role is what a role is: definition - sociology.nes. Separating soft sign (b) - Knowledge Hypermarket


The concept of a role, that is, what a role is, is very broad. It can be used in various fields, therefore, in different values.


The role can be defined in various guises.

  • as a measure of importance. First of all, the concept is defined as the degree and measure of influence. This term is perceived in this sense, asking what role a phenomenon / event / a certain person plays, etc.
  • As a behavioral model. It is what determines how one should behave. It is established and regulated by special social norms. The role should correlate with rights and responsibilities. It is also assigned to the status and is its dynamic characteristic.
  • Just like behavior. Another definition is the expected behavior of a person, depending on his social position.
  • Like functioning. An offshoot of the term is role functioning, which is another definition.

  • As a social position. A social position, established by relative standards and including the rights and obligations of the person who occupies this position, is also the answer to the question of what a role is.

social role

The term social role is most widely used in two sciences: directly in sociology and, in addition, in social psychology. But what is She is closely related to the status of the individual in society. Most often it is defined as a pattern of behavior. Among the tasks is to establish the interaction of various statuses in society.

The term is borrowed from the theater, which emphasizes the difference between the concepts of "actor-role" with particular sharpness. What is a role in the theater - the simplest explanation and one of the most obvious. That is why it is used as an example.

The question of what a social role is always stands apart from other types of roles, for several reasons. First of all, it is easy to see that the first definition differs most sharply from the other four. It is a classic definition of what a role is. This means that categories such as syntactic or role in databases are repelled from it. But the category under consideration in the presented context is the other four definitions, closely related to patterns, behavior, models in society, as a dynamic structure.

Professional role as a subspecies of social

The classification of social roles involves the division into conventional and informal. In both the first and second cases, the synonym for the term in question is "template". The only difference is how strict the limits are. For example, conventional roles are always clearer, more stable, common in all requirements, but informal ones allow you to take into account what kind of person performs them.

The professional role is conventional. That is, to the question, what is professional role, we can safely answer that it is primarily social. However, in this term not only the template of the employee's actions is laid down, but also his rights and obligations, competencies, on the basis of which his measure of influence in the company in which he works and in the professional sphere is determined.

Political role as a follower of the "status-pattern" system

Political science, like sociology, is a social science. That is why, despite the fact that they concentrate their attention on different subjects and objects of study, the relationship between them is great. The political role is not a subspecies of the social one, it does not fall under the above classification, since, in essence, it directly relates to a separate science. And yet, speaking about what a political role is, one cannot help but recall the "status-pattern" system that operates in society. Society as a static structure reflects the status, as a dynamic structure - the role. The same rule applies to political

Political roles are characteristic of different subjects with different statuses, depending on which they perform different functions and have different social significance from one another.

A political role is an expected behavior not only from an individual, but also from a group or institution. A prime example for a visual explanation are political parties. On the one hand, as a formation and organization they have established patterns of behavior. On the other, one Political Party may be more significant than another or others at any given time. In other words, it will have a different political role, with a higher measure of importance.

Role as a concept of computer science

The word "role" is also used in computer science, for example, in the field of databases and system administration. A role is a group of privileges that are interconnected and granted to a user. Essentially, this is a method that provides convenience in setting privileges.

Role as a term of syntax

What is a word in a sentence, what role does it play in it - that's what different parts of speech have different meaning. Therefore, the most frequently asked question is, what is syntactic role for a noun / adjective / verb, etc. In this case, we mean a measure of the significance and influence of a word of a given part of speech in a sentence.

The term under consideration is determined depending on the connection with other members of the sentence. For example, a noun in relation to them can be subject, object, treatment, etc.

Decisive stratification factor

It is impossible not to notice that the role, which, among other things and to a greater extent, determines the measure of significance, is one of the decisive factors in stratification. In turn, stratification is inequality. In sociology, this is the stratification of society. Stratification implies a certain hierarchy. The wider the structure under consideration, the more complex it will be, having many branches.

It is on the role that the stage that the subject will occupy in this established system of relations depends. For society (the subject of study, the highest "caste" is called the elite. In computer science and syntax, there is a different terminology, however, similar features appear in it. For example, in system administration there are users who are given all possible rights, and there are those who have some of which are limited.

Dissection usually involves smallest group elites. Ideally, it should be the largest, but this is not always the case. Stratification studied social sciences, is more dynamic than the same phenomenon in the subjects of study of the humanities or the exact sciences.

At a distant station, night and death. The revolutionary locomotive made a stop, and the peasants, illuminated by the Bolshevik fire, burn the arrested nobles. In the furnace. Commissar Plotnikov is summoned to the noise, who decides the issue in a military way: officers, cadets and suspicious intellectuals to the expense, so as not to embarrass rebellious minds with their presence. Shadows dance across the snow, severed heads stare senselessly into the hopeless darkness, the remnants of the white army are shielded from bullets by nobody's children. The frost is getting stronger, chaos is multiplying, and a mirror would be put up so that they knew what they were doing. Squinting warily, the commissar suddenly sees his own reflection in the crowd, and wrapped in a downy shawl unknown man looks at him incredulously. On the same night, the commissar dies, the stranger flees and later, already in Finland, becomes the polished and successful actor Yevlakhov. But, unable to get rid of the glamor of this mirror resemblance, he is obsessed with the desire to play his one and only Role: Plotnikov, in real life. The emigration of the body does not get rid of the national registration of the soul and Evlakhov, having put on the things of the deceased, returns to Petrograd, frozen, viscous from frost, in order to resurrect the one who could become his killer.

The idea of ​​"The Theater for Yourself", born by the playwright Nikolai Evreinov, is a legacy of the irretrievably bygone Silver Age and also a reflection of Shakespeare's eternally living "the whole world is a theater". Everyone is acting, everyone is wearing masks, a person is not only a social being, but also a theatrical one. The pseudo-Plotnikov, who has risen from the snow and ashes, is successful: he is accepted by his "comrades in arms", he is given housing, and over time he begins to feel someone else's pain, see other people's dreams, accept other people's sins. But his role changes: it is no longer Yevlakhov and not yet Plotnikov who is coming into the world, but someone new, fused from two opposites. The killer and the "killed" in one person, a trusted representative of both sides, equally affected in civil war. The one to whom the director Lopushansky entrusted the confessional mission to repent and ask for forgiveness for the evil that knows no measure. For the director, the Silver Theater is rather a pretext to show the world swept away by revolutionary winds in all its crooked irregularities, in a series of constantly changing social roles. On the stage of life, yesterday's executioner can become an exemplary father, an ordinary guy from the people with his own unlimited power, a former officer an ordinary thief, a girl who has barely mastered the letter a teacher. And those who have not found a role for themselves, have not adapted to new trends, are thrown out of this play into frost and death. And the actor with a concentrated, "out of this world" face of Maxim Sukhanov wanders the cold streets like a restless shadow and prophesies a tragic fate for himself. Having accepted someone else's fate, he lost his life, but did not find a new one, ceased to be himself, but did not become someone else. And even acting glory does not threaten him: this theater is only for itself, this role is a thing in itself, unknown to anyone, unknown to anyone.

Konstantin Lopushansky brought the art of reincarnation to a beautiful extreme, to absolute, sacrificial self-sufficiency. He also shoots cinema as art: on film for a century digital technologies; monochrome in the age of riot of colors; semi-hinted, leisurely and layered in the age of simple, effective stories. The film is like a restless dream, consisting of unfinished plots, chance meetings, wandering thoughts, endlessly multiplied mirror composition paintings. In this recursion, not only the twins reflect each other, but their different fates reflect their Time of Troubles, which, being already reflected by the director's will, gives an image of a cyclical history, where each turn of the spiral is repeated in the next and the whole country with its past completely dissolves in time and space. This is an image not of the Russia that we have lost, but of the one that we have forgotten. The amnesia of the hero becomes a diagnosis for the whole generation, his gloom becomes the state of the people's memory, and the film itself becomes a silent cry for the nameless, lost faces, lost in the desert of time by our dead. Like Aeneas, Yevlakhov travels to the kingdom of death, but, unlike Aeneas, the actor has nowhere to return. It is his lost homeland that has died; and these memories of the revolution, as in many post-Soviet film adaptations, are covered with frosty hoarfrost: over the years, stormy years are perceived as years of cold and darkness, full of hopeless pain and homeless longing. History is merciless: whom in a civilized manner at the expense, whom in a savage way into the furnace, survivors on the life stage, where roles are already played by you. It is pointless to carry the theater to the streets, because it is already there. It is impossible to play better than to live, but death awaits you behind the curtain.

“Role” is a kind of concentrated portrait of our collective unconscious, which has combined so many cultural and historical layers that it is pleasant to wander through such a screen phantasmagoria with a sense of recognition. Here Yevlakhov peeps through the cloudy glass of the opening credits with a portrait of Gogol, here an almost Pushkin blizzard is circling, here, with the psychological stigma of "Dostoevsky", the actor is tightly soldered to his restless national identity. A kind of cinematic hypertext, where there is everything from sudden quotes and allusions to independent statements and even invitations to dialogue (the mysterious “mystery of Russian history” that was revealed to Plotnikov in the finale). However, most of all, this labyrinth of reflections resembles an eerie picture of the post-apocalypse, where “executioners shoot the innocent in the world’s night”, but it’s impossible to try on someone else’s pain, as well as remove the mask that has adhered to the face, because there are only dead people around. As if by removing the heads from the churches and killing God, we ourselves died as a people; killing others, they killed themselves, leaving only bleeding souls in the icy darkness of the past. The actors on the stage are dead; we are playing shadow theater.



1. ROLE, -And; pl. genus.-to her, dates-lyam; and.[French] role]

1. Artistic image, embodied by an actor on stage, in a movie, etc. Main r. Episodic r. Distribution of roles. Tragic, comic, dramatic Play r. Main character. Act in comedic roles. Women's, men's river. Debut in a role. Crown river.(which is better than others). Be on the sidelines(also: to be in a subordinate, dependent position). Play, play p. someone, some(also: to pretend to be someone, to pretend to be someone) Sign in r.(to get used to the image or some kind of position, demeanor). Withstand R.(do not deviate from the image or line of behavior). Leave the role(also: to retreat from the image, the chosen line of behavior). Change roles with smb.(also: to be in the position of another). The roles have changed(changed the relationship of people, the balance of their forces).

2. A collection of text actor in the play. Role sheet. Learn r. Write off r. Know your r. by heart.

3. whom. Appointment, functions of someone, something; type of activity, manifestation of oneself in as someone. Take over r. translator. Choose r. arbiter. Defend r. leader. Combine R. leader with a mentor role. Social roles individual. R. science in the development of animal husbandry.

4. Measure of influence, values, degree of participation in any. business, enterprise, event. R. Pushkin in the formation of the Russian literary language. Play an unseemly r. in smth. Strengthen r. states in the international arena. Your confession doesn't matter.

In the role of someone, in the sign. pretext. As someone, something. Act as a petitioner. Role-playing, oh, oh. (1-3 characters). R. text. R-th game(with distribution of roles between participants).

2. ROLE, -And; and. Specialist. = Roll (2 digits). Two hundred rolls of coated paper.


(French rôle), 1) literary image, created by the playwright in the play (screenplay), and the corresponding stage (cinematic) image, embodied by the actor in the play (film). 2) The totality of the text spoken by the actor.


ROLE (French role),
1) a literary image created by a playwright in a play (screenplay) and a corresponding stage (cinematic) image embodied by an actor in a play (film).
2) The totality of the text spoken by the actor.

encyclopedic Dictionary. 2009 .


See what "role" is in other dictionaries:

    Role, roles; pl. roles, she... Russian word stress

    Dictionary Ushakov

    1. ROLE1, roles, pl. and roles, wives. (French rôle, original scroll, list). 1. Character dramatic work portrayed on stage by an actor. Play the role of someone. The main role. small role. The artist made his debut in the role of Khlestakov. ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    Exist., f., use. often Morphology: (no) what? roles for what? roles, (see) what? role than? role, about what? about the role; pl. What? roles, (no) what? roles for what? roles, (see) what? roles than? roles, about what? about roles 1. A role is an artistic image ... ... Dictionary of Dmitriev

    role- (role): The name of the behavior set associated with the performance of a job (ISO/TS 17090-1). Source: GOST R ISO/TS 18308 2008: Health Informatization. Architecture Requirements electronic accounting health 2 ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    - (fr.). 1) the part of the play that each actor must play. 2) the person portrayed by the actor on stage. 3) the action and appointment of a person in society, society or in any business: he plays a very ugly role in this business. Dictionary foreign wordsDictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    See the occupation of stepping into your role, playing a prominent role, playing leading role, play the first role... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. role role; meaning; function, business, ... ... Synonym dictionary

    role- (in social psychology) (from French rule) social function personality; a way of behavior of people corresponding to accepted norms, depending on their status or position in society, in the system of interpersonal relations. R. introduced the concept into social ... ... Great Psychological Encyclopedia

    ROLE, and, pl. and, she, wives. 1. The artistic image created by the playwright in the play, script and embodied in the stage play by the actor. Tragic, comic roles. R. Hamlet. Play (perform) p. Khlestakov. Play r. benefactor. Main river… … Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    ROLE, female role, French a person, a person represented by a playwright, an actor, his very speeches, or everything related to this. He plays the role of old people. He played the role poorly. | In general, the meaning of a person in the world, in relation to society, to affairs ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary


  • Role, Erland Yousefson. In 1989, the great Swedish actor Erland Yousefson, the hero of the films of Ingmar Bergman, Andrei Tarkovsky, Istvan Szabo and Liliana Cavani, played in Brook's production of The Cherry Orchard at…

No., number of synonyms: 21 role 23 influence 17 business 97 occupation 46 meaning 27 significance 22 hypostasis 8 film role 1 terms of reference 4 place 170 mission 16 image 41 duties 5 party 34 position 92 purpose 15 role 1 bundle 23 degree of participation 1 function 49 price 31 Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language

  • role - 1. ROLE, role f. French a person, a person represented by a playwright, an actor, his very speeches, or everything related to this. He plays the role of old people. He played the role poorly. || In general, the meaning of a person in the world, in relation to society, to various kinds of affairs. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary
  • ROLE - ROLE (French role), 1) a literary image created by a playwright in a play (screenplay) - and a corresponding stage (cinematic) image embodied by an actor in a play (film). 2) The totality of the text spoken by the actor. Big encyclopedic Dictionary
  • role - ROLE, roles, pl. and roles, women. (French role, original scroll, list). 1. The character of a dramatic work, portrayed on stage by an actor. Play the role of someone. The main role. small role. The artist made his debut in the role of Khlestakov. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov
  • role - Roles, pl. roles, [fr. role, original scroll, list]. 1. In a performance, a film, an image embodied by an actor. 2. The entire text belonging to one of the characters in the play, screenplay. 3. Meaning, type and degree of participation in any. business, enterprise, event. 4. Crew list - a list of the ship's crew. Big Dictionary foreign words
  • ROLE - ROLE - eng. role; German Rolle. The degree of participation, the measure of influence, the value of h.-l. sociological dictionary
  • role - 1. role, roles, roles, roles, roles, roles, role, roles, roles, roles, roles, roles 2. role, roles, roles, roles, roles, roles, role, roles, roles, roles, roles , cast Zaliznyak's grammar dictionary
  • role - orff. role1, -i, pl. -i, -ey (in a play, on stage, etc.) role2, -i and roll, -a (cylindrical bundle) Lopatin's spelling dictionary
  • Role - (French rôle) 1) literary character in a drama (screenplay) and the corresponding stage (cinematic) image embodied by an actor in a play (film, radio play). R. are comedic, tragic, dramatic, tragicomic, etc. Big soviet encyclopedia
  • role - 1) -i, genus. pl. -hey, well. 1. An artistic image embodied by an actor on stage, in a movie, etc. The main role. episodic role. Comedy role. Distribution of roles. □ She still remained an actress in the roles of tragic heroines. Small Academic Dictionary
  • role - role I f. 1. An artistic image created by an actor (on stage, in a movie, etc.). || The cumulative text of one character in a play. 2. trans. Unnatural, feigned demeanor. Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova
  • role - I I f., genus. p. -i, also the role of "role" (Pushkin). The last one is through him. Rolle - the same, on the contrary, the role - directly from the French. rôle "role, list" from lat. rotulus "paper scroll (for actors)"; see Hamilsheg, EW 770; Kluge-Götze 485; Converter II, 212. Etymological dictionary Max Fasmer
  • role - ROLE 1. ROLE, -i; pl. genus. -hey, dat. -lyam; and. [French] rôle] 1. An artistic image embodied by an actor on stage, in a movie, etc. Main r. Episodic r. Distribution of roles. Tragic, comic, dramatic Play r. Main character. Explanatory Dictionary of Kuznetsov
  • role - 1. ROLE1, and, pl. and, she, w. 1. The artistic image created by the playwright in the play, script and embodied in the stage play by the actor. Tragic, comic roles. R. Hamlet. Play (perform) p. Khlestakov. Play r. benefactor. Home... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov


    noun, and., use often

    Morphology: (no) what? roles, what? roles, (see) what? role, how? role, about what? about the role; pl. What? roles, (no) what? roles, what? roles, (see) what? roles, how? roles, about what? about roles

    1. role called the artistic image of a play, film, which is embodied by an actor on stage, in a movie, etc.

    Main, episodic role. | Tragic, comic, dramatic role. | Distribution of roles. | Play the role of the main character. | Act in comedic roles. | Debut in a role. | The actor was nominated for an Oscar for Best Actor.

    2. role are the words spoken by an actor in a play.

    Role sheet. | Learn to repeat the role. | Know your role by heart.

    3. If someone plays, plays role someone, it means that this person behaves in life like some literary hero, type, etc.

    4. If someone is on the sidelines, then this means that this person is in a subordinate, dependent position.

    5. If anyone enters the role someone, this means that this person begins to build, change his style of behavior in accordance with any status, position, etc.

    6. If anyone switched roles with someone, it means that this person was in the position of another person.

    7. role call someone's kind of activity, the manifestation of someone in some capacity.

    Take on the role of an interpreter. | Uphold the role of leader. | Act as a petitioner. | public role anyone.

    8. role call someone's degree of participation in any business, enterprise, event.

    The role of personality in history. | The role of women in society. | The role of Pushkin in the formation of the Russian literary language. | Play a key, visible, leading role in something. | Play an unseemly role in something.

    9. If anyone acts as someone, this means that this person begins to perform some kind of activity, is perceived by someone in some capacity, etc.

    Act as organizers. | Deputies do not agree to act as extras.

    10. role called stable function any device.

    Not every filter fulfills all three roles.

    12. If anything acting, it means that some circumstance is important enough.

    13. If anything fulfills the role something, it means that some object is used in the function of another object.

    The T-shirt that we wear all day acts as a towel.

    role-playing adj.

    Role-playing game.

    Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Dmitriev. D.V. Dmitriev. 2003 .


    See what "role" is in other dictionaries:

      Role, roles; pl. roles, she... Russian word stress

      Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

      1. ROLE1, roles, pl. and roles, wives. (French rôle, original scroll, list). 1. The character of a dramatic work, portrayed on stage by an actor. Play the role of someone. The main role. small role. The artist made his debut in the role of Khlestakov. ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

      role- (role): The name of the behavior set associated with the performance of a job (ISO/TS 17090-1). Source: GOST R ISO/TS 18308 2008: Health Informatization. Requirements for the architecture of electronic health records 2 ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

      - (fr.). 1) the part of the play that each actor must play. 2) the person portrayed by the actor on stage. 3) the action and appointment of a person in society, society or in any business: he plays a very ugly role in this business. Dictionary of foreign words ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

      See the lesson to enter into your role, play an outstanding role, play the main role, play the first role ... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. role role; meaning; function, business, ... ... Synonym dictionary

      role- (in social psychology) (from the French rule) the social function of the individual; a way of behavior of people corresponding to accepted norms, depending on their status or position in society, in the system of interpersonal relations. R. introduced the concept into social ... ... Great Psychological Encyclopedia

      ROLE, and, pl. and, she, wives. 1. The artistic image created by the playwright in the play, script and embodied in the stage play by the actor. Tragic, comic roles. R. Hamlet. Play (perform) p. Khlestakov. Play r. benefactor. Main river… … Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

      1. ROLE, and; pl. genus. her, dat. lam; and. [French] rôle] 1. An artistic image embodied by an actor on stage, in a movie, etc. Main r. Episodic r. Distribution of roles. Tragic, comic, dramatic Play r. Main character.… … encyclopedic Dictionary

      ROLE, female role, French a person, a person represented by a playwright, an actor, his very speeches, or everything related to this. He plays the role of old people. He played the role poorly. | In general, the meaning of a person in the world, in relation to society, to affairs ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary


    • Role, Erland Yousefson. In 1989, the great Swedish actor Erland Yousefson, the hero of the films of Ingmar Bergman, Andrei Tarkovsky, Istvan Szabo and Liliana Cavani, played in Brook's production of The Cherry Orchard at…

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