A verification test on the work of I.S. Bach


I present a new musical crossword puzzle, it is dedicated to the topic “The life and work of I.S. Bach. It contains 25 questions of medium difficulty. Almost all questions can be answered in an encyclopedia or a textbook on musical literature For music school.

To make it easier for you to solve (the answers, as always, are given at the end) the Bach crossword puzzle, I will tell you a few facts about the topic. Bach's name is Johann Sebastian, he greatest composer the baroque era. He was born in 1685, curiously, two more major baroque composers were born in the same year - the German G.F. Handel and Italian D. Scarlatti.

During his life, I.S. Bach moved many times from one German city to another, and he never left the country. Milestones creative way the composer is associated with 3 cities: Weimar, Leipzig and Köthen. I.S. Bach was big family. Four of his sons became famous composers.

Bach's legacy as a composer - about 1000 compositions in different genres. These are large spiritual and secular vocal and instrumental compositions (passions ("passions"), oratorios and cantatas), many organ music, music for the clavier (“Inventions and Symphonies”, 2 volumes of the “Well-Tempered Clavier”, French (6), English (6) suites and Partitas (also 6)), concertos for solo instruments with orchestra, and purely orchestral ( "Brandenburg Concertos"), etc.

After such curriculum vitae you already have answers to many questions from our crossword puzzle on the topic of Bach's work. It's time to start solving all the other questions.

So, a crossword puzzle on the subject of Bach:

Horizontal questions:

  1. A melody that sounds simultaneously with the fugue theme, but in a different voice.
  2. The German composer, who was born in the same year as J.S. Bach.
  3. Famous italian composer, who was also born in the same year as I.S. Bach (1685).
  4. The name of a German two-part dance that was an indispensable part of any clavier suite.
  5. What is the name of the piece that precedes each fugue in the Well-Tempered Clavier collections?
  6. What are the names of the old church tunes that Bach processed, creating beautiful small melodies based on their melodies? organ pieces?
  7. vintage keyboard and stringed instrument, the melodious sound of which arose as a result of pressing the strings with metal plates.
  8. What is the name of a section in a fugue when there is no theme in any of the voices?
  9. A musical instrument with black and white keys, with a ringing rattling sound that comes from plucking a string with a feather.
  10. What did Bach call his three-part inventions?
  11. A French three-beat dance at a fairly fast pace, which was a mandatory part of any clavier suite.
  12. What is another name for the genre? church music"passion"?

Vertical questions:

  1. What is the name of the polyphonic device in the fugue, when a new introduction of the theme enters before the end of the previous implementation?
  2. In translation, this word means "running", but this word also refers to the genre of polyphonic music.
  3. In addition to fast dances, the old suite included one obligatory slow dance. spanish dance often of a mournful or dramatic nature. What was this dance?
  4. In what city did Bach stay, working as a court organist and composing a lot of music for the organ?
  5. For classes with students I.S. Bach, a diligent teacher, created small clavier pieces, which, in his opinion, should have instilled in the student a love for composing. What are these plays?
  6. To which musical era attribute the life and work of I.S. Bach?
  7. What is the name of a polyphonic technique when a theme sounded in one voice is immediately repeated in another voice?
  8. The city in which I.S. Bach was born.
  9. In which city I.S. Bach served as cantor at the Church of St. Thomas, creating many choral music?
  10. As you know, the old suite included four compulsory dance. What is the name of fast dance English sailors, with whom such a suite usually ends?
  11. Which keyboard and wind instrument can be compared with an orchestra in terms of richness of timbres and power of sound? Sometimes this instrument is even called the "king of musical instruments».
  12. After the death of Bach, his work on for a long time It has been forgotten that Bach's music underwent a second birth only in the 19th century. Big role this was played by the performance by that time of the "Passion according to Matthew" unknown to anyone in Europe. Thanks to what German composer did this performance take place?
  13. Remember Beethoven's statement about the name J.S. Bach. What does the word "bach" mean in German? How can it be translated into Russian?

Answers to the crossword on the topic Bach:

Horizontally: 1. Counterposition 2. Handel 3. Scarlatti 4. Allemande 5. Prelude 6. Chorale 7. Clavichord 8. Interlude 9. Harpsichord 10. Symphonies 11. Courante 12. Passions.

Vertical: 1. Stretta 2. Fugue 3. Sarabande 4. Weimar 5. Inventions 6. Baroque 7. Imitation 8. Eisenach 9. Leipzig 10. Gigue 11. Organ 12. Mendelssohn 13. Stream.

The crossword on the theme of Bach is another crossword from a series of "nominal" crosswords, that is, such musical crosswords which are dedicated to the personality of a particular single composer. In this series also -,.

In conclusion - listen to one of the most famous works composer - Choral Prelude in F minor. This is the melody of the chorale "I cry to you, Lord" processed for organ. Music unearthly beauty and extraordinary depth.

I.S. Bach Chorale Prelude in F minor

Creativity J.S. Bach

In what year was J.S. Bach born?

1685 - 1750

1685 - 1740

1675 - 1785

What does it mean in translation from German surname Bach?

Where did J.S. Bach work?

In the theatre

In the church

At the conservatory

Name of the church where Bach worked:

Saint Luke

Holy Family

Saint Thomas

Name the warehouse of music characteristic of the works of J.S. Bach




What branch of classicism does the music of J.S. Bach belong to?


How many volumes are in the Well-Tempered Clavier?

What is another name for the mass in B minor?

Holy Week Mass

catholic mass

high mass

For what instrument was the toccata and fugue in D minor written?

How many works of the Passion genre were written in Bach's work?

What does the word "scherzo" mean?




Famous work Bach's "Joke" is part of:



What happened to Bach's works after his death?

They were forgotten

Became popular

They were forbidden to perform in the church

Which of these composers dedicated his work to J.S. Bach?

G. Sviridov

E.Vila Lobos

A. Schoenberg

What do the words "prelude and fugue" mean?

"Intro and Run"

"Touch and Run"

"Competition and Run"

You passed the test! We give you a musical surprise!

J.S. Bach, suite No. 2 for flute, "Joke"

Goal and tasks: repetition and consolidation of the material covered in a playful way, increasing interest in the subject being studied.

The final lesson consists of two sections: musical (quiz) and theoretical (crosswords, tests)

I. The quiz of 5 (10) numbers includes the initial fragments of the studied works. Compositions for organ (“Toccata and Fugue” in D minor, chorale prelude in F minor), clavier (French suite No. 2 in C minor, two-part inventions in C major and F major, sinfonia in B minor, prelude and fugue in C major from the I volume of “HTK” ). In stronger groups, at the request of the teacher, you can additionally include in the quiz and other works that are not provided music school program(for example, preludes and fugues in C major and G minor from the I volume of "HTK", part of the Mass in B minor, Orchestral Suite No. 7).

The quiz is held in different ways:

1. Students themselves write down the names of the listened and guessed numbers.

2. Students are given cards with a pre-printed list of works included in the quiz, and they put the numbers on their own.

II. In the theoretical section of the final lesson, either crossword puzzles, or tests, or both can be used. It depends on the age of the students, the level of their preparation, the characteristics of the group. In one group, children with a difference in age up to 5 - 6 years can study (folk departments, wind instruments). The older ones manage to complete both tasks in the lesson, the younger ones only do a crossword puzzle or a test.


Option 1


1. In which city was J.S. Bach born?

2. Which composer in 1829 opened the work of J. S. Bach to the world?

3. The work of J. S. Bach - “Well-Tempered ...”


5. How is the surname of the great composer translated into Russian?

6. In which city J.S. Bach served as cantor of the school of choristers at the church of St. Thomas?

7. In which city did J.S. Bach live from 1708?

8. Choral church hymn, the name of which comes from the Greek "choros"

9. A short and bright melody that sounds at the beginning of an invention or fugue

10. A cyclic work, the main parts of which are allemande, courant, sarabande, jig

11. Works by J. S. Bach "... according to John", "... according to Matthew"

12. "King of musical instruments"

13. Musical episode between the implementation of the theme in the fugue.

14. "Imitation", repetition in any voice of a melody that was previously sounded in another voice

Answers: vertically - 1 Eisenach. 2 Mendelssohn. 3 clavier. 4 symphonies.

Horizontally - 5 stream. 6 Leipzig. 7 Weimar. 8 chorale. 9 theme. 10 suite.

11 "passions". 12 organ. 13 interlude. 14 imitation.

Option 2

2. Third section of the fugue

3. An instrument that is played not only with hands, but also with feet

4. Musical "seed" of invention or fugue

6. "Fiction", "invention" (genre name)

7. Improvisational piece preceding the famous organ fugue

8. First section of the fugue

9. Part of the "small cycle", "introduction" - "... and fugue" ("H.T.K.")

10. The name of the famous Bach

11. British sailor dance, part of the suite

12. Instrument, the "ancestor" of the piano (J.S. Bach wrote for him)

13. Ancient Spanish triple dance procession, part of the suite

14. Cyclic product, translated from French meaning "series", "sequence"

15. Old German four-beat dance, part of the suite

Vertically- keyword:

16. Melody - a continuation of the theme, sounding simultaneously with it in a different voice. It happens to be "withheld".

Answers: 1 polyphony. 2 reprise. 3 organ. 4 theme. 5 sinfonia. 6 invention.

7 toccatas. 8 exposure. 9 prelude. 10 Johann. 11 jig. 12 harpsichords.

13 sarabande. 14 suite. 15 allemande.

Keyword - counterposition.


Option 1

1. As translated from German language in Russian the word "bang"?

B - stream

2. Which era was J.S. Bach a representative of?

A - baroque

B - classicism

C - romanticism

3 . In what year was J.S. Bach born?

B - in 1685

4. How many years did Bach live?

A 55

B - 65


5. How old was J.S. Bach left an orphan?

A at 9

B - at 10

WITH at 11

6. Where did J.S. Bach study from 1700 to 1703?

A - Bonn, conservatory

B - Arnstadt, music school

C - Lüneburg, school of church choristers

7. What was the name of J.S. Bach's first wife?

A - Mary Magdalene

B - Anna Maria

C - Maria Barbara

8. With which musician did the creative competition not take place because of the cowardice of the opponent and the obvious superiority of Bach?

A - with Padre Martini

B - with Louis Marchand

C - with Karl Böhm

9. In which city did Bach live from 1717 to 1723?

A - in Leipzig

B - in Weimar

C - in Keten

10. Why did Bach and his family move to Leipzig?

A - to give sons a good education

B - quarreled with the duke

C - wanted to change jobs

11. Who served Bach in Leipzig?

A - Cantor at the Church of St. Thomas

B - church organist

C - court bandmaster

12. To whom is Bach's composition "Musical Offering" dedicated?

A - composer Georg Friedrich Handel

B - to the Prussian King Frederick II

C - to the composer Antonio Vivaldi

13. What ailment overshadowed last years composer's life

A - deafness

B - blindness

C - influenza

14. In what year did the reburial of the remains of J.S. Bach take place?

C - in 1894

15. What work by Bach, which revived interest in his work, was performed in 1829 in Berlin?

A - "High Mass" in B minor

B - The Passion According to John

C - Matthew Passion

Option 2

1. How is the word "baroque" translated into Russian?

A stone and shell decoration

B - an irregularly shaped pearl

WITH Garnet bracelet

2. What years did Bach live in?

A - 1575 - 1650

B - 1785 - 1850

C - 1685 - 1750

3. In what city was J.S. Bach born?

A - in Arnstadt

B - in Ohrdruf

C - in Eisenach

4. Who, after the death of his parents, was involved in the education of J. S. Bach?

A - older brother

5. What did little Johann Sebastian copy at night?

A - works by German composers

B - poems by German poets

C - stories of German writers

6. To which city did J.S. Bach go on foot in 1705 to listen to the famous organist Dietrich Buxtehude play?

Ato Lübeck

B - to Witstock

From - to Potsdam

7. In which city did J.S. Bach live from 1708 to 1717?

A in Ohrdruf

B - in Eisenach

C - in Weimar

8. Why was Bach arrested in Weimar?

A - for the demand for dismissal

B - for demanding a salary increase

C - for demanding a higher position

9. For what instrument did Bach write The Well-Tempered Clavier?

A - for harpsichord

B - for piano

C - for organ

10. Who is Anna Magdalena Wilken?

A - the second wife of Bach

B - the second wife of Prince Leopold of Anhalt-Ketensky

C - the second wife of the Prussian king Frederick II

11. How many years did Bach live in Leipzig?

B - 27

12. At what age did Bach receive the title of "court composer"?

C - 51

13. What work has become last essay Bach?

A - "Goldberg Variations"

B - "Toccata and Fugue" in D minor

C - "The Art of the Fugue"

14. Where was J.S. Bach buried?

A - Leipzig, near the Church of St. Thomas

B - Lüneburg, near the Michael Monastery

C - Arnstadt, near the New Church

15. In what year was the Bach Society founded?

B - in 1850

Correct answers are in bold.

The lesson is more interesting using MyTest X - “a system of programs for creating and conducting computer testing, collecting and analyzing results, grading according to the scale specified in the test” (from the characteristics of MyTest X).

At the end of the lesson, students are given grades for each form of work (quiz, crossword puzzle, test).

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