Cyber ​​hockey betting strategies. How to make money on sports betting - fast and effective methods


1) "Greetings! Treat in one place on the bank for three days. I don’t go into plus, then I merge, then I raise ... How many bets do you make per day? Are there any bets that you don't publish? I don't know if this is right or not, but I place a lot of bets. If I don't bet a lot, how do I get my daily minus back? Every day, after all, something should go in a plus?

As I wrote in my last article, in order to limit risks, it is necessary to set the rate at a maximum of 5% of the bank. However, cash flow management does not end there. In addition to limiting the amount of the bet, you also need to be able to choose events wisely.

One of the main mistakes of novice players is betting on everything. And here I mean not only the variety of sports, but also the number of those bets.

Variety is good, but if you really analyze events in depth, you simply won’t have enough time to understand everything at once. Great if you like football, basketball, curling, shooting while standing on a galloping horse, and underwater checkers. Watch and enjoy. But it is best to make money on bets on one, maximum two sports (for me, it's football and the NBA). Even better, if you find a specialization - either a few leagues in which you become an expert, or perhaps some type of bet (totals / odds / net outcomes / player statistics).

Regarding the number of bets. Considering that the size is limited to 5%, you can place a maximum of 20 bets at the same time. However, do not rush to place all these 20 bets in one day - this will lead to high volatility. It is unlikely that all 20 will fly into milk, but there are very bad days, when 15 out of 20 may not enter. Then you will immediately get a drawdown of more than half the pot. Quality dominates quantity. I would recommend taking a maximum of 3-5 bets per day. Or, if you are sure of a large number at once (but only really sure of the same degree, do not lie to yourself), reduce the amount of the bet to 1-3%. As for the statement that every day something should go in a plus, it is not so. The main thing is to have a profit at a distance - a week, a month, a year.

2) “Do you watch all the matches you bet on?”

Quite a few matches, of those that I bet on, I look at. This is due to several reasons. Firstly, watching each match takes 2 hours, which is a lot. Time - valuable resource, which is already spent on a large scale on the analysis of the line, the analysis of matches and the publication of forecasts. Secondly, there are not always broadcasts, because a lot of betting is done on low markets. Thirdly, in general, I do not see the need to watch every match in video format. You can follow the development of events in live mode and do other things at the same time. This is the option I use often. Naturally, I watch football, NBA cuts, and also reviews. But not everything I put on.

3) Here - “is it worth it to bet to see?”

The unequivocal answer is no. Well, if you put, and then decided to look. But betting to see is the wrong line of conduct. Even 100 rubles (to make it more interesting to watch, 100 rubles is not a pity!). Send these 100 rubles to the shelter, or buy a rose for the girl. Moreover, you should not bet larger amounts. It is necessary to distinguish between earnings and entertainment. If for you, in general, betting is entertainment, then forget about earnings, you will consistently give money to the office if you consider the distance (at least a few times, you may hit the jackpot).

4) “Today is Thursday/Monday, there are few matches in the line. Is it worth it to bet on the guys from the third entrance - they kind of beat the bullies from the 9th "B" 3 times in a row?

Don't hesitate to rest. There are no events - no need to look for at least something, just to bet. Control your passion. Take a day off, take a break. Not bad, by the way, to take a break for a day or two with an unsuccessful series. This will allow you to cool down the ardor and not go into “tilt” - you won’t climb to recoup.

5)“How can you control your emotions in betting?”

Surely many of you have come across the following situations along the way.

Case number 1. You have a green wave. 8 matches in a row come in, 1 failure, then another 3-4 successes. Huge profit in a short period of time. You consider yourself a super-analyst, you start giving advice to everyone, and in general you are in euphoria. Often, many people have the idea to increase the amount of the bet. “After all, if it goes, you have to grab it, and if I lose, then it’s not a pity - I’ve already raised it well.” There are two mistakes going on here. First, following the strategy is violated, you increased the amount and increased the risks. Secondly, concentration is lost, events are not selected so carefully, perhaps larger odds are taken than usual. The logical result is the drain of all earned money.

Case number 2. Everything went well for you, you are in the black over a distance of several months. But here comes the drawdown. -10%, then -20%, and now -30% is on your doorstep. You bet according to the strategy, take everything as usual, but it doesn’t go well and that’s it. Sometimes bad streaks happen to everyone. So, if you think that you will never win back the minus, or that it is too big and the process of restoring the bank will take a very long time, you are wrong. Everything will return to normal, although it will really take some time. In no case do not try to recoup as quickly as possible. The scheme is the same - increase the amount or start to select matches less carefully - only you will drain the rest of the bank faster. Be true to yourself, don't get emotional like Chuck, and follow the strategy, things will get better.

To prevent the above cases from leading to failure, keep statistics. Be sure to keep a record of everything you do. Make a convenient table in which you will enter events and results. Examples of columns: bet number, date, match, championship, outcome, bet amount, odds, win/loss, match result. Break it down by month/week. And also keep a grand total to understand whether you are in the black at a distance or not. Having such a table, after a while, you will be able to track where mistakes were made, understand what type of outcomes and what leagues are most beneficial for you.

In the future, this will allow, firstly, to avoid mistakes, and secondly, perhaps, to find your niche. Anyway, having big picture before the eyes, it is much easier to control the emotional background. Let's say you have a monthly drawdown, but you see that the total result is still in a decent plus.

Another tip is to have a specific goal. "Make N-th amount of money by such-and-such a date." Or "go to average at 15% per month. And be sure to withdraw money. There is a plus for the week / month - they withdraw everything that exceeds the amount of the bank. Minus for a week / month, we work further and withdraw when there is a plus.

6) “Which coffee is the best? Do you bet on events with quotes 1.2 - 1.3?

There is no definite answer to the first question. Everyone determines for himself the level of risk that he can take. If cross-country ability is important to you, then you should take less risky forecasts with odds around 1.5. I know people who are quite successful in this field. But you must understand that at the same time you should go under 70% of the forecasts. To beat off one bet and get a profit, you need to make three.

Taking even smaller odds (the same 1.2 - 1.3) I don’t see the point. Perhaps there are some gurus here, however, personally, in my opinion, it is not profitable to bet a large amount in order to receive conditional “penny”. Here you need to make four bets to win back one. And the penetration rate should be more than 80%. I assure you that small odds fail quite often. Hello locomotive lovers (how many times have you been let down by the “most reliable event”?).

My range of rates starts from 1.7 - it is extremely rare for me to take lower (although it happens). The average is in the region of two (1.9 - 2.1 depending on the month). I periodically bet on high odds if I see a benefit in this (remember the value from the first article? - this is the basis of the basics).

There are also high risk strategies where every bet has odds above two. They have a definite plus in terms of the fact that one bet can cover at least one failed one. This strategy is for people with balls of steel who can tolerate drawdowns. After all, there are corresponding risks here, you can get into a long series of losses. Therefore, with this strategy, it is better to reduce the amount of the bet initially. Take not 5%, but 1-3%.

7)“I understand that you also read other people's forecasts? And what is the motive? From my bell tower, you are well versed ... "

Yes, I watch the predictions of various sports analysts. I do this after I have analyzed the line myself, selected matches, but have not yet made a final prediction. The sole purpose of these views is to obtain additional information. Someone may have a larger network of sources, someone could get operational information. Or there are cases when a person analyzed the same match, but from a different angle, this can also be taken into account. Actually, for this purpose, there are communities of forecasters - for the exchange of views.

And I look only at those forecasts that have a description. Where you can see that a person made an effort, thought, analyzed and, based on the available data, issued a product. Actually, all my posts are accompanied by detailed analytics.

But to turn to communities like F ***bet and others - where comments are closed, unsuccessful forecasts are deleted and you are (based on the name) at the same time as they smile and shake your hand - I would not recommend.

8) “You have a lot of bets on non-top championships. Where do you get information?

For up-to-date information, you need to check local media and team websites. Also, don't underestimate Twitter - there appear important information and often faster than anywhere else.

9) “How do you sort the matches you are interested in? Find the right odds first, and only then look at the odds? Or how?"

Naturally, I look at the odds, but after I have analyzed the line. The odds are formed based on the market movement. You need to evaluate the probability of an event yourself and compare it with the one laid down by the bookmaker. If yours is higher, then this is the value bet - a signal to what you need to bet. It is worth reading the first article here (points about value bet and sagging odds).

10) “I analyzed everything, according to the numbers it seems to be going well. But there is no certainty in the rate. Is it worth it?"

In general, I am in favor of a robotic approach to betting. You need to take them as work, not rejoice at big victories and not get upset because of a series of defeats. Then you can really make money. However, the human factor cannot be completely denied. Intuition, "chuyka" - call it what you want - quite important thing. Ideally, it is necessary that every match “chuyka” shouts that yes, this is a match! And at the same time, all the numbers converged, there was a value. However, often you have to do with only the second.

But there are times when, according to analytics, everything is tip-top, and inner voice says - "do not bet, you will become a goat." In such cases, I still recommend to bypass the event. It is inexplicable, but true, quite often the event does not really set (but this does not mean that you need to take the opposite!).

Here you can indulge in philosophy, in disputes about the fact that we ourselves form the Universe, but we still have a conversation about rates - more on that some other time.

11) “Bets on what events should be avoided?”

I think that it is necessary to act very carefully in the championships, which have come across corruption more than once. The top ones are Italy. Of the less popular - Bulgaria, Serbia, Romania. This applies to bets on odds and outcomes, strange results are not uncommon here. However, you can take totals, there are much fewer matches jumping out of the "total" tendencies. Outcomes/handicap can also be predicted, but taking into account the factors of who, where and when plays. For example, if the match is out, then there is a high chance that there will be something unclean.

By the way, about the rendered matches. Try not to bet on favorites (especially away favorites) on Fridays and Mondays. Or not even that, don't bet on the favorites, but take a plus on the underdog. It is also necessary to consider each case separately, but The general trend is such that there are often surprises in the rendered matches. I attribute this to the fact that there are usually very few top events on Monday / Friday (less often on other weekdays), and the crowds naturally begin to load on this match. Most often loaded on a favorite. At the very least, the odds sag, and it’s simply not profitable to take the favorite. As a maximum - a conspiracy theory from bk, but this is a separate issue.

By the way, I advise you to be wary of the most popular bets on the Europa League (to a lesser extent the Champions League, but also there). See for yourself how often the "majority" is right in these tournaments. 2-3 bets out of the top 5 don't play (I don't have accurate statistics, so diggers can keep their grudges to themselves). Sometimes 5 out of 5 come in, of course, but this is from the category of a stick that shoots once a year.

At its core, the LE and Champions League are cups. So, it’s worth betting on cups carefully. I try to avoid them altogether, I put them only if there is some kind of reliable information. Or, again, I take a plus for the home underdog, or the ITM of the favorite. The thing is that the motivation of the club is not always clear, the exact compositions are unknown. And even if they are known, it is not entirely clear how the team will play in this configuration. In addition, teams from different divisions often play. And it seems that the representative of the lower must fly in big to the representative of the higher, but very often it happens differently. Or the favorite still wins, but does not break through its huge head start. In general, there are too many random factors to reliably estimate the probabilities, hence the difficulty in estimating the value of the bet.

Be careful with rising odds. Here, the condition is important that at the same time the people load on the event. Those. the rate is quite popular, many bet on this outcome, and the odds either do not change or grow. Especially if it's growing fast. The rule does not always work, but often allows you to avoid trouble.

Finally, do not bet on your favorite team just because you root for it (a la to make it hurt better). Just as you shouldn’t bet against, reassuring yourself with such sayings: “losing is bad, but I’ll earn money; if I win, I won’t be upset about losing money, my favorite team won!”. Better just watch the match. Or set, but without taking into account your subjective considerations, but only if there is a value.

12) “There was a question about the size of the rates and the main rate of the day. Is it necessary to single out the most important bet for yourself, where there is increased confidence in the result, and bet more than usual on it? Is it necessary to single out something “important” at all? Do you practice this at a distance, changing the size of bets?

Let's just say that every day you definitely don't need to highlight anything. The rate is always fixed. But sometimes (once a month, for example, maybe less often) there are matches in which confidence is very high, value goes off scale. Then you can put double rate. But again, this should be done very rarely. On the other hand, you can reduce the amount of the bet when choosing an outcome with a large odds (there are more risks).

13) “Listen, I’m wondering, you say that it’s better to play carefully, gradually building up the bank. However, judging by the description, you have several mowers in dollars, but what is the best way to play for those who have small bank? Roughly speaking, I will buy a maximum of cigarettes for 30% of the profit per month. Or does it make no sense to start with a small pot at all?”

I think that there is nothing to do with a small pot in betting. At least in terms of income. It is quite logical to start with a small amount in order to work out - this is the right course of action, because. It’s not worth risking decent money right away without gaining experience. However, consider rates as fast way enrichment, a multiple increase in the bank, is fundamentally wrong. Yes, perhaps there will be a “green wave” and you will be able to quickly increase capital. But it is also possible that you will immediately run into an unsuccessful series and lose everything at once. Or you win first, and then quickly merge.

My opinion is that the game bank should start with at least 30-50 thousand rubles. In a good way, at least $ 2000, better - more. Then the profit will already be felt.

    Today, more and more people are discovering the most incredible earning opportunities that allow you to earn income without leaving your home. They work through the Internet or look for sources of passive income. But there is another category of people - fans gambling namely sports betting. These are bettors. They know exactly how to make money on sports betting, and what strategies help in this.

    But not everything is as great as it seems. Everyday unlucky players lose large sums money, at the time, so the lucky ones acquire a fortune. Let's figure out how to make money on sports betting and whether it's real at all.

    Currently, you can bet on almost any sport, but the most common are: tennis, football, basketball, hockey, horse racing. Is it possible to make money on sports betting? If you decide to try yourself in this business, it is not necessary to go to the football field or the rink to bet. You just need to find a bookmaker and figure out how this or that

    How to make money on sports betting?

    Don't know how to make money from sports betting? Stick to the following algorithm:

    • Analyze everything and choose the most suitable one;
    • Register on the site;
    • Choose the closest sport, preferably one that you know at least something about;
    • Decide on the most interesting and profitable event;
    • Specify the most probable outcome of the event;
    • Specify the bet amount;
    • Post it.

    Before you make money on sports betting, you need to understand that if you know how to use it, it does not mean that you will win money. Most beginners lose huge amounts just because they don't know some of the rules.

    Main rules of sports betting

    There are some rules by which bettors will find out if it is possible to make money on sports betting. But you can not do without common sense and composure.

    First of all, you need to choose the sport in which you are well versed. If you do not know how to make money on sports betting, and at the same time you are not at all familiar with the features of at least one sport, do not worry. In this case, you should thoroughly prepare for the first bet, namely:

    • Maximize the knowledge base on a particular sport;
    • Get to know the strongest teams and the best players;
    • Learn the rules of the game and refereeing.

    Next, you need to choose one League and monitor it constantly. If you prefer football, choose for example the Premier League and keep track of even the smallest changes and all games. Is it possible to make good money on sports betting? Yes, it is possible, especially if you find out, but for this you need to choose a decent bookmaker that offers good interest and keeps all its promises. If you succeed, use only his services.

    Particular attention should be paid to the distribution of the budget. Beginning bettors need to allocate a specific amount that they could spend on inserts throughout the season. The size of the rate should be, for example, 1% of the bank. Never play with other people's money. It is important to choose primarily winning bets, that is, such events in which the favorite is known in advance.

    It will take time to figure out how to make money on sports betting. If the bettor chooses obviously winning events, he will be able to replenish his budget and will be motivated for further growth.

    The most popular types of bets

    When figuring out how to make money on sports betting, you need to understand what exists a large number of types of rates, up to specific ones. Therefore, a beginner can easily get confused in them.

    It depends on understanding how certain bets work, as well as which ones are the most winning, whether it is really possible to make money on sports betting. large sums. Consider the most elementary and common bets that are available in any sport.

    Single bet

    It implies a bet on the outcome of a certain match. If the bettor's prediction is correct, his winnings will be the bet amount multiplied by the bookmaker's odds. How it works?

    For example, in a match between Lokomotiv and Dynamo, you bet 100 rubles to win the 2nd team. At the same time, the coefficient is 2.10 for Lokomotiv, 3.10 for a draw, and 3.30 for the Dynamo team. Here you need to multiply 100 by 3.30 and the total amount will be 330 rubles.

    Double chance bet

    Here there are two possible options the outcome of the match. A bettor can bet either on the victory of one or another team, or on a draw and the victory of one of the teams. Such a bet has a better chance of winning than a single bet. Therefore, the coefficients are lower here.


    How to make money on sports betting without special knowledge? Actually it is possible. Here you need to study the Handicap (handicap). This bet implies reducing the gap between the outsider and the favorite by accruing additional odds to the first, namely the handicap.

    Let's go back to the match between Lokomotiv and Dynamo. In this case, the bookmaker chose one team as a favorite and took one point from it, received by the outsider team. So the ratios are:

    Locomotive - 4.25 (-1).

    Dynamo - 1.60 (+1).

    A draw with a handicap (3.75).

    This means that if you bet on the first team, the bet will win if they win by two goals. If you bet on Dynamo, then you will be satisfied with both a draw and a team victory. If you thought that there would be a draw, given the handicap, then 1 team should win by a gap of one goal. Now you know how to make money on sports betting using this method.

    Total bet

    How to make money on sports betting? You can bet on the total. What matters here is whether you agree with the bookmaker's prediction regarding the final score of the match. In order to learn how to make money on sports betting using total, you will have to develop logic and an analytical mind. In addition, you can not do without the help of intuition and luck.

    Example. In the case of a match between Lokomotiv and Dynamo, the bookmaker sets a total of 2.5. If you bet on "over", then at the end of the match there should be more than 3 goals scored. If you bet on "under", then there should be 2 goals or less.

    Express rate

    It is one of the most difficult bets. Here the bettor needs to predict the outcome of several events at once. If your goal is to earn real money on bets, then you need to pay attention to learning this method. It should be understood that the bet wins only when the bettor correctly guessed all the outcomes. The player's winnings are formed by adding up all the components of their bet. This means that if your deposit is 100 rubles, but at the same time you win several bets with a total coefficient of 15.80, then you will receive 1580 rubles. Just imagine what the winnings of a bet over 1000 will be!

    Features of betting on football matches

    Football is the sport that is the most common in betting. Here is the most popular rate single, that is, players bet on the outcome of the match. Most often, it is denoted 1X2 or P1-P2 (on those cups in which a draw is not recognized).

    The odds used by bookmakers quite often reflect the opinion of the majority of fans about the outcome of the match, but, as a rule, the figures are underestimated. If you are planning to seriously figure out how to make money on sports betting, you need to learn how to ignore the opinion of the majority and analyze the situation yourself. This will make good money.

    A bet on an account is not as popular as a single bet, since it is almost impossible to predict it. That is why bookmakers put high odds on such bets, and gambling bettors continually strive to take risks.

    As a rule, players divide the championship into two categories:

    • For championships with low performance;
    • Championships with high performance.

    Based on the information received, they try to predict the score.

    The rarest bet is a bet placed on a warning or removal from the field. Far from all matches, participants receive red cards. But here, too, there is a pattern. Most red cards are found in the games of ardent and long-standing opponents, for whom victory is of fundamental importance, the players go to any lengths to achieve it.

    How to make money on sports betting? horse racing

    If you are looking for an answer to the question of how to make money on sports betting, then you have probably paid attention to such a sport as horse racing. This game is ancient and expensive. At first, horse racing appeared in England, and only then Russian nobles began to get involved in them.

    To date, this sport is not as popular as the others, but it is still prestigious among rich people. This means that by betting on horse racing, you can earn a fabulous amount.

    Among these types of bets, there are several specific varieties, whose names come from in English and are difficult to translate.

    place. Here the bet is made on the alleged winner or on the horse, which, according to the bettor, will come second.

    Win- is an ordinary bet on a possible winner of the races.

    show- determines the horse that is in the top three. It has a rather low coefficient.

    Double or Double Double. The bettor must name the winners of 2 races at once. In the second case, you must specify the favorite of 4 races.

    accumulator. It is the most interesting type of betting. In this case, the winners of several races are indicated at once. When the first bet wins, the amount won is transferred to the next bet and so on.

    Tennis betting features

    If you love tennis and are thinking about how to make money on this type of sports betting, you must understand that tennis competitions have their own specifics. And all because here the team is considered as a whole. But each player is individual, he has inherent changes in behavior and mood, so it is rather difficult to determine the winner. However, it can be identified by analyzing physical form every player.

    The main reason that affects the popularity of tennis betting is the frequency of competitions. Tennis matches are held all year round, so betting on it, you can get a steady income.

    Also in tennis, the condition and success of a particular player is perfectly traced. This allows you to make it the only betting object. However, those bettors who choose this sport for themselves are at risk. And all because tennis players quite often give vent to emotions, which entails underestimated results or defeat.

    It is interesting to insert tennis into Live mode, that is, directly during the match. This can be done both on the field and via the Internet.

    How to become a successful bettor

    We figured out how to make money on sports betting. However, a beginner needs to understand what to get big score immediately unrealistic. It is important to start with minimum rates, increasing the amount over time in case of a positive outcome. In addition, it is necessary to decide on the strategy of the game, of which there are a lot. It is important not to draw too hasty conclusions, but to carefully analyze the information. Otherwise, a patient player will get a tasty morsel!

    Any person who comes to the site bookmaker, strives to win. You want to win right away and it is desirable, like in a movie - fabulous amounts that are simply physically impossible to spend in a lifetime. However, reality usually differs from cinema, losses and gains constantly replace each other. The most unlucky believe that it is impossible to win on bets. ABOUT technical side eSports betting and whether it is possible to win at all by trying to guess the outcome of matches, we will talk further.

    Knowledge is power in esports

    The first thing to understand is: in the sweepstakes, as a rule, do not win millions. Forget all the images imposed by the cinema. If you bet $10, don't expect to win $100 million. For those amounts, the stakes should be appropriate.

    In the same way, you should not expect that by betting a single time, you will instantly get rich. The first thing to remember when betting on the outcome of a DotA 2 match is that losing is real. So take care to calculate all the chances of winning and make your informed choice. A common misconception is that if you bet a huge amount, you will definitely win. The money you invest in a sweepstakes should be the last link in a long chain of complex calculations and reasoning.

    Another helpful advice- do not take the coefficients given on the sites too seriously. These indicators often point not to an invincible master, but to today's favorite. Also, a high odds position is more likely to win, so there will be predictably more bets on it and less winnings.

    To start winning, in the future, you need to look for your own path, and not blindly follow the opinion of the crowd, “raising” 2 cents on every dollar.

    Before you go to bet on any of the eSports disciplines, it is highly recommended to get at least a rough idea about it, or better, some experience, even if it is an amateur game. Unlike the usual sports, when betting on eSports, you have to take into account a huge number of factors, some of which are often unknown even to the player himself.

    Fortune in esports favors the prepared

    The second thing to remember when preparing to place a bet is that it is absolutely possible to win. There is no global conspiracy of bookmakers who decided to take money from users at all costs and spend it on golden Ferraris. Each reputable office has a reputation that it values, so it will not deceive people. In addition, esports is akin to mathematics - if all the conditions for "solving the problem" are met, the "answer" will definitely be correct. However, your first bet simply has to be the amount you are willing to part with forever. No matter what anyone tells you, it is almost impossible to hit a more or less significant jackpot the first time. Do not give in to the action of emotions, do not try to "appease Fortune" or "lure good luck" - these superstitions simply have no place in the bookmaker's craft. Be collected, analyze the game of the team you want to bet money on. Do not be lazy to find records of their games on the Internet and carefully study their tactics. After all, you're going to bet money on these people and need to know how they win, so keep an eye on things regularly.

    Ignore other people's chatter. On the Internet, ostensible anonymity can make everyone appear smarter and claim to know exactly who will win the next game. But if professional players or people who have devoted their entire lives to the esports industry do not talk about matches, such an “authoritative” opinion can be ignored. It's hard, because one of the features of the human psyche is to rely on the supernatural "wisdom" or "sagacity" of people around. However, constantly bully yourself with one simple question: "If these advisers are so smart, why don't they ever bet?" In fact, today there is not a single analyst who can tell you exactly who will win this or that game and when. "DotA 2", "FIFA", "StarCraft 2", "Counter Strike" - each of them has enough of its own features, and in order to thoroughly understand them, you need to spend more than one hundred hours at the computer.

    One Click Win

    What else can you do to increase your chances of winning when betting on an esports event? At a minimum, refrain from betting on those games that you have no idea about. You wouldn't bet on football if you didn't even know the rules of the game, would you? Why, then, this principle is not transferred to computer games? A huge number of users who want to place a bet still perceive eSports as something frivolous, smacking of infantilism. So if you want to get a stable income, then think about specialization. As you know, fundamental knowledge in one area is often much more preferable than general idea about everything in the world. Do you want to win by doing big bets on StarCraft 2? Install this game and play it online for a month, trying to win.

    Can you win by betting on esports? Yes. It's not as difficult as it might seem, but it's not as easy as you might think. Today, thousands of people earn their living from this, who simply understand the games and know which team can win and when, even if all the odds are against it.

    If you want to win, you should take esports as seriously as you do traditional views sports, and study the subject. You can't just go to a bookmaker's website, make five random bets, get your billion dollars and go live in Hawaii - it's as hard work as any other business.

    And finally, remember: in order to win, you need, oddly enough, to always use your head, and not someone else's opinion.

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    Is it possible to make money on eSports?

    Some bookmakers mistakenly believe that it is impossible to make money on bets on the same cyber hockey or cyber football. Main argument those who adhere to this theory is as follows - a virtual sport was developed by certain people who initially laid down an algorithm that does not allow making a profit on such bets.

    However, this opinion is erroneous for the reason that not a single bookmaker knows on which outcome you will bet your money. For example, you will bet 1,000 rubles on Spartak's victory, but another player will prefer Zenit's victory, and will also bet 1,000 rubles. Why do you think that the bookmaker will play into the hands of another player, and not you? There is no cheating here, so you can safely play virtual football or hockey by certain strategies that have proven effective.

    Some bookmakers offer customers to bet not only on virtual sports, but also on computer games, including football, hockey, etc. In this situation, you are betting that certain person, who is in front of the monitor screen and plays, for example, FIFA 2018, will beat his competitor using his skills and experience in a computer game.

    Earnings on eSports will completely depend on you and a competent approach to betting. Another important condition for a stable income - play only in legal bookmakers using the link on our website. All illegal companies reserve the right to block accounts, take money from the account, cut maximums for no apparent reason and without any adequate explanation.

    You can make money on cyber hockey using certain betting strategies

    Before you start playing at a bookmaker, you need to be aware of several important aspects:

    1. There are no win-win strategies for betting on hockey and any other sport. There are strategies that bring more profit, but are too risky, and there are those that relate to systems with minimal risk, and with their help you can gradually increase your game bank.
    2. Cyber ​​hockey is in many ways similar to real (traditional) hockey, and therefore you can use similar strategies that you would use in the second case.
    3. It is important to stick to one strategy that brings a positive result. Frequent system changes, attempts to win more more money may result in a quick drain of the entire game bank.
    4. In no case should you bet all-in on one forecast. It is recommended to bet flat at 2-3% of the bank, do not play catch-up, because in any sport 7-8 losses in a row can happen.
    5. It is advisable to make no more than 1-2 predictions per day, otherwise the bettor runs the risk of getting excited after a winning or loose series.

    Make bets exclusively in legal bookmakers that guarantee you a payout in case of winning.

    Best Strategies

    To have an idea of ​​how you can make money on this sport, you should consider in detail best strategies hockey betting that currently exists. Recall that all these systems do not guarantee 100% profit and cannot be considered win-win, however, with the right approach, they will certainly bring a good income.

    Outsider betting

    As statistics show, sometimes it is much more profitable to bet on the underdog than on the favorite. The advantage of such a system lies primarily in the high odds. At the same time, you should not take matches where the odds are higher than 4, because in this case, outsiders win much less often than those clubs who are offered odds of 2.5-3.5.

    In addition, you should pay attention to the personal meetings of hockey clubs. Statistics has great importance, because some underdogs are able to provide decent resistance to specific clubs that have a stronger and more highly qualified team.

    Betting on underdogs can be profitable

    Period rates

    The following hockey betting strategy is suitable for playing live. It involves rates for each subsequent period. It is worth highlighting a few interesting moments regarding this system:

    • You can bet on a draw in each period. If in the 1st period one of the teams won, you play for a draw in the second period, then in the third. In almost all hockey meetings, at least one of the periods ends in a draw.
    • You can bet on total over 1.5 in each period. Quite often, in one period, teams can score 3-4 goals. At the same time, you should not count on such a strategy too much, because some low-scoring hockey clubs are limited to only 2-3 goals in the entire match.
    • Total less than 0.5 by periods. This system is just designed for those clubs that score a little. It is noticed that many periods end with a score of 0:0, the odds for such an outcome fluctuate around 2.5-3.

    We do not recommend betting on any of the strategies in illegal bookmakers. Firstly, they take a serious margin, secondly, they offer a weak list, and thirdly, and most importantly, they will not allow you to receive a stable profit. As soon as you get a good plus, your account runs the risk of being blocked without explanation.

    Handicap betting

    The following hockey betting strategy is suitable for those who closely follow the match, even if it is an e-sport. Quite often, clubs losing 0:3, 0:4 can not only score 1-2 goals, but also reduce the match to a draw.

    In this situation, only 1-2 goals will suit you, depending on what handicap you took. It is recommended to bet on a +1 or +1.5 handicap. Bookmakers offer good odds for such odds, and the probability of winning increases.

    Race up to 3 pucks

    This is an interesting strategy that works well for cyber hockey. You are required to choose a club that loves and knows how to score goals into the opponent's goal. The bet is made on the fact that this hockey club will be the first to score 3 goals. The forecast can play already in the first period, if the team immediately scores 3 goals into the opponent’s goal, and it doesn’t matter what score the meeting ends with, the main thing is that your club be the first to score three goals.

    You can bet on which team will be the first to score 2 or 3 goals

    Players' individual totals

    If a bookmaker offers such an outcome, you can also make good money with it. Here you should look for information about the club's players who score the most goals against opponents during the season. After receiving such information, you bet on the ITB 0.5 for a certain hockey player or, conversely, on the ITM 0.5 if you think that the player will not be able to excel in the upcoming match.

    All esports betting strategies work, but you should also put in your efforts to not lose. There are many cases when bettors lose literally by empty place when, as it would seem, it is impossible to lose. This comes from the inability to control their emotions, the desire to quickly increase the game bank and the thirst for instant profit. Instead, you need cold calculation, competent bank management and discipline in sports betting.

    How much can you earn from esports?

    Almost everyone is interested in another important question: how much can you earn on e-sports, including e-hockey? First of all, the amount of your earnings will depend on the following factors:

    1. The amount of bankroll you have set aside for betting. It is considered quite normal to earn 10-15% monthly from the initial game bank. At the same time, you need to understand that in one month you can have, say, a profit of + 25%, but in another month a loss of -7%, and this is not something strange and unusual.
    2. The goals you set for yourself. One player plans to gradually increase his bank, and the other is going to withdraw money from the balance every month. Thus, the amount of earnings will differ significantly over the distance.
    3. Proper application of strategies and the ability to make profitable bets. Naturally, no one can guarantee you that this or next month you will definitely have a profit. An unsuccessful series of bets can lead to a big loss, which you will win back only after some time.

    Only a competent approach to betting will allow you to increase your game bank on cyber hockey bets

    There is also an opinion that strategies live betting on hockey can bring more profit than betting before the game. One can argue with such a statement, because even if you quickly increase your bank by playing live, there is no guarantee that you will not lose this bank just as quickly. Therefore, the most important thing is to stick to one strategy, observe discipline and not succumb to excitement.

    Good afternoon, today I would like to tell you about the way to earn money, betting on eSports competitions.
    So, let's begin.
    To get started, we need start-up capital. (min. rate 1 $)
    1. We go to the site where we will bet. :

    2. Click "Registration". Fill in all fields

    After that, we will receive a letter on the soap to activate the account.

    3. Account replenishment (deposit)
    We see in red letters it says "MAKE A DEPOSIT"
    You can top up your account different ways, as you can see on the screenshot.

    4. Making bets
    Choose the match you want to bet on. Minimum 1 dollar. Below is the amount that you can win, click "Place a bet".
    I'll give you a little advice, I made 15 bets. According to the simplest system, when the odds of the games were "Na" Vi vs Shololo99 "it was clear that the navi would win, they had a odds of 1.4, the students had 109.9. Study the teams you are going to bet on. Google, watch their videos on youtube, the more information, so much the better. But I'll tell you my point of view, about all this.. It's not like in hockey, that you can accidentally score if the goalkeeper is distracted. Professional teams play here, everything is coordinated. 14 bets passed, 15 did not pass. I bet on a bad team that had a coefficient of 3.2... So it's better not to risk it, there are many games a day, I didn't count exactly, but definitely more than 30. There are also matches with three outcomes, i.e. there are more draw.I do not bet on such and do not advise you.Be sure to read "F.A.Q", there is also a very good video instruction in Russian.

    In order to place a bet, enter the amount in the box of the team you want to bet on. And click "Place a bet"

    5. Withdrawal of money
    You can withdraw your funds to:
    1) webmoney
    2) paypal
    3) Yandex money
    4) Money Bookers
    Minimum order: 15$

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