Samples of diagnostic cards in dow according to fgos. Diagnostic card of examination of a child


Alla Sidorova
Diagnostic map of the development of children from 3 to 4 years

Individual development map allows you to watch development child by fixing the moments of manifestation of certain abilities by him. In a complex, it can give a simple, but quite capacious idea of ​​a child and his dynamics. development towards achieving the targets for each of the areas development defined by GEF BEFORE: social and communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic and aesthetic, physical development.

Use card is needed regularly.

F. I. About the child. floor. age. group


Emotional-personal sphere:

1. Talks about himself in the first person - "I"

2. Tells about himself (knows first name, last name, age, gender, eye color, etc.)

3. Empathizes with the heroes of fairy tales, stories, cartoons

4. shows empathy for others (tries to calm down if someone is upset)

5. Identifies and verbalizes the feelings of another child ("Anya is afraid")

6. Shows a sense of shame

7. Shows a sense of pride (do something the best)

8. Strive to act independently without the help of an adult

9. Strive to imitate the actions of an adult

10. Capable of resuming interrupted activities

11. Able to maintain attention during class

12. Shows motivation for success

Sphere of communication:

1. Shows initiative in establishing contact with peers

2. Observes the actions of peers and imitates them

3. Highlights among peers those with whom he most likes to communicate, play

4. Sharing toys, treats with other children

5. Actively joins in the game with other children

6. Initiates interaction with peers ("Let's play!" "Let's do!"

Sphere of life practice:

1. independently uses the potty

2. Controls the bladder

3. Controls the gut

4. Knows and names body parts

5. Distinguish between right and left hand

6. Eating and drinking alone

7. Properly uses a spoon, fork, napkin

8. Serves himself at the table (puts sugar in tea, cheese on bread)

9. Independently washes his hands, washes, brushes his teeth, uses a towel

10 Uses a comb and handkerchief

11. Unbuttons and fastens buttons, zippers, Velcro,

12. Undresses and dresses himself

13. Neatly folds his clothes

14. Independently washes a cup, saucer, plate, spoon

15. Cleans up toys, maintains order in the room

16. Can dust, sweep the floor


1. Picks from a row pictures with the image of objects two identical, similar

2. Finds differences between images on pictures

3. Shows interest in new items, tries to establish their purpose and principle of operation

4. Distinguishes between the concepts of "many-few", "one-none"

5. Makes comparisons "greater than" "less than" "same"

6. Makes a comparison (longer-shorter, thicker-thinner, wider-narrower, faster-slower)

7. Distinguishes all primary colors, sorts objects by color

8. Distinguishes the tactile properties of objects (soft, cold, dry, prickly)

9. Recognizes geometric shapes (circle, triangle, square) and forms (cube, ball)

10. Experiments with objects (beats - does not beat, sinks - does not sink)

11. Distinguishes the materials from which objects are made (wood, paper, metal, glass)

13. Classifies objects simultaneously according to several criteria

14. Able to select the "extra" item from the set

15. Knows the concept of "half" "half"

16. Able to select two, three items from a set (take two or three balls)

17. Make quantitative connections (may give each group two candies)

18. Knows the street where he lives

19. Knows the name of his city, village

20. Names some insects and birds

21. Distinguishes between domestic and wild animals

22. Calls babies of some animals

23. Names some trees and flowers

24. Names natural phenomena (rain, wind, sun, snow, hail)

25. Names the seasons and the differences between them

26. Knows the daily routine (morning afternoon Evening Night)


Gross motor skills:

1. Coordinates the movements of the arms and legs (claps hands and stomps, marches)

2. Maintains balance while standing on one leg

3. Can walk on the gymnastic bench while maintaining balance

4. Can pass strictly along the line without breaking it

5. Accurately performs prescribed exercises while charging

6. Runs freely while maintaining balance

7 climbs the sports ladder up and down

8. Jumps over obstacles over 10 cm high

9. Throws and catches the ball with both hands

10. Riding a tricycle

fine motor skills:

1. Threads the rope into the ring

2. Disassembles the pyramid and assembles it, taking into account the size of the rings

3. String large beads or buttons on a thread (lace)

4. Uses a pinch grip for handling small items

5. Stacks small items (pebbles, buttons) in a certain order

6. Opens and opens latches, locks, uses a key

7. Draws a straight line and a circle according to the pattern


Music and dance:

1. Plays on accessible children's musical instruments (tambourine, pipe, xylophone)

2. Demonstrates elementary vocal and choral skills (sings along with other children)

3. Knows the names of some musical instruments

4. Knows the basic properties of sounds (high-low, loud-quiet) and distinguish them

5. Performs the given movements to the music (stomps, makes turns, body to the beat)

6. Arbitrarily moves to the music (fantasy dance)

7. Moves to the music, consistently repeating certain movements

Art, construction:

1. Draws simple pictorial forms with pencils, felt-tip pens, crayons

2. Selects colors that match the sample

3. Colors simple pictorial shapes

4. Displays the given theme in the picture (objects, characters, plots)

5. Shows the ability to draw on his own design

6. Draws with paints

7. Sculpts from plasticine, clay, simple given shapes

8. Folds a simple mosaic according to the pattern

9. Collects simple puzzles from 6-8 pieces

10. Independently folds a simple mosaic, choosing colors and shapes

11. Builds the given objects from cubes

12. Builds various forms and sand objects (pyramid, slide, fence, tower)

13. Collects the details of a simple designer into objects (house, Christmas tree, plane)


1. Speaks clearly (not only for relatives, but also for strangers)

2. Pronounces words distinctly, separates them in speech

3. Understands questions asked and answer them

4. Uses the plural correctly

5. Uses adjectives correctly

6. Builds complex applications

7. Understands the questions asked and answers them

8. Able to logically continue the story he has begun

9. Asks questions (including the main question - why)

10. Replaces some of his actions with words

11. Speaks in whole sentences of 3-5 words

12. Talks about what he sees on picture

13. Independently builds a story about an event

14. Able to follow the plot of a long story, fairy tale, story

15. Establishes a relationship between text and illustrations in a book

16. Establishes a connection between stories and own experience (I saw it too. And in our forest.)

17. Retells fairy tales, stories, stories

18. Memorizes poems and reads them in front of the audience (other children and adults)

19. Shows interest in letters, knows and distinguishes the styles of some letters

Fixing indicators development expressed in words form:


Not formed.

Is in its infancy;

F.I. child

Date of Birth

Age at the time of examination

Basic movements

Physical Qualities

Standing long jump

Running long jump

Throwing into the distance





Right hand

Left hand

Examined: ____________ Average level: ____________

Low level:__________ High level:___________

Educator: _____________

Appendix 6

Diagnostic card of health, physical development and physical fitness of children of group No. _______

Surname and name of the child


Phys. development

Activity level

Level physical fitness

Rapidity. Run 10m /sec./

Speed ​​endurance.

Run 30m /sec./

Agility. Run 10m between objects.

Leg strength. Standing long jump /cm/

Hand strength. Throw stuffed ball at a distance, 1kg /cm/

Force right hand. Throwing a bag for throwing at a distance /cm/ 100gr.

The strength of the left hand.

Flexibility. Torso forward, standing on the bench /cm/

static balance. Keeping balance on one leg / sec /


Harmonious ratio of height and weight

With developmental disabilities

Educator: _____________

Senior m/s:_____________

Head of physical upbringing _____________

Appendix 7

Exercises against the wall to form the correct posture of the child.

    Stand against the wall, touching it with the back of your head, shoulder blades, elbows, buttocks and heels. Maintaining the accepted position, take a step forward, then step back to the starting position.

    Stand against the wall, take the starting position. Move away from the wall, walk around, trying to keep correct position all parts of the body; go up to the wall, snuggle up to it and check the correct posture.

    Standing against the wall, take the starting position. Move away from the wall, bend over and relax your hands (“rinse the laundry”), straighten up and try to return to the starting position.

    Stand against the wall, take the starting position. Raise your arms to the sides, up, lower.

    Stand against the wall, hands on the belt. Slide down without taking your body off the wall. Squat deeper, spreading your knees to the sides. Get up.

    Stand against the wall, legs slightly apart, arms to the sides. Lean to the right, then to the left, sliding along the wall.

Exercises for the prevention of flat feet.

1. Game "Collect acorns".

Acorns were scattered on the floor in a hoop. The child sits barefoot on a chair. To the right and left of it are two buckets. The teacher suggests alternately with one and the other foot to grab the acorns with your fingers and put them in buckets.

2. The game "Let's remove the trash."

Each child is given a newspaper. Being barefoot, they offer to tear it into pieces, and then use their fingers to collect "garbage" in a box.

3. Game "Ballerina".

There is a gymnastic stick on the floor. The child stands on her feet so that she is in the middle of the foot. Moves with small side steps to one and the other side.

4. Game "Don't fall".

There is a hoop on the floor. Children are invited to walk along its edge straight and maintain balance.

5. Game "Bridge".

A ladder lies horizontally on the floor. The child is invited to follow her slats.

6. Game "Bear, penguin".

Children walk around the hall to the signal "bear" on the outside of the foot, to the signal "penguin" on the inside.

7. Exercises: walking barefoot on a ribbed board, on rubber mats with bumps, on bags of pebbles.

Breathing exercises.

1. The game "Hamsters".

Children strongly inflate their cheeks "like hamsters" (breathe through the nose) and walk around the room. On a signal, the fists press on the cheeks, while releasing air through the mouth.

2. The game "Fluff".

3-5 fluffs are placed on a horizontal surface (cube, table, floor, etc.) at a distance of 10 cm from each other. Children are placed no closer than 50 cm from the fluffs. On a signal, they take a deep breath through their nose and blow off the fluff one by one with a powerful exhalation.

3. Game "Catch the bee".

Children stand in a circle, the teacher is in the center of the circle. In his hands he has a stick (length 1 meter), on which a "bee" is tied. The teacher turns in place, passing the bee over the children's heads. Children catch a bee with the pronunciation "zh-zh-zh-zh".

4. The game "Inflate the balloon."

Children imitate inflating balloons.

5. Game "Soap bubble".

Each child receives a jar of soap foam and a straw, takes a deep breath through the nose and a long slow exhalation through the straw.

    The game "We walk in hats." The teacher offers to "put on" the children's hats (put sandbags on their heads). Children move around the hall with side steps, on their toes, heels and try not to drop their hats. Do not hold your breath, breathe through your nose.

    Pump game.

The teacher invites the children to "pump up 2 tires of wheels. Children imitate actions and lean forward to pronounce the sound "shhhhhhh."

8. The game "Cow in the pasture."

Skittles are scattered around the hall. Children move on all fours. Inhalation is performed through the nose. As you exhale, pronounce "m" with closed mouth as long as possible.

9. The game "Caprice".

Table, head down. Children perform intermittent breaths through the nose (4-5 breaths). Then exhale long through the nose.

10. The game "Snowdrifts".

Various obstacles (drifts) are placed around the hall. Children overcome snowdrifts (step over), saying "tup-tup-tup" - breathing through the nose. At the command "blizzard" - they squat and on the exhale say "s-s-s-s".

Exercises on the gymnastic wall.

1. "Rise higher!".

Starting position - standing facing the gymnastic wall, grab the rail at shoulder level. Fulfillment: sorting out the slats with your hands, rise until the heels rise, do not tear your socks off the floor.

2. "The branch is swinging!".

Starting position - standing sideways to the support, grab the rail with one hand at shoulder level. Fulfillment: straighten your arm, bend to the side, moving your free arm to the same side. The same on the other side.

3. "Bird on a branch."

Starting position - standing on the first rail, grab the rail with your hands above your head. Take straight legs back, bend in the hang.

4. "Corner".

Starting position - standing with your back to the support, grab the rail with your hands above your head. Fulfillment: in the hang raise straight legs forward.

5. "Kalachik".

Starting position - standing with your back to the support, grab the rail with your hands above your head. Execution: bend your knees, pull them to your chest.

6. "Ring".

Starting position - standing face down on the lower rail, grab the rail with outstretched arms. Fulfillment: in the hang bend, take your head back and bent legs at the knees.


Starting position - standing on the lower rail with your back to the support, grab the rail at shoulder level with your hands. Fulfillment: straighten your arms, bend over, take your head back.

Starting position - standing on the lower rail with your back to the support, grab the rail at shoulder level with your hands. Fulfillment: Straighten the arm, bend the right leg at the knee, touch the left leg with the toe, bend over, take the head back.

9. "Down on the hands."

Starting position - hanging facing the support (on the 10-12th rail), legs together. Fulfillment: intercepting the slats on the lower rail, go down on your hands in the hang.

Starting position - straight legs take to the right, then to the left, while in the hang.

Exercises for the formation of physical qualities.


    Running at a fast and slow pace.

    Running with acceleration in a straight line, diagonal.

    Run at maximum pace for short distances.

    Running for a partner.

    Running from the start from different starting positions.


    Running from the starting position, kneeling, sitting, lying.

    Jump from the starting position, standing with your back to the direction of movement.

    Circle in place in pairs.

    Walking on high socks.

    Use of objects in exercises different shapes, weight.

    Performing exercises in twos, threes, etc.

    Jumping for time.

    Climbing (rope, gymnastic and rope ladder).

    Timed squats.

    Hanging on the gymnastic ladder, rings.

    Exercise "Wheelbarrow".

    Throwing a stuffed ball.

    Pull-ups on a bench, lying on your back, on your stomach.

    Exercise "Crocodile".


    Jumping rope.

    Jumping forward.



    A ride on the bicycle.

    Work on the simulator.


    Acrobatic exercises: "Bridge", "Birch", "Half-twine", "Tumble".

    Tilts forward, to the side.

3. Leg swings. Equilibrium.

    Walking on a bench with a bag on your head.

    Walking on the narrow side of the bench.

    Log walking.

    Exercises "Swallow", "Cockerel"

Mobile games that promote development volitional qualities



1. Shaggy dog.

1. Bubble.

2. My cheerful, sonorous ball.

2. Planes.

3. Sparrows and a car.

3. Who is quieter.

4. Chickens in the garden.

5. Cat and mice.

6. Corydalis hen.

7. Mice in the pantry.

1. At the bear in the forest.

1. Multi-colored cars.

2. Hares and wolf.

2. Find and keep silent.

Z. Fox in the chicken coop.

1. Mousetrap.

1. We are funny guys.

2. Geese-swans.

2. Sly fox.

3. Two frosts.

3. Frogs and a heron.

4. Wolf in the ditch.

4. Garlachyk.

5. Polar bears.

5. Paints.

6. Bears and bees.

6. Homeless hare.

7. Hares in the garden.

7. Carp and pike.

8. Fishing rod.

8. Shary cat.

1Logvina T.Yu., Physical education that heals / manual for teachers and medical workers preschool institutions. Mozyr, 2003

2Logvina T.Yu., Physical education that heals / manual for teachers and medical workers of preschool institutions. Mozyr, 2003

3Sanitary rules and norms for the arrangement and maintenance of preschool institutions (SanPiN No. 14-31-95)

4Logvina T.Yu., Shebeko V.N., Shishkina V.A. Diagnosis and correction of the physical condition of children preschool age / Guidelines to the program "Praleska" - Minsk, 1996

5Fizkult-Hurrah!.. Program physical education children in kindergarten / Ed. V.N. Shebeko. Minsk, 1997

6V.N. Shebeko, A.A. Shishkina, N.N. Ermak Methodology of physical education in preschool institutions, Minsk. 1998

8Shishkina V.A., Mashchenko M.V. What kind of physical education do preschoolers need? / Manual for teachers of institutions providing preschool education/ Shishkina V.A. Mozyr, 2005)

Diagnostic card

child senior group visually impaired

MBDOU "CRR - kindergarten No. 31"

Full name of the child _________________________________________________________________

Date of birth ________________________ Age _____________

Date of admission to the preschool educational institution _____________________________________________________________

Received from D / s _____________________________________________________________

Year of study in this group __________________________________________________

Doctor's diagnosis _______________________________________________________________

Visual acuity at the time of examination

Level of development research fine motor skills

and hand-eye coordination.

1. The skill of holding a pencil _________________________________________________

2. Tracking and hand-eye coordination ___________________________


3. Regulation of pressing force __________________________________________________________

4.Cessation of movements at the desired point _____________________________________

5. The ability to regulate movements in accordance with the tasks of the image _______________________________________________________________

6.Drawing simple patterns __________________________________________________

8..Working with stencils __________________________________________________________

9. Determination of the degree of differentiation of fine movements of the fingers, "tracks" _________________________________

"Modeling" ___________________________________

10. Coordination of eye-hand movements when working with scissors "Cutting a circle" ___________________

Study of the perception of space and spatial orientation.

1. Differentiation of the concepts of "Right-Left" _____________________________________

2. Determination of the spatial arrangement of toys and objects with a reference point from oneself: right-left, top-bottom, front-back ______________________


3. Skills of micro-orientation on a sheet of paper, on the surface of the table ___________


4. Orientation in terms of far-close, far-closer _____________________


5. Demonstration of actions with objects (in, on, under, near, above, between,) _____________

6. Recognition, naming and reproduction of movements ____________________________


Attention research.

1. Find differences in objects when comparing _________________________________

2. Compare two pictures, establish similarities and differences ___________________

3. Indicate the missing or extra parts at the object _______________________

4. Detect the hidden figure _____________________________________________


Study visual perception

1. Recognition and naming of objects:

    Real Items


    Graphic images

    outline image

    Silhouette image of objects

    Crossed out figures

    Superimposed Items

    Noisy images

2.Color differentiation:

    Naming the colors of the spectrum "Name the color that I will show"

Red, yellow, blue, orange, green, purple, cyan, white, black, _________________________________________________________________

    Color Recognition "Find the color that I name"


    Construction of a serial series in a rhythmically specified sequence


    Classification of objects by color _______________________________________

    Laying out the serial series by color saturation


    Knowledge of warm and cold colors "Think and correctly arrange the colored circles under the pictures depicting winter and summer"


    Obtaining new colors, shades in different ways ___________________

    Execution of constructive tasks based on the concept of color


3.Shape differentiation:

Circle Ball

Square Cube

Triangle Cylinder

Rectangle Beam



    Visual correlation "Look at the figure that I have and show the same one" _______________________________________________________________

    Visual-tactile transfer “Look at the figure that I have and find the same one in the “Magic Bag” _____________________________________

    Tactile-visual transfer "Feel the figure and find the same one from the proposed ones" ______________________________________________________

    Tactile-tactile transfer "Close your eyes, feel the figure and find the same one in the "Magic Bag" ___________________________________________

    Visual correlation of planar and volumetric figures ___________________

    Recognition and naming of planar and volumetric geometric shapes


    Correlation of a subject image with a geometric standard


    Finding a given form in the environment ___________________

    Perception and reproduction complex shape(the end of the year):

1. Analysis and design of a sample from geometric shapes “Lay out the same object from geometric shapes”


2. Compilation of a whole from parts (4-8 parts) _____________________________________________

4.Differentiation of magnitude

    Eye assessment of objects and subject images "Find the object indicated by the size" __________________________________________________

    Recognition of the size "Find in yourself that object by the size that I will name"

Big small

Long short


Wide narrow

    Naming the value "Name the value of the object"

    Arranging the subject range in size from the smallest and vice versa


    Comparison of objects, subject images by size _______________

    Measurement of objects by conditional standards ________________________________

    Classification of objects by size ____________________________________



The study of thinking.

1. Generalization of concepts (fruits, vegetables, etc.)

2. Exclusion of concepts (4 extra)

3.Understanding plot picture, its name is:

    Enumeration of objects______________________________________________

    Background name _________________________________________________

    Enumeration of actions _____________________________________________

    Establishment of a system of cause-and-effect relationships ___________________

4. Find a pattern (missing figure in a square) _______________

5. Guessing riddles __________________________________________________


Memory research.

1.Visual memory.

Remember the images, the location of objects __________________________________

Find item changes in a row _______________________________________________ of auditory memory.

memorize words

Remember numbers.


Social orientation:

1. Name the surname, name, patronymic

2. What city do you live in?

3. Name the mood (joy, grief, fear, shame, anger)

4. Name the hygiene items

5. What are the items made of? (clay, plastic, glass, metal)

6. Separate the kitchen utensils (kitchen, tea, dining room)

7. Divide transport into groups (air, land, water)

8. Name the birds (domestic, migratory, wintering)

9. Name baby pets

10 What kind of trees do you know?

11. Who needs what to work?

12. Name the winter (spring, summer) months


General conclusion:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________






Date of examination _____________________ Teacher-defectologist _________________

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