The fish is looking for where it is deeper, and the man, where it is better. The fish is looking for where it is deeper, and where the person lies badly


FISH IS LOOKING FOR WHERE IT IS DEEPER,<А>MAN - WHERE IS BETTER. It is about someone who decides to change his life in the hope of the best; sometimes - to justify their actions, deeds. [Polina:] I don't understand why you want to live with an immoral woman. Farewell! [Zhadov:] God be with you, goodbye! If you can leave your husband indifferently, then goodbye! [Polina:] And what is it! The fish is looking for where it is deeper, and the man is looking for where it is better. Ostrovsky, Plum. The children of ordinary Cossacks, having finished their course at the school, ..., according to the proverb: "fish is looking for where it is deeper, and man, where is better," little by little began to go out to the officers, to the noble. Iron, Urals. Why, Akulina, did you bring yourself to such a cramped position, why did you leave your familiar place? How many "reasons" will she find in answer to these questions; then he will refer to the proverb: “the fish, they say, are looking for where it is deeper, and the person is where it is better”; then he will say: “I will sort out someone else’s misfortune with my hands, but I will not apply my mind to my own.” Kokorev, Cook. Mother, - continued Tavrilo Stepanovich, - calm down; your son, I confess to you in truth, did not at all think up this stupidly; why shouldn't he go? With God, and my blessing to him on the path-path. The fish is looking for where it is deeper, the man - where it is better; let him look at the world and prove himself. Dahl, Father and son.- What kind of life is this? You just think about how to make it to pay. And so until the end of days? Oh no. The fish is looking for where it is deeper, the man - where it is better. N. Sizov, Chevro Code. - Where did you work before? By narpit, right? - In the factory kitchen. Why did you run here? Sweeter, right? - Yes, I would try it myself ... I would find out where the sun rises from ... I would try it, but you, my friend, preferred a quiet nest, a lady and all sorts of tutelki. The girl frowned resentfully .. - The fish is looking for where it is deeper. Gladkov, Energy.- Ah! So you recognize only your own benefit? Well, you have principles, Anton. - I don’t have any principles, and I don’t need them, - Andzhievich answered coolly. - And what are principles in general, if we take, of course, not mathematics? “The fish is looking for where it is deeper” - this, I understand, is the principle. V. Astrov, Lights ahead. - How will you live with different men after us? Carpenters, painters... Oh you! This is called - from deacons to sexton ... Zhigarev grumbled: - The fish is looking for - where is deeper, good fellow- which is worse. M. Gorky, In people. - Well, well, Parfen Andreevich, my mother and I are not an obstacle to you. This is also your grandfather used to say, - and the famous fisherman on the local coast was Nikita Dyadyushkin, - the fish, he says, is looking for where it is deeper, and the man - where is the fish! Y. Laptev, At Mount Recalcitrant. - Simonyi: The fish is looking for where it is deeper, and the man where it is better; Dal: The fish is looking deeper (where it is deeper), the person is better (where it is better); Mikhelson: The fish is looking for where it is deeper, and where the man is better; Sobolev: The fish is looking for where it is deeper, and the man, where it is better.

Analyst Vadim Zhartun decided to find out which of the officials and deputies sent their children to live in other countries, as well as who purchased property abroad.
“Our officials and deputies know firsthand about the horrors of the decaying West. Of this we can be sure. Here is a list of those who have real estate and / or children abroad," the analyst comments on his post.

Zhartun's list begins with the former head of Russian Railways, Vladimir Yakunin. It is noted that he lives in Germany, his eldest son Andrei became a subject of Great Britain, and the younger Victor became a Cypriot. The son of ex-Minister of Education Andrei Fursenko lives in the United States. Security Council member Boris Gryzlov sent his daughter to Tallinn, where she received Estonian citizenship. The children of Pavel Astakhov are in France and England, and the daughters of the State Duma deputy from the EP Sergei Zheleznyak Anastasia and Elizabeth live in the UK, and the eldest of them is an employee of BBC News.
Next on the list compiled by the analyst is Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. As it turned out, his daughter Ekaterina was born and raised in New York. Then the girl graduated from Columbia University, where she studied political science, and a master's degree in economics - in London.
The daughter of a State Duma deputy from United Russia, Irina Rodnina, lives in Washington. It is known that she previously worked for Russia Today. First Deputy Chairman of the Committee State Duma By physical culture, sports, tourism and youth affairs Vyacheslav Fetisov raised and educated his daughter in the USA. Analyst Notes interesting fact that she never learned to write and read Russian.
The son of State Duma deputy Elena Mizulina lives in Belgium. He is a co-owner of the law firm Mayer Brown in Brussels. The heir to the State Duma deputy from the LDPR, Valery Seleznev, was sentenced to 27 years in prison in the United States for cyber fraud.
The list also includes: Vice President of the Russian Olympic Committee Gennady Timchenko, President of the Russian Olympic Committee (2010-2018) Alexander Zhukov, Deputy Prime Minister Russian Federation Olga Golodets. The latter owns an apartment and a house in Italy, half of a dacha in Switzerland. And the deputy of the State Duma from United Russia Andrei Golushko is listed elite house near Cannes.
According to Zhartun himself, the list turned out to be large, but far from complete. In his blog, where the information is posted, he noted that the list will be updated.
Believe me, I do not condemn the above politicians, because I am not sure that if I had such an opportunity I would not send my descendants to conquer the “decaying West”, but I hope, I really hope that at the same time I would not teach others how to passionately love the Motherland.

FISH IS LOOKING FOR WHERE IT IS DEEPER,<А>MAN - WHERE IS BETTER. It is about someone who decides to change his life in the hope of the best; sometimes - to justify their actions, deeds. [Polina:] I don't understand why you want to live with an immoral woman. Farewell! [Zhadov:] God be with you, goodbye! If you can leave your husband indifferently, then goodbye! [Polina:] And what is it! The fish is looking for where it is deeper, and the man is looking for where it is better. Ostrovsky, profitable place. The children of ordinary Cossacks, having finished their course at the school, ..., according to the proverb: "fish is looking for where it is deeper, and man, where is better," little by little began to go out to the officers, to the noble. Iron, Urals. Why, Akulina, did you bring yourself to such a cramped position, why did you leave your familiar place? How many "reasons" will she find in answer to these questions; then he will refer to the proverb: “the fish, they say, are looking for where it is deeper, and the person is where it is better”; then he will say: “I will sort out someone else’s misfortune with my hands, but I will not apply my mind to my own.” Kokorev, Cook. Mother, - continued Tavrilo Stepanovich, - calm down; your son, I confess to you in truth, did not at all think up this stupidly; why shouldn't he go? With God, and my blessing to him on the path-path. The fish is looking for where it is deeper, the man - where it is better; let him look at the world and prove himself. Dahl, Father and son.- What kind of life is this? You just think about how to make it to pay. And so until the end of days? Oh no. The fish is looking for where it is deeper, the man - where it is better. N. Sizov, Chevro Code. - Where did you work before? By narpit, right? - In the factory kitchen. Why did you run here? Sweeter, right? - Yes, I would try it myself ... I would find out where the sun rises from ... I would try it, but you, my friend, preferred a quiet nest, a lady and all sorts of tutelki. The girl frowned resentfully .. - The fish is looking for where it is deeper. Gladkov, Energy.- Ah! So you recognize only your own benefit? Well, you have principles, Anton. - I don’t have any principles, and I don’t need them, - Andzhievich answered coolly. - And what are principles in general, if we take, of course, not mathematics? “The fish is looking for where it is deeper” - this, I understand, is the principle. V. Astrov, Lights ahead.
- How will you live with different men after us? Carpenters, painters... Oh you! This is called - from deacons to sexton ... Zhigarev grumbled: - The fish is looking for - where it is deeper, good fellow - which is worse. M. Gorky, In people. - Well, well, Parfen Andreevich, my mother and I are not an obstacle to you. This is also your grandfather used to say, - and the famous fisherman on the local coast was Nikita Dyadyushkin, - the fish, he says, is looking for where it is deeper, and the man - where is the fish! Y. Laptev, At Mount Recalcitrant. - Simonyi: The fish is looking for where it is deeper, and the man where it is better; Dal: The fish is looking deeper (where it is deeper), the person is better (where it is better); Mikhelson: The fish is looking for where it is deeper, and where the man is better; Sobolev: The fish is looking for where it is deeper, and the man, where it is better.

In connection with the accumulated material collected by me during my stay in glorious city Odessa, as well as kindly provided by my colleagues and friends, I want to say a few words for the unique Odessa dialect. style.
Odessa jargon is not just known, it is loved, it is thought and spoken.
Many Odessa funny phrases and expressions, thanks to their sparkling humor, have become immortal masterpieces in world literature. Odessa jokes are generally a separate conversation, we will also talk about them later.
And now a few winged funny phrases and expressions - Blow and fluff up your ears, I have before you, I still have something to say for them:
- Do not compost my brain, I have someone to load it before you.
- Schaub I saw you on one leg, and you saw me with one eye!
-Your face reminds me of Paris. -Is it just as beautiful? -No, but I also want to go!
- Calm down your talent, otherwise you will drown in it!
I'm not as stupid as you, that's what I look like!
- Why are you making eyes at me? - And sho, I have to build a cooperative for you?
- Yes, Schaub your whole muzzle is overgrown with kuyami and not one stood!
- Man, I understand everything. You are so charming, well, not to the same extent, and you don’t need to persuade me, otherwise I will agree!
What do you already know that I haven't told you yet?
- Are you leaving, thank God, or stay, God forbid?
- And why are you going broke without a penny of money?
-big question does not come cheap.
- I’m blowing on you, buy yourself a tractor, and shoot yourself in change!
- Go fuck yourself ... - I would go there, but I’m already there, I go there more often than you fresh air.
- Do not twist me my Faberge!
-Not everything is fresh, sho newspaper.
-If you want to live, know how to spin.
-To live well, and to live well is even better.

Life is given once and you have to live it in Odessa.
- The elevator doesn't go down.
- Buzz buzzing, get up asshole ...
- Oh, what a familiar face, somewhere I saw you ... - Oh, don’t remember for me, otherwise I’ll remember for you!
- Oh, what do you know ... this is such a rich woman, so rich ... You should have seen what kind of car she almost bought!
-The best fish is sausage. And the best sausage is grandma's stocking with money.
- Sarah, I'm bored of gold .... - Right now, I'll make a scandal and you will still have fun!
-Do you have gold? -Sarah, get up gold, they came for you!
-Let's visit each other. You come to us for a name day, we come to you for a funeral!
- Do not pull my character across the throat.
-Do you still play? -And yes. -On what? -Mostly on the nerves!
- Senya, eat borsch, Schaub you are dead, you still have to get better ... And not any divorces, you took a widow, you leave a widow!
- Izya is it true that your daughter Sarah is a prostitute? - No, what are you, she just gets married ... a little bit.
-Yasha Your fiancee is still an elite prostitute. -Why did you get these nonsense? -He takes so dearly for love.
- Sonya Have you heard for the scent of my new perfume? - Well, of course! What do you think I'm blind or deaf?
- Tsilya baby, do not shake the sofa: you will burst all its springs!
-Slave is my first wedding night today. How should I lie on top or bottom?
- Schaub you lived like that!

(from the last The fish is looking for where it is deeper, and the person is looking for where it is better."- it is said about someone who decides to change his life in the hope of the best)

1) original value;

2) about finding a place where the fish will peck.

  • - In most salmon fish, the meat has various shades of red-pink. But there are salmon, such as whitefish, nelma, whose meat is milky white ...
  • - Drying is one of the ways of canning...

    A book about tasty and healthy food

  • - a fish from the bream genus, which some scientists consider to be an independent species, others to be a cross between a bream and a roach, or between a roach and a silver bream. Rarely found in rivers Central Europe and European Russia...
  • - a fish from the golutodon family, the suborder of the joint-maxillary, the detachment of bony fish. The skin of this fish is covered with bony shields, each equipped with a strong, movable needle...

    encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - fish of the family of two-toothed detachment of the symtomaxillary. Body length up to 60 cm. Coloration - olive background with small dark spots on the back and tail. The body is almost spherical...

    Big Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - R....

    Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language

  • - div-ry / ba, ...

    merged. Apart. Through a hyphen. Dictionary-reference

  • - ...

    Spelling Dictionary

  • - about the best arrangement of your life Cf. The soldier Oksana, in her homeless orphanhood, who left her homeland, came to the Don ... marking the proverb: the fish is looking for where it is deeper, and the man - where it is better. Kokhanovskaya. Kirilo Petrov...

    Explanatory-phraseological dictionary of Michelson

  • - The fish is looking for where it is deeper, and where the man is better - about the best arrangement of his life. Wed The soldier Oksana, in her homeless orphanhood, who left her homeland, came to the Don .....

    Michelson Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original orph.)

  • - See ROSE -...
  • - Fish seeks deeper, man is better...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See TLENN -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Cm....

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See CRAFTS -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - noun, number of synonyms: 2 apia manatee ...

    Synonym dictionary

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