Hogwarts school where. How to get to the real Hogwarts castle


I grew up with the Harry Potter books. With what impatience I waited for the next part of the saga, and with what delight I plunged into the magical world of the “boy with a scar”. Every year I waited for a letter from Hogwarts to come to me, but I never did. The owl didn't come. But even now I often re-read this story and with the same pleasure I wander through the night corridors of the school of sorcery.

Where is Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry located?

If an owl didn't fly to me, then I'm a Muggle and I won't see Hogwarts, no matter how much I want to. After all, this the castle is enchanted and a common person on his place see only old ruins labeled "Danger". According to book author JK Rowling, lock located in Scotland. The footage from the film partially confirms this. If you read the book carefully, you will find that Hogwarts was founded a thousand years agoback by four powerful wizards:

  • Salazar Slytherin;
  • Godric Gryffindor;
  • Rowena Ravenclaw;
  • Helga Hufflepuff.

But over time, a clash occurred between them. Slytherin opposed everyone and demanded to school only pureblood wizards studied. The other three disagreed. Slytherin left the four.

Hogwarts- the only school in the UK.Education here lasts 7 years, and at the end of grades 5 and 7, exams are taken - the so-called "owls". Education is free but the student must buy the wand, the pot, the components for the potion and the textbooks at his own expense. It is not necessary to buy a broom, you can fly on a school broom. But school brooms are like Zaporozhets for Muggles.

Real Hogworths

Although Hogworths does not exist, there is a good replacement for Muggles. it Alnwick Castle. It is located on the Scottish border in Northumberland. It was here that Harry learned to fly on a broom and caught his Snitch. But the history of the castle is not limited to "the boy who lived." His story is rooted in 11th century and the castle itself is quite richly decorated. His used Not only for filming Harry Potter, but also many other historical films.

For filming, a layout was also used and collective image castle. Territory forbidden forest belongs black park, which is located in Buckinghamshire. As dining room at Hogswarts used canteen of one of Oxford colleges.

Filming in the library took place in Bodleian Library. And as corridors of Hogwarts used corridors of Gloucester Cathedral.

Difficulty level: Easy

What you will need:

  • Harry Potter books
  • Harry Potter films
  • Rich fantasy
  • Visa and money for a trip to England
  • Organizational skills
  • Harry Games

1 step

2 step

The second option is to watch movies about Harry. Watch them whenever you can. free time and soon you will know every corner of this castle.

3 step

Place for a headbutt

Finally, you can go to London, find the right station there, and with some encouraging cry run into the wall between tracks 9 and 10. Hogwarts I do not promise, but after several attempts, you will be taken to another castle, where you will be introduced to a couple of Napoleons, Caesar, and many other interesting people.

4 step

In addition, until all the films about Harry have been shot, you can try to audition for some role in London in the same London. last movie, and during the filming, given the scale of the scenery, you will really feel at Hogwarts, however, in order to stay there long enough, you will have to stake out at least a supporting role.

5 step

Well, the last option is to build the scenery of one audience at home, or to gather the same people all over the country who want to get into Hogwarts, and rebuild the whole school :) You will attend it in black tunics with wooden sticks, brooms and rats (it's unlikely to get a live owl). However, this event is expensive, it's easier to get everyone together once a year on some field, and arrange a ground Quidditch championship. Fans of World of Warcraft, for example, have long been indulging in such gatherings, dressing up as trolls and orcs, arranging whole battles.

6 step

Oh yes, I almost forgot, you can buy the series of games about Harry, so carefully developed and published by everyone's favorite EA Games. There you will also be able to plunge into the world of the magic school for some time, and literally get into the skins of the main characters ...

  • Books are, of course, wonderful, but do not forget about the real world.
  • If, nevertheless, the thought of a Potterian haunts you, indicate your nationality as "magician" on the upcoming census. At the last census, for example, there were a lot of hobbits, elves and orcs - perhaps they dreamed of getting to Middle-earth :)
  • Hurry up! The filming of the last part is in full swing! There is very little time left for the implementation of 4 options !!!

The fantastic saga of Harry Potter has long ended, but fans continue to worry about the question of where Hogwarts really is. It was in this castle and its environs that all the main events took place with the participation of the young wizard.

It is very important for any fan of JK Rowling's work to visit Hogwarts. Where is this educational institution, for starters, it is better to learn from books.

According to the plot

The writer herself in some interviews hinted that the school of witchcraft is located in Scotland. It was there that she drew inspiration for writing her books. The footage from the film confirms these revelations.

It is not possible for an ordinary Muggle to understand where the Hogwarts school is located. This place is enchanted, and even if an ordinary person approaches the castle, he will see only ruins with a prohibition sign.

It is also impossible to cross the border of Hogwarts. You can do this in certain time and in a strictly restricted area. There are no usual technical innovations in the school, since the use of any energy other than magical is unacceptable.

Not far from the castle is the village of Hogsmeade, where only magicians live. It is at Hogsmeade station that the train with the students arrives.

Other schools of witchcraft are mentioned in the film:

  • Institute Salem Witches(probably USA).
  • Charmbaton (France).
  • Brazilian school of magic.
  • School of magicians Durmstrang (possibly Holland).

Of course, sorcery and all the characters - however, the shooting was carried out in real architectural and natural objects. Although not without a layout. It was built on the site of the Warner Brothers film studio. Next, we will talk about where hogwarts castle and its main premises.

The main places of Hogwarts school, which are worth knowing about

Adherents of the saga, of course, would like Hogwarts, where the "city" of magic is located - many secret places - and the main events take place, to be a single ensemble. However, this is not the case, therefore, in order to visit all parts of the fictional castle, the tourist will have to travel a lot. Although, without a doubt, it's worth it.

What are the places to visit as you follow in the footsteps of Harry Potter and his friends? Here is an example list:

  • Hogwarts Castle - Northumberland.
  • Dark Forest - Buckinghamshire.
  • Dining room - Oxford.
  • Library - Oxford.
  • Chamber of Secrets - Wiltshire.
  • Castle corridors - Gloucester Cathedral.
  • King's Cross Station - London.
  • Hogsmeade Station - Gotland, Yorkshire.

Hogwarts castle

The real castle in which the shooting was made is Alnwick. It is located in the county of Northumberland, which is on the border with Scotland. It was in the courtyard of this ancient castle that wizards played Quidditch and learned to fly on broomsticks.

Alnwick's story is not limited to the Harry Potter film. Information about him dates back to 1096. He has always been known for his interior decoration, art galleries, library. It was used to shoot films about Robin Hood, Queen Elizabeth, Knight Ivanhoe. In the movie saga based on the books of JK Rowling, he turned into Hogwarts.

Where this magical place is located, thousands of readers dreamed of knowing. That is why special attention has been riveted to Alnika Castle, which has not faded for many years.

However, the film was not filmed only in the pavilion and Alnwick. The directors created a collective image of the school, connecting many fascinating places.

forbidden Forest

According to the plot, the school of witchcraft is located near the forest, where unicorns and sinister werewolves live. real place For filming served Black Park, which is located in Buckinghamshire. The atmosphere of the forest did not have to be supplemented with scenery, since it itself is so dense that even on a sunny day twilight reigns there.


Often a dining room appears in the frame. This is where young wizards begin and end. academic year in every episode of the movie saga. It is not located in Alnika. This is actually the dining hall of Christ Church College, which is part of Oxford.

This educational institution has centuries of history. At one time, Lewis Carroll, the author of Alice in Wonderland and world-famous scientist Albert Einstein, graduated from it. Other equally famous students were prominent writers Oscar Wilde and John Ronald Reuel Tolkien.


Oxford provided another filming location for the creation of Hogwarts School. Where is the book depository in which young Hermione loved to draw information so much? It all happened in the famous Bodleian Library of a famous university. It belonged to Duke Humphrey. Until now, it is considered the oldest and largest in Western Europe a container of books.

Castle corridors

The corridors along which the students of the school of magic and sorcery ran are actually located in their fan arches fascinate with their appearance. The cathedral itself was erected in the 14th century in the southwestern lands of England. It is rightfully considered a pearl of architecture of both that time and modernity.

In its district there are incredibly picturesque landscapes that amaze with a variety of shapes and outlines. It was in these corridors that Harry and Ron saved their girlfriend from a giant troll in the first part of the saga.

Chamber of Secrets

Lacock Abbey, located in Wiltshire, was chosen as the location for the Chamber of Secrets. In addition, scenes were filmed here where Harry heard the voice of the Basilisk while serving his sentence.

The abbey is famous for the fact that an English inventor in the field of photography lived in it. His name was William Tabolt. Having visited the nunnery, you can recognize the many auditoriums in which the classes of young wizards took place.

King's Cross Station

According to the plot, the train to the school of magicians leaves from platform 9 ¾ of King's Cross station. The filming used a vaulted wall between the fourth and fifth platforms. For admirers of Rowling's work, an installation has been created on the platform in the form of a cart disappearing into the wall. A sign is also attached there, on which it is written in English: "Platform 9 ¾."

Hogsmeade Station

It is from this station that the locomotive takes young magicians to the school of magic. The real location for filming was the forecourt of Gotland, located in Yorkshire. It was there that one of the first railways in England.

These are just a few of the locations used to film the captivating saga of a young wizard and his friends who fought desperately against a dangerous magician whose name few dared to pronounce.

So, many places from the scenes in the films are quite real. Of these, the creators of the film saga made up Hogwarts. Where is the prototype of the famous school located in Russia? Unfortunately, none of the listed sights has anything to do with our country.

  1. Hogwarts is the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry where young wizards are taught. Here you can not only feel the atmosphere of the Fairy Tale, but bring a part of yourself into it, making it completely unique.

  2. By visiting Hogwarts classrooms, you will learn everything that every self-respecting wizard needs: Hogwarts history, Muggle studies, Mythology different peoples, Transfigurations. You will gain solid knowledge about caring for magical creatures, about ancient runes and about numerology; about how to fight the dark forces, and about what spells are. And it's far from full list magical disciplines.

  3. You need to talk to the Sorting Hat. She will ask you a series of questions that you will have to answer honestly.

  4. Nick is your name at Hogwarts, by which other inhabitants will address you. Strongly not accepted: real names, first names famous people, names and surnames of characters from the Harry Potter books, as well as what is essentially not a name, for example, Owl, Sorceress, and so on.

  5. Hogwarts is a magical school where there is no place for Muggles who are too lazy to write beautiful answers to questions.

  6. The hat doesn't ask you real story. In the world of magic, everything is possible, you can come up with a story yourself.

  7. Decision letters are usually sent 4-5 days after the submission of the questionnaire. Sometimes delays are possible due to business trips of the Directorate to the Ministry of Magic.

  8. The fact is that the Hat carefully protects the School and its inhabitants from those who can harm fabulous atmosphere. If you were refused, then the Hat believes that you do not belong here.

  9. You are enrolled in the preparatory department (PO). After you score 30 or more points (about 3 well-done homework), you will be transferred to one of four faculties: Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Slytherin.

  10. Software is needed to weed out lazy and inactive students. Suddenly you applied out of boredom and are not going to study here?

  11. Go to Hogwarts, then in the Study Wing turn towards the Offices. There you will see the entrances to all offices. Choose an office you like and go there. There you will see a lecture, read it. Homework will be at the end of the lecture or on a separate Assignment page. Complete this assignment and send it to the teacher in your private room, which is located in the Study Wing, for verification. To enter the room, use the password that the owl brought you in the letter of admission.

  12. The principles for writing good homework are outlined in the Homework Guide.

  13. The school does not have a class schedule. You yourself can choose those items that you like and do them at any time.

  14. Additional points can be obtained for writing articles in the Oracle and for helping the administration. Also, some extra points at the end of the course are received by the headmen and trainees.

  15. Penalty points are given for violation of school rules and are taken away from both you and the faculty.

  16. Distribution to faculties occurs once a week, usually on Mondays.

  17. First of all, understand that shouting about it at every corner is useless. There are no bad houses at Hogwarts, and the house you enter will be your home. The decision of the Hat is final and irrevocable, so do not be outraged if you did not get where you wanted ...

  18. Here are the main differences: students of the faculties are assigned a personal rank on the forum, privileges are granted in case of impending expulsion, and access to the living room and closed forum of his faculty. On the other hand, PO students can enter the PO Tower.

  19. Yes, points are saved and added to the faculty's piggy bank.

  20. Each teacher has his own requirements for the design of papers that can be found in the classrooms. Very often professors complain about the lack of greetings at the beginning of homework ... Take note of this. It will be good if you indicate as a comment on the work " Homework to lecture no. This makes it easier for the teacher to navigate. And most importantly, try to write without mistakes! Competently written work and a pleasure to check.

  21. Estimates are not sent personally. Look for them in your private room, in a magazine, or in an appropriate office. If you think that you have not been graded for a long time, then contact the professor in the Teaching Room.

  22. If you have any questions about the subject, you can ask the teacher in the Teacher's Room or in his office: in the "Guest Book", "For Questions", etc.

  23. It all depends on the employment of the teacher and on his presence in this moment at school. If you haven't been grading for more than a week, please contact the appropriate teacher. Please note that assessments take longer than usual during the summer.

  24. Grades are posted in the diary after they are checked by the directorate. This happens several times a week and once again before distribution.

  25. Homework by mail will not be accepted in any form. They can only be sent from a personal room.

  26. Transfer in courses is carried out at the end of the academic semester, provided that the student has scored the required number of points.

  27. Points for transfer are specified immediately before each course. Now they look like this:
    from 1 to 2 - 210 points
    from 2 to 3 - 180 points
    from 3 to 4 - 150 points
    from 4 to 5 - 120 points
    from 5 to 6 - 90 points
    from 6 to 7 - 60 points
    Also, 60 points must be scored in the 7th year for admission to the final exam.

Films about Harry Potter saw, probably, every second, which is not at all surprising. Magic world, invented by JK Rowling is magnificent, you don’t want to part with him, even when you read the last line of the book or the closing credits. Sometimes it becomes very sad that we simple people and magic is not available to us. But I really would like to go from platform 93⁄4 on an amazing journey. But this speech article will go not about magic, and not really about cinema. We will walk through the places where the most best films about magic and sorcery. Consider the legendary places, for example, Hogravarts and where it is located in reality.

Taking into account all the possibilities of cinema ( computer graphics, pavilion sets, and more) it's hard to believe that most of the interiors and exteriors we see in these films are real. For the most part, they are all on Foggy Albion.

* There are a lot of photos in the article, it may take a little longer to load it.

Hogwarts: where is the legendary castle located?

Of course, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was not filmed in one place, it consists of different "parts". By creating your architectural masterpiece»Joan Rolwing put elements of various, quite real, objects into it:

    strange castles;



Fans of the Boy Who Lived saga have found all these places in reality. For example, the very name of the castle is Hogwarts, Potter scholars believe that it is based on the name of the Edinburgh Heriot's school, which the writer often had to walk past. But back to Hogwarts, where is it in reality?

At first, it's hard to believe that the magical scenes of the film were filmed among the walls of this gloomy seven-hundred-year-old castle. But that's the way it is - Quidditch practice and broom flying lessons with Madame Trick were filmed in the courtyard of this grand fortress.

The castle is residential, it is located in the county of Northubenland, which is not far from Newcastle. Despite its residential status, excursions lead there. Moreover, after the release of the film, in Alnica, now everyone can try to control the whisk =) True, ordinary, not magical at all.

Plus, this place has richest history, a huge number of legends, and maybe even his own poltergeist. And be that as it may, the visit is definitely worth it.

So many scenes famous movie taken among the interiors of the most prestigious and oldest educational institution England - at Oxford. True, the producers, after all, had to make an effort to get permission to shoot in such a unique place.

More than one scene of the legendary saga was filmed within the walls of Oxford University. For example:

The place where the most solemn events in the life of young wizards took place is the Great Hall of Hogwarts. It was filmed in Christ Church, the college's dining hall.

The library scenes were filmed at the Bodleian Library - the oldest library world, where unique medieval manuscripts are kept.

Magic staircases that change their position are also Oxford.

In addition, many scenes were filmed in his classrooms, corridors and in the courtyard. What is not surprising - unique Gothic architecture, in itself, looks magical, where, no matter how here to shoot a film about wizards?

The old Normandy Cathedral is also part of the real Hogwarts. Scenes with Moaning Myrtle, Nearly Headless Nick and other poltergeists, Troll and others were filmed here.

You can wander endlessly along the corridors of this cathedral, it is amazing. And although all the ghosts left after filming, the parishioners still believe that the souls of the monks live in these dungeons.

By the way, there were some unpleasant events, many excessively believing comrades were categorically against filming a film about magic on the table in a sacred place. However, the clergy, who considered that we live in a modern intelligent world, and that extra money would not interfere, consent was given. As a result, 24 stained-glass windows of the 19th century were broken as a sign of protest, which caused very significant damage to the monastery.

The famous Chamber of Secrets and the class of Transfiguration Professor Mac Gonagall are "hidden" in this place. In the courtyard of Durham Cathedral, Harry sent Hedwig on his first flight, and the scene in which Ron was sick of slugs was filmed here.

In the vaults of this abbey, located in the county of Wilshire, classes were filmed by professor of potions Severus Snape and teacher of protection from dark forces Quirinus Quirrell.

Professor Flitwick's office was rented in this oldest English school for boys.

FROM Hogwarts castle we sort of figured it out. The most important thing has been said, now you will know exactly where it is in reality. But after all, Hogwarts also has an adjacent territory, and another place where young wizards were taught.

A friend of Harry and Co. - Rubeus Hagrid lived in a very picturesque corner of Scotland, in the Glencoe Valley. For the filming of the film in this place, a house of a forester and a teacher of caring for magical animals was specially erected.

At the moment, there is no hut there, but there are many breathtaking scenery!

And one of the most mysterious and gloomy places, full of Dementors, festals, spiders and other unfriendly creatures - forbidden Forest filmed in Black Park in Buckinghamshire.

The name was not chosen in vain, in this place, even on the sunniest day, it is not always sunny.

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