What is the emotional drama of Catherine. Plan for composing Katerina's emotional drama in Ostrovsky's play "Thunderstorm"


Thunderstorm "is the highest achievement of Ostrovsky in the pre-reform years (1859) - Central conflict play, conceived as a social drama, gradually reaches a true tragedy. This is due to the image of the central heroine of the play by Katerina Kabanova.

From the very first scenes, the heroine attracts the attention of the audience. Sincerity sounds in the story of her free life in home held among flowers, icons, prayers. Religion for Katerina is a love of beauty. God is everywhere for her, but her simple-hearted faith is also filled with sincere urges to live according to conscience, according to God’s precepts: “I’m not afraid to die, but when I think that suddenly I will appear before God the way I am here with you, after this conversation , that's what's scary," Katya says in a conversation with Varvara.

In the first scenes, in conversations with Kabanikha, Katerina meekly tries to come to terms with the grumpy remarks of her mother-in-law. But Kabanikha personifies the whole way and laws of the world around. And it immediately becomes clear that the heroine with her dreamy and romantic soul is a stranger in the Kabanovs' house.

Katerina is a free soul, a poetic nature. The author captured the beauty in her folk soul. “You know, sometimes it seems to me that I am a bird. When you stand on a mountain, you are drawn to fly,” she says to Varvara and admits that now she seems to have been replaced and “some kind of dream creeps into my head.” Thus, the theme of the heroine's discord with the world and with herself, connected with the obscure needs of the soul, the desire for love, is outlined.

The heroine is endowed with such human qualities, which are not valued in the world of Boar and Wild. There is not a drop of falsehood in it, it is always natural and frank: "I can't deceive, I can't hide anything." Katya is modest, but not at all resigned: "And if I get sick of it here, then no force can hold me back. I will throw myself out the window, I will rush into the Volga."

Why is such a deep and whole person turned out to be broken? Why did her prophetic premonitions ("I will die soon") come true?

In the play, two conflicts develop simultaneously. One of them is called social reasons- the conflict of the free soul with the "tyranny of power" plays, according to Dobrolyubov, leading role in drama. Another - internal, affecting moral aspects - develops in the soul of the heroine. It is he who determines the tragedy of Ostrovsky's play.

Dobrolyubov is right: "The character of the heroine expressed the demand for the right and spaciousness of life, he is focused, resolute and selfless," and her nature is "filled with an instinctive sense of freedom." According to the critic, Katerina takes the path free love which is above prejudice. But soon the heroine becomes convinced that her feeling is incompatible with the life of society, because external circumstances put pressure on her. tragic ending Dobrolyubov interprets as higher form protest, as the triumph of light over darkness.

It is impossible to motivate the drama of Katerigne only by social causes. Resolution is very important for a playwright. moral problems: Katerina's mental struggle is the central theme of "Thunderstorm".

So, in the first act, in a conversation with Varvara, the heroine admits that she loves someone - this is the plot of the plot. Even then, her soul is filled with confusion and horror. main topic accompanied by a thunderstorm. Katerina's soul is in tune with the surrounding world - nature is full of beauty, but also a threat, which increases the heroine's anxiety.

The true tragedy of man is a misunderstanding and rejection of the world around him. Lack of harmony between external and inner world makes us suffer, deprives us of support and confidence. The main character of Ostrovsky's drama "Thunderstorm" cannot understand and accept the laws of the cruel world in which she lives. She is unlike everyone around her. She is direct, naive, sincere. Katerina cannot understand and accept hypocrisy and hypocrisy, without which she can adapt to mores and orders. merchant environment impossible.

Katerina doesn't know how to pretend. And this quality makes her especially vulnerable. No one lends a helping hand to her. The "Dark Kingdom" oppresses and torments the girl, sacrifices her. Who could take Katherine's side? Weak and weak-willed husband? Barbara? Or someone else? Alas, everyone is only concerned with how to protect themselves, hide from others, become invisible and inaudible in order to provide themselves peace of mind.
And Katerina does not even have a hint of peace of mind. The girl literally suffocates from the tight shackles in which she found herself. The conflict with the "dark kingdom" is heating up, and as a result, a real tragedy occurs.
Katerina suffers also because her real life is very different from life in parental home. As a child, she was surrounded by care and love, she felt free and absolutely happy. The exalted and romantic girl turned out to be literally “not adapted” to real life. She would like to see the world bright and colorful, but the "dark realm" does not match her desires. Katerina is by nature distinguished by a light, complaisant character. She is cheerful, needs new impressions and positive emotions. But the gray, dull, monotonous life makes Katerina suffer, wither away.
After marriage, Katerina from a cheerful, ardent girl turns into a wordless and powerless creature. She is unable to express her feelings openly. A gloomy, joyless life makes a girl look for at least something good for herself, try to fill the void in her soul. Katerina tries to find in herself at least some warm feelings towards her husband. “I will love my husband. Tisha, my dear, I will not exchange you for anyone. But, alas, Kabanikha herself stops the girl’s timid attempts to fill the void in her soul with a feeling for her husband. The phrase of the mother-in-law “What are you hanging on your neck, shameless? You don’t say goodbye to your lover ”clearly indicates that any manifestations of sincere human feelings V " dark kingdom» are prohibited.
However, is it possible to forbid a person to dream, to feel, to hope? As long as we are alive, such aspirations will delight and warm us. That is why the unfortunate and lonely Katerina continues to seek for herself at least a little warmth, which she has been deprived of for so long. Love for Boris is not only a protest against the order in a patriarchal environment, it is an attempt to somehow decorate your empty and monotonous life. Emotional and open girl has a rich imagination. She sees Boris completely different from what he really is. She deliberately embellishes the image of her beloved, endows him with those features that were not at all characteristic of him. Love allows Katerina to feel happy at least for a while. But by the standards of the "dark kingdom" love is a crime. Katerina understands this very well, obviously, therefore she feels her inevitable death in advance.
In many ways, this can be explained by the fact that, having felt free and happy, Katerina can no longer return to former life. A sip of freedom perfectly showed her the wretchedness and powerlessness of her usual position. Katerina says to Boris: "You ruined me." But this phrase cannot be considered a simple reproach; Katerina puts much more deep meaning. Boris unwittingly turned the whole life of the unfortunate girl, after which she does not see her future.
Katerina is religious, she believes that retribution will surely follow for any sin. That is why she is so afraid of thunderstorms. The phenomenon of nature is perceived by her as God's punishment. Why does Katerina confess her sin to her mother-in-law and husband? Yes, because she mentally reconciled with the worst. Further existence seems to her meaningless. She is crushed, crushed. And therefore does not consider it necessary to hide further. We can say that Katerina completely lacks the instinct of self-preservation. She sees no point in living on. “No, I don’t care whether I go home or go to the grave ... It’s better in the grave ... To live again? No, no, don't... not good.
Katerina's suicide is her challenge to society and at the same time an attempt to save herself from shame, to escape from the fetters of despair. She was all alone, no one showed a single drop of sympathy for her. Her spiritual drama turned out to be too heavy to put up with the further hardships of an empty and worthless life.

Emotional drama of Katerina (based on the play by A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm")

Character consists in the ability to act according to principles. A. N. Ostrovsky wrote many plays from the life of the merchants. They are so truthful and bright that Dobrolyubov called them "plays of life." In these works, the life of the merchants is described as a world of hidden, quietly sighing sorrow, a world of dull, aching pain, a world of prison deathly silence. And if a meaningless murmur appears, then it freezes already at its birth. The critic N. A. Dobrolyubov called his article devoted to the analysis of Ostrovsky’s plays “The Dark Kingdom”. He expressed the idea that the tyranny of the merchants rests only on ignorance and humility. But a way out will be found, because in a person it is impossible to destroy the desire to live with dignity.

“…Who will be able to throw a beam of light into the ugly darkness of the dark kingdom?” Dobrolyubov asks. The playwright's new play "Thunderstorm" served as an answer to this question.

Written in 1860, the play, both in its spirit and in its title, seemed to symbolize the process of renewal of a society that was shaking off its numbness from tyranny. Thunderstorm has long been the personification of the struggle for freedom. And in the play this is not only a natural phenomenon, but a vivid image of the internal struggle that began in the dark merchant life.

There are many in the play actors. But the main one is Katerina. The image of this woman is not only the most complex, but it differs sharply from all others. No wonder the critic called her "a ray of light in a dark kingdom." How is Katerina so different from other “inhabitants” of this “kingdom”?

In this world there is no free people! Neither tyrants nor their victims are such. Here you can deceive, like Barbara, but you can’t live in truth and conscience without prevarication.

Katerina was brought up in a merchant family, she “lived at home, didn’t grieve about anything, like a bird in the wild.” But after marriage, this free nature fell into the iron cage of tyranny.

There were always many wanderers and pilgrims in Katerina's house, whose stories (and the whole situation in the house) made her very religious, sincerely believing in the commandments of the church. It is not surprising that she perceives her love for Boris as a grave sin. But Katerina is a "poet" in religion. She is endowed with a vivid imagination and dreaminess. listening various stories She seems to be seeing them for real. She often dreamed paradise gardens and birds, and when she entered the church, she saw angels. Even her speech is musical and melodious, reminiscent of folk tales and songs.

However, religion, a closed life, the lack of an outlet for her outstanding sensitivity had a negative effect on her character. Therefore, when during a thunderstorm she heard the curses of a crazy lady, she began to pray. When she saw on the wall a drawing of “fiery Gehenna”, her nerves could not stand it, and she confessed to Tikhon her love for Boris.

But religiosity even somehow sets off such features of the heroine as the desire for independence and truth, courage and determination. The tyrant of the Wild and the Kabaniha, who always reproaches and hates her relatives, are never able to understand other people. In comparison with them or with the spineless Tikhon, who only occasionally allows him to go on a spree for a few days, with her beloved Boris, unable to appreciate true love, Katerina's character becomes especially attractive. She does not want and cannot deceive and directly declares: “I don’t know how to deceive; I couldn't hide anything).

Love for Boris is everything for Katerina: longing for freedom, dreams of real life. And in the name of this love, she enters into an unequal duel with the “dark kingdom”. She does not perceive her protest as an indignation against the whole system, she does not even think about it. But the “dark kingdom” is arranged in such a way that any manifestation of independence, self-reliance, dignity of the individual is perceived by him as a mortal sin, as a rebellion against the foundations of the domination of tyrants. That is why the play ends with the death of the heroine: after all, she is not only lonely, but also crushed by the inner consciousness of her “sin”.

The death of a brave woman is not a cry of despair. No, this is a moral victory over the “dark kingdom” that fetters her freedom, will, and mind. Suicide, according to the teachings of the church, is an unforgivable sin. But Katerina is no longer afraid of this. Having fallen in love, she declares to Boris: “If I am not afraid of sin for you, will I be afraid of human court?” And her last words were: “My friend! My joy! Goodbye!"

One can justify or blame Katerina for her fatal decision, but one cannot but admire the integrity of her nature, her thirst for freedom, her determination. Her death shocked even those downtrodden people like Tikhon, who accuses his mother in the face of the death of his wife.

This means that Katerina's act was really "a terrible challenge to the tyranny of power." This means that in the "dark kingdom" light natures are capable of being born, who, with their life or death, can illuminate this "kingdom".


For the preparation of this work, materials from the site http://www.ostrovskiy.org.ru/ were used.

1. Katerina - a ray of light in a dark kingdom.
2. Carefree childhood and easy youth of Katerina
3. Marriage to Tikhon, or Katerina's Personal Hell
4. Boris as a savior for Katerina
5. Katerina's death as liberation from earthly torment and humiliation
Katerina's character blows on us

new life that

Reveals itself to us

Her death.

N. A. Dobrolyubov.

Dobrolyubov, analyzing in detail the image of Katerina, called her "a ray of light in the dark kingdom", and in this I agree with him, since Ostrovsky showed the lack of rights of a woman in that era. A woman had to obey her husband in everything, forget that she is the same person, with the same rights as a man. She had to do everything for show, observing the old rites.

Katerina- "Russian a strong character”, for which, truth and a sense of duty are above all.

Katerina's childhood and youth were carefree. As she herself says: ... "she lived, she grieve about nothing, like a bird in the wild." Mother did not have a soul in her, dressed her up like a doll, did not force her to work. The young girl went to wash herself, listened to the stories of wanderers, then sat down to some work, and so the whole day passed.

Since childhood, Katya has been a very brave, determined, hot girl. If she met on her way something that contradicted her ideals, she became stubborn and rebellious. This confirms the case with the boat. When Katerina was six years old, she was offended by her parents, ran away from home to the Volga in the evening, got into a boat and pushed off the shore. And they found her only in the morning about ten miles away.

Given in marriage to Tikhon, she found herself in an evil environment of heartlessness and stupid slavish admiration for the power of the old. Kabanova is trying to impress Katerina with her own laws, which, in her opinion, are the basis of domestic well-being and the strength of family ties. This is how her son was raised. Kabanova and from Katerina intended to mold something similar to what she turned her child into.

But Katya is trying to defend her right to respect, she does not want to please anyone, she wants to love and be loved. Tikhon does not give her this love, and the need for this draws her to Boris. She sees that outwardly he looks like other residents of the city of Kalinov, and imagines that he only person who decides to take her away from the "dark kingdom" to fairy world. The heroine is looking for an explanation for her feelings, in her soul she wants to justify herself to her husband, she tries to tear away vague desires from herself.

The most main feature her character is honesty. Honesty to yourself, your husband and others. She cannot lie, hide.

The greatest value is the freedom of the soul. Living in her parents' house, she did not grieve about anything, like a bird in the wild, but when she got to the Kabanovs' house, Katerina found herself in an atmosphere of importunate guardianship, humiliation, suspicion and lies. Not wanting to accept the morality of the "dark kingdom", the ability to keep the purity of one's soul is evidence of the strength of the character of the heroine. She says about herself: “And if it gets too cold for me here, then no force can hold me back. I’ll throw myself out the window, I’ll throw myself into the Volga.

With such a character, Katya could not stay in his house after betraying Tikhon. It is difficult for her to be where she is not understood. Before his death, he says: “What is home, what is in the grave - it doesn’t matter ... It’s better in the grave ...“ Katerina considers her death to be liberation from earthly torment and humiliation. Such a liberation is sad, but what to do when there is no other way out.

The heroine dies defending her independence. Dying, she saves her soul and gains the desired freedom.

Katerina - central character Ostrovsky's play "Thunderstorm". From the moment of writing, the work has been very popular. Performances staged based on the play do not leave the stage major theaters. main reason such popularity in the talented disclosure of Katerina's character by the author.

Inevitable conflict with others and emotional drama main character leads to her tragic death.

In the image of Katerina, Ostrovsky portrayed a strong independent personality, which is restrained by chains. traditional society. The patriarchal way of life, which everyone in the city adheres to, stifles the slightest manifestations of a living soul. His main supporter is Tikhon's mother. She raised her son in conditions of unquestioning obedience. Tikhon in his heart understands all the stupidity of mother's instructions, but he does not have the will to resist her.

Katerina sincerely loves and pities her husband. She cannot look indifferently at his humiliation in front of her mother. But she can't fix anything either. The stuffy atmosphere that prevails in the city gradually takes possession of it. Katerina unconsciously wants to break out of it.

Soul Drama Katerina lies in the fact that under other conditions she would never have committed adultery to her husband. But in this "sleepy kingdom" it is too crowded for her, she suffocates from such a life. In the famous monologue of the protagonist " Why do people do not fly "is most pronounced spiritual aspiration. The fantastic desire to become a bird and fly away "far, far away" is a passionate impulse of a tortured soul.

In reality, the release of Katerina happened as a result of sudden love to Boris. The decency of the woman did not allow her to speak openly about this. The rapprochement took place with the assistance of Varvara. The romance with Boris, on the one hand, inspired Katerina, allowed her to feel the real enjoyment of life. On the other hand, this novel became disastrous for the main character.

The image of Katerina is extremely tragic. She cannot be considered a fallen woman who betrayed her husband for the sake of a fleeting hobby. The betrayal occurred through the fault of an old woman who had lost her mind and her weak-willed son. The time spent without a husband flashed by like a moment. Katerina anticipates the inevitable retribution for her terrible sin. She could easily hide all this, but, being a deeply religious person, she does not even allow the thought of deception.

Katerina's mental turmoil is aggravated with the arrival of Tikhon. She lives as if in delirium, frightening those around her with her behavior and words. Katerina is waiting for divine punishment for her sinful behavior. The feeling of imminent death leads her to a terrible confession to her husband and his mother. Having confessed to sin, she, as it were, purifies her soul before death. Katerina's suicide is a logical outcome of the work. Her spiritual drama could not be resolved otherwise.

Katerina is a wonderful example of a strong spiritual personality. She is not to blame for the betrayal, nor for her own death. Ostrovsky convincingly showed what a destructive effect obsolete concepts and prejudices have on the human soul. The emotional drama of Katerina is indicative of any historical era.

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