How many seats in the big theater. Bolshoi Theatre: location, address, opening hours


The most famous theater in Russia and one of the famous theaters in the world is Grand Theatre. Where is main theater countries? Well, of course, in the main city - in Moscow. Its repertoire includes opera and ballet performances by Russian and foreign classical composers. In addition to the classical repertoire, the theater is constantly experimenting with innovative modern productions. The history of the Bolshoi Theater is very rich and is associated with the names of people significant for our country. In March 2015, the theater turns 239 years old.

How it all began

The ancestor of the Bolshoi Theater is considered to be Prince Pyotr Vasilyevich Urusov, he was a provincial prosecutor and at the same time had his own theater troupe. He was the only one who was allowed to organize performances, masquerades, concerts and other entertainments. No one else was allowed to do such a thing, so that the prince would not have competitors. But this privilege also imposed an obligation on him - to build a beautiful building for the troupe, in which all performances would take place. The prince had a companion named Medox, who was a foreigner, he taught mathematics to Grand Duke Paul - the future Russian emperor. Having fallen in love with theatrical business, he remained in Russia and came to grips with the development of the theater. Prince Urusov failed to build the theater because he went bankrupt, the privilege of the owner of the theater, as well as the obligation to build the building, passed to Medox, as a result of which it was he who built the Bolshoi Theater. Where the theater created by Medox is located is known to every second inhabitant of Russia, it is located at the intersection Theater Square and Petrovka.

Theater construction

For the construction of the theater, Medox chose a plot that belonged to Prince Rostotsky, which he bought from him. It was a street called Petrovskaya, its very beginning, and the Bolshoi Theater was built here. The address of the theater now is Theater Square, building 1. The theater was built in record short time, in just 5 months, which is even for our time with all its modern technologies And building materials is amazing and awesome. Developed a project for the construction of a theater building by Christian Rozberg. The theater was magnificent inside, the auditorium was striking in its beauty, but on the contrary, it was modest, unremarkable and practically undecorated. The theater got its first name - Petrovsky.

Theater opening

The building of the Bolshoi Theater was opened in 1780, on December 30. On this day, the very first performance of the theater troupe took place in its own building. All the newspapers only wrote about the opening, theater masters and famous architects as one scattered compliments on the building, characterizing it as strong, huge, profitable, beautiful, safe and superior in all respects to most famous theaters Europe. The governor of the city was so pleased with the construction that the privilege that gave Medox the right to hold entertainment was extended for another 10 years.

Interior decoration

For performances, a round hall, the so-called rotunda, was built. The hall was decorated with numerous mirrors and illuminated by forty-two crystal chandeliers. The hall was designed by Medox himself. Next to the stage, as expected, there was an orchestra pit. Closest to the stage were stools for honored guests of the theater and regular spectators, most of whom were owners of serf troupes. Their opinion was important for Medox, for this reason they were invited to dress rehearsals, after which they were involved in the discussion of the upcoming production.

The theater showed about 100 performances a year. It was impossible to buy tickets for one performance; to visit the theater, the audience purchased an annual subscription.

Over time, theater attendance deteriorated, profits dwindled, actors began to leave the theatre, and the building fell into disrepair. As a result, the big Opera theatre became state and received a new name - Imperial.

temporary sunset

The history of the Bolshoi Theater has not always been so beautiful, there were tragic moments in it. In 1805 the theater burned down after 25 years of its existence. Only the load-bearing walls have survived, and only partially. Reconstruction began only in 1821, when Moscow was being restored after the invasion of Napoleon's troops. Osip Bove was the chief architect who was commissioned to restore the central part of the city, including the theater. He was an innovator, according to his project, the streets began to be built up differently, now the mansions began to face the street, and not inside the courtyard. Bove led the restoration of the Alexander Garden, the square near the theater. The reconstruction of the Bolshoi Theater became his most successful project. The new building was erected in the Empire style. According to the architect's contemporaries, the Bolshoi Theater is like a phoenix rising from the ashes.

The metro is located very close to the theater, so getting to the theater is very convenient from anywhere in Moscow.

Reconstruction of the theater building

The restoration of the theater began in 1821 and lasted for several years. Initially, the plan for the renovated building of the theater was developed by the well-known architect in St. Petersburg Andrei Mikhailov, the governor of Moscow approved this plan. Mikhailov designed the theater building in the shape of a rectangle, as well as a portico of eight columns and Apollo in a chariot at the top of the portico; the hall was provided for up to two thousand spectators. Osip Bove revised Mikhailov's project, where the Bolshoi Theater became lower, the proportions of the building changed. Bove also decided to refuse accommodation on the ground floor, as he considered it unaesthetic. The hall became multi-tiered, the decoration of the hall became rich. The necessary acoustics of the building were observed. Beauvais even had a very original idea- to make a mirror curtain, but to realize such an idea, of course, is unrealistic, since such a curtain would be incredibly heavy.

Second birth

The reconstruction of the theater was completed by the end of 1824, in January 1825 the renovated building of the theater was solemnly opened. The first performance took place, the program of which included the ballet "Sandrillon" and the prologue "The Triumph of the Muses" specially written for the opening of the theater by Alyabyev and Verstovsky. Beauvais was the center of attention, the audience greeted him with thunderous applause in gratitude. The new theater was simply amazing in its beauty. Now the theater is called the Bolshoi Petrovsky Theatre. All productions of the theater went with the same success. Now the Bolshoi Theater has become even more brilliant.

Metro is the most convenient way get to the Bolshoi Theatre. The nearest stations to the theater are the stations "Teatralnaya", "Revolution Square", " Okhotny Ryad"and" Alexander Garden ". Which station to choose from them depends on the starting point of the route.

And fire again

In the spring of 1853, a fire broke out in the theater again, it was very strong and lasted two days. The sky was so clouded with black smoke that it was visible in all corners of the city. All the snow has melted on Theater Square. The building burned down almost completely, only the load-bearing walls and the portico remained. The fire destroyed the scenery, costumes, music library, musical instruments, among which were rare specimens. IN Once again The Bolshoi Theater was damaged by fire.

It is not difficult to find where the theater is located, it is located on Theater Square and there are a lot of attractions next to it: Maly Theatre of Drama, Youth theater, theater school named after Shchepkin, the Metropol Cabaret, the House of Unions, Okhotny Ryad, the Central Department Store, opposite the theater there is a monument to Karl Marx.

Restoration work

Albert Cavos became the architect who was involved in the revival of the theater to life; Mariinskii Opera House in St. Petersburg. Unfortunately, little information has come down to us about this architect. There was not enough money to restore the theater, but the work progressed quickly and took just over a year. The theater was opened on August 20, 1856, now it was called the "Big Imperial Theatre". premiere performance the restored theater was the opera "The Puritani" Italian composer The attitude towards the new theater was different. The townspeople considered it magnificent and were proud of it, as for the engineers and architects, some of them believed that the reconstruction carried out by Kavos was too different from the way the theater was conceived by Mikhailov and Beauvais, especially for facades and some interiors. It is worth paying tribute to the architect, thanks to his redevelopment of the hall, the acoustics in the Bolshoi Theater became one of the best in the world.

In the theater there were not only performances, balls and masquerades were held in it. This was the Bolshoi Theatre. The address of the theater is City Square, Building 1.

Our days

The theater entered the 20th century in a fairly dilapidated state, with a sagging foundation and cracks on the walls. But several reconstructions carried out in the theater in the 20th century, one of which was completed quite recently (lasted 6 years), did their job - and now the theater shines with all its facets. In addition to operas and ballets, the theater's repertoire also includes operettas. And you can also take a tour of the theater - see the hall and several other very interesting rooms. It may be difficult for a visitor who wants to visit the Bolshoi Theater, where he is located, although in fact he is located in the very center of the city and it will not be difficult to find him, not far from him is another attraction of the capital, which is known to the whole world - Red square.

The Bolshoi Theater in Moscow, located in the center of the capital, on Theater Square, is one of the symbols of Russia, the brilliant skill of its artists. Its talented performers: vocalists and ballet dancers, composers and conductors, choreographers are known all over the world. More than 800 works have been staged on its stage. These are the first Russian operas and operas of such celebrities as Verdi and Wagner, Bellini and Donizetti, Berlioz and Ravel and other composers. The world premieres of operas by Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninov, Prokofiev and Arensky took place here. The great Rachmaninoff conducted here.

Bolshoi Theater in Moscow - history

In March 1736, the provincial prosecutor, Prince Pyotr Vasilyevich Urusov, began the construction of a theater building on the right bank of the Neglinka River, at the corner of Petrovka. Then he began to be called Petrovsky. But Peter Urusov failed to complete the construction. The building burned down. After the fire, the theater building was completed by his partner, the English businessman Michael Medox. It was the first professional theater. His repertoire included drama, opera and ballet performances. Both singers and dramatic actors took part in opera performances. The Petrovsky Theater was opened on December 30, 1780. On this day, the ballet-pantomime "Magic Shop" staged by J. Paradis was shown. Ballets with a national flavor, such as Village Simplicity, Gypsy Ballet and The Capture of Ochakov, were especially popular with the audience. Basically, the ballet troupe was formed by pupils of the ballet school of the Moscow Orphanage and the serf actors of the troupe of E. Golovkina. This building has served 25 years. It died in a fire in 1805. The new building, built under the direction of C. Rossi on Arbat Square, also burned down in 1812.

According to the project of A. Mikhailov in 1821-1825. a new theatrical building is being built in the same place. The construction was supervised by the architect O. Bove. It has grown considerably in size. Therefore, at that time it was called the Bolshoi Theater. On January 6, 1825, the performance "The Triumph of the Muses" was given here. After a fire in March 1853, the building was restored for three years. The work was supervised by the architect A. Kavos. As contemporaries wrote, the appearance of the building "captivated the eye with the proportion of parts in which lightness was combined with grandeur." This is how it has come down to our days. In 1937 and in 1976 the theater was awarded the order Lenin. During the Great Patriotic War he was evacuated to the city of Kuibyshev. On November 29, 2002, the New Stage opened with the premiere of Rimsky-Korsakov's The Snow Maiden.

Bolshoi Theater - architecture

The building that we can now admire is one of the best examples of Russian classical architecture. It was built in 1856 under the guidance of architect Albert Cavos. During the restoration after the fire, the building was completely rebuilt and decorated with a white-stone portico with eight columns. The architect replaced the four-pitched roof with a two-pitched one with pediments, repeating the shape of the portico pediment along the main façade and removing the arched niche. The Ionic order of the portico was replaced by a complex one. All details of the exterior finish have been changed. Some architects believe that Kavos' alterations reduced the artistic merit of the original building. The building is crowned with the world-famous bronze quadriga of Apollo by Peter Klodt. We see a two-wheeled chariot with four harnessed horses galloping across the sky and the god Apollo driving them. A gypsum double-headed eagle - the state emblem of Russia - was installed on the pediment of the building. On the plafond of the auditorium there are nine muses with Apollo at the head. Thanks to the work of Albert Kavos, the building fits perfectly into the architectural structures surrounding it.

Five tiers of the auditorium can accommodate more than 2100 spectators. According to its acoustic properties, it is considered one of the best in the world. The length of the hall from the orchestra to the back wall is 25 meters, the width is 26.3 meters, and the height is 21 meters. The portal of the stage is 20.5 by 17.8 meters, the depth of the stage is 23.5 meters. This is one of the great architectural structures capital Cities. It was called "a hall of sunshine, gold, purple and snow." The building also hosts important state and public celebrations.

Reconstruction of the Bolshoi Theater

In 2005, the reconstruction of the theater began and after 6 years of colossal work, on October 28, 2011, the opening took place main stage countries. The area of ​​the Bolshoi Theater doubled and amounted to 80 thousand square meters, an underground part appeared and the unique acoustics of the hall was restored. The stage now has the volume of a six-story building, all processes in which are computerized. The murals in the White Foyer have been restored. Jacquard fabrics and tapestries in the Round Hall and the Imperial Foyer were restored by hand over the course of 5 years, restoring every centimeter. 156 craftsmen from all over Russia were engaged in gilding interiors with a thickness of 5 microns and an area of ​​981 square meter, which took 4.5 kg of gold.

There were 17 elevators with floor buttons from the 10th to the 4th, and an additional 2 floors located below are occupied by mechanics. Auditorium accommodates 1768 people, before reconstruction - 2100. The theater buffet moved to the 4th floor and this is the only room where windows are located on both sides. Interestingly, the tiles in the central foyer are made in the same factory as in the 19th century. Especially beautiful is the chandelier with a diameter of more than 6 meters with gilded pendants. A double-headed eagle and the word Russia are embroidered on the new curtain.

The modern Bolshoi Theater includes an opera and ballet troupe, stage and brass band and orchestra of the Bolshoi Theater. The names of the opera and ballet school are the property of all Russia and all theater world. More than 80 artists were awarded the title of People's Artists of the USSR in Soviet period. The title of Hero of Socialist Labor was given to eight stage masters - I. Arkhipova and Yu. Grigorovich, I. Kozlovsky and E. Nesterenko, E. Svetlanov, as well as world-famous ballerinas - G. Ulanova, M. Plisetskaya and M. Semyonova. Many artists are folk artists Russian Federation.

The Bolshoi Theater in Moscow presents one of the world's major theater scenes. He played an outstanding role in the formation of the Russian musical stage school and in the development of the Russian national art, including the famous Russian ballet.

One of the symbols of theatrical art is rightfully the Bolshoi Theater in. The theater is located on Theater Square - in the heart of the capital. Known all over the world the most talented performers theater: ballet dancers and vocalists, choreographers and composers who have left a noticeable mark on the world theatrical art. Over 800 works have been staged on its stage for all the time. From the first Russian operas to the works of such titans as Verdi and Wagner, Berlioz and Ravel, Donizetti and Bellini. The world premieres of operas and, Arensky and were held on the stage of the theater.
theater dates back to March 1736, when Prince Peter Vasilievich Urusov ordered the construction of a theater building on the corner of Petrovka. Then he got his first name - Petrovsky. But to complete the construction, Peter Urusov was not destined, as the theater building burned down in a fire. This glorious business was completed by the English businessman and companion of the prince Michael Medox. The Petrovsky Theater opened its doors to the Moscow public on December 30, 1780. In fact, from that moment, the first professional theater in Russia originates. On that day, the production of "I" took place. Paradisa ballet-pantomime "Magic Shop". Ballets with a national flavor were especially popular, including The Capture of Ochakov and Village Simplicity. The troupe of the theater consisted mainly of pupils of the Moscow ballet school and serf actors of the troupe of E. Golovkina. The Petrovsky Theater lasted only 25 years. The building was destroyed in a fire in 1805.
In the period from 1821 - 1825. under construction new theater in the same place, according to the project of A. Mikhailov. The construction manager was famous architect O. Bove. It was significantly increased in size, due to which it was called the Bolshoi Theater. The first production was The Celebration of the Muses, which sent the new building on an exciting theatrical journey that has been going on for more than 185 years. A new fire befell the theater in 1853, after which its building was restored for about three years under the guidance of architect A. Kavos.
During the restoration of the Bolshoi Theater in 1856. the building was thoroughly altered and it was decorated with a white stone portico with eight columns, which is still its symbol. Also besides appearance changed a lot interior decoration theater. Known throughout the world and, of course, the bronze chariot of Apollo, which crowned the theater building and became its eternal symbol. Thanks to the creative talent of Albert Kavos, the building of the Bolshoi Theater fit perfectly into the surrounding architectural ensemble of the center of Moscow.
Since 2005, a global reconstruction of the theater began, and after 6 years of painstaking and laborious work, on October 28, 2011, the long-awaited opening of the main stage of the country took place.

The Bolshoi Theater is a great landmark of Moscow. The State Academic Bolshoi Theater, located on Theater Square in the center of Moscow, is not only the largest theater in Russia. This temple of culture is on a par with such world "titans" as the Italian "La Scala" and the English "Covent Garden".

Everything in the Bolshoi Theater impresses: its majestic building, its immortal repertoire, its incredible atmosphere, and, of course, its dramatic history.

Complicated story

The Bolshoi Theater has two birthdays. The day on which this grand landmark of Moscow was opened is December 30, 1780. The first building of the theater was built on the initiative of Prince Peter Urusov, whom Catherine II gave the authority to hold spectacular events of various kinds. Since the entrance to the theater was located on Petrovka Street, they began to call it Petrovsky. But it did not last long - in 1805 the building burned to the ground.

After 11 years, Moscow Governor Dmitry Golitsyn decided to revive the theater. The project of the new building was entrusted to Professor Andrei Mikhailov, but it turned out to be too expensive. After the adjustments made by the architect Osip Bove, who not only reduced the cost of construction, but made many improvements to the layout, the construction work began.

The second birthday of the Bolshoi Theater is January 6, 1825. Through the efforts of the architects Mikhailov and Beauvais, monumental building with eight columns and the chariot of Apollo under the portico, which became the center of the town square. The size of the temple of art, the harmony of its forms and luxurious interior decoration amazed contemporaries. The theater was no longer called simply Petrovsky, the epithet Bolshoi was added to this word, because it surpassed even the Stone Theater in St. Petersburg in size.

In 1853, the Bolshoi Theater caught fire again. The fire, which could not be extinguished for three days, severely damaged the building. Its reconstruction was headed by Albert Cavos, the chief architect of all the imperial theaters. Since the coronation of Alexander II was approaching, no expense was spared in restoring the temple of art. It was opened only three years after the fire and became known as the Imperial. Kavos managed to create not only a magnificent stage and a chic auditorium, but also unique acoustics in the room.

After October revolution above Bolshoi Theater, which became known as the State, and then Academic, was threatened with closure. Only in 1922 was it possible to obtain a legal basis for the preservation of the theater: it was officially recognized as a cultural monument.

During the Second World War, this landmark of Moscow suffered again - a bomb hit the building. But already in 1943, after restoration work, the opening of the season took place. Since then, restoration work has been carried out at the Bolshoi Theater from time to time, but the most ambitious reconstruction was carried out from 2005 to 2011. It was attended by the world's best specialists, whose task was not only to improve the stage and the auditorium, but also to preserve the legendary features of the Bolshoi Theater.

Architectural value and luxury interiors

The building of the Bolshoi Theater is an example of Russian classical architecture. It is a rectangular building with a gable roof and an eight-column portico extending towards Theater Square. The height of the columns of the portico is 15 meters.

Inside the building there is a stage, a five-tiered auditorium that can accommodate almost 1,800 people, as well as a number of other rooms: a foyer, dressing rooms, a buffet, and so on. In addition, there is an underground concert hall located under the area.

The interiors of this temple of art amaze with their luxury and beauty. During the restoration, the masters tried to restore the historical appearance of the premises. The main interior colors are red and gold. It took about four kilograms of gold to decorate the entire theater. The floors of the building are covered with mosaics and tiles, and the ceilings are decorated with stucco and paintings. The chandelier in the auditorium, which is over 6 meters in diameter, weighs two tons and consists of thousands of crystal pendants.

The Bolshoi Theater is a landmark of Moscow, which impresses not only with the richness of the internal and external decoration but also the level of technical excellence. The updated stage consists of seven two-level dynamic platforms, thanks to which the stage can become stepped or inclined. Equipping the space near the stage allows the use of sound and visual special effects during performances. And the orchestra pit can accommodate more than a hundred musicians.

Cultural and historical significance

beauty and complicated story Bolshoi Theater pale in comparison with its cultural value. Throughout its existence, it has been the birthplace of the best opera and ballet works. Here worked the most outstanding composers, actors and conductors of different times. Symphony Orchestra The Bolshoi Theater is considered one of the most virtuoso in the world.

Such names as Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Anton Rubinstein, Fyodor Chaliapin, Sergei Rachmaninov, Maya Plisetskaya, Galina Ulanova and many others are associated with this temple of art. And the loudest performances that took place within its walls are “Eugene Onegin”, “ Swan Lake”,“ Sleeping Beauty ”,“ Boris Godunov ”,“ Life for the Tsar ”and so on.

The Bolshoi Theater is not only a landmark of Moscow, but also a symbol of the rich spiritual culture of all of Russia. With an incredibly majestic atmosphere, it attracts many visitors and gives them the opportunity to plunge into the beauty of the world of opera and ballet.

The Bolshoi Theater is one of the main symbols of the greatness of the culture of our state.

It was on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater that the first Russian operas and ballets were staged. Thanks to the productions of the Bolshoi Theater, Russian vocal and ballet school earned worldwide recognition.

The year of foundation of the theater is considered to be 1776, when Pyotr Urusov received permission from Catherine II “to keep him theatrical performances of all kinds, as well as concerts, vocals and masquerades, and besides him, no one should be allowed any such entertainment at all the time appointed by privilege, so that he would not undermine was". The construction of the Bolshoi Theater began three years later on Pokrovka Street. But this project was not destined to come true, even before the completion of construction, the building burned down. The construction of the theater was continued by Urusov's companion. But this building also burned down during the capture of Moscow by Napoleon in 1812.

The new building of the Bolshoi Theatre, erected in 1825 by architects O. Bove and A. Mikhailov, has become one of the most beautiful theater buildings in the world. However, the fire did not spare this building either. In the 1850s, the architect Kavos made significant changes to the building.

Now it is a magnificent eight-column building, above the portico of which there is a sculpture of the chariot of the god Apollo. From the inside, the room is decorated in red and gold tones, which gives the theater a special splendor and solemnity. The auditorium is designed for 2155 seats.

World premieres at the Bolshoi Theater famous operas: P.I. Tchaikovsky "Voevoda", "Mazeppa"; S.V. Rachmaninov "Aleko" Miserly knight»; S.P. Prokofiev "The Gambler" and many other composers. In the modern repertoire of the Bolshoi Theater classic masterpieces world art. The Bolshoi Theater, intended for staging serious operas and ballets, does not forget about small fans.

Here is how the posters of the Bolshoi Theater tell about the Cipollino ballet: “More than a quarter of a century has passed since the day when the cheerful onion family from Gianni Rodari’s beloved fairy tale settled on the Moscow stage. The simple-minded fairy tale about the struggle of the garden people with fruit oppressors is in everything similar to a real adult ballet. The play consists of two acts. classical dance cleared of conventionality and "arranged" in a modern way. There is no lingering explanation in sign language here - the action is rapidly flying forward, and each hero is endowed with his own unique choreographic language. Perhaps that is why the most famous masters of the Bolshoi Theater did not refuse the “matinee”.

The Bolshoi Theater has a children's choir. It consists of gifted children over five years of age who have passed the audition.

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