The works of Leo Tolstoy are three comrades. Online reading of the book Three Comrades Three Comrades I


The sky was yellow as brass; it hasn't been smoked yet. Behind the roofs of the factory, it glowed especially strongly. The sun was about to rise. I looked at my watch - it was not yet eight. I arrived a quarter of an hour earlier than usual.

I opened the gate and prepared the petrol dispenser pump. Always at this time, the first cars were already driving up to refuel.

Suddenly I heard a hoarse groaning behind me - it seemed as if a rusty screw was being turned underground. I stopped and listened. Then he went across the yard back to the workshop and cautiously opened the door. In the half-dark room, a ghost stumbled about. It was in a dirty white handkerchief, blue apron, thick soft shoes and brandished a broom; it weighed at least ninety kilograms; it was our cleaner Mathilde Stoss.

I watched her for a while. With the grace of a hippopotamus, she scurried back and forth between car radiators and hummed a song about the faithful hussar in a dull voice. There were two bottles of cognac on the table by the window. There was almost nothing left in one. It was full the night before.

However, Frau Stoss…” I said.

The singing broke off. The broom fell to the floor. The blissful grin faded. Now I am a ghost.

Jesus Christ, - Matilda stuttered stuttering and staring at me with reddened eyes. I didn't expect you so early.

I guess. Well, how? Did you like it?

Still, but it makes me so uncomfortable. She wiped her mouth. - I just freaked out.

Well, that's an exaggeration. You are only drunk. Drunk in the smoke

She had a hard time keeping her balance. Her antennae quivered and her eyelids fluttered like an old owl's. But gradually she still managed to recover somewhat. She stepped forward decisively.

Lokamp, ​​a man is just a man. At first I only sniffed, then I took a sip, otherwise my stomach was in trouble - yes, and then, you see, the demon confused me. Shouldn't have been tempted old woman and leave the bottle on the table.

It's not the first time I've seen her like this. Every morning she came for two hours to clean the workshop; you could leave as much money as you wanted there, she didn't touch it. But vodka was to her what fat is to a rat.

I raised the bottle

Well, of course, you didn’t touch the brandy for clients, but leaned on the good one, which Mr. Kester keeps for himself.

A smile flickered across Matilda's weathered face.

What's true is true - that's what I understand. But, Mr. Lokamp, ​​you will not extradite me, a defenseless widow.

I shook my head.

Not today.

She lowered her tucked-up skirts.

Well, then I'll wash off. Otherwise, Mr. Kester will come, and then this will begin ...

I went to the closet and unlocked it:


She hurried over to me. I held up a brown square bottle high.

She waved her hands in protest.

It's not me! I swear on my honor! I didn't touch this!

I know, - I answered and poured a full glass. - Do you know this drink?

Still would! She licked her lips. - Rum! Aged, old, Jamaican!

Right. Here, have a glass. - I? she recoiled. - Mr. Lokamp, ​​this is too much. You are torturing me on a slow fire. The old woman Stoss secretly drank your cognac, and you still bring her rum. You are just a saint, and nothing more! No, I'd rather die than drink.

Here's how? - I said and pretended that I was going to pick up a glass.

Well, if so... - she quickly grabbed a glass. - If you give it, you have to take it. Even when you don't really understand why. For your health! Maybe it's your birthday?

Yes, you hit the mark, Matilda!

Indeed? Is it true? She grabbed my hand and shook it. - With all my heart I wish you happiness! And more money! Mr Lokamp! She wiped her mouth.

I was so excited that I should have missed another one! I love you like my own son.

That's good!

I poured her another glass. She drank it in one gulp and, showering me good wishes left the workshop.

The gates creaked. I tore up the sheet with the dates of my life and threw it under the table into a basket. The door swung open. Gottfried Lenz stood in the doorway, thin, tall, with a shock of straw-colored hair and a nose that was probably intended for a completely different person. Kester followed him in. Lenz stood in front of me;

Robbie! he yelled. - Old glutton! Get up and stand properly! Your bosses want to talk to you!

Oh my god, I got up. - And I hoped that you would not remember ... Have pity on me, guys!

Look what you want! - Gottfried put a package on the table, in which something clinked.

Robbie! Who was the first person you met this morning? I began to remember...

Dancing old woman!

Holy Moses! What a bad omen! But it suits your horoscope. I compiled it yesterday. You were born under the sign of Sagittarius and, therefore, are fickle, you sway like a reed in the wind, you are affected by some suspicious listrigons of Saturn, and in an atom year also by Jupiter. And since Otto and I are your father and mother, I give you some form of protection to begin with. Take this amulet! A great-granddaughter of the Incas once gave it to me. She had blue blood, flat feet, lice and the gift of foresight. “White-skinned stranger,” she told me. - It was worn by kings, it contains the forces of the Sun, the Moon and the Earth, not to mention other small planets. Give me a silver dollar for vodka and you can wear it.” In order not to interrupt the baton of happiness, I pass the amulet to you. He will protect you and put the hostile Jupiter to flight,” Lenz hung a small black figure on a thin chain around my neck. - So! This is against misfortunes threatening from above. And against everyday troubles - this is Otto's gift! Six bottles of rum twice your age!

Unwrapping the package, Lenz placed the bottles one after the other on the table, illuminated by the morning sun. They cast amber.

A wonderful sight, I said. - Where did you get them, Otto?

Kester laughed.

It was a tricky one. It's a long story. But tell me, how do you feel? How is a thirty year old?

I waved it off.

It's like I'm sixteen and fifty years old at the same time. Nothing special.

And you call this "nothing special"? Lenz objected. - Well, it couldn't be better. This means that you have masterfully conquered time and will live two lives.

Kester looked at me.

Leave him, Gottfried, he said. - Birthdays weigh heavily on state of mind. Especially in the morning. He will still leave.

Lenz frowned.

How less people cares about his state of mind, the more he's worth, Robbie. Does that give you some comfort?

No, I said, it doesn't comfort me at all. If a person is worth something, he is already only a monument to himself. And I think it's tedious and boring.

Otto, listen, he's philosophizing," said Lenz, "and that means he's already saved. The fateful moment has passed! That fateful moment of your birthday when you stare into your own eyes and notice what a pitiful chicken you are. Now you can safely get to work and lubricate the offal of the old Cadillac ...

We worked until dusk. Then they washed and changed. Lenz looked greedily at the row of bottles.

Why don't we wring the neck of one of them?

Let Robbie decide,” Kester said. - It's just indecent, Gottfried, to make such clumsy hints to the one who received the gift.

It’s even more indecent to force those who donate to die of thirst,” Lenz objected and uncorked the bottle. The scent spread throughout the workshop.

Holy Moses! Gottfried said. We began to sniff.

Otto, the scent is fabulous. You need to contact yourself high poetry to find a decent comparison.

Yes, this rum is too good for our gloomy barn! Lenz decided. - You know what? Let's go out of town, have dinner somewhere and take a bottle with us. There, in the bosom of nature, we will blow it out.


We rolled aside the Cadillac we'd been fiddling with all day. Behind him stood a very strange object on four wheels. It was Otto Kester's racing car, the pride of our workshop.

One day, at an auction, Kester bought an old rattletrap with a high body on the cheap. The experts present did not hesitate to say that this was an interesting exhibit for the museum of the history of transport. Bolvis, the owner of a ladies' coat factory and an amateur racing driver, advised Otto to convert his purchase into a sewing machine. But Kester paid no attention to anyone. He dismantled the machine like a pocket watch, and fiddled with it for several months, sometimes remaining in the workshop until deep night. And then one day he appeared in his car in front of the bar where we used to sit in the evenings. Bolvis almost collapsed with laughter, it all looked so hilarious. For fun, he offered Otto a bet. He bet two hundred marks against twenty if Kester wanted to compete with his new racing car: distance ten kilometers and one kilometer handicap for Otto's car. They shook hands. Around laughed, anticipating noble fun. But Otto went further: he refused the handicap and, with a deadpan air, offered to increase the rate to a thousand marks against a thousand. Amazed, Bolvis asked if they could take him to a psychiatric hospital. Instead of answering, Kester started the engine. Both started immediately. Bolvis returned half an hour later and was as shocked as if he had seen a sea serpent. He silently wrote a check, and then began writing a second one. He wanted to buy a car right away.

Kester ridiculed him. Now he won't sell it for any money. But no matter how magnificent were the hidden properties of the machine, appearance her was terrible. For everyday use, we put the most old-fashioned body, old-fashioned could not be found. The varnish faded. The fenders were cracked, and the top had probably lasted at least a decade. Of course, we could finish the car much better, but we had reason to do just that.

We named the car "Karl". "Karl" is the ghost of the highway.

Our "Karl", sniffling, pulled along the highway.

Otto, I said. - The victim is coming.

Behind him, a heavy Buick honked impatiently. He quickly caught up with us. Here are the radiators. The man behind the wheel looked at us disdainfully. His gaze flickered over the shabby Karl. Then he turned away and immediately forgot about us.

After a few seconds, he found that "Karl" was on a par with him. He sat back up, looked at us in surprise, and stepped on the gas. But "Karl" did not lag behind. Small and swift, he raced next to the glittering nickel and lacquer colossus, like a terrier next to a dog.

The man tightened his grip on the steering wheel. He still suspected nothing and mockingly twisted his lips. Now he was clearly going to show us what his cart was capable of. He pressed the accelerator so that the muffler chirped like a flock of larks over a summer field, but it did not help: he did not overtake us. As if bewitched, an ugly and inconspicuous "Karl" stuck to the Buick. The owner of the Buick stared at us in amazement. He did not understand how, at a speed of one hundred kilometers, he could not tear himself away from the old-fashioned carriage. He looked at his speedometer in disbelief, as if it could be deceiving. Then he gave full throttle.

Now the cars were speeding side by side along the straight, long highway. A few hundred meters ahead, a truck appeared, rumbling toward us. Buick had to give way and fell behind. As soon as he caught up with the "Karl" again, a hearse with waving ribbons of wreaths sped by, and he again had to fall behind. Then the highway cleared.

Meanwhile, the driver of the Buick had lost all his arrogance. He sat leaning against the steering wheel, pursing his lips in annoyance, racing fever seized him. Suddenly it turned out that his honor depended on whether he could leave this puppy behind. We sat in our seats with an air of utter indifference. The Buick just didn't exist for us. Kester calmly looked at the road, I stared into space, bored, and Lenz, although by this time he had already turned into a solid bundle of tense nerves, took out a newspaper and delved into it, as if nothing was more important to him now.

A few minutes later, Kester winked at us, the Karl slowed down imperceptibly, and the buik began to move slowly. Its broad, glittering wings swept past us, the muffler roaring blue smoke into our faces. Gradually, the Buick pulled away by about twenty meters. And then, as we expected, the driver's face appeared from the window, grinning with an air of obvious triumph. He thought he had already won.

But he didn't stop there. He could not deny himself the pleasure of mocking the vanquished and waved to us, inviting us to catch up. His gesture was markedly casual and self-confident.

Otto,” Lenz said invitingly.

But it was redundant. At the same moment, "Karl" rushed forward. The compressor whistled. And the hand that waved to us immediately disappeared: "Karl" followed the invitation - he was catching up. He was catching up uncontrollably; caught up, and then for the first time we paid attention to someone else's car. With innocently questioning faces, we looked at the man behind the wheel. We wondered why he was waving to us. But he, convulsively turning away, looked in the other direction, and "Karl" now raced at full speed, covered in mud, with flapping wings, a victorious dung beetle.

Well done, Otto, Lenz told Kester. We ruined this guy's appetite for dinner.

For the sake of such races, we did not change the body of "Karl". As soon as he appeared on the road, and someone was already trying to overtake him. He acted on other motorists like a downed crow on a flock of hungry cats. He incited the most peaceful family carriages to start racing, and even the obese bearded men were seized with irrepressible racing excitement when they saw how this loose frame was dancing in front of them. Who could have suspected that behind such a funny appearance is hidden the mighty heart of a racing engine!

Lenz claimed that "Karl" educates people. He supposedly instills in them respect for creativity, - after all, it always hides under an unsightly shell. So spoke Lenz, who called himself the last romantic.

We stopped in front of a small inn and got out of the car. The evening was beautiful and quiet. The furrows of the freshly plowed fields were purple, and their shimmering edges were golden brown. Like huge flamingos, clouds floated in the apple-green sky, surrounding a narrow sickle. new moon. The hazel bush hid twilight and a silent dream in its arms. He was touchingly naked, but already full of hope, lurking in the kidneys. The smell of fried liver and onions wafted from the small inn. Our hearts beat faster.

Lenz rushed into the house towards the inviting smell. He came back shining

You must admire the fried potatoes! Quicker. Not the best will be eaten without us!

At that moment, another car pulled up with a noise. We froze, as if nailed. It was the same Buick. He braked sharply next to the Carl.

Goplya! Lenz said.

We have had to fight more than once in such cases. The man went out. He was tall and overweight, wearing a wide brown camel-hair raglan. With an unfriendly glance at Karl, he took off his large yellow gloves and approached us.

What brand is your car? he asked with an acetic-sour grimace, turning to Kester, who was standing closer to him.

We were silent for a while. Undoubtedly, he considered us auto mechanics, who went out in Sunday suits for a walk in someone else's car.

Do you think you said something? finally asked Otto doubtfully. His tone indicated the possibility of being more polite.

The man blushed.

I asked about this car,” he said peevishly.

Lenz straightened up. His big nose twitched. He was extremely exacting in matters of courtesy to all who came into contact with him. But suddenly, before he could open his mouth, the second door of the Buick was flung open. A narrow leg slipped out, a thin knee flashed. A girl came out and slowly walked towards us.

We looked at each other, amazed. Before, we did not notice that someone else was sitting in the car. Lenz immediately changed his position. He smiled broadly, his entire freckled face blurred. And all of us, too, suddenly began to smile for some unknown reason.

The fat man looked at us in surprise. He felt insecure and obviously did not know what to do next. Finally he introduced himself, saying with a half-bow, "Binding," clinging to his own name as a safety anchor.

The girl came up to us. We have become more welcoming.

So show them the car, Otto,” Lenz said, with a quick glance at Kester.

Well, perhaps, - answered Otto, smiling only with his eyes.

Yes, I would gladly look, - Binding spoke already conciliatory. - She seems to have a hell of a speed. So, for a great life, broke away from me.

The two of them went to the car, and Kester lifted the hood of the Karl.

The girl did not go with them. Slender and silent, she stood in the twilight next to me and Lenz. I expected Gottfried to take advantage of the circumstances and explode like a bomb. After all, he was a master in such cases. But he seemed to have forgotten how to speak. Usually he lek like a black grouse, but now he stood like an ionah, who had taken a vow of silence, and did not move from his place.

I'm sorry, I finally said. We didn't notice that you were in the car. We wouldn't be so rude.

The girl looked at me.

Why not? she objected calmly and unexpectedly in a low, muffled voice. “There was nothing wrong with that.

Nothing bad, but we acted not quite honestly. After all, our car gives about two hundred kilometers per hour.

She leaned over slightly and shoved her hands into her coat pockets.

Two hundred kilometers?

More precisely, 189.2 according to the official timing, Lenz blurted out proudly.

She laughed.

And we thought sixty - seventy, no more.

You see, I said. - You couldn't have known that.

No, she replied. We really didn't know that. We thought the Buick was twice as fast as your car.

That's the same. I pushed the broken branch away with my foot. - And we had too much advantage. And Mr. Binding must have been pretty mad at us.

She laughed.

Of course, but not for long. After all, you need to be able to lose. Otherwise it would be impossible to live.

Of course...

There was a pause. I looked at Lenz. But the last romantic only grinned and twitched his nose, leaving me to the mercy of fate.

Noisy birches. A chicken cackled behind the house.

Wonderful weather,” I said at last to break the silence.

Yes, it's great," she replied.

Just unusually soft,” I concluded. There was another pause.

The girl must have thought we were decent fools. But with all my efforts, I couldn't think of anything else. Lenz began to sniff.

Baked apples,” he said, touched. - It seems that baked apples are also served here with the liver. Here is a delicacy.

Undoubtedly, - I confirmed, mentally cursing myself and him.

Kester and Binding are back. In those few minutes, Bindivg became a completely different person. Apparently, he was one of those car maniacs who are utterly blissful when they manage to meet a specialist with whom to talk.

Shall we have dinner together? - he asked.

Of course, Lenz replied.

We entered the tavern. At the door Gottfried winked at me, nodding at the girl:

You know, after all, she more than atones for a morning meeting with a dancing old woman.

I shrugged.

Maybe. But why did you leave me alone to stutter?

He laughed.

You gotta learn sometime, baby.

I have no desire to learn anything else,” I said.

We followed the others. They were already at the table. The hostess served the liver and fried potatoes. As an introduction, she put down a large bottle of bread vodka. Binding turned out to be an unstoppable talker like a waterfall. What did he just not know about cars! When he heard that Kester had to race, his sympathy for Otto crossed all boundaries.

I took a closer look at Bindint. He was overweight, tall, with a red face and thick eyebrows; somewhat boastful, somewhat noisy and probably good-natured, like people who are lucky in life. I could imagine that in the evenings, before going to bed, he seriously, with dignity and reverence, examines himself in the mirror.

The girl sat between Lenz and me. She took off her coat and remained in a gray English suit. She wore a white kerchief around her neck, reminiscent of an Amazonian frill. In the lamplight, her silky brown hair shone amber. Very straight shoulders slightly arched forward, arms narrow, with long fingers seemed dry. Big eyes gave a thin and pale face an expression of passion and strength. She was very good, I thought - but it didn't matter to me.

But Lenz caught fire. He has completely changed. His yellow forelock shone like flowering hops. He spewed fireworks of witticisms and reigned at the table with Binding. I sat silently and only occasionally reminded of my existence, passing a plate or offering a cigarette. Yes, even clinked glasses with Binding. I did this quite often. Lenz suddenly slapped his forehead.

And the rum! Robbie, grab our birthday rum.

For your birthday? Who has a birthday today? - asked the girl.

I have, I replied. “They have been following me all day today.

Persecuted? So you don't want to be congratulated?

Why? Congratulations are another matter entirely.

Well, in that case, I wish you all the best.

For a moment I held her hand in mine and felt her warm grip. Then I went out to fetch rum. A huge silent night surrounded the little house. The leather seats of our car were damp. I stopped looking at the horizon; there shone the reddish glow of the city. I would have liked to have lingered longer, but Lenz was already calling me.

The rum was too strong for Binding. This was discovered after the second glass. Swinging, he got out into the garden. Lenz and I got up and went to the counter. Lenz demanded a bottle of gin. - Gorgeous girl, isn't she?

He asked.

I don't know, Gottfried, I replied. - Didn't really look at her.

He looked at me for a while with his blue eyes and then shook his red head:

And what do you live for, tell me, baby?

That's what I would like to know myself, - I answered. He laughed.

See what you want. This knowledge does not come easily. But first I want to find out what it has to do with this fat car guide.

Gottfried followed Binding into the garden. Then they returned together to the counter. Apparently, Lenz received favorable information and, apparently delighted that the road was clear, vigorously courted Binding. Together they drank another bottle of gin and an hour later they were already on the "you". Lenz, when he was in a good mood, knew how to captivate those around him so much that he could not be denied anything. Yes, he himself then could not deny himself anything. Now he completely took over Binding, and soon both, sitting in the arbor, were singing soldiers' songs. Meanwhile, the last romantic had completely forgotten about the girl.

The three of us stayed in the tavern hall. There was a sudden silence. The Black Forest clock ticked steadily. The hostess was cleaning up the bar and looking motherly at us. A brown hound was stretched out by the stove. From time to time she barked from sleep - softly, shrill and plaintively. The wind rustled outside the window. It was drowned out by fragments of soldiers' songs, and it seemed to me that the small room of the tavern was rising up with us and, swaying, floating through the night, through the years, through many memories.

There was some strange mood. It's like time has stopped; it was no longer a river flowing out of darkness and falling into darkness, it became a sea in which life silently reflected. I raised my glass. It sparkled with rum. I remembered the note I had written in the workshop this morning. Then I was a little sad. It's all gone now. I didn't care - live while you're alive. I looked at Kester. He spoke to the girl, I listened, but did not distinguish the words. I felt the soft illumination of the first blood-warming hop, which I loved because in its light everything indefinite, the unknown seems like a mysterious adventure. In the garden, Lenz and Binding sang a song about a sapper in the Argonne Forest. There was a voice next to me unknown girl; she spoke softly and slowly, in a low, exciting, slightly hoarse voice. I finished my glass.

Lenz and Binding returned. They sobered up a bit fresh air. We began to gather. I gave the girl a coat. She stood in front of me, smoothly straightening her shoulders, her head thrown back, her mouth slightly open in a smile that was not intended for anyone and was directed somewhere at the ceiling. For a moment I lowered my coat. How come I didn't notice all the time? Did I sleep? Suddenly I understood Lenz's delight.

She turned slightly to me and looked inquiringly. I quickly lifted my coat again and looked at Binding, who was standing at the table, still purplish red and with a somewhat glazed look in his eyes.

Do you think he can drive a car? I asked.


I was still looking at her.

If you can't be sure of it, one of us could go with you.

She took out a compact and opened it.

It'll work out, she said. - He drives even better after drinking.

Better, and probably more careless, I objected. She looked at me over her little mirror.

Hope everything goes well, I said. My fears were greatly exaggerated, because Binding was holding up well enough. But I wanted to do something so that she would not leave yet.

Will you let me call you tomorrow to see if everything is all right? I asked.

She didn't answer right away.

After all, we bear a certain responsibility, since we started this drink, - I continued, - from the point of view of me with my birthday. She laughed.

Well, please, my phone number is 27-96.

As soon as we left, I immediately wrote down the number. We watched Binding drive off and had another drink in farewell. Then they launched our "Karl". He raced through a light March fog. We were breathing rapidly, the city was moving towards us, sparkling and hesitating, and like a brightly lit motley ship, Freddy's Bar appeared in the waves of fog. We anchored the Karl. Cognac flowed like liquid gold, gin sparkled like aquamarine, and rum was the embodiment of life itself. In iron immobility we sat on high stools at the bar, music splashed around us, and being was bright and powerful; it filled us new force, the hopelessness of the shabby furnished rooms waiting for us was forgotten, and all the despair of our existence. The bar was the captain's bridge on the ship of life, and we roared towards the future.

In this lesson, you will get acquainted with the work of Leo Tolstoy "Two Comrades", analyze it, make a plan for it, learn interesting details of the life of Leo Tolstoy.

Consider the illustration and guess what this fable will be about (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Illustration for the fable "Two Comrades" ()

The fable tells of two boys who went into the forest and met a bear there. Read the fable.

Two comrades

Two comrades were walking through the forest, and a bear jumped out at them. One rushed to run, climbed a tree and hid, while the other remained on the road. He had nothing to do - he fell to the ground and pretended to be dead.

The bear sniffed his face, thought it was dead, and moved away.

- Well, - he says, - did the bear speak in your ear?

- And he told me that - bad people those who run away from their comrades in danger.

Read the questions and try to answer them. Check the correctness of your answers.

1. Who did the children meet in the forest?


2. How did the first boy behave?

(climb a tree)

3. What is the name of such an action?

(he got scared, scared)

4. What did the second boy do?

(fell to the ground and pretended to be dead)

5. What character trait did he show?


6. Why didn't the bear touch him?

(he thought the boy was dead)

7. Describe the boys, what are they like?

(the first is a coward, left a comrade in trouble, the second is resourceful and quick-witted, he pretended to be dead, and the bear does not eat dead prey)

8. Prove that given text- fable.

(this is a short instructive story)

9. What words express morality?

(bad people are those who run away from their comrades in danger)

10. What does this fable teach?

(don't leave people in trouble)

Prepare the text for retelling. To do this, read the text, then divide it into semantic parts and give a name to each of them.

Let's check:

1. Two comrades were walking through the forest, and a bear jumped out at them. One rushed to run, climbed a tree and hid(Fig. 3) while the other was on the road.

Rice. 3. Illustration for the fable "Two Comrades" ()

This part can be titled "Meeting with a bear."

2. He had nothing to do - he fell to the ground and pretended to be dead.

The bear came up to him and began to sniff: he stopped breathing.

The bear sniffed his face, thought he was dead, and walked away.(Fig. 4) .

Rice. 4. Illustration for the fable "Two Comrades" ()

This part could be titled "Ingenuity Saved a Life."

3. When the bear left, he got down from the tree and laughs:

“Well,” he says, “did the bear speak in your ear?”

- And he told me that - bad people are those who run away from their comrades in danger.

This part can be titled with words from the text “What did the bear whisper in his ear?” (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Illustration for the fable "Two Comrades" ()

So let's make a plan:

  1. Meeting with a bear.
  2. Ingenuity saved a life.
  3. What did the bear whisper in your ear?

“A cowardly friend is more terrible than an enemy, because you fear the enemy, but you hope for a friend”- so says popular wisdom.

The boys, most likely, will not remain friends, because the first boy, in a moment of danger, chickened out and betrayed his comrade.

Do you know that Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy in his estate Yasnaya Polyana set up a school for peasant children? There were no textbooks in those days, so Tolstoy himself wrote the alphabet and four books for reading, which included fables, fairy tales, and stories (Fig. 6).

Rice. 6. Leo Tolstoy in his estate Yasnaya Polyana ()

  • "Filipok" (Fig. 7)

Rice. 7. Cover of the book "Filipok" ()

  • "Kitten" (Fig. 8)

Rice. 8. Cover of the book "Kitten" ()

  • "Lion and dog" (Fig. 9)

Rice. 9. Cover of the book "The Lion and the Dog" ()

  • "Liar"
  • "Bone" (Fig. 10)

Rice. 10. Cover of the book "Bone" ()


  1. Kubasova O.V. Favorite pages: Textbook on literary reading for grade 1. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2011.
  2. Kubasova O.V. Literary reading: Workbook to the textbook for grade 1. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2011.
  3. Kubasova O.V. Literary reading: I want to read. Reading book for the textbook "Favorite Pages". 1 class. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2011.
  1. ().
  2. ().
  3. ().


  1. Explain the moral of the fable "Two Comrades".
  2. Prepare a retelling of the fable "Two Comrades" according to plan.
  3. Read two or three other works by L.N. Tolstoy from the list above to choose from.

People say that before Yurya even a fool had hay; but as soon as the cattle winters until the annunciation, even if you take it out on a lubok, it will not die in any way.

Here I will tell you.

One poor peasant had only one oder, and he barely made it to the annunciation, and dragged the barely alive man to the meadow for the annunciation. That's how the oder began to pinch the grass, and recovered a little. I just got on my feet - and went on, staggering from the wind

He is walking, suddenly he comes across a horse on the way, big and strong, not afraid of any beast, - oder and says:

Hello, comrade!

The horse looked at his comrade and thought: “This is not my comrade,” and he answers:

Good health! The well-fed asks the thin:

And where are you going?

Yes, where the legs go.

And I'm there, let's be comrades.

Well, come on! - said Oder. Here they both went. They go and talk, and the well-fed one asks:

Tell me what's your name Thin answers;

And I am a horse, - says the well-fed. - Now let's go to the iron current to try who will be stronger.

Bay, oder!

No, fuck you! he says.

That's how the horse strikes, so the current bends, and how the oder strikes, so the fire and kreshet. The horse became thoughtful: “How strong, however, he is - not my comrade! When I strike, sparks do not fall, but only the current bends, and sparks fall from it!”

And the horse didn’t even know that the oder was shod, after all: the owner shod him for the winter, and he forgot to take off the horseshoes when he let him out into the meadow.

Here the horse says to the bed:

Let's go, comrade, to the sea, let's see who more water blow out?

Let's go, - said Oder.

Here we go. As soon as a horse blows, there aren’t enough fish by the tails, - he blew it dry. And the oder hung his head into the water, stuck out his tongue - barely alive, and the pike thought it was meat, and grabbed it by the tongue, and the oder clacked with its teeth and said to the horse:

What, comrade, caught something?

And I caught!

The horse looked at the bed, was frightened that he was holding such a huge pike in his teeth, and said:

Let's go, comrade, cook, now there's something! - And he himself only scratched his head, but looks at the bed and thinks:

“That’s what the hell I found to my own misfortune!” They built a fire to cook the fish. And the horse says:

You, comrade, sit here by the fire, and I will bring firewood!

Well, okay! - said the oder, and sat down, bowing his head: it was said - he was about to die. And the magpie thought that he was lifeless, grabbed him by the tongue, and clattered his teeth - and kept him in his mouth. A horse comes, and the oder asks:

Well, comrade, did you catch anything?

No, the horse replies.

And I caught! says oder. The horse looks, and really holds the oder in the teeth of the magpie. The horse was surprised and said:

And where did you get the magpie, comrade?

Uh, comrade, - said the oder, - I flew in the sky, so I caught it.

The horse became very sad and said to himself:

“Uh, this is not my comrade; if he catches a fish in the sea, and a bird in the skies, then how can I compete with him! Although I am strong, I uproot the oaks, but I will not catch fish and birds in the sea!” So the horse thought to himself and began to think about how he could escape from the bed.

Thinking, the horse says:

You, comrade, cook, and I'll go, maybe I'll bring firewood.

OK! Oder agreed.

He walked around the horse, but around, and well, run at full speed, runs, looks around and says:

Damn you devilry took away! You are beyond my strength, I would rather get away from you as soon as possible!

A horse is running, and a wolf is running towards it. Wolf says:

Hello, horse!

Hello wolf! - said the horse and in such a timid voice. - You'd better be silent.

What is it, tell me?” the wolf asks the horse.

And that's what! the horse began to speak. - I met with a friend, I wanted to fraternize with him, so we went to the force to try who is stronger. So what do you think? When I strike, the iron current bends, but when it strikes, sparks fall. We went to the sea to blow off the water, - as soon as I die, it’s already dry, and he caught a fish. Let's go cook the fish, and what do you think? While I brought firewood, he already caught a magpie! So I see that he is not within my power, and let me draw from him.

And what is his name? the wolf asked the horse.

Oder, said the horse.

Eh, yes, I know how to shave such and such, - said the wolf, - just show me where he is.

Eh no! - said the horse. - I will not take you there; let's climb an oak, then I'll show you; over there, under the mound, in the valley, a fire is burning, it is my comrade oder laying it out.

The wolf looked, so he shook all over, he says:

You, horse, sit here and look, and I will go and bring you the skin for your boots, so that you will not be afraid of anyone and trust us: we know how to shave such vagabonds!

So the wolf went to the bed, and as he grabbed him by the tail, so he tore off the skin to the head and gave it to the horse.

There was only one horse left, and the oder disappeared for no reason at all.

Here's a fairy tale for you, and I knit bagels.

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