"golden rose" and writer's work in the story "precious dust". Review of the story precious dust from the collection of Konstantin Paustovsky Golden Rose


In The Golden Rose, the writer promulgated the idea that among all the creations of the mind and human hands, it is the art of the word that is immortal.
But it is immortal only when it selflessly goes into life with all its roots, when it greedily absorbs all its juices, smells, sounds, colors, its hopes, suffering, struggle and love.
The writer himself believed that the originality of his artistic manner lies, among other things, also in the fact that, along with rough, unvarnished reality, like "albeit a dim light", he sparkles with a "light romantic fiction".
K. Paustovsky, of course, is a romantic - in terms of the intensity of feeling, in the lyrical intensity of intonation, in the maximum use of the entire spectrum of colors inherent in nature, in his chivalrous true love to the beautiful muse of wanderings, and most importantly, by the sublime nobility of his spirit, the rebellious temperament that despises peace, and militant humanity.
But this is a romantic of a very special warehouse.
The realistically authentic and romantically elevated prose of Paustovsky is full of mass exact knowledge and that light poetic fiction, from which the prose line begins to phosphorescent with a mysterious unsteady brilliance.
This extraordinary fusion - precision and lyricism, reality and fiction, sobriety and delight - is somewhat reminiscent of Jean Chamet's golden rose. Made from noble solid metal, she seemed spiritualized, quivering and tender. She, probably, was characterized by the same light ringing that we constantly hear in most of the invariably musical phrases-melodies of K. Paustovsky, as if calling back to each other. And in his story about the Golden Rose, the writer emphasized that it was created from the garbage and litter of life, that is, from what often surrounds people in their everyday life.
The words about art growing out of the rubbish of life are very reminiscent of the famous lines of Anna Akhmatova, whose poetic emblem was precisely the rose:
When would you know from what rubbish
Poems grow without shame...
In "The Golden Rose" K. Paustovsky writes: "Every minute, every word and glance thrown by chance, every deep or playful thought, every imperceptible movement human heart, just like the flying fluff of a poplar or the fire of a star in a puddle at night - all these are grains of gold dust ... "
Let's pay attention: fire, stars and a night puddle are poetically equalized by K. Paustovsky. The "imperceptible" movement of the heart and the light poplar fluff are also equalized. But this is not naturalistic omnivorousness and not aesthetic demonstrative indifference to the difference between great and small, beautiful and insignificant. The writer rightly believed that the object of keen attention of art must necessarily be the whole world - as a living, infinitely diverse complex given, as a dialectically contradictory integrity, or, as philosophers say, the universe.
But from this diverse and variegated tangled tangle, the artist is obliged to choose what is necessary - that golden material of art, which, when processed, will eventually give a true idea of ​​the diversity and essence of life, explain it and reveal its true beauty to the eye.
Realistic art, according to the deep conviction of the writer, in its comprehension of reality should not disdain anything, it cannot arrogantly neglect or turn away indifferently. The brilliance of a distant star need not be captured only on the surface of mighty stars. sea ​​waters, in some cases, a puddle may also be necessary.
This requirement of realistic art, relating to the multidimensionality and three-dimensionality of the image of life, was extremely close to the very nature of K. Paustovsky. By nature, he was generously gifted with exceptionally sharp powers of observation, a phenomenal artistic memory, and a truly insatiable thirst for more and more new experiences.

The language and profession of the writer - K.G. writes about this. Paustovsky. " Golden Rose"(summary) is about this. Today we will talk about this exceptional book and its benefits for both the average reader and the aspiring writer.

Writing as a vocation

"Golden Rose" is a special book in the work of Paustovsky. She came out in 1955, at that time Konstantin Georgievich was 63 years old. This book can be called a "textbook for beginner writers" only remotely: the author lifts the veil over his own creative kitchen, talks about himself, the sources of creativity and the role of the writer for the world. Each of the 24 sections carries a piece of wisdom from a seasoned writer who reflects on creativity based on his many years of experience.

Unlike modern textbooks "Golden Rose" (Paustovsky), the summary of which we will consider further, has its own distinctive features: Here more biography and reflections on the nature of writing, and there are no exercises at all. Unlike many contemporary authors Konstantin Georgievich does not support the idea of ​​writing everything down, and a writer for him is not a craft, but a vocation (from the word "call"). For Paustovsky, the writer is the voice of his generation, the one who must cultivate the best that is in man.

Konstantin Paustovsky. "Golden Rose": a summary of the first chapter

The book begins with the legend of the golden rose ("Precious Dust"). She tells about the garbage man Jean Chamet, who wanted to give a rose of gold to his friend - Suzanne, the daughter of a regimental commander. He accompanied her, returning home from the war. The girl grew up, fell in love and got married, but was unhappy. And according to legend, a golden rose always brings happiness to its owner.

Shamet was a scavenger, he had no money for such a purchase. But he worked in a jewelry workshop and thought of sifting the dust that he swept out of there. Many years passed before there were enough grains of gold to make a small golden rose. But when Jean Chamet went to Suzanne to give a gift, he found out that she had moved to America...

Literature is like this golden rose, says Paustovsky. "Golden Rose", a summary of the chapters of which we are considering, is completely imbued with this statement. The writer, according to the author, must sift through a lot of dust, find grains of gold and cast a golden rose that will make life individual person and the whole world is better. Konstantin Georgievich believed that a writer should be the voice of his generation.

The writer writes because he hears the call within himself. He cannot write. For Paustovsky, the writer is the most beautiful and most difficult profession in the world. The chapter "The Inscription on the Boulder" tells about this.

The birth of the idea and its development

"Lightning" is chapter 5 from the book "Golden Rose" (Paustovsky), the summary of which is that the birth of an idea is like lightning. Electric charge builds up for a very long time to hit with full force later. Everything that the writer sees, hears, reads, thinks, experiences, accumulates in order to become the idea of ​​a story or book one day.

In the next five chapters, the author talks about disobedient characters, as well as about the origin of the idea of ​​the stories "Planet Marz" and "Kara-Bugaz". In order to write, you need to have something to write about - main idea these chapters. Personal experience very important for a writer. Not the one that was created artificially, but the one that a person receives while living active life working and interacting with different people.

"Golden Rose" (Paustovsky): a summary of chapters 11-16

Konstantin Georgievich reverently loved the Russian language, nature and people. They delighted and inspired him, forced him to write. The writer attaches great importance to knowledge of the language. Everyone who writes, according to Paustovsky, has his own writing dictionary, where he writes out all the new words that impressed him. He gives an example from his own life: the words "wilderness" and "sway" were very unknown to him. for a long time. He heard the first from the forester, the second he found in Yesenin's verse. Its meaning remained incomprehensible for a long time, until a familiar philologist explained that sway are those "waves" that the wind leaves on the sand.

You need to develop a sense of the word in order to be able to convey its meaning and your thoughts correctly. In addition, it is very important to correctly punctuate. cautionary tale from real life can be read in the chapter "Cases in Alschwang's shop".

On the Benefits of Imagination (Chapters 20-21)

Although the writer seeks inspiration in the real world, imagination plays in creativity. big role, says The Golden Rose, a brief summary of which would be incomplete without it, replete with references to writers whose opinions about the imagination differ greatly. For example, a verbal duel with Guy de Maupassant is mentioned. Zola insisted that the writer does not need imagination, to which Maupassant replied with a question: "How then do you write your novels, having one newspaper clipping and not leaving your house for weeks?"

Many chapters, including "The Night Stagecoach" (chapter 21), are written in the form of a story. This is a story about the storyteller Andersen and the importance of maintaining a balance between real life and imagination. Paustovsky tries to convey to the novice writer very important thing: in no case should one refuse a real, full-fledged life for the sake of imagination and a fictional life.

The art of seeing the world

Can't feed creative vein only literature - the main idea the last chapters of the book "Golden Rose" (Paustovsky). Summary boils down to the fact that the author does not trust writers who do not like other forms of art - painting, poetry, architecture, classical music. Konstantin Georgievich expressed an interesting idea on the pages: prose is also poetry, only without rhyme. Every writer from capital letter reads a lot of poetry.

Paustovsky advises to train the eye, to learn to look at the world through the eyes of an artist. He tells his story of communication with artists, their advice and how he himself developed his aesthetic sense by observing nature and architecture. The writer himself once listened to him and reached such heights of mastery of the word that he even knelt before him (photo above).


In this article, we have analyzed the main points of the book, but this is not full content. "Golden Rose" (Paustovsky) is a book that should be read by anyone who loves the work of this writer and wants to learn more about him. It will also be useful for novice (and not so) writers to gain inspiration and understand that the writer is not a prisoner of his talent. Moreover, the writer is obliged to live an active life.

Korsun N. Essence of writer's work (based on the "Golden Rose" by K. G. Paustovsky)

artist, writer, director of a children's studio visual arts"Pearl"
(city of Smela, Cherkasy region)
(based on the "Golden Rose" by K.G. Paustovsky)

Once Stephen King was asked how to become a writer? And he replied that for this you need a table, paper and a pen. Sit down and write. All.
Is that all? Yes. If you are endowed with writing talent. But still, it is necessary to know some points. We understand them by reading The Golden Rose by Konstantin Paustovsky.
Konstantin Georgievich realized himself as a writer quite early. At the age of eighteen, he decided: “I will be a writer.” He already had several notebooks filled with poems and stories. At this age, he guessed that only that person can become a writer who lives a full life. important events life. “Thinking about what I would write about, I suddenly realized with horror how poor my stock of life observations was. The realization that I know life offensively little made me give up writing and go to the people, to the "Gorky universities". In "people" he walked for ten years, accumulating life experience.
The story "Golden Rose" marked the beginning of a whole series of books about writing - "Not a day without a line by Y. Olesha," Postal Prose "by A. Bek," My Dagestan "by R. Gamzatov," Notes of a Writer "by V. Panova," I read story” by S. Antonov and others.
"The main character of the story by Konstantin Paustovsky - creative imagination an artist capable of awakening the reader's imagination. . "This book is not theoretical research, let alone leadership. These are just notes about my understanding of writing and my experience. In this book, I have told so far only what little I have been able to tell. But if I, at least in a small part, managed to convey to the reader an idea of ​​the beautiful essence of writing, then I will consider that I have fulfilled my duty to literature. .
According to Paustovsky, among all the creations of the mind and human hands, it is the art of the word that is immortal, because it selflessly goes into life with all its roots, greedily absorbs all its colors, its hopes, suffering, struggle and love. Along with rough, unvarnished reality, light romantic fiction sparkles. Such is the nature of creativity.
“Writing is a calling. There is a holy rule in vocation: to pass everything through oneself ...
In the sea near the village lies a large granite boulder. On it ... the inscription: "In memory of those who died and will die at sea." When I found out about this inscription, it seemed to me sad, like all epitaphs. But the Latvian writer who told me about her did not agree with this:
- Vice versa. This is a very courageous inscription. She says that people will never give up and, no matter what, they will do their job. I would put this inscription as an epigraph to any book about human labor and perseverance. For me, this inscription sounds something like this: “In memory of those who overcame and will overcome this sea.”
I agreed with him and thought that this epigraph would also be suitable for a book about writing. .
Saltykov-Shchedrin said that if literature falls silent even for a minute, it will be tantamount to the death of the people. “Writing is not a craft or an occupation. Writing is a calling. The word "calling" was born from the word "call". A person is never called to handicraft. They only call him to a duty and a difficult task. What compels the writer to his sometimes painful, but wonderful work? First of all, the call of your own heart. The voice of conscience and faith in the future…”.
In the "First Story" the author told, "how struck him tragic story love Yoska and beauty Christie. But the first attempt at a story was "languid and pale." I guessed: “Firstly, ... the story was written from other people's words; and, secondly... I was carried away by the love of Christ and left aside the savage life of the town. . The story was rewritten again, but the editor of the magazine where he was sent again did not accept the work. And only a year later the writer realized: "... the author does not feel in the story - neither his anger, nor thoughts, nor admiration for love." . And he comes to the conclusion: “... during work, one must forget about everything and write as if for oneself or for oneself dear person in the world". .

1. Paustovsky K.G. calling and work. // Questions of Literature. 1961 No. 1, pp. 167-168
2. We quote from the edition
Paustovsky K.G. Golden Rose. M., 1991
3. Petrovsky A.V. Foreword // Paustovsky K.G. Golden Rose. M., 1991, p. 5.

The book "Golden Rose" was written by Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky in adulthood when each person in most cases has already experienced the most beautiful moments of his life, when the stupid mistakes of youth are left behind, when mispronounced words are rethought, thoughtless actions are revised, and finally, when he can simply say: “I have known life!” But at the same time, a saving thought flashes through his head: “Maybe this is not the end? Maybe the best is yet to come? What if we start now? new life? .. A life full of happiness, without mistakes and blunders ... "

What is needed for this? You just need to look back, rethink everything lived, weigh all the pros and cons and be sure to draw a conclusion, even if for yourself. The result of this rethinking different people expressed in different ways: some begin life anew, others write memoirs, and someone reflects on life in general. So, in his beautiful and surprisingly profound book The Golden Rose, Paustovsky not only revealed the problem of ideological justification literary creativity and expressed his “understanding of writing”, but also revealed to us some meaning of life. After all, it is in books that we eagerly read about what we pay attention to in life. Let's take a closer look at the work. I am sure that everyone will find in it answers to many questions that arise.

In one of the stories in his book - "Precious Dust" - the author tells us "the story of the Parisian garbage man Jean Chamet". But she is not at all initial narrative about the hard life of a poor man. No, such a story would hardly interest the reader, it would only evoke a feeling of compassion for a difficult fate. little man". Such a work would not create special fame for the author's work. The genius of Paustovsky lies in the fact that he depicts a scavenger deprived of life, forgotten by everyone even in his dying hour, as the creator of human happiness, even if it is fabulously superstitious, a person who is able to love and live with dignity, and not exist.

The author introduces us to Chamet during his service in the army of "Little Napoleon". He points out that they were better times his life, And luck was on his side: “having not been in a single real shootout,” Shamet was sent home for health reasons. He was instructed to take the daughter of the regimental commander Suzanne to France. It is in the process of meeting Shamet with Suzy that we learn the whole life of the hero of the story to the smallest detail. And although she was not so sweet, the memories of the former soldier are full of some kind of secret enthusiasm. However, there is no secret in this. Any person with a certain spark in his eyes and a smile on his lips recalls his golden childhood and promising youth, when he has not yet experienced the full complexity of life, has not faced the inevitable disappointment, grief and deceit. Most often, memories are associated with the stepfather's house, native land, with their local stories, epics, legends, fairy tales.

One of these stories is told by Shamet to the girl. This “vague memory of a golden rose”, which, according to legend, brought happiness to its owner, brought into the lives of two people a dream of unrealizable prosperity, the hope for the realization of this beautiful legend and to a better future, tied two creatures together with a golden thread of faith in beauty. The golden rose runs through the entire work and is the main, if not the most important, detail of it. The whole story is based on it. It is only thanks to her that the story of a poor Parisian garbage man is brought to the attention of the reader. The golden rose is not a symbol of wealth and power. She animates and turns into something eternal and bright, personifying happiness. After all, a person lives on earth not in order to become rich, but in order to become happy. The meaning of the life of our hero is not in the thirst for love, praise, not in the satisfaction of ambition and selfish needs, but in giving Suzanne happiness by creating it with her own hands. He wove this fragile perfection from the smallest grains of sand, recreated the legendary golden rose from dust. From this ordinary dust that surrounds us all, but only a few are able to discern in it those grains of gold from which the most cherished dreams and bright dreams. And only for them this dust will be called precious. Usually, the category of masters and jewelers of happiness includes only those who know the price of life, who were not initially lost in this world, did not get lost in many roads, but found their only one, and finally, who, instead of complaining about the sharp thorns of a rose, rejoices that a treasured flower grows among these thorns. Yes, it is difficult to find the truth among thousands of delusions and disappointments. But that is the whole point of life.

Why is Shamet dying? Does he, who found that very truth, not deserve better share? Here is the problem of the story, I am sure that these are the questions that concern readers, it is this unexpected death incomprehensible to them. Let's try to figure it out.

The life cycle, according to the legend of the ancients, does not accidentally involve old age. Just when a person already knows everything, he becomes uninteresting to himself. This unattractiveness is manifested even in appearance. Shamet could not see himself in the mirror - "this clumsy image, hobbled on rheumatic legs." When the goal, which Shamet had been striving for so long and hard for, was achieved, it became known that Susanna left for America forever. The world around collapsed completely and irrevocably, and life lost its meaning. But it is not main reason death of the hero of the story. Chamet leaves this world with a smile on his lips, he is no longer needed in earthly life, Jean has learned its meaning, comprehended the secret of being. This is his happiness. What he forged not for himself turned out to be his forever.

The work we analyzed does not have dizzying and exciting adventures, intricate intrigues, or a romantic halo of struggle. But it really induces high feelings and thoughts, beckons to itself with its purity. It seems that, acting as a reviewer, I had to critically evaluate the work, find negative sides Paustovsky's work. But the surprising thing is whether I bad person, or I'm biased about the story, but I liked it so much that I did not find in it a single writer's mistake, not a single wrong writer's thought. And can I judge literary work writer, perhaps of his whole life, to criticize the story of simply human happiness.

Writers - creators, keepers and lovers of the book

I. Organizational moment

(Congratulations on the beginning of the school year, acquaintance, message about the volume of the literature course in grade 6: three lessons a week.)

We are starting a new academic year he shares your school life in half. Now every day you will have less and less to study at school than you have already studied. And how much more you need to have time to read, decide, think about! You grow up and you can do more and more. Fifth-graders already seem small to you, but a year ago you were the same. Let's remember what we read at literature lessons, what books we discussed.

II. Knowledge update (slide 1)

What is the name of the traditional beginning of a fairy tale? (Beginning)

What kinds of fairy tales do you know? (Magical, household, fairy tales about animals.)

What fairy tales did we read in 5th grade? (Folk tales "Ivan - peasant son and a miracle - Yudo", "The Frog Princess", "Crane and Heron", "Soldier's Overcoat"; literary

fairy tales by V.A. Zhukovsky, A.S. Pushkin, A. Pogorelsky, K.G. Paustovsky, S.Ya. Marshak, H.K. Andersen.)

What is the difference between literary tales and folk tales? (An approximate answer. Literary tales have an author, folk tales have an author - the people; literary tales have no options, unlike folk tales, they are written in the language fiction, their plot is usually more detailed, pictures of real life side by side with miracles, etc.)

- The heroine of which Russian folk tale is the enchanted beauty? ("Princess Frog".)

- What literary fairy tale is based on the Russian folk tale, recorded by A.S. Pushkin from the words of the nanny Arina Rodionovna: “The princess got lost in the forest. Finds an empty house - cleans it. Twelve brothers arrive. “Ah,” they say, “there was someone – either a man or a woman: if a man, be our father or brother named; if a woman, be our mother or sister…””? ("The Tale of the Dead Princess...")

- Define the genre of the work by the following signs: This short story, often in verse, usually about animals speaking and acting like human beings; in that

the story has a moral - the idea of ​​the story. (This is a fable.)

- Name the most famous Russian fabulist. (Ivan Andreevich Krylov.)

- What are the fables of I.A. Do you remember Krylov? (Auction of fables: whoever calls the fable last wins.)

- From which poem are these lines: “Dear son, / I have already forgotten the distant homeland / Gloomy land ...”? (From the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila" by A.S. Pushkin.)

- In the text of the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila" there are lines: "The lamp goes out, the smoke runs ...", "Hope dies, faith goes out ..." What words are used in figurative meaning? (Running,

dies, goes out.)

- What are these tools called? artistic expressiveness? (Personification, metaphor.)

- In what work N.V. Gogol's hero does for the sake of his beloved extraordinary journey riding the line? (In the fairy tale "The Night Before Christmas" from the cycle "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka".)

– What other works by N.V. Have you read Gogol? ("The Enchanted Place.")

- What is the work of M. Yu. Lermontov tells about the events Patriotic War? ("Borodino")

- Restore Lermontov's lines.(slide 2)

Well, it was a day!

Through the smoke ... (flying)

The French moved, ... (like clouds),

And all to our redoubt.

- What kind of words did you insert (in terms of artistic expression)? (Epithet, comparison.)

- In what literary tales nature helps heroine girls? (" The Snow Queen» H.K. Andersen, "Twelve Months" by S.Ya. Marshak.)

- Name the genre of these works. (Story)

- What did you read in the summer?(slide 3)

What books do you remember?

- What do you like about the books you read?

III. Work on the topic of the lesson

1 Introduction to the tutorial(slide 4)

- The textbook-reader consists of two parts. Who are the authors of the textbook? (V.P. Polukhina, V.Ya. Korovina, V.P. Zhuravlev, V.I. Korovin.)

- Look at the reproductions of the paintings on the cover and endpapers, read the poems.

- Look at the table of contents, determine the path for the whole year.

We will go from folklore to ancient Russian literature, from it - to Russian literature XVIII, XIX and XX centuries, then we will get acquainted with some poetry peoples of Russia and partly with foreign literature from antiquity to the 20th century.

– How do the sections of literature to be studied correlate with the illustrations on the cover and endpapers?

pay attention to short dictionary literary terms at the end of part 2 of the tutorial, which will help you figure out some of the tricky questions on your own.

2 Reading the article “Calling on the road”(p. 3, 4) (slide 5)

IV. Consolidation of the studied material

(Work on questions and assignments 1, 2, 5 of the heading “Test yourself” (p. 4, 5).)

V. Summing up the lesson

We use textbooks in all lessons, but a literature textbook is special. With its help, we can not only read the works, but also try to understand how they are born, plunge into their depth, penetrate the secrets writing skills, learn to read for real, that is, thoughtfully and with joy.

(slide 6) K.G. Paustovsky has a book about the secrets of writing - "Golden Rose". It opens with a story whose hero, former soldier French army Jean Chamet, dreams of giving the little girl Suzanne an unusual golden rose that brings happiness. But where can the scavenger Shamet get the gold?

“Usually he threw out all the garbage swept out during the day from craft establishments. But after that ... he stopped throwing dust out of the jewelry workshops. He began to collect it secretly in a bag and carried it to his shack. Neighbors thought the scavenger had moved on. Few people knew that this dust contained a certain amount of gold powder, since jewelers always grind off some gold when they work.

Shamet decided to sift gold from the jewelry dust, make a small ingot out of it and forge a small rose from this ingot for Susanna's happiness.

Susanna grew up, life did not spoil her, and she still believed in the flower of happiness, which Shamet told her about. But the poor scavenger died without seeing Susanna again.

And the golden rose came to the writer, who wrote in his notes: “Every minute, every casually thrown word and glance, every deep or playful thought, every imperceptible movement of the human heart, as well as the flying fluff of a poplar or the fire of a star in a night puddle, - all these are grains of gold dust.

We, writers, have been extracting them for decades, these millions of grains of sand, collecting them imperceptibly for ourselves, turning them into an alloy and then forging our “golden rose” from this alloy - a story, a novel or a poem.

Why did the golden rose become a symbol of writing?

The writer does not just write “by inspiration”, he collects vital material bit by bit for a long time, transforms it with the power of his imagination, “forges” a work that can bring happiness to the reader.

Homework (slide 7)

1 Answer questions and complete tasks 3, 4 of the “Check Yourself” section (p. 5).

2 Run creative task(p. 5).

3 Individually: prepare a message about Christmas and New Year calendar and ritual songs; Pick up carols and prepare as a class.


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Slides captions:

Writers are the creators, keepers and lovers of books…

Well, there was a day Through the smoke ... The French moved ... And all to our redoubt.

What books did you read in the summer? What do you remember? What do you want to read again? Let's get acquainted with the textbook

How should a book be read? Why is a book compared to a road? Why is it so important to know a large number of books? What was the book for A.S. Pushkin and L.N. Tolstoy? What book L.N. Tolstoy considered the most important? Which of the thoughts of V. Shklovsky seemed to you especially important? Work with the textbook. Page 3-4.

Homework (optional): 1. Answer the questions and complete assignments 3, 4 of the heading “Test yourself” (p. 5) (in writing) 2. Complete the creative task (p. 5) (in writing) 3. Individually: prepare a message about Christmas and New Year calendar and ritual songs; pick up to the fritters.

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