"golden rose" and writing in the story "precious dust". Golden Rose


It would seem that "Precious Dust" is a story about simple human happiness. But this story has another interpretation. In his story, Paustovsky associates the golden rose with an art form - literature.

So, in the short story Precious Dust, the author describes to us the story of the Parisian garbage man Jean Chamet. We meet him during his military service. Without participating in any battle, Jean Chamet, for health reasons, is sent to his homeland. His regimental commander, taking advantage of the opportunity, instructs him to take his little daughter Susanna to France. Wanting to entertain the girl main character talks about himself, and we learn about him, about his life in great detail. For the same purpose, he composes stories, and one of them is connected with a golden rose, which brought happiness to its owner. The girl left a deep mark on Shamet's soul for the rest of his life, and later, after their chance meeting, Shamet decided to give Susanna a golden rose for good luck, which he told about in one of his stories.

It is the golden rose that is the main element of the story, its idea and the basis of the plot.

It is the golden rose that is the jewel that literature is for any person. It elevates us above the ordinary and the bustle, opens the world of beauty and the human soul to us, directs us to high ideals.

Writers - creators, keepers and lovers of the book

I. Organizational moment

(Congratulations on the beginning of the school year, acquaintance, message about the volume of the literature course in grade 6: three lessons a week.)

We are starting a new academic year he shares your school life in half. Now every day you will have less and less to study at school than you have already studied. And how much more you need to have time to read, decide, think about! You grow up and you can do more and more. Fifth-graders already seem small to you, but a year ago you were the same. Let's remember what we read at literature lessons, what books we discussed.

II. Knowledge update (slide 1)

What is the name of the traditional beginning of a fairy tale? (Beginning)

What kinds of fairy tales do you know? (Magical, household, fairy tales about animals.)

What fairy tales did we read in 5th grade? (Folk tales "Ivan - peasant son and a miracle - Yudo", "The Frog Princess", "Crane and Heron", "Soldier's Overcoat"; literary

fairy tales by V.A. Zhukovsky, A.S. Pushkin, A. Pogorelsky, K.G. Paustovsky, S.Ya. Marshak, H.K. Andersen.)

What is the difference between literary tales and folk tales? (An approximate answer. Literary tales have an author, folk tales have an author - the people; literary tales have no options, unlike folk tales, they are written in the language fiction, their plot is usually more developed, pictures real life side by side with miracles, etc.)

- The heroine of which Russian folk tale is the enchanted beauty? ("Princess Frog".)

- What literary fairy tale is based on the Russian folk tale, recorded by A.S. Pushkin from the words of the nanny Arina Rodionovna: “The princess got lost in the forest. Finds an empty house - cleans it. Twelve brothers arrive. “Ah,” they say, “there was someone – either a man or a woman: if a man, be our father or brother named; if a woman, be our mother or sister…””? ("The Tale of the Dead Princess...")

- Define the genre of the work according to the following criteria: it is short story, often in verse, usually about animals speaking and acting like human beings; in that

the story has a moral - the idea of ​​the story. (This is a fable.)

- Name the most famous Russian fabulist. (Ivan Andreevich Krylov.)

- What are the fables of I.A. Do you remember Krylov? (Auction of fables: whoever calls the fable last wins.)

- From which poem are these lines: “Dear son, / I have already forgotten the distant homeland / Gloomy land ...”? (From the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila" by A.S. Pushkin.)

- In the text of the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila" there are lines: "The lamp goes out, the smoke runs ...", "Hope dies, faith goes out ..." What words are used in figurative meaning? (Running,

dies, goes out.)

What is the name of such means of artistic expression? (Personification, metaphor.)

- In what work N.V. Gogol's hero does for the sake of his beloved extraordinary journey riding the line? (In the fairy tale "The Night Before Christmas" from the cycle "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka".)

– What other works by N.V. Have you read Gogol? ("The Enchanted Place.")

- What is the work of M. Yu. Lermontov tells about the events Patriotic War? ("Borodino")

- Restore Lermontov's lines.(slide 2)

Well, it was a day!

Through the smoke ... (flying)

The French moved, ... (like clouds),

And all to our redoubt.

- What kind of words did you insert (in terms of artistic expression)? (Epithet, comparison.)

- In which literary tales nature helps heroine girls? (" The Snow Queen» H.K. Andersen, "Twelve Months" by S.Ya. Marshak.)

- Name the genre of these works. (Story)

- What did you read in the summer?(slide 3)

What books do you remember?

- What do you like about the books you read?

III. Work on the topic of the lesson

1 Introduction to the tutorial(slide 4)

- The textbook-reader consists of two parts. Who are the authors of the textbook? (V.P. Polukhina, V.Ya. Korovina, V.P. Zhuravlev, V.I. Korovin.)

- Look at the reproductions of the paintings on the cover and endpapers, read the poems.

- Look at the table of contents, determine the path for the whole year.

We will go from folklore to ancient Russian literature, from it - to Russian literature XVIII, XIX and XX centuries, then we will get acquainted with some poetry peoples of Russia and partly with foreign literature from antiquity to the 20th century.

– How do the sections of literature to be studied correlate with the illustrations on the cover and endpapers?

pay attention to short dictionary literary terms at the end of part 2 of the tutorial, which will help you figure out some of the tricky questions on your own.

2 Reading the article “Calling on the road”(p. 3, 4) (slide 5)

IV. Consolidation of the studied material

(Work on questions and assignments 1, 2, 5 of the heading “Test yourself” (p. 4, 5).)

V. Summing up the lesson

We use textbooks in all lessons, but a literature textbook is special. With its help, we can not only read works, but also try to understand how they are born, plunge into their depth, penetrate the secrets of writing, learn to read for real, that is, thoughtfully and with joy.

(slide 6) K.G. Paustovsky has a book about the secrets of writing - " Golden Rose". It opens with a story whose hero, former soldier French army Jean Chamet, dreams of giving the little girl Suzanne an unusual golden rose that brings happiness. But where can the scavenger Shamet get the gold?

“Usually he threw out all the garbage swept out during the day from craft establishments. But after that ... he stopped throwing dust out of the jewelry workshops. He began to collect it secretly in a bag and carried it to his shack. Neighbors thought the scavenger had moved on. Few people knew that this dust contained a certain amount of gold powder, since jewelers always grind off some gold when they work.

Shamet decided to sift gold from the jewelry dust, make a small ingot out of it and forge a small rose from this ingot for Susanna's happiness.

Susanna grew up, life did not indulge her, and she still believed in the flower of happiness, which Shamet told her about. But the poor scavenger died without seeing Susanna again.

And the golden rose came to the writer, who wrote in his notes: “Every minute, every casually thrown word and glance, every deep or playful thought, every imperceptible movement human heart, as well as the flying fluff of a poplar or the fire of a star in a puddle at night - all these are grains of gold dust.

We, writers, have been extracting them for decades, these millions of grains of sand, collecting them imperceptibly for ourselves, turning them into an alloy and then forging our “golden rose” from this alloy - a story, a novel or a poem.

Why did the golden rose become a symbol of writing?

The writer does not just write “by inspiration”, he for a long time bit by bit collects vital material, transforms it with the power of his imagination, “forges” a work that can bring happiness to the reader.

Homework (slide 7)

1 Answer questions and complete tasks 3, 4 of the “Check Yourself” section (p. 5).

2 Run creative task(p. 5).

3 Individually: prepare a message about Christmas and New Year calendar and ritual songs; Pick up carols and prepare as a class.


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Slides captions:

Writers are the creators, keepers and lovers of books…

Well, there was a day Through the smoke ... The French moved ... And all to our redoubt.

What books did you read in the summer? What do you remember? What do you want to read again? Let's get acquainted with the textbook

How should a book be read? Why is a book compared to a road? Why is it so important to know a large number of books? What was the book for A.S. Pushkin and L.N. Tolstoy? What book L.N. Tolstoy considered the most important? Which of the thoughts of V. Shklovsky seemed to you especially important? Work with the textbook. Page 3-4.

Homework (optional): 1. Answer the questions and complete assignments 3, 4 of the heading “Test yourself” (p. 5) (in writing) 2. Complete the creative task (p. 5) (in writing) 3. Individually: prepare a message about Christmas and New Year calendar and ritual songs; pick up to the fritters.

very briefly o writing skills and psychology of creativity

Precious Dust

Scavenger Jean Chamet cleans craft workshops in the Parisian suburbs.

While serving as a soldier during the Mexican War, Chamet fell ill with a fever and was sent home. The regimental commander instructed Chamet to take his eight-year-old daughter Suzanne to France. All the way, Shamet took care of the girl, and Suzanne willingly listened to his stories about the golden rose that brings happiness.

One day, Shamet meets a young woman whom she recognizes as Suzanne. Crying, she tells Shamet that her lover has cheated on her, and now she has no home. Susanna settles at Shamet. Five days later, she reconciles with her lover and leaves.

After parting with Suzanne, Shamet stops throwing rubbish out of the jewelry workshops, in which there is always a little gold dust. He builds a small winnowing machine and winnows jewelry dust. Shamet gives the gold mined over many days to the jeweler to make a golden rose.

The rose is ready, but Shamet learns that Suzanne has gone to America, and her trace has been lost. He quits his job and gets sick. Nobody looks after him. Only the jeweler who made the rose visits him.

Soon Shamet dies. A jeweler sells a rose to an elderly writer and tells him the story of Chamet. The rose appears to the writer as a prototype of creative activity, in which, "like from these precious dust particles, a living stream of literature is born."

The inscription on the boulder

Paustovsky lives in little house on the Riga coast. Nearby lies a large granite boulder with the inscription "In memory of all who died and will die at sea." Paustovsky considers this inscription a good epigraph to a book about writing.

Writing is a calling. The writer seeks to convey to people the thoughts and feelings that excite him. At the behest of the call of his time and people, a writer can become a hero, endure severe trials.

An example of this is the fate of the Dutch writer Eduard Dekker, known under the pseudonym "Multatuli" (lat. "Long-suffering"). Serving as a government official on the island of Java, he protected the Javanese and sided with them when they rebelled. Multatuli died without waiting for justice.

The artist Vincent van Gogh was just as selflessly devoted to his work. He was not a fighter, but he brought his paintings, glorifying the earth, into the treasury of the future.

Flowers from shavings

The greatest gift that remains to us from childhood is the poetic perception of life. The person who retains this gift becomes a poet or a writer.

During his poor and bitter youth, Paustovsky writes poetry, but soon realizes that his poems are tinsel, flowers from painted shavings, and writes his first story instead.

First story

Paustovsky learns this story from a resident of Chernobyl.

Jew Yoska falls in love with the beautiful Christa. The girl also loves him - small, red, with a squeaky voice. Christia moves to Yoska's house and lives with him as his wife.

The town begins to worry - a Jew lives with the Orthodox. Yoska decides to be baptized, but Father Mikhail refuses him. Yoska leaves, scolding the priest.

Upon learning of Yoska's decision, the rabbi curses his family. For insulting a priest, Yoska goes to prison. Christ is dying of grief. The police officer releases Yoska, but he loses his mind and becomes a beggar.

Returning to Kyiv, Paustovsky writes his first story about this, rereads it in the spring and understands that the author’s admiration for the love of Christ is not felt in it.

Paustovsky believes that the stock of his worldly observations is very poor. He quits writing and wanders around Russia for ten years, changing professions and communicating with a variety of people.


Intention is lightning. It arises in the imagination, saturated with thoughts, feelings, memory. For the emergence of a plan, an impetus is needed, which can be everything that happens around us.

The embodiment of the plan is a downpour. The idea develops from constant contact with reality.

Inspiration is a state of spiritual uplift, consciousness of one's creative power. Turgenev calls inspiration “the approach of God”, and for Tolstoy “inspiration consists in the fact that something that can be done suddenly opens up ...”.

Hero Riot

Almost all writers make plans for their future works. Write without a plan can writers who have the gift of improvisation.

As a rule, the heroes of the planned work resist the plan. Leo Tolstoy wrote that his heroes do not obey him and do as they please. All writers know this stubbornness of heroes.

History of one story. Devonian limestone

1931 Paustovsky rents a room in the city of Livny, Oryol region. The owner of the house has a wife and two daughters. The eldest, nineteen-year-old Anfisa, Paustovsky meets on the river bank in the company of a frail and quiet fair-haired teenager. It turns out that Anfisa loves a boy with tuberculosis.

One night Anfisa commits suicide. For the first time, Paustovsky becomes a witness to the immense female love which is stronger than death.

Railway doctor Maria Dmitrievna Shatskaya invites Paustovsky to move in with her. She lives with her mother and brother, geologist Vasily Shatsky, who went crazy in captivity among the Basmachi. Central Asia. Vasily gradually gets used to Paustovsky and begins to talk. Shatsky is an interesting interlocutor, but at the slightest fatigue he begins to rave. Paustovsky describes his story in Kara-Bugaz.

The idea of ​​the story appears in Paustovsky during Shatsky's stories about the first explorations of the Kara-Buga Bay.

The study of geographical maps

In Moscow, Paustovsky gets detailed map Caspian Sea. In his imagination, the writer wanders along its shores for a long time. His father does not approve of hobbies geographical maps- it promises a lot of disappointment.

The habit of imagining different places helps Paustovsky to see them correctly in reality. Trips to the Astrakhan steppe and Emba give him the opportunity to write a book about Kara-Bugaz. Only a small part collected material is included in the story, but Paustovsky does not regret - this material will come in handy for a new book.

Notches on the heart

Every day of life leaves its notches in the memory and on the heart of the writer. A good memory is one of the foundations of writing.

While working on the story "Telegram", Paustovsky manages to fall in love with the old house where the lonely old woman Katerina Ivanovna lives, daughter famous engraver Pity for his silence, the smell of birch smoke from the stove, old engravings on the walls.

Katerina Ivanovna, who lived with her father in Paris, suffers greatly from loneliness. One day she complains to Paustovsky about her lonely old age, and a few days later she becomes very ill. Paustovsky calls the daughter of Katerina Ivanovna from Leningrad, but she is three days late and arrives after the funeral.

diamond tongue

Spring in the undergrowth

The wonderful properties and richness of the Russian language are revealed only to those who love and know their people, feel the beauty of our land. There are many in Russian good words and names for everything that exists in nature.

We have books by connoisseurs of nature and folk language - Kaigorodov, Prishvin, Gorky, Aksakov, Leskov, Bunin, Alexei Tolstoy and many others. The main source of language is the people themselves. Paustovsky talks about a forester who is fascinated by the kinship of words: spring, birth, homeland, people, relatives...

Language and nature

In the summer spent by Paustovsky in the forests and meadows of Central Russia, the writer learns anew many words known to him, but distant and unexperienced.

For example, "rain" words. Each type of rain has a separate original name in Russian. Spore rain pours sheer, hard. A fine mushroom rain pours from low clouds, after which mushrooms begin to climb violently. Blind rain falling in the sun, the people call "The Princess is crying."

One of beautiful words Russian language - the word "dawn", and next to the word "lightning".

Piles of flowers and herbs

Paustovsky fishes in a lake with high, steep banks. He sits near the water in dense thickets. Upstairs, in a meadow overgrown with flowers, village children gather sorrel. One of the girls knows the names of many flowers and herbs. Then Paustovsky finds out that the girl's grandmother is the best herbalist in the region.


Paustovsky dreams of new dictionaries of the Russian language, in which one could collect words related to nature; well-aimed local words; words from different professions; rubbish and dead words, bureaucracy that clogs the Russian language. These dictionaries should be with explanations and examples so that they can be read like books.

This work is beyond the power of one person, because our country is rich in words that describe all the diversity of Russian nature. Our country is also rich in local dialects, figurative and harmonious. Excellent nautical terminology and colloquial sailors, which, like the language of people in many other professions, deserve a separate study.

Case in Alschwang's shop

Winter 1921. Paustovsky lives in Odessa, in the former Alshwang and Company ready-made dress store. He serves as a secretary for the Moryak newspaper, where many young writers work. Of the old writers, only Andrey Sobol often comes to the editorial office, he is always an excited person.

One day Sobol brings his story to The Sailor, interesting and talented, but torn and confused. No one dares to offer Sobol to correct the story because of his nervousness.

Proofreader Blagov corrects the story in one night without changing a single word, but simply placing the punctuation marks correctly. When the story is printed, Sobol thanks Blagov for his skill.

As if nothing

Mine good genius Almost every writer has one. Paustovsky considers Stendhal his inspiration.

There are many seemingly insignificant circumstances and skills that help writers work. It is known that Pushkin wrote best in the autumn, often skipped places that were not given to him, and returned to them later. Gaidar came up with phrases, then wrote them down, then invented them again.

Paustovsky describes the features of the literary work of Flaubert, Balzac, Leo Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Chekhov, Andersen.

The old man in the station canteen

Paustovsky tells in great detail the story of a poor old man who had no money to feed his dog Petya. One day an old man walks into a canteen where young people are drinking beer. Petit starts begging for a sandwich from them. They throw a piece of sausage to the dog, while insulting its owner. The old man forbids Petya to take a handout and buys her sandwich with the last pennies, but the barmaid gives him two sandwiches - this will not ruin her.

The writer talks about the disappearance of details from modern literature. Detail is needed only if it is characteristic and closely related to intuition. A good detail gives the reader the right idea about a person, event or era.

White Night

Gorky plans to publish a series of books "The History of Factories and Plants". Paustovsky chooses an old factory in Petrozavodsk. It was founded by Peter the Great for casting cannons and anchors, then made bronze castings, and after the revolution - road cars.

In the Petrozavodsk archives and the library, Paustovsky finds a lot of material for the book, but he does not manage to create a single whole from scattered notes. Paustovsky decides to leave.

Before leaving, he finds a grave in an abandoned cemetery, crowned with a broken column with an inscription in French: "Charles Eugene Lonsevil, artillery engineer of Napoleon's Great Army ...".

Materials about this person "fasten" the data collected by the writer. Participant French Revolution Charles Lonsevil was taken prisoner by the Cossacks and exiled to the Petrozavodsk plant, where he died of a fever. The material was dead until the man who became the hero of the story "The Fate of Charles Lonsevil" appeared.

life-giving beginning

Imagination is a property of human nature that creates fictional people and events. Imagination fills the void human life. The heart, imagination and mind are the environment where culture is born.

Imagination is based on memory, and memory is based on reality. The law of association sorts the memories that are most closely involved in creativity. The richness of associations testifies to the richness of the writer's inner world.

night stagecoach

Paustovsky plans to write a chapter on the power of the imagination, but replaces it with a story about Andersen, who travels from Venice to Verona by night stagecoach. Andersen's fellow traveler is a lady in a dark raincoat. Andersen offers to turn off the lantern - the darkness helps him invent different stories and imagine yourself, ugly and shy, as a young, lively handsome man.

Andersen returns to reality and sees that the stagecoach is standing, and the driver is bargaining with several women who ask for a ride. The driver demands too much, and Adersen pays extra for the women.

Through the lady in the raincoat, the girls are trying to find out who helped them. Andersen replies that he is a fortune teller, able to guess the future and see in the dark. He calls the girls beauties and predicts love and happiness for each of them. In gratitude, the girls kiss Andersen.

In Verona, a lady who introduced herself as Elena Guiccioli invites Andersen to visit. At the meeting, Elena admits that she recognized him as the famous storyteller, who in life is afraid of fairy tales and love. She promises to help Andersen as soon as it is needed.

Long overdue book

Paustovsky decides to write a collection book short biographies, among which there is a place for several stories about the unknown and forgotten people, unmercenaries and ascetics. One of them is the river captain Olenin-Volgar, a man with an extremely busy life.

In this collection, Paustovsky wants to mention his friend, the director local history museum in small town Central Russia, whom the writer considers an example of dedication, modesty and love for his land.


Some stories of the writer and doctor Chekhov are exemplary psychological diagnoses. Chekhov's life is instructive. For many years he squeezed the slave out of himself drop by drop - this is how Chekhov spoke of himself. Paustovsky keeps a part of his heart in Chekhov's house on Autka.

Alexander Blok

In the early little-known poems of Blok there is a line that evokes all the charm of a foggy youth: "The spring of my distant dream ...". This is illumination. The entire Block consists of such insights.

Guy de Maupassant

Maupassant's creative life is swift as a meteor A merciless observer of human evil, by the end of his life he tended to glorify love-suffering and love-joy.

AT last hours It seemed to Maupassant that his brain had been eaten away by some poisonous salt. He regretted the feelings he had rejected in his hasty and tedious life.

Maksim Gorky

For Paustovsky, Gorky is the whole of Russia. Just as it is impossible to imagine Russia without the Volga, so it is impossible to think that there is no Gorky in it. He loved and thoroughly knew Russia. Gorky discovered talents and determined the era. From people like Gorky, you can start reckoning.

Victor Hugo

Hugo, a violent, stormy man, exaggerated everything he saw in life and what he wrote about. He was a knight of freedom, her herald and herald. Hugo inspired many writers to love Paris, and for this they are grateful to him.

Mikhail Prishvin

Prishvin was born in the ancient city of Yelets. The nature around Yelets is very Russian, simple and not rich. In this property lies the basis of Prishvin's writer's vigilance, the secret of Prishvin's charm and witchcraft.

Alexander Green

Paustovsky is surprised by Green's biography, his hard life as a renegade and a restless tramp. It is not clear how this closed and suffering from adversity man retained the great gift of a powerful and pure imagination, faith in man. Poem in prose Scarlet Sails' ranked him among wonderful writers seeking perfection.

Eduard Bagritsky

There are so many tales in Bagritsky's stories about himself that sometimes it is impossible to distinguish truth from legend. Bagritsky's inventions are a characteristic part of his biography. He truly believed in them.

Bagritsky wrote magnificent poems. He died early, without taking "a few more difficult peaks of poetry."

The art of seeing the world

Knowledge of areas related to art - poetry, painting, architecture, sculpture and music - enriches inner world writer, gives special expressiveness to his prose.

Painting helps the prose writer to see colors and light. The artist often notices what the writers do not see. Paustovsky for the first time sees all the variety of colors of Russian bad weather thanks to Levitan's painting "Above Eternal Peace".

The perfection of classical architectural forms will not allow the writer to compose a heavy composition.

Talented prose has its own rhythm, which depends on a sense of language and a good "writing ear", which is associated with a musical ear.

Poetry enriches the language of the prose writer the most. Leo Tolstoy wrote that he would never understand where the line is between prose and poetry. Vladimir Odoevsky called poetry a harbinger of "that state of mankind when it ceases to achieve and begins to use what has been achieved."

In the back of a truck

1941 Paustovsky rides in the back of a truck, hiding from German air raids. The fellow traveler asks the writer what he thinks about during the danger. Paustovsky answers - about nature.

Nature will act upon us with all her might when our state of mind, love, joy or sadness will come into full alignment with it. Nature must be loved, and this love will find right ways to express yourself with the greatest power.

A tip to yourself

Paustovsky is finishing the first book of his notes on writing, realizing that the work is not finished and there are many topics left to write about.

extracurricular activity

Reader's conference

Based on the story by K.G. Paustovsky

"Golden Rose"

The purpose of the conference was to attract students' attention to the book and reading as important factors conservation and development national culture, strengthening the living connection between generations, mutual understanding of citizens and their success in society.

Main goals :

    development of students' motivation to read;

    fostering respect for the book and the inclusion of reading in the structure of the priority cultural needs of students;

    development of a culture of oral and written speech;

    the formation in children and adults of the need for cooperation and co-creation based on general interest to the book;

    positioning the school library as an intellectual and information and leisure center of the school;

    consolidation of the efforts of the class team, parents, representatives of the school administration to support the school library and popularize reading.


    portrait of K. G. Paustovsky;

    the story "Golden Rose";

    illustrations of children to the story;

    book cover illustration;

    reproductions of paintings by impressionist artists.

Jury members: school psychologist, social pedagogue, leading librarian, parents.

Guests: students of the eighth - tenth grades, head of the academic unit for science, head of the academic unit for educational work, teachers, parents.

Preparatory work.

    With the assistance of the leading librarian of the school, Mekta L.S., the form of the event, a book for discussion, and the topic of the conference were chosen.

    Were formed creative groups. The Researchers group (Poruchikov Vyacheslav, Bochkareva Elena, Zverev Zakhar) collected material and prepared presentations of the biography of the writer and a tour of the museum of K. G. Paustovsky.

    The group "Public Relations" (Shvets Nastya, Poruchikov Vyacheslav, Strukova Anastasia), with the assistance of a teacher of fine arts, prepared a poster, a poster with photographic material on the preparation of the conference, invitations.

    The Theater group (Maxim Kravchenko, Nastya Samylina, Zakhar Zverev) staged a fragment from the story Gold Dust.

    The group "Scriptwriters" (Kolesnik Ksenia, Kravchenko Maxim) together with the teacher developed the script for the conference.

    Acquaintance with the rules of the reader's conference.

Conference stages.

Teacher's word.

Dear children, dear guests, the BibliObraz festival is held every two years. In 2003, the first festival dedicated to the school library took place. It had an all-Russian status, but writers from Great Britain, Bulgaria, the USA and Poland also took an active part in its work. "BibliObraz 2005" became an international festival in which 11 countries participated. 20 countries were invited to participate in the BibliObraz 2007 festival. This festival aims to support and develop school libraries, on the formation of a reader at the age of 10 to 17 years of interest in reading and books. Venue of the festival: Central Exhibition Hall "Manezh" at the address: Moscow, Manezhnaya Square, d. 1. Within the framework of international festival"BibleImage" in educational institutions a set of events is being held, including our reader's conference. I hope that she will not leave anyone indifferent. And now I give the floor to the leaders.

1st leader - Maxim.

2nd - Ksyusha.

1st leader. W hello dear guests. Today we want to present you the story of K. G. Paustovsky "Golden Rose". We chose this story, firstly, because we were attracted by the title, then, when we read the annotation to it, we were intrigued by the content, because it is not simple book, but a book about books, a book about creativity and about creative people a very complex book. And we love to overcome difficulties.

2nd host. We will try to reveal its artistic merits, intrigue you, so that each of those present wants to read this wonderful book, so that it takes its rightful place of honor on the "Golden Shelf" of the school and your family.


1st host. The program of the conference is on everyone's tables. First, we want to introduce you to the author of the story, so Poruchikov Vyacheslav and Zverev Zakhar will be the first to speak with biography presentation and creative way writer. The children prepared a story about the main stages of the life and creative path of the writer. The message was accompanied by a slide show of photographs of the writer, including some that are not known to many readers.

2nd leader. And now L. Bochkareva will take us on an excursion to the museum of K. G. Paustovsky. Presentation "Journey through the Museum of K. G. Paustovsky"

Lena B. prepared interesting story about the literary museum-center of K. G. Paustovsky. She spoke about the amazing fate of the building in which the museum is located. This building is located in Moscow, in former estate Prince S. M. Golitsyn. He ordered a botanist from Germany to work in the garden and greenhouse and built a house for him. It was about such a house that the writer dreamed of: "... necessarily wooden, small, cozy, surrounded by a garden." All those sitting in the hall after Lena go to the writer's house, see portraits on the walls, unique photos mother, sister of the writer. A special place is occupied by a photograph of his grandmother, with whom he was friends and loved her more than all his relatives. They read I. Bunin's letter, in which he admires Paustovsky's stories. AND - last portrait. A stern, demanding look through the glasses. A look-reminder, a covenant: “We lived on this earth. Do not give it into the hands of the devastators, the vulgar and the ignorant."

Presentation of a favorite chapter of the story

1st host. We have all read the book The Golden Rose. It consists of separate chapters, which are independent stories, but they are united by one theme - the theme of creativity. Each of us is individual, each has his own favorite pages of the story. The following members conferences will perform with the presentation of a favorite story. The sequence is in program.

In spite of rough plan chapter presentations, performances were completely different. Nastya S., as a creative nature, was carried away by the plot of the chapter "First Story" its romantic and tragic love, with its unusual compositional device of a story within a story. In it, the author told about his first literary experience, spoke about his first failure, about its causes, as if warning future writers from possible errors.

Masha B. prepared her speech in the form of a presentation on the story "The inscription on the boulder", in which she presented to the audience paintings by impressionist artists, whose fate is akin to the fate of the Dutch writer Eduard Dekker. They all lived and fought as best they could, but "overcame the sea." A sea of ​​misunderstanding and non-recognition during life. On the screen, one after another, bright, full of joy and happiness paintings by Vrubel, Borisov-Musatov, Gauguin, Van Gogh were replaced. Nothing in them was reminiscent of the difficult life full of deprivation of great artists. That's who you need to learn to live with, such is Masha's conclusion.

Nastya Sh. told us that, it turns out, heroes often disobey their creators, that is, writers, that in the process of working on a story, many heroes behave completely differently than the writers planned. For example, one of Leo Tolstoy's guests accused him of being cruel to A. Karenina, forcing her to throw herself under a train. Tolstoy smiled and said that this reminded him of the case with Pushkin. He said to some friend: “Imagine what a thing Tatyana ran away with me. She got married. I never expected this from her." Tolstoy could have said the same about his Anna Karenina. According to Nastya and K. G. Paustovsky, the work and, therefore, the characters really, with all their might, begin to live in the mind of the writer only in the process of working on them (“Story "Rise of Heroes").

Ksyusha K. from the story "Accident at Alschwang's Store" endured a lot, but most importantly - what a huge role in organizing the entire narrative have punctuation marks. Without them, the story turns into nonsense.

V. Gasparyan was more attracted by the verbal material of the story "Diamond Language". Let's take a closer look at his story.

"Diamond Language".

I was struck by an excerpt from the story "Diamond Language", where Paustovsky talks aboutrain. There are many signs associated with it. The sun sets in clouds, smoke falls to the ground, swallows fly low without time, roosters crow in the yards, clouds stretch across the sky in long strands - all these are signs of rain. And shortly before the rain, although the clouds have not yet pulled, a gentlebreath of moisture . It must be brought from where the rains have already fallen. But here they startmottle first drops. folk word speckling well conveys the occurrence of rain, when still rare drops leave dark specks on dusty roads and roofs. Then the raindiverges. It is then that a wonderful cool smell of the earth, first wetted by rain, arises. He doesn't last long. It is replaced by the smell of wet grass, especially nettle. It is characteristic that no matter what kind of rain it is, as soon as it starts, it is always called very affectionately -rain. “The rain has gathered”, “the rain has let go”, “the rain washes the grass”.

Let's look at several types of rain to understand how the word comes to life when direct impressions are associated with it and how this helps the writer to use it accurately. What, for example, is different spore rain from mushroom? The word fast means fast, speedy. disputed the rain is pouring heavily. He always approaches with an oncoming noise. Particularly good is the spore rain on the river. Each drop of it knocks out a round depression in the water, a small water bowl, jumps, again falls, and a few moments before disappearing, is still visible at the bottom of this water bowl. A drop glitters and looks like a pearl. At the same time, all over the river stands glass chime. By the height of this ringing you can guess is the rain picking up or subsides.

And small mushroom rain sleepily pouring in from low clouds. The puddles from this rain are always warm. He does not ring, but whispers something of my own soporific, and a little noticeable fiddling in the bushes, as if touching with a soft paw one sheet, then another. After it, mushrooms begin to climb - sticky boletus, yellow chanterelles, mushrooms, ruddy mushrooms, honey agarics.

O blind rain walking with the sun, the people say: "The princess is crying." Glittering in the sun drops of this rain are like large tears. And who should cry with such shining tears, if not the princess!

You can follow the play of light during the rain for a long time, the variety of sounds - from the measured knock on the plank roof and the liquid ringing in the drainpipe to the continuous, intense rumble when the rain pours, as they say, wall.

All this is only a tiny part of what can be said about the rain.

And in the story "Diamond Language" K. G. Paustovsky writes about the many words of the Russian language, which he did not attach importance to before, and in one summer they opened for him in all their sound and beauty. Truly, we have a diamond language, consisting of precious sparkling diamonds!

This message was interesting because the text large print projected on a screen so that the listeners could see these "diamond words" to which they, perhaps, have never given special significance.

Many of us have read Paustovsky's story "Telegram", but no one, at least from those present in the hall, as it turned out later, knew that main character there was a prototype, it was a friend of K. G. Paustovsky, very interesting woman With amazing fate. Oksana Skakovskaya accompanied her story with a slide show with paintings by A. Kostovsky "Klavdiya Osipovna", V. Popkov "October", I. Glazunov "Mountains" and finished with very simple, but important words that affected everyone: “We should never forget our relatives and friends and, first of all, our parents, this was very simply said in this story by K. G. Paustovsky and the poet V. Berestov in his poem: / We loved you without special reasons./ Because you are a grandson, / Because you are a son, / Because you are a baby, / Because you are growing up, / Because you look like mom and dad. / And this love until the end of your days / Will remain your secret support ... / You should never forget about it, otherwise we will lose support in life.

Nastya Karamsakova, presenting the story " The old man in the station canteen, caused a real controversy. The conversation turned to mutual understanding, mercy, conscience, pride and human dignity. The story is very short, but produced great impression on guys. Why? What helped the writer to cause a storm of indignation in response to the words of young people? Why did we develop such love and compassion for the little dog and the old man? Truth is revealed in a dispute. The truth this time was the skill of the writer, namely the skillful use of details. If not for a few details (the red heads of young people, the front paws of a dog that touched a wet stomach when they sank from fatigue, rubbish stuck to small coins, and most importantly, when Petya went up to the old man and sat down with her tail between her legs, not even looking at the sausage), the story would not have had such resonance. The guys enthusiastically looked for details in their memory and argued, proving their case.

But the story scored the highest score. "Gold Dust". It was called the most interesting by almost everyone. A discussion ensued. The artistic retelling was prepared by Julia P.

The KVN quiz was conducted by Ksenia K., Nastya Elizarova prepared the report “Color semantics of the story “Gold Dust”. (We will give a fragment of the speech, as it is interesting in terms of analysis).

Color semantics of the story "Golden Rose".

1. The story begins with a description of the outskirts of Paris where Chamet lived: an old rampart on which the huts of the poor huddled, but this rampart was covered with flowering bushes of honeysuckle and hawthorn. There are no color epithets, but these shrubs bloom very luxuriantlywhite andyellow flowers. Can you imagine this beauty! But then you think: poor shacks and the beauty of the surrounding nature. There is only one conclusion: the writer wanted to show the lack of harmony in the world.

2. During the return of Chamet to France, heat smoked over the ocean. There is an association with hazy yellow color. pure light yellow- this is the color of the sun, gold, symbolizes warmth, wealth, prosperity, and this - suppresses the psyche, expresses stressful condition. Therefore, the girl was silent all the time. Even at the fish flying out of the water, she looked without smiling.

3. The next encounter with color semantics occurs when Shamet has a vague memory of what he saw in the house of an old fisherwoman rough a golden rose forged from blackened gold. She gleamed, although there was no sun outside the windows, and a gloomy storm roared over the strait. Everyone was surprised that the old woman did not sell her jewel, only Shamet’s mother knew that it was a sin to sell the rose, because her lover “gave her for happiness” when the old woman was still a laughing girl. Therefore, gold now does not burn with fire, but only gleams in the dark, reminding the old woman of happiness. Everyone who has such a rose will be happy, and even those who touch it. We see that the prediction is coming true.

4. Metaphor " the ocean is on fire”from Shamet’s story makes us, together with Susanna, see the ocean engulfed in the flames of the setting sun, see the fabulously rich beauty of the east, understand that Shamet was a poet at heart, that he wanted to warm the girl with his warmth.

5. Aunt Susanna Paustovsky dressed in a dress decorated with black bugle. She was all like a circus snake, in addition to her "pursed yellow mouth." Therefore, the girl clung to Shamet's burnt overcoat.

6. Remembered by all of us blue crumpled ribbon from Susanna's braid, which smelled violets. This color symbolizes both the purity and purity of heaven, and a full-blooded life, and for some writers it is associated with separation, like A. Blok in the poem "The Stranger". I don't think that's the meaning of blue here.

8. And nearby again appears before the inner gaze of Shamet, as pink cloud, Suzanne's old dress. He smelled spring freshness, as if he, too, was kept in a basket with violets.

9. When Chamet met Suzanne on the parapet, he was foggy dawn. Not clear, sunny. Immediately the word is alarming: dim, dim light. It becomes sad and restless in the soul. She was wearing lilac dress with black lace. This is also symbolic: she was about to throw herself off the bridge, these colors emphasize mental anxiety, depression, grief.

10. Again we meet with the word "gold", when Shamet collects jewelry dust. Yes, while this gold is mixed with mud, but at the end of the story they forge a golden rose, beautiful and delicate, which he was going to give to Susana so that she would be happy. It was the thinnest rose and next to it, on one branch, a small sharp bud.

11. But who needs an old beggar with gray face and piercing eyes?

12. And all his expectation of an easy meeting with Suzanne turned inexplicably into rusted iron shard. Rusted shard: it is black in color, covered with brown scale. This color symbolizes grief, fear and death.

13. Shamet was gone, he never saw Suzanne, did not give her golden rose, but it was bought by an old writer, to whom the jeweler told this story, and we were able to read it. So Susanna's story did not go unnoticed. We, modern readers, thanks to her, they also touched the "golden rose", beauty, creativity.

A dramatization of a fragment from the story "Gold Dust":

"Suzanne's Farewell to Chamet"

2nd leader. And now the research group "Theater" will show a dramatization of a fragment from the story "Gold Dust": "Suzanne's farewell to Shamet."

Book illustration competition

1st leader. A word to graphic designers . Protection of drawings.

(The guys talked about the idea of ​​the drawing, about working on it, about the purpose of the illustration).

Conversation on questions

Teacher. Guys, from the silence in the hall, from your eyes, I realized that the book made a good impression on you. Now let's sum up.

What was the Rose of Shamet?

(She was forged with jewelry dust, which Shamet collected with great difficulty. He thought that she would bring Suzana happiness. It was the thinnest rose and next to it, on the same branch, a small sharp bud - Suzy and Shamet).

Why did the elderly writer end up with a rose, because, according to the jeweler, he was not rich enough to have such a precious thing?

(Apparently, the story of the golden rose, told by the jeweler to the writer, played a decisive role in the purchase).

Why does the story end with the writer's reflections?

(In the finale, the writer seems to sum up the whole book, saying that writers are like Shamet, who forged a rose from millions of golden grains of sand for Susanna's happiness. They are from millions of grains life situations casual glances, imperceptible movements of the human heart, the flying fluff of a poplar or the fire of a star in a puddle of night forge a living stream of literature).

Now read the last paragraph of the story again. What questions does the writer ask in this work?

(The question of the true meaning of life, the question of creativity and the creator, of life-feat for the sake of creating your own “golden rose”).


2nd leader: Jury word.

The jury members commented on the performances of all the guys, noted good level training, the largest number points were awarded to O. Skakovskaya

(presentation, good speech, correct conclusion), Slava Poruchikov (participation in the preparation, design, originality), Ksyusha Kolesnikova (participation in preparation, competent expressive speech) and Maxim Kravchenko (participation in the discussion, good literate speech and better performance of the role).


The conference called big interest among schoolchildren and adults, gave interesting material for pedagogical observation and analysis, for monitoring reader interest, aroused research interest, contributed to the disclosure creativity children, contributed to the creation of the "golden shelf" of the class and family.

Application No. 1




    Presentation of the biography of K. G. Paustovsky:

V. Poruchikov, Z. Zverev.

    Journey through the museum of K. G. Paustovsky:

L. Bochkareva.

    Presentation of the favorite chapter of the story:

    N. Strukova - "The First Story"

    M. Blinkova - "Inscription on a boulder"

    N. Shvets - "Revolt of Heroes"

    K. Kolesnik - "The Incident in Alschwang's Store"

    V. Gasparyan - "Diamond Language"

    O. Skakovskaya - "Notches on the Heart"

    N. Karamsakova - "The old man in the station buffet"

    Y. Politanskaya - "Gold Dust"

    N. Elizarova - "Gold Dust"

    Book illustration competition:

M Kravchenko, N. Strukova,

Poruchikov, G. Chebanu, T. Popova

    Dramatization of a fragment from the story "Gold Dust"

Kravchenko M., Samylina A., Zverev Z.


Application №2




    Time and place of action.

    What is the conflict? To what extent did it seem interesting, important for modern life?

    The plot of the story. Which episode is the most memorable? Why?

    Main characters. Which ones seemed the most interesting? Which of the characters did you like more? Why?

    What phrases do you remember?

    Your reader's feelings, thoughts? What did reading this story give you?

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