Oblomov’s recognition of love. Crime relations of Oblomov and Olga Ilyinskaya


The novel "Oblomov" is the most A bright work I. A. Goncharova. Автор работал над ним более 10 лет. Main story lineпроизведения «Обломов» - это история любви Ильи Ильича к Ольге Ильинской. Про таких людей часто говорят, что они сделаны из разного теста. Nevertheless, it often happens that life pushes completely opposite people among themselves. Let's try to understand what these two characters are, and we will analyze why the relationship between Oblomov and Olga took place.

Ильи Ильича

Жизнь Обломова вернее всего будет назвать бездеятельной. Он мало чем интересуется, никуда не выходит, не читает книг. Любимое времяпрепровождение героя - лежание в халате на диване. Он просто не видит смысла в деятельности, Обломов любит мечтать.

The friend who came to visit, Andrei Ivanovich Stolz, is the opposite of the protagonist. Он пытается внести перемены в его жизнь. Взаимоотношения Обломова и Ольги начались именно благодаря ему.

Знакомство с Ольгой

Итак, Штольц старается расшевелить Обломова. Они вместе ездят в гости, Штольц заставляет его читать, знакомит с An interesting girl, которой и оказалась Ольга Ильинская.

Это знакомство пробуждает в главном герое сильные чувства. Он объясняется девушке в любви. Oblomov and Olga, whose relations, it would seem, could not begin at all, nevertheless began to meet. Девушка считает любовь к Илье Ильичу своим долгом. Она желает изменить его, заставить жить по-другому.

Перемены в жизни Обломова

Жизнь главного героя действительно изменилась. Он начинает вести достаточно активную деятельность. Илья Ильич теперь поднимается в семь утра, читает. На лице появляются краски, совсем пропадает усталость.

Любовь к Ольге заставляет проявить Обломова лучшие качества. Как замечает Гончаров, Илья Ильич в какой-то мере «догнал жизнь».

Однако решение практических вопросов по-прежнему тяготит его. He is not interested in building a house in Oblomovka, leading the way to the village. Moreover, the relationship between Oblomov and Olga gives rise to in him a lack of confidence in his abilities, in himself. Потом он приходит к пониманию, что Ольга не любит его. Она требовательна, настойчива, строга, взыскательна. Праздник любви превратился в долг, даже в повинность.

The relationship between Oblomov and Olga ends, he again puts on a dressing gown and leads his former way of life.

Olga Ilyinskaya and Agafya Pshenitsyna

In his novel, Goncharov writes about two women who loved Oblomov. The first, Olga Ilyinskaya, is active and educated. She sings well, is interested in art, literature and science. Possessing high spiritual qualities, she was able to understand the nobility of Oblomov's soul. However, Olga sees flaws in the nature of Ilya Ilyich. She does not like his passivity, inactivity, laziness. Rather, she loves her noble mission, thanks to which the spiritual revival of the protagonist should happen. The girl is not devoid of vanity. She is pleased with the thought that she will be the cause of his "awakening".

It was precisely because there was a lot of desire to remake the other in this love that Oblomov and Olga parted. Relationships based on demands and claims to another person are doomed to failure.

The complete opposite of Olga was Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna - the second woman who loved Oblomov. She, of course, did not have the education of Ilinskaya and did not understand his mind, did not see spiritual wealth. Agafya Matveevna fed him tasty food and simply made Ilya Ilyich's life comfortable.

Oblomov's female ideal

The girl’s inconsistency with the ideals of Ilya Ilyich is another reason why Olga Ilyinskaya and Oblomov could not be together. The relationship of these heroes was based on admiration for beauty and an ambitious desire to remake a loved one.

It's no secret that in love we often look for those ideals that we learned in childhood. Demanding Olga encourages Oblomov to act, to think, and he is looking for harmony and peace that his beloved woman can provide.

Olga Ilyinskaya and Oblomov, whose relationship did not last long, get acquainted, as we remember, through a mutual friend Andrei Stolz. This girl breaks into his life and for some time pulls him out of the world of inaction and dreams.

Agafya Matveevna, the landlady of the apartment rented by Oblomov, appears in his life somehow quite normally, almost imperceptibly. The main character likes to talk a little with her, he notes her housekeeping, even disposition. However, she does not cause any excitement in his soul.

Unlike Olga, Agafya Matveevna does not try to elevate Oblomov to her ideal, she considers his breed than herself. As you know, it is important for a man to be loved for who he is, without trying to remake him. Agafya Matveevna becomes for Oblomov the personification of female virtue.

Ilyinskaya were based on her ideas about happiness. Agafya Matveevna thought only of the comfort and convenience of Ilya Ilyich. Olga constantly forced Oblomov to act, for her sake he had to step over himself. Agafya Matveevna, on the contrary, tries to save the main character from unnecessary trouble. She even mortgages her property so that Oblomov does not give up his favorite habits.

The relationship between Oblomov and Olga Ilyinskaya was not possible due to the discrepancy between these two characters. Goncharov brings us to the understanding that it was Agafya Matveevna who embodied the ideal of the protagonist's woman. He married this kind, hard-working woman. Life with Olga would not bring happiness to either him or her, because their goals are completely different.

Life with Agafya Matveevna became for Oblomov the embodiment of calmness, satiety, comfort. With her, Ilya Ilyich seemed to have returned to happy Days of their childhood, filled with the love and cares of their mother.

Oblomov, during his lazy dreams, always imagined the image of a tall and slender woman with a quiet and proud look, with her hands calmly folded across her chest, with a quiet but proud look and a thoughtful expression on her face. He never wanted to see in her trembling, sudden tears, languor .. because there is too much trouble with such women.

After Oblomov broke out a declaration of love for Olga, they did not see each other for a long time. Her attitude towards him changed, she became more thoughtful. Stolz, leaving, "bequeathed" Oblomov to Olga, asked to look after him, to prevent him from sitting at home. And ripened in Olga's head detailed plan how she will wean Oblomov from sleeping after dinner, will order him to read books and newspapers, write letters to the village, complete the plan for arranging the estate, prepare to go abroad ... And this she, so timid and silent, will become the culprit of such a transformation! “He will live, act, bless life and hers. To bring a person back to life - how much glory to the doctor when he saves a hopeless patient! And save the morally perishing mind, soul! But this unexpected confession in love was to change everything. She did not know how to behave with Oblomov, and therefore she was silent when meeting with him. Oblomov thought that he had frightened her, and therefore he expected cold and stern looks, and when he saw her, he tried to move aside.

Suddenly someone is coming, she hears.

"Someone is coming..." thought Oblomov.

And they came face to face.

Olga Sergeevna! he said, shaking like an aspen leaf.

Ilya Ilyich! she answered timidly, and they both stopped.

Hello, he said.

Hello, she said...

They walked along the path in silence. Neither from the ruler of the teacher, nor from the eyebrows of the director, Oblomov's heart has ever pounded as much as it does now. He wanted to say something, overpowered himself, but no words came out of his mouth; only my heart was beating incredibly, as before a disaster ...

Yes, Olga Sergeyevna,” he finally overcame himself, “I think you are surprised ... angry ...

I completely forgot ... - she said.

Believe me, it was involuntary... I couldn't resist... - he began to speak, gradually arming himself with courage. - If the thunder had thundered then, the stone would have fallen over me, I would still say. It was impossible to keep this by any means... For God's sake, don't think that I wanted to... In a minute God knows what I would give to get back a careless word...

Forget it," he continued, "forget it, especially since it's not true...

Not true? she suddenly repeated, straightening up and dropping the flowers.

Her eyes suddenly opened wide and flashed with amazement.

How not true? she repeated again.

Yes, for God's sake, don't get angry and forget. I assure you, it's only a momentary infatuation... from music.

Only from music!

Her face changed: two pink spots disappeared, and her eyes dimmed ...

He became silent and didn't know what to do. He saw only the sudden annoyance and did not see the reason.

I'll go home," she said suddenly, quickening her steps and turning into another alley...

Give me your hand as a sign that you are not angry...

She, without looking at him, gave him the ends of her fingers, and as soon as he touched them, she immediately pulled her hand back.

No, you're angry! he said with a sigh. - How can I assure you that it was a hobby, that I would not allow myself to be forgotten? .. No, of course, I will not listen to your singing anymore ... If you leave like that, don’t smile, don’t shake hands in a friendly way, I .. pity me, Olga Sergeevna! I will be unwell, my knees are trembling, I can hardly stand ...

From what? she suddenly asked, looking at him.

And I don’t know myself,” he said, “I’m not ashamed now: I’m not ashamed of my word ... it seems to me that in it ...

Speak! she said commandingly.

He was silent.

I want to cry again, looking at you... You see, I have no pride, I'm not ashamed of my heart...

Why cry? she asked, and two pink spots appeared on her cheeks.

What? she said, and the tears flowed from her chest; she waited tensely.

They came up to the porch.

I feel ... - Oblomov was in a hurry to finish and stopped.

She slowly, as if with difficulty, climbed the stairs.

The same music ... the same ... excitement ... the same ... Feel ... I'm sorry, I'm sorry - by golly, I can’t praise with me ...

M -R Oblomov ... - she began strictly, then suddenly her face lit up with a ray of smile, - I am not angry, forgive, - she added softly, - only forward ... only forward ...

Oblomov looked after Olga for a long time. He came home happy and shining home, sat in the corner of the sofa and quickly drew on the dust on the table крупными буквами: "Olga". Then he called Zakhara, who recently married Anisye, and ordered him to accommodate and wipe the dust. Then he lay down on the sofa and thought for a long time about the morning conversation with Olga: “She loves me! Возможно ли?..» В нем как будто снова пробудилась жизнь, возникли новые мечты. But it was difficult for him to believe that Olga could love him: “Funny, with a sleepy look, with flabby cheeks ...” As he went to the mirror, he noticed that he had changed a lot, he became fresh. At this time, a man came from Olgina Aunts, to call for lunch. Oblomov gave him money and went. He had good and fun in his soul, all people seemed kind and happy. Но тревожные сомнения в том, что Ольга только кокетничает с ним, не давали ему покоя. Когда он увидел ее, эти сомнения почти рассеялись. “No, she is not like that, not a deceiver…” - he decided.

"This whole day was a day of gradual disappointment for Oblomov." Он провел его с теткой Ольги - умной, приличной и исполненной достоинства женщиной. She never worked, because it did not suit her, sometimes she read and spoke well, but she never dreamed or was clever. Она никому не доверяла своих душевных тайн, и любила быть наедине лишь с бароном, который был опекуном небольшого, попавшего в залог, имения Ольги. Отношения Ольги и тетки были просты и спокойны, они никогда не выказывали друг другу неудовольствия, впрочем, для этого не было причин.

Появление Обломова в доме не произвело особого впечатления и не привлекло ничьего внимания. Stolz wanted to introduce his friend to a little stiff people, where you can't sleep after dinner, where you always have to be well dressed and always remember what you're talking about. Stoltz thought that a pretty young woman would be able to bring some revival to Oblomov’s life - “it’s the same as bringing a lamp into a gloomy room, from which an even light, a few degrees of warmth, will spill into all dark corners, and the room will become more cheerful.” But "he did not foresee that he was bringing in fireworks, Olga and Oblomov - even more so."

The aunt looked through her fingers at Oblomov's walks with Olga, because she did not see anything reprehensible in this. Oblomov talked with Olga's aunt for two hours, and when Olga appeared, he could not get enough of her. She had visibly changed, seemed to have matured. “A naive, almost childish smile never appeared on her lips, she never looked so wide, openly, with her eyes, when they expressed a question or bewilderment, or simple-hearted curiosity, as if she had nothing to ask about ...” She looked at Oblomova, as if she had known him for a long time, joked and laughed, answered his questions in detail. She seemed to force herself to do what needed to be done and what others were doing.

After dinner, everyone went for a walk, and then returned home. Olga sang a romance, but there was no soul in her singing. Oblomov, without waiting for tea, said goodbye, and Olga nodded to him, as to a good friend. In the next 3-4 days, Olga looked at Oblomov simply, without the former curiosity and without affection, and he could only be perplexed: “What is it with her? What does she think, feel? But he couldn't understand anything. On the fourth and fifth days he did not go to the Ilyinskys, he was about to go for a walk, he went out onto the road, but he did not want to go up the mountain. Returned home and fell asleep. I woke up, had lunch, sat down at the table - “again, I don’t want anything and nowhere!” He announced to Zakhar that he was going to move to the city, to the Vyborg side, and when Zakhar left and then returned with a suitcase, he said that he would go abroad one of these days.

The next day, Oblomov woke up at ten o'clock. Zakhar, serving him tea, said that he met Olga Sergeevna at the bakery, she ordered to bow, asked about her health, what she had supper, what she was doing these days. Zakhar, out of his spiritual simplicity, told the truth: he ate two chickens for dinner and lay on the couch all these days, he is going to move to the Vyborg side. Oblomov angrily drove Zakhar out and began to drink tea. Zakhar returned and said that the young lady asked him to come to the park. Ilya Ilyich dressed at once and went to the park, went around everything, looked into the gazebos and found her on the bench where their recent quarrel had taken place.

I thought you weren't coming," she told him kindly.

I have been looking for you all over the park for a long time,” he answered.

I knew that you would be looking for, and purposely sat down here in this alley: I thought that you would certainly pass along it ...

Why haven't you been seen for a long time? she asked.

He was silent...

He vaguely understood that she had grown up and was almost taller than him, that from now on there was no return to childish gullibility, that before them was the Rubicon and the lost happiness was already on the other side: they had to step over.

She understood more clearly than he what was happening in him, and therefore the advantage was on her side ... She instantly weighed her power over him, and she liked this role of a guiding star, a ray of light that she would pour over a stagnant lake and be reflected in it. ..

She celebrated her superiority in this duel in various ways... Her look was expressive and understandable. As if on purpose, she opened a well-known page of the book and allowed her to read the treasured passage.

So, I can hope ... - suddenly, flushing with joy, he said.

Total! But...

She fell silent.

He suddenly resurrected. And she, in turn, did not recognize Oblomov: the foggy, sleepy face instantly changed, her eyes opened; the colors played on the cheeks; thoughts moved; his eyes sparkled with desire and will. She, too, clearly read in this mute play of faces that Oblomov instantly had the goal of life.

Life, life again opens up to me, - he said as if in a delirium, - here it is, in your eyes, in a smile, in this branch, in Casta diva ... everything is here ...

He then with delight, furtively cast a glance at her head, at the camp, at the curls, then he squeezed a branch.

This all is mine! My! he thought thoughtfully, and did not believe himself.

You will not move to the Vyborg side? she asked as he left for home.

He laughed and didn't even call Zakhar a fool.

Since then, Olga has become calmer, "but she lived and felt life only with Oblomov." She felt all the changes taking place in her soul and lived in her new sphere, without worries and anxieties. She did the same thing as before, but in a different way. She often recalled the predictions of Stolz, who said that she had not yet begun to live. And now I realized that he was right - she had just begun to live.

The image of Olga occupied all Oblomov's thoughts. He fell asleep, woke up and walked, thinking about her; day and night he talked to her in his mind. He read books and retold them to Olga, wrote several letters to the village and changed the headman, and would even go to the village if he considered it possible to leave without Olga. He did not have supper and did not go to bed during the day, and in a few weeks he traveled all over the Petersburg environs.

The sympathy of Olga and Oblomov grew and developed, and Olga flourished along with this feeling. Everyone noticed that she got prettier. When they were together, Oblomov looked at her for a long time, unable to look away. She easily read everything that was written on his face, and was proud of the fact that she was able to arouse in him such strong feeling. “And she admired and was proud of this man who was cast down at her feet, by her own strength!” Olga still ridiculed Oblomov's weaknesses, and each time he tried to dodge so as not to fall in her eyes. She deliberately asked him questions that he could not answer, and forced him to look for answers and then explain to her. He ran across bookstores, libraries, sometimes did not sleep at night, read, so that in the morning, as if by chance, answer Olga's question. But Olga's love was different from Oblomov's feelings.

I don’t know,” she said thoughtfully, as if delving into herself and trying to catch what was going on in her. - I don't know if I'm in love with you; if not, perhaps the minute has not come yet; I only know one thing, that I did not love neither my father, nor my mother, nor the nanny so much ...

What's the difference? Do you feel anything special! .. - he sought.

I love differently,” she said, leaning back on the bench and her eyes wandering in the rushing clouds. - I'm bored without you; parting with you for a short time - it's a pity, for a long time - it hurts. Once I knew forever, I saw and I believe that you love me - and I am happy, at least never repeat to me that you love me. I don't know how to love more and better.

"Those are words... as if they were Cordelia!" - thought Oblomov, looking passionately at Olga ...

If you die… you,” she continued haltingly, “I will wear eternal mourning for you and never smile again in my life. Love another - I won’t grumble, curse, but I wish you happiness to myself ... For me, this love is like ... life, but life ...

She was looking for expression.

What is life, according to you? - asked Oblomov.

Life is a duty, a duty, therefore, love is also a duty: it was as if God sent her to me, she said, raising her eyes to the sky, and told me to love.

Cordelia! Oblomov said aloud. And she's twenty-one! So that's what love is, according to you! he added thoughtfully.

Yes, and I, it seems, will have the strength to live and love all my life ...

Thus the same motive was played out between them in various variations. Meetings, conversations - all this was one song, one sound, one light that burned brightly, and only refracted and split its rays into pink, green, pale yellow and trembled in the atmosphere around them. Every day and hour brought new sounds and rays, but the light burned alone, the motive sounded the same ...

Oblomov was at the mercy of his feelings and lived only for meetings with Olga. “I love, I love, I love,” Olga’s recent confession sounded in it. But the next day he got up pale and gloomy, with traces of insomnia on his face and an extinguished fire in his eyes. He drank his tea languidly, did not touch a single book, and sat down on the sofa and thought. He was not drawn to lie down - he had lost the habit, but he still rested his hand on the pillow. The image of Olga was in front of him, but somewhere in the fog. Inner voice told him that you can not live the way you want. “We must grope, close our eyes to many things and not rave about happiness, do not dare to grumble that it is slipping away - this is life!” He suddenly realized that he needed to part with Olga, his "poetic mood gave way to horrors."

"Isn't this a mistake?" - suddenly flashed through his mind like lightning, and this lightning hit the very heart and broke it. He groaned. "Error! yes... that's it! - tossed and turned in his head.

“I love, I love, I love,” suddenly resounded again in my memory, and my heart began to warm up, but suddenly it became cold again. And this triple “I love” Olga - what is it? The deception of her eyes, the sly whisper of an idle heart; not love, but only a premonition of love! ..

Now she loves the way she embroiders on the canvas: quietly, lazily the pattern comes out, she unfolds it even more lazily, admires it, then puts it down and forgets it. Yes, this is only a preparation for love, an experience, and he is the subject who turned up first, a little tolerable, for experience, on occasion ...

That's it! he said with horror, getting up from his bed and lighting a candle with a trembling hand. - There is nothing else here and never was! She was ready to accept love, her heart waited sensitively, and he met by chance, fell by mistake ... Another will only appear - and she will sober up with horror from the mistake! How she would look at him then, how she would turn away... terribly! I'm stealing someone else's! I am a thief! What am I doing, what am I doing? How blind I am! - My God!

He looked in the mirror: pale, yellow, eyes dull. He remembered those young lucky ones, with a damp, thoughtful, but strong and deep look, like hers, with a trembling spark in their eyes, with confidence in victory in a smile, with such a cheerful gait, with a sonorous voice. And he will wait until one of them appears: she will suddenly flare up, look at him, Oblomov, and ... burst into laughter!

He looked into the mirror again. "They don't like them!" - he said.

Then he lay down and pressed his face against the pillow. "Farewell, Olga, be happy," he concluded.

Oblomov told Zakhar that if they came for him from the Ilyinskys, to say that he had left for the city, but then he decided to write a letter to Olga stating that the feelings she was experiencing were not real love, but only an unconscious ability to love, and he himself consoles himself with the fact that “this short episode will leave ... a pure, fragrant memory ...” Having sent a letter, Oblomov began to imagine what kind of face Olga would have when she read it. At this time, he was informed that Olga asked me to tell him to come at two o'clock, and now she is walking. Oblomov hurried to her, and saw that she was walking along the road, wiping her tears. Olga reproached him for injustice, for deliberately hurting her. Oblomov admitted that this letter was unnecessary and asked for forgiveness. They reconciled, and Olga ran home.

He remained where he was and looked after her for a long time, like a flying angel...

What is it? he said aloud in forgetfulness. - And - love, too ... love? And I thought that she, like a sultry afternoon, would hang over those who loved her and nothing would move or die in her atmosphere: there is no peace in love, and it is moving somewhere forward, forward ... "like all life", says Stoltz. And Joshua was not yet born, who would have said to her: “Stop and do not move!” What will happen tomorrow? he asked himself anxiously, and thoughtfully, lazily went home.

Passing by Olga's windows, he heard how her tight chest was relieved in the sounds of Schubert, as if crying with happiness.

My God! How good it is to live in the world!

At home, Oblomov was waiting for a letter from Stolz, which began and ended with the words: “Now or never!” Andrei reproached his friend for immobility and invited him to come abroad, advised him to go to the village, deal with the peasants and start building a new house. Ilya Ilyich began to think, write, even went to the architect and prepared a plan for the house in which he was going to live with Olga.

A secret relationship, invisible to others, was established between Oblomov and Olga: every glance, every insignificant word spoken in front of others had its own meaning for them. They saw a hint of love in everything.

And Olga will sometimes flare up with all her self-confidence when someone's love story is told at the table, similar to her story; and as all love stories are alike, she often had to blush.

And Oblomov, at a hint of this, will suddenly grab in embarrassment at tea such a bunch of crackers that someone will certainly laugh.

They became sensitive and cautious. Sometimes Olga will not tell her aunt that she saw Oblomov, and he will announce at home that he is going to the city, and he will go to the park ...

Summer was moving on, leaving. Mornings and evenings became dark and damp. Not only lilacs - and lindens have faded, the berries have departed. Oblomov and Olga saw each other daily.

He caught up with life, that is, he learned again everything that he had lagged behind for a long time; he knew why the French envoy had left Rome, why the English were sending ships with troops to the East; wondered when they would lay new road in Germany or France. But he did not think about the road through Oblomovka to a large village, he did not testify the power of attorney in the chamber and did not send an answer to Stolz's letters.

He learned only what was in the circle of daily conversations in Olga's house, what was read in the newspapers received there, and rather diligently, thanks to Olga's perseverance, followed the current foreign literature.

Everything else was buried in the realm of pure love.

Despite the frequent changes in this pink atmosphere, the main reason was the cloudlessness of the horizon. If Olga sometimes had to think about Oblomov, about her love for him, if this love left an idle time and an empty place in her heart, if her questions did not all find a complete and always ready answer in his head and his will was silent to the call of her will, and to her cheerfulness and trembling of life he answered only with a motionless, passionate look, - she fell into painful thoughtfulness: something cold, like a snake, crawled into her heart, sobered her from her dream, and warm, fairy world love turned into some kind of autumn day, when all objects seem to be in gray.

But it began to seem to Oblomov that those around him were somehow strangely looking at them with Olga, something began to torment his conscience. He did not answer all Olga's questions, fearing to frighten her away. He suddenly suddenly realized that his behavior could ruin the reputation of an honest girl. “He was exhausted, crying like a child that the iridescent colors of his life had suddenly turned pale, that Olga would be a victim. All his love was a crime, a stain on his conscience. He realized that there was only one way out of this situation: marriage. And he decided that that same evening he would announce his decision to Olga.

Oblomov ran to look for Olga, but he was told that she had left. He saw her walking up the mountain and ran after her. Olga was now cheerful and frisky, then suddenly fell into thoughtfulness. They started talking about their love, but he remembered that he did not come for this.

He cleared his throat again.

Listen... I wanted to say.

What? she asked, turning quickly to him.

He was timidly silent...

Tell me! .. - she pestered.

I just wanted to say,” he began slowly, “that I love you so much, I love you so much that if...

He hesitated...

Imagine, - he began, - my heart is overflowing with one desire, my head with one thought, but my will, my tongue do not obey me: I want to speak, and the words will not leave my tongue. But how simple, how ... Help me, Olga.

I don't know what's on your mind...

Oh, for God's sake, without this you: your proud look kills me, every word, like frost, freezes ...

She laughed.

You're crazy! she said, putting her hand on his head.

So, here I received the gift of thought and words! Olga,” he said, kneeling before her, “be my wife!”

She was silent and turned away from him in the opposite direction.

Olga, give me your hand! he continued.

She didn't. He took it himself and put it to his lips. She didn't take it. The hand was warm, soft and slightly damp. He tried to look into her face - she turned away more and more.

Silence? he said anxiously and questioningly, kissing her hand.

Consent sign! she said softly, still not looking at him.

What do you feel now? What do you think? he asked, remembering his dream of shy consent, of tears.

The same as you, - she answered, continuing to look somewhere into the forest; only the excitement of her chest showed that she was holding herself back.

"Does she have tears in her eyes?" thought Oblomov, but she stubbornly looked down. - Are you indifferent, are you calm? - he said, trying to pull her by the hand to him.

Not indifferent, but calm.


Because I had foreseen this for a long time and got used to the thought.

For a long time! he repeated in astonishment.

Yes, from the moment I gave you a lilac branch... I mentally called you...

She didn't agree.

Since that moment!

He opened his arms wide and wanted to enclose her in them ...

A strange thought occurred to him. She looked at him with calm pride and waited firmly; and at that moment he would like not pride and firmness, but tears, passion, intoxicating happiness, at least for one minute, and then let the life of imperturbable peace flow!

And suddenly, no impetuous tears from unexpected happiness, no bashful consent! How to understand it!

A snake of doubt woke up in his heart and entered... Does she love or is she just getting married?...

But Olga admitted to Oblomov that she would never want to part with him, and he felt incredibly happy.

Goncharov's novel "Oblomov" is a significant philosophical work. In it, the author reveals the very essence of life, which passes by the protagonist in a seething, flowing stream, and he does not even notice it.

Ilyinskaya is occupied in the novel special place. Here there is a meeting of two personalities and there is a test of values, opinions, views. The reader watches with great interest the development of a great feeling, saddens when it fades away. This article is intended to consider the causes of the personality crisis of Ilya Ilyich and his interaction with Ilyinskaya.

First meeting

For the first time, Oblomov and Olga meet thanks to Andrei Stolz. Who else could not get the homebody Ilya Ilyich out of the apartment! A few days after his arrival, he decided to visit the young lady and took Oblomov with him. It was obvious that the young people liked each other. In any case, Oblomov expressed a clear interest. It cannot be said that it was the first meeting that somehow influenced their future relationship, but it was the beginning of a long spiritual ordeal that gave rise to a lot of experiences.

The birth of a feeling

Relations between Olga and Oblomov begin gradually. Probably, Ilya Ilyich could not quickly flare up a feeling: he thought so much, analyzed, as if trying to weigh every little detail. Great impression the girl's singing struck him. Together they listened to "Casta Diva", and exciting tender dreams resonated in his heart. The relationship between Oblomov and Olga is full of sublime feelings and tender enthusiasm. It seemed that such admiration could be experienced only in youth, when the soul is most open to heartfelt exploits.

As Ilya Ilyich loves

The development of relations between Oblomov and Olga is very beautiful and unusual. Ilya Ilyich is struck by the natural grace of the girl, he is fascinated by her smile, beauty and spiritual wealth. After all, how amazingly she knew how to understand the most ordinary things! You could talk to her for hours, talking in the most different topics. Oblomov looks at her with enchanted eyes: she seems to him a miracle, a gift given from above. The master for a long time cannot decide to start courting her, because he is not sure of his own attractiveness, of what might be of interest to her. He does not make any attempts to win her favor, but simply admires her closeness.

Ilya Ilyich loves selflessly, with a frenzy, to the point of pain in his chest. Despite all this, he does not dare to explain himself to his beloved, he is in no hurry to propose to her. Even when Olgino's timid "I love" sounded in the silence of the evening garden, he did not dare to take it seriously. Not because he did not believe in the girl's sincerity, but because he considered her a lovely child who did not yet know herself. Oblomov talked too much about the nature of love, invented for himself reasons why he and the young lady could not be together.

The depth of emotional experiences of the protagonist is amazing. Ilinskaya are filled with unprecedented purity, warmth and a genuine desire to get to know each other better.

How Olga loves

From the very beginning of their acquaintance, the young lady showed interest in the master. He introduced herself to her mysterious person She admired the depth of his thought. The only thing she didn't like about him was his habit of sleeping during the day. She would like to correct such a feature of him, to exterminate it. With particular delight, the girl imagined how he would unlearn being lazy, and that would be only her merit. She imagined herself to be an excellent teacher, out of love for whom an adult man should change his character. Of course, Ilyinskaya's naivety can be forgiven because of her young age.

The relationship between Oblomov and Olga continued exactly until fear and distrust ruined this warm feeling.

Oblomov's letter

Ilya Ilyich captured his doubts about their joint future in a long message to Olga. At that time, things were already practically going to the wedding, and even Zakhar could hardly doubt that significant changes would soon take place. Being in a state of impulse, as if being in a cowardly state, he analyzes the situation and comes to the conclusion that the young lady does not take him for the one she would like to see in front of her.

He is sure that she needs another, a knight who will perform feats in her name and pour affectionate speeches, and now the girl is cruelly mistaken. Ilya Ilyich is even ready to donate own feeling just to make her happy. The development of relations between Oblomov and Olga is gradually fading away. The master does not believe in his own prospects, deep down he considers himself unworthy of love, and therefore refuses. While writing that ill-fated letter, he wept like a child. And when the message was sent, Ilya Ilyich could not stand it and that same evening went to Ilinskaya to have an explanation with her.

A break up

The relationship between Oblomov and Olga could not last long. It was necessary to do something, to take certain steps, which were not followed due to the indecision of Ilya Ilyich. It can be said that Oblomov simply did not wait until Olga got tired of communicating with him, and preferred to be the first to stop the disturbing, painful feeling. The fact is that love called him, prompted him to transform his life, wanted to make him change, and he, on the contrary, with all the forces of his soul, showed unpreparedness for such changes.

Thus, the relationship between Oblomov and Olga failed. They began so beautifully and promisingly, but ended in tears, bringing unbearable pain with them. The reason for this was the unwillingness on both sides to accept a generous gift from fate and be grateful.

Goncharov said: "Love moves the world with the power of the Archimedean lever." These words can be taken as an epigraph not only to Goncharov's novel Oblomov, but to the whole human life generally.

Love in Oblomov, as in other novels, plays a huge role. She can explain many of the actions of heroes, she is the cause of joy and suffering. Love is what is most beautiful in a person, what makes him do wonderful things.

Each hero of the novel, like any of us, perceives love in his own way, each one draws in his imagination his ideal of his beloved or beloved. In the novel, Goncharov shows several love lines: Oblomov and Olga, Stolz and Olga, Oblomov and Pshenitsyna, Zakhar and Anisya. All of them, despite the differences, have common features.

The love of Olga and Oblomov appeared as a result of Stolz's care. This active person cannot come to terms with the apathy of a friend, therefore, he makes attempts to revive him to life. Stolz describes Olga beautiful spiritual qualities Oblomov: his tenderness, kindness, mind. Olga is trying to "stir up Oblomov." At first it seems to her fun, especially since Oblomov begins to revive right in front of her eyes. He himself lives in love: “... he gets up at seven o'clock, reads, carries books somewhere. On the face of no sleep, no fatigue, no boredom. But even paints appeared, in his eyes, shine, something like courage, or at least self-confidence. ” But Olga really falls in love with Oblomov. Now it's not a game anymore. Ольга готова многое дать своему избраннику, но и от него ждет самоотвер­женной отдачи. And, alas, it collides with Oblomov's inertia. Love begins to burden Ilya Ilyich. He understands that "even in love there is no peace." The tragic outcome is inevitable, the heroes part. Мне кажет­ся, причина в том, что оба любили создан­ный ими образ, а не конкретного челове­ка. Илья Ильич понял это и в письме к Оль­ге пишет: «...ваше настоящее «люблю» не есть настоящая любовь, а будущая. Это только бессознательная потребность любить, которая за недостатком настоящей пищи... высказывается иногда у женщин в ласках к ребенку, к другой женщине, даже просто в слезах или истерических припадках... Вы ошибаетесь, перед вами не тот, кого вы ждали, о Com dreamed. Wait - he will come, and then you will wake up; you will be annoyed and ashamed of your mistake.” Soon Olga herself realized the illusory nature of her love. In a conversation with Stolz about Oblomov, she created for herself perfect image and loved him. Ольга любила не того Обломова, ка­кой он есть на самом деле, а свое творе­ние, то, что могло получиться потом, в бу­дущем. And Oblomov? He returned to his former life, to the sofa and to the dressing gown. It hurts him to lose Olga. But after all, Oblomov loves not a living person, but an image invented by him. Осознай он настоящую натуру Оль­ги, ему бы и в голову не пришло помес­тить ее в свой будущий воображаемый мир. Для Обломова идеальный брак - это нечто другое: «...а подле гордо-стыдли­вой покойной подруги спит беззаботный человек. Он засыпает с уверенностью, проснувшись, встретить тот же кроткий симпатичный взгляд. И через двадцать, тридцать лет...» Он, выросший в Обломовке и усвоивший с детства только одну философию: все должно находиться в со­стоянии покоя, никогда не поймет дея­тельную натуру Ольги.

But love, whatever it may be, does not pass without a trace. She awakened in Oblomov his best qualities. Now we sympathize with him, we see in him something more than just an inactive person. Love changed Olga too. Stoltz was the first to notice this. “How ripe she is, my God! How this girl has developed! Who was her teacher? Where did she take life lessons? At the baron? It's smooth there, you won't learn anything from his smart phrases! Not at Ilya’s! .. ”If you figure it out, then Stolz himself wants a calm long love. Only, unlike Oblomov, in love, Stolz, as in life, does not tolerate the slightest uncertainty, understatement. Everything should be sorted out and sorted out so that the contradictions do not accumulate and threaten the lives of the spouses in the future. Stolz is happily married. He achieved what he wanted, and found in Olga what he was looking for: the ability to think like him, to be on a par with him. They are not at different poles, like Oblomov and Olga, they are both advanced people: smart, frank, striving for knowledge. But doubts creep into Olga's soul, it seems to her that something is still missing in her life, she dreams of something unrealizable. Perhaps Olga's ideal is a man who would embody Oblomov's spiritual qualities and Stolz's active nature.

Oblomov finds his ideal in Pshenitsyna. It happened quietly and imperceptibly. Lying on the sofa, seeing the diligent Agafya Matveevna in front of him, Oblomov falls in love with her. She is an excellent hostess, kind and faithful wife. But the main thing is that she created for Ilya Ilyich his Oblomovka, to which he aspired. Pshenitsyna's house is Oblomovka. Oblomov again fell into that environment, the memories of which he had preserved from childhood. From the very moment when Ilya Ilyich crossed the threshold of Agafya Matveevna's house, he was doomed to return to Oblomovka, to return to his former life, die to others and start living your dream. Pshenitsyna's love does not require anything from Oblomov, moreover, the hostess herself makes sacrifices in the name of this love. “... She did not know what was happening to her, she never asked herself, but went under this sweet yoke unconditionally, without resistance and enthusiasm, without trembling, without passion, without vague forebodings, languor, without play and music, nerves .. She fell in love with Oblomov simply, as if she had caught a cold and caught an incurable fever. Pshenitsyna's love is selfless and devoted. It seems that her whole life has passed in anticipation of a person who could be devotedly loved and cared for. She has taken on the role of sovereign hostess and copes with it perfectly. She cooks Sunday pies, pawns her things, which Oblomov does not know at all, if only the master does not need anything. Such love is very similar to motherly love and care. But perhaps Oblomov needed such a wife who embodied the qualities of a wife and mother at the same time.

There is another line of love in the novel. It can be traced in the relationship between Oblomov's servant Zakhar and Anisya. These people are happy in their own way, they also found their ideal in life. Zakhar considers himself a smart person and pretends not to listen to women's advice, but then he does as his wife tells him. Anisya sees all this, takes it for granted and is happy.

All these completed marriages are different, but it is impossible to say which one is better, which one is worse. The important thing is that in them each of the partners found what he was looking for. Oblomov is happy, because his wife does not require anything from him, while at the same time completely taking care of him. Agafya is also happy, because her daily chores and perpetual movement have acquired a higher meaning. Stolz also found his ideal woman.

The theme of love is eternal, and as long as there are people on earth, there is love.

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