles.

Hen: Do not cry grandfather, do not cry woman. Today, dietary eggs were brought to the supermarket, selected, the most useful. Run faster before everything is taken apart.

Storyteller: That's the end of the fairy tale, and who did not have time to run to the supermarket for eggs, well done!

A team of young educators presented the fairy tale "A flower - a seven-flower in a new way."

5 Competition "Difile of clothes of the educator".

The team "Flower-Semitsvetik" represents the clothes of the educator.

The teacher is on a walk with a large bag for portable material.

The teacher is a jack of all trades, everything is at hand - adhesive tape, glue, paper.

And I want to look like this!

Difile of clothes of the teacher of the team "Grandmother Yozhki".

The educator is a repository of enormous information. Sometimes she even performs babysitting duties.

Educator - creative person and dance and sing and musical instrument plays.

And the next outfit made a huge splash among the audience.

You can often meet such educators at the kindergarten site, all our meager salaries.

And everyone wants to look like this!

The jury summed up the results, the probationers - "Victory!"

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