Coverage of the events of the Time of Troubles in Russian literature. Tales of troubled times


Russian literature is part of Russian history,

it reflects Russian reality, but also constitutes

one of its most important aspects. Without Russian literature

it is impossible to imagine Russian history and, of course,

Russian culture.

D.S. Likhachev

The events of the Time of Troubles are reflected in the works of many authors. historical songs and legends, novels and stories, stories and essays, poems and plays - these are the most common genres of literature about the Troubles. These works are distinguished by a bright intense action, an epic depiction of characters and events, a clear and expressive language. Despite their uniqueness, they are united by the desire to build fictional story about the past based on a deep study of various sources.

219. "Another legend" // Troubles in the Muscovite state: Russia began XVII centuries in the notes of contemporaries / comp.: A.I. Pliguzov, I.A.Tikhonyuk; intro. Art. IN AND. Buganova; post-last A.I. Pliguzova. - M.: Sovremennik, 1989. - S. 21-59.

The name of this work was given by the historian I.D. Belyaev in 1853 to distinguish it from the “Tale” by A. Palitsyn. « Another legend "- an essay composed of once independent literary works and documents of the Time of Troubles, is a wonderful evidence historical identity 20s of the XVII century.

220. Chronicle book attributed to Prince I.M. Katyrev-Rostovsky // XI- XVIIcenturies: textbook. allowance / comp. N.K. Gudziy. - Ed. 6th, rev. - M.: Uchpedgiz, 1955. - S. 344.

The book, written in 1626, for the first time gives a complete description major events Troubled times. It starts with short story about the reign of Ivan the Terrible and brings the story to the election of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov to the kingdom. At the end of the book, characteristics and portraits of the Moscow tsars, Xenia Godunova and False Dmitry I, are given.

221. "Moscow Chronicle" Konrad Bussov // Troubles in the Muscovite state: Russia began XVII century in the notes of contemporaries / comp.: A.I. Pliguzov, I.A.Tikhonyuk; intro. Art. IN AND. Buganova; post-last A.I. Pliguzova. - M.: Sovremennik, 1989. - S. 238-403.

K. Bussov, a native of Germany, was abandoned by fate to Russia in 1601 and spent eleven years here. Having not achieved success in the military field, he decided to become famous as a writer. In 1612, yesterday's mercenary wrote the work "The Troubled State of the Moscow State", which went down in history as the "Moscow Chronicle". Bussov's work is saturated with information he received from numerous Russian interlocutors, and is remarkable for a mass of details that are absent in other sources. In his "Chronicle" there are noble heroes, knights and monarchs.

"Moscow Chronicle" - the most reliable of all foreign writings about the Time of Troubles XVII century.

222. New story about the glorious Russian kingdom // Reader on ancient Russian literatureXI- XVIIcenturies: textbook. allowance / comp. N.K. Gudziy. - Ed. 6th, rev. - M.: Uchpedgiz, 1955. - S. 306-314.

"New Tale" - a journalistic propaganda appeal. Written in late 1610 - early 1611, at the most intense moment of the struggle, when Moscow was captured by Polish troops. Addressing "people of all ranks", the story called them to take active steps against the invaders.

223. Lamentation for the Captivity and the Final Destruction of the Muscovite State // Reader on Ancient Russian Literature XI- XVIIcenturies: textbook. allowance / comp. N.K. Gudziy. - Ed. 6th, rev. - M.: Uchpedgiz, 1955. - S. 314-316.

"Lament" was written in 1612, shortly after the burning of Moscow and the capture of Smolensk. The author seeks to find out the reasons that led to the "fall of high Russia".

224. The story of the death of Prince Mikhail Vasilievich Skopin-Shuisky// Reader on ancient Russian literatureXI- XVIIcenturies: textbook. allowance / comp. N.K. Gudziy. - Ed. 6th, rev. - M.: Uchpedgiz, 1955. - S. 316-323.

The story tells about the sudden death and burial of an outstanding commander of the Time of Troubles, who glorified himself by victories over the troops of False Dmitry II.

225. Boris Godunov: [historical song] // Russian folklore: a book for students and teachers / comp., commentary, reference, method. materials M.A. Krasnova. - M.: AST Publishing House LLC; "Publishing house "Olimp", 2001. - S. 240. - (School of classics).

226. Minin and Pozharsky: [historical song] // Russian historical song: [collection] / entry. Art., comp., note. L.I.Emelyanova. - L .: Owls. writer, 1990. - S. 137-139. - (The poet's library. Founded by M. Gorky. Small series. Ed. 4th).

227. Mikhail Skopin (As it was in the one hundred and twenty-seventh year; Something else happened in Moscow): [historical songs] // Historical songs. Ballads / comp., prepared. texts, intro. Art., comment. S.N. Azbelev. - M.: Sovremennik, 1991. - S. 257-264. - (Treasures of Russian folklore).

228. Lamentation of Xenia Godunova: [historical song] // Historical songs. Ballads / comp., prepared. texts, intro. Art., comment. S.N. Azbelev. - M.: Sovremennik, 1991. - S. 249-251. - (Treasures of Russian folklore).

229. Skopin-Shuisky: [historical song] // Hearts from strong damask steel: [collection] / ed.-comp. T.A. Sokolova; foreword D.M. Balashov; dictionary, commentary S.V. Ilyinsky. - M.: Patriot, 1990. - S. 525-530. - (faithful sons of the Fatherland).

A historical song is a kind of chronicle told by the people themselves. The songs of the Time of Troubles, taking shape in the course of events, played an agitational role. It was a kind of artistic journalism, calling for a fight, reflecting the ideas, ideas, views of the Russian people, and inevitably using the legends, rumors and rumors of that time for its own purposes.

Almost all the main moments of the Time of Troubles are somehow reflected in the songs.

230. Veltman, E. The Adventure of Prince Gustav Irikovich, the groom of Princess Xenia Godunova / E. Veltman; publ., foreword and note. A.P. Bogdanov. – M.: “Mol. guard”, 1992. – 480 p.

The proposed historical novel presents a broad picture of the historical events of the second half of the 16th - early 17th centuries. A lot of interesting pages dedicated to Ksenia Godunova.

231. “Let all the Fatherlands burn with salvation ...”: [repertoire-thematic collection] / comp. K.A. Kokshenev. – M.: Sov. Russia, 1990. - 128 p. - (B-chka to help amateur art. No. 13. Sons of the Fatherland. Issue. 2).

About the glorious men of Russia - Prince Dmitry Pozharsky and layman Kozma Minin, who with their valor and honor hold an unquenchable fire of memory in the hearts of their descendants. Special interest the reader is presented with monologues from the drama by S.N. Glinka "Minin"; chapters from the book by E.A. Tikhomirov “Minin and Pozharsky, or the Liberation of Moscow from the Poles in 1612”; scenes from the work of G.R. Derzhavin Pozharsky, or the Liberation of Moscow.

232. Dmitriev, I.I. Liberation of Moscow: [poem] / I.I. Dmitriev // Complete collection of poems / entry. Art., prepared. text and notes. G.P. Makogonenko. - L .: Leningrad. otd. publishing house "Owls. writer", 1967. - S. 82-87. - (Series "Poet's Library". Founded M. Gorky).

233. Zagoskin, M.N. Yuri Miloslavsky, or Russians in 1612: a historical novel in three parts / M.N. Zagoskin; post-last and note. Vl. Muraviev. – M.: Mosk. worker, 1981. - 284 p.

The action of the novel takes place at a time when the people's militia was assembled under the leadership of Minin and Pozharsky, and the Polish-Lithuanian invaders were expelled from Moscow.

234. Ostrovsky, A.N. Kozma Zakharyich Minin, Sukhoruk / A.N. Ostrovsky // Full. coll. op. T.3. Plays. 1862-1864 / comp. volumes G.I. Vladykin. - M .: State publishing house of the artist. lit., 1950. - S. 7-245.

The play recounts the events early XVII century. The playwright portrays one of the leaders militia a fiery patriot, a fighter for the unity of the Russian land.

235. Pushkin, A.S. Boris Godunov / A.S. Pushkin // Dramatic works. Prose / comp., postscript author. to prose, comment. E.A. Maymin; postscript author. to dramas by S.M. Bondi. - M .: Education, 1984. - S. 5 -72.

236. Rostopchina, E.P. Visiting the Moscow Armory: [poem] / E.P. Rostopchina // Queens of the Muses: Russian poets X IX - early XX centuries: [collection] / comp., author introd. Art. and comment. V.V. Uchenov. - M.: Sovremennik, 1989. - S. 85 - 86.

In her patriotic poem, the famous Russian poetess of the 19th century calls to honor the memory of the savior of Russia, Prince Dmitry Pozharsky.

237. Ryleev, K. Boris Godunov. Demetrius the Pretender: [thoughts]/ K. Ryleev // Works / comp. G.A. Kolosova; intro. Art. and note. A.M. Peskov. - M .: Pravda, 1983. - S. 167 - 173.

N.M. Karamzin. They represent a large cycle of poems on the themes of Russian history, in which the reader is confronted with images of Russian historical figures.

238. Tolstoy, A. K. The night before the attack: [poem]/ A. K. Tolstoy // Collection. op. in 4 volumes. T. 1 / comp. and general ed.I.G. Yampolsky. - M .: "Pravda", 1980. - S. 143 - 146.

239. Tolstoy, A.K. Night before the attack: [poem] / A.K. Tolstoy // Russian writersXIXcentury about Sergiev Posad. Ch.IIIIV-XX centuries about Sergiev Posad” / Yu.N. Palagin.- Sergiev Posad, LLC "Everything for You - Moscow Region", 2004. -C. 247 -248.

A poem about the siege of the Trinity - Sergius Monastery.

240. Tolstoy, A.K. Death of Ivan the Terrible. Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich. Tsar Boris: drama trilogy/ A.K. Tolstoy // Collected works. in 4 volumes. V.3 / comp. and general ed. I.G. Yampolsky. - M .: "Pravda", 1980. - 528 p.

Tolstoy turned to those times when the Russian state was shaken by internal cataclysms, when the ancient dynasty, and Russia found itself on the threshold of the Time of Troubles. The focus is on the personalities of the three monarchs, the psychology of individual characters with their inner passions.

241. Borodin, L. “We must survive if the Troubles end” / L. Borodin // Motherland. - 2005. - No. 11. - S. 103-107.

242. Borodin, L. The Queen of Troubles: a story / L. Borodin // Russian Troubles. - M.: Publishing house "Chronicler", 2001. - S. 7-162. – (The world of modern prose).

The book vividly and figuratively tells about the life of Marina Mnishek - the wife of False Dmitry I, and then False Dmitry II.

243. Voloshin, M.A. Dmetrius - Emperor (1591-1613) / M.A.pp. 126-128.

Poem about False Dmitry I.

244. Voloshin, M.A. Writing about the kings of Moscow / M.A. Voloshin // Poems. Articles. Memoirs of contemporaries / comp., entry. Art., preparation of the text and comments. Z.D. Davydova, V.P. Kupchenko; ill. and designed N.G. Peskova. - M.: Pravda, 1991. - pp.123-126.

In poems from the collection "Burning Bush" poetic portraits of Boris and Ksenia Godunov, False Dmitry I, Marina Mnishek, Vasily Shuisky and others are given.

245. Karavaeva, A.A. On Mount Makovtse: [story] / A. Karavaeva // Selected Works. In 2 vols. T. 1. Golden beak; On Mount Makovtse: stories. Stories / introductory article, note. L. Skorino; comp. V. Karavaeva; prepared text by S. Gladysheva. - M.: Artist. lit., 1983. - pp. 200-425.

The story takes place at the beginning of the seventeenth century. Using documentary sources, the author draws bright picture defense of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery. Near fictional characters real historical figures live and act: Nikon Shilov, Pyotr Slota, Ivan Sueta, Avraamiy Palitsyn, Ksenia Godunova. Of particular interest to the residents of Sergiev Posad, as it describes the events that took place directly in these places.

246. Kornyushin, L. In the time of unrest: a historical novel-chronicle/ L. Kornyushin. - M .: Military Publishing House, 1992. - 447 p.

The historical novel covers the events of the late 16th - early 17th centuries. The author truthfully depicted the events of those turbulent years, drew memorable images statesmen- B. Godunov, V. Shuisky and others, as well as representatives of the people - from archers to "dashing" people.

247. Kostylev, V.I. Minin and Pozharsky: a story / V.I. Kostylev; foreword A.N. Sakharov. – M.: Det. lit., 2006. - 87 p.: ill.

The story tells about two glorious figures of the Time of Troubles.

248. Muravyova, M. “Monk and Cellar Trinity Averky”: [poem] / M. Muravyova // Poets of Sergiev Posad: XX century: an anthology / comp.: N.A. Bukharin, I.F. Kudryavtsev, V.N. Sosin. - Sergiev Posad: "Everything for You", 1999. - S. 328 - 329.

The poem of the Sergiev Posad poetess is dedicated to Avraamy Palitsyn.

249. Palagin, Yu.N. Foreign writers XVI-XIX centuries about Sergiev Posad. Ch.II: from the book “Russians and foreign writers XIV-XX centuries about Sergiev Posad” / Yu.N. Palagin. - Sergiev Posad, LLC "Everything for You - Moscow Region", 2001. - 343 p.

The proposed book is interesting because in it different authors from different centuries and countries provide an opportunity to look at the history of Russia from the outside. Undoubted interest among readers will be the story of the "Diary of Marina Mniszek" and "The Moscow Chronicle" by Konrad Bussov.

250. Palagin, Yu.N. Writers and scribes XIV- XVIIIcenturies inSergiev Posad. Part 1 / Yu.N. Palagin. - Sergiev Posad, 1997. -240 p.

About the centuries-old dramatic work of Russian ascetics to create a national culture. Among the people about whom the book tells are Abraham Palitsyn, Dionysius Zobninovsky and other eyewitnesses of the Time of Troubles.

251. Radzinsky, E.S. Blood and ghosts of the Russian Troubles / E.S. Radzinsky. – M.: Vagrius, 2000. – 368 p.

252. Radimov, P. Lavra. Siege of the Lavra. Peasant Vanity. Godunov's grave: [poems] / P. Radimov // Poets of Sergiev Posad: XX century: an anthology / comp.: N.A. Bukharin, I.F. Kudryavtsev, V.N. Sosin. - Sergiev Posad, "Everything for You", 1999. - S. 24-26.

253. Razumov, V.A. Trinity inmates: historical tale / V.A. Razumov. - M .: "Det. lit.", 1981. - 190 p.: ill.

The book is addressed primarily to young readers. The author writes vividly and figuratively about the heroism and valor of the Russian people who defended the Trinity Monastery under the onslaught of a bitter enemy. "Saved monastery not with solid walls, but with ordinary people”,- these words can express the main idea of ​​the story.

254. Sergienko, K.K. Xenia: a novel / K.K. Sergienko; rice. Y. Ivanova; [last A.N. Sakharov]. – M.: Det. lit., 1987. - 319 p.: ill. – (Library series).

The author vividly and accurately managed to show the tragic throwing of people during the Time of Troubles. In the center of the novel is the image of Ksenia Godunova, who, at the time of difficult trials, managed to maintain her life principles and not lose herself.

255. Skvortsov, K. Time of Troubles: plays / K. Skvortsov; engravings by V. Noskov // Roman-newspaper. - 1997. - No. 12. - S. 2–58.

256. Skorino, L. On Mount Makovtse / L. Skorino // Karavaeva A. Selected works: in 2 vols. V.1. Golden beak. On Mount Makovtse: stories. Stories. – M.: Artist. lit. , 1988. - P.593-589.

About the history of the creation of the story by A. Karavaeva "On Mount Makovets".

257. Tolstoy A.N. The Tale of the Time of Troubles (from the handwritten book of Prince Turenev) / A.N. Tolstoy // Selected works / editorial board: G. Belenky, P. Nikolaev, A. Puzikov; intro. Art. and note. S. Serov. – M.: Artist. lit., 1990. - S. 40-56. - (B-ka teacher).

258. Tolstoy, A.N. The Tale of the Time of Troubles (from the handwritten book of Prince Turenev) / A.N. Tolstoy // Meetings with history: popular science essays / comp. I.L. Andreev; intro. Art. I.D. Kovalchenko. – M.: Mol. guard, 1980. - S. 136-141.

259. Fedorov, Yu.I. Boris Godunov: historical novel / Yu.I. Fedorov; artistic S. Astrakhantsev. - M.: Russian word, 1994. - 574 p.

260. Tsvetaeva, M.I. Marina / M.I. Tsvetaeva // Poetry and prose / comp. A.A. Saakyants; formal. artistic E. Enenko. - M .: Eksmo Publishing House, 2002.- pp. 125-127.

The poem is dedicated to Marina Mnishek.

261. Chikov, A.F. Peasant Vanity: [poem] / A.F. Chikov // Spare planet: Poetry and prose / comp. V. Golubev; foreword V. Golubev, O. Blinova, V. Evdokimova. - Sergiev Posad: LLC "All for You - Moscow Region", 2009. - P. 29.

262. Shirogorov, V.V. The Last Kingdom: A Novel - Trilogy.In 3 books. / V.V. Shirogorov. – M.: Mol. guard, 1999.

Book 1. Will of the Terrible Angel. - 302 p.: ill.

Book 2. Princess Xenia. - 302 p.: ill.

Book 3. Son of perdition. - 302 p.: ill.

The historical trilogy resurrects the dramatic events of the Great Troubles. In the center of the story is the bright figure of the Rzhev nobleman David Zobninovsky, the future great Russian ascetic, Archimandrite Dionysius of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery.

263. Russian Troubles: [sb.] / transl. from fr. and English, intro. Art., comp.M.G. Lazutkina; editorial board: S.K. Apt [i dr.]. - M.: OLMA-PRESS, 2006. - 576 p.: l. ill.

This collection includes six works, the main actors which are the heroes of the Russian Troubles: Boris Godunov, Vasily Shuisky, Pyotr Basmanov, Marfa Nagaya, Marina Mnishek, Ksenia Godunova and others.

The reader is given a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the plays of French and English authors: P. Merimet, L. Halevi, R. Cumberland, J. G. Alexander, E. Meshchersky.

Traditions of historical narrative literature XVI century continue to develop in the works of the period of the struggle of the Russian people with the Polish-Swedish intervention and the peasant war under the leadership of Bolotnikov. In addition, the literature of this period reflected the growth national consciousness. This was manifested in a change in attitude towards historical process: the course of history is determined not by God's will, but by the activities of people. The stories of the beginning of the 17th century are already talking about the people, about their participation in the struggle for the national independence of their homeland, about the responsibility of "the whole earth" for what has happened. There is an increased interest in human personality, there is a desire to portray internal contradictions nature and reveal the causes by which these contradictions are generated. Characters of historical figures in the works of the early 17th century. shown against the backdrop of folk talk about them. Human activity is given in a historical perspective, and for the first time begins to be evaluated in its " social function» (D.S. Likhachev). The events of 1604 - 1613 a crushing blow was dealt to religious ideology, to the undivided dominance of the church in all spheres of life: not God, but man creates his own destiny, not God's will, but the activity of people determines the historical fate of the country. The role of the trade and craft townspeople is growing, and this entails the further democratization of literature. All this leads to the “secularization” of culture and literature in the 17th century; to its gradual liberation from the guardianship of the church, the gradual displacement of church genres and the emergence of new, purely secular genres of literature.

A direct response to the events of the beginning of the century was "The Tale of the Death of Prince Mikhail Vasilievich Skopin-Shuisky". With his victories over False Dmitry II, Skopin-Shuisky gained fame as a talented commander. His sudden death(April 1610) gave rise to various rumors that, allegedly out of envy, he was poisoned by the boyars. The story begins with a rhetorical book introduction, in which genealogical calculations are made, tracing the Skopin-Shuisky family to Alexander Nevsky and Augustus Caesar. The central episode is a description of the christening feast at Prince Vorotynsky. Including a number of everyday details, the author tells in detail about how the hero was poisoned by the wife of his uncle Dmitry Shuisky, the daughter of Malyuta Skuratov. Here there are characteristic elements of epic folk poetics. The second part, dedicated to the description of the death of the hero and the nationwide grief over his death, is made in the traditional book style. The story has a pronounced anti-boyar orientation, glorifies Skopin-Shuisky as a national hero, defender of his homeland from adversary enemies.

An outstanding historical work that vividly reflected the events of the era is "Tale" cellar of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery Avraamy Palitsyn, written in 1609-1620. The "Tale" tells about the events of the "Time of Troubles" from 1584 to 1618. The story consists of a series independent works:

  • 1. Small historical sketch, surveying the events from the death of Grozny to the accession of Shuisky, where Palitsyn sees the causes of "distemper" in the illegal abduction of the royal throne by Godunov and in his politics.
  • 2. Detailed description 16-month siege of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery by the troops of Sapieha and Lisovsky. This central part was created by Abraham by processing the notes of the participants in the defense of the monastery fortress.
  • 3. Narration about the ruin of Moscow by the Poles, its liberation, the election of Mikhail Romanov to the throne and the conclusion of peace with Poland.

Abraham tries to emphasize the merits in the fight against the enemies of the monastery, he introduces into the narrative religious-fictional pictures: miracles, visions, the purpose of which is to prove that the monastery is under the protection of heavenly powers. The author of the Tale recognizes the decisive role of the people in the fight against enemies. He depicts the exploits of the monastery servants, monastery peasants and emphasizes that the monastery was saved by the people. great attention is given to the image of actions, thoughts of a person. The author made a significant step in recognizing the people as an active participant in historical events.

The genre of the historical story undergoes significant changes in the 17th century, as evidenced by "The Tale of the Azov Siege of the Danish Cossacks". A.I. Robinson believes that the author of the story was the Cossack Yesaul Fedor Poroshin, who arrived with the Cossack embassy in Moscow in 1641 in order to convince the tsar and the government to accept the Azov fortress from the Cossacks "under their own hand", which the Cossacks captured in 1637 from Turks and defended in 1641. Fedor Poroshin, himself a participant in the events, truthfully and in detail describes the feat Don Cossacks. The story is written in the form of business writing, but he gave the genre of business writing an unusually bright poetic sound due to the wide and creative use Cossack folklore, as well as a truthful and accurate description of the events themselves. The hero of the story is not an outstanding historical figure, and a small team, a handful of brave and courageous daredevils-Cossacks who accomplished heroic deed. A high sense of national self-consciousness, a sense of patriotism inspired them to a feat. Cossacks love their homeland and cannot change it. Therefore, with poisonous irony, they answer the Turkish ambassadors to the proposal to surrender the fortress to them without a fight and go to the Sultan. Their answer to the Turks to a certain extent anticipates the famous letter of the Cossacks Turkish sultan. The author hyperbolically describes the arrival of enemy forces near Azov. The farewell of the Cossacks is poetically described. Glorifying the Cossacks, the author cannot but pay tribute to the tradition: the victory achieved by the Cossacks is explained by the miraculous intercession of the heavenly powers led by John the Baptist. But religious fiction serves only as a means of exalting the patriotic deed of the defenders of Azov.

There is no bookish rhetoric in the language of the story and elements of living life are widely represented. spoken language. One can feel the desire to create an image of the masses, to convey the feelings, thoughts and moods of this mass, as well as to affirm the forces of the people, triumphant over the forces of the “king of Tours”.

In the second half of the 17th century, the historical story begins to lose its historicism, acquiring the character of a love-adventure short story, which in turn serves as the basis for further development adventurous romance novel. The attention of the authors is transferred to the personality of a person, to his life, character. The writer and the reader are more and more interested in moral, ethical and domestic issues. For example, "The Tale of the Beginning of Moscow."

Dyak, the author of the famous "Vremennik" about the events of the Time of Troubles. According to the erroneous assumption of P. M. Stroev, his for a long time considered the deacon of the Metropolitan of Novgorod, but prof. S. F. Platonov, on the basis of new research, establishes that ... ...

Chronograph Russian- - a chronographic code that sets out world and Russian history and is known in several editions that were created during the 16th-17th centuries. Author of the first fundamental research X. R. A. N. Popov believed that the first (oldest) of his ... ...

Platonov (Sergey Fedorovich) historian. Born in 1860; after completing the course at the Faculty of History and Philology of St. Petersburg University, he read Russian history at the higher courses for women in St. Petersburg, then taught history at ... ... Biographical Dictionary

- (“The Book of the New Chronicler”) is a monument of late Russian chronicle writing, which covers events from the end of the reign of Ivan IV to 1630. It is an important source on the history of the Time of Troubles. The work is bright ... ... Wikipedia

Avraamy Palitsyn, in the world Averky Ivanovich, a well-known figure of the Time of Troubles. Born in the middle of the 16th century family traditions in the village of Protasiev (near Rostov), ​​in noble family; died a monk in the Solovetsky Monastery on September 13, 1626. ... ... Biographical Dictionary

Ivan Andreevich Khvorostinin (d. February 28, 1625 Sergiev Posad) Russian statesman and politician, writer. Considered the first Russian Westerner. [by whom?] ... Wikipedia

Holy Tsarevich Martyr, son of Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible and his fifth wife, Maria Feodorovna. In the summer of 1580, Tsar John Vasilyevich celebrated his fifth wedding. The sovereign married without church permission, but he ruled the wedding in the old days; in paternal... Big biographical encyclopedia

- (nicknamed Kharya) spiritual writer first half of XVII century, remarkable for the abundance and variety of his works. Professor Platonov, who studied in detail and carefully the works of Prince. Shakhovsky, says that he was distinguished by great ... ... Big biographical encyclopedia

Life of Sergius of Radonezh- - a monument of hagiography, dedicated to the famous ecclesiastical and social politician Rus' in the second half of the 14th century. Sergius of Radonezh (in the world - Bartholomew Kirillovich; born around 1321/1322 - died September 25, 1391/1392), the creator and ... ... Dictionary of scribes and bookishness of Ancient Rus'

Job, patriarch- Job (in the world Ivan) (d. 19 VI 1607) - patriarch, author of The Tale of the Life of Tsar Theodore Ioannovich, messages, letters and speeches. Born in a township family in the town of Staritsa. Studied literacy at the Staritsky Dormition Monastery. Here, from his teacher, ... ... Dictionary of scribes and bookishness of Ancient Rus'

Boltin Baim (Sidor) Fedorovich, serviceman man XVII century, Arzamas landowner, from the provincial noble family Boltin. Bit notes about his services in the military, diplomatic and administrative fields, having the character of a chronicle ... ... Biographical Dictionary

The turbulent events of the beginning of the 17th century, which were called “troubles” by contemporaries, were widely reflected in literature. Literature acquires an exclusively topical journalistic character, promptly responding to the demands of the time, reflecting the interests of various social groups participating in the struggle.

Society, having inherited from the previous century an ardent faith in the power of the word, in the power of conviction, strives to literary works promote certain ideas, achieving specific actionable goals.

Among the stories that reflected the events of 1604-1613, one can single out works that express the interests of the ruling boyars. Such is the Tale of 1606, created by a monk of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery. The story actively supports the policy of the boyar tsar Vasily Shuisky, tries to present him as a popular choice, emphasizing the unity of Shuisky with the people. The people turn out to be a force that the ruling circles cannot but reckon with. The story glorifies "courageous courage" Shuisky in his fight against "Evil heretic", "defrocked" Grishka Otrepyev. To prove the legitimacy of Shuisky's rights to the royal throne, his family is elevated to Vladimir Svyatoslavich of Kyiv.

The author of the story sees the causes of "distemper" and "disorganization" in the Muscovite state in the pernicious rule of Boris Godunov, who, by the villainous murder of Tsarevich Dmitry, stopped the existence of the family of lawful kings of Moscow and "catch the tsar's throne in Moscow with unrighteousness."

Subsequently, "The Tale of 1606" was revised into "Another Legend". Defending the positions of the boyars, the author portrays him as the savior of the Russian state from adversaries.

"The Tale of 1606" and "Another Legend" are written in the traditional bookish manner. They are built on the contrast of the pious champion Orthodox faith Vasily Shuisky and "cunning, crafty" Godunov, "evil heretic" Grigory Otrepiev. Their actions are explained from traditional providentialist positions.

This group of works is opposed by stories that reflect the interests of the nobility and the townspeople's trade and craft strata of the population. Here we should first of all mention those journalistic messages that Russian cities exchanged, rallying their forces to fight the enemy.

Takova "A new story about the glorious, Russian kingdom" - publicistic propaganda appeal. Written in late 1610 - early 1611, at the most intense moment of the struggle, when Moscow was captured by Polish troops, and Novgorod - by Swedish feudal lords. "New Tale" to "all sorts of ranks to people", called them to action against the invaders. She sharply denounced the treacherous policy of the boyar government, which, instead of being "landowner" native land, turned into a domestic enemy, and the boyars themselves "earth-eaters", "crooks". The story revealed the plans of the Polish magnates and their leader Sigismund III, who tried to lull the Russian vigilance with false promises. glorified courageous feat Smolensk, who selflessly defended their city, preventing the enemy from seizing this important key position. « Tea, as if small children heard the wonder of that of their citizens of courage and strength and generosity and an unbending mind, ”- the author notes. The New Tale depicts Patriarch Hermogenes as the ideal patriot, endowing him with the traits of a faithful Christian, martyr and fighter for the faith against apostates. On the example of behavior "strong" Smolyan and Hermogenes "The New Tale" highlighted resilience as required quality behavior of a true patriot.

A characteristic feature of the story is its democracy, a new interpretation of the image of the people - this "great ... waterless sea." The calls and messages of Hermogenes are addressed to the people, enemies and traitors are afraid of the people, the author of the story appeals to the people. However, the people in the story do not yet act as an effective force.

Unlike other works of that time, in the "New Story" there are no historical excursions; it is filled with topical material, calls Muscovites to armed struggle against the invaders. This is what determines the peculiarities of the style of the New Story, in which business-like energetic speech is combined with an excited pathetic appeal. The "lyrical element" of the story is the author's patriotic mood, the desire to raise Muscovites to armed struggle against the enemy.

The author more than once resorts to rhythmic speech and "speech verse", which goes back to folk rhythmic tales and paradise verse. For example: “And our landowners themselves, as before, are land-eaters, they have long been from him(Hermogene.- V.K.) lagged behind, and gave up their minds to the last madness, and they stuck to them as an enemy, and to others, fell at their feet and changed their sovereign birth into a bad slavish service, and they submitted and worshiped who knows - themselves you know."

The general pathetic tone of presentation is combined in the New Tale with numerous psychological characteristics. For the first time in literature, there is a desire to discover and show the contradictions between the thoughts and actions of a person. In this growing attention to the disclosure of a person’s thoughts that determine his behavior, lies literary significance"New story". Thematically close to the "New Tale" "Lament for the Captivity and Final Destruction of the Muscovite State", created, obviously, after the capture of Smolensk by the Poles and the burning of Moscow in 1612. The fall of "pie(pillar) piety", devastation "God-planted grapes". The burning of Moscow is interpreted as a fall "multinational state". The author seeks to find out the reasons that led to "the fall of high Russia", using the form of an edifying short "conversation". In an abstract generalized form, he speaks of the responsibility of the rulers for what happened. "over the highest Russia." However, this work does not call for struggle, but only mourns, convinces to seek consolation in prayer and hope in God's help.

The immediate response to the events was "The Tale of the Death of Prince Mikhail Vasilievich Skopin-Shuisky". With his victories over False Dmitry II, Skopin-Shuisky gained fame as a talented commander. His sudden death at the age of twenty (April 1610) gave rise to various rumors that, allegedly out of envy, he was poisoned by the boyars. These sentiments were reflected in folk songs and legends, the literary processing of which is the story.

It begins with a rhetorical book introduction, in which genealogical calculations are made, tracing the Skopin-Shuisky family to Alexander Nevsky and Augustus Caesar.

The central episode of the story is a description of the christening feast at Prince Vorotynsky. Including a number of everyday details, the author tells in detail about how the hero was poisoned by the wife of his uncle Dmitry Shuisky, the daughter of Malyuta Skuratov. Preserving the speech and rhythmic structure of the folk epic song, the story conveys this episode as follows:

And what will be after a fair table a feast for fun,

And ... the villain is that princess Marya, godmother godmother,

She brought the drink of drink to the godfather

And she beat her forehead, greeted her godson Alexei Ivanovich.

And in that chalice in drink, a fierce drink of death is prepared.

And Prince Mikhail Vasilyevich drinks that drink to dryness,

But he does not know that evil drinking is fierce mortal.

In the above passage, it is not difficult to detect the characteristic elements of epic poetics. They also stand out clearly in the dialogue between a mother and her son, who has returned prematurely from a feast. This dialogue is reminiscent of the conversations of Vasily Buslaev with Mamelfa Timofeevna, Dobrynya with his mother.

The second part of the story, dedicated to the description of the death of the hero and the nationwide grief over his death, is made in the traditional book style. The same techniques are used here as in The Life of Alexander Nevsky and The Tale of the Life of Dmitry Ivanovich. The author of the story conveys the attitude to the death of Skopin of various groups of society. Muscovites express their grief, as well as their assessment of the activities of Skopin-Shuisky, the German governor Yakov Delagardie, Tsar Vasily Shuisky, mother, wife. The laments of mother and wife almost entirely go back to the tradition of oral folk tales.

The story has an anti-boyar orientation: Skopin-Shuisky is poisoned "on the advice of evil traitors" - boyars, only they do not mourn for the commander.

The story glorifies Skopin-Shuisky as a national hero, defender of the motherland from adversary enemies.

In 1620, the “Tale of the Repose...” was supplemented by “The Tale of the Birth of the Governor M. V. Skopin-Shuisky”, written in the traditional hagiographic manner.

The historical events of those years are comprehended in their own way in the people's mind, as evidenced by the recordings of historical songs made in 1619 for the Englishman Richard James. These are the songs “About the dog-thief Grishka-haircut”, “About Marinka - an evil heretic”, about Ksenia Godunova. The songs denounce the invaders and their accomplices "boyars squint-bellied", folk heroes are exalted - the hero Ilya, Skopin-Shuisky, standing guard over the interests of their native land.

"The Tale" by Avraamy Palitsyn. An outstanding historical work that vividly reflected the events of the era is the "Tale" by the cellar of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery Avraamy Palitsyn, written in 1609-1620.

A smart, cunning and rather unprincipled businessman Avraamy Palitsyn was in close relations with Vasily Shuisky, secretly communicated with Sigismund III, seeking benefits for the monastery from the Polish king. Creating the Tale, he sought to rehabilitate himself and tried to emphasize his merits in the fight against foreign invaders and the election of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov to the throne.

The "Legend" consists of a number of independent works:

I. A small historical essay, reviewing the events from the death of Grozny to the accession of Shuisky. Palitsyn sees the reasons for the "distemper" in the illegal abduction of the royal throne by Godunov and in his policy (ch. 1-6).

II. A detailed description of the 16-month siege of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery by the troops of Sapieha and Lisovsky. This central part of the "Tale" was created by Abraham by processing the notes of the participants in the defense of the monastery fortress (ch. 7-52).

III. narration about recent months the reign of Shuisky, the ruin of Moscow by the Poles, its liberation, the election of Mikhail Romanov to the throne and the conclusion of a truce with Poland (ch. 53-76).

Thus, the "Tale" gives an account of historical events from 1584 to 1618. They are covered from the traditional providential positions: the causes of troubles, “If you have done it all over Russia, it’s a righteous, wrathful quick punishment from God for all that evil created from us”: The victories won by the Russian people over foreign invaders are the result of the beneficence and mercy of the Mother of God and the intercession of Saints Sergius and Nikon. Religious and didactic reasoning is given in the traditional rhetorical form of teachings, supported by references to the text of "scripture", as well as abundant religious fantastic pictures all kinds of "miracles", "phenomena", "visions", which, according to the author, are indisputable proof of the special patronage of the heavenly forces to the Trinity-Sergius Monastery and the Russian land.

The value of the Tale is its factual material associated with the depiction of heroic feats of arms peasants of monastic villages, monastic servants, when “And the non-warriors are brave, and the ignorant, and never the custom of the military who saw and girded themselves with a gigantic fortress.” Abraham reports the names and deeds of many folk heroes. Such, for example, is the peasant of the village of Molokovo - Vanity, “Great in age and strong Velmy, we always make fun of incompetence for the sake of fighting.” He stops the fleeing warriors, fearlessly flogs with a reed in his hand "on both countries of enemies" and holds Lisovsky's regiment, saying: “Behold, I will die this day, or I will receive glory from everyone.” "Soon, galloping, like a lynx, The vanity of many then armed and armored." Servant Piman Teneev "shoot" "from the bow in the face" of the "fierce" Alexander Lisovsky, who "fell off your horse." Servant Mikhailo Pavlov caught and killed the voivode Yuri Gorsky.

Abraham repeatedly emphasizes that the monastery was saved from adversaries "young people" A "multiplication in the city"(monastery.- V. K.) "lawlessness and unrighteousness" associated with people of "warlike rank". The "Tale" sharply condemns the treachery of the monastery treasurer Joseph Devochkin and his patron "cunning" governor Alexei Golokhvastov, as well as treason "sons of the boyars".

Abraham has no sympathy for "slaves" and serfs who "because the Lord wants to be, and unwavering to freedom jumps." He sharply condemns the rebellious peasants and "in charge of the villain" serfs Petrushka and Ivan Bolotnikov. However, a zealous defender of the inviolability of the foundations of the feudal system, Abraham is forced to recognize the decisive role of the people in the fight against the interventionists: “All Russia is conducive to the reigning city, because the misfortune is common to everyone.”

One of the features of the "Tale" is the depiction of the life of the besieged monastery: terrible crowding, when people plunder “every tree and stone for the creation of a booth”, “and women give birth to children before all men”; due to crowding, lack of fuel, for the sake of "washing out the port" people are forced to periodically leave the fortress; description of the outbreak of scurvy, etc. “It is not proper, therefore, to lie against the truth, but with great fear it is proper to observe the truth,” Abraham writes. And this observance of the truth is salient feature the central part of the Tale. And although Abraham's concept of truth also includes a description of religious-fiction pictures, they cannot obscure the main thing - folk heroism.

Outlining "all in a row" Avraamy tries to "document" his material: he accurately indicates the dates of events, the names of their participants, introduces "letters" and "replies" i.e. purely business documents.

In general, the "Legend" - epic work, but it uses dramatic and lyrical elements. In a number of cases, Abraham resorts to the manner of a rhythmic tale, including rhymed speech in the narration. For example:

And we multiply our hands from warfare;

always about firewood fights are evil byvahu.

Outgoing for the abode of firewood for the sake of getting it,

and I return to the city without the demon of bloodshed.

And having bought with blood rash and sickness,

and the more building everyday food;

to a martyr's feat greener excitingly,

and sympathize with each other.

Much attention in the "Tale" is given to the depiction of the deeds and thoughts of both the defenders of the monastery fortress, and enemies and traitors.

Based on the traditions of the "Kazan Chronicler", "The Tale of the Capture of Constantinople", Avraamy Palitsyn creates an original historical work, in which a significant step has been taken towards recognizing the people as an active participant in historical events. "Chronicle book", attributed to Katyrev-Rostovsky. The events of the first Peasants' War and the struggle of the Russian people against the Polish-Swedish intervention is dedicated to the Chronicle Book, attributed by most researchers to Katyrev-Rostovsky. It was created in 1626 and reflected the official government point of view on the recent past. The purpose of the Chronicle Book is to strengthen the authority of the new ruling dynasty Romanovs. The Chronicle Book is a coherent pragmatic narrative from recent years the reign of Ivan the Terrible until the election of Mikhail Romanov to the throne. The author strives to give an epicly calm "objective" narrative. The "Chronicle Book" is devoid of the journalistic sharpness that was characteristic of the works that appeared in the midst of events. It almost lacks religious didactics; the narrative is purely secular. Unlike the "Tale" by Avraamy Palitsyn, the "Chronicle Book" brings to the fore the personalities of the rulers, "chiefs of the army" Patriarch Hermogenes and seeks to give them deeper psychological characteristics, to note not only positive, but also negative traits of the characters of a number of historical figures. The author relied on the Chronograph edition of 1617, where in the narrative of the events of the late 16th - early 17th centuries. attention was drawn to the internal contradictions of the human character, for "no one from the earthly" can't stay "blameless in his life", because "The human mind is sinful, and a good disposition is corrupted by evil ones."

The chronicle book contains a special section “Writing in brief about the kings of Moscow, images of their age and morals”, where verbal portraits of historical figures are given, a description of their contradictory moral qualities.

An interesting verbal portrait of Ivan IV, which coincides with his famous image- parsuna stored in Copenhagen national museum: “Tsar Ivan in an absurd way, having gray eyes, a long nose and a curse; he is big with age, having a dry body, having high splashes, wide breasts, thick muscles.

The verbal portrait is followed by a description of the contradictions in Grozny's character and his actions related to them: “... a man of wonderful reasoning, in the science of book teaching, is pleased and eloquently talkative, insolent to the militia and stands up for his fatherland. On his servants, from God given to him, he is hard-hearted, and on the shedding of blood and on killing he is impudent and implacable; Destroy many people from small to large in your kingdom, and capture many cities of your own, and imprison many holy orders and destroy them with a merciless death, and many other deeds over your servants, wives and maidens desecrate fornication. The same tsar Ivan did many good things, loving the army and demanding them from his treasure generously.

The "Chronicle Book" departs from the tradition of a one-sided depiction of a person. She even notes the positive aspects of character "Rostrigi" - False Dmitry I: he is witty, "Satisfied in book learning" bold and brave and only "simple denunciation", absence "royal property", "obscurity" body testifies to his imposture.

A characteristic feature of the "Chronicle Book" is the desire of its author to introduce into historical narrative landscape sketches, which serve as a contrasting or harmonizing background to ongoing events. Emotionally colored landscape dedicated to glorification "red year" awakening life, contrasts sharply with the brutal abuse of the troops "predatory wolf" False Dmitry and the army of Moscow. If we compare this landscape with Cyril of Turovsky's "Word for Anti-Easter", we will immediately see those significant changes in the method of depicting reality that occurred in the literature of the first quarter of the 17th century. At first glance, S. Shakhovsky uses the same images as Cyril: “winter”, “sun”, “spring”, “wind”, “ratai”, but the writers have different attitudes towards these images. For Cyril, these are only symbols of sin, Christ, the Christian faith, "word rattling". The author of the Book of Chronicles does not give a symbolic interpretation of these images, but uses them in a direct, "earthly" sense. For him, they are only a means of artistic evaluation of current events.

This assessment is also given in the direct author's lyrical digressions, which are devoid of Christian didacticism, they do not refer to the authority of "scripture". All this gives the style of the Chronicle Book an "original, beautiful epic warehouse" that contributes to its popularity. Moreover, wanting to beautifully complete the story, the author puts “verses” (30 rhymed lines) at the end of the work:

The beginning of the verse

rebellious thing,

Let's read them wisely.

And then we understand the compiler of this book ...

With these pre-syllabic verses, the author seeks to declare his individuality as a writer: he "I myself saw this significantly," and others “things” “heard from the graceful without application”, “he found a lot of things, he wrote a fraction of this”. About himself, he reports that he belongs to the Rostov family and is the son "Foreshadowed Prince Michael".

The works of the period of the struggle of the Russian people against the Polish-Swedish intervention and the Peasant War under the leadership of Bolotnikov, continuing to develop the traditions of historical narrative literature of the 16th century, reflected the growth of national self-consciousness. This was manifested in a change in the view of the historical process: the course of history is determined not by God's will, but by the activities of people. Tales from the beginning of the 17th century. they can no longer stop talking about the people, about their participation in the struggle for the national independence of their homeland, about the responsibility of "the whole earth" for what has happened.

This, in turn, determined the increased interest in the human person. For the first time there is a desire to portray the internal contradictions of character and to reveal the reasons by which these contradictions are generated. Rectilinear characteristics of a person in literature of the 16th century. are beginning to be replaced by a deeper portrayal of conflicting properties human soul. At the same time, as D.S. Likhachev points out, the characters of historical figures in the works of the early 17th century. shown against the backdrop of folk talk about them. Human activity is given in a historical perspective and for the first time begins to be evaluated in its "social function".

Events 1604-1613 brought about significant changes in public consciousness. The attitude towards the king has changed as to God's chosen one, who received his power from the forefathers, from Augustus Caesar. The practice of life convinced that the tsar was elected by the "zemstvo" and was morally responsible to his country, to his subjects for their fate. Therefore, the actions of the king, his behavior are not subject to the Divine, but to the human court, the court of society.

The events of 1604-1613 dealt a crushing blow to religious ideology, the undivided dominance of the church in all spheres of life: not God, but man creates his own destiny, not God's will, but the activity of people determines the historical destinies of the country.

The role of the trade and craft townspeople in the social, political and cultural life. This was facilitated by education in the middle of the 17th century. "single all-Russian market", as a result of which the political unification was secured by the economic unification of all Russian lands. A new democratic writer and reader is emerging.

Strengthening the role of the settlement in cultural life entails the democratization of literature, its gradual liberation from providentialism, symbolism and etiquette - the leading principles of the artistic method of Russian medieval literature. The integrity of this method is already beginning to crumble in literature XVI century, and in the XVII century. conditionally symbolic representation of reality is displaced "aliveness". The beginning of this process is associated with a wide penetration into the book rhetorical style of Business stationery, on the one hand, and oral folk art- with another.

All this testifies to the intensification of the process of "secularization" of culture and literature, i.e., its gradual liberation from the tutelage of the church, religious ideology.

With us the days are both bright and black,

Our long centuries are with us.

Not a single page is crossed out

Not a single line is torn out.

V. Kochetkov "Russian History"

The turbulent events of the beginning of the 17th century, which were called "troubles" by contemporaries, were widely reflected in literature. Historical songs and tales, novels and stories, short stories and essays, poems and plays - these are the most common genres of literature about the Troubles. These works are notable for their bright intense action, epic depiction of characters, events, clear and expressive language. Revealing the connection of times, the authors show that without the past there is no present, no future.

Literature acquires an exclusively topical journalistic character, promptly responding to the demands of the time involved in the struggle.

Society, having inherited from the previous century an ardent faith in the power of the word, in the power of conviction, seeks to propagate certain ideas in literary works, achieving specific effective goals.

Tales, legends

Among the stories that reflected the events of 1604-1613, one can single out works that express the interests of the ruling boyar elites. Takova "The Tale of 1606", created by a monk of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery. The story actively supports the policy of the boyar tsar Vasily Shuisky, tries to present him as a popular choice, emphasizing the unity of Shuisky with the people. The people turn out to be a force that the ruling circles cannot but reckon with. The story glorifies courageous boldness" Shuisky in his struggle with " evil heretic», « stripped» Grishka Otrepiev. To prove the legitimacy of Shuisky's rights to the royal throne, his family is elevated to Vladimir Svyatoslavich of Kyiv.

The author of the story sees the causes of "distemper" and "disorganization" in the Muscovite state in the pernicious rule of Boris Godunov, who, by the villainous murder of Tsarevich Dmitry, stopped the existence of the family of lawful kings of Moscow and " rapture the tsar's throne in Moscow».

Subsequently, "The Tale of 1606" was revised into "Another Legend". Defending the positions of the boyars, the author portrays him as the savior of the Russian state from adversaries.

This group of works is opposed by stories that reflect the interests of the nobility and the townspeople's trade and craft strata of the population. Here we should first of all mention those journalistic messages that Russian cities exchanged, rallying their forces to fight the enemy.

Such is " A new story about the glorious, Russian state "- a publicistic propaganda appeal. Written in late 1610 - early 1611, at the most intense moment of the struggle, when Moscow was occupied by Polish troops, and Novgorod was captured by Swedish feudal lords, "The New Tale", referring to " all sorts of ranks to people”, called them to active actions against the invaders. The "New Tale" has come down to us in a single copy of the 17th century. She sharply denounced the treacherous policy of the boyar government, which, instead of being " landowner"native land, turned into a domestic enemy, and the boyars themselves into" earth-eaters», « kriviteli". The plans of the Polish magnates and their leader Sigismund III, who tried to lull the Russian vigilance with false promises, were exposed in the story. The courageous feat of the Smolensk people was glorified, selflessly defending their city, preventing the enemy from seizing this important key position. " Tea, like small children, hearing the wonder of their citizens of courage and strength and generosity to an unbending mind."- notes the author. The New Tale considers Patriarch Hermogenes to be the ideal patriot, endowing him with the traits of a faithful Christian, martyr and fighter for the faith against apostates. On the example of the behavior strong” Smolyan and Hermogenes “New Tale” brought to the fore stamina as a necessary quality of behavior of a true patriot.

A characteristic feature of the story is its democracy, a new interpretation of the image of the people - this " great... waterless sea". The calls and messages of Hermogenes are addressed to the people, enemies and traitors are afraid of the people, the author of the story appeals to the people. However, the people in the story do not yet act as an effective force.

Unlike other works of that time, there are no historical excursuses in the New Tale; it is filled with topical material, calls Muscovites to armed struggle against the invaders. This is what determines the peculiarities of the style of the New Story, in which business-like energetic speech is combined with an excited pathetic appeal. " lyrical element The stories are composed of the author's patriotic sentiments, the desire to raise Muscovites to armed struggle against the enemy.

For the first time in literature, there is a desire to discover and show the contradictions between the thoughts and actions of a person. In this growing attention to the disclosure of a person’s thoughts that determine his behavior, lies the literary significance of the New Tale.

Thematically close to the "New story" " Lamentation for the Captivity and Final Destruction of the Muscovite State”, created, obviously, after the capture of Smolensk by the Poles and the burning of Moscow in 1612. The fall of “ pirga (pillar) of piety', ruin ' God-planted grapes". The burning of Moscow is interpreted as a fall multinational state". The author seeks to find out the reasons that led to " the fall of high Russia", using the form of the didactic short " conversations". In an abstract generalized form, he speaks of the responsibility of the rulers for what happened " over the highest Russia". However, this work does not call for struggle, but only mourns, convinces to seek consolation in prayer and hope for God's help.

The immediate response to the events was " The Tale of the Death of Prince Mikhail Vasilievich Skopin-Shuisky". With his hearths over False Dmitry II, Skopin-Shuisky gained fame as a talented commander. His sudden death at the age of twenty (April 1610) gave rise to various rumors that, allegedly out of envy, he was poisoned by the boyars. These rumors were reflected in folk songs and legends, the literary processing of which is the story.

It begins with a rhetorical book introduction, in which genealogical calculations are made, tracing the Skopin-Shuisky family to Alexander Nevsky and Augustus Caesar.

The central episode of the story is a description of the christening feast at Prince Vorotynsky. Including a number of everyday details, the author tells in detail about how the hero was poisoned by the wife of his uncle Dmitry Shuisky, the daughter of Malyuta Skuratov. Preserving the speech and rhythmic structure of the folk epic song, the story conveys this episode as follows:

And what will be after a fair table a feast for fun,

And ... the villain is that princess Marya, godmother godmother,

She brought the drink of drink to the godfather

And she beat her forehead, greeted her godson Alexei Ivanovich.

And in that chalice in drink, a fierce drink of death is prepared.

And Prince Mikhailo Vasilievich drinks that cup to dryness,

But he does not know that evil drinking is fierce mortal.

In the above passage, it is not difficult to detect the characteristic elements of epic poetics. They also stand out clearly in the dialogue between a mother and her son, who has returned prematurely from a feast. This dialogue is reminiscent of the conversations of Vasily Buslaev with Mamelfa Timofeevna, Dobrynya with his mother.

The second part of the story, dedicated to the description of the death of the hero and the nationwide grief over his death, is made in the traditional book style. The same examples are used here as in the Life of Alexander Nevsky and the Tale of the Life of Dmitry Ivanovich. The author of the story conveys the attitude to the death of Skopin of various groups of society. Muscovites express their grief, as well as their assessment of the activities of Skopin-Shuisky, the German governor Yakov Delagardie, Tsar Vasily Shuisky, mother, wife. The weeping of mother and wife almost entirely goes back to the tradition of oral folk tales.

The story has an anti-boyar orientation: Skopin-Shuisky is poisoned " according to the conscience of evil traitors"- the boyars, only they do not mourn for the commander.

The story glorifies Skopin-Shuisky as a national hero, defender of the motherland from adversary enemies.

In 1620, “The Tale of the Repose ...” was attached to “ The story of the birth of the governor M.V. Skopin-Shuisky».

The historical events of those years are comprehended in their own way in the people's mind, as evidenced by the recordings of historical songs made in 1619 for the Englishman Richard James. These are the songs About the dog thief Grishka the haircut», « About Marinka - evil heretic”, About Ksenia Godunova. The songs denounce the interventionists and their accomplices " boyars”, exalted folk heroes hero Ilya, Skopin-Shuisky, standing guard over the interests of their native land.

"The Tale" by Avraamy Palitsyn. An outstanding historical work that vividly reflected the events of the era is the "Tale" by the cellar of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery Avraamy Palitsyn, written in 1609-1620.

A smart, cunning and rather unprincipled businessman Avraamy Palitsyn was in close relations with Vasily Shuisky, secretly communicated with Sigismund III, seeking benefits for the monastery from the Polish king. Creating the "Tale", he sought to rehabilitate himself and tried to emphasize his merits in the fight against foreign invaders and the election of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich to the throne.

The "Legend" consists of a number of independent reproductions:

1) A small historical essay, surveying the events from the death of Grozny to the accession of Shuisky. Palitsyn sees the reasons for the "distemper" in the extra-legal abduction of the royal throne by Godunov and in his policy (ch. 1-6).

2) A detailed description of the 16-month siege of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery by the troops of Sapieha and Liskovsky. This central part of the "Tale" was created by Abraham by processing the notes of the participants in the defense of the monastery fortress (ch. 7 - 52).

3) The story of the last months of Shuisky's reign, the ruin of Moscow by the Poles, its liberation, the election of Mikhail Romanov to the throne and the conclusion of a truce with Poland (ch. 53 - 76).

Thus, the "Tale" gives an account of historical events from 1584 to 1628. They are covered from traditional providentialist positions: the causes of troubles, " hedgehog will happen in all of Russia - a righteous wrathful quick punishment from God for all that evil created from us”: the victories won by the Russian people over foreign invaders are the result of the beneficence and mercy of the Mother of God and the intercession of Saints Sergius and Nikon. Religious and didactic reasoning is given in the traditional rhetorical form of teachings, supported by references to the text of "scripture", as well as abundant religious and fantastic pictures of all kinds " miracles», « phenomena», « visions”, which, according to the author, are indisputable proof of the special patronage of the heavenly forces to the Trinity-Sergius Monastery and the Russian land.

The value of the "Tale" is its factual material, associated with the image of the heroic feats of arms of the peasants of the monastery villages, monastery servants, when " and non-warriors are brave, and ignoramuses, and never the custom of warriors who saw and girded themselves with a gigantic fortress". Abraham reports the names and exploits of many folk heroes. Such, for example, is the peasant of the village of Molokovo - Vanity, " great in age and strong velmy, but we always make fun of inability for the sake of fighting". He stops the fleeing warriors, fearlessly flogs with a reed in the river " on both enemy countries"And keeps Lisovsky's regiment, saying:" I will die today or I will receive glory from everyone». « Soon galloping, like a lynx, The vanity of many then armed and wounded in armor". Servant Piman Teneev outdated» « from a bow in the face» « ferocious"Alexander Lisovsky, who" fell off his horse". Servant Mikhailo Pavlov caught and killed the voivode Yury Gorsky.

Abraham repeatedly emphasizes that the monastery was saved from adversaries " young people", A " multiplication in hail"(monastery. - author's note)" lawlessness and unrighteousness» related to people « militant rank". The "Tale" sharply condemns the treachery of the monastery treasurer Joseph Devochkin and his patron " cunning» voivode Alexei Golokhvastov, as well as treason « boyar sons».

Abraham has no sympathy for " slaves"And the serfs who" for the Lord wants to be, and unwavering to freedom jumps". He sharply condemns the rebellious peasants and " in charge of the villain» serfs Petrushka and Ivan Bolotnikov. However, a zealous defender of the inviolability of the foundations of the feudal system, Abraham is forced to recognize the decisive role of the people in the fight against the interventionists: “ All of Russia contributes to the reigning city, because the misfortune is common to everyone».

One of the features of the "Tale" is the image of the life of the besieged monastery: terrible crowding, when people plunder " every wood and stone for the creation of a booth», « and the wife of the child rejoicing before all people»; because of crowding, lack of fuel, for the sake of a fortress; description of the outbreak of scurvy, etc. " It is therefore not fitting to lie against the truth, but with great fear it is fitting to keep the truth", writes Abraham. And this observance of the truth is a characteristic feature of the central part of the Tale. And although Abraham's concept of truth also includes a description of religious-fiction pictures, they cannot obscure the main thing - folk heroism.

Outlining " all in a row”, Abraham tries to “document” his material: he accurately indicates the dates of events, the names of their participants, introduces “letters” and “replies”, that is, purely business documents.

On the whole, "The Tale" is an epic work, but it uses dramatic and lyrical elements. In a number of cases, Abraham resorts to the manner of a rhythmic tale, including rhymed speech in the narration.

For example:

And we multiply our hands from warfare;

always about firewood fights are evil byvahu.

Outgoing for the abode of firewood for the sake of getting it,

and I return to the guard without the demon of bloodshed.

And having bought with blood rash and sickness,

and the more building everyday food;

to a martyr's feat greener excitingly,

and sympathize with each other.

Much attention in the "Tale" is given to the depiction of the deeds and thoughts of both the defenders of the monastery fortress, and enemies and traitors.

Based on the traditions of the "Kazan Chronicler", "The Tale of the Capture of Constantinople", Avraamy Palitsyn creates an original historical work, in which a significant step has been taken towards recognizing the people as an active participant in historical events.

"Chronicle book", attributed to Katyrev-Rostovsky. The event of the first Peasants' War and the struggle of the Russian people against the Polish-Swedish intervention is dedicated to the Chronicle Book, attributed to Katyrev-Rostovsky M.V. Kukushkina believes that the author of the Chronicle Book is Prince Semyon Ivanovich Shakhovsky. Kukushkina M. V. Semyon Shakhovsky - the author of the Tale of Troubles // Monument of Culture: New Discoveries. Writing. Art. Archeology. Yearbook 1974. M., 1975. S. 75 - 78.. It was created in 1626 and reflected the official government point of view on the recent past. The purpose of the Chronicle Book is to strengthen the authority of the new ruling dynasty of the Romanovs. The Chronicle Book is a coherent pragmatic narrative from the last years of the reign of Ivan the Terrible to the election of Mikhail Romanov to the throne. The author strives to give an epicly calm "objective" narrative. The "Chronicle Book" is devoid of the journalistic sharpness that was characteristic of the works that appeared in the midst of events. It almost lacks religious didactics; the narrative is purely secular. Unlike the Tale of Avraamy Palitsyn, the Chronicle Book brings to the fore the personalities of the rulers, “ chiefs of the army”, Patriarch Hermogenes and seeks to give them deeper psychological characteristics, to note not only positive, but also negative character traits of a number of historical figures. The author relied on the Chronograph editions of 1617, where in the narrative of the events of the late 16th - early 17th centuries. attention was drawn to the internal contradictions of the human character, for " none of the earthlings"can't stay" blameless in his life", because " the human mind is sinful, and from a good disposition evil is perverted».

In the Chronicle Book there is a special section " Brief writing about the kings of Moscow, their images and about age and morals”, where a verbal portrait of a historical figure is given, a description of his contradictory moral qualities.

An interesting verbal portrait of Ivan IV, which coincides with his famous image - a sailing one, stored in the Copenhagen National Museum: “ Tsar Ivan in an absurd manner, having gray eyes, a protracted nose and a curse; big with age, having a dry body, having high splashes, wide breasts, thick muscles».

The verbal portrait is followed by a description of the inconsistency of Grozny's character and his actions related to it: ... a man of wonderful reasoning, in the science of book teaching, is pleased and eloquently talkative, insolent to the militia and stands up for his fatherland. On his servants, from God given to him, he is hard-hearted, and on the shedding of blood and on killing he is impudent and implacable; Destroy many people from small to large in your kingdom, and capture many cities of your own, and imprison many holy orders and destroy them with a merciless death, and many other deeds over your servants, wives and maidens desecrate fornication. The same Tsar Ivan did many good things, the army of the Velma is loving and demanding from their treasures generously».

The "Chronicle Book" departs from the tradition of a one-sided depiction of a person. She even notes the positive aspects of the character of "Rostriga" - False Dmitry I: he is witty, " Satisfied in book learning", bold and brave and only" simple appearance", absence " royal property», « obscurity body testifies to his imposture.

A characteristic feature of the "Chronicle Book" is the desire of its author to introduce landscape sketches into the historical narrative, which serve as a contrasting or harmonizing background for ongoing events. Emotionally colored landscape dedicated to the glorification of " krasnogodina"awakening life, in sharp contrast to the brutal abuse of the troops" predatory wolf» False Dmitry and the army of Moscow. If we compare this landscape with Cyril of Turov's "Word for Anti-Easter", we will immediately see those significant changes in the method of depicting reality that took place in the literature of the first quarter of the 17th century. At first glance, S. Shakhovskoy uses the same images as Cyril: “ deputy», « Sun», « wind», « ratai”, but writers have different attitudes towards these images. For Cyril, these are only symbols of sin, Christ, the Christian faith, “ rattling words". The author of the Book of Chronicles does not give a symbolic interpretation of these images, but uses them in a direct, "earthly" sense. For him, they are only a means of artistic evaluation of current events.

This assessment is also given in direct copyright digressions, which are devoid of Christian didacticism, there are no references to the authority of "scripture" in them. All this gives the style of the "Chronicle Book" "an original, beautiful epic warehouse" Platonov S. F. Old Russian legends and the story of the Time of Troubles of the 17th century as historical source. 2nd ed. SPb., S. 273., contributing to its popularity. Moreover, wanting to beautifully complete the story, the author puts “verses” (30 rhymed lines) at the end of the work:

The beginning of the verse

rebellious thing,

Let's read them wisely.

And then we understand the compiler of this book ...

With these pre-syllabal verses, the author seeks to declare his individuality as a writer: he " I have seen it significantly", and others" things» « from graceful ruthlessly heard», « I found a lot of things, I wrote a fraction of this". About himself, he reports that he belongs to the Rostov family and is the son of " Predestined Prince Michael».

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