Programs dedicated to the memory of Dmitry Maryanov. In memory of Dmitry Maryanov: stories from the life of an actor that few people knew about


Any woman who is expecting the birth of a son or daughter sincerely wishes her baby to be healthy. Unfortunately, sometimes it happens that a child is born with severe disabilities, which dooms him to suffering, and parents to a large number of experiences. As a result, many couples are wondering: how to give birth healthy child?

Modern medicine and the responsibility of the couple in matters of family planning will contribute to successful conception, a successful pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby.

Problems of reproduction in the modern world

Statistics show that today, when trying to reproduce healthy offspring, humanity faces many problems:

  • 15% of married couples of reproductive age in Russia are infertile;
  • 15 - 20% of the onset of pregnancies end in miscarriage;
  • 3% - the number of children in the world from total number newborns born with disabilities.

In some cases, these statistics are due to the inattention of future parents, and especially mothers, to their health. A number of other unfortunate events are the result of an unfavorable set of circumstances.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the age of up to 30 years was considered reproductive. Total duration the life and reproductive age of humanity has increased significantly since then. As a result, many women are postponing childbearing in order to build a career and live for themselves, hoping that modern medicine will help them give birth in adulthood. However, reproductive technologies sometimes cannot solve all the problems that appear with age.

According to statistics, in a healthy 30-year-old woman, the probability of becoming pregnant in one menstrual cycle is about 20%. At age 40, this probability decreases to 5%. 35 years is a critical point, after which a sharp decline in fertility begins. The fact is that a woman is endowed with a certain supply of eggs from birth. Reaching puberty, the girl begins to lose one of them every month. Every year, the reserves of eggs become smaller, and those eggs that remain are no longer so active. A decrease in egg quality has an adverse effect on the viability of the embryo, and also reduces the chance of conception.

Of course, you can find examples when women give birth at the age of 45, but it is worth remembering that for many of them, pregnancy is very difficult, with edema, high blood pressure and other pathological conditions. It also becomes more difficult to give birth to a healthy child: there is a high probability that he will have malformations or chromosomal abnormalities, such as Down syndrome.

The ability of men to bear children is less subject to time. This is explained by the fact that new spermatozoa are produced in the testicles of a man regularly. Although the approach of old age in men also has a negative impact on reproductive function. There is less seminal fluid, and the spermatozoa in it are no longer so mobile. Many men experience a decrease in testosterone levels as they age. This leads to a decrease in sexual activity.

However, young age is not a guarantee that everything will be successful by itself. Many young parents, without knowing it, are carriers of genetic diseases that can interfere with conception and the favorable course of pregnancy. Yes and modern life, especially in big cities undermines the health of young people.

How to give birth to a healthy child in conditions of poor ecology and chronic stress? What needs to be done so that pregnancy in adulthood or in the presence of chronic diseases leads to desired result? First of all, do not neglect the issues of healthy family planning.

Preparing for pregnancy

It is important to start planning a pregnancy long before conception. Rejection bad habits and transition to proper nutrition not enough to be sure of your health and the health of the unborn baby. Both parents should be screened for problems that could affect their reproductive function and the health of the child.

Most often, preparation for pregnancy begins with a visit by a woman to a gynecologist. To exclude deviations in the organs of the reproductive system, a routine examination and ultrasound examination (ultrasound) are performed. A check is made for the presence of oncology, smears are taken for cytology. In some cases, the doctor may recommend a consultation with other specialists - a neuropathologist, ophthalmologist, cardiologist, etc.

In addition to a thorough examination of the woman, an examination of the partner is also required. The couple must be tested for sexually transmitted diseases. Many infections (mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, etc.) adversely affect the development of the fetus and can lead to its death. With timely diagnosis and proper treatment, they can be quickly suppressed. Also, future parents should know their blood type compatibility in order to exclude the possibility of rejection of the fetus by the mother's body.

It is not at all superfluous for spouses who want to give birth to a healthy child, there will be a consultation with a geneticist. The specialist will conduct a survey of prospective parents in order to obtain complete picture about the state of their health and assess their heredity. If the doctor has any doubts, he can prescribe a test for the carriage of gene mutations. Many of them may not affect the health of the parent, but they can lead to severe defects in the baby, sometimes incompatible with life. Knowing about the presence of chromosomal rearrangements in the father or mother, it will be easier for the doctor to draw up a therapeutic course that will increase the chances of successfully conceiving, bearing and giving birth to a healthy child.

Prenatal diagnosis

Suppose the preparation for pregnancy was successful: the parents underwent the necessary examinations and received the long-awaited confirmation from the doctor that the woman can become pregnant and give birth to a healthy child.

After conception comes a crucial period - pregnancy. Carrying a child requires special attention to health and regular visits to the doctor. The specialist will monitor the condition of the pregnant woman and the fetus with the help of routine examinations and tests. Such control helps to prevent possible complications during pregnancy.

Modern prenatal diagnostics provides a wide range of techniques that help to learn about fetal pathologies long before the birth of a child. Each trimester of pregnancy is accompanied by a series of examinations called screening. These examinations allow you to find out the compliance of the development of the fetus with the norms, as well as to identify the presence of incurable anomalies of genetic origin. All women pass it without fail, but pregnant women over 35 years of age should be especially attentive to it.

In the first trimester, screening is most optimal between the 11th and 13th weeks of pregnancy. First, an ultrasound is performed. The main goal of this method is this period- to assess how successfully the development of the fetus proceeds according to the gestational age, and also to determine the thickness of the collar space (NTP) of the embryo. Collar space - a zone in the neck of a child (between the skin and soft tissues), where fluid accumulates. The value of TVP, exceeding the norm, may be evidence of anomalies in the development of the fetus, including the presence of Down syndrome.

However, a qualified specialist will not give unambiguous conclusions on the result of ultrasound. Conclusions are drawn on the basis of comprehensive studies. After an ultrasound scan, for a period of 10-13 weeks, a blood test is performed that determines the concentration of certain biological markers in it, in the first trimester these are PAPP-A and hCG. Elevated or decreased levels of these markers in the blood can also be a sign of developmental disabilities. Further, according to the totality of ultrasound data and biochemical analysis, special program calculates the risk of genetic disorders such as Down syndrome and Edwards syndrome.

Screening studies of the second trimester are carried out for a period of 16-20 weeks. A blood test this time is taken to measure the levels of AFP, hCG and free estriol. Taking into account the results of ultrasound and the first screening, new data are calculated on the possible risk of having a child with pathologies.

The second ultrasound is performed at 20-24 weeks. The specialist examines the presence, correct location and the structure of all organs of the child. great attention is given to the state of the provisional organs of the mother (umbilical cord, placenta, amniotic fluid), the state of the cervix.

Screenings do not make it possible to make specific diagnoses, but only reveal what is the likelihood that the baby will have any chromosomal abnormalities. In the case when the risk of pathology is high, the pregnant woman is given a referral for invasive diagnostics. Each gestational age corresponds to its own method of invasive research: chorion biopsy (9.5 - 12 weeks), amniocentesis (16 - 18 weeks), cordocentesis (22 - 25 weeks). Each of these examinations involves a surgical intervention in the mother's body through a puncture. This is done in order to take material that contains the DNA of the fetus. All these methods are highly accurate (about 99%), but they are stressful for the mother and carry a small risk of complications (bleeding, amniotic fluid leakage, etc.). In 1-2% of cases, the procedure can cause a miscarriage.

Screening of the third trimester includes ultrasound, which reveals malformations of the child, which tend to manifest themselves in the later stages. Also, in the interval between 30 and 34 weeks, dopplerometry is performed - a type of ultrasound that helps to assess blood flow in the baby's vessels, in the uterus and placenta.

The latest developments in prenatal diagnostics offer expectant mothers more simple ways calculation of the risks of chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus. For example, the Panorama non-invasive DNA test is effective as early as 9 weeks, has an accuracy of more than 99%, and can detect a wide range of genetic pathologies in the fetus: Down syndrome, Edwards, Patau, sex chromosome pathologies and a number of other abnormalities. Passing the test involves only taking blood from a vein in a pregnant woman. Fetal DNA will be isolated from the material obtained using molecular technologies, which will be studied for the presence of gene rearrangements and chromosomal abnormalities. This method is much more accurate than standard screening and is absolutely safe for the mother and fetus, unlike invasive diagnostics.

If a woman wants to give birth to a healthy child, then she should not neglect prenatal diagnosis. Thanks to these studies, the number of newborns with serious illnesses is much lower than it could be. After receiving the results of the diagnosis, and knowing what her chances of having a healthy child are, the woman, together with her family and the attending physician, can decide whether to continue the pregnancy. A non-invasive prenatal test can provide such information very early, which means that in case of disappointing results, it will be much safer to have an abortion. In some cases, if any pathologies are detected by screening, the doctor may prescribe adequate therapy that will help increase the likelihood of a healthy baby being born.

Pregnancy after abortion or fetal death

The sad statistics says that about 21% of pregnancies worldwide are interrupted artificially. Potential mothers go to abortion medical indications, and because of the prevailing life circumstances and unwillingness to have children. It is no secret that abortion has a very negative effect on health. Every fifth woman becomes a victim of infertility due to an interrupted first pregnancy. Especially dangerous is the classic instrumental abortion, when the uterus is scraped under general anesthesia, it can cause irreparable injury to the reproductive organs. Vacuum and medical abortions, which are carried out in the early stages, carry with them much fewer complications.

However, there are no absolutely safe abortions. Any artificial termination of pregnancy entails a hormonal imbalance, especially due to a violation of the production of progesterone, which is responsible for maintaining pregnancy in its early stages. Many women miscarry because they have had an abortion in the past.

Is it possible to get pregnant and give birth to a healthy child after an abortion? The answer to this question in many cases will be positive, but it is worth knowing that the approach to pregnancy planning should be as competent and responsible as possible. Of course, much will depend on individual characteristics women and on how severe the consequences of an earlier abortion were. Experts recommend planning the next pregnancy no earlier than six months later.

Sometimes it happens that the pregnancy is not terminated by the will of the woman. Most often this becomes a consequence of the death of the fetus. To prevent repeated spontaneous abortion, it is worth finding out what are the causes of the situation that has arisen?

To draw up a treatment plan and prepare for the next pregnancy, the abortive material obtained by scraping is sent for histological examination. It is best that the material be studied from a genetic point of view. This will allow you to create more accurate forecast for a future pregnancy.

As genetic research karyotyping is used, which involves the study of the chromosome set of the fetus. The most accurate study of abortive material will be chromosomal microarray analysis (CMA), it is he who can give the clearest picture of what genetic failures led to sad consequences.

After a frozen pregnancy, both a man and a woman must undergo a complete examination, ranging from tests for sexually transmitted diseases to a consultation with a geneticist. Usually, doctors recommend postponing the planning of a second pregnancy for six months, so that the mother's body recovers, and both spouses can undergo the prescribed treatment.

The prognosis for women who have had one missed pregnancy is quite optimistic: in 80-90% of cases they are able to become pregnant, bear and give birth to a healthy child in the next pregnancy.

If a woman has experienced several missed pregnancies in a row, then she may be diagnosed with "recurrent miscarriage." Repeatedly frozen pregnancy, as it were, “programs” the body for subsequent failures. This case requires an extremely careful approach and long-term treatment. This will increase the chances married couple for the appearance of an heir.

Lifestyle of future parents

How to give birth to a healthy child? Of course, in addition to passing the necessary examinations, you must comply healthy lifestyle life before and during pregnancy. About two months before conception, future parents need to avoid stress, overwork, SARS and influenza. It is necessary to completely eliminate alcohol and smoking.

A balanced diet is extremely important for a pregnant woman. You need to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Fish and meat should be present in the diet every day, because they are indispensable suppliers of protein. Cottage cheese, kefir, natural yoghurts will provide the mother's body with calcium, which is necessary for the formation of bones and teeth of the fetus. Consumption of sweet, starchy, salty, fatty, carbonated drinks should be seriously limited. Kit excess weight very adversely affects the course of pregnancy. Strong tea and coffee can increase blood pressure and put unnecessary stress on the heart. It would be wiser to replace them with natural juices.

Do not forget about moderate physical activity, they will help not only stay in shape, but also prepare for childbirth. A sedentary lifestyle will not be useful either for a woman or for a baby. Today, there are many sets of exercises for pregnant women, there are many special groups where you can do yoga or water aerobics.

Summing up, we can say that the expectant mother needs to reasonably approach pregnancy planning, visit a doctor and undergo all the necessary studies, eat right, combine activity and rest in a balanced way. Following these guidelines will help maximize your chances of having a healthy baby.

Free consultation based on the results of prenatal diagnosis


Kyiv Julia Kirillovna

If you have:

  • questions about the results of prenatal diagnosis;
  • poor screening results
we are offering to you book a free consultation with a geneticist*

*consultation is conducted for residents of any region of Russia via the Internet. For residents of Moscow and the Moscow region, a personal consultation is possible (have a passport and a valid compulsory medical insurance policy with you)

Seeing a woman with a stroller on the street, it is not always easy to determine who it is: an elderly mother or a young grandmother? Now a woman can become a mother, regardless of age.

All more women decide on the birth of the first or subsequent children at the age of 35-40 years and older. Some researchers attribute this trend to the development of technologies for early prenatal diagnosis, which gives families confidence in the birth of a healthy child.

Over the past 25 years, the number of women who become pregnant at the age of 35-40 has increased by 90%. Over the years, medicine has accumulated significant information about the characteristics of pregnancy and childbirth in the late reproductive period. What challenges will the expectant mother face?

According to statistics, a woman under 30 is more likely to become pregnant
within one month is 20%, and in 40 years it drops sharply to 5%.
Therefore, women planning a pregnancy after 35,
recommended to apply for medical care
after six months of unsuccessful attempts.

Chance of conception after 35

The ability to conceive begins to gradually decrease after 30 years. It's connected with:

  • a decrease in the number of ovulatory cycles;
  • an increase in the incidence of endometriosis with age;
  • increased likelihood of tubal infertility;
  • high frequency of extragenital diseases.

The course of pregnancy over 35 years

Women over 35 automatically fall into the risk group for the development of pathology of pregnancy. However, statistics show that if future mom takes care of herself and is in good health, then her pregnancy can proceed as successfully as in her 20s. What are the pitfalls to beware of a pregnant woman?

  • In women of late reproductive age, the risk of miscarriage is increased.
  • More often there is an abnormal development of the placenta.
  • There is a high risk of exacerbation and the appearance of somatic diseases, pregnancy complications: arterial hypertension, preeclampsia, eclampsia, bleeding, premature birth, pregnancy diabetes.

Features of childbirth older than 35 years

As a result of a decrease in the elasticity of the uterus and soft tissues, hormonal imbalance in women over 35 years of age, the likelihood of weakness in labor activity increases, which leads to an increase in the duration of labor. The risk of uterine and perineal ruptures increases. Childbirth is often complicated by large blood loss.

The first births over the age of 35-40 are harder than repeated ones and more often end by caesarean section.

Late pregnancy: risk for the baby

The biggest problem with late pregnancy is the relatively high chance of having a child with a genetic abnormality. This trend is associated primarily with the aging of germ cells and the accumulation of genetic mutations in the mother's body. Over the years, the harmful effects of various teratogenic and mutagenic factors on the body accumulate: toxic products, ionizing radiation, and others.

Pregnant women of the older age category have a higher risk of preterm birth, low birth weight of the fetus, which reduces the adaptive potential of the newborn.

Pregnancy late in reproductive age is more common
multiple. So, the age of 35-39 years is considered the peak of the birth of twins.

After 35: the secrets of a successful pregnancy

In spite of everything, most of desired late pregnancies are successful and end with the birth of a healthy baby. However, if a woman in her 20s can afford some frivolity, then a woman over 35 will need to be especially sensitive to her health.

1. When planning a pregnancy, it is advisable to undergo a comprehensive examination and treatment of chronic diseases - gynecological and somatic. Pregnancy over the age of 35 should not be accidental.

2. It is necessary to register at the antenatal clinic in the early stages and undergo a timely examination during pregnancy.

3. It is important to strictly follow the diet and regime, do not overload yourself with work, monitor weight and blood pressure.

4. Of particular relevance is screening during pregnancy for early detection or elimination of the risk of congenital pathology of the fetus.

Expert: Tatyana Ivanova, gynecologist
Tatiana Uzonina

The material uses photographs owned by

In this article:

A child is the most valuable and dear person for any parent. It is especially important for a mother that her baby is healthy and strong. Even without being pregnant, a woman on a subconscious level is already ready to protect her child. laid down by nature maternal instinct even more intensified and aggravated when a woman learns about the upcoming motherhood.

From that moment on, the only thing that occupies all the thoughts of the expectant mother is the question “How to give birth to a healthy child?”. Unfortunately, many potential parents realize what responsibility is placed on their shoulders only when they find out about the pregnancy.

In order to give birth to a healthy baby in all respects, you need to take care, first of all, of your health. This applies not only to the mother, but also to the father of the unborn child.

And you should start monitoring the state of your body and keep it in the right shape long before conception.

If you think over and plan a pregnancy in advance and undergo the necessary medical examination, you can avoid many serious diseases, as well as congenital pathologies in a tiny man. After all, most of these ailments can be prevented even in the early stages of pregnancy, knowing the causes of their occurrence.

Planned pregnancy has long been practiced in many developed countries. So a married couple worries about the health and safety of a new family member in advance, undergoing a series of medical procedures and starting to lead a healthy lifestyle.

What tests should be done before pregnancy?

So, if the spouses are already ready to become parents, then they need to seriously take care of their health in order to prevent possible diseases in the baby in the future.

  • First of all, the expectant mother should contact a gynecologist who will assess her physical condition and the ability to endure and give birth to a healthy baby.
  • It would be useful if both husband and wife turn to a geneticist. The survey can assess the general state of health married couple and their heredity.
  • You may need to consult with other specialists - a cardiologist, a neurologist, an ophthalmologist, a therapist.
  • It is recommended that the expectant mother visits the gynecologist's office more often, who will conduct a thorough examination of the patient, to identify possible deviations in the development of the genital organs. In addition, to check for oncological diseases it is necessary to conduct examinations of the mammary glands and thyroid glands, pass a smear for cytology, and in doubtful cases, pass a few more tests.
  • In addition to the usual examination, a woman also undergoes an ultrasound (ultrasound examination), which is recommended to be done after critical days- this is the first phase of the menstrual cycle - for more reliable data.

What should I pay attention to during pregnancy?

Having learned about pregnancy, spouses often give in to panic, as they understand the importance and significance of the ongoing changes. How to give birth to a healthy baby? How will the birth go? What problems might arise? How will the pregnancy proceed? These are just some of the questions new parents will be looking for answers to.

Visiting a gynecologist throughout pregnancy. He will monitor the health of the mother and the intrauterine development of the fetus. The doctor sends his patient to a series of studies and tests. Ultrasound is mandatory at 11-12 and 20-22 weeks of pregnancy. Before 10 weeks, it is necessary to pass tests for the detection and treatment of viral infections, such as rubella, herpes, toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus. And at 16-20 weeks, a study is carried out to determine the level of proteins of chorionic gonadotropin and alpha-fetoprotein.

All these medical procedures help to identify infections, defects and abnormalities in the development of pregnancy on early stages when there is still something to be done. The ability to resort to intrauterine treatment will help get rid of many diseases during pregnancy so that a woman can give birth to a healthy baby.

  • during this period, special attention should be paid to the physical and emotional state future mother. Positive thoughts, healthy sleep and lack of strong physical activity promote harmony and proper development fetus. A woman can look good positive. A woman needs to be surrounded by care and warmth so that she enjoys what is born in her. new life. Then the birth will pass without complications;
  • A balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle will provide the baby with all the necessary vitamins and nutrients through the umbilical cord. Reception medicines must be agreed with the doctor. Many drugs are strictly prohibited during pregnancy and lactation;
  • at this time, a woman should protect her body from colds and other diseases, because they can cause complications and affect the condition of the fetus;
  • when planning a pregnancy, you should give up bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs) about six months before conception. During this time, the body will be cleansed of nicotine and other harmful elements and will fully recover;
  • physical activity should be in moderation. Overwork should be avoided, but it is not necessary to switch to a less active lifestyle. Hiking on fresh air and a set of exercises designed specifically for pregnant women will help prepare female body to childbirth.

Infections and diseases of the mother that affect the development of the fetus

Many diseases can occur in a woman's body in a latent form, that is, asymptomatically. Some of them can cause miscarriage or pathology in the development of the baby. Carriers of infections can be both a man and a woman. Microorganisms and viruses that can affect the condition of the fetus are unconditional infectious agents.

However, expectant mothers with infectious diseases can give birth to a perfectly healthy baby. Not always detected microorganisms affect the development of pathologies in a tiny creature.

How to give birth to a healthy child if a medical examination indicates the presence of an infection in the body? This is possible if the disease is diagnosed in time and the correct treatment is prescribed.

The most common infectious agents are:

Herpes- the least dangerous viral infection, which has a low probability of infection of the fetus and a minimum percentage of the development of any abnormalities in the child. However, an exacerbation of the virus after 32 weeks of gestation can lead to caesarean section, since during natural childbirth, the baby can become infected with herpes, passing through the birth canal.

Cytomegalovirus- an infection that is transmitted both sexually and by airborne droplets. This disease is most dangerous if a woman first becomes infected with it during pregnancy from a person with an acute form of infection. The virus has the ability to freely cross the placenta and can damage the fetus, because the mother's body does not have the necessary antibodies that would prevent the infection of the child.

In the early stages of pregnancy, cytomegalovirus can provoke a spontaneous miscarriage or the development of abnormalities in the baby. At a later date, this infection causes premature birth, contributes to the occurrence of polyhydramnios and serious pathologies of the newborn.

Rubella- one of the most dangerous species infectious diseases. This virus is almost always transmitted to the fetus and is the cause of many complications. Rubella acquired during pregnancy causes heart disease, deafness, cataracts, physical underdevelopment, pneumonia and disorders of the child's circulatory system.

The expectant mother should by all means avoid contact with rubella patients throughout pregnancy, and especially in the first trimester, when the formation of congenital fetal abnormalities is most likely. Previously vaccinated or rubella transferred in childhood will affect the strengthening of the mother's immunity. The woman's body in this case will not allow the spread of infection and its penetration through the placenta.

Flu. By itself, the influenza virus does not pose a danger to mother and baby. However, possible complications on the immune and cardiovascular systems, as well as on the kidneys, can provoke threats of miscarriage and premature birth. After suffering the flu, a weakened female body can catch a staphylococcal or pneumococcal infection. In the early stages of pregnancy, a woman is recommended to increase immunity in every possible way and eat well. Until the 12th week, all important organs form and develop in the child, so it is important not to let the infection affect this process.

Bacteria, protozoa and fungi

Toxoplasmosis- the most dangerous bacterial infection for the health of the mother and her baby. Very often, infection with this disease occurs through contact with a cat or infected meat. If a woman has been ill with this infection before pregnancy, then in her body throughout her life there are antibodies that fight the disease.

Other infections. Mycoplasmosis, thrush (candidiasis), gardenellosis, chlamydia, trichomoniasis and listeriosis. These diseases are also dangerous for a pregnant woman and her child, but if detected in time, they are treated.

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Dmitry Yurievich Maryanov was born on December 1, 1969 in Moscow in the family of Yuri Georgievich Maryanov and Lyudmila Romanovna Lidova. Father is a garage equipment master, mother is an accountant. As a child, Dmitry Maryanov was engaged in swimming, sambo and boxing.

Studied at theater school at the Studio Theater on Krasnaya Presnya (now - "Moscow Theater Near the Stanislavsky House").

the first leading role in the movie, Dmitry Maryanov performed at the age of 15, playing the schoolboy Alik Rainbow in the musical television movie "Above the Rainbow" by work of the same name Sergei Abramov (1985, directed by Georgy Yungvald-Khilkevich). In 1988, Maryanov starred as a high school student Pavel in Eldar Ryazanov's psychological drama "Dear Elena Sergeevna" based on the play by Lyudmila Razumovskaya, in 1991 - as a student Vadim in Valery Todorovsky's melodrama "Love".

In 1992 he graduated from the acting department of the Higher theater school them. B.V. Schukin (now - Boris Shchukin Theater Institute under the State academic theater them. Evgeny Vakhtangov), where he studied in the workshop of Yuri Avsharov. After the first course, he was drafted into the army, served in the Air Force in Vyshny Volochek (Tver region).

Having received a professional acting education, he performed various roles in films and TV series: "What a wonderful game" (1995, directed by Pyotr Todorovsky), "Snake Spring" (1997, Nikolai Lebedev), "Rostov-Papa" (2000-2001, Kirill Serebrennikov and Ilya Malkin), "The Lion's Share" (2001, Alexander Muratov), ​​"Starfish Cavaliers" (2003, Evgeny Zvezdakov), "Fighter" (2004, Evgeny Serov), "Students" (2005, Olga Perunovskaya), "Mirage" (2008, Tigran Keosayan), "Fathers" (2010, Armenak Nazikyan), "Norweg" (2015, Alena Zvantsova), "Bouncer" (2016, Sergey Krutin) and others.

IN total Dmitry Maryanov's filmography includes more than 70 works.

From 1992 to 2003 Dmitry Maryanov was an actor in the Moscow state theater"Lenkom". Performed roles in performances: " The Bremen Town Musicians"based on the fairy tale of the same name by the Brothers Grimm, "Juno and Avos" based on the poem "Avos" by Andrei Voznesensky, "Cruel Intentions" based on the play by Alexei Arbuzov, "The Barbarian and the Heretic" based on the novel by Fyodor Dostoevsky "The Gambler", "Two Women" based on the comedy of Ivan Turgenev "A Month in the Village" and others.

Since 2003, he has collaborated with Elshan Mammadov's production company "Independent theater project". He was involved in productions of" Ricochet "based on the play by Edward Taylor, Ladies" Night based on the comedy of Anthony McCarten, Stefan Sinclair and Jacques Collar, "The Game of Truth" based on the play by Philippe Lelouch, "Snow White and Others" based on the fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm "Snow White and seven dwarfs.

He played the role of DJ Dima in the performances "Election Day" and "Radio Day", staged by the comic theater "Quartet I".

Winner of the Charitable Foundation Prize. Evgenia Leonova (1998, for her role in the play "Two Women").

Winner of the award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role at the All-Russian Shukshin Film Festival (2016, for his role in the film "Norweg").

He was married to psychologist Ksenia Bik. They had common daughter Anfisa. Dmitry Maryanov also had a son, Daniel. His mother is fashion model Olga Anosova.

IN different time Dmitry Maryanov was the host of the TV programs Catastrophes of the Week (TV-6), Eyewitness. The Most Shocking (REN TV) and Foreign Cuisine (Home).

In 2007 and 2009 paired with a silver medalist Olympic Games Irina Lobacheva took part in the TV show " glacial period"(Channel One). In 2010, together with radio host Alla Dovlatova, he performed in dance project"Dandies-show" ("Russia 1").

Dedicated to the life and work of the actor documentary from the cycle "Man in the Frame" (2010).

Maryanov died on October 15, 2017 at the age of 48. He died on the way to the hospital - his friends were carrying him, because ambulance didn't come. Farewell to D.Yu. Maryanov, according to preliminary data, will be held on October 18 at the Central House of Cinematographers

The theater and film actor Dmitry Yuryevich Maryanov died at the age of 48. “A blood clot broke off from Maryanov, but they didn’t have time to take him to the hospital. The actor died in an ambulance on the way to the hospital near Moscow Lobny

Last night, tragic news spread across the Web - Dmitry Maryanov was gone. The artist died at the age of 47 due to a detached blood clot. The ambulance doctors on Sunday evening had too many calls, and the actor's friends, having decided to take Dmitry by car to the hospital, simply did not have time ... The artist died on the way to Lubnya, Moscow Region.

Neither friends nor fans wanted to believe that a young and talented artist could suddenly die. In discussions latest news on the Internet, netizens hoped to the last that some kind of unfortunate mistake had occurred, and the media were about to refute the terrible news. However, Dmitry's director confirmed to reporters that Maryanov had died.

It is difficult to realize that there is no longer a person who, for many, remained the 15-year-old charming romantic Alik Rainbow from the film "Above the Rainbow".

Somewhere out there, far beyond the rainbow, the beloved actor Dmitry Maryanov will forever remain. And we will only have memory, films and his smile.

For fans of Dmitry Maryanov, we will tell you a few interesting stories from his life, about which few people knew.

Dmitry Maryanov became an actor thanks to ... boxing

It turns out that Dmitry was going to connect his life with sports. The father of the future actor was against his son's hobby, believing that he would be "beat off all the brains" in the ring. Deciding to prove to his father that with his brains full order, the guy memorized a huge chapter from Vasily Terkin.

And this played a role - with this chapter, Dima had to perform at various school activities. As a result, the guy got into a theater studio.

Because of the song "Zurbagan" Dmitry Maryanov wanted to beat

Released on television in 1986, the film "Above the Rainbow" instantly became a favorite among Soviet schoolchildren. The hero of Dmitry Maryanov was voiced by Dmitry Kharatyan, and Vladimir Presnyakov sang for the Rainbow. Nevertheless, it is with Dmitry Maryanov that many viewers still associate the song "Zurbagan".

But for Presnyakov's falsetto, Maryanov had to answer. Shortly after the release of the film in the subway, two drunken young people demanded an explanation from young actor why he sang in such a "thin and nasty voice" in the film. The hooligans called the guy a homosexual and were ready to deal with him "like a man." Dmitry had no choice but to transfer all the arrows to Presnyakov. Taking a promise from Maryanov not to sing in such a voice anymore, the “fraternity” let the artist go.

Because of Dmitry Maryanov, Eldar Ryazanov decided never to shoot teenagers

After the film "Above the Rainbow" Dmitry Maryanov was invited by Eldar Ryazanov to his film "Dear Elena Sergeevna". The famous director had a hard time with the young performers of the main roles: together with Fedor Dunayevsky, Maryanov kept the entire film crew in suspense.

The guys ran away to play football between takes, so by the time they needed to appear in the frame, they were sweaty and dirty. And at the very beginning of filming, they almost destroyed all the equipment. Dmitry and Fedor rolled the operator's trolley up the hill and drove it down. film crew barely had time to move expensive cameras and equipment out of their way. Young actors at full speed flew into the bushes. Fortunately, the guys escaped with a fright and are catching up with the director.

After the filming of the film “Dear Elena Sergeevna” was completed, Eldar Ryazanov vowed that he would never shoot children and teenagers in his films again. The master kept his word.

Dmitry Maryanov left in the prime of his life, the actor had many plans and proposals. During his film career, the artist managed to star in more than 80 films. On December 1, Dmitry would have turned only 48 years old. It hurts, it's ridiculous, it's insulting... Farewell, Rainbow...

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