There was always an amazing aroma in her house! And one day she showed me one trick! I still can't believe it! An almost perfect fraud scheme using Webmoney.


I want to talk about new scheme fraud in Runet, which he almost fell for.

We decided to buy a site with a friend. On a specialized forum, they found a topic with an auction, liked the site, made a bid. The author of the topic did not indicate any of his contacts, so it was assumed that further communication the auction winner and seller site will be handled through private forum messages. 30 minutes pass and the seller of the site writes to my friend in ICQ, specifying whether he really wants to buy the site for the amount named in the subject. Receives confirmation, after which he offers to proceed with the actual transaction, without waiting for the result of the auction, since the money is needed urgently.

As they say in smart books - "the attentive reader must have already guessed" what's the matter :) Yes, of course, the person who knocked on ICQ has nothing to do with the site - he simply copied the seller's nickname, trying to pass for him and get money for the site . Already here we guessed about the divorce scheme, and when the search for the ICQ number gave out a forum topic about the sale of ase numbers, where the highlighted number was sold 3 days ago, there was no doubt left. However, I didn’t want to just let the swindler go.

Since the fraudster intended to receive payment via webmoney, I decided to play along with him, find out the wallet number and make a purely symbolic payment, and then file an application for arbitration in order to block his passport. The scammer agreed, sent the wallet number. When checking the passport to which this wallet was linked, it turned out that its owner was completely fair man- in any case, registration in 2004 and a personal certificate with high level Business Activity (aka BL) was unequivocally talked about. Why would a person with such a wmid throw someone, getting a passport block for this? Then there was a suspicion that the owner of the wallet was not in business, but was being used by a fraudster in a more cunning scheme.

Having found the ICQ number in the wmid contact details, I turned to this person, briefly describing the situation. As expected, he did not know about any sale of the site, and the ICQ number was unfamiliar to him. I asked for help in withdrawing a scammer on clean water and having received consent began to act. Interestingly, the fraudster gave the number of a wallet that did not belong to him - which means that if we fell for his bait, he needed to somehow withdraw money from him. To clarify this mechanism, we decided to play along with the scammer further.

Having learned how much is suitable as an advance payment, a friend wrote to the scammer that the transfer had been made. In fact, no money was transferred, but the owner of the wallet was warned about the money allegedly transferred to him. Interestingly, the scammer immediately confirmed the fact of receiving the money, after which he went offline.

Then the second part begins - they write to the owner of the wallet from another ICQ that they would like to use his services. After a short discussion of the details, the scammer writes that he accidentally transferred an amount larger than necessary (moreover, many times larger), so he invoiced the wallet owner's wmid for the amount that was allegedly overpaid to them. According to the logic of the fraudster, the owner of the wallet in this case had to make concessions and pay the invoice, without even looking that he was paying not at all to the wallet from which the money came from initially.

We confused the scammer a little - when the owner of the wallet wrote that the money had not arrived, the scammer contacted us again and said that he mixed up the payments, accepting money from his other client for the money that we transferred to him. Having received oath assurances that we definitely sent the money, and sent it to the wallet he specified, he again went offline, and a minute later, from another ICQ, he again asked the owner of the wallet to check the fact of receipt of money.

So what have we been able to do. The seller of the site received information that under his guise a scammer deceives potential buyers of his site. The owner of the wallet saved himself from potential problems with wmid arbitrage, because all suspicions lead to him, which means that he could well be blocked by webmoney. We, in turn, saved the money by getting to the bottom of the scammer in time.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to punish the fraudster in any way, since all information about him is fake. ICQ was bought on the forum, and wmid was registered 3 days ago without specifying personal information.

Scheme of deception
So, once again, the scheme of deception. The scammer searches the forums for offers to sell sites, sets up the purchased ICQ in accordance with the data on the sellers of the sites. Then, from these icqs, he writes to those people who have expressed their interest in buying the site, offering not to delay the deal and sell the site they are interested in for the amount they offered. Next, we look for a person with a well-pumped wmid, who, in addition, provides some services. This person specifies the wallet number, which is then transferred to the buyer of the site. Having received confirmation from the buyer that the payment has been made, the fraudster writes to the owner of the wallet that he paid for the service, but messed up with the numbers and asks to return the difference by paying the invoice. Thus, the fraudster completely covers all his tracks and practically does not arouse suspicion among any of the participants in the transaction.
Dear habracitizens, be careful when making purchases via the Internet! Be very careful with the people you deal with. Do not be lazy to check their contact details in search engines. And of course, connect the logic.

You know what word is never spoken successful people?

Here it is: "Let's see"
(meaning: anything can happen).

And a defeatist saying:
man proposes, but God disposes - successful people also do not use.

And do you know why?

Because truly successful people
Always know exactly how their circumstances will turn out
personal reality - after all, they themselves create these circumstances and
they themselves manage.

That is why successful people

  • do not know worries, doubts and fears,
  • do not get into situations of impenetrable stress
  • and they don’t even know what it is at all: disappointment from unfulfilled hopes.

(by the way, you won’t find the word “hope” in the vocabulary of successful people either,
they don't say "I hope" they say "my forecast is ___(such and such)")

And guess what's the matter here?

It's NOT a matter of inflated conceit.
And NOT in some exceptional luck.
And especially not in financial support.

It's all about
that truly successful people have very developed intuition.

What is intuition anyway?

This is the sixth organ of perception.
This organ is built into us by nature in order to
we could build direct contact with the part of you that
knows and can do everything - with his own subconscious
(The true Self, the immortal part of my personality).

Do you hear?

Intuition is not something mystical, but completely complete
organ of perception, which transmits distinct and very reliable navigation:

· what to do,
Where to go
and what decisions to make



This is exactly the point:

when you use only your 5 senses, then in literally
you wander in the dark - that's when you stumble upon annoying obstacles that
then they make you anxious, afraid, doubtful and disappointed
in their own endeavors.

But when you allow your sixth organ of perception to act -
intuition, then life goes like this:
what you want, that's exactly what you get.

Just don't think

that developed intuition is some kind of exceptional gift,
which only a select few have.
Such an idea of ​​intuition has no basis at all.

Because that's the way it is.

You can be born without sight.
Or no hearing.
Or with undeveloped receptors responsible for touch, smell or taste.

But to be born without intuition is not. That doesn't happen.
All - without exception - people have the sixth organ of perception.

This organ of perception is the mental channel.
And he always - i.e. all people have potential.
(i.e. is in the phase of activity that can be claimed at any time)

You - it's absolutely accurate- endowed which one is needed intuition.
Do you use this colossally (!!) resourceful organ of perception?

You certainly receive signals (or even distinct messages) on this channel, but you do not pay attention.

But in order to use your sixth organ of perception to the fullest,
those. so that every day, on any occasion and in the mode of arbitrary request
get reliable navigation that gives perfectly clear instructions:

· what to do,
Where to go
How to respond to certain circumstances
and what decisions to make

you need to wake your intuition and bring your sixth organ of perception into an active state.

For example, Marta Nikolaeva-Garina offers such a technology "Assistant. Controlled Intuition.

Always remember that EVERYTHING IS IN YOUR HANDS.


Especially for women experiencing relationship difficulties.


End a difficult relationship without destroying yourself - Survive a divorce or get your husband back - Repair bad relationship- Become self-confident and valuable - Find the motivation and strength to make your life the way you want it to be.

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Hello Beautiful!

I'm glad you came to my women's blog about happiness, harmony and love!

What is happiness for you?

To be loved and to love, to be healthy and beautiful, to be young beyond age?


Here I share what my soul overflows with.

Here I talk about what I really, really love ...

My blog will help you when you are sad, when you are in pain, when you want support and food for thought.

Live, breathe, love, develop and be fit!

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Where? Tale " Golden Rose» Konstantin Paustovsky is dedicated to the essence writer's work. It's not quite piece of art, but Paustovsky talks so vividly, interestingly about how he and other writers work, that it seems that you are reading a novel. Why? Autumn is coming - a time that has inspired many writers. Why exactly autumn? The writer gives his answer to this. Reading. Almost every writer has his own inspirer, his own good genius, usually also a writer. It is worth reading at least a few lines from the book of such an inspirer - and immediately you want to write it yourself. As if fermenting juice spurts from some books, intoxicates us, infects us and makes us take up a pen. It is surprising that most often such a writer, a kind genius, is far from us in the nature of his work, in manner and in topics. I know one writer - a strong realist, a household worker, a sober and calm person. For him so good genius is the unbridled science fiction writer Alexander Grin. Gaidar called Dickens his inspiration. As for me, any page from Stendhal's Letters from Rome makes me want to write, and I write things so far from Stendhal's prose that it surprises even myself. One autumn, while reading Stendhal, I wrote the story "Cordon 273" - about the protected forests on the Pre River. There is absolutely nothing to do with Stendhal in this story. To be honest, I didn't think about this. Obviously, an explanation can be found for it. I mentioned this only to talk about the many seemingly insignificant circumstances and skills that help writers work. Everyone knows that Pushkin wrote best in autumn. No wonder "Boldino Autumn" has become synonymous with amazing fertility. “Autumn is coming,” Pushkin wrote to Pletnev. “This is my favorite time - my health is usually getting stronger - it’s time for my literary works is coming." Guess what's the matter, perhaps, easily. Autumn is transparency and cold, "farewell beauty" with its clarity of distance and fresh breath. Autumn brings a mean pattern to nature. The crimson and gold of forests and groves are thinning with every hour, increasing the sharpness of the lines, leaving bare branches. The eye gets used to the clarity autumn landscape. This clarity gradually takes possession of the consciousness, imagination, hand of the writer. The key of poetry and prose beats clean ice water, in it occasionally only icicles tinkle. The head is fresh, the heart beats strongly and evenly. Just a little chilly fingers. By autumn, the harvest of human thoughts ripens. Baratynsky said well about this: "And the dear harvest will ripen, and you will gather it in the grains of thoughts, having reached the fullness of human destinies." Pushkin, according to him, blossomed again every autumn. Every autumn he grew younger. Obviously, Goethe was right when he said that geniuses have several returns to their youth throughout their lives. In one of these autumn days Pushkin wrote poems expressing an unusually visually complex creative process poet: And I forget the world - and in sweet silence I am sweetly lulled by my imagination. And poetry awakens in me: My soul is constrained by lyrical excitement, It trembles, and sounds, and seeks, as in a dream, To finally pour out with free manifestation - And then an invisible swarm of guests comes to me, Old acquaintances, the fruits of my dream. And thoughts in my head are excited in courage, And light rhymes run towards them. And fingers ask for a pen, a pen for paper. A minute - and the verses will flow freely ... This is an amazing analysis of creativity. It could be created only in a fit of high spiritual uplift. Pushkin had another peculiarity. Those places in his things that were not given to him, he simply skipped, never lingered on them and continued to write further. Then he returned to the missed places, but only when he had that spiritual uplift, which he called inspiration. He never tried to force it. Last weekend we published

We constantly buy various products that are designed to provide a pleasant aroma in our home - air fresheners, diffusers, scented candles, etc.

But the whole problem lies in the fact that all the listed goods consist of chemical compounds. Therefore, they are toxic and harm our body. Is there a need for a natural alternative?

Today we're going to show you an amazing video that will help you stop those toxic products that are littered with store shelves forever!

All you need is baking soda, some essential oil, a fork, a candle holder, a mallet, and a jar with a tin lid.

This great trick is perfect for your bathroom, bedroom, living room. Hot water, soap and an empty candlestick - and no more problems.

The next thing you need to do is put some baking soda in a jar, add 10 drops of your favorite essential oil and mix everything well with a fork. The tea light can be placed in the center!

Tighten the cap and then poke 5-7 holes with a hammer and screwdriver!

Repeat the same method with baking soda and essential oil. Tighten the lid as soon as everything is ready - and enjoy the amazingly fresh and pleasant aroma of your home!

Guys, we put our soul into the site. Thanks for that
for discovering this beauty. Thanks for the inspiration and goosebumps.
Join us at Facebook And In contact with

If you love to play pranks on others and are waiting for April 1st to do it "legally", then this article is just for you. However, it will be useful for those who do not like all this: you will learn what to avoid on April Fool's Day.

So, website found for you 13 fairly harmless but funny pranks that you can arrange at home, at work or with friends.

caramel shower

For this prank, you will need caramel candies with no toppings. Early in the morning, while your “victim” is still sleeping, unscrew the shower head, put candy in it and screw it back gently. An unsuspecting person will take a sweet shower, after which they will have to wash themselves again. But please don't practice this on those who are prone to allergies.

surprise apples

Bulbs covered with caramel are hard to distinguish from apples. Therefore, if someone offers you such a “delicacy” on April 1, it would be wiser to politely refuse it. And if you are wondering how to cook such “apples” yourself, then here is the instruction.

Aquarium in desktop

Your colleague dreamed of an aquarium? Help him make this dream come true - arrange an "aquarium" right on his desktop. To do this, wrap the drawer of the table with waterproof film, pour pebbles into it, add water and launch toy or even live fish - if you are ready to take care of them later.

"Explosive Cake"

No, no, no firecrackers instead of candles or something like that. For the "explosive cake" you will need a cereal box, balloon, sticky tape and a generous helping of whipped cream or cream. From all this we build a believable-looking "cake" (how to do this, you can learn from this video) and ask the "victim" to cut it.

Donuts with mayonnaise

If your flatmates like to help themselves to your food without asking, April 1st is a great day to wean them from this habit. Buy delicious donuts without toppings and a jar of mayonnaise, and then use a piping bag or syringe to fill donuts with it. Leave the bait in plain sight and wait for the greedy hands of yummy lovers to reach for the nauseating treat.

Drink can that won't open

Treat a friend to a can of Coke or something stronger, after turning the key over so that the can does not open. Of course, an attentive person will quickly guess what the matter is, but you still have to suffer a little.

fake stash

Do you know someone who has a habit of taking everything that is badly lying? Play it. Cut off the corner of the bill (it is not necessary to spoil the real ones, you can use the “money” from the game set), attach a funny picture or note to it, put it in a book and leave it in a conspicuous place. Some will be very disappointed!

painted spider

Most of us are afraid of these creatures, so toilet paper with a realistically drawn spider, it will surely plunge those who use it into short-term horror.

Nightmare on the ceiling

Many offices use suspended ceilings - great opportunity scare colleagues. Replace one of the ceiling tiles scary picture from the movie "The Ring" or "The Curse" and wait for the screams of the frightened "victims". But don't be surprised if you get beat up later - we warned you.

How it works: 1) Stick a sign to your office toaster or coffee machine saying that the device is controlled by voice. 2) Spend a fun morning watching those who fell for your bait and began to shout at the "naughty" machine.

Animated printer

If your neighbor has got a wireless printer, but hasn't thought about how to protect it from your intrusion, then send him a document to print that will look like the author of the message was the printer himself. We don’t know about you, but we would definitely be surprised if a peacefully standing printer suddenly “came to life” and printed such a message.

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