Starting a conversation with a girl. Interesting topics for conversation with a girl or friends


It is necessary not only to be able to talk with girls, it is important to be able to touch on the most frank topics that were in her life. And we will talk about such topics in this article!

The coolest birthday in a GIRL's life.

Why a birthday?
Because on birthdays people usually feel good, they have fun and receive gifts. On birthdays, a person is at an emotional peak.
When we ask and talk about this topic, the girl automatically plunges into this day. What does it mean?
She enjoys the memories of that day.
We focus on pleasant memories.
This can be called immersion in the past in order to evoke positive emotions.

With this day, usually the brightest emotions

Once I was sitting in a cafe with a girl and asked about DR, she began to talk in colors and with all the details. For a moment I thought I was there with her.
I looked at her and saw how she smiles and plunges into that day, she enjoys these memories.

Thus, we can talk about a birthday, and the girl will enjoy pleasant memories, and you, the man, will enjoy the process and her happy eyes.
(Unless, of course, she likes you somehow)

The main thing here is to be sincerely interested in her life and not just ask about the better day birth, and then sit in your smartphone.
Show your interest, communicate, ask clarifying questions, and you will see that the process is going as it should.

Real themes!

I advise that you speak only on topics that are really interesting to you.
If you are not interested or bored with what she is talking about, then tell her about it gently, offer yourself another topic that will be of interest to both and start a dialogue.
When a person listens to a boring story that is not interesting at all, then we automatically begin to yawn, look around, “drip” in a smartphone, and so on.
The girl notices all this and perceives you as a little interested interlocutor, and this is unpleasant.
You came on a date to communicate and enjoy the process of communicating with a person. You should be happy with all of this.

If one of you often looks at the time or just digs into the phone, then most likely the date will be unsuccessful.

Start starting those topics that will be of interest to both, get to know her, build a dialogue)

You ask, where are the topics about sex?
Everything is going in stages, Moscow was not built in one day.

Find out about her ex-boyfriends.

From my practice, I noticed that not all guys like and want to talk about their ex-boyfriend. Why?
No one really could explain to me why.
Now I will explain why this is important. In psychology, there is such a feature as “mirror communication”. This is when you, when communicating with gestures and body position, behave in the same way as the interlocutor.
The same should be done with the topic about ex boyfriends. Like this?
You asked a question - how did you spend with your ex free time?
She replied: "Well, we loved to go to parks, to exhibitions, we loved to walk around Moscow at night."
You understand about her preferences here.

Talking about an ex is sometimes helpful.

“Mm, she likes to walk around Moscow at night, and I like to drive a car around Moscow at night. Damn, it’s very cool, we need to take a walk, and then ride.”
There is a common understanding.
Who was the main character in your relationship?
- Well, you know, I love it when a man is in charge in a relationship, and accordingly, all my former young people were the first to take the initiative.

Mm, cool, I also like to be in charge in a relationship, I just met GIRLS who want to dominate.

What I wrote above is for more serious topics.

“When a person comes to boxing, he is not allowed to immediately enter the ring against the champion.
He is well trained in this way, prepared for battle.

Also, the third step can be what we led to.
- Between us, what kind of sex do you prefer? There are all sorts of people, someone loves hard, and someone loves tenderly. Tell me, of course it's strictly between us.

As you can see, I add "strictly between us." This is how we remove the barriers in the head of the GIRL before they appear and until the moment when the subconscious begins to say: “Nastya, my God, do you want this young man who do you know for a couple of hours to talk about your preferences in intimate life?
Thus, I logically explained that yes, there are all sorts of people, but if we plan to communicate and have already met, then let's talk and learn about our personal affairs This will help us in communication in the future.

Using something like this a simple circuit, but at the same time, very effective, you will receive all the secrets that she might have hidden and not told anyone before you.

Don't forget that girls love to take responsibility off their shoulders. Therefore, when you touch on very personal topics, then try to process her objections in advance.
(Example above)

Dream together

Offer the GIRL right now to create the most perfect day in her life.
The task is for her to mentally draw and verbally describe her ideal day. From the moment she gets up in the morning until the evening when she is at home after a tough and eventful day.
This is done to build up on emotions.

Just imagine, you have been dreaming all your life about living in a cozy house in the middle of the forest and doing your own business there.

Nobody knows, nobody asked you about it. At the GIRL, you also start asking about the class day in her life, and together you begin to create this day.

Fantasizing and dreaming together is very close

After she has described her ideal day, you can also describe your dream day.

You say: “Cool, you shared such a secret, now I!”

When you start drawing a day, then try to write the interlocutor somewhere, well, let's say here's a mini example:

“I woke up in my cozy house, next to a girl, blonde + smart big. Her name is Tanya, yes it's you near. The truth is, you don't know yet."

It works well because she's emotionally overwhelmed. You describe your day, and suddenly, she suddenly finds herself in it.
The main thing is to forget about the framework, invent what you want, do not set any restrictions.

Now, if you go through these topics in order, then you will build a good dialogue with the girl, which is what you want to achieve.
By the way, everything is very simple, you just need to try. Do! Experiment!

I think this information was helpful. If you have someone who would benefit from this article, share the link with them.
Good luck with the girls!

Communication often begins precisely through VK, but over time it develops into telephone conversations, and here it’s not far from goodbye in real life. But in order to reach this positive result, you should be able to ask the right and timely questions.

If there are difficulties in talking to a girl simply because there are no topics for conversation, then for this it is enough to use the advice of more experienced account holders in in social networks.

First of all, you should focus on the interlocutor, and if it is not clear what to talk about, then it is better to remember everything that is known about her. Suppose that by the time the dialogue begins, there is even personal communication on the network: a casual acquaintance, the presence of mutual friends, or just study at the same university.

If so, then acquaintance is greatly facilitated, because there is already something to talk about. Simple enough ask the right questions regarding changes since past experiences with this girl. If you see it for the first time, then I recommend reading the article in order to understand the very methodology of communication.

Important! If you want to start a conversation with a previously unfamiliar lady on a social network, then there is an excellent tool for this - her page, from which you can learn about hobbies and interests by viewing uploaded music files, videos and view photos, which often show how a girl likes to spend time.

If you devote a little time to this, then in the end you can get a lot of topics that are interesting for the interlocutor.

If a topic was found that unites with this interlocutor, then you can continue it. These may be common hobbies or interests that coincide with the interlocutors. As interesting start one might say small part of his own "biography".

This may be interesting information that directly relates to the topic of conversation, or a case from ordinary life who will set the tone and pace for this conversation.

Worth avoiding any communication on personal topics at the very beginning of dating, because this can cause unpleasant emotions in a girl and she will simply lose interest in this communication.

For some people it doesn't seem like much big mistake, but this is really something that can stop communication at the first stages.

So what can you talk about with the girl you like? ? It is worth focusing on the situation and for this you may need to carefully explore her profile. Maybe something in the photo will lead to thoughts about the topic for further communication.

You can ask, for example, about the name of the cat with which the girl is in the photo, or ask if she can swim if the picture is visible by the sea or river. Finding a question is not difficult at all, because it requires only a little attention to the girl herself and her personality.

Common topics for talking with a girl in VK

The main task everyone who decides to start a conversation with a girl on the network, first there is such a correspondence that will be of interest to both. That's what it takes to find the right topics.

Naturally, if a lady is not football or a car, then she will definitely not be pleased with conversations on these topics that drag on for several hours.

Not worth it choose options for talking about what you don't understand, because there is a big risk of seeming incompetent or just stupid.

If at the same time you start arguing, it will be a complete fiasco.

What questions can be preferred when choosing topics for communication with a lady? If ready own decisions no, you should use it universal options, which have been tested by time, are interesting and at the same time neutral.

8 popular topics for communicating with a girl in VK

1. Relationships. You can ask about what kind of men a girl likes and what she expects from meeting them, but you should not insist, because it may well be that the conversation is too frank for the girl and she will not be morally ready for this.

2. Hobbies. It's also a great topic to start and keep a conversation going. This may be a hobby or sports that the girl practices. It will be especially good to start the topic of hobbies that you have the same. You can also ask how the girl used to spend her free time.

3. Movies and music. This topic also relevant at all times. You can add films to the works of cinema by asking about those that the girl likes. You can also get information about which girl an actor or musician likes. These questions very easily lead to further live communication, because it is enough to smoothly translate them into a proposal to meet live.

5. Favorite places. It's also a worthy topic to start a conversation. If in the same city with a girl, then you can use the most different variants for questions about her favorite places. You can recall a few of your favorite places in the city where you can have a good time away from home. Further, it will be very easy to invite the lady to get out for a cup of coffee, having previously learned about which establishments in the city she prefers and not to forget about them when it comes to a real meeting.

6. Vacation or travel. It is also a very important, simple yet versatile topic of conversation. You can not start with a global one, but simply ask about her plans for the weekend or how she usually used to spend her free time in terms of relaxation. Very often it is in this that you can find many points of contact. There are many vacation options to help you get to know her better and have a good time, so you can invite her to spend free time together in a style that she likes. Very often it can be active recreation options or others. interesting options have a good time.

7. Work or study. Also one of the eternal themes. You can ask if she likes studying or her job, and also ask many questions that will follow from her answers. It also follows from this that it will be possible to ask in the future about her affairs and how the day went with great details that will not be available to the person who is not familiar with her daily routine so closely.

8. Animals. Usually this is the most pleasant topic that rarely any girl can avoid, because almost everyone loves animals. And if you ask about her pets, then you can get a reciprocal interest from her, because the guy who is interested in her pets will be interesting to her too. At a minimum, she will want to know what kind of animals the interlocutor has. Usually animals are present in the photo in the girl's profile, but if they are not, then it is better to find out what animals she loves and keeps at home, and starting from this information, start a further conversation.

Naturally, all these topics will immediately look like a bad interview, so you should avoid too much search with questions and use all the topics separately, moving very smoothly from one to another. In this case, it will be just a pleasant and relaxed conversation. If , then acts in a different way.

Important! When communicating, you can share your hobbies and skills, but you should do it as delicately as possible, so that from the outside it didn't seem like a boast.

If we are talking about what kind of books a girl likes, then you can safely offer books that you liked yourself, if they correspond to the topic that the girl likes.

You can also show your imagination and offer something interesting to read on the topic that the girl likes, and first figure it out yourself.

Telephone conversations

If was interesting conversation through social networks, you can translate the conversation into telephone mode exchanging numbers with the girls.

At the very beginning, it is worth mentioning the moment of transition from VKontakte communication to a telephone conversation, because this way you can easily translate the conversation already into a new plane and pick it up from where it left off on social media.

If the communication was yesterday, and the call is today, then you can ask how her day went, etc.

Important! It is important to actively participate in the conversation and add your comments to what the girl says, but not to make it look emotionless. You can also compliment her voice, but you should avoid vulgarity.

And, what topics can you suggest for a conversation with a girl in VK?

If you are just taking your first steps in a pickup truck, and you don’t have much experience with girls, the question naturally arises, what to talk about With new girlfriend. After all, when for the first time, a lot of all sorts of nuances arise: since she is you, you start to worry, and because of this, communication does not stick well.

Therefore, before the meeting, it is better to have a plan in your head: what, what you can catch on in communication, where to lead it and how to avoid awkward pauses.

The first question that you should ask yourself is: “for what purpose am I going for a walk now, and what exactly do I want from a girl?”. After all, this is very important! Why do so many dates end in nothing? The guy likes the girl and he meets completely aimlessly in fact, he does not know what to do and where to direct his communication. Girls feel such insecurity very well, and they quickly become bored and uninterested.

For example, you say to yourself: I like this girl. At the meeting, I want her to be interested in me. I want to get close to her and kiss her. Ultimately, I want to have sex with her.

And when the goals are set, you can carry on the conversation in a certain way. What kind of communication can lead to sex? Obviously not a discussion of their hobbies, and who is studying for whom.

Therefore, flirting should be present in your communication. And the initiative of this flirting should come from you.

Interesting topics for a conversation with a girl

  • Her appearance. After you greeted her, hugged and kissed her, you can pay attention to her appearance. For example, say that she has a cool topic with an interesting print, and start discussing it, what does this mean. In this case, you drive her into an evaluation framework, and she already begins to think how you like it, and that there may be something wrong with her.)
  • extreme sports. Tell her how you do roadjumping, how cool it is and how you feel about it. Let her try it too. Your girlfriend will imagine all this and begin to experience emotions. What's the most important thing on a date? Emotions!
  • Tell me about some cool or interesting case from your life in which you ended up with your girlfriend. That is, you talk about the situation and, as if in passing, mention that there is at least one other woman in your life. This immediately creates competition for you in the girl's head. For example: a friend drove me on a date, and we saw such terrible accident.. and then blah blah blah ... the emphasis is on the incident, but the girl will immediately notice that you have a girlfriend who also does something for you.
  • Ask, How would she behave in a given situation?. An example of a situation should also be with a provocation. For example, you are sitting in some institution, and you ask: how would you behave if that girl over there came up to me now and invited me to dance? It doesn't matter what she says. The main thing is that the necessary mental image has already been created in her head, which also works for competition for you.
  • Tell me about travel. Where have you been and what have you seen. About the most memorable moments. Ask her the same. By the way, this is a good test of a girl. Usually, people who have never been anywhere, and they don’t even have such a desire, turn out to be quite closed and boring. Why do you want a girl who doesn't care about much?

Topics for talking with a girl in VK

I do not recommend tightening. Try to take the girl's phone number as soon as possible and arrange to meet in real life. In VK it is quite difficult to maintain a conversation at the right degree, and it is pointless. If a girl does not give a number and breaks down, forget about her and go to another one.

How to communicate with a girl

An equally important point. After all, if you use all of the above points, but you are insecure and boring, then no, even super interesting and intriguing topics for conversation will help you. So remember, it's not even important WHAT speak, and HOW speak.

Talk to a girl confidently. Don't fawn over her. Don't try to please her.

Imagine that during your communication you are on mental level you give her a present. In the form of positive energy Have a good mood, interesting information. See how her reaction has changed.

As you gain experience, you will have less and less questions about how to find topics for a conversation with a girl in real life, on the Internet, on VK, on ​​the phone Yes, in all situations. It's like boxing. When you first come to a workout, your hands do not obey, everything turns out barely. But after a few months of regular training, you already have a blow, you defend well, and you don’t think about your every action. So here, you stop worrying about how to start a conversation and what you can talk about with a girl.

Ran out of topics for communication with a girl?

Keep a few more options:

  • Ask about a dream.
  • About being able to cook. Here you can have a good joke)
  • "What do you want to be when you grow up?")
  • Talk about women's and men's fashion.

That's all. Good luck!

It often happens that we meet new people and start a conversation with them. Sometimes it can be very difficult because you are communicating with absolutely a stranger and should somehow start a conversation with him. If you have just met a person, then you want to know more about him. When you meet someone for the first time or are trying to get to know someone better, you need to know good themes for conversations.

As practice shows, it is much more difficult for guys to talk with girls whom they first met or don’t know well than for girls with guys. To attract the attention of a girl, you need to be a good conversationalist. But first you need to start communication correctly so that the girl relaxes and does not feel awkward. If this is achieved, then the conversation usually becomes longer and more sincere.

Starting a conversation

Finding a topic of conversation with a girl you barely know, and even with a friend you know a lot better, can be difficult. First you need to bring the interlocutor to the conversation. To do this, be yourself and try to be less silent, try to interest her. Usually, the first conversation shows how communication will develop further. Do not try to speak beautifully using phrases from poems or literary expressions, it will look ridiculous and unnatural.

When you start a conversation with a girl, the key to success is sincerity.

Most girls can tell right away if you're being sincere or being hypocritical to get and keep the girl's attention. Usually, starting a conversation with a story about yourself will help the girl calm down and open up to the exchange of thoughts and ideas.

When talking with a girl on a date, do not forget to look at her. Flattering comments about her appearance, will always be a good start for a conversation. Do you like her hair or eyes? Tell her about it. Is she wearing your favorite color? Let her know.

Here is a small list of questions that will help start a conversation with a girl:


“Tell me, where do you work? Why did you choose this profession?”

This type of conversation can lead to further development dialogue. You can talk about your work experience, your favorite jobs, and what kind of work you want in the future.

"Tell about your family".

This will help start conversations about siblings, grandparents, and funny family stories.

"Tell us about your skills, interests, hobbies, and what you like to do in your free time."

By asking about it and listening carefully to the answer, you will get fundamental information on which you can build an interesting conversation.

“Tell me about your favorite food (color, song, movie, etc.).” Stories about some favorite things will allow you to relax, get to know the tastes of the girl, find new topics for conversation.

Important and win-win topics and questions for discussion. Remember to pause when asking questions so that the interlocutor has the opportunity to say whatever she wants.

  1. Tell me about some awkward moment and then ask the girl about it. Embarrassing moments are usually humorous, so this topic will help the girl relax and feel comfortable talking to you.
  2. Tell the girl what you have planned for the weekend and ask about her plans. Your plans may overlap and you may spend time together. When you talk about the meeting, another topic for conversation will appear.
  3. Tell your interlocutor about your pets and ask her the same. Girls love to talk about their pets. If she doesn't have one, ask what animal she would like to have.
  4. Ask her what style of dress she likes. This is a good clue to finding out her personality. If she prefers casual or sportswear, then the next date can be sporting event, at the cinema or cafe. If she likes to dress elegantly, then consider going to an elite club or restaurant.
  5. Ask the girl how she likes to spend time with her friends. What she likes to do with her friends, she will like to do with you.
  6. Ask what's the best thing that happened to her Lately. This is another good way to find out what is important to her - friendship, money, work, helping others, etc.
  7. Find out the girl's opinion about the place where you are at the moment of the dialogue. Girls like it when they are taken seriously and their opinions are taken into account.
  8. Ask if she prefers text messages, calls, or social media. But even when chatting with a girl on Vkontakte, Facebook or on another site, follow the basic rules of communication.

If you managed to interest a girl in a conversation, this does not mean that you can offer her to meet tomorrow. It will take a lot longer for her to fall in love with you. emotional connection. However, learning how to properly conduct a conversation with a girl on a walk, sitting in some institution, on the phone and even on VKontakte is already the first step towards your goal.

Most girls love to share their feelings and thoughts, emotions. A topic that is of interest to a girl can get her to talk and continue the conversation. Topics for communicating with a girl when meeting are usually general: about interests, about work, about education, etc. But when you meet again, there are much more topics, since you have already managed to get to know each other and exchange sympathies. Both of you are comfortable with each other, so you can talk about anything. But it is important to avoid vulgar topics and too personal.

Sometimes it seems that the topics for conversation are over. Do not worry. If you enjoy being in each other's company, then it is not necessary to talk to a girl when you walk with her in the park or around the city. You can be silent for a while and enjoy these moments, and then continue talking about something casual.

If necessary, talk about simple things. Simple, everyday topics don't bother anyone and can lead to longer conversations. Simple themes help you relax and avoid disagreements, allowing you to find something that both of you like. Stay away from deep or controversial topics until you get to know each other better.

Some guys find it hard to strike up a conversation with a girl on social. networks, but it is easier for them to communicate in person. And some can talk with girls on the phone for hours, but when they meet in person, they are shy and feel awkward. It doesn't matter what type you are. You can prepare a list of topics in advance and use it anyway.

Top 6 Conversation Topics

Men feel anxious before approaching a woman because they are afraid awkward silence even more than a potential failure. When you're trying to attract a woman you're interested in, any conversations you have with her are like card game. Your goal is to get the woman to put an equal or greater amount of effort into the conversation. The more effort she puts in, the more likely you are to connect.

It is very important to learn how to talk to a woman. This will help you find common features between you to create rapport and show true attraction. Experienced Men Use 6 Conversational Topics That Are More Effective Than Others When we are talking about the relationship and attraction of women.

Books, films, music and art

Talking to a woman about her favorite books, movies, music, or art is a great way to build relationships. If a woman tells you that she loves music, ask what her favorite band, favorite songs are.

This will allow you to set the woman up to put more effort into the conversation for your relationship. It will also help you find out what you have in common.


Most women love talking about relationships. They can talk for a long time about love relationship, and about friendly, and about family. Women love to give advice on solving relationship problems.

You can use the history of the relationship between your friend and his girlfriend in a conversation. You will be surprised at how these topics will interest a woman.

people around you

Many men complain that they run out of topics for conversations with a woman. But if you pay close attention to your surroundings, you'll find plenty of conversational topics to get you through the day.

There is a fun game that can be played with a woman anywhere. It's called "What's His Story". When you're on a date with a woman, choose a stranger at random and make up a story about that person. And then ask your lady to tell her version. It can be quite curious and funny. Good way have fun.


Talking about travel always makes women feel happy and excited. People love to travel, and those who rarely do it love to dream about traveling.

Ask a woman about interesting place where she has been, and what she did and saw there. Or ask her where she would go if she could disappear on whole month without worrying about work or other responsibilities. These conversations will help lift her up emotional condition. And she will begin to associate this feeling with you.


To attract and seduce a woman, you need to make her feel like she's winning over you. To do this, you need to find out unique information about it. Showing interest in her life can greatly improve your relationship.

If you notice details such as new hairstyle, new shoes, manicure, etc., be sure to tell the woman about it. They love attentive men. Be interested in these details, ask about them. And when a woman talks about them, let her know that you find these details attractive.

Her passions, dreams and goals

When someone shows genuine interest in your dreams and goals, it's always a good feeling. Once you've built a certain level of trust and rapport with a woman, it's all about asking questions.

To be a good conversationalist, you need to not only follow what the person says. You need to learn to understand what topics make him worry, and learn how to manage the conversation on these topics. Women will feel attractive because of the genuine interest you show in her life.

Keep these conversational topics in mind and make an effort to practice your communication skills with a girl. And after that, you will see a noticeable difference in the quality of conversations with women.

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