Oriental dances full girls. Belly dance for full


Today, dancing for women is not only a way of self-expression. Many resort to this remedy because they want to use it to gain slim figure. Even experts confirm: if you want to correct your weight, then start dancing.

Therefore, today many reputable fitness clubs conduct dance lessons for weight loss. However, these programs come at a high cost. But you can get rid of extra pounds without incurring such high costs. To do this, you can start dancing at home.

Dancing is very popular among women as a way to correct the figure and get an idea of ​​their inner world. There are several ways to learn how to dance: some learn the elements from videos, some develop skills by attending group lessons.

Slimness plus wellness

According to psychologists, dancing has no equal in terms of effectiveness among other weight loss methods. The reason for this is that during classes a person is protected from stressful situations, which are the main disadvantage of low-calorie diets.

Therefore, when the nervous system fails, a person begins to rapidly eat everything that he finds in his refrigerator.

Thanks to dancing, a person constantly good mood is maintained, because in the conditions of performing rhythmic and smooth movements to pleasant music, the body produces endorphins.

The positive effect of dancing is to improve the quality of blood flow, enhance lymphatic drainage, as well as acceleration of metabolism, which allows the body to more actively burn fat accumulations.

But body shaping is not the only positive effect of dancing. People who devote a lot of time to them become more liberated, begin to get to know their inner world, find inner harmony.

When should you be careful

Almost any person who decides to take up dancing can be sure that this activity will not harm him. However, it does not hurt to get acquainted with certain recommendations first.

Indeed, when dancing, a certain arises, therefore individual people they may be contraindicated:

Rules for dancing for weight loss at home

Having become acquainted with the contraindications and realizing that you can dance for weight loss, you can proceed to consider the basic rules of dance lessons.

It is recommended to practice dancing for weight loss where you will feel inner harmony. Great for lessons room with a mirror, thanks to which you can watch your movements.

Make sure that there are no external irritants in the room where you will dance. Try to study during those hours when none of your household members are left at home, it is recommended to turn off the phones during the lessons and not think about everyday problems.

For these lessons you will need special clothing and footwear which should be comfortable. According to most, it's not so bad to dance in old worn T-shirts and darned sweatshirts.

However, this is big mistake, because our ancestors during the dances made rhythmic movements, allowing them to tune in to the energy of the cosmos. It is unlikely that cosmic forces will be delighted with holes in trousers.

If you look at it more down to earth, then beautiful sexy clothes are more suitable for dancing, because it sets the setting for gaining perfect figure, and this already increases your chances of getting desired effect from classes.

  • It is desirable to conduct classes at home every day, but at least 5 times a week. When determining the duration, physical fitness is taken into account. However, usually the duration should be in the range of 30 minutes to 1 hour. After finishing the next lesson, it does not hurt to do stretching exercises.
  • Do not be upset if the first attempts to lose weight with the help of dancing ended in failure. The main thing is not to give up and keep working on yourself, and as a result you will reach your goal.
  • If you have just finished dancing, then refrain from eating for some time. The break must last at least one hour.

The same amount of time must pass after the last meal before you can start training. If you want to speed up the process of losing weight, then try to eat more foods containing lots of fiber and protein.

Flamenco, strip plastic or belly dance - what to choose

Among all the options, the most suitable are single dances. It is not recommended to start learning this art from pair lessons, because here you have to observe the partner’s movements and memorize the Pa sequences.

If your main goal is to lose weight, then you should focus on working with certain muscle groups, smooth movements, developing control skills. individual groups muscles.

Types of dances for weight loss

From the whole variety of types of dances for weight loss, you can choose any of the following:

In order to understand which dance for weight loss is right for you, you need to take into account your temperament, level of training and personal preferences.

However, if you rely on practical experience, then the best start with belly dancing. As arguments in favor of oriental dances, one can cite the fact that they contribute to the formation of a feminine figure, allow you to learn smooth movements, and also give unforgettable pleasure from contemplating flexible and beautiful movements.

Do not forget that through the belly dance in ancient times revealed internal energy and sexual potential of women. It is worth starting dancing not only because it is very beautiful.

Many women are attracted to them by the fact that with regular exercises you can noticeably lose weight. And this method experts advise as the best, citing as the main reason that people who try to learn to dance are not subject to nervous breakdowns, and with various diets this is not uncommon.

In addition to the above benefits, these activities help to become more liberated, as well as gain mutual understanding with your inner world.

Pole dance, or pole dance (pylon, as it is also called) includes all types of loads - power, aerobic and stretching, as well as elements of acrobatics. Therefore, everything begins not with an approach to the pole, but with basic exercises on the mat, aimed at developing all muscle groups. groupies pole dance they say that during the dance such muscles work, the existence of which you did not even suspect in ordinary life! But they will definitely start to hurt after the debut lesson.

As a rule, girls who are without a good physical training come to the first pole dance lesson, discover in themselves the desire to go in for sports and tone their muscles - otherwise how to perform all these complex, but such sexy pole tricks?



Incendiary reggaeton is a dance that requires good physical preparation. It appeared in Panama and Puerto Rico, but soon became widespread, first in Latin America, and then throughout the world. Unlike smooth salsa or bachata, regggenton is based on a hard and fast rhythm, so after class you can literally squeeze out a t-shirt!

The main load during the dance goes to the legs, hips, buttocks, and if you dream of a round pumped up butt, choose reggaeton. By the way, this dance also burns fat very well, since during active “shaking” all muscles work and your body Gets a good cardio workout.

Belly dance

Belly dancing is most often associated with rather plump oriental beauties who have something to "shake". Drop these prejudices and boldly go to classes if you dream of a pumped-up press. During the dance, the stomach is constantly tense, the oblique muscles work especially actively, which are not so easy to pump even in the gym.

Moreover, belly dancing will help to work out the thigh muscles without doing the boring classic squats. So buy an oriental outfit with ringing monists rather and go!

Irish step

Irish step is deservedly considered one of the the best dances for weight loss. It will replace you with jumping rope, and running, and step aerobics ... In a word, Irish dance - interesting option cardio for those who can't bring themselves to go for a morning jog.

True, the upper body is practically not involved in it, but if you dream of slender and toned legs, then this type of dance is definitely for you!


Passionate spanish flamenco is able to use all the muscles of the body, providing your body with a uniform load. The dance sets a very fast pace and has a lot of different movements, so you definitely won’t be bored in class.

Firstly, the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle will tone up, and secondly, flamenco requires perfect posture, which means that dance is very useful for the spine. And finally, flamenco is all about plasticity and fluidity of movement that won't hurt anyone.

How belly dancing can help overweight women lose weight

In order to get rid of extra pounds, it is necessary that your body spends a little more energy than it receives with food. It can be argued, accordingly, that there are two ways to get rid of excess weight. This is, on the one hand, an increase in energy consumption, on the other hand, a decrease in caloric intake.

If the diet is too strict, and too few calories come from food, we get not only a slow metabolism, but we also feel unwell, there are problems with hair and skin. Physical activity, if it is systematic, can "allow" us a little more food than the average woman who leads a sedentary lifestyle can afford. In addition, if physical activity brings you satisfaction, then it acts as a natural antidepressant - it is a source of endorphins. For overweight women, this is just the way. Under the influence of endorphins, the craving for food decreases, i.e. appetite decreases.

For obese women, belly dancing is just “salvation”. When practicing belly dancing, 400 kcal is burned in one hour. The movements present in this dance (shaking, figure-eights, strikes, rocking chairs) create a very significant load on our muscles, increase the tone of the buttocks and abdomen. We can confidently say that 3-4 classes per week can fully replace traditional activities aerobics for weight loss. While a woman is dancing, her pulse is constantly in the fat burning area. Belly dance at rational nutrition will definitely help overweight women to lose extra pounds.

What else is good for this dance for the full?

For overweight ladies, belly dancing benefits not only that you can lose excess weight, but there are many other "pluses". Except physical activity on the body, belly dancing is a training of self-confidence, in its female attractiveness. When fat woman watching slimmer women dancing dance stomach, they create confidence that they themselves will never succeed. But when a woman herself begins to move beautifully, she seems to achieve her goal, which, it would seem, will never come true. Belly dancing is able to remove various psychological problems that have to be faced full ladies in our society. It helps to gain confidence in their beauty. In addition, doing belly dancing, a full woman acquires a new social circle.

beautiful musical accompaniment renders on nervous system therapeutic effect. During this dance, a powerful healing massage of all our internal organs takes place. Dance moves- This is an excellent prevention, as well as the treatment of cellulite. Also, this dance is a great stretch for the muscles, it contributes to the development of flexibility and grace. In addition, when performing dance exercises, the muscles of the abdomen and back are strengthened.

What is the opinion of a fitness trainer about belly dancing for full

Despite meaningful benefit, not every belly dance contributes to weight loss. If a woman is sufficiently trained, then she definitely needs to perform all movements with a fairly good amplitude, without resting and concentrating only on the quality of work. You can achieve a large load on the body and a high pulse simply by smoothly practicing the technique of movements. The most important thing is that you can’t “save” on movements, you should work at full strength. Belly dancing for weight loss is effective only when a full woman practices regularly, with pleasure and adheres to a balanced diet.

Dancing for weight loss- this is not a myth, it is really a great alternative to complexes exercise, morning or evening jogs, classes in the gym, which are sometimes monotonous and can quickly get bored. After all, dances are so multifaceted and diverse that everyone can find something new and choose a direction to their liking. In addition, various dances involve different groups muscles. For example, Eastern dance, belly dance actively involve the abdomen and hips; Irish dances or step will help to tighten the muscles of the legs.

We offer you the following dance directions for weight loss:


healthy image life is what is now being talked about everywhere, written on the pages of magazines and newspapers. Healthy lifestyle, physical activity, proper nutrition, sport is indeed a very important part of a person's life, which includes not only sports, but also dancing.

Dancing for weight loss in Moscow

Many people want to have a slim and fit figure, be healthy and attractive. And everyone goes to this goal different ways. Someone sits down on a variety of diets, becomes a vegetarian, someone goes headlong into sports or visits Gym, is engaged in morning or evening jogging, visits the pool or prefers water aerobics, and the rest prefer dancing.

There are also special dancing for weight loss in Moscow, which will help not only to pay attention to all the muscles, load them evenly, without creating any problems or discomfort, but also give a sea of ​​​​wonderful emotions, good mood. A variety of movements, rhythms, combinations, no monotony that can get boring and discourage all desire to practice.

Dance Lessons for Weight Loss - Worth a Try

Dance lessons for weight loss- combine the load on all muscle groups, they will help you become more slender and healthy. And, as they say, healthy bodyhealthy mind. If you have a slender and toned figure, there is no hint of excess weight, your health will become better by itself, you will feel an energy boost, a surge of vigor and strength. You, without suspecting it, will become an optimist. The world will seem brighter and more beautiful.

Dance schools offer a variety of classes in various areas: Latin American dances, reggaeton, zumba, step, strip plastic, contemporary choreography, hip-hop. Everyone will find something that is close to him in spirit, in mood. And you can generally train and develop according to different directions, combine several styles and genres, try your hand at improvisation. What an unforgettable feeling and pleasure it is when you merge with the music, your partner, and just feel harmony and peace. Or, on the contrary, you get an extraordinary drive, a charge of energy and positive.

The main thing is to wish and set a goal. And together it is much easier to go to the goal. In addition, experienced instructors and coaches will help you overcome all difficulties, exceed all your expectations and rise to the top. If you want to be slim and fit, flexible and plastic, energetic and cheerful, then weight loss dance lessons are exactly what you need! Our school is always glad to new visitors, the doors of our school are always open for you. Come and you will see that everything is possible and everything is within your power. And we will help you with this.


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