Kvn scripts for elementary school are fun. KVN "What? Where? When?" in primary school



Knowledge is a mysterious book of human wisdom that amazes all people of the planet at any age with its amazing pages. Scroll to the end of these mysterious pages never possible, which means that throughout his life, every day a person discovers everything new and new page book of knowledge, becomes wiser and more literate.

The phonogram of cheerful music or a song about school sounds. Two students come out - leading (hereinafter - teacher's assistants).


Knowledge is light, and ignorance is darkness!

This truth is right.

We invite all children

Play with us!


With humor and jokes

Let's take a minute to know

And check which one of you

Knows more at this hour.


Today, the two most friendly teams that meet in the club of cheerful and resourceful will go to mysterious world words.

But first we must greet our connoisseurs. Meet!

1. Greeting teams in the club of cheerful and resourceful.

1st team - "Searchers".


All scout

to know everything,

Light trails

Don't search.

2nd team - "Dreamers".


burn yourself,

Set others on fire.

To be ahead

(Go, team cheers).

1st competition: "In the world of proverbs and sayings."

Here listen to folk wisdom, Proverbs and sayings:

The world is illuminated by the sun, and man by knowledge.

For a scientist they give two unscientists - and then they don’t take it.

To study literacy - it will come in handy in advance.

Who is much more literate, that will not be an abyss.

It's not a shame not to know, it's a shame not to learn.

Who reads a lot knows a lot.

And now the task: continue the proverbs and sayings about knowledge. (The team that named the most proverbs wins).

Possible answers:

read new book- met with a friend.

Knowledge is the tree, and action is the fruit.

Live and learn.

He is not deceived who does not take advice.

The root of the doctrine is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.

What he learned, he learned.

Learning without skill is not a benefit, but a disaster.

Without effort, there is no knowledge.

Learn, think, otherwise there will be no sense.

A half-educated person is worse than an unlearned one.

2nd competition: "Name it in one word."

Assignments are read to each team in turn. It is necessary to call a combination of two words in one word, i.e. define the previous phrases:

Brave man... (brave)

Talkative person ... (chatterer)

Lazy man... (lazy)

Wise man... (wise man)

Rich man ... (rich man)

Rude person... (rude)

Strong man ... (strong man)

A cheerful person ... (merry fellow)

3rd competition: "Explain the aphorism."


Well done, now listen to some statements about the knowledge of great people and try to explain how you understand these words.

“Knowledge and only knowledge makes a person free and great” (D. I. Pisarev).

“One can discover more than another, but no one can reveal everything” (Ancient Roman saying).

“He who studied the sciences, but does not apply them, is like one who plows, but does not sow” (Saadi).

“By teaching others, we are learning ourselves.” (Seneca).

The teacher invites students to reflect on these statements. The team whose reasoning was more convincing wins.

4th competition: "Literate".

Each team has three people. The teacher or assistants distribute several cards to each team.

The teacher suggests inserting the missing letters where necessary.

Wonderful, area, g...cue, but...ki, to...write, an...appearance, tr...kick,...potato.

Beautiful ... ny, cable ... nickname, how ... cue, lo ... ki, oh ... give, under ... rides, sn ... zhinka, m ... rkov.

Count how many sounds and how many letters are in words.

Yula - ... Hedgehog - ...

Skates - ... Days - ...

Sun - ... Heart - ...

5th competition: "Compose a word."

From the letters of the word "transport" make as many new words as possible. Whoever calls wins the last word. (Sport, cake, mouth, nose, dispute, cable, grade, port, rubbish, growth, toast, post, crust, ar, tone, note, trail).

6th competition: "The fourth extra".

Determine which word out of five is superfluous in this combination:

water, driver, underwater, water carrier

lead, flood, high water, water

7th competition: “Through the mouth of a baby”.

The teacher or the leading guys ask both teams questions at the same time. To guess the hidden word, several leading questions are asked. The team whose members guess the meaning of the given word wins:

If it is not, then there is no joy;

Without it, not life, but existence;

It is always wished to each other, especially in letters; you can't buy it for any amount of money.


Every person dreams of him, so that everything in his life would be fine;

But no one knows where to look for it;

Eat fairy bird that brings it.


Such a person brings everything to his house - whether he needs it or not;

He does not like to give gifts, share sweets;

It is better not to ask him for anything, because he will not give anyway.

A person is forced to bear responsibility for his bad deed;

Adults say that this helps to educate correctly;

A person is deprived of something, they are not allowed to walk because of a bad deed.


We always lack it, and therefore we often wish it to the departing or departing;

She accompanies someone everywhere, and therefore he is happy;

When it happens, they say, “Well, lucky!”

For the correct answer on the first attempt - 3 points, on the second - 2 points, on the third - 1 point.

8th competition: "Correct the mistake in the proverb."

In this competition, it is necessary to correct the mistake and name the proverb correctly. The speed of the task is taken into account. The team whose players completed the task faster wins.

Task for the first team:

A woman with a cart, but there is a collar. (A woman with a cart, a mare is easier).

Troubles torment, but hands do. (Troubles torment, but they teach the mind).

You can't put on a scarf without effort. (You can’t even pull a fish out of the pond without labor).

Task for the second team:

The eyes are afraid, but the mind is taught. (The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing).

You can’t take a fish out of the pond for every mouth. (You can’t put a scarf on every mouth).

If there was a neck, it would be easier for a mare. (There would be a neck, but there is a collar).

9th competition: "Overtaking".

All the children are asked questions that must be answered at a fast pace. 1 point is awarded for a correct answer. As a result, the team whose players scored more incentive points for correct answers wins.

A dull noise from friction. (Rustle)

The junction of the sewn pieces of fabric. (The seam)

Baby jackdaw. (Galchonok)

Prickly shrub with sweet and sour berries. (Gooseberry)

Car driver. (Chauffeur)

Command of a ship, aircraft, tank. (Crew)

Visit, trip, journey of a group of persons with a special purpose. (Excursion)

Underground Railway. (Metro)

A magic tablecloth on which food appears by itself. (Self-assembly)

One side of a sheet of paper or book. (Page)

10th contest: " Homework».

Members of one team make riddles to rivals about the forest and its inhabitants.

What is the tallest grass on earth? (Bamboo)

Where is the grasshopper's ear? (On the foot)

Which legs are longer on a giraffe, front or back? (The same)

Summing up, determining the winners and awarding.

    develop interest in mathematics;

    develop attention, thinking, memory;

    foster a sense of collectivism and mutual assistance;

    introduce students to the great mathematicians of the past.

slide 2

1. Presentation of commands:

1Team "Clever and clever".

2Team "Funny guys".

The mottos and greetings to the jury and the contestants were homework, as was the dramatization comic scene on a mathematical topic

The jury is pre-selected. For 1 competition, the jury puts points in the results table.

2. Warm-up "Say - hurry up."

Questions for 1 team:

Competition condition: You need to answer quickly, questions are asked by teams in turn. Each oveet is 1 point.

    What is the result of addition called? (Sum)

    How many kg in 1 ton? (1000)

    What number has 80 tens? (800)

    Number preceding 200? (199)

    Which month has 28 or 29 days? (February)

    What is half of 120? (60)

    Largest three digit number? (999)

    Decrease 485 by 85. (400)

    How many months in a year? (12)

    The top of the table sawed off two corners. How many corners are there? (6)

    Divisible 56, divisor 7, what is the quotient?

    How many years in one century? (100)

Questions2 team

    What is the result of multiplication? (Work)

    How many centners are in one ton? (10)

    How many tens are there in 856? (85)

    What is the number following the number 999? (1000)

    What is the seventh month from the beginning of the year. (July)

    What is the value of a number if half of it is 70? (140)

    The smallest five digit number. (10000)

    Increase 12 by 3 times? (36)

    How many days in a week? (7)

    How many vertices does a rhombus have? (4)

    Decreased 96, subtracted 17, name the difference. (79)

    How many legs does a spider have? (8)

slide 4

2. Competition "Problems-problems".

Competition condition: 4 tasks are assigned to both teams. Which team will answer faster and more correctly. For each correct answer 2 points.

1 . Two crows sat on a birch. One looked north, the other south.

You, - says one crow, - paws in the mud.

And you, - answers the other, - a beak in the ground.

How is it, look into different sides and see each other?

2. A board 4 meters long was cut into pieces by a meter. It takes 5 minutes to make one cut of a board. How many minutes did it take to cut the board? (3 cuts in 15 minutes.)

3. The bagel was cut into three pieces. How many incisions were made? (3)

4. When we look at 3 and say 15? (When the clock is 3 pm.)

4. Competition "Puzzles".

There are 5 puzzles on the screen for both teams.
Which team will solve the puzzles more correctly and faster.
Each puzzle is 1 point.
Checking on the screen after submitting the answer sheets.

5. Competition of captains.

Condition: the questions are the same. Each correct answer is 5 points.

    How many corners does a square have?
    And if you cut off two corners, how many corners will there be? (6)

    Ira is Maria's mother, Maria is Dasha's mother.
    Who is Dasha Irina related to? (Granddaughter.)

    Peter Ivanovich has 7 daughters, and each of them has a brother.
    How many children does Petr Ivanovich have? (8)

    How can you divide the clock face into 6 parts so that
    so that the sum of the numbers in all parts is the same?

Slide 7

6. Competition "Puzzles - gymnastics for the mind."

Condition: questions are asked to both teams the same, at the same time. The correct answer is 5 points.

    If this day does not follow Monday
    and not before Thursday, and tomorrow is not Sunday,
    and the day after tomorrow will not be Saturday, and the day before yesterday
    It wasn't Wednesday, what day is it? (Sunday.)

    Can the number 188 be divided in half so that
    100 in each half? (Yes.)

    Could a person write about himself like this: "I have fingers
    twenty-five on one hand, the same on the other,
    yes, ten feet?
    (Yes, if you put a comma after the word twenty.)

Slide 8

7. Competition - fans.

Condition: questions on the screen that already contain the answer, you need to be careful and see it. The jury will choose the most active fan?

    How many worms were the prey of the swift?

    How many rabbits did the magician get out of the empty hat?

Slide 9

3. How many fish were inside the pike?
4. How many cats meow outside the barn door?
5. How many boys have moles on their cheeks?
6. An old sailor said: "I have seen miracles in the darkness!"
Well, how many has he seen?

Slide 10

Tell the proverbs that contain numbers:

Seven times ……
Seven Fridays………….
Seven of one ………..
One head is good………
One for all……………..

8. Competition "Celebrities".

Condition: The teams' homework is to prepare a story about famous mathematicians. Evaluated on a 5-point system.

3rd grade- about Archimedes, Isaac Newton.
4th grade
- about Pythagoras, about Sofia Kovalevskaya.

. slide 12

Summing up the results of the KVN game

« Mathematical KVN" Forelementary school

Target: Formation of students' interest in mathematics through playful and entertaining material.


1. To bring joy and pleasure to children from educational games.

2. Develop logical thinking, imagination, ingenuity, speech.

3. Improve the ability to make a whole out of parts, computational skills.

4. To develop students' communicative competencies (culture of communication, ability to work in groups)

5. Cultivate friendships, revenue, a desire to help teammates.

“Mathematics should then be taught that it puts the mind in order” (M.V. Lomonosov). Mathematics disciplines the mind, accustoms to logical thinking (M.I. Kalinin). Mathematics is the language in which everyone speaks exact sciences(N.I. Lobachevsky).

I. introduction. Self-determination to learning activities.

Smile, mentally wish each other peace, goodness. Wish success to each other in holding this KVN.

Dear Guys! Today we are holding KVN in mathematics. Who knows how to decipher KVN?

Today KVN is not simple, but cheerful, entertaining. You are waiting for funny questions, poems, riddles, and puzzles. After all, this is all our mathematics - amazing, interesting, exciting and completely - completely boring!

Since ancient times, people have called mathematics the queen of sciences, because mathematics is applied in various fields of knowledge. One of the most important branches of mathematics is arithmetic.

Arithmetic is the science of numbers, the properties of numbers and operations on them.

Mathematics! The world without her would be uninteresting. Wouldn't be scientific discoveries not at sea, not on land, not in the universe. Guys, let's hurry up extraordinary journey in to the world entertaining tasks, riddles and questions.

And to work as a team, you need to know some rules:

Work together, all together;

Be able to listen to your friend;

Do not offend a friend who made a mistake;

Don't laugh at a team that is losing;

Don't get angry if you lose.

Command representation:

Leading. Today, two teams participate in our KVN.

Teams please greet each other.

Please welcome, dear jury.

Teams take turns saying their name and motto.


1 Captain:

Our team - "Friendship"

Motto: Friendship and Success!


We will defeat everyone today!
All for one, one for all
Then the team will be successful!

2 Captain:

Our Team - The Sunshine

Motto The sun is like this:
We win with kindness!


We love summer beauty
Sun, sea and game.

II. Holding KVN Moderator: The best mathematicians do not lose heart, they calculate quickly, they solve problems well, they are inquisitive, they always live cheerfully and amicably. We start KVN.

Competition 1. "Warm-up"

Moderator: I assign tasks to the teams. If a team does not solve its problem, another team solves this problem for it.

1) 125 pears grew on an oak tree. The boys came and knocked down 25 pears. How many pears are left on the oak tree?

2) What can be seen from eyes closed?

3) When is the best time for a black cat to get into the house?

4) Which figure has no beginning or end?

5) There were 3 green tomatoes on the windowsill. They blushed in a day. How many green tomatoes are left?

6) How many ends do two sticks have?

7) Guess, guys:
What is the figure of an acrobat,
If you stand on your head,
Exactly 3 less? (9)

8) Dima is 5 years old, and Katya is 9 years old. Who is younger?

Competition 2. "Guess the word"

Teams are offered puzzles compiled using numbers.

Teacher. Unscramble the hidden words. And you can only do this if you solve puzzles. Teams guess puzzles. For each puzzle, the team gets a point.

About 5 (again); R 1 a (Motherland); 100 lb (post);

40 A (forty); with 3 w (swift); 100 persons (capital);

Competition 3. "Solve the problem."

Moderator: In one minute, each team must decide the largest number tasks.

The jury keeps track of time and considers the correct answers.

Worksheet assignments.

Tasks of team number 1.

1. The girl has 5 apples. She ate all but 3. How many apples does she have left? (3)

2. What number has as many numbers as letters? (100 - one hundred.)

3. How many months in a year? (12)

4. 3 ostriches flew. The hunter shot one. How many ostriches are left? (Ostriches don't fly.)

5. Burned 7 candles. 2 of them went out. How many candles are left?

6. The table cover has 4 corners. One of them was sawn off. How many corners are there?

Tasks of team number 2.

1. A goose weighs 3 kg. How much will he weigh if he stands on one leg? (3 kg.)

2. How many ears do 5 mice have? (10)

3. The field was plowed by 6 tractors. 2 of them stopped. How many tractors are in the field? (6)

4. Dunya carried 12 apples in a sieve, and the bottom fell. How many apples are left in the sieve? (Not a single one: after all, the bottom has fallen.)

5. How many legs do 2 centipedes have? (80)

6. How many sides does a square have?

Competition 4.Attentive team

From geometric shapes make a figure (adhesive paper) one animal each (cat and fox)

Game with spectators

Guess the puzzles.




Captains Competition. – 5 "Magic word".

Host: Come on, our captains, come out to the ring.

Captains must: come up with as many words as possible using the word "Triangle".

Angle, coal, goal, cinema, current, cat, hands, three, stake, mouth, rivers, zero, trill, etc.

Host: game with the audience. Guys, you are given pieces of paper, and there are figures on it. You have to count how many triangles are in the picture.

III. TOTAL. Reflection:

Here is the game over

It's time to sum up!

The floor is given to the jury.

On the screen are seven multi-colored butterflies in the order of the colors of the rainbow. On each butterfly - a letter:

Follow the butterflies with your eyes in the order that I name, connect the letters and read the word: green butterfly, red, purple, yellow, blue, orange, blue. What word came out? (Well done.)

After the presentation of the jury and the awarding of the winners.


Friends! Our KVN is over.

You tried your best

We are looking forward to meeting you all again.

Until we meet again, goodbye everyone.

Prepared by: Kovalchuk N. A . KVN for elementary school. Target: - develop Creative skills children - to develop speech, logical thinking, memory, attention, intelligence of students - learn to work in a team, listen to the opinions of others, make the right decision

Holiday progress: Leading:
- Hello, Dear friends! Today we will not torment you in anticipation, but get straight to the point. We have a large stock of ideas! And they are all for you!
You are cheeky guys
It's not good for you to be bored
Happy today
Let's play KVN.

1 competition Quiz "Russian folk tales".What is always valued in the fairy tales of all peoples of the world? Answer: Um.What in fairy tales, evil always wins? Answer: Good.What words do Russian folk tales begin with? Answer: “Once upon a time ...” “In a certain kingdom, in a certain state ...”.What affectionate word do the heroes of Russian fairy tales very often call their fathers? Answer: Father.What suits in Russian fairy tales noble people in honor of the wedding or victory over the enemy? Answer: Pier.What is the most popular number in Russian folk tales? Answer: Three.What animal is named Sivka-Burka? Answer: Horse.What item can be used to kill the most terrible hero of Russian fairy tales? Answer: Needle.As in Russian folk tale"Nikita Kozhemyak" is the dwelling of the cannibal snake called? Answer: Berloga.What is the most favorite place Ivanushka the Fool for sleep and rest? Answer: oven.What baked evil stepmother to the failed commemoration for his stepdaughter in the Russian folk tale Morozko? Answer: Pancakes.What hero was spent on pies? Answer: Bear from the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear".What in the Russian folk tale "Ivan Tsarevich and Gray wolf called "alive" and "dead"? Answer: Water.What food product helped the hen save the life of the cockerel in the Russian folk tale "The Cockerel and bean seed"? Answer: Oil.What did the merchant ride to the city, and the peasant to the forest, in the Russian folk tale "Two Frosts"? Answer: Sani.What was the name of the princess who became the wife of Ivanushka the Fool in the Russian folk tale "Sivka the Burka"? Answer: Elena.Without which main product, the soldier would not be able to cook porridge in the fairy tale "Porridge from an ax"? Answer: No grains.In what way did the crane serve okroshka on the table in the Russian folk tale "The Fox and the Crane"? Answer: jug.

2 competition quiz "Who talks like" (answers are written in groups, the captains answer at the blackboard)

Task - remember how the following birds and animals “talk”:


3 Zoo competition.
And this is the most fun part. Here, teams are invited to depict animals, birds, insects, while correctly conveying their habits and behavior.
Possible tasks:
Cranes flying south
Storks foraging
Duck with brood
Ants on the hunt


4 competition. Twelve Questions

Game: The game can be played in teams or each participant plays for himself. The facilitator puts some object in the box so that no one sees, after which he asks the players what kind of object it is. It can be a fork, a watch, matches, a book, in a word, anything. Players must guess what is in the box by asking questions that can be answered "yes" or "no", for example: "Is it round? Is it edible?" item.

5 competition. From newspapers

The host gives each player three newspapers and scissors. Determines the game time. It is necessary to make up newspaper headlines little story Headlines are cut out of newspapers with scissors. The winner is the player who completed the task efficiently and faster than others. The game develops the ability to creatively create holistic combinations from disparate elements.

A little break (game)

- Summer is a wonderful time,
The kids are screaming... (Hooray!)
- We have rivers and forests
They give in the summer ... (miracles)
Who did the miracle
In summer, into a fairy tale ... (turned)?
Who made the whole world like this:
Voiced, joyful ... (colored)?
- The whole earth became a circle
Bright, colorful... (carpet).
- Where above the dome of heaven
It turns green luxuriantly ... (forest).
- Flowers are blooming all around
Unprecedented ... (beauty).
- Here, greeting the guys,
The bells are ringing).
How nice it is to run
On chamomile ... (meadows)!
- Like sunbeams
Golden ... (dandelions).
- To the world of goodness and beauty
Turn the world... (flowers)!

6 competition "Compose".


7. Alien Trap Game

-How foreigners can misinterpret a word. Give correct interpretation words.

For example, "Conservative" is a person who makes canned food. (Incorrect value)

The words on the cards are:

Buldenez is a garden ornamental plant, a kind of viburnum.

A troubadour is a poet-singer who glorifies something.

Goalkeeper is a goalkeeper.

8 competition "Through the mouth of a baby".

Children's statements about waste are read out. The task of the teams is to try to understand what the children meant.

    I have a lot of toys made from it.

    • It comes in many colors and is very difficult to break.

      Items made of it weigh little.

      When ignited, it smells bad and there is a lot of black smoke

      It does not decompose by itself in nature.


2. It was invented by the Chinese.

    We get it from wood.

    It burns easily.

    It produces a lot of garbage.

    They usually draw and write on it.


3. It is made from sand.

    Most often it is transparent.

    When it falls, it breaks.

    If it is heated, it becomes viscous.

    Abandoned in the forest, it can become a source of fire.


9 Competition “Fold a proverb”

Each team is given envelopes with cut cards on which proverbs are written. Participants need to correctly collect proverb cards in the allotted time.

Life is given for good deeds.
A good deed praises itself.

The nightingale does not need a golden cage, but he needs an earthly branch.
They cut down the bushes - goodbye birds.

I saw a starling - spring is at the porch.
Spark the carcass before the fire, take the trouble before the impact.

Groves and forests - native land beauty.
The fate of nature is the fate of the motherland.

Summarizing. Winner's reward ceremony.

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